Report of Meeting Date Director of People and Places (Introduced by the Executive Executive Cabinet 21 June 2012 Member for People)


PURPOSE OF REPORT 1. To provide an update on the Chorley Remembers Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) project.


2. That the Executive Cabinet note the progress to date and approve the Council’s continued involvement as detailed in sections 19, 20, 24, 25, 28, 29, 35, 36 and 39.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF REPORT 3. The report provides an update on the Chorley Remembers HLF project. The recommendation is to note the progress to date and to approve the further actions detailed in the report for the four the elements of project that involve Chorley Council assets.

Confidential report Yes No Please bold as appropriate

Key Decision? Yes No Please bold as appropriate

REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATION(S) (If the recommendations are accepted) 4. To provide an update on progress to date and seek approval for the further actions for the four the elements of project that involve Chorley Council assets.

ALTERNATIVE OPTIONS CONSIDERED AND REJECTED 5. Not to approve the progress and further actions outlined in the report.


6. This report relates to the following Strategic Objectives:

Strong Family Support Education and Jobs Being Healthy Pride in Quality Homes and Clean √ Neighbourhoods Safe Respectful Communities Quality Community Services and √ Spaces Vibrant Local Economy Thriving Town Centre, Local √ Attractions and Villages A Council that is a consistently Top Performing Organisation and Delivers Excellent Value for Money


7. Following the success of the Chorley Pals Memorial statue, the Trustees of the Chorley Pals Memorial have secured HLF for funding for a Remembrance Project in Chorley.

8. The Remembrance Project has a four strands that involve Chorley Council assets, namely: - Enhancement to the Chorley Cenotaph. - Remedial works to the Memorial Arch at the Queens Road entrance to Astley Park. - Expansion and enhancement of the Memorial Room at Astley Hall. - Enhancements to the Chorley Pals Memorial statue.

9. Chorley Council and Chorley Remembers have been working closely to delivery these four elements of the project. This report provides an update on the project to date.


10. The plans for the cenotaph include space for up to 800 names on a low screen wall have now been publicised widely as part of a month long consultation with people from Chorley and interested parties. This information (included in Appendix 1) was put on the Chorley Remembers website, at the Town Hall, at the Chorley Head Office and publicity was also obtained through BBC Radio and through use of social media. The consultation began on 15 th February for 28 days.

11. The consultation was by way of a simple question accompanying the plans asking ‘Do you agree with the plans? – Yes or No’ and there was the opportunity to submit additional comments. In total 15 replies were received with 13 Yes and 2 No.

12. The Chorley Remembers project team met with representatives of the Chorley Branch of the Royal British Legion just prior to the consultation and they agreed in principle to the scheme going forward. During the consultation the Chorley Remembers reported the following activity: • Chorley Remembers website received 5,148 hits (unique visitors). • Coverage though Chorley Guardian and BBC Radio Lancashire. • Details were retweeted to 4,865 Twitter followers. • 1,203 Facebook page views.

13. The main concern of the two no votes was the inclusion of ‘Civilian Stones’ proposed for the site which they were both against this.

14. Separate to the consultation, three letters were sent directly to the Leader of Chorley Council during the consultation period. The letters were from the Chorley & District Ex- Services Association, the Wheelton & Rural Branch of the Royal British Legion and Councillor Alison Hansford.

15. Chorley & District Ex-Services Association raised no objections but raised their concerns should the Welsh Guards / Falkland’s Stone be damaged. In response it should be noted that this will be done by a specialist contractor.

16. The letters seemed more focused on the retention / status quo or the wider redevelopment of the overall site. This is not included in the original project remit as agreed as part of the HLF funding. The additions included a ‘saluting dais / platform, raised flower beds, extra benches and a proposal for higher stone panels all of which do not form part of the HLF funding.

17. One common thread in the letters and the two No votes was the objection to having ‘Civilian’ and ‘Holocaust’ stones on the site. Given the objections raised the Chorley Remembers Trustees have decided to withdraw this from the plans. Taking into account the changes to the civilian and holocaust stones and that no suitable alternative changes have been put forward, Chorley Remembers are now seeking approval to proceed with the plan submitted without the civilian stones.

