Kasha-Hirshhorn Tome Teaches Songwriting
Book Review 11111,,,,1,,,,,,1,11,,,,,111,1111,,,,cullmIll,,,l,c1,,,1,,,11 Kasha-Hirshhorn Tome Teaches Songwriting By DAVID FINKLE of various formulas; and surely flow of sincere passion that an And also don't as Kasha and If there is one thing most peo- they are right as far as they go. off -rhyme lets out. Poppycock! Hirshhorn do, tell songwriters ple on God's green earth think What they don't mention is the Yes, when rhyme muddles sense, aiming at Broadway that they'd they can do, it's write a song. importance, once the would-be it is superfluous and often de- better use rhymes because the Therefore the market for anec- tunesmith has learned the rules, structive, but a disregard of rhyme standards are higher; it's a flimsy dotes, articles, magazines and of rule -breaking, how often it is can be seen just as frequently not means to an uncertain end (two especially books on how to pen the avoidance of the mold that as honesty but as laziness, a of the acclaimed scores of recent that unpenned ditty-and then leads to success for the best com- thumbed nose at the listener that years, "Hair" and "A Chorus sell it-is what might be called posers and lyricists. One thinks, sends the message, "Why should Line," have entirely different wide; and over the past 50 years for example, of the story Bernie I bother to write more carefully; philosophies about the use of (at least) publishers have not Taupin and Elton John tell of what do they know out there rhyme).
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