BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: usually a short major INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: usually short other major STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening weak <2N then transfer Names: Michael Dilks Robert Gallus Jump shifts after major opening weak <2N then transfer ABF Nos: Responses to strong 2 suit opening Basic System:Conventional 1NT,transfer over 1C Responses to 2NT opening 3C/D enquiries, 4C/D RKC, others to play Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 12+ 3 1B 12+ 4 1C 12+ 4 1D 12+ 4 Underlead Other: 1 NT 20+ any shape may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highestS attitude NT 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: 3rd/5th Other: 3rd of pard's Transfers 2B 2C 2D From 4 small 2nd highestS Other: 2 NT Other: artificial 2c=0-4 2d=5-7 natural 2h-3d=8+ 3h/s=spl From 3 cards (no honour) top middleS bottom 2A 10-14 5+C&D on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B weak 5+D NV 6+D V Other: maybe count 2C weak 5+H NV 6+H V Signal on declarer's lead 2D weak 5+S NV 6+S V Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 5+H & 5+S weakish NV min opening V odd/even Other: maybe count 3 NT 1.5 tricks better than 4H/S Count natural PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS 1NT artificial artificial 1&2-suited 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: 1NT for takeout most X show 2+ oppo suit 4A Gerber when? lots of transfers and artificial relays 1C-1D-1H and 1C-1H-1S not forcing Other Conventions Some relays after opener's rebid COMPETITIVE BIDDING Rubensohl/Transfers in competition Fit-showing jumps Negative doubles through4S Responsive doubles through 4S transfers & transfer raises splinters Jump overcallsrotating Unusual NT rotating takeout X shows 2+ oppo suit 1NT overcall (immediate)takeout (0-1) (re-opening) takeout rotating:cue and next 2 bids=2-suited combos next 3 bids=single-suited strong Immed cue of minor rotating Immed cue of major rotating ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) ASTRO Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) ASTRO X=2 suits at least 1 major, other suit longer Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X T/O Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X T/O


Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 4+H 2NT raise 3A/3B natural 8+hcp 1C/D 4+S/4+D or strong with 4+C 3A inv distributional 3C/3D shortage, minors 8+hcp 1NTraise 3B splinter 4A 2A weak 3C splinter 4B 2B weak 3D splinter 4C 2C weak 3NT 4D 2D weak 4 bids Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits

1B 1C/D 3A raise other 1NT 3B inv distributional 2A inv in D or C 3C splinter Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B weak 3D splinter 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C weak 3NT NT Checkback Priorities conventional rebids 2D weak 4B Defence to 3NT opening 2NTC maybe weak 4 Other Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B

1C/D 1NT7-10 3A D maybe weak RCO style 2-s X penalty oriented, NT takeout 2A strong artificial 3B transfer 2B transfer 3C/D weak/splinter Other 2-s 2C/D weak/transfer 3NT 2NTC maybe weak 4A/B Defence to strong A X majors NT minors 2A 2B to play 2C/D constructive

other 2N forcing Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C inv 3A/B inv/weak Other uses X weak 2 2D inv 3C/D forcing Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B 2NTenquiry 3NT 4C 4D

2C/D 2NTenquiry 3NT OTHER NOTES 3A/B inv 4A/B fit show jump 2N rebid agrees suit 3C/D weak/inv/forcing 4C/D artificial 2C and 2D rebid (Gazilli) 2NT 3A invitational+ enquiry 4A RKC in H 1C-1D-1H and 1C-1H-1S are pseudo 1N rebids and can be passed 3B enquiry for longer major 4B RKC in S jump rebids splinters 3C to play 4C to play artificial step relays 3D to play 4D to play transfers after intervention 3NTto play other

BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening Natural, not forcing Names: Stan Klofa Alex Czapnik Jump shifts after major opening Natural, not forcing ABF Nos: 140 422 661139 Responses to strong 2 suit opening Basic System: (Strong club system) Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening 3D forcing, other correctable Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 15+ 0 1B 10-14 2 1C 10-14 4 1D 10-14 4 Underlead Other: 1 NT 10-14 Both Majors, any distribution may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: 2C = 12+ relay 3rd/5th Other: 4th highest if it is small card Transfers 2B 2C 2D From 4 small 2nd highest Other: Top 2 NT Other: 2D = Weak relay From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A 10-14 5+ Clubs, no 4 card Major Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Weak 2 in H or S, less than opening hand Other: Suit preference when required 2C R - 2 suits of the same rank, less than opening values Signal on declarer's lead 2D C - 2 suits same colour, less than opening values Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT O - 2 odd suits (H+C or D+S), less than opening values odd/even Other: Odd/Even first discard only 3 NT Club Pre-empt Count natural reverse PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS NOTE: Opening values in 1&2 seat are 3rd level bids are Transfer Pre-empts 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: RKCB 3041 shown above, in 3&4 seat add 2 HCP but 3S is showing 6 card solid or 7 card 4A Gerber when? Not used (1C=17+, other 12-16 HCP) semisolid in any suit (AKQxxx,AQJxxxx) Other Conventions Josephine - 5NT Grand slam ask COMPETITIVE BIDDING Michaels cue bids Negative doubles through4D Responsive doubles through 4D DONT Jump overcallsIntermediate Unusual NT 2 Lowest unbid suits 1NT overcall (immediate)15-18 (re-opening) 15-18 Immed cue of minor Both Majors, 5/5 Immed cue of major Other Major & Minor, 5/5 ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) Mod.DONT, X=penalty,2C ,other DONT Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) DONT Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 X Copyright © BCC Over opening threes X


Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 0-8 hcp, any distribution 2NT Weak Clubs or Any solid suit 3A/3B 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit 1C/D 9+ hcp, 5+ suit 3A Weak 7 card Diamonds 3C/3D 9-11 hcp, 4+ card support 1NT9+ hcp, 5+ Clubs 3B Weak 7 card Hearts 4A 2A 9+ hcp, 5+ Diamonds 3C Weak 7 card Spades 4B 2B 9-11 hcp, no 5 card suit 3D 4C To play 2C 12-14 hcp, no 5 card suit 3NT 4D To play 2D 15+ hcp, no 5 card suit 4 bids Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits

1B 1C/D 1H-12+ rel., 1S not forcing 3A 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit other 1NT8-11, both majors stopped 3B 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit 2A 8-11, 5+ Clubs 3C 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 8-11, 5+ Dia. 3D 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C 8-11, 5+ Hearts 3NT To play NT Checkback Priorities 2C over 15-18 NT,2D response 17-18 hcp 2D 8-11, 5+ Spades 4B RKC in Diamonds Defence to 3NT opening Natural 2NTAsking part. to bid best minor 4 Other Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B X= take out of S, 2H= take out of H 2NT natural 15-18, other natural 1C/D 1NT8-11, other major stopped 3A 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit RCO style 2-s Natural 2A 12+ over 1S, Not forc.over 1H 3B 9-11 hcp, 6 card good suit 2B 8-11 hcp, 5+ suit, not forcing 3C/D 9-11 hcp, 4+ card support Other 2-s Natural 2C/D 8-11 hcp, 3 card support 3NT To play 2NT9-11, 3card sup,+playing tricks 4A/B Defence to strong A 1D,H,S- 5+ cards,1NT- 5+ Clubs, 2C,D,H,S = DONT 2A 2B 12+ hcp Relay 2C/D 5+ suit, Not forcing X= both Majors but not 5/5 other 3rd level bids 6 card good suits, 9-11 hcp, Natural Lebensohl Over NT interference Over 15-18 NT only 2B 2C Correctable, not forcing 3A/B Natural, not forcing Other uses 2D Correctable with H holding 3C/D Correctable Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X 2NTStrong Relay 3NT To Play 4C X=pen,4NT t/o 4D X=penalty, 4NT take out

2C/D 2NTRANK / COLOUR, Strong Rel 3NT To Play OTHER NOTES 3A/B Correctable 4A/B Correctable Note: Over strong 1NT 15-18 we use transfers (example 1C-1D-1NT=15-18) 3C/D Correctable 4C/D Correctable

2NT 3A ODD SUITS, Correctable 4A Correctable After 1C opening followed by 2nd level NT responses (1C-2D,2H,2S) and natural 3B Strong Relay 4B '' 15-18 2NT we use 3C Baron. 3C Correctable 4C '' 3D Correctable 4D '' 3NTTo play other

