A highly derived docodont from the Patagonian Late : evolutionary implications for Gondwanan

Rosendo PASCUAL Francisco J. GOIN Departamento Paleontología Vertebrados, Museo de La Plata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata () [email protected] [email protected]

Pablo GONZÁLEZ Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo (UNLP), Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata (Argentina)

Alberto ARDOLINO Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico, Secretaría de Minería, Avenida Julio A. Roca 651, Piso 10, 1322 Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Pablo F. PUERTA Museo Paleontológico “Egidio Feruglio”, Avenida 9 de Julio 655, 9100 Trelew, Chubut (Argentina)

Pascual R., Goin F. J., González P., Ardolino A. & Puerta P. F. 2000. — A highly derived docodont from the Patagonian : evolutionary implications for Gondwanan mammals. Geodiversitas 22 (3) : 395-414.

ABSTRACT Reigitherium bunodontum (Mammalia, , Reigitheriidae), from the Late Cretaceous (-) (, Argentina), is the first known docodont from the south- ern hemisphere. Even though its lower resembles more closely the North American Late than other Eurasian docodonts (e.g., intermolar basins formed by the adjacent halves of molars, and vertical crenu- lations [or ribs and furrows]), it radically differs from Laurasian docodonts in that the crowns of the lower cheekteeth are transversely enlarged: several lin- gual cingular cusps are incorporated to the masticatory surface. The evolution of the reigitheriid lower pattern from the morganucodontid one seems to have involved three main modifications, resulting in a step-like process: 1) expansion of the lingual cingulum; 2) elevation of the lingual cingular cusps,

GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) © Publications Scientifiques du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. www.mnhn.fr/publication/ 395 Pascual R. et al.

becoming interconnected to each other by a crest high as or higher than the labial one, and enlargement of the masticatory surface by the close connection of both lingual and buccal crests; 3) aggregation of labial pillar-shaped cusps. KEY WORDS , Reigitherium bunodontum adds support to the hypothesis that Gondwanan Patagonia, land mammals evolved as vicariants of the Laurasian ones, and that in mam- Late Cretaceous, mals the universal trend to increase the masticatory surface of the cheekteeth Mammalia, Docodonta, was also accomplished without passing through the reversed triangle stage vicariance events. that led to the tribosphenic pattern.

RÉSUMÉ Un docodonte très dérivé du Crétacé supérieur de la Patagonie : implications évo- lutives pour des mammifères gondwaniens. Reigitherium bunodontum (Mammalia, Docodonta, Reigitheriidae) du Crétacé supérieur (Campanien-Maastrichtien) de la Formation La Colonia (Patagonie, Argentine) est le premier mammifère docodonte de l’hémisphère Sud. Sa dentition inférieure ressemble plus à celle de Docodon du Jurassique supérieur d’Amérique du Nord qu’à celle d’autres docodontes d’Eurasie (e.g., bassins intermolaires formés par des moitiés de molaires adjacentes et dentel- lées verticales [ou bords et raies]). Il diffère des docodontes de Laurasie, en général, par les couronnes de ses dents molariformes qui sont transversale- ment élargies : plusieurs cuspides à bourrelet lingual sont incorporées à la sur- face masticatoire. L’évolution du patron des molaires inférieures des Reigitheriidae à partir de celui des morganucodontides semble avoir subi trois modifications principales, résultats d’un processus graduel : 1) expansion du bourrelet lingual ; 2) élévation des cuspides du bourrelet lingual liées l’une à l’autre par une crête haute ou plus haute que la crête labiale et agrandissement de la surface masticatoire en raison de l’étroite connexion des deux crêtes, lin- guale et buccale ; 3) agrégation des cuspides labiales sous forme de pilier. MOTS CLÉS Gondwana, Reigitherium bunodontum conforte l’hypothèse que les mammifères terrestres Patagonie, gondwaniens sont les taxons vicariants des taxons de Laurasie. De plus, chez Crétacé supérieur, les mammifères la tendance générale à l’augmentation de la surface mastica- Mammalia, Docodonta, toire des dents molariformes s’est réalisée sans passer par l’état des triangles événement vicariant. renversés, qui conduisit au patron tribosphénique.

INTRODUCTION North-Central Chubut Province (Argentina), permitted us to recover the first land mammal During February-March and November- remains, and other , invertebrates, December 1996, joint Argentinian expeditions and plants, from the Late Cretaceous La Colonia of the Museo de La Plata, the Museo Formation (see below). This constitutes the Paleontológico “Egidio Feruglio” (Trelew), and second unquestionable Late Cretaceous mam- the Dirección Nacional del Servicio Geológico mal-bearing locality in Patagonia. The first one, (Buenos Aires) to the southern slopes of the farther north in Patagonia, was discovered and (“Comarca Norpa- its mammals studied by Bonaparte (1996, and tagónica” or “Meseta de Somuncura”), in references therein).

