Also in The Torch... Gallery Bergen Presents Out of the Blue - Pg 5

The Torch Microsoft’s Windows 7: Make or Break - Pg 10 THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF

Strategic Open Public Records Seminar

Planning By: Carina Tesone at BCC -news ediTor- Bergen Community College hosted By: Lira skenderi the Open Public Records Seminar on Thursday, March 26th, which discussed -sTaff wriTer- the importance of people s rights to access public and government records. There are many decisions to be made This Right to know law became the regarding the future of BCC, and the Open Public Records Act (OPRA) in administrative staff wants your input. June 2001. A report has recently been released With OPRA, you can ask where by the Strategic Planning Committee of your state s tax dollars are going, what Bergen Community College regarding exactly the nation’s deficit is, or when issues that may affect the college and its a particular motor vehicle accident students in the up-coming years. occurred. Under this act, you cannot be According to a statement issued by denied such information, and you do committee head Dr. Peter Dlugos, the not need to provide a reason for your report is intended to summarize trends request. This could become a great new and events happening outside of the service to the public. campus environment [and] within Over 300 people attended the the college . The summaries will help Seminar including: BCC students, to identify broad goals that will drive dozens of journalists, some attorneys, IMAGE COURTESY OF NJSLOM.ORG planning for the next few years. a few policemen, and many concerned reviewed through OPRA to determine information for any reason, which The trends presented in the report citizens who gathered at the Ciccone are formatted into categories including: what can be and cannot be said, which could definitely decrease government Theater. of course, will be dealt with on a case- corruption. The people s right to know Demographic, Economic, Labor, and President Ryan began the Seminar, Political Trends; Cultural/Value/Social by-case basis. Transparency is the best is the core of representative democracy, saying that open access to public disinfectant for public corruption, was the Senator said. Trends; Environmental and Public information is paramount to a free Health Trends; and Higher Education, her motto. Drawing the line of confidentiality society. He introduced the guests, Senator Weinberg said that the days and the right to access public records, Community College, Primary and Martin O Shea and Senator Loretta Secondary School Education Trends as of smoky back rooms and shady however, is a very thin line that is Weinberg (the Featured Speaker). business transactions are not over yet, sometimes, hard to distinguish. Such part of the external research summaries. In her speech, Senator Weinberg The executive summary of external but hopefully, they can be suppressed, issues were explained in the four panels addressed the problem with clandestine and eventually, eliminated. With following her speech by a collection research in the report identifies the matters, and said that they should still be recession, the immigration surge, and the OPRA, people can look up any public of private attorneys, clerks, and the baby boomer retirement as key trends to be considered. Increased tuition revenue due to rising enrollment and a possible decrease in government funding are Student Tax Breaks: seen as probable impacts on the college. A need for further development of the Are You Taking Advantage? American Language Program for non- native speaking students is also probable, By: ausTin keenan according to the report. The college is also expected to meet the rising demands -sTaff wriTer- in the Healthcare and Computer Science fields. The April 15th deadline for tax filing is here, and many Diversity and technology are also students are scrambling to file their 2008 return with as many high on the list of important demographic deductions and optimizations as possible. Of course, anyone trends. Diversity , the report states, who has filed their taxes before knows all the standard tricks, “still seems to be a significant challenge like claiming yourself as independent and using paid interest for higher education, which may also be on student loans as a deduction, but there are a few tricks in connection with the previously noted you can take advantage of that may get you an even better immigration surge. return this year. After all, who really wants to work over the Affirmative action can also be found summer? on the list of Possible Impacts on BCC One of the most basic tax breaks that students get is on with probable pressure for BCC to the interest they re paying on their student loans. If you re “develop an affirmative action complaint out of school and making payments on those huge bills, the process… and have a clear affirmative portion of all the payments that are interest is deductible from action plan. Renovation of out-dated, the amount you made the year you file your taxes, resulting tokenizing diversity programs and in a smaller amount owed to the government and, therefore, pedagogy is also a proposed possible a better chance at getting a nice refund. However, this year impact. some new adjustments have been made. If your parents are That better be for the students. Committee head Dlugos holds the helping you make loan payments, you can still claim the IMAGE COURTESY OF BLACBIRDS.COM position of Vice President of Research, interest as a deduction. Before this year, students and parents There s also the Hope Scholarship Tax Credit, which Planning, Assessment and Quality for could not claim a deductible for this interest if the student was offers breaks both for students making less than $58,000 BCC. In an informational interview with not making payments on their own. But now, the student can adjusted gross income (AGI) per year. To be eligible, the claim up to $2,500 in a deductible even if they re getting help See Planning on Page 13 from their parents. See Tax BreakS on Page 2

