S.F. Cops Bust USF Drug Utopia

Ai John Matthias ly arrested 17 people " Police found the customer file The parked police ears, In an unconfirmed interview along with maniuana. hashish, apprehended suspects, and with the two "members" I was peyote. and mushrooms It's surrounding onlookers, gave the watching with, it was reported been estimated thai the appearance ol a toiled bank that 150 to 250 of the 2,000 operation was bunging in a robbery attempt at the I ell registered members were I SI minimum of S 14,000 per week Street Bank of America. students. "I verv time we come "It's not |USt that out best However, inquiring with two here, we see someone from USF. source of dope is gone' the two young men (one wearing a I SI Vou hear stuff like. 'Aren't you in students said, "the drug store WM sweat shirt) about the detail-.. my Econ. class'"' like a family II vou ever telt like they responded "The Drug Store Apparently, all members of getting high, you just come got busted." With B. of A., the the "Drug Store" had a card on over... you never HAD to buv DM.V., and a liquor store, the file and an individual secret pass­ anything." only public establishments in word, used to enter the store Thc only injury which view, it became evident that the during its normal operation occurred during the raid wasjhe "drug store" being referred to hours of 5 00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. C onimucd on hat k navt was not a Payless or Longs, but T rather a simple Victorian house at 1210 Fell Street. The San Francisco Chronicle reported, "Police raided a The "drug store" at 1210 Fell Street where 150 to 250 USF stu­ thriving drug "supermarket" in a dents' names were found registered, (photo b> Mil*-- Dubnoff) Western Addition Victorian house yesterdav and subseuuent- (^-Mmi^m^m^

"The Glory ofthe Hilltop" resumes this week with Part II ofthe story on the 1951 USF football squad. See Page 18. How Will The University Pay ? by Matthew Mallet budgeted for salaries and decline in tuition revenue due to with reports of fewer considerable success," comment­ benefits. slackening enrollment. Uncom- applications and fewer ed Dr. Binkley. USF is preparing to "tighten "We did not have a sum of firmed sources report enroll­ admissions during late last Still, the University has and its belt" in order to meet faculty money set aside for retroactive ment is "several hundred" below spring. "This was fairly will continue to make budget salary increases and an expected salary adjustments and salary the university's original estimate. consistent," noted Dr. Binkley. cuts. Dr. Binkley noted this as decline in enrollment, university increases," Vice President for Dr. Binkley stated that "the The actual enrollment figures the only viable alternative of the sources stated to the Foghorn. Academic Affairs William actual figures won't be in for one may not appear as pessimistic as three open to the university. (The No dollar figure has yet been Binkley stated. "There was no to two weeks. I just don't know first thought, however. After the other two included either a assessed because total provision for more than the yet," he concluded. "We may initial tallies came in Gabe tuition hike or an increase in the enrollment figures will not be university's last best offer to the have been conservative; we may Capeto was instructed to launch university's deficit.) available for at least one week. FA," he noted, when the Board not have been." He views the a massive telephone recruiting USF will generate some The arbitrators' award to the of Trustees set the budget last enrollment decline as potentially drive. "I understand hc has had Continued on back page Faculty Association alone, March. more expensive than the however, will cost the university The budgetary crisis has been arbitration settlement. BART Trains Sabotaged $588,00000 over what they compounded with an anticipated The original concern began During Strike Daily Californian is Censored by Theresa Hudson benefits that they could not Many commuter students may receive if they were "on strike." be wondering when BART plans The unions are demanding a Government to begin operating again. George ten per cent across the board by Marcella Farragher Mackin, manager of manage­ wage increase, plus continuance A student-operated news­ ment services, who is presently of cost of living increases. BART paper in Berkeley, the Daily acting as the district strike management has offered the Californian, was ordered by a coordinator, assured the unions a 21 per cent wage U.S. Federal judge on Foghorn that the management increase over the next three September 15 not to publish a staff of approximately 400 years. letter which contains secret people is working 12 hour days, No specific date is set for information about the hydrogen seven days per week performing another negotiation meeting. bomb. necessary repairs on BART cars However, Mackin said that which were sabotaged by union U. S. District Court Judge previous negotiations have been members before the strike began. Robert H. Schnacke signed a positive. Hc also stated that Some of the sabotage included temporary restraining order that informal talks will continue. If slashed air bags, crossed wiring, was requested by the Justice the repair work is finished before and loose air conditioning. Department attorneys. the strike has ended, manage­ Service was halted on August 31, ment staff will try to provide Executive editors of the Daily when only 140 of BARTs 440 limited BART service, theextent Californian said that they would cars were operative. of which has not been not publish the letter determined as of yet. immediately. The editor of the Two unions are on strike: the Daily Californian, Tom Agate, Amalgamated Transit Union stated that the paper would (ATA 1555) and United Public News 1-5, 20 Employees (UPE 390). Together comply with thc court order but Opinion 6-9 is planning to fight it in court. they comprise approximately Agate feels that the United States 1600 employees They claim that Features 10-11 they are not on strike but are government is making decisions Entertainment ... 12-15 for them. Judge Schnake's order initiating a lockout, which The U. C. Berkeley campus is the scene of much controversy entitles their members to Sports 16-19 Continued on back page over papers concerning the hydrogen bomb. unemployment insurance Page 2 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979 Sign Stealers Are Looking for Trouble

is no small contribution to ever- for human carelessness we could rising costs in general. have a real tragedy on our by Angela McNulty "The thing that worries me hands," says Yasinitsky, "and the most is that when these vandals only one directly responsible Monday, September 18, at are making away with their prize would be the thief." approximately 7:30 a.m., a they fail to consider the threat to Honda 750seatingthedriverand the safety of the University Announcements a passenger collided with a community. The campus is too brown two-tone van with a Utah traveled, and space is much too Dr. Martin Lonergran, license plate. The accident limited to go without regulation. adjunct professor of philosophy, occurred at the intersection of Pedestrians are also threatend." will deliver a paper and lead a Cardiac Hill and Main Gate The cost of replacing a missing discussion on "Philosophy in the Drive. According to the Office of sign is about $100, including Context of Continuing Public Safety, the collision was labor. Yasinitsky believes that Education." the direct result of a stolen the potential for the type of Dr. Lonegran, who has taught arterial stop sign. tragedy described above exceeds philosophy at USF in day The motorcycle was traveling any monetary value. school, evening college, and east, about 20 mph, toward the In such cases the University continuing education, will be Main Gate, say witnesses, when itself cannot necessarily be attempting to identify the major charged with negligence, as signs differences, strengths and it was hit by the van, which was Director of Public Safety Yasinitsky revealed that many stolen can only be replaced as quickly challenges associated with USFs turning right onto Main Gate arterial signs have been found in campus dorms, (photo by as humanly possible. "Coupled new off-campus programs. All Drive from Cardiac Hill. The Mike Dubnoff) Public Safety Accident Report with the ever-present potential welcome. noted that the arterial stop sign — ^ Vniti^'Vi»»*^(Vi **W* that was installed on Main Gate r Drive facing eastbound traffic had evidently been removed by T vandals. The motorcycle hit the van on the driver's side, denting the cab, but not severely injuring the driver. The motorcyclist was saved from fatal injury by his helmet, but received many facial lacerations as a result of his direct contact with the van. He also suffered a fractured elbow. Get the facts The passenger was thrown from her seat onto the pavement. She sustained a mild concussion due to the impact of her head striking the curb of the Drive, but from the avoided a more serious injury, also because she was wearing a I helmet. "What happened," specified Director of Public Safety Finance Major. Yasinitsky, "was that the driver of the motorcycle apparently assumed he had a clear right of way. If the stop sign had been there perhaps he would have saved himself and his girlfriend by traveling at a slower speed in anticipation of the stop sign. Perhaps in that case he would have observed the 10 mph limit." The above story is fictitious. A creation of this Foghorn reporter which, nonetheless, brings home graphically a critical concern of both the Office of Public Safety and the University community. "We've been finding stolen signs lately on the premises ofthe University," stated Yasinitsky. "Many have been spotted and recovered from campus dorm rooms. Students may steal them for silly romantic reasons. Because they think it will make a * good wall decoration, or simply We've been studying It's available to students for no obvious reason at all. banking for a long time. And of sophomore standing What would you do with a our Consumer Information or higher who qualify. Colma City Limit sign if you had Reports can make it easier for At Bank of America, one? They don't realize the you to learn, too. we keep on learning. And what practical considerations These helpful pamphlets cover we learn, we share—in our involved." a wide variety of financial subjects. And through our Money free Consumer Information Reports According to Yasinitsky, these Including "Ways to Finance an Convenience System,™ we offer a and our many convenient services. practical considerations include Education!' "How to Prepare a wide variety of services you'll find So stop in and get to know The the cost of erecting new signs not Personal Financial Statement^' useful. Including College Plan* Finance Major, and get to know only for the city of San "Rights and Responsibilities: Age 18',' checking for just $1.00 a month for easier student banking. Francisco, but especially in the "A Guide to Checks and Checking',' the nine-month school year. And case of University property. and more. They're free at any Bank Instant Cash, to help you establish Damaged and stolen University of America branch. credit while you're still in school. ra BANKOF AMERICA parking, left-turn-only signs, and stop signs must eventually be replaced. The cost of replacement is primarily financed by tuition revenue, and Bank Mam-Mr V DlC ^H'MI-4 »^ ii j-%—-—q-%1 • ii m%a nftl • 1a%»* H*%» **%*> «a%»* -%+ **% September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 3 A Look Into the Board of Trustees by Lisa Coffey completing his term as chairman always welcome members, too. attending the board meetings, done in private. He indicated USF Board Chairman this October. In this world of complicated trustees must also attend that the board would also be Reverend Richard Hill, S.J., The board meets at least three laws, attorneys are also needed. committee meetings which meet interested in hearing a State of outlined the general makeup of times a year; in October, January "You can't get along without rather often. the University report from the the Board of Trustees, the and June, but sometimes meets them," Hill chuckled. He made it Hill stressed that the board ASUSF President from time to functions and responsibilities of more often. Last year when the clear though, that the board's should not be administrative. "It time. the board members and his views University was in the process of attorneys are not the same ones is very important for trustees to concerning students serving on acquiring Lone Mountain that the University employs be sure that they don't interfere the board for the Foghorn College, the board met six times because this could present in administration. It employs Attention Seniors recently. because "very major and very conflicts of interest. people to administer the school," Seniors who are planning to With regard to makeup, the serious fiscal and legal Recently, four new members he said. graduate in May must file a board can have a maximum complications" were at stake were named to the USF Board, The topic of student board petition to graduate with the membership of 35. Fr. Hill related Hill. He informed the all with three-year terms. Those members was raised and Fr. Hill registrar's office no later than believes that there has never Foghorn that there is an annual elected were Reverend John A. said that he'd like to see a couple November 30, 1979. Failure to actually been a time when the meeting, required by law, for all Baumann, S.J., director of of students on the board. He meet this deadline may result in a board has consisted of that many boards. This annual meeting for Oakland's Pacific Institute for does believe, though, that it delay in graduation. Don't members. USF is in October. Community organization; would be difficult to find two forget! Presently, there are about 31 Fr. Hill was asked if there are Reverend Paul L. Locatelli, S.J., students on campus to serve on If you are graduating this May trustees. There is though, a any specific qualifications that academic affairs vice-president the board who would really you may be in the market for a minimum number of Jesuits (12) prospective trustees must meet. at Santa Clara; Reverend Gerald represent the undergraduate, job. The Career Planning and who must serve on the board. Fr. He said that there are "no T. Wade, S.J., rector and graduate, law and continuing Placement Center (in D-8) will LoSchiavo is an additional criterion in the sense of having president-elect of Bellarmine education students. He informed begin on-campus recruiting on Jesuit, who has a seat by virtue of things written down or College Preparatory if San Jose; the Foghorn that there are some October 15 for December 1979 being the University president, established policies" but the and Francis J. Brann (an students who serve on the and May 1980 graduates. Before bringing the number of Jesuits board's nominating committee alumnus), corporate senior vice- board's committees which bring interviews can be set, you must serving on the board to 13. does look for certain types of president of Levi Strauss and Co. reports and proposals to the meet several prerequisities: A trustee is generally elected people. Brann is also serving as current board. for a term of five years and is Hill said that the committee chairman of the USF Ambassa­ The matter of having students (1) attend a recruiting eligible for re-election for a looks for some members who dors Club comprised of major serve on the board as actual orientation workshop second term which lasts 3 years. "really understand what higher community supporters of the voting members is scheduled to (2) Open a placement file, After these two terms one cannot education is, how it operates, University. be discussed again by the trustees which includes a copy of your be re-elected again "in order to what its values are and what its Hill believes that the USF in May. Hill indicated that resume. assure you have turnover and problems are." Board of Trustees is "a good students, if they really want to (3) Meet with a counselor in that people don't become There is also the need for working board, it takes its see this become a reality, should the CPPC office. entrenched for 25 years in the members who understand responsibility seriously and it's pursue the issue because many (4) Sign up for the first 4 weeks Board of Trustees," said Fr. Hill. money, banking and finances. anything but rubber stamp." He times when discussions are of interviews beginning Oct. I for Trustees are nominated by a People who represent broader stressed that the members give tabled for awhile they tend to be December grads and Oct. 3 for nominating committee as they interests in the community and generously of their time and forgotten. May grads. are needed. This committee also who know the city and northern work very hard. The board, Hill said that the board always Full schedules for on-campus nominates the officers, a California are always an asset, because of its large size, works welcomes students to attend the recruiting are available in the chairman and a vice-chairman, stated Hill. primarily through committees. board meetings as observers and CPPC office. every other year. Fr. Hijl is He added that alumni are Therefore, aside from the task of that anything they discuss is not A job is what you do with your day A career is what you do with your life What's your next step?

Attention December and May grad­ uates of 1980! You are invited to participate in the Career Planning and Placement Center's on Campus Recruiting Program!

Representatives from over 100 businesses, nd industry, community agencies and grad­ uate schools will visit USF this spring to interview current graduates for a variety of careeY positions. Opportunities exist for students with liberal arts, science, business and computer backgrunds. A sample of companies and agencies represented include Proctor & Gamble, Fireman's Fund, IBM Arthur Anderson, Macy's, Bank of America, Kaiser, Steel and sperry Univac. Sign-ups start October I and interviews begin October 15. You must meet with a counselor before you're eligible to sign-up! So contact the Career Planning & Placement Center, Campion D-8 IMMEDIATELY. Make the Career Planning & Placement Center's On Campus Recruiting your lnext step! Page 4 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979

Sun worshippers were out in full force last week when the temperature soared to 95 degrees in San Francisco. It's a shame these girls had to be studyng instead of taking advantage of the Indian Summer weather at the beach. (Photo by George Garcia) •v*-*5--'',*»N*-£--4*»>'---S'****»s*€»"-^"-'Sx*-^^ The Crossroads Coffeehouse is now OPEN! THANKS! Mary L. Lee Clifford Hughes Bill Nutting Bob Bailey Loretta Magnani-Williams Susan Hay Fred Schluep Michelle Marin Paul Weber Robert Wong Dick Palomba Mike Teeples Mary Durr Chris Nowak The ASUSF Senate The Housing Crew The Foghorn Staff ARA Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Madland Mary Gouli Thomas Cara Larry Heath Charles Wall Paul Keating Guido Galli Mark Lum Karen Konieczki tim feener Doug Amis Ann Dolan Karen Hall Joe Krumplitsch & PFM The U.C. Staff Tom Hunt Public Safety Public Affairs Frank Valulin AB M The Crossroads Staff

APPEARING WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 26: Steve Seskin and Friends!