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In this paper, we analyse the regional stratigra- THE GONDWANAN RECORD phical context and the paleobiogeographical frame- OF MAMMALS: A GENERAL OVERVIEW work of this new Late Cretaceous fossiliferous locality, and describe one of the non-tribosphe- More than 40 ago, Patterson wrote: “Had nic taxa that shed light on the unique the adaptive shift from the pantothere to the tri- Gondwanan land mammal history, and the bosphenic stage not taken place in the , it is K-T transition in Gondwanan mammal commu- conceivable that a docodont radiation might have nities (Pascual & Ortiz-Jaureguizar 1991, 1992; occurred, in which case mammalian history would Pascual 1996, 1998; Vizcaíno et al. 1998). This have been a very different affair” (Patterson 1956: non-tribosphenic mammal taxon supports our 64). Actually, the docodont radiation did occur in hypothesis that Gondwanan land mammals Gondwana, but as part of a general radiation affect- evolved as vicariants of the Laurasian ones ing all the non-tribosphenic and pre-tribosphenic (Pascual et al. 1993, 1999). Another probable mammals, characterizing a distinct episode in example of a vicariant group relationship bet- mammalian evolution which we recognized as the ween a Gondwanan (Gondwanatheria) and a Gondwanan stage (Pascual 1996; Vizcaíno et al. Laurasian () counterpart 1998: fig. 4). Docodonts became extinct by the has been recently provided by Krause et al. in (see, e.g., Kron 1979); in (1997). Although not specifically treated as contrast, a highly derived taxon of the such, gondwanatherians were regarded as Gondwanan docodont radiation, which is des- dubious Allotherians, and implicitly as the cribed in this paper, was still living in the present vicariant sister-group of the Laurasian multi- Patagonian region by the end of the Cretaceous. tuberculates. Thus, Patterson’s vision became a prediction, In a paper in preparation, we are offering a preli- illustrating how the radiation of docodonts could minary report of all the paleontological evidence have been realized all over the world. recovered from the La Colonia Formation, includ- With respect to the tribosphenic mammals, it is ing new evidence on the peculiar mammalian pertinent to remember another prediction. Based evolution of the Gondwanan Proto- on the global record combined with a paleo- toward the complex therian radia- geographical framework, Lillegraven (1974: 279) tion (see Rougier et al. 1992; Rougier 1993; envisioned as “…highly possible that yet other Wible et al. 1995). therian adaptations may have been developing in- dependently on the African and South American ABBREVIATIONS continents through the Cretaceous”. A “placen- MEF Museo Paleontológico “Egidio tal-like” petrosal bone (under study by G. W. Feruglio”, Trelew (Chubut Province, Argentina); Rougier) also found in La Colonia Formation, MACN-RN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales and a new dentary having tribosphenic-like mo- “Bernardino Rivadavia”, Buenos Aires; lars and apparently an eutherian formula, quite SALMA South American Land Mammal Age; recently described by Rich et al. (1997) from pm premolars; m molars (based on the relative shape of Lower Cretaceous beds of southeastern the preserved cheekteeth on the new ( nyktos Rich et al., 1997), sup- specimen of Reigitherium, we tentatively ports the therian adaptations envisioned by homologize their loci with those recog- Lillegraven as developing independently in South nized for Docodon, i.e., pm4, m1, and m2); America through the Cretaceous. Actually, based L length; on the mandibular characters, Kielan-Jawo- W width. rowska, Cifelli & Luo (1998: 267) suggest that For the terminology used in this paper, see Ausktribosphenos nyktos represents a relict of Figure 4 and Jenkins (1969). All measurements are in a more ancient radiation, possibly originating mm. from “...extremely primitive mammals – early

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symmetrodonts – rather than placentals”, known from a well established fossil record on the Gondwana continent. To us, the Madagascan early Late Jurassic holotherian Ambondro mahabo Flynn et al., 1999 is another example of an eastern Gondwanan origin of tribosphenidans on the southern continents, as implied by the authors (Flynn et al. 1999). Although the record of mammals on southern continents is ex- tremely poor relative to that in the north, the scarce South American and Australian Cretaceous record is enough to suggest that it was both extra- basalts ordinarily extensive in the range of the morpholo- REFERENCES gies, and intensive in the processes that led to that CONTACTS

third diversification (see Bonaparte 1996, and literatu- straight facies association re therein). The extant Gondwanan Orni- wavey thorhynchidae () are a good transitional example: they appear to represent the first known SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURES shift of a mammal to an aquatic mode of life, horizontal parallel laminae which succeeded at least from the early trough cross bedding (the Patagonian sudamericanum ripple marks Pascual et al., 1992; see also Pascual et al. 1992b; wavey bedding Flannery et al. 1995). If the large dental canal of corrugated lamination both Steropodon galmani Archer et al., 1985, and Kollikodon ritchiei Flannery et al., 1995 is indica- convolute lamination tive of the existence of sensitive rhynaria and elec- dish trosensory organs (Flannery et al. 1995), related trace with an aquatic mode of life, that ecological shift FOSSILS was much older (). Other trunks second facies association examples could be an Early Cretaceous tricono- LA COLONIA FORMATION plants dont from (Slaughter 1969) and vertebrates two triconodont mammals from the Early LITHOLOGIES Cretaceous of Morocco, described by Sigogneau- conglomerate Russell (1995). In any case, aquatic environments sabulite were probably already conquered by non-tribos- 0 sandstone phenic mammals during the later part of the siltstone Mesozoic. claystone phosphatic lens 10 m GEOLOGICAL SETTING, AGE carbonaceous shale

first facies AND CORRELATION CHUBUT association gypsum GROUP basalt The La Colonia Formation was named by Pesce (1979) for a relatively homogeneous series of upward fining sediments. This author identified FIG.1.— Generalized stratigraphic section of La Colonia Formation in Arroyo Mirasol Chico creek, Bajada Moreno area, a clear depositional sequence exposed over wide Chubut Province, Argentina. areas of the southern slopes of the North