18. Subject to approval, the next steps will include tendering the work and seeking approval by the Executive Member for People prior to work commencing on the site.


19. That Members approve the consultation exercise and the final plan without the ‘civilian’ stones (final plan to be provided on the night).

20. That final costings, work methods, conservation details and are presented for approval by the Executive Member for People prior to consent being given to work on the site.


21. A specialist contractor is currently completing a survey report of the memorial arch and will produce a specification outlining a prioritised list of remedial work that needs to be undertaken.

22. To date £1,700 of the £15,000 for this element on the project has been spent. The remaining funding will be used to carry out remedial work as detailed in the specialists report.

23. Most of the remedial work to the arch will not need a consent requirement or planning permission. The Chorley Remembers project team will continue to liaise closely with the Council’s Conservation Officer and will apply for any necessary consent requirements should they be needed. The remedial work will be overseen by Chorley Council on behalf of Chorley Remembers and the Council’s existing insurances will apply.


24. That Members note the progress to date on this element of the project.

25. Approval is given to undertake the remedial work identified.


26. The original proposal was to develop the Memorial and Townley Parker rooms at Astley Hall to accommodate an enhanced exhibition display. A significant element of the project funding is directed towards upgrading the limited electrical supply and lighting.

27. The Chorley Remembers project team is currently considering the option to move this part of the project to the Coach House in Astley Park. As this building already has adequate electrical and lighting it would mean that that more funding could be directed towards improving exhibition materials and display equipment. The exhibition would also be more accessible and would enhance the overall offer to visitors.


28. That Members approve the option to use part of the Coach House to accommodate this element of the Chorley Remembers project.

29. That final costs, work methods, conservation details and insurances are presented for approval by the Executive Member for People prior to consent being given to work on the site.


30. A detailed final design has now been completed and is attached in appendix 2. The design opens up the site from four directions improving accessibility and substantially increasing the viewing area around the statue. The footpath area is bordered with boxed hedging, surrounded by a turfed area with a low level wooden post and rail fence border. Space for two benches and information lecterns is also included into the design.

31. The commemorative boulder would be relocated into new position opposite its current location on the other side of the car park road entrance.

32. A detailed work specification has been drafted and this has been sent out for contractor tender prices. The estimated cost of project with a sandstone path is £12,000. The Chorley Remembers HLF project has £5,000 allocated to fund this element of the project. The additional cost would need to be met by the Council and it is proposed that these are met within the existing People & Places capital expenditure.

33. The work will be overseen by Chorley Council on behalf of Chorley Remembers. Therefore, the Council’s existing insurances will apply and the changes are within the Council’s permitted development and do not require planning permission.

34. It is proposed that the work commence after 1 st July 2012.


35. To approve the final design with a sandstone footpath at an estimated cost £12,000.

36. To approve the additional capital funding required of £7,000 to be met within the People & Places directorate capital expenditure and to be reported in future capital budget reports.


37. The overall Chorley Remembers HLF project has secured £148,000 to fund improvements to four Council owned assets. It is possible that some costs for the work may exceed this such as the remedial work to the memorial arch that may identify further work required beyond the £15,000 of funding for this part of the project.

38. A contingency of £20,000 (13%), funded by the Council, would help to ensure that the further additional or necessary work to the Council owned assets could be delivered as part of the project. This would be negotiated and agreed to ensure value for money and the most effective delivery of the project.


39. That a contingency budget of £20,000 is created to support the delivery of the project elements involving Council owned assets.


40. This report has implications in the following areas and the relevant Directors’ comments are included:

Finance √ Customer Services Human Resources Equality and Diversity Legal √ Integrated Impact Assessment required? No significant implications in this Policy and Communications area


41. The report indicates that extra costs may be incurred. If this happens then these will be met from existing council budgets. Some of those costs may ultimately have fallen on the Council anyway e.g. maintenance of the arch, so to some extent council resources are currently available and used to maintain the assets that are being enhanced.


42. The delegations sought in the recommendations are appropriate.


There are no background papers to this report.

Report Author Ext Date Doc ID EC 21-06-2012 Chorley Pals Jamie Dixon 5250 13-06-2012 Memorial Trust HLFProject