Titans Give Blood, Save Lives

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Titans Give Blood, Save Lives Vol. 87 Issue 31 April 8, 2010 Bad Religion: After 30 years, So Cal punks still maintain against the grain. SOUND-OFF, Page 5 THURSDAY Titan gymnast to compete in regional tournament SPORTS, Page 12 Multimedia Experience the San Juan Capistrano Learn more about the recent US Swallow Parade, only on: Census effort on: www.dailytitan.com/sjcparade www.dailytitan.com/census2010 The Student Voice of California State University, Fullerton ASI campaign Titans give blood, save lives The American Red Cross called on Cal State Fullerton students to save lives by donating much-needed blood and bone marrow Wednesday booths create BY ASHLEY LUU for the third time because it helps Daily Titan Staff Writer people. [email protected] “(Students) should eat before, or go whenever (they) feel good,” Guti- confusion Students volunteered their time errez suggested. to donate blood or register as a mar- Be a Hero Become a Donor part- row donor on Titan Lifesavers Day nered with The Red Cross to raise of Awareness at the Titan Walk, awareness and encourage students to Wednesday. recycle their body through blood, or- The American Red Cross, Be a gan, tissue and marrow donations. Hero Become a Donor and Mu- “Without people sharing our vital sic Saves Lives, were a few featured resources – blood, marrow, organs booths that educated passers-by on – patients will not have hope,” said the importance of playing a role in Gina Cousineau, co-founder of Be a saving a person’s life. Hero Become a Donor. Project director for blood drives For bone marrow, patients are un- and health science major Antoinette likely to match someone of the same Batino said that students who do- race and ethnicity because tissue nate blood receive free music down- types are inherited. loads, snacks and the potential to According to Cousineau, all eth- win tickets to the Laugh Factory and nic groups are underrepresented, PHOTO BY NICK MARLEY/Daily Titan Photo Editor Grammys. even though seven million people Students cast their Associated Students Inc. votes via an electronic “If you spend maybe an hour of are on the National Bone Marrow ballot on Wednesday. your time, you can save three lives by Registry. donating one pint of blood,” Batino Only 30 percent of siblings with- BY KatIE ROSSOMANO said. in a family will match, so it is im- Daily Titan Staff Writer American Red Cross team supervi- portant to add more strangers to the [email protected] sor Nora Whitehouse said that even registry, she added. though she has yet to meet someone As 6,000 people search for their Many of the candidates who are running in the Associ- who loves needles, students should match each day, the chances of peo- ated Students Inc. election have set up unofficial polling sta- donate blood to save lives. ple receiving a phone call to donate tions at their campaign booths. These “polling stations” are “The Red Cross’s goal is to pro- marrow are one in a million, Cous- personal laptops brought by candidates and/or their sup- vide the safest blood for the Ameri- ineau added. porters and connected to Cal State Fullerton’s wireless net- can people,” Whitehouse said. Bone marrow candidates need to work. Genevieve Eldred, ASI elections commissioner, said According to Batino and White- be between the ages of 18 to 60 and that this is causing some confusion among students who house, students are mainly con- meet health guidelines. mistake these for official ASI polling stations. cerned about the large needle used “People are concerned with the “Some students feel like they are being deceived,” Eldred when blood is drawn into a plastic ‘What if?’ Make the decision based said. She said due to changes in bylaws, no figures can be bag. on who you are and what you’re do- released as of yet. “We don’t want the red blood ing,” Cousineau said. Votes are processed through an electronic ballot. Students cells to break down. To get that good Cousineau added that most people can vote on any computer on campus or any laptop that is blood out, we need a big needle,” perceive bone marrow transplants as connected to CSUF’s wireless network. Esiquio Uballe, as- Whitehouse said. painful and scary, due to misconcep- sociate dean of students, is overseeing the ASI election. PHOTO BY NICK MARLEY/Daily Titan Photo Editor Business major Monica Gutierrez tions in television and media. The American Red Cross set up a blood donation vehicle where Valeria Velasquez, 20-year-old junior and said that she has never been afraid See UPDATE, Page 3 business major, donated for her second time. of needles, and is donating blood See DRIVE, Page 4 CSUF alumna Gradfest helps prepare goes into orbit Titans to take ‘the walk’ BY KatIE ROSSOMANO Gradfest on Wednesday. She said stu- Daily Titan Staff Writer dents can take care of these graduation [email protected] preparations