'Let board decide on action against Muhyiddin' .com Aug 2, 2015 By Zikri Kamarulzaman

The personal views of one Umno supreme council member should not dictate if party deputy president should face disciplinary action, said a vice president.

Hishammuddin Hussein said that decision should be left to the disciplinary board.

"Whether action is taken or not, it should go through the proper channels.

“We have the disciplinary board, we have the party management committee.

"So the views of one supreme council member should not be final," he said.

Hishammuddin was commenting on Abdul 's motion to have Muhyiddin disciplined over a leaked video claiming Umno president Najib Abdul Razak had admitted to receiving RM2.6 billion in his personal bank accounts.

"I respect his personal opinion, but it doesn't necessarily reflect the views of all on the supreme council," Hishammuddin said.

He was speaking to reporters after opening the Batu Umno division annual general meeting (AGM) in today.

Muhyiddin was dropped from the cabinet on Tuesday, and installed Umno vice president as his new number two.

It is believed that Muhyiddin was axed because of his vocal criticism of 1MDB.

In his speech earlier at the assembly, Hishammuddin reiterated his personal view that Najib should explain the 1MDB scandal.

He also expressed confidence that 1MDB's debt problem could be resolved through a restructuring process.

He hoped the people can wait for the outcome of various probes onto 1MDB before judging the prime minister.

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