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Patagonian Massif (“Comarca Norpatagónica”) The second facies association crops out approxi- in North-Central Chubut Province. The area we mately in the middle part of the sequence, and is are prospecting is situated along the eastern composed of three facies: laminated mudstones, slopes of the La Colonia range, between El pelite-fine sandstones, and banded silstones and Buitre Chico and El Buitre hills, approximately claystones. Laminated mudstones are yellowish between 42°55’S-43°02’S and 67°28’W- brown in color, sometimes interstratified with 67°41’W (Fig. 1). Here, the La Colonia psammitic nodules. Pelites are mostly claystones Formation is separated by a regional angular and siltstones, greenish-brown to grayish-brown unconformity of less than five degrees from the in color, and featuring parallel lamination and subjacent red beds (sandstones and conglome- lenticular stratification. Usually, it is interstra- rates) of the (Chubut tified not only with reddish fine-grained sand- Group), of age (Codignoto et al. stones but also with black pelites and gypsum; 1979). Above, an erosional unconformity sepa- the sandstone beds are tabular or lenticular, with rates this formation from the continental whitish planar and trough cross-bedding, most of them pyroclastic Paleogene Sarmiento Group. Within about 0.30 m thick, and occassionally up to 1 m this region, the thickness of this formation varies thick, bearing frequent but fragmentary remains between 210 and 240 m (Ardolino & González of fresh water fish. The black pelites are about 1996), but it decreases from southwest to north- 0.10 m thick, occasionally reaching a thickness east, in such a way that farther northeast, around of 0.60 m, bearing frequent plant remains. The Telsen, it is only 17 m thick (Ardolino & most common evaporitic component is gypsum, Delpino 1987). Along the eastern slopes of the which is light brown in color. It is arranged in ta- La Colonia range, we recognize three main verti- bular beds internally featuring cone-in-cone cal and lateral facies associations, broadly repre- structures and dessication cracks. Finally, the senting continental to marginal marine banded siltstones and claystones are yellowish depositional settings (Fig. 1). brown in color. The banding is well displayed by The first and lowest facies association is composed its interstratification features. Internally, the of a single facies, and is a coarse-grained sandy- beds show parallel lamination or lenticular strati- conglomeratic and crossed-bedded granule fication.This second facies association is inter- conglomeratic deposit. It reaches a maximum preted as having been deposited in an estuary, thickness of 16 m, shaping prominent re-entrants tidal flat or coastal plain environment, influ- in the clifts along local valleys, as along Arroyo enced both by occasional high fresh water Mirasol Chico. This facies is attributed to a non- streamflow from the continent and tidal currents marine setting, drained by a channeled fluvial from the sea. This environment occurred under a system featuring moderate to low sinuosity seasonal climate (Ardolino & Delpino 1987; implanted on the sandy substratum of the Cerro Ardolino et al. 1995), alternating periods of hu- Barcino Formation. The overall lithology, its yel- midity and aridity. The humid periods are repre- lowish brown color, and the remarkable grain- sented by some laminated pelites with intense size change at the boundary, contrast with the bioturbation, frequent remains of either aquatic Cerro Barcino Formation, and reveal that deposi- (e.g., fresh-water fish, such as ceratodon- tion was interrupted by a modification of the tid dipnoans, , and marine ple- paleoenvironmental conditions. This distinctive siosaurs) or land plants and (lizards, facies was segregated by some authors (e.g., Pesce , and mammals). The arid per- 1979; Lapido & Page 1979; Lapido 1981; Page iods are represented by saline mudflats with des- 1987) as a discrete lithostratigraphic unit, named sication cracks, evaporitic deposits and some red the Puntudo Chico Formation. To us, this is the beds. The only macrofossils recorded in these se- basal component of the same depositional diments are dental plates of a ceratodontid dip- sequence known as La Colonia Formation. noan fish (Ceratodus sp.). This second facies

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association is the thicker and most representative maintained that the -bearing beds per- of the La Colonia Formation, on which present tain to the Gorro Frigio Formation, although day erosion produces a peculiar landscape of bad- this time admitting that it could be or lands, with a relatively deep (up to 1 m in thick- Cenomanian in age. The ostreid Ambigostrea ness) and soft weathered cover. The mammal clarae (Ihering, 1907) has been recorded from remains described in this paper, as well as most of the upper beds of the third facies association. the remaining vertebrates so far collected, includ- This is well represented in the Late ing the peculiar carnosaur dinosaur Maastrichtian levels of either one of the sastrei Bonaparte, 1985 (se also Bonaparte et al. Northpatagonian sedimentary groups known as 1990), come from this second facies association Roca “Formation”, and Malargüe Group (see (Fig. 1). below) in the Neuquén Basin. Within the lat- The third facies association represents the upper ter, this species appears associated with section of the sequence. Like the first one, it is Amphidonte mendozana (Ihering, 1907), composed by only one facies, so called laminated Austrotrigonia pampeana Leanza & Casadío, pelites. This is a distinct set of yellow, yellowish 1982, Pacitrigonia sobrali Leanza & Casadío, brown or greenish brown laminated silty clays- 1980, Pterotrigonia (Rinetrigonia) windhause- tones, without sandy beds. It contains fragments niana (Wilkens, 1921), Roudairia pampaensis of shells, and rare complete shells of bivalves, pre- Leanza & Hünicken, 1982, Panopea inferior dominantly ostreids, some of them still preserved Wilkens, 1921, Baculites sp., and Eubaculites in living position. This facies is interpreted as the argentinicus Weaver, 1931. Ambigostrea clarae is same transitional paleoenvironment as the preced- confined to the CC25 and CC26 nannozones ing, but corresponding to the upper part of an (Perch-Nielsen 1985) of the Late Maastrichtian intertidal flat. (S. Casadío, pers. comm.). As radioisotopic Based on the regional stratigraphic setting, dates are not yet available, attempts to corre- Pesce (1979) assigned the La Colonia late the whole La Colonia Formation to the Formation to the post- Paleocene. stages used for the Late Cretaceous of Former pollen studies by Pothe de Baldis presently depend on the microfossils (mostly (1976) also led Lapido & Page (1979) to tenta- on planktonic foraminifera) that are in study. tively assign this formation to the Paleocene s.l. In turn, considering that the Salamanca Ardolino & Delpino (1987) established that Formation ranges widely southward of the this formation lies on top of the Cenomanian Northpatagonian Massif (Legarreta & Uliana Cerro Barcino Formation, and is overlain by 1994), that the Roca Formation ranges widely the Danian (?) Salamanca Formation. These northward of it (Bertels 1969a, 1969b, 1970), authors mentioned Campanian-Maastrichtian and that both represent the Campanian- foraminifers and ostracods found in the upper Paleocene span, it is quite probable that the third of the sequence. These data, as well as the uppermost part of the La Colonia Formation stratigraphical relationships of the whole form- could represent the earliest part of the ation, led them to tentatively regard the lower Paleocene. On the other hand, the lower part and middle part as representing the Coniacian- of the La Colonia Formation could be older Santonian span (“Senonian” pre-Campanian). than Campanian if the subjacent Gorro Frigio In turn, while reporting a new horned carno- Formation is Cenomanian in age (Codignoto et saur dinosaur (Carnotaurus sastrei) recovered al. 1979). In short, the La Colonia Formation from the second facies association of this for- was deposited, at least, during the Campanian- mation, Bonaparte (1985) assigned it to the Maastrichtian span, beginning probably some- Albian, in the belief that they were part of the times earlier than the Campanian and Albian Gorro Frigio Formation (Chubut extending sometimes later than the Maas- Group). Later on, Bonaparte et al. (1990) still trichtian.