Again, thank you to everyone who has helped make Crossroads what it is. — Sincerely — Tony & Steve September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 5 ODanforth Fellowships Are* Self Defense Against Rape Workshop The USF Counseling and regarding the ways in which one Francisco Women Against Available Health Services and the Office of can help a victim of rape or as­ Rape. A slide show will follow awards are expected to go to Public Safety will cosponsor a sault. The workshop will take between 7:30 and 9 p.m. that Danforth Fellowships are blacks, Mexican-Americans, workshop on Defense Against place in Hayes-Healy Formal night. The slide show and com­ tremendous opportunities for Native Americans and Puerto Rape and Assault on October I Lounge. Between noon and mentary will be given by Maria students, according to Fr. Ricans. and 2. The purpose of this work­ 1 p.m. on October 1, Beth Do- Sakovich of U. C. Berkeley. On Robert L. Maloney, S.J., and he The Danforth Graduate shop is to sensitize women and little of the Marin Rape Crisis October 2, the same schedule will hopes that a USF grad will be Fellowship is a one-year award men to the realities of rape and Center, will demonstrate self- follow with the Rape Prevention awarded one this year. but is normally renewable until assault. The workshop will in­ defense techniques. Between 5 presentation between 6 and The fellowships are open to all completion of the advanced clude basic defense techniques, and 6 p.m. that day there will 7 p.m. For more information, qualified persons who have degree or for a maximum of four candid and realistic facts about also be a seminar on Rape Pre- please call 666-6352. serious interest in careers of years of graduate study. rape, followed with discussions vention presented by the San teaching in colleges and Fellowship stipends are based on universities, and who plan to individual need, but they will not study in a graduate school in the exceed $2,500 for single Fellows, United States, for a Ph.D. in any and for married Fellows with no field of study common to the childen. Fellows who are undergraduate liberal arts married, or are "head of curriculum. household," with one child, can Approximately 55-60 receive up to $3,500. fellowships will be awarded to The Danforth Foundation, college seniors who are established in 1927, is a national, nominated by Baccalaureate educational, philanthropic Liaison Officers. The deadline to organization, dedicated to seek information about the enhancing the humane campus nomination process is dimensions of life. October 1, 1979. The deadline, again, is The foundation is currently October 1,1979 and Fr. Maloney making a special effort to bring urges all interested students to qualified persons from racial and make an appointment to discuss The new decorations in the Commons might make eating a bit more enjoyable for students. At ethnic minorities into the the fellowships with him if they least there is something different to look at. (photo by Perry CUrk). profession of teaching. are interested. He can be reached Approximately 25 percent ofthe at 666-6373. BACK TO SCHOOL OFFER AT INTERNSHIPS IN LONDON January semester and Summer, 1980 MCDONALD'S®

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According to Matthew...

by Matthew A. Mailer In last week's Foghorn it was reported that the Faculty Association and the Administration have ended their contract difficulties. Although there are still grievances pending between the two parties, it seems that now is the time a good working relationship can be re-established. Perhaps now both sides will devote more time to their primary responsibility: providing quality instruction for students. Both Dr. Binkley and Dr. Lehmann reflect this air of optimism. Dr. Binkley noted that he thought administrative relations with the FA were improving anyway but that the contract settlement "promises a period of labor peace" lasting at least five years. Dr. Lehmann, on the other hand, praised Fr. LoSchiavo and the administration in general for their "statesmanship and goodwill" in agreeing to extend the contract. He pointed out that this provided a "chance for a new era of peace and harmony." But these words are not to be taken at face value, because problems do still exist. Tension still runs In the Catbird Seat high among members of both parties. The prime by Ross H. Miller example of this has been set by the FA. In speaking There is a new face among us manage it is also among his However, considering the for what he called the majority of the faculty, Dr. this year, one which is bound to duties. Hiring, firing and demands put upon him by his Lehmann stated that the increased teaching loads of become familiar in the weeks refusing to grant tenure to work, I realize now that the some full-time faculty was a "vindictive" and ahead but, as is my hope, will not faculty members are some ofthe immediacy of the Association's breed contempt. It is the face of "retaliatory" act on the part ofthe Administration. more pleasant chores he must do. desires overshadowed and Fr. Joseph Angilella, S.J., the In addition to all of these pushed aside the necessity of Dr. Binkley noted that the move- had been man succeeding "Uncle Don" functions, the academic vice strengthening structural contemplated for some time and that the arbitrator's Maclntyre as the "Baron of president must suffer through academic weaknesses. decision (in favor of the faculty) merely moved up Academe." countless hours of grievance With a Jesuit at the wheel, the timing. Whatever the reasoning, the reaction on Having participated in the hearings, negotiation meetings especially this Jesuit, who the part of the FA seems reminiscent of unpleasant interviewing process this and expensive luncheons, appreciates well the ideals of events one year ago. summer for the academic vice devising new tactics and Jesuit education, my vision of a president's position, I had the strategems with expensive stronger academic program is It is this type of mistrust which will hamper future chance to take a serious look at lawyers to use in the long­ gradually being restored. My relations. Both sides should forget past difficulties; the choices for our new academic standing war with the impression is that he will take they should start anew. Fate has helped in this matter leader. It was readily evident by Association. It is this peculiar great strides to ensure that the by opening the position of Academic Vice President the end of the process that Fr. function (peculiar, I say, for Jesuit nature of this university to a relative outsider — Fr. Joseph T. Angilella. If Angilella was easily the strongest collective bargaining is foreign to remains visible. the Faculty Association members were also to seek candidate interviewed. For Fr. the way a university should be But I must not demand too LoSchiavo to have chosen any structured) which I particularly much of him or create new leadership the two sides might get along with other individual would have dislike. unreasonable expectations of greater ease. Barring this event, the two sides must constituted a serious breach of Professor Kozicki, in the what I hope he will accomplish. I learn to deal with one another directly and upfront faith. Government Department, wisely myself see the need for a more — not through intermediaries or grievance One ofthe most intriguing parts observed that the dual role structured curriculum (such as procedures. With clear communication the two to the process was in examining created for the academic vice the reintroduction of pre­ groups can work toward the goals long since the job description circulated to president by the Association requisites), improved academic all the applicants. Aside from Contract proves not only advising for students and, if forgotten during last year's chaos. I hope the past listing the perfunctory tasks of exhausting, but also "makes for nothing else, the separation of and petty grievances do not interfere. the position, the job outline inevitable neglect of academic the duties of being, on the one revealed that anything to do with affairs, and compromises hand, an academician and, on academics comes under the vice essential relationships with the the other, a hardnosed labor president's jurisdiction. While teaching faculty." Indeed, Uncle lawyer. What is now crucial is to this may sound reasonable, the Don often griped that the find out the needs as Fr. msm&mmtML, amount of work this involves is majority of his time was tied up Angilella perceives them. extraordinary. in matters connected one way or The new contractual Understandably enough, he another with the ($!%*&?) agreement will likely ease the must attempt to keep the Contract. pressure put upon the academic academic standards up to par Perhaps because I rarely saw vice president. Even still, with the Mission and Goals or heard Dr. Maclntyre discuss contractual hassles will continue Statement (as one candidate ideas to revivify academics to hound Fr. Angilella in his new UNIVERSITY OF SAN FRANCISCO remarked, "the loftiest statement (especially the liberal arts), I position. To what extent, one Staff Box I have ever read"). Good luck. developed a certain distrust of wonders, will this time be Preparing the largest budget in his understanding of and devoured by the insidious Editor-in-Chief Matthew A. Mallet the university and then trying to commitment to Jesuit education. collective bargain: ig agree­ Managing Editor Marcella Farragher News F.ditor Lisa Coffey ment? Opinion Editor Ross Miller Feature F.ditor Denise Sullivan Senioritis by Jesse Moises I entertainment Fditor George Epsilanty Sports Fditor T.R. Sullivan Photo Fditnr Michael Dubnoff HJWPet Xso YOU WEAN YOU've~~\ 'MAYBE YOU DON'r /^irireo LATE, BOB! A TMens n> STAUT Advertising Managers Jackie I hrahimi I THOUGHT YOU 6R»Wr\TE[>\ DIDN'T YOU KEEP YOOI UP fi MMEcff LA.' IMOWT-H — Alberto (ion/ale/ £IFF! U'HAT KArrENED ? / OLD 6RV»»E REPORTS FOUR YE*R*i or EDWCXTIOIO Copy Fditors Diana Gutierrez WiPfTD OUT... 1? OR. A LIST Mary Hess or foon. FOR *"* u>yft-E COURSES Of Rl/R&EltS Thc San I ram ism log/mm is the official newspaper of thc Univer­ r*",AVBE sity of San Francisco, published Fridays during thc academic year IF YOU except on holidays and during summer and intersession. The Iiighurn is run and produced exclusively by students Editorials do St HEi OWLY FIWEN not necessarily reflect thc opinion of thc Student Body or the Univer­ VfARS OLD, iv«»r ses Administration. I hc editor is solely responsible for thecontents COOLO vou t-»o 7/ of each and everv issue. • • •• ••'•, September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 7 Candid Campus by Allen Funky IX ~>) STOLEN COPY The adminis­ NICE WORD OF THE WEEK f I Don't Like Morons trators of this fine institution Registration went well this year by Rick Leaf have decided that the number of and credit for that is at least in Woke up. got out of bed, need to communicate. It just so possibly criticize the guy for copy machines with nickel slots part due to Phil Flowers, who didn't drag a comb across my happens that we, at the Foghorn extensive reporting on the was too many, and has converted finally got the opportunity to head, (it's against my religion Entertainment section feel that Soccer Team. We don't have a many of them to the exclusive institute changes he had urged sec). Trundled over to the G&G Punk Rock is the music of NOW, Football team, the Basketball use of card holders, or in other the higher ups to try for years. to acquire coffee and some and of the future, that it is season hasn't started yet, the words, staff and administrators. LEFT FOOT It looks like the gorgeables, while I perused the exciting and the embodiment of Baseball team faded into An easy way to get around this Crossroads Cafe may have to Foghorn. Good issue, not as all that is lacking in 90% of obscurity long ago, and the problem is simply to get even by change its name to the outrageous as usual, but it was todays Rock Establishment, Intramurals haven't started yet. getting your copies for free. All Starcrossed Cafe. After an introductory issue for a lot of which is responsible for the However, if you'd bothered to you have to do is disconnect the neglecting to audition its people, so it's forgivable. Sitting current spate of gutless, read the whole section you would cord that runs from thecardbox opening group, it was chagrined reading my buddies; Spinali, superficial Muzak that have found articles on; Womens to the copier. It works. Try it to find them an hour late. But the Attridge, Sullivan and George's comprises today's radio music. Athletics, two introductory sometime, but don't get caught. real problem was that they were section. Some moron starts But if you've got different pieces explaining the state of the OFF THE WALL Without a about as good as they were ranting against the paper; too opinions, for God's sake don't go sport at USF and the aims of the doubt the best graffiti on campus punctual. We sincerely hope they much Punk Rock, down on hiding behind your friends, who Foghorn for the coming year, is found in the Library latrine. will clean up their acts over there. Dylan, too many articles about can only agree with you. Come and an article on the old Football One recently spied gem, "USF It's too good an idea to have go the Soccer team. Jeez I can't out into the real world, where team. Rather balanced I becoming USF — University of bad. believe this, I listen more intently your comments will stand or fall thought, well written and laid on merit, not friendship. Foreign Students." AWARD OF THE WEEK The to make sure it's for real. "Man out, and obviously a lot of effort BREW SCREW The Housing Core Curriculum Derision anyone would think that Punk About your Dylan comments, had gone into it. So to hear you Office has really clamped down Award this week goes to none was the only thing that was it strikes me as odd that anyone so quickly dismiss it with* on consumption of beer on the other than George Bernard Shaw happening, I mean I got nothing thinking of themselves an unbelievably assinine comments, dorm grounds. One freshman who, over 30 years ago said, against Punk, but everything in authority on Dylan, can think of made me feel like giving up hope kegger played cat and mouse all "Pressing people to learn things moderation, right?" "Street Legal" or "Desire" as for America. Back to the Soccer over Gillson Hall trying to avoid they do not want to know is as Listen scum features, writers anywhere near Dylan's best. I team, apart from being the pride the authorities. We always unwholesome and disastrous as write about what they feel on this don't agree that the former was a of USF, rightly or wrongly, they accused the dorms of being dry, feeding them in sawdust." paper, about things they feel the complete disaster as the writer are the only team playing at the but this is going too far. intimated, but I'm not about to moment. Besides which they're start badmouthing the guy for entertaining and very skillful, having different opinions, and therefore deserve the especially when he'd obviously attention that they're getting, thought hard about Dylan's even if Coach Negoesco says they current state in music. It seems aren't training hard enough, and obvious that Dylan's last really he knows his soccer. great was "Blood on the So finally, don't open your Tracks", since when, his music mouth until you've thought seems to have become less about what you're going to say, personal and obscure, which because people at the Foghorn were two of his greatest assets. are working bloody hard to Onto T.R. Sullivan and his produce a quality paper, and Sports section. How can you garbage like yours really hurts. (Mf^M"^p:^pjMPPPPlMPMIMPlM Looking Down the Road: Backwards by Bob Boguski I wrote an egostistical rough which people judge success, and set of credentials which will learned twenty years before in and what positions were open in draft on my first attempt at that we have accumulated theoretically qualify us to look at the sharpness, then we will be the race for ambitious rats. We getting this column started, one enough personal wealth (making the world from a number of thanking USF and those we drank our share of beer, and the which was calculated to bowl my the enormous assumption that angles, irregardless of our knew. beer-makers loved us that we reader over in a blast of verbiage, the possession of such wealth eventual niche in the system. If To be sure, thc cynic will conformed to the system, while which must have compensated means something in the scheme we ultimately choose to study continue to extend the thesis, in we searched the textboooks, for the fact that none of that of things) to outrun the IRS and further, we will be asked to that he correlates our successes sometimes, for ways to make the material was in any way bankroll the leisure time present our academic credentials with our positions on the roster system better. profound, or for that matter, necessary to complete a project in a tangible form. It is the way in of potential donors for the forty- From "out there" looking interesting. Still, the basic of the scale of an autobiography. which we assemble this portfolio third annual REACH program. back, twenty years in the future, principles of that first attempt Where would the USF years fit now which should be foremost in Hard-core cynics will supple­ how will we evaluate the way in stuck in my mind, and it falls to into such a work, and how would our minds, along with the ment such statements by noting which we built ourselves as me now to try bringing the we fit them in? admonition to act in a manner how we have advanced in persons at USF? This a question robust language down to a level This question could, of course, befitting a representative of proficiency on the cocktail I have avoided answering, on of acceptability. Furthermore, it be answered sideways by the civilization. circuit, and how those social account of the impossibility of is now midnight in real time, and standard formula: you get out of Looking at this school life skills we honed to such a fine doing so. I have attempted my body has given notice that the something what you put into it, through the wizened eyes of one edge of perfection at the USF instead to suggest a few images of swing shift is over, which makes which contains a certain element twenty years older than I am now parties now come in so handy campus life and their me a one-idea man tonight. of truth, but is also an is certainly a speculative game of when we have to close a deal over ramifications, as well as In that first try, I sought to oversimplification. Such an sorts, but it is one which the drinks at the bar near the impressions I get of other express what I thought about answer glosses over the fact that luxury of a liberal education boarding gate at Los Angeles peoples' impressions of that life, USF in the form of a most humans do want to walk permits me to attempt. The airport, where the final size ofthe in order to advance the retrospective look on the away from an endeavour chance to do such a thing, that is, agreed-upon contract is directly proposition that the contacts, present, i.e. in the form of a knowing they have profited from engage in unrestrained proportional to the volume of assignments, friendships, loves, memoir, hoping thereby to it by their participation, and not theorizing, may never come your customer's double martini. and experiences we rise and fall extract a degree of meaning from just broke even. In the particular again; the possibility of writing a In imagining ourselves writing with will accompany us it for the future. I wanted case of an academic activity, a reflective encomnium might be a memoir of the first twenty years subliminally for the duration. fundamentally to bring across student wants to depart with a preempted by board metings, or of our adult lives, we need not Our life here is not life in a box, those events of the present in a good mark to show for the effort a trip to the welfare line. To exclude the undergraduate years or a city block, or even a speculative flashback, seeing invested. This mark, of course, is change such fantasies into facts, from the assessment just because terrarium, if you will. Our life at those experiences through the important because, among other as well as be able to even express we didn't happen to be receiving USF is real, and we can make it evolved eyes of one in the things, we have been conditioned such expectations requires an a steady income at the time. They more real by our active nineteen-eighties, or perhaps to see that mark as a ticket to adroitness, or lack of it, in (the times) were relevant. They participation in it. Such even the nineties. The difficulty something else. human relations. What better were the years which occupied participation will make the arose in effectively communica­ place to relate to humans and most of the space within that difference twenty years later, I am not, however, going to when we draw upon the strength ting the fantasy. waste column space condemning their insecurities about the future frame of reference that we knew than here at USF? If the skills we to be our perception of the real and security of the past before My idea is this: suppose that the mercenary mentality among stepping into the future. we do act in such a way that we college students, simply because learn here are sharp in the world. We moved with the trends can one day look around and say I cannot admit to not having category of getting along with and nervously studied the Bob Boguski is a Senior that our achievements have done the same thing myself. We fellow man, and we retain statistics which told us what Economics Major. conformed to those standards by are, after all, here to assemble a something later of what we needed to be done "out there," Page 8 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979 The Oxford Experience

