
Professor Sakari Orava’s accomplishments are well recognized all over the world – in hand hygiene, he relies on water and soap

We met Professor and orthopedist Sakari Orava in , in a recently opened Hospital NEO – specialized in musculo-skeletal surgeries – in which he has his practice. During the day of interview, Professor Orava – one of the world’s most distinguished sports surgeons – had operated seven patients, including Estonia’s best triple jumper, who came for an Achilles tendon operation, accompanied by his personal doctor. Among the patients – in addition to the world famous athletics – there are also common people. Sakari Orava has performed over 20.000 surgeries along with his continuing research work. An international media sensation hit when a legendary football star came to Turku in March last year to be operated by Professor Ora- va. If Mohammed won't come to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed

Professor Orava’s skills are well known in the world’s sports circles. “The Medical Director of AC Milan called me and said that even if I would send a jet plane to pick you up, you wouldn’t have time to come here, so would it be alright, if we would send Beckham to for the operation”, tells Prof. Orava.

By all means, Beckham is not the only famous patient of Professor Orava. Among many others, Prof. Orava has operated athlete Haile Gebreselassie and in the end of last year, he opereted Serbian president Boris Tadic. Dur- ing the years 1988-2000 Prof. Orava practiced as the Head of Medical Department for the Olympic Team of Fin- land.

In addition to his practice at Hospital NEO in Turku, Prof. Orava has a practice in Rome and in , where he performs operations, works as the head of the surgery team and consults his colleagues. Last weekend he spoke to his orthopedist colleagues in Stockholm.

Musculo-skeletal diseases increase with aging but injuries are also common among the young and the athletes. A gaskin muscle wound is one of the typical injuries. “Most operations are routine, daytime operations, but Hospital NEO has also facilities for staying overnight. Artificial joint patients usually stay in our ward for couple of days. Last week I operated an Italian man and – mamma mia! – he didn’t want to leave home right after under no circumstance”, Professor Orava explains.

Oras Oy  Isometsäntie 2 (02) 83 161 Telefax (02) 831 6300 P.O. Box 40 Tel. int. +358 2 83 161 Int. +358 2 831 6300 FI-26101 RAUMA FINLAND



In addition to the athletes, the injuries of common, outgoing people who exercise sports require operational treat- ment. “One aged lady was irritated because she couldn’t go out anymore to the forest to pick mushrooms but after the surgery she was again able to walk in the nature. One forty-year-old marathon runner had gone through all oth- er treatments but eventually the surgery enabled him to continue his hobby. Very often an Achilles tendon can be treated with one operation but if hard training is started soon after the surgery, the wound can obviously recur. Re- covery after an Achilles tendon operation takes normally 3-4 weeks, after which cautious exercising can be started gradually.”

Hand hygiene is essentially important in connection with surgeries “When preparing ourselves for an operation, we wash our hands carefully with soap and water and apply our hands with an alcohol-based hand rub. Additionally we emphasize to the patients the significance of careful hand wash- ing. Oras touchless faucets where chosen into all lavish bathrooms at Hospital NEO”, Prof. Orava mentions.

Even after a long and demanding day at work Professor Orava’s brown eyes are twinkling and alert although he has performed several operations and the day’s paperwork still awaits. What are the keys to well-being? “When your job is like a hobby, something you truly enjoy doing, it doesn’t wear you out.” It sounds so simple, stated by one of the most distinguished orthopedists in the world.

For more information regarding electronic touchless faucets on Text: Marja Ahonala Pictures: Petteri Kitti

Oras Oy  Isometsäntie 2 (02) 83 161 Telefax (02) 831 6300 P.O. Box 40 Tel. int. +358 2 83 161 Int. +358 2 831 6300 FI-26101 RAUMA FINLAND