Winner of the General Excellence Award for the Press Foundation 2007-2008 Better College Newspaper Contest Page 2 The Torch March / April 2009 BCC News

The Fall of Print: Looking at Stephen J. Moses the Bleak Future of Newspapers 1938 - 2009

Definitely not dead. You’re reading it. IMAGE COURTESY OF GLOBALNERDY.COM By: Austin KeenAn emerge stronger as the current articles published on Gawker. economic situation improves. com, Nick Denton, owner of -stAff Writer- It is not just newspapers Gawker Media, predicted that that are in trouble, either. advertising revenue could fall The recent economic Print magazines have seen a as much as 40% below the woes plaguing America have shocking amount of layoffs previous year, which scared affected every industry, with and publication folds even every worker under Gawker PHOTO COURTESY OF BERGEN.EDU print media being one of the in the most powerful media Media half to death. Such a hardest hit. Every day there are companies. Conde Naste, dramatic decrease could spell By: MichAel Bull foundation. announcements of newspapers owner of Men s Vogue and almost certain unemployment Among his many folding, massive amounts Portfolio, and arguably the company-wide, however the hit -Ad MAnAger- achievements were his many of layoffs, and both hiring biggest name in magazine has not been as bad as Denton instances of helping with fund- and salary freezes at such an publishing, announced all the predicted. In fact, advertising The Torch recognizes raising for the college, as well alarming rate that many writers way back in October that they revenue in the end of 2008 Chairman of the Board Stephen as the expansion of Bergen s are left wondering what their were shrinking company s was actually up 39% from the J. Moses achievements for main campus and the launch fate might be. budget. Publishing will be cut previous year. This did not stop Bergen Community College of a new campus in southern News Corporation, the by approximately five percent, Denton from shrinking his head and the state of New Jersey Bergen County. global news company owned by and huge layoffs for staff are count considerably. following his passing March 7, But most importantly, Rupert Murdoch, reported over in sight according to the New Before you panic and go 2009. He was 70 years old, and he is remembered as an $6 billion in losses to the New York Times. Once published changing your major, consider a legend for Bergen County if indispensable member of York Times, which has lead to 10 times per year, these two how many factors are at work in there ever was one. New Jersey s society. As BCC company-wide cost reductions. magazines will now only have news media right now. Not only Stephen Moses is most President G. Jeremiah Ryan News Corporation owns a huge two editions annually. are we looking at an economy remembered as a leading told, He piece of the news and media To be fair, print media gone sour, but trends that attorney in Bergen County knew so many people, and industries, including everything was in trouble long before are leading to a shift in news and as a fundraiser and so many people respected under Fox and Fox News, The politicians started throwing media are still too current to adviser to the Democratic him, not only for his political Times, and the New York Post, around terms like recession be completely comprehensible. Party. He also served on prowess, but just for being a just to name a few. or economic crisis back in Though many studies have been the Bergen Community phenomenal guy. As smaller publications the fall of 2008. The advent of done to find out what business College Board of Trustees as The Torch dedicates this started to fold, it was widely online news media has greatly models of online news web sites chairman, and as chairman of issue to the memory of Stephen the hope of many in the affected printed publications, are successful, investors are still Bergen Community College s Moses. media workforce that larger and appears to be part of a experimenting with advertising corporations would be able general shift in the way people protocols that may or may not to withstand the economic like to receive their news. But actually be profitable. Things downturn, but even the mighty Tax Breaks continued from page 1 now even online ventures like these are often cyclical, person filing the tax return must it comes directly off what you Murdoch has told AFP that, We are suffering, due to reduced and the future of journalism are implementing rigorous cost- claim a student as a dependent, owe, which is great news for advertising revenue. is not sealed just yet, though unless they are claiming the working students with a low cutting across all operations Gawker Media, one of the being an editor might not be the and reducing head count where Hope credit for themselves or income. You re almost certain to biggest New York-based news luxurious position it once was. their spouse. For those making get a refund. However, if you re appropriate. He doesn t think blogging networks, recently Chin up, young journos! that News Corporation will go between $48,000 and $58,000, a student trying to claim this tax consolidated its online presence The future of journalism is the amount they can claim is credit, keep in mind that you under, however, adding, We by merging many of its as uncharted as the depths believe our businesses are reduced, but for those below the must be enrolled at least half time divisions like Jezebel, i09, and of the Milky Way, and new $48,000, you can claim up to and not have completed more well positioned to withstand Gizmodo, and laid off writers opportunities are bound to arise. a lengthy downturn and to $1,800 against the tax you owe than the first two years of your for all their sites. In several the federal government. This is degree education. Also, you can better than a deductible, because only claim this tax credit.