by Conine Carvalho

A year in a foreign country is subject, approximately six to ten opinions, but always educated bound to have an effect on the handwritten pages. These essays opinions. For instance, in a person involved. At the very least are read aloud in tutorial and, philosophy class, one does not it will cause one to question and indeed, make up the heart ofthe simply examine and criticize a re-evaluate many things one has tutorial itself. philosopher, but acts as a been raised to accept as the Students generally have two to philosopher himself, who is norm. I was one of the twelve four tutorials a term. The terms liable to attack for every students who studied in Oxford themselves, of which there are philosophical statement he last year. It was an invaluable three, are only eight weeks long makes. The tutor often plays experience, not only for the good each, with a six week break devil's advocate, attacking the memories and fun times we between them. These breaks, as student's views viciously in order enjoyed there, but more is true of the term itself where to see if the student can defend importantly for the new insights one is in actual class only two to himself. Secondary sources are and outlooks it has provided me, four hours a week, are intended expected to be used but never in especially regarding education. to give the student time to study. place of the student's own The English educational Then is the chance for the thought processes. system is one that is subtly but student to progress in the volume It is impossible in terms of vitally different than ours. The of reading for the coming eight numbers to even consider the use system itself is based on what are weeks. of the tutorial system here at the students are to write them outside of the classroom when called tutorials. Students meet But, beyond this, it is not so University of San Francisco. because the correction of these one digests the material, once a week per subject with much the actual system that is so Does this mean that we must papers means "extra" work for absorbing or rejecting it their tutor in groups of one, two, different from the universities in therefore sacrifice all the benefits them. More shorter essays rather according to the validity the or three. The tutorial itself is not the United States. Certainly the of the system in lieu of our than one large term paper may be student assesses it to have. In the arena of learning, but rather tutorial system does give the lecture based classes? I would say the answer. So is a willingness to forming one's own values and the teacher's opportunity to student more direct contact with certainly not. In fact, if Oxford work and the realization of the beliefs through careful assess the progress the pupil has his teacher. And, because of the has done anything for me, it has responsibility a teacher has to his examination and thought one made during the week. The tutor small numbers, the class usually taught me to be highly critical of students. gains a sure basis from which one rarely instructs; in fact, it is in the will include exactly what the our American education system. Students on the other hand, can influence the surrounding "Oxford tradition" that, if a student wants to learn (It is not I feel teachers should demand should, not only demand service community. And only with this student asks a question unusual for the tutor to ask the more from their students. And from their teachers, but method of independent thought concerning the subject matter, student to choose his own essay by "more" I do not necessarily excellence from themselves. is there any hope for new instead of answering the topic.) All of these are, in a sense, mean in terms of quantity, but Working on our own, as we did revitalizing ideas. question directly, the tutor will superficial differences when quality. The work done should in Oxford, with the pace and We should all look at college, merely refer the student to compared to the attitude of both achieve a certain level of method best suited for us proved not so much as something to be secondary sources and books on the teachers and the students. excellence and a degree of to me that students not only have endured until the diploma the subject. Perhaps the reason Oxford is independent thought. I believe the capacity for serious comes, or as a means to an end, The real learning takes place in so noted for its academic much more writing should be intellectual endeavors but that but rather as an end itself. It is libraries, study-rooms, parks, excellence is because, not only required even at the expense of these capacities are perhaps the opportunity for us to gather wherever the student himself the teachers, but the students reading, especially in the liberal enhanced by this system. In this strength through knowledge and studies best. Generally the themselves demand excellence. arts. It was interesting for all of way the student must actively to test our ideas and ideals. If we student reads at least one book a When the hour of tutorial arrives us who went to Oxford to see our seek out and integrate the do not demand excellence from week per subject, using one is expected to know and is writing abilities steadily improve knowledge himself, rather than ourselves and others now and in secondary sources and the open responsible for every bit of until it took relatively little time have it spoon-fed through a the future, we shall never attain lectures as necessary to information given in that week's to produce those essays. passive lecture. even a level of mediocrity. understand the material. He then assignment. Students are, Teachers here are often as But even within a lecture class, Conine Carvalho is a Senior writes an essay on the particular moreover, required to have reluctant to assign papers as the the learning ought to take place Latin Major. Correspondence From the Hip Schleup Appointments Walrus Oosik

Editor, the Foghorn: Editor, the Foghorn: by James Attridge Your last FOGHORN edition Congratulations to you and contained two serious errors your staff on a fine first issue of Nothing bores me more than problem, but it is not going to get polarized nation with a shattered relating to my Senate the Foghorn for 1979-80. faith in its institutions and an people between the ages of me shot. The motivation for appointments that warrant However, once again the increasingly pessimistic view of twenty and thirty-five who love protesting in the sixties was not correction: Foghorn's funky fool has funked to lecture me on how college an altruistic effort to terminate its future. 1) It was not my decision to omit up again, as usual, and I would students today are apathetic and "an immoral war," but rather The crisis of confidence that Jeff Jackson from my be remiss if I didn't correct his self-centered and make a poor one to avoid personal injury. permeates American life is not a appointments (I personally spelling of that most important comparison to our forebearers 3. These people love to take result of a paucity of leadership, found him most deserving of his of walrus members, the Oosik, who paraded around ending the credit for ending the war. but rather a reflection on the position); unfortunately, Jeff is which is usually much larger Vietnam War. Nothing can be further from the indifference of the people. The no longer attending USF. than mere twenty inches, and Big deal. The time has come to truth. Dissent encouraged the roots of this problem were certainly my company, The planted by these egotistical bores defend the class of 1980. The best opposition and handcuffed 2) I never informed Ava Great Oosik Ivory Trading Co., that deride the class of 1980. way to do that is of course to policymakers here at home. The McWashington that she "would deserves an apology and attack the classes to which we are Chicago riots cost Humphrey the A direct result of the backfires not get her job back." In correction. of sixties activism is the detached compared. presidency in a close election, actuality, I invited her to reapply Also, Mr. Attridge's column, character of our generation. We 1. The sixties were a time of bringing in Nixon who expanded for her Senate seat at the end of From The Hip, while addressing are people molded by the booming prosperity. Tuition was the war into Cambodia and last semester. (Ava later told me itself to the most momentous and impressions we got ofthe world low. Money was not hard to find. extended it till 1973. that she was not interested in foul problem on campus right in our formative years. We are Protest is by nature a luxury 4. The net result of sixties returning to Clubs Council, now, i.e., the closing of the not a generation that declines to afforded to those who have the activism was not therefore the citing new commitments and wonderful Fog n Grog, had act. We are a generation that is time and resources to do it. Most end of the war. Rather the responsibilities among her better read up on the laws of libel reacting to the excesses that people who protested the war did consequences were quite reasons.) or next time I'll convince a jury turned us off. so because they had nothing else negative. The ruination of to give all of the Foghorn's to do, and besides, everyone else Lyndon Johnson's administra­ Old protesters who are now I hope these corrections will budget to me so I can drink on was doing it. As Sam I.evensen tion effectively wrecked his selling insurance in Concord help to avoid any potential Union St. in peace. said, "They got their tactics from attempt to build the Great should get off their high horse misunderstandings over my Ghandi and their money from Society. The demolition of the and shut up. If they were such recommendations for Senate From Kendrick Hall, daddy." Office of Economic Opportunity angels then, they can make the positions. by Nixon's lucky Donald world better now by adopting a 2. There are no comparable Sincerely, Stephen J. Purtill issues these days that affect Rumsfeld ended a decade of boat person. Maybe they can tell hope for the nation's their story to him. students so directly as the war Fred Schluep P.S. Why doesn't the Foghorn underprivileged. We got a did then. Inflation may be a big A.S.B. President buy a compugraphic? September 21. 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page -J

One-Manby Hank ButlerRoadshow Einstein, the man who may be students who proved it even real constant. "Time flies when During Finals Week, I also drink Once, when I was a freshman the greatest mind of all times, better, having only lived one year you are having fun." This is a 140 cups. The conclusion is at that other school, I went to informed us all that time is only in two. Oh that I had served the basic principle of relativity, one obvious. visit a friend at still another relative. I do not pretend to cause of science so well. which I will modestly refer to as We can go further with this. school. He lived in a fraternity, understand all the physics, or An even more meaningful 'Butler's Postulate' for lack of a You have 3 classes on Monday, and all the brothers happened to any of the math involved in proof has been given by a few better term. Of course the Wednesday, and Friday. Two of be out of town. We found it arriving at this conclusion, but it students. You can try it too; applications are many, and we those classes are alright, and you necessary to drink an awful lot of seems reasonable to me that time simply refuse to pay any part of are constantly involved with don't really mind going to them, beer, (the school was only eight is indeed relative, and college is your Bursar Bill, and surprise! them. though you would rather be at miles from the state border. the best place possible to prove You never went to school at all! Finals Week is probably the the beach. The third one however Academic Heaven.) After which it. Imagine, 4 years simply fading in best example of the reverse of is Philosophy, and a priest who's we went out in search of I arrived at U.S.F. 3 years ago. to oblivion. I think old Albert Butler's Postulate, which can be about 360 years old teaches it, members of the opposite sex. I had been in another college up would be very proud of those defined in this way; Time stands and you're almost sure that the Though it was obvious that most north for two years, and who have gone so far to prove still when you think you're dying. class takes 2 hours. I think, since of the girls in this town were transferred in. After two full him correct. People will stay up all night it is a proven fact that it probably rather unimpressed with both of years of college, it is usually But the examples are studying for a test, take the test does take two hours you should us, (we were relatively young,) accepted that you will be a junior everywhere, and daily we the next day, and stay up all at least get 6 credits, if not the we did find a few that were starting next semester. You participate in the scientific fight. night again studying for another Congressional Medal of Honor. willing to come back to the frat misunderstand. Since two years For instance; have you ever tried test. I don't claim to know all Time can work in your favor. I with us. I made a suggestion to is time, it can be relative, and to hand in a paper at 5:10, when there is to know about science, am from a state that has a one ofthe girls, which she took to actually was in my case. it was due at 5:00? Proof again. but when you are awake all minimum drinking age of 21. All be rather (relatively speaking) "We can accept you as a Even though you did the paper, night, and all day, and all night I had to do was go to the border, improper. She told me that I was second semester sophomore, but and handed it in on the assigned again, I'd say it all constitutes cross over to the next state, and I 'sophomoric'. I was only a we won't give you full credit for day, you really didn't do it at all, one day. A 48 hour day, and they could drink at 19. Imagine freshman, and by simply saying all the classes you took before." and you flunk the course. This say there is no such thing as becoming an adult in only 30 something obscene, 1 was able to I was stunned. I was unaware isn't true in all cases, but some of progress. miles. Of course I was a partial age a year. of the deeper philosophical the professors on campus just Finals Week itself actually adult before that, since I I should now conclude this implications of such a move. I don't have that old spirit. Some takes about a month. Now I have registered for the draft at discussion, for I have a great deal was just pissed off. How silly of try to make some effort, and give no real proof of this, but I do eighteen, meaning that I could be of studying to do. You see, since I me! Had I been enlightened, I you a relatively low grade for late have some raw data. On any shot, and killed in the line of transfered, and I have a pentiant would have seen the beauty of papers, but this is only given day, I drink somewhere in adult duty and service to my for being less than serious, I am being able to participate in perversion of a grand ideal, and I the vincinity of 5 cups of coffee, country, but I still was unable to here for an additional year of proving one of the greatest find it patently offensive and making a total of 35 cups per drink. This meant that I was a education. This is the second discoveries of our century. I had distasteful. week. During Finals, I have to relative adult. Most of my body time I'm going through my just proved that two years is not How about the weekends? consume closer to 20 cups of was an adult, but my liver was senior year, relatively speaking. necessarily two years. In this case Don't those suckers just seem to coffee a day just to stay awake. still a juvenile, and couldn't be it had only been a year, and a run right past you? Here again Figure it out. In a normal month, used for any adult activity, such Hank Butler is a Senior half. I knew some , transfer we are proving that time is no I drink 140 cups of coffee. as drinking. Government major.

A Portrait of the Student collegiate camouflage as a Young Man Can you find the hidden novelists? bv Brian O'Connor BALZAC ORWELL On Apathy BENNETT SAROYAN BRONTE SOLZHENITSYN After promising the opinion these. As is typical of all one- with that. This generation has CAPOTE STEINBECK editor of the FOGHORN a few word diagnoses, "apathetic" produced its extremes and CERVANTES STEVENSON pages of my thoughts, I cursed evokes feelings beyond its mere excesses, of course, but so does CRANE TARKINGTON my compliant nature and then definition and these are worth any age, and the "me" decade DEFOE THACKERAY fretted restlessly about for a investigating. What precisely hasn't been as bad as a lot of D0ST0YEVSKY TOLSTOY while trying to decide what to does it mean? As I came back on cynical social critics would have FAULKNER TWAIN write about. My thoughts? Did I campus two weeks ago to begin us believe. In an editorial in GOETHE VERNE have any? And if I did, would classes again, the comment I Newsweek this week, Robert C. GORKI VONNEGUT anyone want to hear them? 1 heard most often from my Soloom, a professor of HUXLEY WAUGH finally decided that I have a bad friends was, "I just can't seem to philosophy at the University of KEROUAC WOOLF habit of thinking too much and get back into school." Other Texas says, "The most tiresome MALAMUD ZOLA sat down to the typewriter to people tell me, "I'm sick of it all. depravity of our age is all this crank out whatever jumbled and Life's just a big drag." Feelings talk about the depravity of the B Y R Y A R E K C A H T Y I N disconnected ideas I had in my like these can be looked at in two age." head. I know most of you get ways. First, they can be viewed as But there is always a potential A R E N K L U A F L Z A C K Y tired of reading long, ponderous manifestations of apathy and danger to the current state of editorials (in any newspaper), so unconcern. Or, and this is the affairs. This is the encroaching B A Y L T 0 P 0 Z 0 L T C R 0 I'll try to keep it as limited as attitude I prefer, they result from feeling that because there doesn't possible. the simple acknowledgement seem to be any life-and-death R H K E X 0 W B M F W E V 0 T The title of this column is that for quite a while now there matters facing people right now, taken from a novel of some note, hasn't really been much to get we really don't have to keep 0 G S K T U w E L A B A W G S and fairly self-explanatory. In it, excited about. abreast of what's going on I will try to relate impressions, This is both good and bad. On around us and in the world, that N U V E Z u H N I N L W c R L ideas, feelings and thoughts that the positive side, it has made this things will completely take care I get that might be of benefit to decade a much more introspec­ of themselves. We must T A E N 0 T G N I K R A T C 0 the USF community, and maybe tive one than its predecessor; the continually renew the qualities of myself, too. less eventful political and social curiosity and interest, lest apathy E M Y K E 0 F E D X Z U M A T Our generation, to use a loose climate of the seventies has truly overtake us. word, has been termed a number turned us inward and given us Apathy can be a very positive F L 0 0 W u T T N L A G A U D of things; "aimless," "self- more time to pursue our own state of mind. It can force us to absorbed," and "narcissistic," to individual goals and careers. I face ourselves, to find who we are 0 I T A R s Y T A N 0 H L 0 D name a few; "apathetic" is one of really don't see too much wrong and where we are going. If it is characteristic of this age, then it C 0 S E M A L B L E 0 F E R M is merely an indication that we are dissatisfied with what is R Z 0 L N U S E T N A V R E C Letter Policy going around us. The ultimate test of this generation is if we A N D F A R M H U X E L R K I We welcome letters to the noon, in order to be published in have enough in us to change Foghorn. All letters must be no that Friday's edition. If you have society in a positive way. N Y S T I N E H Z L 0 S 0 L A more than one double-spaced any comments or suggestions let typed page in length. Deadline us hear from you. E R N 0 S N E V F T S L 0 Z A for all letters is Monday at 12 Answers on page 20. Page 10 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979 Ireland: the Yank has landed