elsewhere, but Gradfest simplifies the process. Cal State Fullerton’s Gradfest is a Maria Ruiz, senior criminal justice three-day event during which students major, attended Gradfest on Wednes- can take care of all the preparations that day. are necessary for their upcoming gradu- “It’s convenient, I just stopped by af- ation ceremony. Students can purchase ter class,” Ruiz said. their cap and gown, tassel, ring, bou- The services available at Gradfest are quets or leis and more. They can also for students that plan to attend the com- PHOTO BY NICK MARLEY/Daily Titan Photo Editor make an appointment for graduation mencement ceremony in May and have Students gathered in the quad Wednesday to purchase Commencement necessities. pictures, order graduation announce- completed their degree the prior De- ments, build a custom diploma frame, cember or will complete it this May or firmation page. The graduation video Jostens Inc. is the corporation that join the Alumni Association and ar- August. Students can pick up graduation is available on CSUF’s commencement was contracted by CSUF to provide range for Kaplan’s test preparation for tickets at Gradfest. Celina Pugh, a senior Web site. The tickets are free and each commencement regalia. Sean Sun- those who intend to pursue a master’s communications major who was vol- student receives six to eight depending dquist, a Jostens representative, was degree. unteering at Gradfest, said that before on their major. helping students purchase their cap and “Gradfest is a one-stop shop,” said students can pick up their tickets they “This week is the best time to get tick- gown on Wednesday. Jennifer Mojarro, Career Center indus- must view the graduation video online ets, they run out fast,” said Larry Martin, try specialist, who was volunteering at and then print out and bring the con- associate dean of students. See GRADFEST, Page 4 PHOTO COUrtESY TItaN MEDIA RELatIONS Tracy Caldwell Dyson, in her second trip into space, will spend the This week at the Becker: Tyler Matthew Smith, See Page 7 next five months in orbit on board the International Space Station. BY GINA BAXTER AND Oscar ROMERO Daily Titan Staff Writer & Asst. Multimedia Editor [email protected] Cal State Fullerton alumna and former track and field athlete Tracy Caldwell Dyson, left for the International Space Station (ISS) April 2 on her second space mis- sion. Caldwell Dyson was launched aboard the Soyuz Rus- sian spacecraft from the Cosmodrome in Baikonur, Ka- zakhstan along with two Russian cosmonauts, Alexander Skvortsov and Mikhail Kornienko. “I think it shows how great our school is,” said Ryan Adams, 20, human service major. “Being an astronaut is sort of the epitome of what you can become, and it’s cool that CSUF helped her accomplish her goals.” According to the Associated Press, on April 4, the ship dashed at a gut-wrenching speed of 8,000 mph to leave the Earth’s atmosphere and docked to the ISS, orbiting 200 miles above the Earth. See CALDWELL DYSON, Page 12 2 April 8, 2010 IN OTHER NEWS Marijuana initiative INTERNATIONAL on November ballot BY HANNAH DELLINGER sheriff and a Torrance police of- Protests lead Bankok into state of emergency For the Daily Titan ficer. [email protected] One of the monetary support- PHNOM PENH, Cambodia— After weeks of demonstrations that saw ers of the initiative is George glitzy shopping malls blocked, blood splattered on the prime minister’s resi- The initiative to legalize mari- Zimmer, the founder of Men’s dence and tourism dented, Thailand’s leader on Wednesday declared a state juana in California has reached the Warehouse, who has already do- of emergency in Bangkok, handing the army broad power to restore order. necessary number of signatures for nated $20,000 to the cause. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva made the move after anti-government a petition to put the proposed legis- “I think that they should le- protesters broke into parliament, leading some lawmakers to make a dramat- lation on the November ballot. galize it because people still do it PHOTO COURTESY MCT ic rooftop escape aboard a Blackhawk helicopter even as other parliamentar- The Regulate, Control and Tax even if it isn’t legal,” said Meera Sarah Palin speaks at the Orange County Republican Executive Committee dinner. ians scaled compound walls. Cannabis Act will be on the fall bal- Alashamali, biochemistry major. “Red shirt” protesters who oppose the current government, as opposed to lots as supporters were able to col- Proponents of the marijuana the “yellow shirts” in Thailand’s color-coded political system who generally lect more than 433,971 signatures. legislation argue that if it passes, favor the status quo, are calling for the dissolution of parliament and a new If passed, the act would make pos- law enforcement could focus its Sarah Palin may speak election within 15 days.
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