The Torch hiring! ...and we do pay for your services CLASSIFIED We are looking for... Writers and Reporters, Photographers, Cartoonists, Wait Staff and Hostess Those Interested in Graphic and Web Design Upscale Catering Facility in Bergen County. Experience preferred. Please attend a meeting, held in L-115, every Tuesday at 12:30 for more information Please Call 973-546-2250 March / April 2009 The Torch Page 3 BCC News

Stimulus Package: What’s In It For Students?

By: sAdAf Khurshid stimulate employment, economic of the lowest-income students. sectors, such as American Auto According to the Press release, -stAff Writer- Industry, and consumer spending. the Pell Grant maximum will The plan contains investments for increase from $4,731 to $5,350 President Barack Obama took energy, science and technology, beginning July 1, 2009 and will office in January 2009 facing the infrastructure (highways), EH UDLVHG WR LQ country s biggest economic melt- education, and health care. 2011. It also provides a $2,500 down since the Great Depression. The federal plan distributes tuition tax credit, with a 40 Millions of Americans have had $3.95 billion for job training, percent refund, and $200 million their lives turned upside down including grants for programs for for work-study programs. Also and do not know where their adults, dislocated workers and $39 billion is being put forth next paycheck is coming from. youth. A total of $15.5 billion toward infrastructure projects at That is why when Obama was will be applied toward increasing community colleges. campaigning for his presidency, the maximum Pell Grant by $500. Another community-based he promised the people of This will be increase the financial grant is the Regional Center for America that the crisis would be aid that many students receive by Disability Employment known his first and foremost priority. $500 more. as the MOSAIC Center. This So what has Obama done According to the Bergen press program is for people with according to his signature release, President Ryan said, disabilities and seeks to help campaign promises for our Community colleges are well- them secure employment, retrain plunging economy? The suited to fulfill this key mission for jobs, and advance in their President and the Democratic of economic recovery and to careers. Party leaders have put forth the help people become gainfully This means that billions economic stimulus package. employed in high growth areas. As of dollars are being put forth According to New York Times, the largest community college in for school renovations, special Economic stimulus refers to the New Jersey, Bergen Community education, grants for needy use of fiscal policy, government College partners with state and students, and an increase in spending or tax measures, to local unemployment agencies federal aid. The students that support or revive an economy in and Workforce Investment are getting federal aid will be recession. Boards to extend free workforce receiving a larger sum, and the So what does this mean for training and affordable tuition for scholarships and grants offered Americans, residents of Bergen continuing education and degree- at colleges will be increasing in County, and most importantly, the Think green, save green. seeking students. budget by next year. In addition, IMAGE COURTESY OF TOTHEWIRE.COM students of Bergen Community The stimulus package College? This plan aims to broadens the financial packet See Package on Page 13 Page 4 The Torch March / April 2009 BCC News