by Marcella Farragher If bricks and stones could talk what stories they could tell. If Ireland is an ancient country once again we could see the with a quite tragic and triumphal nights as farmers and families past. Maybe that's why it would sit around turf fires and presents a romantic image to tell tales of Irish history many people. Ireland is not full combined with a little bit of of lephrechauns. That's a bit of blarney. Time has ceased and a blarney. new generation of Irish must be. Why are the Americans This generation is independent (known as Yankees in Ireland) of thc past and steps confidently so impressed with Ireland? Is it into its future. Cemeteries with because of its well preserved large iron gates enclose large past, the great works of scholars Celtic stones which mark the and saints, or is it the Irish people graves of children of the past. Marcella Farragher toured the Adare Manor in County Wateford, Ireland, among other man­ themselves? The warm welcome Changes occur rapidly as we ors and castles on her recent trip to Ireland. means an awful lot to a stranger. all know. While Ireland is A cup of tea and a "God Bless" progressing into the future the walked into a stationary ship Yank. After thanking the clerk, I the handing down of stories, make one want to remember Ireland of the past lives on in the store in Waterford to find a departed to face the challenge of opinions, and practices from Ireland. Every visitor who has imagination of the Irish- whole wall full of magazines. crossing the street. Back home in older to younger generations, ever visited Ireland has remarked American. The city streets are Everything from the current San Francisco the pedestrian has while history is an account of about its serene green fields. similar to those of large craze Disco to fine the right of way some of the time. events which form a story about When landing in Shannon American cities, except on a newsprint. I picked up a Dashing and darting through a nation. Ireland is abundant Airport it's quite evident why smaller scale. There are people newspaper and a magazine. The streets and jumping on the with history and widely famed Ireland got the name the always rushing, minding their check-out clerk says, "that will sidewalks can be considered as for its traditional attitudes and Emerald Isle. Standing on any business, caught up in the hectic be 30p." good exercise for the tourist The values. In the 1970s Irish Society hill, one can see its remarkable rush of the day. Bicycles scoot Studying the coins I had in my Irish American doesn't like to be is rapidly changing in both beauty. To a San Franciscan amongst cars which speed considered as a tourist. They like economic and political aspects. who is used to living in a concrete hand I counted out 30 pence. through narrow roads. to say they're just "home for the In studying Ireland's cultural environment. Ireland's green "Do you have a bag?" I asked. The Yank walks along the holidays." heritage and strong traditions, fields present serene peace. She looked at me funny. I felt sidewalks hoping to remain very self-conscious of my San Tradition is a topic which the student must analyze the Every time I visit Ireland unnoticed. Faces of many Franciscan accent. Yes, constantly causes conflict in problems of contemporary Irish something has always changed. unknown people pass by. I attention everybody, here's the opinion in Ireland. Tradition is society today. Coffey discovers Japan, raw fish by Lisa Coffey found out this was normal in train (commonly known as the lukewarm soup. The rice, thank jewelery, watch and craft stores When my dad came home Japan as it is in many European bullet train) which travels up to God, saved me from starving. in my entire life! This is where I from work one evening and told countries. The street signs were 220 kilometers per hour. The The Japanese beer, though, is found myself becoming quickly highlight of our stay in Japan the family he would be traveling strange to me; they were all in very good and the next time I in debt to my sister and my mom. was in Kyoto at the Hiragiya to Japan for business, no one Japanese characters and our taxi venture into the Fog n' Grog I'll Shopping here, besides Japanese Inn. The inn, which thought twice about it. Yet when driver was humming to Japanese be disappointed if I can't get a making one broke, is a great was established 125 years ago, is my mom, my sister and I found tunes. It was really weird hearing bottle of Kirin or Asahi beer. I learning experience because the situated on a quaint side street in out we were to be included in this Bee Gee's songs sung in was delighted in the days to purchasing system is so much Japanese. the heart of Kyoto. We ate all of follow when we were able to find different than the U.S. It took trip (which included stopovers in our meals at the Inn seated cross- We spent two days in Tokyo "western style" restaurants and awhile for me to learn how to Hong Kong and Hawaii) I was legged on the floor and we even and went touring with the use forks instead of chopsticks. "negotiate" properly with the ecstatic. slept on the floor as some of the guidance of my dad's business Some of the major points of merchants. If travelers can learn This seemed to be the trip I Japanese people still do. I think associates, who also took us interest we visited while in Japan to become successful at had always dreamed of but had the night I slept on the floor was sightseeing in the cities of Kyoto, were: The Imperial Palace in negotiating they can get only taken me as far south as the best night's sleep I ever had. Tijuana, as far north as Eureka Nara, and Osaka. I am sure that Tokyo which is the home of the absolutely fantastic bargains. and as far east as Reno, Nevada. emperor; the Tokyo Tower, One just has to have the time, The preparations I had to which resembles the Eifel Tower; patience, energy, and yes, the make for the trip were as exciting The Meiji Shrine, which is one of money to haggle with the to me as the trip itself: getting a the most sacred shrines in Japan; merchants. passport complete with a the Golden Pavillion, in Kyoto, There are some disadvantages Japanese visa; visiting the doc 2« which was built in the 14th to shopping in Hong Kong, for shots; and packing my small, century; many beautiful though. Travelers must be but sturdy suitcase with enough Japanese gardens which are very prepared to encounter those who clothes and oops don't forget /r/ important to the Japanese attempt to sell used merchandise the blow dryer—to last 17 days. %*^&P' • people because, according to a (such as watches or cameras) or A Pan American 747 jet 5**»^i**»±ss--**i book on Japanese art, "This is try to pass off low-quality merchandise for antiques. clipper whisked the family from *£?« the art to create a scenic San Francisco International to ppwps composition utilizing a tiny- Fortunately, about the time I Narita Airport in Japan. There is space, reflecting closeness of the ran out of money it was time for a 17-hour time difference Japanese people with Mother us to pack up and head for between the West Coast and iiasii Nature." We visited many other Hawaii. Hawaii was a refreshing Japan so although our flight time **»; «! Shinto shrines and Buddhist way to end the trip. Traveling, as was 12 hours, we left San temples, one of which houses the I found out quite soon, is very Francisco on Friday, at 2:30 . -U-w [? \m (? rf*i-1u I rrt ITTL great bronze statue of Buddha exhausting and the beach was a p.m., and arrived in Japan =Y-n w whose thumb alone measures 5.3 welcome relief. I never imagined Saturday, at 8 p.m. feet. that ocean water could be so The Narita Airport was very The Hiragiya Japanese Inn is just one ofthe places Lisa Coffey and We departed from Japan, via warm and so blue. I even tried modern and looked much like her family visited during their extensive visit to the Orient. Cathay Pacific Airlines, with snorkeling here and it was really- any airport in the U.S., except many fond memories and began interesting to see the many types for the great number of Japanese a new leg of the journey in Hong of sea life, some of which are people. The first hint that we we experienced almost every It was amazingly comfortable! Kong. unique to Hawaii. Soon, we had were in a foreign country came as type of Japanese life and food, I still can't believe that I ate Hong Kong is an exciting city to leave and although I had a we boarded a sleek looking and visited places that we would what I did at the inn, especially bustling with activity. It really- good tu. this trip San Nissan President automobile never have been able to find on breakfast. The menu had fancy reminded me of San Francisco, Francisco was a welcome sight. and headed towards Tokyo. I our own without our friends' names like Shabu Shabu and and especially of Fisherman's Now that I have the traveling bug nearly had heart failure when the patient guidance. Sushi but what we really ate was Wharf. This city, as it has been I'm already planning my next driver began to drive on the left We traveled from Tokyo to raw fish, seaweed, octopus, eel said. Is a shopper's paradise. I trip abroad. Hopefully it will be hand side ofthe road, but I soon Kyoto via the New Tokiado Line and many varied types of have never seen so many as enjoyable as this one was. September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 11 Off-campus housing proves scarce by Theresa Hudson $440 of which goes toward bedroom places go for $400-650. because someone always gets San Francisco are wise to meals. Since students only live Two students sharing a one- there before vou. continue living at home and Being a person who lives on on campus for eight months out bedroom apartment could A good way to insure housing commuting. Parents pay for campus, it seems a bit odd that I of the year, their housing cost is possibly pay only $150 each per for next year is to find a group of room and board, and mothers should be writing about living off $182 per month plus $55 for month. senior students who are living usually do the laundry. What a campus, but wonders never cease food. There are no discounts for together. Most likely, they will life just like being in high in the Foghorn. Lone Mountain double rooms students seeking off-campus If one is in need of a place to are 14!/2 feet by 12 feet. Phelan housing, and many landlords live, and realizes that there is no and Hayes-Healy are 15 feet by insist upon credit references or more space available in the 11 xh feet, and Gillson is slightly co-signers. Students should be residence halls, off-campus smaller. Considering that there prepared to fill out an housing is the only solution. are two people per room, application similar to a job Housing in this area is rather resident hall occupants are not application, and also to pay the scarce, because it is in high getting much space for their first and last month's rent, plus a demand. Therefore, prices tend money. $100 deposit. Landlords may be to be high. However, if enough A Sunset District realtor more willing to allow pets if an students move in together, living informed me that studio extra deposit is offered for pet off campus can be cheaper than apartments in this area sell for damage. living on campus. $220-$325; I-bed room apart­ Under California law, one has Residents at USF pay $1,890 ments are $330-$550; 2 certain rights as a tenant. Even if per year for room and board. bedrooms cost $350-$550; and 3- one signs a lease which specifically states that one relinquish one of these rights, one still retains it in a court of law. There are many ways to find off-campus housing. At the Phelan Hall desk, there is a file with many listings ranging from live-in babysitters, to entire apartments for rent. Also bulletin boards in cafes and laundromats throughout the city This home, located at Grove and Clayton is typical of a student advertise places to rent, or residence near USF. Prices are high, but if a few student split roommates wanted. the costs, it can be less expensive than dorm living. Realtors or rental agencies provide other possibilities. not be living together next year school! Of course this failure to Rental agencies charge a flat fee and they can turn their cut the umbilical cord could be if they find you a place to live. apartment over to you when they the disadvantage to living at home because it does not Though not large, the interior of the house is comfortable for Following up on newspaper leave. promote independence. three to four students. advertisements usually proves to Advantages to living off be frustrating and fruitless campus include: getting away Disadvantages to living off from campus (obviously), not campus include commuting and having to leave I.D.'s, being able not making the large amount of to live with your boyfriend/girl­ acquaintances one makes in the Tut gets Funky at DeYoung friend, privacy, married living, residence halls. by Bridget Hughes searching for. He was the first to intricacy of the workmanship," and cooking desired food. Also, Where and with whom one break a small hole in the door she continued. "When you think one doesn't have to move out chooses to live can have an At the age of six he took power and expose what had been lost of the simple tools they had to every semester and get one's important effect on one's life. of Egypt. At fifteen he married, for thousands of years. work with, it's hard to believe it's phone disconnected. Try to find a place that you will and at nineteen he died. This Only a few workers were able real. Students whose families live in feel comfortable calling "home". young man was not very to see the treasures at first, but The exorbitant fees for tickets different from others of his time. now thousands of people have and long lines did not keep the He was not a great ruler, as a seen the King Tut Ehibit. It has thousands who have already matter of fact he was quite toured major cities throughout RESEARCH PAPERS viewed the exhibit away. If you unknown as pharaohs go. the country, and has finally come have not seen it yet, perhaps 10,250 on File — All Academic Subjects He only reigned for about to its last stop, San Francisco's these factors shouldn't keep you Send $1.00 for your up-to-date, 306-page mail order catalog. eight years as pharaoh, but 2000 De Young Museum. away either. Tickets are still ACADEMIC RESEARCH years after his death, he reigns as Multitudes have swarmed available for the De Young P.O. BOX 24873 one of the major superstars of from neighboring cities, states, showing. If you see it, perhaps LOS ANGELES, CA 90024 and countries to see it. They have one question will arise: out of all slept in front of museums waiting the truly important pharaos to NAME for doors to open and they have live, how did King Tut get so ADDRESS spent large sums for tickets to the funky? And if you can answer CITY exhibit of fifty-five. 200-year-old that, then ask yourself: did he do STATE ZIP pieces of gold. Why? the monkey? Perhaps the answer can be found in the local souvenir shop, where one can find numerous t- : FRESHMAN : Classified shirts, books, hand bags, posters, : STUDENTS ! : HELP WANTED IMPROVE YOUR GRADE! bumperstickers, and statues of SALES CLERK. FULL OR PART Send $1.00 for your 306-page catalog of King Tut. Or one could without TIME collegiate research. 10,250 topics listed. Apply at Fast Foto Box 25097G. Los Angeles. California, this decade. Thousands have much thought answer the 1707 Fulton (415)921-4643 90025 (213)477-8226 flocked to see the artifacts question by saying that it is the : Please TYPIST uncovered from his tomb in 1926 "in" thing to do. But if one was to Scholastic Typing-Editing : pick UP IBM)Self correcting Selcctric. think about it, the answer might Interested in evening work'' 6 to 9 PM by an English archaeologist, Selling circus ticket for the San Francisco Thesis, term paper, legal and business. Howard Carter. Carter searched not be so easy. : YOUR FREE Police Athletic Leagues. Starting wage Reasonable, work guaranteed for 17 years to find the tomb of a Karen Breka, a sophomore at $3.00 an hour. 1182 Market & 8th-room 821-7612 301. Mr. Marpan. young king some were not even USF, recently went to see the Tut DESK sure existed. Many of the exhibit. She, like many others, : STUDENT CLUBS 3 Drawers -like new—50 Dollars or best offer, phone: 771-9873 surrounding tombs had already was impressed by what she saw. been pillaged by local She said, "I never thought that : MANUAL at FREE TEETH CLEANING • NURSES: RN - LVN - HA Call after September 19. Telephone 922- graverobbers. Carter only knew I would be able to see it because 9638 a particular area to search for the there were no tickets. But a ['rescheduled staff relief positions' missing tomb. friend of mine got one for me as a : UNIV. available for RN's and LVN's in acute .Place an ad in the hosp. Positions also for AIDES who Classified After years of unsuccessful present. You can take your time have completed 2nd yr of R N program or : CENTER just for 50e per line going through the exhibit, but have prior experience. digging, a staircase was THE FOGHORN you can't have any cameras or Phone today: 673-9791 discovered. It led to a stone door : main desk 2.34 (.olden Gate Ave. with the emblem of the king that recording equipment. S I'AT Nursing Services San Francisco, (a. 94118 2107 Van Ness, S. F. Carter had spent his life "I was fascinated by the I 9AM-9 PM Telephone (415) 666-6122 Page 12 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979