BASIC RESPONSES AUSTRALIAN BRIDGE FEDERATION Jump raises - minors limit forcing Other: INCORPORATED © Jump raises - majors limit forcing Other: STANDARD SYSTEM CARD Jump shifts after minor opening Weak Names: John Pettitt Arie Meydan Jump shifts after major opening Splinters ABF Nos: 144614 142999 Responses to strong 2 suit opening Basic System: Brown Sticker Responses to 2NT opening Classification: Green Blue Red Yellow PLAY CONVENTIONS OPENING BIDS 'NT' Versus Notrump 'S' Versus Suit = Both Describe strength, minimum length, or specific meaning Canape Sequence leads: Overlead all All except AK x (x) 1A 4+ 1B 4+ 1C 4+ 1D 4+ Underlead Other: 1 NT 11/14 may contain 5 card major Four or more with an honour 4th highest attitude 2A Stayman: simple extended Other: 3rd/5th Other: Transfers 2B Hearts 2C Spades 2D Clubs From 4 small 2nd highest Other: 2 NTDiamond Other: From 3 cards (no honour) top middle bottom 2A 5-3 Losers Single suiter or minors or majors Signal on partner's lead: high encourage low encourage 2B Game Force Other: Against NT on lead of Ace partner gives count , on K attitude 2C Weak only showing single suiter 5+ Signal on declarer's lead 2D Weak only showing single suiter 5+ Discards McKenney high encourage low encourage 2 NT 21-23 odd/even Other: First discard may be McKenny if high or low 3 NT Gambling Count natural reverse PRE-ALERTS: CALLS THAT MAY HAVE UNEXPECTED MEANING/S OR REQUIRE SPECIAL DEFENCE CONVENTIONS 4NT: Blackwood RKCB Other: 4A Gerber when? over NT Other Conventions Modified Crowhurst(TOM) Minorwood (Not in competition or pre-empt COMPETITIVE BIDDING Lebensohl Michael's cue bids Negative doubles through4H Responsive doubles through 4H DOPI/ROPI Disco over strong 1C Jump overcallsWeak Unusual NT 2 Lowest Suits Puppet Stayman After !NT-2C-2D:3D shows 5/5 in H/S 1NT overcall (immediate)15-18 (re-opening) 11-14 Ogust over 2H/@S Cue Raise and FSJ in Competition Immed cue of minor Spades + another Immed cue of major Other Major + Minor ©ABF Marketing PO Box 397 Over opponent's 1NT (weak) x= penalties, 2C= H=S() Fyshwick ACT 2609 Over opponent's 1NT (strong) x=C=D, Landy Tel: 02 6239 2265 Over weak twos FAX: 02 6239 1816 x= Take Out Copyright © BCC Over opening threes x= Take Out


Describe strength, minimum length or specific meaning Additional responses to 1NT 1A 1B 6+, 4+ suit 2NT 11-12,No Majors 3A/3B 6+ Slam interest 1C/D 6+, 4+ suit 3A Distributional raise, denies a major 3C/3D 6+ Slam interest 1NT6-10 No Majors 3B 4A RKCB 2A 4+C, 6-9 points 3C 4B RKCB 2B Weak 3D 4C To play 2C Weak 3NT Balanced raise, 12-15, no major 4D To play 2D Weak 4 bids 4C/4D:RKCB, 4H/4S To play Unusual NT: minors other suits lower 2 unbid suits

1B 1C/D 6+, 4+ suit 3A Weak other In Competition: The other 2 suits 1NT6-10 No Majors 3B Distributional raise, denies a major 2A 10+,4+ suit 3C Other slam bidding Cue Bids Asking Bids 2B 4+D, 6-9 points 3D 4th Suit Forcing One round Game force 2C Weak 3NT Balanced raise, 12-15, no major NT Checkback Priorities 2D Weak 4B RKCB Defence to 3NT opening X 2NT11-12, No majors 4 Other 4C;RKCB,$H/4S to play Defence to opening Two's: Multi 2B X usually show D, But may jest have a big hand

1C/D 1NT6-9 3A Mini splinter RCO style 2-s X usually show the suit bid 2A 10+,4+ suit 3B Mini splinter 2B 10+,4+ suit 3C/D Distributional raise Other 2-s X usually show the suit bid 2C/D 6-9, support (my be 3card) 3NT Balanced raise, 12-15 2NTBalanced raise, 11-12 4A/B Splinters Defence to strong A 2A 2B Mark Time, May have points 2C/D 5+ Suit and 3+ controls

other 2NT= 3 Kings, 3C/3D=5+ Suit and 3+ controls Lebensohl Over NT interference 2B 2C Mark Time, May Have points 3A/B 5+ Suit and 2+ controls Other uses After TOD of weak 2 bid 2D 5+ Suit and 2+ controls 3C/D 5+ Suit and 2+ controls Take out of 4 level pre-empts 4A/4B X 2NT3 Kings 3NT 4C X/4NT 4D X=Values, 4NT=Take Out

2C/D 2NTStrong Inquiry(Ougust, P Before Q) 3NT To Play OTHER NOTES 3A/B To play 4A/B 3C/D TNT raise 4C/D To Play, May be TNT raise

2NT 3A Puppet Stayman 4A Transfer to D 3B Transfer to H 4B RKCB 3C Transfer to S 4C To Play 3D Both Minors 4D To Play 3NTTransfer to C other