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THE PATAGONIAN LATEST Mendoza Province, the lacustrine or near-shore CRETACEOUS-DANIAN fresh-water deposits of this sequence were distin- PALEOGEOGRAPHICAL guished by Wichmann (e.g., 1927) as “Facies AND PALEOBIOGEOGRAPHICAL Lacustre Senoniana de los Estratos con SETTING Dinosaurios”, which correlates with the middle part of the La Colonia Formation, or part of it. During latest Cretaceous and early Paleocene As Lillegraven (1974: 277-278) stated, “[g]reater times southern withstood the first restriction of circumglobal currents during the and most widespread epeiric Atlantic flooding Late Cretaceous at the region of today’s Central episode, known as “Mar de Káwas” or “transgre- America, and at various times and points along the sión de Schiller” by Casamiquela (1978), that European and Asiatic Tethys, would help explain transformed this region into a great archipelago the progressive increase in worldwide climatic zo- (see Legarreta et al. 1989: fig. 1; Pascual et al. nations observed through the Cretaceous...”, and 1996: figs 9; 11). To Legarreta & Uliana (in “...opportunities (during the last part) for inter- Bond et al. 1995: 49), the land mass had similari- continental exchange increased, especially bet- ties with the modern Java-Flores Sea physiogra- ween North America and and possibly phy. This (these) transgression(s) extended as a between North and South America”. The possibi- seaway northwestward of southern South lities of inter-American exchange were supported America, biogeographically acting similarly to the by Donnelly’s (1985) geotectonic studies within North American Western Interior Sea the Carribbean region, and empirically demons- (Lillegraven & Ostresh 1990), in this case separa- trated by the record of fossil land vertebrates ting a northeastern South American region from (Bonaparte 1996, and literature therein), and pro- a southwestern one (Pascual et al. 1996: fig. 11). bably also by land mammals (Marshall et al. Within the southern slopes of the La Colonia 1997). To Donnelly, at about 85 my ago, the mo- range, the La Colonia Formation represents the vement of South America relative to North older part of that/those first Atlantic flooding America changes to northward, supplanting a for- event/s (Maastrichtian-Danian), and as such it is merly tensional environment by a compressional correlated to the older units of the stratigraphical one. Consequently, compressive features sur- sequences found in central and northern round the Caribbean sea: subduction and island- Patagonia, and up to the northern limits of the arc or continental-margin magmatism in Costa Neuquén Basin (Casamiquela 1978: fig. 1; Rica, the Greater Antilles, and northern South Legarreta et al. 1989). The different components America. These second-order phenomena appear of these sequences are known as distinct lithostra- to have created circumstantial links between the tigraphic units. Among others, and from south to Americas, permitting the interchange of some north, these units are Mata Amarilla Formation land vertebrates. Actually, the Hadrosauridae di- (Ameghino’s “Shehuenense”), Salamanca nosaurs are among the first and more successful Formation (or Group = “Salamanquense” auct., colonizers. By that time they had colonized up to i.e., “Glauconítico” + “Fragmentosa” + “Banco the southern tip of the South American continent Verde” + “Banco Negro”), Lefipán Formation (Casamiquela 1964, 1978; Bonaparte et al. 1984; + Paso del Sapo Formation, Coli-Toro Forma- Bonaparte 1986, 1996; Bonaparte & Rougier tion, Roca Formation (“Rocanense” auct.), Jagüel 1987). Although still without any record, it is Formation, , Malargüe Group quite probable that the first tribosphenid (sensu (Loncoche Formation + Pircala Formation McKenna 1975) land mammals arrived by that + Coihueco Formation), Pedro Luro Formation, time, or shortly afterwards, from North America, Las Chilcas Formation, and Mariano Boedo and probably following the same path as the ha- Formation. Throughout northern Patagonia, drosaurian dinosaurs. , and probably southwestern La Pampa Province, and southern also placentals (cf. Godthelp et al. 1992, with