=»4= Film About Homosexuality and contrasting colors are used throughout the movie. The is Courageous, Hilarious cinematography is excellent for its symbolic messages. If you are BAR by Soheila Nahavandi resolution. The resolution is... planning to see the movie watch La (age Aux Folles is a well, I encourage you to see the for the scene in which the camera courageous, honest, and very movie and to find out for moves slowly and directly funny French film. La Cage Aux yourself. toward Ugo Tognazzi who is Folles is based upon the play by I enjoyed the entire movie and upstaging the Cross hanging Jean Poiret. It is a film by noticed that the audience was from his fireplace. WARS Edouard Molinaro. It focuses very responsible and involved You will recognize the French openly and bluntly on the social throughout the film. What I music immediately which blends : and moral problems of really liked about La Cage Aux in perfectly with some of the homosexuality. funny moments of the picture. The excellent performances by There are only three female by Mi.. W. Augo Tognazzi and Michel characters in the movie: the son's Serrault are convincing. real mother, the daughter and When George, the entertainment editor of the Fog­ Tognazzi portrays a middle-age her mother. I feel strongly that horn, told me I could write this column again, he sug­ club owner who has been living their roles are not developed gested that I begin writing about bars close to USF. I with his homosexual mate, enough and are extremely decided to begin by writing about how to get into bars; in Michel Serrault, a female Folles was the fact that the stereotyped. the first place. impersonator who has starred at author had come up with a La Cage Aux Folles is now For those of you from out of state, the drinking age in Tognazzi's club for the past different approach to a playing at the 4-STAR on 23rd California is * * * sigh * * * 21. That means that a good twenty years. The complication controversial subject like and Clement. The show hours number of students cannot legally drink. That aiso means arises when a young girl, whose homosexuality. He had chosen a are: 2:30. 4:30, 6:30, 8:30, and that an upperclassperson might want to go drinking, and father is a French deputy comedy-drama to tell his story. 10:30. It is in French with could not take along his/her underclass date. So, I am dedicated to the preservation of La Cage Aux Folles looks at English subtitles and is rated R, providing you with a handy-dandy list of suggestions con­ moral order and decency, homosexuality from a different but don't let that scare you off. cerning circumnavigation of state liquor laws. decides to marry the clubowner's perspective. The audience leaves This extraordinary motion 1. Avoid Fisherman's Wharf and other tourist son. the movie theater with some picture is full of action and areas. Bars locted there are much more likely to La Cage Aux Folles like most hope that there will be a positive laughter. card. domestic comedies builds in solution for homosexuals in our I can assure you that this 2. Try neighborhood bars. They are much less momentum preparing the society. funny and hilarious movie will likely to be pressured by police to check I.D.'s. audience for a major conflict, The motion picture. La Cage keep you in good humor for 3. Don't enter a bar defensively. Act like you know and eventually leads to a Aux Folles, is colorful. Bright days. Don't miss it! what you're doing. 4. If you're drinking with a group of people, don't enter all at once. Large groups tend to be marked as college students. 5. Go to the coffee bars in North Beach that serve both coffee and "soft" liquor, i.e. beer, campari, du- bonnet, and wine. You don't have to be 21 to be in there, and the bartender is likely to be too busy to notice who is drinking what. 6. If you are a young looking guy, go out with "an older woman." Most bartenders, being confirmed M.C.P.-types will card your date, since they would not want to embarass you. If she's 21, they will tend to assume that you're 21. 7. You could borrow someone's driver's license. This is of course illegal. 1 suggest borrowing one from a non-police state, like Kansas, Pennsylvania, or Mississippi, where one's picture is not on the li­ cense. It is much easier to claim to be a description than a picture. If you are a man, and you do not yet shave, or a woman who still pays child's fares at the movies, you might as well give up. You're destined to drink only at parties where someone else has purchased the booze. P. S. For those of you who are displaced Easterners, and can't get used to drinking all of this California wine and Anchor Steam Beer, rumor has it that Bruno at the Persian Aub Zam Zam (tacky bar at 1633 Haight) makes the best martini in town! •M W n TT Tt - -»*- FRACAS ON THE BARBARY COAST! Goldie Mown Chevy Chose ' -.11'11-

IBS. Executive PrdnR il WKXEPOT r^A^RAJtaajrrc^ST^ga^. •BL FIGHT•?•• FINISH

aiiraicriD -SB- A WU-NB- leoi, owon PCiur-Esr-etf ASE nn DARK. unora 1/ acQumf s ACCOHPADTING tlTU VMM IPOS O A Wamm ComMUMMm Company R mm o« -nun cuinonn c tt-1-*TT>«3#, {kfONTYl -*»Cn-*-« S LTD M.L *GMT3 MMUVeD A tull color Barbary Coast theatrical poster repro S. E. C. PRESENTS OfilGWAl SOUM*TRACK WAH ABU 0* WkflNf B HiCOHOS S lAPt S duced Irom the archives ot the California Historical FriA Sat. RtAC THt P-J-tRaACK FROM FRtO JOROAN BOOHSGROSSfl S OONLAP Society by the Korbel Fund Yours tor $4 95 6 & 8:30 PM (includes postage and handling) Poster is 24" x 35" Make check payable to McLaren Center SI KORBEL FUND. BOX F Opening soon at a theatre near you c o Calitornia Historical Society 2090 Jackson Street San Francisco, California 94109 September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 13 AND NOW FOR SOMETHING by Rick Leaf Switch your dial to 880 AM, n plug the radio into a campus wall socket, open your ears and o expand your mind. KUSF has arrived on the airwaves! The radio station that cannot tolerate the ordinary, that is not subjected to sponsor-manipula­ tion, or retarded out of date playlists concocted by overage, balding, fat. greeds ogres. The station that plays what it wants when it wants.

H< IRREVERENT KUSF belongs to the University and its students, 0©|fi| therefore it is up to the non- participating students, as much as those who are D.J.'s or members of the board, to make it Sales Manager A Ima Mia work. If you have a gripe, make (photo by Rick Leaf) your voice heard, but don't touch KUSF is playing "Now Music that dial! Make requests, get This station will never be for Pure People." The station your own show, anybody's dedicated to only one style of that was playing Blondie and welcome, or, if you have some music, because apart from being The Cars before they sold X new ideas, see the program incredibly boring, this policy million records, that played director, Freida Florendo. could not possibly hope to Pearl Harbour and the remotely serve the many Explosions, before Warner different music tastes of the Brothers signed them. KUSF is a University. Can you possibly station manned by people think of listening to only one dedicated to the idea of having type of music all day everyday... FUN, sure they're not all slick Yeuchhh! Gimme a break. professional slobs, who've Variety is what is required, figured it's a good way to make plenty of it!! And since you need money. They're people who dig it, then you'll get it, but only on the music enough, whether it be one radio station, The Great Soul, Rock, Punk, Disco, R&B, Eighty. There shall be no Jazz or New Wave, to sit in a BLAND OUT!! Anopen ear and THE HE A D HONCHOS: General Manager Paul "A.W. Boy " Weber and Program Director Freida Florendo keep things studio for a couple of hours in Music Director Tony Raymond an expandable mind is all that is lively at KUSF. (photo by Rick Leaf) the hope that the Fever catches. (photo by Rick Leaf) required to acquire a taste for KUSF, the station that sets trends, while the professionals •••••••The KUSF-AM Program Guide *•••••• wallow in an antiquated morass of slothfulness. MON. TUE. WED. THIRS. FRI. With the record industry settling into a recession, it will i 7:30 ¥ ¥ Tim Stephen Tim Stephen Rich become increasingly difficult to a.m. Valenti & Chiapellone Valenti & Chiapellone Scaife ¥ find new and exciting music. As ¥ Susan Mellow Rock Susan Mellow Rock Top 40 ¥ companies invest in more of the ¥ Tatsuno Tatsuno ¥ same garbage that has set off this ¥ Top 40 Top 40 downward spiral, exciting ¥ newcomers probably won't get ¥ 9:00 John Gary John Gary John ¥ the chance to make records or ¥ Matthias Ebisuzaki Matthias Ebisuzaki Matthias ¥ reach large audiences. KUSF is Rock-Oldies Oldies+Top 40 Rock-Oldies Oldies+Top 40 Rock+Oldies ¥ looking to the future and sees j ¥ that something different has to Matt Philippe Matt Philippe happen. So it is bravely treading -JC 11:00 Matt L Morrison Richen Morrison Richen where no others will dare tiptoe Morrison ^ ¥ New+Old Wave New Wave New+Old Wave New Wave on their wart-encrusted stumps. New+Oid Wave ¥ ¥ UNTIL YOU'VE TRIED IT 1:00 Mike Tim Mike Tim Mike ¥ YOU'D BETTER NOT ¥ p.m. ¥ ¥ Chock Maloney Chock Maloney Chock ¥ KNOCK IT!!! ¥ Disco Jazz Disco Jazz Disco ¥ 3:00 Dean Dave Dean Dave Dean ¥ t Johnson Robinson Johnson Robinson Johnson ¥ * Rock R+B Rock R+B Rock ¥ ¥ * 5:00 Denise Bill Denise Bill Denise Bush ¥ ¥ Sullivan Bush Sullivan Sullivan New Wave Disco New Wave Disco New Wave ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 7:00 Rick Phil Rick Phil Patty ¥ Leaf Gelb & Leaf Gelb & Gamez ¥ t Punk Rock* John Punk Rock* John Rock New Wave Sirk New Wave Sirk ¥ ¥ Rock Rock ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ 9:00 Pat A. J. Pat A. J. Pat ¥ Soul Music Director ¥ Ireland Pongratz Ireland Pongratz Ireland Lucretia Heyward Rock Crazy Music Rock Crazv Music ¥ ¥ Crazy Music (photo by Rick Leaf/ * •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Page 14 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979

IN THE SUN DA Y, SEPTEMBER 23 10 a.m. — Eastern Tour of Golden Gate Park. Friends of Recreation and Parks, 1V2 hours, free, meet at McLaren Lodge, Fell and Stanyan Street. 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Plant Walk, meet at the kiosk, Strybing Arboretum Society, Strybing Arboretum, Golden Gate Park. 11 a.m. "Exploring the Skies of the Season," Morrison Planetarium, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park. 12:30, 2 and 3:30 p.m. "Mysterious Universe," Morrison Planetarium, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park. 2 p.m. Band Concert. John Barry Day, United Irish Societies, Band Concourse, Golden Gate Park. 2 p.m. — Western Tour of Golden Gate Park, Friends of Recreation and Parks, I '/i hours free, meet at Anglers Lodge LEAPIN': Gary Chapman in "A Manic Depressive's Lament" number from Dancin'. Parking Lot opposite Buffalo Paddock in Golden Gate Park. Dancin'is Disappointin' Campus Paperback bestsellers by Van A uli here that the show lapses into make it tolerable. "A Manic 1. The World According to Garp, by John Irving. (Pocket, As the lights come up on the dreariness, interrupted only by Depressive's lament" seems to $2.75.) Hilarious adventures of a son of a famous mother. San Francisco Civic Light moments of such enthusiastic remain coherent somehow, and Opera's latest presentation, efforts by the cast, that one's "Fourteen Feet," where the 2. Evergreen, by Belva Plain. (Dell, $2.75.) Jewish immi­ grant woman's climb from poverty on lower Manhattan. Dancin', the audience is attention is briefly revived. "The dancers "nail" their shoes to the instructed not to expect any Dream Barre" is a ludicrous floor and dance without moving 3. Wifey, by Judy Blume. (Pocket, $2.50.) Housewife's ex­ message from what they are sketch about an awkward male their feet, is accompanied with a periences on road to emotional maturity: fiction. about to see, and are warned ballet student whose attentions humorously intriguing musical about the hazards of seeing too towards a female student during piece by Cat Stevens titled "Was 4. The Women's Room, by Marilyn French. (Jove/HBJ many typical musical comedies. class gets him into trouble with Dog A Doughnut." The show's $2.50.) Perspective on women's role in society: fiction. There is certainly no message in the dancemaster. It includes conclusion is a medley of 5. My Mother/Myself, by Nancy Friday. (Dell, $2.50.) An this well-staged show that pays some tasteless and irrelevant patriotic songs including examination of the mother-daughter relationship. tribute to dance in its varied sexual innuendos that serve to "Yankee Doodle Dandy," manifestations, from ballet to point up the lack of general "Dixie," and "When Johnny 6. Bloodline, by Sidney Sheldon. (Warner, $2.75.) Woman disco. There are no obligatory coherence in the entire Comes Marching Home," again inherits power and international intrigue: fiction. plots interwoven with the dance production. At this point, one boasting the exuberant Vicki 7. Scruples, by Judith Krantz. (Warner, $2.75.) Rags to numbers, no pretentions of a almost yearns for the traditional Frederick. But, as hard as this riches in the fashion world: fiction. story line. This allows the book of musical-comedy. segment tries to be the audience to focus fully on just Fortunately, the impressive overpowering finale the show 8. The Amityville Horror, by Jay Anson. (Bantam, $2.75.) what the title ofthe show implies. cast is not intimidated by any of needs, it fails. True story of terror in a house possessed. With a variety of music as those inanities. Praise must be It is surprising that a vehicle 9. Alien, by Alan Dean Foster. (Warner, $2.25.) Space travel backdrop the exceptionally lavished upon Vicki Frederick, created by Bob Fosse should lers encounter horrifying creature: fiction. attractive and talented cast of whose long legged gracefulness become mired down in such twenty-two show dancers nearly salvages parts of senseless clutter as is seen in 10. Illusions, by Richard Bach. (Dell, $2.50.) Messiah's ad­ perform the exhausting "Percussion," as well as "Benny's Dancin'. Fortunately, some of ventures in the Midwest: fiction. choreography of Tony Sward Number," a salute to swing the disappointment is offset by Compiled by The Chronicle of Higher Education from Information winner Bob Fosse, whose credits music. Ms. Frederick is also the energetic efforts of the cast, supplied by college stores throughout the country. September 3, include Cabaret, Pippin, radiant on "The Female Star the crisp musical accompani­ 1979. Chicago, and the upcoming film Spot," in which she sings Dolly ment, and the fine lighting. of All That Jazz. Parton's "Here You Come The real star of this Again" with three other women. >SS»^K>^KSK production, however, is lighting Charles Ward is another fine Foghorn Fall Theatre Guide designer Jules Fisher, whose talent who should be recognized Whatever San Francisco may year. Opens 10/30. Some of the more notable ones technical wizardry transforms for the outstanding performance lack in size and sophistication it "The Little Foxes" Lillian are: this basically dully and that earned him a nomination for makes up for in diversity and Hellman drama. Opens 11/20. THE EUREKA THEATER OF directionless production into at the Drama Desk Award as Best energy. Theater here is certainly CIVIC LIGHT OPERA (552- SAN FRANCISCO (863-7133) least a somewhat pleasing visual Supporting Actor in a Musical. no exception. The "season" for 0150) 2299 Market spectacle. The opening number, Formerly a principal dancer with many of the houses begins in the Orpheum Theater 1192 Market "Comedians" Bay-area performed by the entire the American Ballet Theatre, he fall, but there is always a variety "Dancin"' Bob Fosse dance premiere of Trevor Griffith company to Neil Diamond's danced all of the major roles for of shows to chose from. A broad revue..Currently running. comedy. September 28-October "Hot August Night" is by far the that company throughout range exists in both price and "On the Twentieth Century" 27. most stimulating portion of all America and Europe. quality, but the two are not Tony Award-winning musical. "Vinegar Tom" Caryl three acts. It is followed with the In the second act, there is more always directly proportionate. Opens 10/16. Churchill's feminist play. lethargic "Recollections of an sexual posturing in "Join Some of the non-equity (i.e. no CURRAN THEATER (673- American premiere. November Old Dancer," accompanied with Endeavor." Again, it is the actors' union, and therefore 4400) 445 Gearv 23-December 22. the song "Mr. Bojangles." It is spectacular lighting effects that substantially less expensive than Best of Broadway series. Touring THE ONE ACT THEATER the totally professional houses) companies from current COMPANY OF SAN FRAN­ theateres produce consistently Broadway (New York) hits. CISCO (421-6162) excellent shows. "The Kingfisher" by William "Encounters," "The Restaur­ The fall offerings ofthe equity- Douglas Home. With Rex ant," "Birdbath," "Lou Gehrig theaters include: Harrison and Claudette Colbert. Did Not Die of Cancer" Series of AMERICAN CONSERVA­ Opens in November. short plays. October 12- TORY THEATER (Informa­ "Da" Tony Award-winning December 2. tion: 771-3880) Irish comedy. Opens in January THE MAGIC THEATER (441- Geary Theater 450 Geary THE BERKELEY REPER­ 8001) Fort Mason Center Regional repertory company. TORY THEATER (845-4700) "Josephine, the Mouse Also functions as a not-for-profit "A Delicate Balance" hdwara Singer" Michael McClure. acting school. Albee drama. September 5- Named Best Play of 1978. Opens "Romeo and Juliet" October 21). October 12. Shakespearian tragedy. Opens "Children of Darkeness" THE JULIAN THEATER(647- 10 12. Edwin Justus Mayer comedy. 8098)953 De Haro "Buried Child" Sam Shepard's October 24-December 9. "The Liberation of J ML" by contemporary Pulitzer Prize- There are a great many George Crowe. "Sugar Mouth DANCIN': (I. to r.) Gary Flanner, Gary Chapman and Frank winning drama. Opens 10/16. smaller, non-Equity theaters in Sam Don't Dance No More" by Mastrocola in the "Sing Sing Sing" number. comedy. Held over from last and around San Francisco. Don Evans. October 4-27. September 21. ls-79 San Francisco'Foghorn Page 15

