© 2019. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd | Journal of Experimental Biology (2019) 222, jeb207910. doi:10.1242/jeb.207910


How dart export potent to their including a bile acid transporter protein (known as solute carrier protein 51a), which usually transports oily molecules in the . The team was also surprised when they noticed that the levels of a protein known as saxiphilin – which removes neurotoxin from the blood of bullfrogs – increased dramatically in the detoxed frogs. ‘We were expecting to see greater expression in the toxic frogs’, says Caty, who had thought that the little devils might use the -transporting protein to make themselves more toxic. However, O’Connell suspects that there are several possible explanations for the unexpected discovery, including the protein vanishing from the blood of the wild frogs because A pair of little devil frogs (Oophaga sylvatica). Photo credit: Elicio Tapia. it is bound up with in the glands or, alternately, the non-toxic frogs might Dining on toxic ants and mites in their However, once located, the elusive elevate levels of the protein in readiness tropical rainforest homes, poison dart creatures were content to hop inside the for toxins reappearing in their . And frogs are literally what they eat. The bottom halves of plastic bottles placed when Aurora Alvarez-Buylla added a minute lace their skins with beside them, posing no risk to the sample neurotoxin to the wild frogs’ blood neurotoxins ingested as part of their diet, researchers. After collecting the skin, in search of molecules that may be involved warning off predators with their gaudy intestines and from a small number in transporting toxins to the frogs’ skin, a colours. However, when deprived of their of frogs, Tapia returned to the Centro heat shock protein – Hsp90, which protects natural diet in captivity, the toxins fade, Jambatu de Investigación y Conservación proteins from damage when the frogs transforming some of the animals into de Anfibios, in Quito, Ecuador, where he overheat – and saxiphilin both popped up popular pets. ‘The ability to sequester fed the remaining animals on non-toxic as potential carriers. toxic chemicals from prey and use fruit flies and crickets for 6 months before those chemicals as a defence mechanism collecting the detoxed animals’ organs. Caty admits that she is excited that against predators is a marvellous example saxiphilin, which is involved in bullfrog of evolution’, says Stephanie Caty, Back in the USA, Gary Byrd analysed detoxification, has turned up in the poison from Stanford University, USA. Yet it the amphibians’ skin toxins, identifying dart frogs. ‘There are likely many more was unclear how the fearless amphibians 10 neurotoxins, including lehmizidines pathways involved in this accumulation transport these potent poisons from their and indolizines, which inactivate than we had originally anticipated’, she intestines to glands in the skin. Intrigued channels in nerve and muscle cells. And says. And O’Connell is keen to learn more by the puzzle, Caty and PI Lauren when Caty compared the gene expression about the effects of the frogs’ diets on O’Connell travelled to Ecuador to collect patterns of the wild and detoxified their toxic cocktails. wild little devil frogs (Oophaga sylvatica) frogs, she noticed that the toxic wild frogs with Elicio Tapia to find out how the were producing less of the mRNA 10.1242/jeb.207910 amphibians export toxins to their skins. required to generate sodium transporting Caty, S. N., Alvarez-Buylla, A., Byrd, G. D., ion channels, possibly to help the frogs Vidoudez, C., Roland, A. B., Tapia, E. E., ‘Elicio grew up in the Ecuadorian retain the neurotoxins from their diet. Budnik, B., Trauger, S. A., Coloma, L. A. and O’Connell, L. A. (2019). Molecular physiology of rainforest and he can find frogs even when chemical defenses in a poison . J. Exp. Biol. we can’t see them’, explains Caty, adding Then she analysed the proteins carried in 222, jeb204149. doi:10.1242/jeb.204149 that travelling to the amphibians’ home the frogs’ blood and noticed several that Kathryn Knight was the most difficult part of the study. might contribute to neurotoxin transport, [email protected]

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