86 S. Afr. J. Bot. 2000, 66( I): 86-89

Short Communication Table 1 The frequency (%) of adventitious shoot and callus initiation on peduncle explants of T. simmleri after 16 weeks on media contain­ In vitro propagation of Tulbaghia ing combinations of BA and NAA simmleri 1 Peduncle explants Concentration (mg I- ) BA:NAA %Shoots %Callus S. Zschocke and J. van Staden* 0:0 0 0 Research Centre for Growth and Development, School of Botany and Zoology, University of Natal Pietermaritzburg, Private 0:1 54 46 Bag X01, Scottsville, 3209 Republic of South Africa 1:0 2 100 1:1 20 100 Received 22 August 1999: revised /0 October 1999 leaf, peduncle and scale explants were excised from Tul­ view there is a lot of potential in selecting and cultivating supe­ baghia simmleri Beauv. and placed on modified Murashige and rior genotypes and chemotypes of the Tulbaghia species. This Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with various concentrations of motivated our attempt to produce these by tissue culture. naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), benzyladenine (BA), thidiazuron Leaf, peduncle and bulb material from adult specimens grown (TDZ}, kinetin and 2,4-

Figure l (A) Adult plants of Tulbaghia vio/acea Harv. (B) Adult plants of Tulbaghia simmleri Beauv. (C) Shoots grown on MS medium 1 supplemented with I mg 1·1 kinetin and 2 mg 1"1 IAA. (D) Root initiation on MS medium containing 1 mg 1· IAA. (E) Deformed roots on MS medium containing I mg t· 1 NAA. (F) Ex vitro plant after 6 months in a potting medium, soil:sand (I: 1). 88 S. Afr. J. Bot. 2000, 66(1)