Greg Kihn Rocks From start to finish, the band displayed their line musicianship in all forms. Ihe rhythm section ol by Denise Sullivan "We could open with 'Sweet on drums and Steve Hard driving rock and roll .lane' but we'd rather keep Wright on bass especially shone characterized the building it up until thc end." stated during the encore numbers. Band's return to San Francisco Kihn flatly. "Wc do our own thing, When asked to comment on the Saturday night at thc Old Waldorf. regardless." new wave movement, Kihn's Though thc show kicked-off on a Kihn was relatively happy with immediate response was. "I like the laid-back note. Kihn and his band the night's first performance. From Pants," as he sat comfortably in managed to get the audience the onset the band rocked tightly. skintight black slacks. "I like jumping by thc final encores. "We weren't out of tune or modern girls and the modern During an informal backstage anything," smiled Kihn. world," he joked. interview between sets. Mr. Kihn The first set featured such well- Kihn is a firm supporter of new gave some of his views on rock and known numbers as "Secret bands and encourages his fans to revealed some of his thoughts on Meetings" and "Cold Hard Cash" support other local club acts like returning to thc Bay Area. from the "Next of Kihn" LP, as they backed himself in the early "We toured all thc big cities, but well as his covers of "Rendezvous days. 1 really like it here," smiled the and "Roadrunner" from his latest He guaranteed. "They're going relaxed vocalist still high off of his effort, "." LOCAL ROCKERS: , (clockwise from to be the next headliners." first performance. The album is doing better than left) Greg Kihn, Larry Lynch, and Dave Though he admits to being a bit Explaining why the band paced all previous Kihn records and just Carpenter. nervous at times, one would never the show so carefully, Kihn stressed broke into the national top 100 know it by the likes of thc old that "it's rock and roll. If you don't charts. Another LP is expected for including opening for the Cars at However, the intimacy of thc Waldorf show. Onstage as well as pace it, you don't do well. We save release by Christmas. the Spectrum in Philadelphia, and Old Waldorf is the perfect off, Greg Kihn is a confident it for the second show or the next Kihn proudly stated, "It is were well received everywhere. showcase for Kihn and his band. gentleman. night." definitely my favorite so far." He "Automatically a year ago 1 Songs like "Secret Meetings" or In conclusion. Kihn only had a According to Kihn, it would be likes to play "Moulin Rouge" live would have said I like playing the "Remember" (which featured a few words of wisdom: "Rock and easy for the band to gain the as well as the unrecorded "Things clubs, but lately we've been doing nice lead by guitarist Dave roll is here to stay, and if you don't audience's attention, especially to Come," a boogie number that so well on the concert stage, j Carpenter) simply would not be as rock, you're square." Though not here in the Bay Area, but instead of comes off well in concert. almost favor it because of the effective in the stadium as they profound, the quote conveys the appeasing their listeners, the band During the national tour, the energy." explained Kin enthusias­ were Saturday in thc Battery Street essence of the Greg Kihn Band pleases itself. band played a number of big gigs. tically. nightclub. precisely.

Joni Mitchell Changes With The Times

by Van Ault Mitchell's lyrics added later. indication, she is hardly going to If one were to suggest that it The catchy melodies and be crucified. With a new band pays for musical performers in personal, introspective lyrics and her new material, Mitchell general, and those of superstar have vanished, and what emerges performed a set of fifteen songs status in particular, to change now may be perplexing to some, drawn mostly from her last four with the times, one need look no engrossing to others. "Here's the . These mixed her further than Joni Mitchell for thing," she told the press mainstream hits, such as "Big "I'm off on some kind of trip, and a new cycle is starting." At convincing proof. Formerly a recently. "You have two options. Yellow Taxi," and "Free Man In least that's what Minerva says. Minerva, as you all know, is the folk music idol in the sixties, You can stay the same and Paris" with expositions from Roman goddess of Wisdom who writes the Sunday Horoscope Mitchell moved into mainstream protect the formula that gave "The Hissing Of Summer in the pink section. "It's decision time." she says, "and yours is pop music in the early seventies. you your initial success. They're Lawns" to the "Mingus" most likely to be 'no'." Well, my "no'Uecision was not to go to By the middle of this decade, she going to crucify you for staying collection. From the latter, she class on Tuesday in face of all the Foghorn work I had to do. I had dramatically veered away the same. If you change, they're performed "The Dry Cleaner hope Sr. Neil can forgive me. from the mainstream sound, and going to crucify you for From Des Moines," her new Ramones fans already know that one ofthe funniest rock begun to experiment with the changing. But staying the same is single, and "God Must Be A films around is the Saturday Midnight feature at the Roxie. jazz genre. Those experiments boring. And change is Boogie Man," which had the Not everyone is ready for Rock and Roll High School,though, reached fruition with the recent interesting. So, of the two audience singing the chorus. and it was with some trepidation that I took my entire release of "Mingus," a musical options, I'd rather be crucified "You Christians shouldn't be household to see it. The reaction was varied: three had mixed collaboration with the late jazz for changing." offended," she quipped as she feelings, three really liked it, and one has gone totally bananas bassist-bandleader Charlie If the reception at Joni introduced the song. "After all, and now wanders around the house shouting, "I want you a- God does have a sense of humor: Mingus. The music on thealbum Mitchell's concerts in San rou-ouuund!!!" The Roxie is in the Mission, near Taqueria La he made all of us!" was composed by him, with Francisco two weeks ago is any Cumbre (remember last issue?), at 16th and Valencia. Call 863- But the most intense musical 1087 for info. moments were with material Do people laugh at things you say? Do you like to see movies, from 1975's "Hejira" album. listen to records, participate in cultural activities like Sunday- When it was written. Mitchell Park roller skating, and read books, magazines and the was on a personal trip around the Foghorn? Do you hold strong opinions that everyone else country. The contemplations of disagrees with? If you answer "yes" to any ofthe above, then the title song. "Amelia" and you are the person I am looking for to write for the "Black Crow" all expressed the entertainment section. Consider it. Ihe experience is valuable, anxieties and insecurities one the money useful, and the company is outstanding. Drop by feels when appraising one's life anytime, but Thursday night at 7 is best.... from afar. There are so many good things to do for entertainment in this Through the course of the city, it boggles the mind. San Francisco iseasils one ofthe top evening, individual members of three cities in the U.S. for interesting things to do and see. and the band were allowed to it's especially noted for having them in a small, easily accessible perform extended solos, which area. Boredom is inexcusable. To allow yourself to be bored is included a somewhat improvi— to insult your mind and deaden your spirit. Take a chance! Go sational bass solo, and a to a movie you never heard of. Go to a bar or cafe and talke to climactic bongo solo, which led strangers. Go for a long aimless walk on a sunny afternoon. Do into "Dreamland." Exhibiting a it! It's taking a risk, but nothing will make you feel more alive. vulnerable stage presence, Next week the Foghorn presents the X interview. Mitchell shunned the usual self- accompaniment on guitar, and stood alone at the mike to sing acappella. Backing her on with a revised version of the old "Goodbye Pork Pie Hat," which "Shadows And Light," the song hippie anthem, "Woodstock," a drew a thunderous ovation of assumed hymn-like connota­ fitting conclusion to a approval. "Raised On Robbery" tions, as perhaps an ultimate magnificent concert. "Wood­ dropped all restraint, and statement on the conundrum of stock," a product ofthe sixties, in allowed the band to plunge full- human experience. its new fonr seemed to force into the bombastic rock A standing ovation brought underscore ho\* much Joni style seldom associated with Joni her back to the stage, where she Mitchell has progressed Mitchell. In closing the show, sang the poignant "Last Time ! musically from those early years, Mitchell brought out the Saw Richard" while seated at the and why she continues to remain opening act. The Persuasions, a piano. Another standing an innovative force in JONI MITCHELL: From Canaatan folkie to sophisticated five-man group that sings ovation, and Mitchell encored contemporary music. jazz vocalist. Page 16 San Francisco Foghorn September 21. 1979 USF Takes On Santa Clara in Carnation Bowl at Kezar

West Coast USF Volleyball Team Battles Powers Renew Hayward Tonight at Presidio Hot Rivalry

Alex Nwosu (14) leads the USF Dons against Santa Clara in the first annual Carnation Bowl tomorrow at Kezar Stadium, The University of San "I'm very pleased with this is one ot seven players on the (photo by Mikt Dubnoff) Francisco Womens Volleyball year's selection. Last year I had team over six feet tall. by T. R. Sullivan tied it for San Francisco and they Squad opened their season with to take whatever the university "I like tall players," said Koin. Tomorrow at one o'clock, the went on to win the overtime. disastrous results as they lost to gave me but this year I was able "I think that is most important." i i- 'nual Carnation Bowl will The regular season game was the University of Oregon in to make my own selection." Obviously it will take a while , - its debut in Kezar just as hotly contested. The Dons straight sets and finishing last in The 1979 squad is made up before USF starts winning Jp.in. And the organizers of won that one 2-1 as seven yellow the UC-Davis Invitational mostly of freshmen with four consistently in volleyball. But t . .*nt could not have picked cards were issued and three tournament. However, the team veterans returning. Two of those Katharina is not discouraged. t • ,*t matchup for their people were thrown out of the did manage to outplay Sonoma veterans are Sue Scott and "It will take three or four years in. u intra I game. It will be the game, including Santa Clara State in a controlled scrimmage Pauline Cheung and these two but USF is a good place to build. night) USF Dons, defending coach Dave Chaplik. in Sonoma. stalwarts will be the strength of I am optimistic 1 can make National Champions, against the Chaplik's squad will be just as Tonight, the Dons will be back the team. something good out of the jnderdog Santa Clara Broncos. tough this year as the Broncos in action at the Presidio of San "I really like these two program." There is no love lost between return every starter but one from Francisco as they take on players," said Koin, "they have Koin is from Romania, the these two schools in any sport last year's 13-8-1 team. This Hayward State. Game time is been making big progress since I same country soccer coach Steve but that especially holds true for includes leading scorers Tony seven o'clock. have been working with them." Negoesco is from. soccer. Santa Clara has never Maggio and Miguel Avila, who Despite the poor start, head The only senior on the spiKcis Says Koin with a smile: "I'd beaten USF in soccer but last accounted for 23 of SCU's 53 coach Katharina Koin is still is Sue Enos, who is more famous like to do the same thing here year they were the closest team to goals in 78. optimistic about the future of her for her basketball exploits. Enos that Negoesco has done." stopping the Dons in their quest The two teams already have squad. for the national title. one common opponent in 1979, "When a team plays us," says When you are talking about Game time is one o'clock and These two teams met on Ulrich fourth-ranked Southern lllinois- Negoesco, "they have everything Dave Chaplik, you are talking tickets are available today in the Field late in November to decide Edwardsville. USF beat the to gain and nothing to lose. I about one ofthe finest coaches in UC-Commons for only one the Western Regional Cham­ Bulldogs 3-2 while the Broncos don't think our players realize the country. Santa Clara's teams dollar. If you buy them at the pionship. San Francisco was lost in overtime 2-1. what that means. We are not as are always short on talent but gate tomorrow, they will cost heavily favored but the Broncos USF is heavily favored to win hungry as we should be." make up for it with hustle. This you five dollars. Kezar Stadium made thc Dons fight for their again this year but the intense "With the adulation of being year, they have the most talent is located on Stanyan Street just lives. After Dag Olavsen scored rivalry always brings out the best champions comes a tremendous they have ever had and they will five blocks south of campus. to give USF a 1-0 lead, Miguel in the Broncos. Chaplik obligation. You have to live up to give USF a tremendous battle at Avila struck back with two quick explains this is the way Santa the reputation you have Kezar. goals to put Santa Clara up on Clara plays every game and not established. Players don't realize top. just against USF. that. It's easier to be an All- For ten minutes of the first "We are only as good as any American than to live like one." half and thirty-six minutes ofthe ten teams on USFs schedule, Negoesco has also complained second half, the Broncos For us to win any game, we have Episcopal Cfjurcf) in recent weeks about his players surrounded their goal in order to to go out and play with emotion, being out of shape. But Dave prevent USF from tying the We have to be up for every Chaplik, who has seen several elcomea gou match. USF came close to game." USF games, doesn't agree. scoring but some remarkable Coach Steve Negoesco of the "If USF is out of shape, I goaltending by Gene Reynolds Dons knows that Santa Clara haven't noticed. 1 rate USFas the prevented them from doing so. will be up for tomorrow's game. top team on the West Coast and With only nine minutes left in the That's the way it is when you are one of the top three in the nation. contest. Roar Anderson finally the national champions. And USF will get better as the season goes on." The two coaches are an interesting contrast. One goes out and gets the best players 1350 Mailer &t available while one gets the most 621-1862 out of the players he has. Negoesco has tremendous talent and Dave Chaplik knows it. "They are in a different class ifla*a:&unbapg.4E than us," says Chaplik. "We don't spend one-tenth what USF 8-loto does in terms of scholarships. Where they give the NCAA full 10-solemn fjiglj limit of eleven, we give none. When you talk about USF, you One of USFs most consistent performers has been (No. 3) Jan are talking about almost counseling • cfjotr • tellotosfjip Erik Skaug (photo by Perry CM*.] professional amateur soccer." September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 17 Don Defense Edges Preston's Perspective by Daw Preston someone else's realism. But glory SIU in Thriller Sports Information Director be, hallelujah there is hope. You playing his finest game ever as a It's been a number of years are in an institute of higher USF Don. gave thedefense relief since I have been in a college learning and there, my idealistic by using his speed for counter environment, more than I'd like friend, is the yellow brick road to attacks on the left side. to remember. Things have realism. Finally, as the half wore on, changed with a natural evolution Now it is true that college the momentum switched to USF and students have changed. But athletics can be a stepping stone and they took the offensive. it is a little hard to get a true to the "Big Time". But as it reads Roar Anderson had a rifle shot perspective because of on the archway over the blocked at point blank range and standards. Standards are th.ose threshhold to campus. "We then Bjorn Tronstad missed a values one develops through the make no promises, just sure goal when his chip shot was road of life by which you make opportunities". The realism in wide right. After Andy Fry made judgment. Some people are the statement giv.es you three his brilliant save, Odiye got idealistic, some are realistic and basic ways to bingo. First you behind the SIU goalie, but his others are apathetic. can be another Terry Bradshaw desperation shot rolled just to Isn't it funny how those three or Billie Jean King and thank the left of the post. Thomas standards apply to a student's your lucky stars and the coach USF soccer coach Steve Negoesco Schmidtke then set up Alex four years of higher education. who recruited and taught you. And how about athletics? Do You are a professional athlete by T. R. Sullivan breakaway goals to Southern Nwosu perfectly but Ed those standards fit in the jock and that ticket was bought by Using a hastily improvised Illinois and, as they did against Gcttemeir made an outstanding scene on campus? Of course they college exposure. Number two defense that looked like it was Alabama A&M, USF found save in goal on Nwosu's line do. on our list of realistic about to fall apart but instead themselves down 2-1. drive shot to keep USF from Every athlete who comes to outcomings goes something like was tough as nails, the USF USF refused to fold and with scoring. school has aspirations of being this. Good student, good athlete, Dons defeated fourth-ranked thirty-nine minutes gone in the It appeared as if the game on a winning team. They dream good try, good bye! It didn't Southern Illinois-Edwardsville first half, they got a big break would go into overtime but, with of becoming a recognized happen for you on the pro side. 3-2 last Friday night in when SIU's Pat Malloy was four minutes remaining, Felipe But how about good student? Pleasanton. The Dons heroic called for a handball in the Magalhaes decided the issue. commodity... their name in Son of a gun you got an defensive play came in the penalty area. USF was awarded Dag Olavsen crossed a pass into lights, so speak. All athletes who second half after the two a penalty kick and Roar the Cougar zone and Joe Howe have the chance to play college education! Now it is not powerhouses had fought the first Anderson took advantage by made the mistake of trying to ball hope for the best in the uncommon for a good athlete act to a 2-2 standoff. converting it into a score. control the ball instead of future. That is the idealistic who didn't make the cut to still phase they experience. And why be a recognizable figure. And USF was playing without right The first half ended 2-2 and it clearing it. Felipe was waiting for shouldn't they. It is quite an business and industry like the halfback Jan Erik Skaug, who set the stage for the Dons defense him and when Howe lost control, accomplishment to keep one's idea of high profile types within was kicked in the shins and had in the second half. Edwardsville the sophomore from Brazil body in top physical condition their particular ranks. And after to sit the second half out as a put on the offensive pressure at smashed it into the nets. and be rewarded for that all you were a good student and precautionary measure. Steve first and the Dons were hard "Sometimes you get the goals discipline. But as many young that realistically gives you Negoesco used all different kinds pressed to keep them from yourself and sometimes the people find, their idealism another avenue to follow for a of combinations in his backfield scoring. Against A&M, the Dons defense gives them to you," said profession. and they worked. Although were done in by the head shots Felipe, "but if you're good and doesn't always translate into putting on intense pressure, the but this time Andy Fry was ready you're going to win, then you Cougars were able to penetrate and he punched away several have to be there when the other the US F defense just twice in the dangerous crossing passes. team makes the mistakes." Junk Instant Replay last forty-five minutes of play. The rest of the Dons defense Southern Illinois only made by James Attridge heroes. The first time saw Jeff was outstanding as Godwyn one mistake in the second half, Kill him! Kill the umpire! Disallowing human error in Cacciatore get loose on a Odiye and Nick Lambridis both but the USF Dons defense didn't shouted someone on the stand. officiating tends to further breakaway past Nick Lambridis. made several outstanding plays make any. So it's going to be a And it is likely they'd have killed machine athletics. Technology However, Andy Fry rushed him as did freshmen Bjorn Tronstad, long trip back to the Mississippi him had not Casey raised his has bVought us computerized from the box and made a diving Jo Bergsvand and Stanislau River for the Cougars. hand. drafting, the run and gun shot block at point-blank range. Musilek. Thomas Schmidtke, £. L. Thayer, Casey At The Bat inspiring 24-second clock, and The ball bounded into the right Now, just as in Casey's day anxiety drugs that are fiat but before any damage could sports officiating is about as scientifically designed to make be done. Fry had scrambled after popular as finding a vein in your people like Jack Tatum be mean Intramurals and to people like Daryl Stingly. the ball and fallen on it. stadium hotdog. It is no accident Technology is taking what used "I really wasn't that difficult of that society issues identical to be an art and is turning it into a play," said Fry after the game. uniforms to its umpires as it does Other Stuff a science. I hate to say it, but "The offensive play is thinking to its captured criminals. Fans science usually bores me. And more about the guy behind him who on Sunday mornings pray CORRECTION- Last week's 1st. Sign-ups close on September when it isn't boring me, it's than about me, so that gives me that their capacity to forgive sports page had an inaccuracy 26th with a two-dollar entry fee. scaring me. the advantage." that should be corrected Competition will take place in trespasses be the yardstick by 1 SIU also got a chance to score immediately. I reported that five categories, including men's which the "One Great Scorer" All that can reasonably be when Don Ebert chipped the ball Nick Lambridis is currently and women's singles, men's and judges them, are by Sunday done to get good officiating is we over Fry, who had been knocked doing his masters work at the UC women's doubles and mixed evening condemning football should find the best officials we into some players. But Bjorn Med Center. I have been told this doubles. The Intramurals Office referees to the dungheap. can and have them do the best Tronstad got way up in the air is not true; he is doing it here at also has three tables for Unique is the sport that has they can. and headed the ball over the the university. If he went to UC, community use. not had a great officiating Bad calls are part of the game. goal. he would be ineligible to play for LADIES EXERCISE CLASS- controversy within the past two Your susceptibility to them is dictated by the whims of fate, San Francisco started the USF and I don't want to make A women's exercise class has been years. Videotape has added fuel just as the weather is. Weather game looking like they were Nick Lambridis ineligible. established by the IM Department. to the first of these controversies affects the fortunes of many determined to blow Southern DIRECTIONS— Kezar Stad­ This class is being taught by by displaying the ins and outs of teams. The Green Bay Packers Illinois back across the ium, site of tomorrow's Stephanie Lunch, a P.E. and the umps to the perusal of the used to use the Wisconsin winter Mississippi River where they Carnation Bowl, is located on Dance Major here at USF. The whole wide world. It is not in thc same way the Russians did came from. Just eight minutes Stanyan Street. Tickets are class is geared towards improving unusual to see a replay of a bad to stop Napolean and Hitler. into the game the Dons grabbed available in the UC-Commons physical endurance, cardiovascular call twenty times. A good Fate produces injury, which a 1-0 lead. Roar Anderson, the today for only one dollar. fitness and stamina, and overall example is Craig Nettles' tag on oftentimes ruins a team's season, sophomore from Norway who GUITAR— Guitar Lessons are general appearance. The times Willie Wilson at third base in last like last year's Baltimore Colts. has come under sharp criticism being taught Tuesday and offered are Monday and years' baseball playoffs. Fate took away Thurman the past few weeks, grounded Thursday nights from seven to Wednesday nights from six to Games are contests of skill. Munson. Fate knows no one past the SIU goalie for the eight o'clock. The instructor is seven and Friday from 12:30 to That is why we watch them. Part rulebook. first of his two goals on the night. Steven Wilkerson and his lessons, 1:30. of the human drama of sport is cover folk, rock, classical, blues As long as fate cannot in its "Felipe and I worked a give FLAG FOOTBALL- Flag the potential for human error. and jazz. entirety be regulated, we should and go" explained Roar, "but I football begins this Monday with The fumble. The double dribble. not attempt to control portions got in a clinch with a defender GIANTS-DODGERS- Intra­ games every day Monday- The gutterball. Games without of it, especially if the about seven meters from the murals has thirty-five tickets to Thursday at 3:30 and 4:30. errors would be well played no consequence is dehumanizing goal. I was determined to do the September 26th San INDOOR SOCCER- Soccer doubt, but they would after a the games we enjoy. something and that made me get Francisco Giants-Los Angeles will be played on Monday nights at while tend to get boring. We the goal." Dodgers game (7:35 p.m.) on sale eight and nine o'clock. watch sports so we can observe The ref is considered part of] But after looking so good, the at half price. VOLLEYBALL- Volleyball will people. Yet increasingly sport is the field. His mistakes, like those of the players, should be Dons suffered a major PING-PONG— Intramurals is be played Tuesday-Thursday at beginning to resemble a clash considered part of the game, breakdown in their defense. sponsoring a ping-pong eight and nine when the gym is between machines. And because after all, that's all it is. They gave away two consecutive tournament beginning October available. machines do not make good Page 18 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979