Cafe Bergen Celebrates Black History Month

By: Austin KeenAn were lead off by a group of young girls, known as The Next -stAff Writer- Generation. The girls, ranging in age from 5-10 years old, Friday, February 20th, BCC performed an expressive dance to held its bi-annual performing traditional gospel music. Despite arts series in the Tech Building their age, we were surprised at Auditorium. As Black History their coordination. Starting off Month was winding down, the slowly, the group roused the SUHVHQWDWLRQDW&DI %HUJHQ DV crowd by the end of the dance, always, made a visible effort to becoming fully energetic and capture the true spirit of cultural soulful. As it turns out, the girls celebration. Gospel singers, jazz have performed all over New music, and African American Jersey in various churches, with poetry helped define the tone of the same gusto. the evening, which was attended After a brief intermission, by members of the Bergen Prof. Brian Cordell of the Foundation, as well as a slew of English Department spoke on students and families, eager to the significance of the Harlem get a little entertainment in a cozy Renaissance and its role in atmosphere. bringing African American arts For those who are unfamiliar into the mainstream of American ZLWK&DI %HUJHQ KHUHVD EULHI culture. Throughout this portion description. The performing arts of the presentation, the BCC series tries to put a focus on Jazz Ensemble played many The Garden State Choral Chapter diversity, and create a delicate instrumental jazz classics, like PHOTO BY AUSTIN KEENAN coffee house-style atmosphere. Take the A-Train, the Duke Frequently the theme of the Ensemble, with Genise Deal s audience. After suffering a attend New Jersey City University Ellington Orchestra standard rendition of It Don t Mean a kidney failure in 2003, she to major in accounting, as well as evening will include whatever the first penned by Billy Strayhorn theme of the month is, a diverse Thing standing out as the peak decided to return to school at continue her work as Director of offset by poetry readings from performance of the segment. BCC to do part-time studies and the Youth Choir at the Ebenezer range of performances, from students, such as Jean Toomer s poetry to DJs to jazz ensembles, Next, the audience was has maintained a consistent 3.8 Baptist Church in Englewood. Song of the Son and two solo treated to a special performance average, and is an active member Her performance of William and of course, a few refreshments voice performances. Students in the form of Arabica coffee and by BCC student Barbara Perry- of Phi Theta Kapa despite the Dawson s Soon-ah Will be Jocon DeRona and Genise Deal Clark. Clark has an exceptional demanding nature of her dialysis Done rocked the audience with assorted sweets. did excellent vocal performances The evening s performances background, and her story was treatment. In 2006 she received with the support of the BCC Jazz certainly made to inspire the a kidney transplant and plans to See cafe Bergen on Page 13 Breaking Through Stigma All College Day Introduces the College Council

Jumping Off Bridges is definitely not a glossy teen comedy. PHOTO COURTESY OF CINEMATICAL.COM

By: chArles A. cArtAgenA to deal with the ill. The primary character, PHOTO COURTESY OF BERGEN.EDU Zak, falls into a deep depression after he -stAff Writer- discovers his mother, Charlotte, dead in the family s garage. Having lost a daughter By: cAssAndrA VeAle what the Govenor and state are doing for Robert N. Davison, executive the mother is depicted throughout the director of Essex County s Mental Health education in New Jersey, mainly pertaining film until her suicide, struggling with -editor-in-chief- to community colleges. She explained Association, took on the role of MC on post traumatic stress disorder. Her family March 5th at Bergen Community College s that our 5% state aid cut is due to the poor does not know how to deal with her, and Bergen Community College s college economy. Ciccone Theater. This was a very special she grows increasingly isolated from the council was officially unveiled on March evening coordinated by our college s Two honored students, Myles Williams world around her. She stops going to work 12th. The first All College Day was held for and Rafael Juliano, were asked to speak Wellness Center and the Care Plus and seeing friends. Her son mirrors this all staff, faculty, students and administrators. Foundation. Students, local townspeople, at the meeting. Williams is a blind student behavior after her suicide, he stops going School president Dr. G. Jeremiah Ryan who earned his GED with help from BCC. executives, and administrators massed to to school and starts to care less about his said, What we hope to accomplish today our theater in order to watch a screening He actually enrolled in the school by possessions and past interests. His friends, is a feeling of one community, one college. mistake but it s one he s now grateful for. of the award-winning film, Jumping off unable to understand grow increasingly The meeting began after a coffee and Bridges. He wants to be a radio personality. Juliano distant because of his behavior. fruit breakfast with a welcome speech by is the president of Phi Theta Kappa and will Davison made the event s intentions The above mentioned behaviors are Vice President Raymond Smith. He spoke clear, be featured in the April 6th edition of USA serious warning signs. Diane, an audience about how despite the poor economy Today for his leadership and service. The recovery rate from mental illness member and Clinical Coordinator for BCC continues to improve. We are in a is better than physical illnesses such as The members of college council, the children s program of Essex County, progressive mode despite what s going on students and faculty, were encouraged to hypertension, and cancer, but less than outlined the warning signs of suicide: outside, he said. half of those suffering seek helpS tigma introduce themselves at the All College disinterest, isolation, failure to complete Guest speakers included Jane Oates, Day. The council is composed of 39-40 is the number one barrier to treatment . daily requirements such as work, chores, Executive Director of the New Jersey The narrative film, written and members from all groups of BCC. Anyone and even a sudden burst of happiness can Commission on Higher Education and may run for the council and students are directed by Kat Candler tackles the all be warnings. school Vice President Timothy Dacey. stigma involved with mental illness and especially enchuraged to run. Seek out The event emphasized on, decreasing Dacey briefed us on the budget and Student Governent in room L-116 for more depression. Centered around four high explained a bit about the tuition hike facing See Stigma on Page 13 information. school friends, it documents their struggle Fall 2009. Oates gave an overview on March / April 2009 The Torch Page 5 BCC News