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Woodburne & Case 1996), initiated by then the DISTRIBUTION. — The holotype comes from the mid- population of the Australian sector of Gondwana. dle section of Los , Río Negro Province (northern Patagonia), Argentina; its age is Unfortunately, the South American mammal re- Campanian-Maastrichtian (Alamitan SALMA). Speci- cord representing the latest Cretaceous-earliest men MEF 606 comes from the second facies associa- Paleocene span is a blank. And it is more unfortun- tion of La Colonia Formation (see above), on the ate because through this span there had to occur southern slopes of the North Patagonian Massif (“Comarca Nordpatagónica” or “Meseta de Somuncu- the most significative turnover in mammal ra”), North-Central Chubut Province, Patagonia, communities, from those almost exclusively Argentina. Campanian to Late Maastrichtian age composed by non-tribosphenic and pre- (Alamitan SALMA). tribosphenic mammals (Gondwana Stage) to MEASUREMENTS. — L pm4-m2: 6.44; L pm4: 2.47; those composed almost exclusively by the W pm4: 1.73; L m1: 1.98; W m1: 2.23; L m2: 1.81; Laurasian immigrant tribosphenids (marsupials W m2: 2.89; height of ramus below m1: 4.13; width of ramus below m1: 2.64. and placentals) (Pascual 1998). Two more stages (South American Stage and Neotropical Stage) DIAGNOSIS. — (The holotype and MEF 606 are the characterized the new era that followed the extinc- only known specimens of the family; thus, the follow- ing diagnosis is valid for the species, and family). tion of the Gondwanan non-tribosphenic/pre-tri- Reigitherium bunodontum differs from the other bosphenic stocks, and the immigration of the docodont species, in that the crowns of the lower Laurasian tribosphenids (Pascual & Ortiz cheekteeth are laterally enlarged because the lingual cingular cusps became incorporated to a notably Jaureguizar 1991, 1992; Pascual 1996, 1997; expanded, discrete masticatory surface. The lower last Vizcaíno et al. 1998). The record of land mam- premolar is, at least, three-rooted. From pm4 to at mals in South America during the Cretaceous- least m2 the shape changes progressively from rectan- span suggests that all those events of gular, with the longer diameter antero-posteriorly ori- ented (pm4 and m1), to almost subquadrate, but mammalian evolution were causally related to the being, at the base of the crown, wider transversely than geographical steps that affected the South antero-posteriorly (m2), particularly because new basic American continent: at the beginning, as part of buccal cusps are added. The dentary is stronger, with- Gondwana (Gondwanan Stage), later on as a rela- out a postdentary groove, at least absent below m1 and m2. tively isolated continent (Souh American Stage), to finish, as present and for the first time, firmly connected to Laurasia by mean of the North REMARKS American continent (Neotropical Stage) (see Up to now, the holotype was the only known Pascual 1997; Vizcaíno et al. 1998). specimen. Because of its unusually wide crown, it was logically regarded by Bonaparte (1990) as a left upper molar. The new specimen of R. buno- SYSTEMATIC dontum here studied (MEF 606) clearly corres- ponds with the molar pattern shown by the Class MAMMALIA Limnaeus, 1758 holotype; but, otherwise, it demonstrates that the Order †DOCODONTA Kretzoi, 1946 holotype is actually a lower, not an upper molar † Family REIGITHERIIDAE Bonaparte, 1990 (see Figs 2D, E; 4C; 5E). The precise molar locus Genus Reigitherium Bonaparte, 1990 of the holotype is unknown; it is somewhat smal- Reigitherium bunodontum Bonaparte, 1990 ler and more quadrate in occlusal view than the m1-2 of the MEF 606 specimen, suggesting that Reigitherium bunodonta Bonaparte, 1990. As it was posteriorly implanted in the molar row. If the generic name is in neutrum the specific name should also be in neutrum, and should be the holotype represents the immediately posterior bunodontum. locus to m2, and considering that its posterior HOLOTYPE. — MACN-RN 175, a left lower m3? face shows a flat surface indicating a contact area with one more molar, we have to admit that, at HYPODIGM. — The holotype and MEF 606, fragment of a left dentary with pm4-m2. least, there were four molars.

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DESCRIPTION anterolingual cingulum, larger and separated Dentary from a posterolingual one; these are the cingula The only known dentary is the portion between that give a rectangular shape to the crown, in pm4-m2 preserved in the specimen MEF 606. spite of the trenchant anterior crest (Fig. 4C). Compared to those of the species of Docodon There are two large roots, well separated, and, Marsh, 1881, the horizontal ramus is stronger. quite peculiarly, there is also a much smaller Its labial face is slightly convex, and shows a intermedial one, almost central, and only visible small dental foramen at middle height below the in lingual view (Figs 2B; 4B); the smaller and posterior root of pm4. The lingual face is central root represents one of the more unusual not straight but shows two planes divided by a features of this specimen, not only because of its rim, the upper one slightly concave, and the reduced size, but because it occurs well-labial to lower one flat. There are no traces of a postdenta- the lingual surface of the tooth; this peculiar posi- ry groove. tion is similar to those intermedial extra-roots present in the Australian ornitho- Dentition rhynchid insignis Woodburne & As seen from above, the lower last premolar and Tedford, 1975, apparently also present in the the two first molars preserved in the new spe- living Ornithorhynchus anatinus (Woodburne & cimen of Reigitherium bunodontum (MEF 606) Tedford 1975). However, occassional triply- are quadrangular in shape, with rounded rooted of pm3, as well as permanent triply- to corners. From pm4 to m2 the shape changes pro- multiply-rooted upper molars, also occur in gressively from rectangular, with the longer dia- exspectatus Kühne & Krusat, 1972, meter antero-posteriorly oriented (pm4 and m1), from the Upper Jurassic of Guimarota, to almost subquadrate, but being, at the base of (Lillegraven & Krusat 1991). As in the molars, the crown, transversally longer than antero-poste- the crown is characteristically inflated, and riorly (m2). The pm4 has an elongate main cusp, quite set off from the roots and the dentary, from which descends an anterior cutting crest, as particularly the labial face, which appears as a in Docodon, but even more trenchant. From the balcony (Fig. 2C, D). Unsually, there are two main cusp descends a posteriorly wider face, labial wear facets affecting the expanded which in MEF 606 is strongly worn, forming crown, respectively, over each of the two roots an almost flat, backward and downward inclined (Figs 2A; 4A). facet, triangular in outline, whose base forms Both m1 and m2 show a similar pattern, the first the transverse bottom of a half-basin (Fig. 4C); being simpler, and rectangular. These molars are this bottom becomes a talonid-like heel, composed of a lingual sector and a labial one, se- apparently built upon a distal cingulum. The parated by a shallow longitudinal sulcus, which flat posterior wear facet, succeeded by the extends on both anterior and posterior descending anterior half-basin of the m1, apparently initiates faces (Figs 2E; 4C; 5E); although worn, each por- the V-shaped (in profile) intermolar basins form- tion ends in a main central cusp, connected to ed by the adjacent halves of molars that distin- each other by a tenuous crest, from which the an- guish the lower molar dentition of this species terior and the posterior crenullated sloping faces (Figs 2B; 4B). The posterior slope of the basin, descend. The labial portion of the m1 is longer which is on the anterior part of the correspond- than the lingual one, ending anteriorly in a seco- ing tooth, is steeper. On the posterolingual dont crest. On the contrary, the m2 has both labial slope of the main cusp, it remains part of an and lingual portions equally long. Quite pecu- accessory cusp, which was partially erased by the liarly, both m1 and m2 have two additional lower wearing action that built up the posterior facet; labial cusps, which are pillar-shaped and, respecti- this wear also affected the posterolingual end of vely, terminal to the labial extension of an anterior the crown (Figs 2B; 4B). There also exists an cingulum and a posterior one (Figs 2A, D; 4A, C).