An Unpleasant Lisa Maurino Night ©®DD@@jBaO® in Pleasanton T. R. Sullivan jpxrDs (?[f@§§ Looking Inside Sports Editor I was raised in the state of Alabama, where Paul "Bear" Bryant is a god and football is king. Success in Sports. What is it? Moreover, is The best-selling song when I was there was The Glory of there actually a working definition applicable to "Lueckenbach Texas" and the highest-rated TV all sports, in all areas, at all levels? Or is this show was "The Gong Show." Merle Haggard's single concept of "success" only manifest in the Muskogee may be in Oklahoma but there are a the Hilltop higher collegiate or professional levels of sports? hundred towns like it in Alabama. Let's try to find out. So, with that background, you can imagine my apprehensiveness coming out to school in California, the home of liberals, marijuana, First of all, "success" is a mere abstraction and flower children and Jane Fonda. A state where interpretation. There is no material item called there is more pornography in the three blocks on success, nor can there be a universally accepted Broadway than there is in my home state. definition of this concept, encompassing many However, when the USF Dons took on realms of activity. So, it seems sensible to deduce Southern Illinois-Edwardsville in the beautiful that success is something individual and unique town of Pleasanton, California, I felt right at to specific persons, or specific societies. home. It was like being transformed to William Faulkner's Yokonaupautna County. The ambiguity surrounding the concept of Even being national champions, USF is used "success" can be applied to the sphere of to playing on second rate fields. But the field they collegiate athletics. For example, "success" in played on in Pleasanton was the worst I've ever collegiate athletics is often attributed to mainly seen. It was the the of field you would expect two those who succeed at a professional level. junior high school football teams do battle on Realistically then, there is very little room for instead of the number one and the number four success in college athletics by the majority of ranked collegiate soccer teams in the country. those who compete, since only a handful of athletes ever make it to the pros. First of all, starting from the Dons bench, it Ollie Matson scores another touchdown for USF (Photo courtesy was an uphill battle to get to midfield, but once USF Alumni Association). you got there it was downhill all the way to the by T. R. Sullivan away. Ed Brown dropped back If one were to equate being successlul in other sideline. You had to stand on your tiptoes On the day of the Fordham deep in his own territory and hit college athletics with signing a professional to see the other team's bench. The field was well game, the front page of The New halfback Jim Boggans with a contract, one would be making a rather limited marked, though. The sidelines and the yardlines York Times sports section ran a long pass that the Dons speedster assumption. And when it comes right down to were indented one foot into the ground. It was picture of Ollie Matson, Ed carried to the Ram 15 where he the validity of such an assumption, one would be like trying to traverse across a World War I Brown and Coach Kuharich. was hit and fumbled. The ball safer saying that a college student is only battle field. And the turf made Ulrich Field look Nineteen seconds into the game, rolled to the nine where the Dons successful when he/she makes a million dollars. like the Rose Bowl. the 16,000 people in Randall hopes rested in the mud waiting "USF ought to go out before the season and Island Stadium and the for someone to claim it. Vince And so, the degree to which "success" is scout these fields before scheduling games," said Fordham Rams knew exactly Tringali did as he beat two attained in college athletics can only be judged USF assistant coach Bjorn Dahl. Something has who Ollie Matson was. The defenders to the ball and USF on an individual basis. Again, I make the case for got to be done, this is the worst I have ever seen. Dons speedster took the opening had a first and goal to go. The the importance of looking at the individuals who Someone in the Athletic Department has got to kickoff and ran right up the Dons gave it to Ollie Matson, make up the teams which represent USF. Until do something, Steve can't run a one-man show." middle on his way to a 94-yard who on first down, bulled his such individuals can be understood as unique "The conditions out there are horrible," said touchdown return. Ed Brown way to the two. Then Ed Brown human beings, just like everyone else in the real Jan Erik Skaug. "You can't even make a decent made it 13-0 with a 33-yard surprised the defense by running world, it would be erroneous to devise categories pass." touchdown pass to Ralph from a passing formation as he titles, "Successful" and "Unsuccessful". The lighting of the field was on par with Thomas and it seemed that the sprinted the final two yards for everything else, although this situation could Dons were on their way. the winning touchdown. In order to exemplify the individuality of "success" in athletic achievement, or any other have been improved upon easily. The gate But the Fordham Rams were Matson finished the day with area, I shall tell of an example I learned in class. officials should have passed candles out to every not the San Jose State Spartans. 118 yards rushing and 303 Take two different students in any particular person who came to the gate and have them light Coached by the New York overall. But the 32-26 victory had class. Give them both "B" grades. One could, at it. Giants former great quarterback been a brutal struggle for USF as this point, generalize and say that both students However, the fans would have blown the Ed Dankowski, the Rams had three players were carried from were relatively successful. But let's take this tory candles out every time the Dons touched the ball. established themselves as one of the field including linebacker one step further. Suppose one student was I have never seen a more anti-USFcrowd before. the best teams on the East Coast Roy Giorgi, who suffered a knee accustomed to receiving "A" grades while the Obviously, it was the number of foreign players injury and did not play again that at the time and they proceeded to other was in the habit of maintaining "C" grades. on the USF roster that turned the crowd's show the Dons why. Just before season. sentiments. Would the "B" grade be a sign of success to both halftime the first of Roger The Dons returned home for students? Hardly. "My son is one of the best soccer players in the Franz's three touchdown passes an easy win over the San Diego area," bragged one father to Foghorn made it 13-7 and the Fordham Naval Training Center before photographer Mike Dubnoff, "and with his 3.9 defense stopped Matson and his taking on archrival and upset Well this analogy can be applied to athletics. grade average, I can send him to any school I cohorts three straight times after minded Santa Clara in Kezar "Success" in athletics cannot necessarily be want but I'm not going to send him to USF." the Dons had a second and goal Stadium. Santa Clara was a measured by statistical analysis, team "I agree," said another astute local. "I came on the one. perennial West Coast power with performance, player popularity, or anything else out here tonight to see Southern Illinois. I won't Fordham tied it at thirteen one Orange Bowl victory to their which closely resembles a superficial scanning of have anything to do with a school that takes early in the third period before credit. They put up a strong fight an athlete. It can only be realized within the foreign players over American kids." USF drove 65 yards in fifteen until two big plays turned the individual athlete. After the game I was interviewing Steve plays. Matson scored from six tide for the Dons. With the score Negoesco and an elderly lady walked right up to yards out and the Dons had tied 7-7, halfback George Carley To my understanding of athletics — the us. regained the lead 19-13. When picked off a Bronco pass and physical and mental involvement and "Are you the USF coach?" she asked. Fordham got the ball again, the took it all the way for a score. commitment of an individual to personal "Yes I am," replied Coach Negoesco politely USF defense stopped the Rams Then "Mr. Touchdown U.S.A." achievement and accomplishment — "success" with a smile. cold. But Ollie Matson fumbled Ollie Matson stormed 54 yards can be realized without headlines, pictures and "I wanted to meet you. I wanted to meet the away the ensuing punt and for his second touchdown and pro-contracts. Thus, the question of "Are you coach who would recruit foreign players instead Fordham cashed in on a 37-yard San Francisco went on to their successful," goes far beyond the many of working with our American youth." touchdown pass. On the kickoff seventh straight victory. mathematical interpretations of athletics such as The clincher came when Jan Erik Skaug was Matson once again fumbled but Two weeks later, 40,000 fans the "number" of homeruns, the "number" of maliciously kicked in the shin by one of the this time he managed to pick it jammed the College of the points scored per game, the "number" of knock­ American SIU players and had to leave the up and speed 90 yards for the go- Pacific stadium to watch outs, and so on and so on. game. As he hobbled off the field, Jan Erik was ahead score. Pacific's powerful running actually booed by half the crowd. It is far better attack (ranked #1 in the nation) Perhaps one could get a better picture of the for USF to play their home games here at Ulrich Still, Fordham refused to quit go against USF's defense success of an athlete by asking, "Did you do your Field in front of Lou Harris and five hundred and they tied up this titanic (ranked #1 in the nation against best?" And if the answer is yes, then one will be seagulls than to go off to these redneck towns struggle at 26-26 with four the run). The Tigers were led by able to witness "success" in its most crude form. and play in front of fans who are watching the minutes remaining in the game. halfbacks Eddie Macon and best in collegiate soccer and can't even appreciate USF had one more chance to Tommy McCormick. Known as it. score and they almost gave it Continued on P«l* M September 21, 1979 San Francisco Foghorn Page 19 A lien Funky's Intramural Football Preview

