Meteorological &-Magazine - - Edited by Hugh Robert Mill

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Meteorological &-Magazine - - Edited by Hugh Robert Mill II II NO. 468 SYMONS'S II II METEOROLOGICAL &-MAGAZINE - - EDITED BY HUGH ROBERT MILL 19O4. • CONTENTS • The sternness of the external aspect of this Maga/.ine is said to have had a lupdlant effect on chance readers, and with the commencement of the Fortieth volume it has been decided to remove that reproach from the cover, in the hope, however, that it will not be transferred to the contents. The central part of the design is the restoration of a building suggestive by its appearance, its purpose, and its fate, of the Tower of the Winds at Athens ..... DESIGN FOR COVER, DRAWN BY .17. /. DAWSON. STMONS'S METEOROLOGICAL MAGAZINE. Edited by HUGH ROBERT MILL, D.Sc., LL.D. VOLUME THE THIRTY-NINTH. 1904. LONDON: EDWARD STANFORD, 12, 13, 14, LONG ACRE, W.C. 1 9 0 5. INDEX. Andson, Rev. W., The St. S within's Christie, Sir William, K.C.B....... 190 Day Tradition ........ ............ 175 Circulation of the Atmosphere, Dr. Anemometer Post, The Tallest ... 204 W. N. Shaw on the ............ 210 Antarctic Expedition, National, Clark, J. Edmund, A Danger in 53, 95, 190; Scottish...... 9, 94, 190 "Smoothing"Rainfall Values, Antarctic, Meteorological Observ­ 83; Study of Sunspot Cycles 27 ing in the ........................... 212 Clay ton, H. Helm, Study of Sun- April 15th, Darkness of.............. 69 spot Cycles ........................ 8 August, 1904, A Hot Day in ...... 128 Clements, Hugh, Some Weather August 2'2nd, Heavy Rain on, 154; Prophets.............................. 65 ' 30th ........ ...!.................... 174 ClimateofIndia,bySirJohnEliot,142,165 Australian Central Weather Bureau 54 of the British Empire in 1902, 5; Austrian Meteorological Society... 154 in 1903 .............................. 230 Autumn Mists, Cause of, by J. B. ClimatologicalObservations,Treat­ Cohen............ .................. 70 ment of .............................. 227 Autumn of 1904, Dry.................. 187 Climatological Tables for the Brit­ Bacon, Rev. J. M., Upper Currents ish Empire, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and Sound..... ..................... 149 140, 160, 180, 200, 220, 244 Ball Lightning......... Ill, 133, 153, 187 Cloud Observations and Upper Banbridge, Rainfall at ........ ..... 13 Atmospheric Currents, by S.C. Bartholomew, J. G., Survey Atlas Russell ........................ ..... 85 of England and Wales (review) 214 Cohen, J. B., on The Cause of Bath Meteorological Observations 59 Autumn Mists ......... ........... 70 Belville's Journals, by W. C. Nash 7 Cross, Rev. James, An Old Severe Ben Nevis Observations and Winter,134; SnowFallsEighty Weather Forecasts............ 11, 51 Years Ago................ ......... 28 Observatories ..... 11, 51, 93, 190, 206 Curtis, R. H., on " Water Vapour" 52 Bentley, Wilson A.,Studies among Dallas, W. L., on Variation of Snow Crystals (review) ......... 55 Population compared with Black, Dr. W. G., Rain, Dust and Rainfall in India ............... 71,86 Evaporation at Edinburgh ... 29 Dansey, Rev. R. P., Rainfall of Bonacina, L. C. W., Atmospheric July 25th .. ........................ 132 Pressure as a Factor of Cli­ Darkness of April 15th............... 69 mate, 2, 49 ; The Wettest Spot Daubeny Laboratory, History of, 73, 86 in the United Kingdom, 152 ; Dawson-LanderSunshine Recorder 21 Varying Distribution of Atmo­ Deutsche See warte ..................... 35, 50 spheric Pressure .................. 62 Dexter, Prof. E. G., "Weather Boutnower, H. C., Heavy Rain on Influences" ........................ 222 August 22nd.................... ... 154 Dines, W. H., see Dr. W. N. Shaw; Box, Rev. C. F., on Effects of a Observations by Means of Lightning Stroke................. 114 Kites, 25 ; Atmospheric Pres­ Boys, Rev. H. A., A Whirlwind... 134 sure and Climate, 27 ; New British Association, Meteorology Meteorograph for Kites. ... ... 109 at the ........ ...... ..... 141, 162, 191 Dines' Recording Barometer ...... 150 British Empire, Climate of ...... 5, 230 Dittmar Recording Pen......... ..... 75 British, Rainfall, 1903 ............ 75, 127 Dowson, E. T., Rainfall of July Brodie, F. J., on Decrease of Fog 25th..................................!. 132 in London ..................... 213,225 Edinburgh, Rain, Dust and Evapo­ Brook, C. L., Yorkshire Thunder­ ration in ........................... 29 storm of July 24th ............... 129 Eliot, Sir John, Address to British Brace, W. S. ........................... 9, 190 Association, 142, 165 ; On the Buchan, Dr. A., on Ben Nevis Meteorology of the Empire ... 54 Observations and Forecasting 51 Elliot, Miss G.,'Ball Lightning ... 133 Camden Rain Glass .................. 93 Ellis, W., F.R.S., Some Weather Chambers, C. P., Thunderstorm Prophets ........................ v .43, 67 at Broughton-in-Furness, 28 ; Ellison, Rev. J. Eldon, Heavy Rain Graduation of Rain Glasses... 48 on August 30th .........'......... 174 VI. INDEX. Eyre, Rev. W. L. \V., Graduation July Frost in Sutherlandshire...... 132 of Rain Glasses .................. 48 July 23-27, Rainfall of, 130 ; 24th, Fog in London, 232; Decrease of, 213,225 Yorkshire Thunderstorm of, Free Air, Physics of the .......... 234 129; 25th, Rainfall of ......130, 131 Frier, H. E., Extremes of Tem­ Kew Observatory .................... 112 perature in July .................. 133 King, His Majesty the, and British Garriott, E. B., Weather Folk-lore Rainfall......... ............... ... 190 and Local Weather Signs (re­ Kite Committee, Report of ......... 147 view) ................................. 32 Kite Ascents, D_aily ................ 35 German Meteorological Society ... 93 Kites, Observations by Means of..24, 25 Gethin-Jones, J. R., The Wettest Klossovsky, A., Examination of Place in Wales, 121; The the Method of Weather Fore­ Wettest Spot in the United casts of M. N. Demtschinsky Kingdom ........................... 172 (review) .............................. 31 Gilchrist Lectures .. .................. 234 Lightning, Structural Damage by 189 Gradient of Rainfall, Vertical...... 229 Lightning Stroke, Effects of a ..... 114 Greenwich Observatory, Annual Lodge, Sir Oliver, on Fog............ .232 Visitation of........ ............... 88 London, Decrease of Fog in'......... 213 Greenwich, Rainfall at, 1815-1903 87 London Rainfall, A Contrast in ... 188 Gregory, Prof. J. W., F.R.S., McAdie, Prof. A. G.. Climatology Climateof Australasia(review) 91 of California (review)............ 92 Gregory,Prof.R. A., Physiography: MacGregor, Sir W., Formation of an Introduction to the Study a Water Spout..................... 153 of Nature (review) ...........^'.'.. 237 Maclear, Admiral J. P., Ball Giinther, R. T., History of the Lightning, 187 ; Paraselene, Dauheny Laboratory, Oxford 69; Rain Gauges ................ 233 (review) ..............................73, 86 Manchester, Rainfall of............... 174 Haack.Dr. Hermann, Geographen- March 29-30, Storms of ............. 50 Kalendar (review) ............... 74 Mawley, E., Phonological Obser­ Hall, W., Heavy Rain of May 27th, vations for 1903 ................. 25 86 ; Rainfall of July 25th...... 132 Maximum Temperatures, Low ... 30 Hann, Dr. Julius, 10; Klimato- May 27th, Heavy Rain of............ 86 graphie von Oesterreich (re­ Meteorological tiornnrittee, Report view), 238; Die Anomalien of the"............... ............... 101 der Witterung auf Island Notes on the Months... 18, 38, 58, 78, (review) .............................. 239 98, 118, 138, 158, 178, 198, 218, 242 Harvey, Rev. C. Wigan, Rainfall Society, Austrian ........... ...... 154 of July 23-27........................ 130 Society, German..................... 93 Hellmannj Dr. G., Denkmaler Society, Royal 10, 25, 52, 70, Mittelalterlicher Meteorologie 86, 114, 212, 225, 234 (review) ....................... ...... 235 Society, Scottish ............... ..50, 227 Hepworth, Commander C., Rela­ Units, Suggested Uniformity of, tion between Pressure, Tem­ by Dr. W. N. Shaw ......'..... 191 perature and Air Circulation.. 170 Meteorologische Zeitschrift...... 35, 154 Hertford, The Marquis of, Rainfall Meteorograph for Kites, New, by of July 25th . ..................... 131 W. H. Dines........................ 109 Hill. Rev. E., Rainfal 1 of July 25th 132 Meteorology of the Empire ......... 54 Holborn, Borough of, and Rainfall 190 on the Antarctic Expeditions... 95 Horner, I). W., Ball Lightning ... Ill "Micro-Barograph," Dr. W. N. I'Anson, W., Dry Autumn of 1904 188 Shaw and \V. H. Dines on ... 227 India, Climate of, by Sir John Mill, Dr. H. R., A Contrast in Eliot.....,............'.. ......... 142, 165 London Rainfall, 188; on Rain­ Innes, It T. A. ........... .......... 61 fall of July 25th, 130 ; on The InternationalCatalogue of Scientific Unsymmetrical Distribution Literature...... .................... 190 of Rainfall about the Path of International Council for the Study a Barometric Depression, 161 ; of the Sea ........................... 34 The Vengeance of the Rain January 13-14th, Squalls of......... 8 Gods ................................. 181 Jenkin, A. P., A Three Years' Mohn, Prof., Rainfall in Norway Period in Rainfall ............... 81 (review) ...........,................'.. 92 INDEX. Mossman, R. C. ........................ 94 REVIEWS : Nash, W. C., Belville's Journals, Examen de la methode de la pre­ 7 ; on Observations of Rainfall diction du temps de, M. N. at Greenwich, 1815-1903, 87 : Demtschinsky, par A. Klos- Retirement of........ ............ 35, 88 sovsky ........................ ..... National Physical Laboratory, Weather Folk-Lore and Local Report for 1903 (review) ...... 237 Weather Signs. By Edward
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