Gallery Bergen Presents: Out of the Blue

By: Austin KeenAn

-stAff Writer- Gallery Bergen welcomed the Out of the Blue exhibit at the West Hall building on February 17th, with a collection full of works by well known artists. The exhibit, consisting of a huge diversity of artistic mediums, focused on artwork that was derived from themes of weather, Earth, and ecology. The Torch got a chance to peruse the gallery with one of the creators of the Out of the Blue exhibit, guest curator, Joy Episalla. Episalla isn t just one of the Joy Garnett - “Road” Diane Burko - Matterhorn Icon Series 1-6” founders of the exhibit; she is PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO also one of the artists featured in it. Her exhibit, 1 Youm, 1 Day: A System of Notation , was among one of the most unique and interesting exhibits that was displayed at Gallery Bergen this semester. A looped video projected on the walls of Gallery Bergen, 1 Youm, 1 Day features a 24-hour video shoot Episalla conducted in the western desert of Egypt. It was edited to show all 24 hours of footage within 24 minutes. One of the other founders of Out of the Blue was also featured at the exhibit. Joy Garnett had two striking paintings, titled Road and Flood . An accomplished Joy Garnett - “Flood” Austin Thomas “Open and Shut Case” international artist hailing from PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO NYC, Garnett has had her work PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO featured at Boston University and refreshments in their cup-holders. the Aeroplastics Contemporary The set derives its name from the in Brussels, Belgium. A gallery design, which allows the chairs like Out of the Blue is not a and accompanying table to fold new thing for Garnett, who was up completely and be stored in recently a curator for the Things the tiny case that sits alongside Fall Apart exhibition at the the display. Winkleman Gallery in New York. Moving along the uniquely Upon entering the gallery, Earth-conscious works on the you will be greeted by a piece by gallery s walls, you won t be able Austin Thomas, whose furniture to avoid the gallery s most unique design, Open and Shut Case , exhibit, a pile of candy in the features a couple of inviting middle of the floor. Deliberately beach chairs complete with arranged in a perfect rectangle, Untitled (Revenge) by Felix Gonzalez- Torres, invites the viewer to take part in the artistic vision of the artist. The ocean- blue candies can be taken Carrie Yamaoka - “31.75 by 21.75 (blue)” Bill Jones - “Shot in the Dark” by visitors, PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO an act which be eternal. students to come see the gallery, West Hall is meant to Episalla said, It s a show which will be on the 3rd floor of For more information on the communicate about weather but also the idea the West Hall until April 17th. Out of the Blue gallery, visit the artistic that artists make their own On April 16th, Episilla will join http://www.outoftheblueproject. impression of weather. This quote sums up fellow curator Amy Lipton in org erosion. Don t what you will experience when talking about the exhibit, which For more information on worry. The you go to the gallery. The wide will serve as a closing ceremony Gallery Bergen, visit http://www. candies are range of mediums and the to Gallery Bergen s Out of the replaced by particular attention to works that Blue showing. We encourage the gallery, so relate to each other, as well as students to go, and let the Torch this thought- the Earth they were created on, is know what you got out of your provoking fully evident in every piece in the experience with all that beautiful Hunter Reynolds - “Sunset Over Wilton Manors” work is exhibit. artwork! PHOTO BY JED EMPLEO considered to She also wanted to encourage ) HEUXDU W K $ SULOW KLQ Page 6 The Torch March / April 2009 Opinions and Editorials

