
Volume 27 Issue 3 TOUR OCTOBER 2019 VISIT OUR WEBSITE!! March 2019

Why The World Wants To Get Rid Of The Jews

istory, especially biblical ly, , are at the epicenter of history, is ripe with fre- the past, the present, and the future. quent and consistent themes. H Here’s a simple and general The one common denominator, eco- overview: nomically, historically, theologically, and geopolitically, throughout the ages, Economic themes in the . Fam- continues to be, a consistent theme… ine and flood interrupt the economies ”The Jews Are The Problem.” of the world. Supply and demand of food, water, and natural resources are If you’re keeping up with the news the focal points of everyday human ex- maybe you’ve seen the recent head- istence. The more power one has the lines…All major news agencies are re- more they can control those most im- porting. “Congress Votes to Condemn portant resources. Kings control. Israel Antisemitism.” The Jews had been ac- is in the middle of it all. cused, by a congresswoman, of not be- ing able to be supportive of the United Historical themes in the bible. Many States and Israel at the same time. Re- nations attempted to control the area in not because they were the most nu- ally? and around the land we know today as merous, greatest, or strongest, but Israel. People of differing religions and because God chose to choose (Deu- Antisemitism and the marginaliza- ethnicities. It’s an important area geo- teronomy 7). The lineage of Messiah tion of Israel by nations around the graphically. A crossroad between the is promised through and his world is increasing. It’s never really east and the west. A major trade route. descendants (Genesis 12). gone away. Throughout history anti- And the place where most biblical/his- Jewish sentiment has ebbed and flowed torical events occurred. To control the God promises that they (the de- between acceptance, tolerance, and people and land surrounding Israel has scendants of Israel) will always outright targeting for annihilation. benefits and rewards. Of course there’s exist as a nation ( 31). Sa- religious significance. tan doesn’t like that. The conflict However the underlying theme, between the nations. For thousands throughout history, which comes back Theological/doctrinal themes in the of years. Chosen Israel. The nations around over and over again. Israel is bible Humanity has fallen from grace rage. The conflict continues. the problem. and is in disobedience to God. Human- ity is separate from God because of sin. We’re living out biblical themes to- Those accursed Jews. That’s what the We need a Savior. God loves his cre- day, just outside of biblical times. world says. ation. Extends his grace. His mercy. We have biblical history and bibli- His provision. The sacrificial system. cal prophecy. We’re now. Between But. It’s. Not. New. Vicarious atonement…something had then...the past, and then...the future. to die for sin. We deserve to. Rewind. Things haven’t changed very much. God promises a future Messiah who We just happen to be a few thousand Three thousand five hundred years will redeem, suffer for our sins, and years removed from the beginning ago Pharaoh thought the same thing, restore individuals, by faith, Jew and of this conflict. The world at odds then it was Haman (read the book of Gentile, back into relationship with against God. Though deep in rebel- Esther), Nebuchadnezzar, the Baby- God. Messiah is revealed in Jesus. lion against God themselves, the lonians (read Daniel), the Philistines, Jewish people, Israel, his first cov- Canaanites, Ammonites, Jebusites, Geopolitical themes in the bible. God enant people, my people, are prom- Edomites, Assyrians (that’s Hanukkah makes a with the descendants ised to live on and to be used for the 165 AD), the Romans (Herod, Nero of , Isaac, and . Israel glory of God. Israel and specifical- and friends…that’s a long historical and the nation of the Jews are chosen, list), the Spanish Inquisitors, the Rus- Page 2 Light of Messiah Ministries sian Czars, Hitler, and let’s not forget I’ve recently been contacted to minis- Hamas and Hezbollah. I could go on. ter to several interfaith couples, both And on. And on. married and dating. They are asking- serious questions about faith. Please People have said it for millennia. pray! Just get rid of the Jews. Or their na- tion. Then things will be better. Please pray for the peace of Jerusa- lem. For our nation’s leaders to stand Some might want to avoid the issue. close to the only democratic nation in But Israel (Israel the land…and Israel the Middle East. And for the gospel to the people ie. Jews) aren’t going any- go forth to Israel and all the nations. Be- where (read Jeremiah 31…”the de- cause…Jesus is the only hope for peace scendants of Israel will ALWAYS be a in the Middle East. nation before me.”) kiel, Daniel, Zephaniah, Zechariah, and Revelation). If you’d like to talk about some of Some might say, “Let’s just get rid of these issues in your church, small the , and focus on the There’s one essential upon which all of us believers in Jesus should agree. group, or bible study let me know. No New.” That will solve the problem and He’s coming back. He IS coming group is too small. If you have a Jewish help the church grow. Nope. Throw out friend or acquaintance, let me know! the Old and you have a house built back. To Israel. To the Mount of Ol- ives. To Jerusalem. on sand. The Old gives foundation to As others want to get rid of the Jews... the New. Without the Old there is no When Jesus returns he will not only let’s pray for them and help them hear New. Throw out the Old…throw out the good news of Messiah Jesus! God’s covenant with the nation of Is- bring peace but he will bring the nation rael…there go the Jews. Swoosh. of Israel and the Jewish people back into relationship with himself. Then Israel Tour October 19th- there will be a national restoration Others take another angle (similar to of Israel back into relationship with 29th, 2019! Join Us!! the previous one). “If we can’t get rid of God through Jesus. The messianic the Jews physically, then let’s get rid of kingdom will ensue. JOIN US FOR A LIFE CHANGING them spiritually.” We’ll just “replace” them with the church. Uggg. TOUR OF ISRAEL IN OCTOBER OF “And they will look upon him whom 2019!! VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR Some attempt the geopolitical tac- they have pierced and they will mourn MORE DETAILS... tic. Let’s get rid of their country as one mourns for an only child and “ .” It’s grieve bitterly for him as one mourns oppressive. “Apartheid state,” some for a first born son.” Thank You!! might say. Or let’s split it. Divide it Zechariah 12:10 up. Two states. 1967 borders. Here’s Here’s another thing we can all, or Our ministry is here to encourage you to the problem with that one. In reality Until his re- those borders are indefensible today. should all, agree upon. pray for the Jewish people and to help turn we have work to do. The world them hear the message of Jesus. That makes it easy. Bye. Bye. Israel. needs him. We have LOTS of work to do. Regardless. The theme is consistent and As always, thank you for caring has been for thousands of years. “If we enough, and trusting us enough, to can get rid of the Jews, we will get rid I have had more Jewish people reach- send us back to the Jewish people of our problems.” They are preventing ing out to talk. THEY are calling me! with the love of Messiah Jesus! the world from realizing peace. Un- Asking questions. Inquisitive. Seek- fortunately that’s not true. It’s wrong. ing. Locally. My weeks are filling up In His service, False. Misguided. with visits with open Jewish people! Here’s the thing. God is not done with How to Contact Us Murray Tilles...for the staff and for those the Jewish people. Nor is he done in Israel...we’re looking to the future!! with Israel. He has not rejected them. And they have not stumbled so as to Light of Messiah Ministries fall beyond recovery. (Romans 11:1 P.O. Box 501179 and 11:11) Atlanta, GA 31150 Like it or not, ultimately, one day, Phone: 770-642-4706 Israel will be on center stage, as will E-mail: Jerusalem. For the greatest, yet most [email protected] brutal battle of all time. The coming www.lightofmessiah.org battle, and ultimate battle, will be be- tween God and the nations (read Eze-