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A-D s c c DE


FIG.2.— Reigitherium bunodontum Bonaparte, 1996, specimen MEF 606; A, B, fragment of left dentary with pm4-m2; A, external view; B, internal view; C, posterior view of the dentary section behind the m2; D, occlusal view of pm4-m2; E, posterior view of m2. Abbreviations: c, crenulations; s, sculus. Scale bars: 1 mm.

But, distinctively, the m2 has a third, intermediate wear facets, incipient on the intermediate cusp of and likewise pillar-shaped cusp, that also is termi- the m2 (Fig. 4C). As seen from above, the crown of nal to an even lower tenuous anterior cingulum both molars descend “en échelon” from the lingual (Fig. 4C). In consequence, the crown base of the to the labial sector, forming a step-like pattern m2 is peculiarly inflated and expanded (exadaeno- (Figs 2E; 5E). In turn, as seen laterally, the wear has dontic), in such a way that the whole tooth be- affected the normal intermolar basins, becoming comes wider than long, appearing also as a V-shaped, and giving a saw-like profile to the mo- “balcony” on the labial side. Wear has affected the lariform series (Figs 2B; 4B), similar to what is seen crown of both molars, erasing what apparently in Docodon. That is, the anterior half-basin of one were prominent parallel labial and lingual ridges, molar joins with the posterior half-basin of the pre- with a higher medial cusp on each, and separated ceding molar to form a large intermolar basin, all along by a shallow furrow (Fig. 5E). The wear- whose bottom becomes a talonid-like heel on the ing action has been more intensive on the labial terminal end of each tooth, apparently built up on crest, which became lower and developed a deeper a distal cingulum. As on the pm4, both molars facet that exposes the dentine all along its extent; show wear facets on the labial faces, affecting the the dentine is also exposed on the lingual crest, but outward additional pillar-shaped cusps, although is restricted to what was the apex of the higher lin- without exposing the dentine. gual cusp (Figs 2D; 4C). The descending anterior and posterior faces have also been worn in such a Occlusion manner that the crenulations became smoothed, The adjacent halves of lower molars form inter- but without reaching the dentine. The additional molar basins (embrasures) on which, like in lower labial cusps on both molars show cuspidate Docodon, had to occlude with a wedge-shaped

404 GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) New Late Cretaceous docodont from Patagonia

facet of an upper molar (unknown). The more ad- accessory cusps, which show relatively horizontal vanced wear of the posterior facet is compatible wear facets affecting their summits. Although no with an upward and forward movement into cen- upper molar of this species have been recovered, tric occlusion, as proposed by Jenkins (1969) for the distribution of wear facets indicates as highly Docodon. As noted by Butler (1997), docodonts probable that, like in Docodon, the lingual half of were the only Jurassic mammals, apart from allo- each upper molar was also offset, even reaching a therians, in which the molars functioned by oppo- more advanced stage. The cuspidal wear facets af- sition. If, like in Docodon (see Jenkins 1969: fecting the additional lingual pillar-shaped cusps fig. 9), Reigitherium has distinct wear facets on the and, particularly, the unique wear facets affecting posterior faces of the posterior cusps, wearing the base of the labial faces of all the molariform (thegosis) has transformed the entire posterior face teeth, can only be explained by the bypassing ac- into a flat facet. In such a manner, the shearing tion of an outcropping lingual extension of the function against an upper facet (unknown) be- upper molars. Although the “typical” docodontid came much more effective than in Docodon. The de- interlocking of upper and lower transverse crests is velopment of these broad wear facets anticipated, compatible with a predominantly orthal move- although following a different pattern, a character ment, the more advanced mesio-distal wear facet that was distinctively developed in therian mam- on the buccal side of the lower molars might be mals (Crompton 1971). This feature, and the an- produced by a relatively more prominent paracone- terior crest of the last lower premolar, followed by cusp “c” during some antero-posterior movement. the relatively crested anterior portion of m1, seems to indicate that shearing was the most im- portant function in Reigitherium. However, the DISCUSSION second type of occlusion proposed by Gingerich (1973) for Docodon also may have been active in Reigitherium bunodontum was previously consi- Reigitherium. Actually, the incipient wear facet dered to be a dryolestoid by Bonaparte (1990). shown on the anterior face of the two first molars, However, we conclude that it represents a quite appears to be made by an upward and backward derived docodont. It shares with the North movement into centric occlusion. The function of American Jurassic genus Docodon several derived this movement was probably to puncture and se- dental features, e.g., lower intermolar basins for- parate large pieces of food, as interpreted by med by the adjacent halves of molars, and vertical Gingerich (1973) for Docodon. Likewise, it could crenulations (or ribs and furrows) on the molar explain the puncturing action between the labial crowns (see Simpson 1929; Patterson 1956; pointed pillar-shaped cusps of m1 and m2, as in- Jenkins 1969; Gingerich 1973; Kron 1979). dicated by their horizontal wear facets (Figs 2D; Additionally, the presence of the triply-rooted 4C). It is evident that the shearing function bet- pm4 supports the docodont affinities of ween linear blades initiated in Docodon was en- Reigitherium. With the exception of monotremes, hanced in Reigitherium by the enlargement of the docodonts are the only mammalian group that occlusal surfaces of the molars, and its transform- have multiply-roots for the postcanines (at least in ation, by thegosis, into flat blade-like facets. It is the uppers; see Lillegraven & Krusat 1991; also logical that the opposite action of the upper Kermack et al. 1987; Luo 1994). In turn, the wear and lower blade-like facets produced a combined facets affecting the base of the labial faces of all the action of shearing and grinding, or crushing (sensu known lower molariform teeth (pm4-m1) appear Butler 1997). A grinding or crushing action is at- as an autapomorphic feature, quite probably pro- tested to by the talonid-like heel apparently built duced by a docodont-like outcropping lingual ex- up by the opposite action of an upper transverse tension of upper molars. These dental features, crest at the end of the closing stroke. This grinding and the resulting occlusal pattern, are not present action might also been supplemented by the labial in the other Laurasian (European and Asiatic)

GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) 405 Pascual R. et al.