The Future of College Media The Torch By: cAssAndrA VeAle THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF BERGEN COMMUNITY COLLEGE -editor-in-chief- Editor-in-Chief Cassandra Veale Video killed the radio star Co-Editor Huma Munir and soon it appears that web Copy Editor Rolliene Mallari journalism will surely wipe out Layout Editor Jed Empleo last remaining newspapers. It s Ad Manager Michael Bull not like we were not expecting Section Editors this-there are many advantages Sports Andrew Merino to using the web for your news Features Alex Kang needs. News Carina Tesone It will not do us any favors Writers and Reporters to kid ourselves about the fate of Charles A. Cartagena Austin Keenan print. While I do not believe that Stephanie Chaipis Sadaf Khurshid a company like the New York Daniel Diaz Justin Leva Times will be totally out of the With this day and age, traditional media shifts over to digital. Danielle Feller Zachary Rzetelny media loop any time soon, they PHOTO COURTESY OF JJIPU.BLOGSPOT.COM Michelle Ha Lira Skenderi have some serious adapting to do that we are expected to cover, a one-stop, daily supply of Bergen Guy Weiss in order to survive. Newspapers monthly publication just doesn t news that matters directly to them. like the Times are now faced with Advisor cut it in for today s up-to-the- We also hope to collaborate a seemingly impossible challenge: Lew Wheaton second news audience. So what with other clubs and departments Find a way to convince people to exact changes are we thinking of within the school in order to Mailing Address pay for what they already get for implimenting for Torch? produce a Torch broadcast. 400 Paramus Road free. Our main focus of the Videos could be hosted off Paramus, NJ 07652-1595 Luckily for the Torch, we do upcoming Fall 2009 semester a source like YouTube or Room L-115 not rely on classifieds, ads and will be that of broadening our YouStream and embeded on our Phone: subscriprions to publish our paper. spectrum to include such mediums web page. Taking advantage of 201.493.5006/5007 We are not declaring bankrupcy, as: Twitter, blogging, podcasts, tenchnology like this allows us but we are feeling the pressures and YouStream coverage. Using to show actual sports coverage Email: of a student body that would [email protected] these awesome free online tools, and player interviews. Programs much rather read its news online. we aim to reach more readers like Final Cut Pro have made [email protected] Journalism is entering into a new [email protected] than ever before. According even computer novices capable era and college publications must to Technorati, an information of editing video with just a few The Torch, a member of the Associated College Press do the same. The news industries gathering company that studied clicks. Torch will be able to and the College Media Association, is the official student that do not take necessary steps to over 70 million blogs, blogs are provide you with interviews, newspaper of Bergen Community College. The purpose of keep up with the evolving nature expanding by about 120,000 each speeches, and even live coverage The Torch is to report on the events at BCC and the local of this profession are sure to be day. That means a new blog is of sports and other such events. community, and to offer the BCC community a forum for forgotten. expression. The opinions expressed in The Torch are not born every 1.4 seconds! We are hard at work in Many successful college Torch will use a service like bringing you the most relevant neccessarily those of The Torch. All the materials submitted newspapers are now split to The Torch become property of The Torch. Wordpress to host a multi-user Bergen news- by students, between a print publication and account that could be linked right for students. If you have any a strong web presence. The Torch off the college homepage. These suggestions or comments on has a permanent home at Bergen blog posts could be divided up how we could better inform you, Corrections Community College but our into sections such as: Rollie please don t hesitate to write to prescence here is due to change Rants for our beloved copy us or drop by in room L-115. We The Torch strives for the highest journalistic standards within the next few semesters. We editor to vent her humerous look forward to hearing from you and accuracy. Readers are encouraged to contact us if are currently in the brainstorming frustrations of the day, or Bergen and will continue to put forth our they find any mistakes in any edition of the Torch. process of getting the Torch Sports Today for your daily dose best effort to bring you the best, online with more coverage * In the February edition, an article on page 10 titled of Bulldogs goodness. We could most interactive news service we that directly relates to Bergen link to national news and features possibly can. Thank you for your “Shrek the Musical” was misattributed. The author was Community College. With all Michael Bull, the Ad Manager. while providing Bergen with a endless support! Israel and Palestine: Letters to the Editor and Another Viewpoint Opinion Pieces By: BoB nesoff fire into civilian areas. by U.N. mandate as was Jordan As an open public form, The Torch welcomes guest The op-ed piece asks What created from Trans Jordan. opinion pieces and letters to the editor from any -Bcc student- created Hamas? and lays the The surrounding Arab nations, member of the Bergen Community College community. blame on Israel, contending that most of them oil rich, could have The February Torch carried Materials should be submitted to editorinchieftorch@ the conditions the Palestinians easily absorbed the refugees and an opinion piece regarding Israel or delivered to The Torch office, L-115. Such have lived underpove rty, given them humane treatment and and its Arab neighbors that is submissions must include the writer s name, contact hunger, displacementf or more productive lives by using some of a bit more than unbalanced. information and affiliation with the college. Students than half a century are the root their petro dollars. Instead they Granted that an Op Ed article should include their major; faculty and staff should cause. It is correct about the consciously chose to keep them in is the author s opinion and the include campus title or position. Opinion pieces are conditions, but skirts the cause. a state of limbo in refugee camps. writer has an absolute right to limited to 600 words and letters to the editor to 200 In 1948 when Israel was By maintaining this situation they voice that opinion, but statements words. The Torch reserves the right to edit and to refuse formed by United Nations have been able to keep a cancer masquerading as fact cannot be publication of any submission. mandate, the Israelis asked their growing instead of treating it. left unanswered. Arab neighbors to remain. At Not long ago a picture was The piece says that the cost the urging of the Grand Mufti of broadcast worldwide of a father of one rocket is the murder of Jerusalem, a supporter of Hitler carrying his young son, limp in thousands of innocent civilians. in World War II, they fled into his arms, contending he was killed The fact is that it has not been refugee camps with the promise by an Israeli sniper. Very soon one rocket, but some 7,000 that all of the land would soon be after that it was proven that the fired in the last three years. And theirs. shots could not have come from the civilian casualties on the It should be noted, there any Israeli, but rather were from Palestinian sidet he rockets never was there a country named the area that Hamas controlled. were fired from apartment Palestine. Israel was created complexes and designed to draw See ViewPoint on Page 13 March / April 2009 The Torch Page 7 Opinions and Editorials