Table 3 The frequency (%) of adventitious shoot an Adventitious shoot initiation predominated at the cut edges. Twin scale explants often responded with axillary shoot forma­ callus initiation on bulb explants of T. simmleri after weeks and on peduncle explants after 16 weeks on medi tion (frequency 71%, average number of shoots per explant= 3). For shoot elongation and multiplication the initiated shoots containing combinations of kinetin and 2,4-0 (average length 1- 5 mm) were aseptically transferred onto MS Bulb explants Peduncle exp1ants Concentration (mg 1·1) medium containing I mg 1"1 kinetin and 2 mg 1·1 IAA. Figure Kinctin:2.4-D %Shoots %Callus %Shoots %Callus I C shows plantlets with elongated shoots after four weeks on I 0:0.5 0 50 0 71 mg 1·1 kinetinand2mg 1"1 JAA. 2:0.1 13 0 0 8 After twelve to sixteen weeks in culture, peduncle ex plants had produced multiple shoots (Tables 1, 2 and 3). Shoot initia­ 2:0.5 30 100 17 58 tion occurred mainly on explants derived from young inflores- 2: 1 0 100 0 70 cences. MS medium supplemented with I mg r 1 NAA gave the best results in our experiments (frequency of shoots 54%). The 1 1 concentrations of(O, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 mg 1" ) and (0 and I mg 1" 1) addition of BA (I mg r ) suppressed shoot initiation and pro­ respectively. and of kinetin:2,4-D at concentrations of (0 and 2 moted callus production. Other successful treatments were kine- 1 1 mg 1"1) and (0.1, 0.5, I mgl-1) respectively. Leafexplants pro­ tin (2 mg I" ):2,4-D (0.5 mg 1· ) with a frequency of initiated duced crystalline wound callus along the cut edges. No other shoots of 17%, TDZ (0.2 mg 1· 1):2,4-D (I mg 1· 1) with II% and growth responses were recorded. TDZ (0.1 mg t·1):2,4-D (I mg 1" 1) with 17%, 2,4-D was again As shoot initiation media for peduncle explants, a small facto­ the cause of increased callus production. Shoots initiated by rial grid with combinations of BA:NAA (Table 1) was tested peduncle ex plants sometimes showed hyperhydricity. With an with fifty replicates per treatment. Peduncle and bulb explants average length of between 20 mm and 50 mm they were longer were also placed onto the same factorial grids for the combina­ than adventitious shoots initiated on bulb explants, but also nar­ tions of TDZ:2,4-D and kinetin:2,4-D with twelve replicates per rower. Spontaneous root initiation occurred sporadically. treatment as applied for the leaves (Tables 2 and 3). After four Shoots derived from bulb explants and elongated on MS weeks extensive callus production was found in the tubes with medium supplemented with kinetin and IAA did not produce peduncle explants, although no shoot initiation was observed at roots spontaneously. For root initiation the fo llowing experiment thi s time. In comparison, bulb explants treated with TDZ:2,4-D was conducted. Plantlets were transferred aseptically onto modi- and kinetin:2.4-D at this stage had already initiated shoots. The fied MS medium supplemented with either I mg 1· 1 IAA, I mg addition of 2,4-D in concentrations higher than 0.5 mg 1" 1 pro­ 1·1 indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) or I mg t·1 NAA respectively moted callus formation. Bulb explants on media supplemented (twenty-five replicates per treatment). Results are illustrated in 1 1 only with TDZ (0.5 mg 1" ) or kinetin (2 mg 1" ) initiated shoots Figure 2. Optimal root initiation occurred on medium containing 1 only. Shoots produced on medium containing 2 mg 1" kinetin, I mg 1·1 IAA. Roots initiated on media containing IAA or IBA however, was fasciated. Therefore, 0.5 mg 1·1 TDZ was selected were long and thin (Figure 10}. The NAA treatment was respon­ for subsequent experiments. Fresh bulb material was sterilized sible for the formation of deformed roots, which were shorter and transferred onto modified MS medium containing 0.5 mg 1· 1 and thicker (Figure I E). Shoots derived from peduncle explants TOZ. Both twin scales and bulb scale explants were prepared. were divided and transferred aseptically onto modified MS The orientation of bulb scale ex plants influenced shoot initiation medium containing 0.2% AC to promote root initiation. Roots with explants orientated vertically producing a higher frequency developed within four weeks. of shoots ( 12%) than those placed horizontally (5%). Rooted plantlets were planted out into vermiculite and kept in the misthouse for six weeks. IAA- and IBA-treated plantlets, as well as plantlets rooted on medium containing AC, acclimatized 25 r------~ without loss and were transferred into a I: I (v/v) mixture of pot­ ting soil:sand and kept in a shadehouse. Plantlets which had {1 A hyperhydric shoots did not survive. After six months the surviv­ "E 20 Ill ing plants were healthy and had developed bulbs with an average c. diameter of 58.3 ± 11.4 mm (Figure 1F) in the case of bulb ~ 15 explants and 40.0 ± 12.7 mm in the case of the peduncle 0 e explants. 0... 10 Approximately one hundred bulblets could be obtained from Q) five initial bulbs of T simmleri within ten months using twin 'E 5 scale explants on medium containing 0.5 mg 1"1 TDZ for shoot :::1 z initiation and I mg 1·1 IAA for root initiation, excluding the pos­ 0 ex vitro plants sibility of sub-culturing and multiplying in vitro shoots. Alterna­ tively, approximately twenty bulblets could be obtained from fi ve peduncles ofT simmleri with the advantage of not destroy­ • IAA • IBA BJ NAA ing the mother plant, but the disadvantage of restrictive seasonal availability. Propagation ofT simmleri by tissue cu lture could Figure 2 Rooting of 7: simmleri shoots using 3 different auxi facilitate the selection, cultivati on and conservation of this plant, treatmen ts (I mg r 1 IAA. I mg 1· 1 NAA, I mg 1·1 1BA): initia which is of considerable horticultural and medicinal value. Pre­ number of replicates 25 per treatment. Number of rooted plantlet liminary experiments with yielded much the alkr four weeks (A). and number of successfully hardened off e same results but as sufficient material was not available to ensure vitro plants after four weeks on vermiculite (B). sufficient replicates per treatment the results are not presented. S. Afr. J. Bot. 2000, 66(1) 89

Acknowledgements Africa - a guide to their cultivation and propagation. Cape Town. The financial support of the University of Natal Research Fund Tafelberg Publishers Ltd. pp. 86-87. HUTCHINGS, A., SCOTT, A.H., LEWIS, G., CUNNINGHAM. A.B. and the National Science Foundation, Pretoria, is acknowledged. 1996. Zulu medicinal plants - an inventory. University of Natal Press. We also wish to thank Miss Shelagh McCartan and Miss Joslyn Pietermaritzburg. pp 37-38. Taylor for their invaluable help and advice. MURASHIGE, T. & SKOOG, F. 1962. A revised mt:dium for rapid growth and bioassay with tobacco tissue cultures. Physiol. Plant. 15: References 473-497. BRYAN, J.E. 1989. Bulbs. Volume II. Timber Press, Portland. ISBN 0- VAN WYK. B.-E., VAN OUDTSHOORN. B., GERICKE. N. 1997. 88192101-7. pp 345- 346. Medicinal Plants of southern Africa. Briza Publications. Pretoria. DUNCAN, A.C.. JAGER, A.K. & VAN STADEN. J. 1999. Screening South-Africa. ISBN 1-87509309-5. pp. 262-263. of Zulu medicinal plants for angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) WATT, J.M. & BREYER-BRANDWIJK, M.G. 1962. The medicinal inhibitors. J. Ethnopharmacol. (In press). and poisonous plants of southern and eastern Atrica. 211d edition. E. DU PLESSIS. N. & DUNCAN, G. 1988. Bulbous plants of southern and S. Livingstone Ltd. Edinburgh.