FIG.3.— Reigitherium bunodontum Bonaparte, 1996, specimen MEF 606; SEM stereopairs in occlusal view. Scale bar: 1 mm. genera of the Docodonta, neither in any of the these differences as one more example of vicariant known non-therian mammals. On the one hand, evolution of both lineages. the so derived dental autapomorphies indicate Based on molar evidence, Docodon was consider- that Reigitherium is a highly derived docodont. ed not to have had a therian (i.e. Simpson’s On the other hand, they suggest that Docodon and [1945] Theria) ancestry. According to Patterson Reigitherium may represent the derived sister- (1956), as a non-therian mammal the docodon- group of all other Docodonta. The closer affinities tid cusp-on-line type of tooth did not pass between North American (Docodon) and South through a reverse triangle stage in molar evolu- American (Reigitherium) docodonts appear to be tion. Crompton & Jenkins (1968), considering related to the closer geographical relation of both that both docodonts and therians derived from a continents while part of Pangaea. In turn, the common ancestor with a basically tricuspid den- unique dental autapomorphies of Reigitherium tition, suggested that more than one cusp on each imply a radical departure from the Docodon molar upper and lower molar may be homologous. On pattern. Taking into account the post-Jurassic this basis, they rejected cusp homologies and geographic (and biogeographic) history of North function previously proposed by Patterson and South American continents, we interpret (1956), Butler (1961) and Vandebroek (1961).

406 GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) New Late Cretaceous docodont from Patagonia



s c


FIG.4.— Left pm4-m2 series of specimen MEF 606 of Reigitherium bunodontum Bonaparte, 1990; A, external view; B, internal view; C, occlusal view. Abbreviations: c, crenulations; s, sculus. Scale bar: 2 mm.

Accordingly, they admitted that a molar pattern ganucodontids and the Late Jurassic European like that of Kühne, 1949 may Haldanodon – the best known among Doco- have been the common ancestor of both doco- donta – led Lillegraven & Krusat (1991) to consi- donts and therians (Crompton & Jenkins 1968; der the latter (and presumably docodonts in Jenkins 1969). Even if this molar pattern appears general) as a cladistically earlier stage of to have been ancestral to the Docodon pattern, the evolution than are the morganucodontids. cranio-mandibular comparison between the mor- Therefore, to them, docodonts “...assume a

GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) 407 Pascual R. et al.

cladistically basal position in the phylogenesis of Woutersia, although formally assigned to an mammals” (p. 122). Notwithstanding a rexamin- uncertain family of the Docodonta, but recogniz- ation of the craniodental characteristics of ing that it combines characters of symmetro- Haldanodon has shown that they are more de- donts and of docodonts. On this basis, they rived at least by comparison to stated that the order Docodonta “...could be clo- Patterson & Olson, 1961 (Luo 1994). This is ser to Theria than to Eotheria”, although cau- also ssupported by an independent study tiously pointing out that the evidence only got (Rougier et al. 1996) which again placed from teeth preclude hasty conclusions. Haldanodon higher than morganucodontids in If both Butler’s and Sigogneau-Russell & the mammalian phylogenetic tree. With respect Godefroit’s observations and suggestions were to this aspect, see also Wible & Hopson (1993) correctly founded, Reigitherium – as a docodont – and Wible et al. (1995). Already Kermack et al. could represent one more of mammals sha- (1987) had proposed that the docodont dentition ring advanced features with the most primitive could have evolved from some kind of therian- therians. Additional studies of the cranial features like teeth such as . On the same posi- (Luo 1994; Rougier et al. 1996) also support the tion, Butler (1997) admitted as possible that the higher placement of docodonts in the mamma- origin of docodontid molar teeth passed through lian phylogenetic tree. Be that as it may, the a triangular arrangement of cusps. This conclu- morphological pattern of the lower molars of sion was suggested by the species of Woutersia Reigitherium appears as derived relative to the (W. mirabilis Sigogneau-Russell, 1983 and general condition of Docodon, having two longi- W. butleri Sigogneau-Russell & Hahn, 1995) tudinally parallel cusp rows of different heights, from the Rhaetic of (Sigogneau-Russell separated all along by a shallow sulcus, without 1983; Sigogneau-Russell & Hahn 1995), consi- any evidence that it passed through a triangular dered by these authors as a symmetrodont that arrangement of cusps as that recognized in was convergent with docodonts. The upper Woutersia spp., and Delsatia rhupotopi (Figs molars of these species have a lingual cusp, deve- 2E; 3). loped from the cingulum, that can be compared To Jenkins (1969), the evolution of the with the docodont “protocone” (cusp “X” of “Docodon molar type” from the “ Krusat 1980), and a cusp B (homologized to the (i.e. Morganucodon) cusp-on-line type” involved stylocone by Butler) that is diverted buccally. two basic modifications: 1) lingual expansion of This triangular arrangement of cusps, to Butler both upper and lower molar crowns; 2) loss of resembling that in , is considered one primary cusp on each lower and upper to be a synapomorphy shared with later therian molar. The first modification is quite relevant mammals. If so, he said, the docodontid should since Reigitherium appears to represent a step be transferred to the Theria ( of further than previously known docodonts, and Hopson 1994, diagnosed by having a reverse tri- apparently succeeded according to the following angular pattern; see McKenna & Bell 1997: 43) scenario (Fig. 5). The lingual expansion of lower as a sister-group of the Kuehneotheriidae. molar crowns, already initiated in Docodon Consequently, docodonts could have been more (Fig. 5C), and the elevation of the cingular closely related to therian mammals (i.e. cusps to become very prominent features, was Holotheria) than previously thought. More increased. In such a manner, in Reigitherium the recently, Sigogneau-Russell & Godefroit (1997) lingual cingular cusps became as high or higher studied new isolated teeth from the same Rhaetic than the buccal ones, and connected each other Saint-Nicolas-de-Port quarry, and recognized to form a ridge parallel to the labial one them as representing a new genus and species (Fig. 5D-E). Thus, the evolution of reigitheriid (Delsatia rhupotopi Sigogneau-Russell & lower molars may be envisaged as a further Godefroit, 1997), closely allied to the species of increase of the area of opposition, by expansion

408 GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) New Late Cretaceous docodont from Patagonia

prd “c” prd p.c.c. “a”

s “c” s m.i.c.c. A m.i.c.c. “c” p.c.c. prd prd s m.i.c.c. “c” “a” B s

p.i.c.c. m.i.c.c. p.c.c. prd prd s m.i.c.c. C “a” s

p.i.c.c. p.i.c.c. m.i.c.c. p.c.c. p.c.c. prd m.i.c.c. “a” prd s D s p.i.c.c. p.i.c.c. p.c.c. m.i.c.c.

i.a.l.c. prd prd p.a.l.c. s a.a.l.c. m.i.c.c. “a” p.a.l.c. p.c.c. cr

E s

p.i.c.c. m.i.c.c.