by Allen Funky IX Chris Lynch Louis Dumont Pupule's Ron Kahan This is the first time the Frank Richard David Akina Team Captain: Miles Nikei This is a law school team so Foghorn has ever done this and John Guiliano Maris Novo Miles Nirei look for them to run the football you have to thank the Sports Mike Lawless John Huerter Melvin Cortez a lot. I mean everyone knows Editor for it. T. R. has always Domingo Dcladilio Steve Settlemeyer David Tuzon USF law students can't pass bar been looking for a way to cover Anthony Nartinez Craig Perkins Richard Anae exams, much less a football. Intramurals so when I suggested Mike Calegari T. R. Sullivan Joe Rodriques this, he turned down the idea flat. Bill Sands Mike Chock Fred Gatis Causa Mortis But I told him I would be nice John Safraneck Pat Pawlowski has never lost a John Kelley Team Captain: Steve Roland- and he was gullible enough to Ed Lyons game at USF but he better start Matt Menasco Mike Wajas believe me. Gene Slattery getting used to it. My boss is on John Gelman Steve Roland But down to business, this I wonder if the Gillson Four- this team so I won't mention how Owen Sekimura Mike Wijas year's Intramurals league has got Players are related to the College ZBT, the campus' newest Larry Gatis Tom Gurecki to be the largest collection of rag­ Players. If so you'll see a lot of fraternity, will play like an Joe Nutti Paul Mirowski tag, frustrated jocks that ever bombs from this team, which expansion team. Bob Jordan Keith Dorman walked through the gates of means they'll go the same way as Dave Robinson John Flaherty USF. The champion will win it the ill-fated "Lady's Not for Bad Company Melvin Makaiwi Frank Vaculin only by default. I'm going to Burning." Team Captain: Anthony Look out! Here comes the Don Henry enjoy walking down to Loyola Martinez favorite. The Pupule's have Another law school team. and watching this jerks wallow in Mustang Riding Academy William Lotties HI supposedly the biggest frontline Causa Mortis says they can't the mud. Fortunately, Loyola is Team Captain: Tom Johnson Stephen Bowman in the league. Even if they used play at three-thirty but the fact is on the way to those great Tom Johnson Damon Bradford Richard Anae on the frontline by they can't play worth a damn at drinking establishments on Marc Warren Laurence Kong himself they still get the honor. anytime of the day. I guess three- Geary where I can sit in comfort Tom Riordan David Taguino This squad is definitely the team thirty is the time their favorite and enjoy some real football. Greg Mohr Anthony Martinez to beat. bar opens. The Funk's favorite for 1979 is Bob Mills Michael Griffin the Pupule's followed closely by Steve Reese Mike Hoshimoto Habeas Corpus "Hour of Power" the Wayward Boys. After that Alberto Tolentino Gene Slattery Team Captain: Ron Kahan Team Captain: J. A. Pete it's a tossup to which team will Steve Mull in Andy Ezold Darryl Choy Jimmy Pete embarrass themselves more. I Dean Ardrighetto Juan Davis Don Ferguson David Aurelio just hope there are a lot of good- John Sturla I wonder what makes this Steve Burdomy Jim Curran looking girls at the games Chris Vrana team "Bad Company"; their Brian Delaporta Andre Brown although talent in this area is way Brian McSweeney football playing or their breath? Frank Pitre John Mclntyre down this year, too. Joe Reihl Probably both. These guys are Ivan L. Kallick Dan Dowson Tom Johnson was the captain from Gillson and are so out of Kenny Brown Dan Hughes Sports Editors note—All of last semester's Intramurals shape, by the time they get up Tom Wojatsek Randy Nelson spellings were taken off rosters Basketball Champions, which Cardiac Hill they'll be too dead Jeff Belote Brett Smith turned in to Intramurals was probably the greatest event to play. John Kunis Mark Miravalle of his life. This football team is Charles Weckel S.O.M.F.'s going to be his worst nightmare. Pete Landi Team Captain: David D'Arezzo Russell Ware David D'Arezzo USDA CHOICE The Hilltop Jeff Nelson Harry Haytayon Team Captain: John Meylor Stephen Sefranek Tim Leahy John Meylor Continued from Page 18 Cotton Bowl bid despite a record Made up mostly of SII Steve Lynch Steve Cetrone the "Touchdown Twins," they of 7-4. students which means if I say Craig Scarpelli Chuck Torretta were expected to put on quite a The following year the great anything bad about them, my Syefano Ferrari Julian Valdez show for the partisan crowd. team was torn apart as USF good friend Father Fessio will Craig Whitney John Finnegan However, the show belonged temporarily dropped football. banish me to you know where. Victor Collins Jim Kennerlly totally to the Dons and their Head Coach Joe Kuharich was Or even worse, Hayes-Healy. Steve Johnson Campy Holton defense. > named head coach of the Tim Szumowski Vince Pierotti The USF defense set up Ollie Chicago Cardinals where he was Quaking Bogs This team is made up of Mike Masterson Matson's six-yard touch run by joined by Ollie Matson, Mike Team Captain: B. Hodgkins fourth-floor Phelaners and it is Jay Connolly recovering a fumbled punt. Then Mergen, and several other USF Chris "Rondo" Hall rumoured that the land of 4P, USDA Choice is certainly not Bob St. Clair picked up another players. Burl Toler went to the Kent "Chops" Sablotny once known as the floor of my choice. They are from the fumble and ran it in himself while Cleveland Browns and is now Enrique Rumph drunks, stoners and the Pervert fifth floor annex, which is Mike Mergen closed out the first still active as a head linesman in Grant "T" Fuchs Club, is not what it used to be. famous for its jocks. I agree, this half scoring by recovering Burl the NFL. Gino Marchetti served Jim Buckley This team will play like it is team should lead the league in Toler's blocked punt in the end in the military before going onto Dan "Don't Be" Rapadas coming off a four-day drunk. most cases of jock itch. zone. In the second half, Ollie an illustrious career in the NFL Conrado Salvadore Matson and Ed Brown moved and enshrinement into the Pro Bill "Big" Porter Knights of Columbus (KC) Border Patrol center stage as Matson went 68 Football Hall of Fame. Ed Hobbit Hodgkins Team Captain: Rich Novelli Team Captain: Al Erojo yards for one T.D. while Brown Brown was an NFL quarterback Colum Tinly Dan Sevilla Chris Sanchez hurled two touchdown bombs, for thirteen years, mainly for the The "Quaking Bogs"? Rich Novelli Al Erojo one to Merrill Peacock and one Pittsburgh Steelers, and he Ron Novelli Pete Whalen to Bob St. Clair, while running appeared in several Pro-Bowl Wayward Boys Mark Natividad Tim Daley 3S yards for another six pointer. games. Team Captain: Donnie Mann Steve Scavos Tom Reese The final lopsided score was 47- Ollie Matson competed in the Donnie Mann John Biccinni Terry Matson 14. Helsinki Olympics in the Jim Doran Dennis Cashman Marty Dilworth The Dons final game of the summer of 19S2 before joining Rick Doran Jeff Edwards Steve Sardige season took place in the Rose his coaching in Chicago. In the Joe Potuny Chris Butler Greg Mate Bowl but on November 25 — and Olympics he won a bronze medal Frank Lograsso John Jaber Bob Whitfield not January 1. The Dons blasted in the 400-meter dash and a silver Mike Mooney Ken Huffman Bob Locke I don't know how this team Loyola and their great medal as a member of the 1600 Mike Groganni came up with the name "Border quarterback Don Klosterman relay team. In the NFL, he was as Dave Bloom brilliant as he was in college, Kevin Jones Patrol" when they have evaded (now the L.A. Rams general Dennis Laurel rushing for over 5000 yards in his Al Guilindo their share of border patrols in manager) 20-2. Ollie Matson Ken Viola career while setting several The Knights of Columbus' their time. This team has more came into the game needing 116 Ed Mitchell records for punt returns. most famous player is basketball stoners than Haight-Ashbury in yards and three touchdowns to Ray Dellaserra break the NCAA marks for both star Jeff Edwards. Edwards had the sixties. Football was dropped for Brad Deals a tough time last year scoring categories. However, he fell good in 1971 when head coach Jim O'Connor both on and off the court and this ZBT short with 112 yards and just two Vince Tringali's squad suffered Terry Mattson year he and his football team will Team Captain: Pat Pawlowski touchdowns. through an 0-19 season. It is Jim Jarrett have the same problem. Wayne Edwards With the culmination of an unforseeable that football will This team is made up of all Pat Pawlowski undefeated season, USF ever return to the hilltop. For baseball players and they are The Gillson Four Players Russell Forbes supporters held their breath for a now, all that remains are the supposedly better at football Team Captain: Chris Brooks Louis Barella bowl bid. There was none echoes of a thundering fullback, than they are at baseball. " Frangel Cannizzaro 71m Szomowski forthcoming. The Bowl a tough defense and a glorious Chris Smith Dan Marrett committees went for more undefeated season. Chick Teixeira Rick Vincent prestigious teams such as Chris Brooks Kentucky, who received a Page 20 San Francisco Foghorn September 21, 1979

S.E.C. to Sponsor Senate Minutes Father Flynn Dinner Senate minutes will be a by Marcella Farragher An event which has been held Fonda This October regular feature in the Foghorn in The USF Alumni Association annually for the past ten years is the hopes of making students has some 27,000 members, the Father Hubert Flynn Dinner. aware of what is happening in 17.000 members are located in This event honors the USF by Lisa Coffey administration concerning their ASUSF government. As of the San Francisco Bay Area. The Athletic Hall of Fame Selectees. The Special Events Commit­ Fonda's visit they replied they publication deadline the last Foghorn staff feels that the The selectees for this year's tee is looking forward to hadn't. Karen Hohl related that ASUSF meeting was held on alumni are a very important part banquet are: Gene M. Benedetti, sponsoring Jane Fonda and S.E.C. deals with Loretta September 13. of this University therefore we '42, football; Alfred J. Cleary, husband Tom Hayden as guest Magnani, who then deals with ASUSF President Fred are including alumni news in the '41, special category; Peter M. speakers at USF this October, Anne Dolan. who has been given Schluep made two appointments FOGHORN this year. The paper Cross, '70, basketball; Robert L. said Al Abunzo. S.E.C. the authority by Fr. LoSchiavo to the Senate; Bob Boguski was will include guest articles, Gaillard, '62, basketball; Phillip Chairman. The two personalities to sign contracts. ASUSF is not a appointed as Senator at Large features, articles on alumni J. Kearney, '42, track; Alexander will be finishing a speaking tour corporation so the administra­ and Kristie Mattson was personalities and alumni events. C. Thomas, '33, football; Ralph for the California Campaign for tion has to sign all contracts for appointed to the position of The alumni help the Career W. Thomas, '52, football. Economic Democracy, which is liability reasons. So far S.E.C. Clubs Council Representative. Planning and Placement Center The dinner will be held on beginning in the Midwest, here in has not had problems in getting Elections for the remaining a great deal. Alumni members November 16, in the U.C. the city. Fonda and Hayden will the contract okayed. available positions will be held offer career opportunities to Commons. There will be a also appear at U.C. San Diego, next week in U.C. 431 at 6:30 many USF students. Many USF special sports highlights multi­ U.C.L.A., and U.C, Davis. p.m. alumni fund raising events are media presentation. Cocktails Last semester at budget time, All senators were requested by held during the year such as the will be served from 6:30-8:00. All the SEC. committee drew up a the ASUSF Vice President Sue phone-a-thon and senior students and faculty are welcome list of prospective speakers for Kraus to sign up for office hours. pledges. to attend this event. the Senate. At this time, the Each senator was informed that Senate agreed to allocate money he or she must hold office hours ($3,000) for Fonda. S.E.C. then for 5 hours per week. prepared to negotiate with In the Activities Report USF Faces Budget Crisis Fonda's secretary for a contract. Activities Chairman Frank Although thc contract is still Vaculin informed the Senate that under negotiations, Abunzo was there will be a Great America Continued from page I of the various schools and able to give the Foghorn some College Night held Saturday, income through the creation of colleges in conjunction with Dr. tentative details concerning the October 6, from 3-11 p.m. The •several off-campus continuing Binkley's office. Some money event. The date is set for October cost is $8.50 per person. education programs scheduled will be saved by not filling faculty 25 and the Memorial Gymnas­ Tim Maloney informed the to start in mid-year. and administrative posts ium is already reserved for the FONDA Senate that four noontime In order to cut current opening up. Full-time faculty occasion. The money which the Abunzo said that S.E.C. is concerts will be sponsored by expenditures the administration have been given equal teaching senate allocated to the planning to publicize the event NRCC. The first will be declared that to the greatest loads of 12 units. This has, committee comes partially from throughout the Bay Area. He September 22 and will feature possible extent those schools and consequently, reduced the the committee's budget and also indicated that he feels jazz music provided by the Smith colleges with Faculty Associa­ number of part-time teachers partially from the student Fonda is speaking at a strategic Dobson Quintet. On October 18 tion members were to provide hired. activity fees, and S.E.C. must time because the San Francisco there will be some type of concert the resources to meet the Dr. Michael Lehmann, still pull in about $1,100 in city elections are the following connected with Founder's Week. arbitration award. All schools president of the Faculty income from the event. The Tuesday and she has been Other dates and bands coming and colleges would pool to meet Association, has called this admission charge will be $1 for actively involved in San later in the school year will be the enrollment decline. increased teaching load for full- USF students with ID and $3 for Francisco politics. announced later. There are, of course, time faculty a "vindictive and anyone else, including faculty He also feels that having a The senators also discussed exceptions to these principles. retaliatory" action on the part of and staff. personality like Fonda come to the possibility of Jane Fonda and The ability of each school or the administration, an action When S.E.C. representatives USF is very "impressive" and Tom Hayden coming to USF to college to pay was certainly a taken in response to the were asked if they encountered this event could help give USF a speak about Economic consideration. Sciences, for arbitrators' award for the any problems from the name. Democracy. example, could not take a budget faculty. cut. According to Dr. Binkley, Dr. Binkley denied that this "Their costs are going up rapidly was the case. "I deny Berkeley Newspaper is Threatened by Censors and their part-time faculty are categorically that it was hard-pressed." vindictive," stated Dr. Binkley. There will also be no cut? in "We have planned it now for six attorney, is representing Hansen. Continued from page I to know, and should judge for programs where the cut in costs months to one year." The He states that Hansen could face themselves the type of would result in a reduction of administration's goal is to have was served on the editor-in-chief, criminal prosecution by the U.S. information the government revenue. No cuts will therefore full-time faculty teach equal 12- Tom Abate, and the managing Department of Energy and that doesn't want them to have. He be made in continuing unit course loads per semester. editor, Joshua Gosfield, in Hansen has violated the 1954 also stated that the 18-page letter education. Dr. Binkley briefly How will this affect students? addition to the newspaper itself. Atomic Energy Act which was no manual on how to build a summarized, "A cut to Dr. Binkley believes "the average Dave R. Smith, an attorney, possibly carries a life sentence. bomb. continuing education would be student probably won't notice." has been trying to prevent The U.S. Energy Department Copies of this letter have been self-defeating." He stressed that in looking for publication of the letter in other has kept Hansen's diagrams, sent to the Milwaukee Sentinel, Dr. Binkley would not places to cut they were looking newspapers. The judge's order letters and information secret. San Jose Mercury, Oakland comment on any specific cuts. for those areas where a cut would mentioned in that the The department has also ordered Tribune, the Press Connection, He said he was "uneasy" about have the least impact. He noted information could help foreign all of Hansen's letters to be and the Wall Street Journal. All detailing what was cut from that no cuts in student services governments build a nuclear surrendered to them today. newspapers have refused to where. like financial aid were made. weapon. Judge Schnacke feels On August 30, the Peninsula surrender the letter to the The actual budget cuts were "They weren't even considered," that the defendant, the Daily Times Tribune published a government. made by the respective officials Dr. Binkley added. Californian, and its editors, diagram provided by Hansen. late break: know and have reason to believe The paper's officials said that it On Tuesday, September 18, "Drug Store" Bust Nails Students that if the letter was published it was a cartoon. The Energy the U.S. District Judge Samuel could injure the United States Department is considering to file Conti dismissed the restraining Continued from page I ^ confirrned, their story ties in and hinder advantages to foreign charges against the newspaper order against the Daily shooting of an Irish setter dog by closely with those of the police nations. for violating the Atomic Energy Californian. Hansen's reason for police. Shortly afterwards, and the Chronicle, Today, Friday, 21, at 10:30 Act of 1954. This act bans any writing the letter was to show police arrested Peron, 33, who a.m., there will be a preliminary public disclosures or discussion how the Department of Energy is had previously been arrested for hearing to consider a permanent of any nuclear technology. not properly performing its job similar operations. Peron had injunction. This is the second On Sunday, September 16, classifying material. Attorneys at been quoted saying, "We sold time that the United States Hansen's explanation of how the the U.S. Justice Department in only organic stuff — no heroin, government has used court H-bomb works was published in Washington are still considering no cocaine, no uppers or action to stop publication of the Madison Press Connection to file criminal charges against downers, no hard drugs. I felt it, stories involving the hydrogen in Wisconsin. The Press Hansen and the Press was a service to the community."' bomb. Connection has a circulation of Connection in Madison, Although the report from the Charles R. Hansen, 32, of 11,000. The letter was rushed to Wisconsin. two onlooking members cannot Mountain View, Ca., is press as soon as the word of an responsible for this 18-page injunction was passed. McCrea, WANTED! letter. Hansen is a computer editor of the Press Connection, Responsible news writers who would be willing to cover programmer with two years of felt that the government campus, city, and international news. Experience is helpful, but college education. censorship had to stop. McCrea not needed. Please leave your name and phone number in the Mark Topel, a San Francisco felt that the citizens have a right Foghorn office.