FIG.5.— Molar evolution and cusp homologies in lower right molars of morganucodontids, docodontids, and reigitheriids. Posterior (left) and occlusal (right) views (anterior to the left; lingual below); A, Morganucodon; B, hypothetical Early or docodont; C, Docodon from the Late Jurassic ; D, hypothetical Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous reigitheriid; E, Reigitherium bunodontum from the Campanian-?Maastrichtian La Colonia Formation, Patagonia. In the occlusal views (right), anteri- or is to the right, and lingual face is toward the bottom of the page. Abbreviations: “a”, cusp a; a.a.l.c., anterior additional lower cusp; “c”, cusp c; cr, crenelation; i.a.l.c., intermedium additional lower cusp; m.i.c.c., main internal cungulum cusp; p.c.c., posteri- or cingulum cusp; p.i.c.c., postero-internal cingulum cusp; p.a.l.c., posterior additional lower cusp; prd, protoconid; s, sulcus. Cusps nomenclature follows Jenkins (1969), except a.a.l.c., i.a.l.c. and p.a.l.c., that are new cusps and only known in Reigitherium bonodontum. Drawings are not to scale.

GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) 409 Pascual R. et al.

of the lingual sector. According to the hypothe- medial one, somewhat lower (m2) (“reigitheriid sis and nomenclature used by Jenkins (1969: molar pattern”; Fig. 5E). fig. 1; see also Fig. 5), the labial ridge was form- The fact that such major morphological diffe- ed by a crest running anteriorly and posteriorly rences exist in the lower molars between Docodon from the higher protoconid (prd), respectively and Reigitherium is not, in itself, surprising. Most connecting it to “a”, and to the posterior cingu- of the duration of the Cretaceous Period sepa- lum cusp (p.c.c.). The additional lingual ridge rates the useable fossil records of the two genera. was formed by a crest connecting the now Some 70 my probably are involved, which would higher main internal cingulum cusp (m.i.c.c.) have allowed plenty of opportunities for diver- – as high or higher than the protoconid – with gent specializations as those existing between the postero-internal cingulum cusp (p.i.c.c.); Docodon and Reigitherium, particularly consider- otherwise, this ridge is shorter than the labial ing that they were developed on Gondwana, one since it is restricted to the posterior portion under a quite distinct scenario. of the crown. Finally, both labial and lingual Reigitherium bunodontum is one more eloquent ridges became fused, although still separated by example that in mammals the universal trend to a shallow furrow or sulcus, which appears to be increase the masticatory surface of the cheekteeth a remnant of the deeper one that in Docodon was also accomplished without passing through separates the additional lingual cusps from the the reversed triangle stage that led to the tribos- original labial ones (cf. Fig. 5E with 5C). This phenic pattern. Furthermore, Reigitherium buno- process transformed the somewhat modified tri- dontum is an example of a group (Docodonta) cuspid cusp-on-line molar type, Jenkins’ (1969) that became extinct in one continent (Laurasia), “eozostrodontid (i.e. morganucodontid) molar in a time (late Jurassic) and under specific ecolo- pattern”, into a “docodontid molar pattern”, to gical circunstances, but that survived and evolved finally become a quadrangular molar, a “reigi- throughout most of the Cretaceous in a segrega- theriid molar pattern”. ted continent (Gondwana), under distinct ecolo- Thus, accepting Crompton & Jenkins’ (1968) gical circumstances, giving origin to a distinct hypothesis that a molar pattern like that of and more advanced family (Reigitheriidae), to Morganucodon was in the ancestry of docodonts, finally become extinct before the beginning of and our hypothesis that docodontids and reigi- the Cenozoic. theriids had a common ancestor, the evolution of the reigitheriid lower molar pattern from the Acknowledgements murganucodontid molar pattern involved three Our work was supported by grants to R.P. from main modifications (Fig. 5C-E), apparently suc- the Argentinian Consejo Nacional de ceeded “en échelon”, resulting in a step-like pat- Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (grant tern: 1) expansion of lingual cingulum and PMP-PICT 0227), and to R.P. and F.J.G. from relative elevation of its cusps (“docodontid molar the American Society pattern”; Fig. 5C); 2) increased elevation of the (grant 5905-97). Maximiliano Lezcano produced lingual cingular cusps, becoming interconnected the figures. Laura H. Zampatti offered invaluable to each other by a crest as high or higher than the editorial services, including the French transla- labial one, in turn connected to the latter to tion of the Abstract and the electronic version of shape a discrete enlarged masticatory surface, that four figures, together with Marco Pabón. Lic. slopes anteriorly and posteriorly from the central Marcelo A. Reguero, Lic. Susana M. Bargo, and transverse prd-m.i.c.c.’ ridge, like a gable roof Mr Omar J. Molina provided technical assistance (“hypothetical pre-reigitheriid pattern”; Fig. 5D); in the laboratory. To all of them we thank very 3) aggregation of labial pillar-shaped cusps, rang- much. Our colleagues Michael O. Woodburne, ing from two – an anterior and a posterior one Judd A. Case, Farish A. Jenkins, Richard (m1) –, to three by the aggregation of an inter- L. Cifelli, and Guillermo W. Rougier provided

410 GEODIVERSITAS • 2000 • 22 (3) New Late Cretaceous docodont from Patagonia

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Submitted on 9 June 1999; accepted on 15 November 1999.

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