The New Face of Imperialism By: huMA Munir 1960s when multinational corporations he was afraid that Panama might lose its suddenly rose in magnitude. Perkins independence. -co-editor- especially talks about the World Bank as Further on, Perkins describes the dire one of the most important corporations situation of countries like Indonesia where Less than a century ago, the pursuit involved in the dirty dealings of he witnessed the elites prospering due to of imperialism drove nations all over the exploitation. However, the fact that these the American system of capitalism. The world to the exceptional devastation of corporations are a direct monopoly of poor on the other hand only suffered, and WWI. It has now come back to haunt us government is something that remained watched their already grim preexisting with a modern face: the secret exploitation hidden until people like Perkins spilled the conditions deteriorate. After going through of natural resources in the third world guilt of their conscience. several conscience battles, Perkins decided countries. Unfortunately, countries that fall to finally give up his role as an EHM. Now, According to John Perkins, author of into such derogatory traps of greed lose he is working to better educate people Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, more than gain. The development of such about the consequences of such horrible the concept of imperialism still exists but infrastructure guarantees less economic crimes committed against humanity. not necessarily in the form of territorial prosperity and loss of greater natural Today, every country is in turmoil in conquests. resources due to pollution and disappearing one way or another. Perkins story is only In his book, Perkins talks about his life rain forests. a memoir, a living testimony of the harsh as an Economic Hit Man , EHM, who Perkins gives several accounts of his reality we live in; the world is owned a re highly paid professionals who cheat projects as an EHM for Main, and he by these EHMs. I do not mean to sound countries around the globe out of trillions visited several countries such as Indonesia, cynical when I make such statements, but of dollars. In more concise terms, the Panama, and Saudi Arabia. He also met how can I humor my readers when I know EHM’s first objective is to “bankrupt” other significant political figures such as Omar that every passing minute creates another countries by manipulating them into taking Torrijos of Panama, de facto leader of EHM or another Main? loans that they cannot pay back. Perkins PHOTO COURTESY OF AWAKENTOTHETRUTH.COM Panama from 1968 to 1981. Perkins The problem with the world is that not did just that by working for an international raises is that these agencies, which act eventually became friends with Torrijos, everyone cares enough to take a step and consulting firm Chas. T. Main, Inc., whose as independent corporations, are directly who was well aware of Perkins role as an change the way this system works. Every main goal was to increase infrastructure in affiliated with the government. This EHM. Perkins writes that Torrijos refused now and then, stories are written and told, the third world countries. appalling truth finds its root back in the to cooperate with firms like Main, because See imPerialiSm on Page 13 The most astonishing point Perkins A Place Where Hopes Are Shattered By: huMA Munir have fled to the outskirts of Darfur are still terrorized by -co-editor- Janjawid. If women venture too far away from the refugee camps, The recent warrant of arrest they are punished by being raped. issued by International Court for Books have been written and the Sudanese president, Umar documentaries have been made Hassan Al-Bashir, has had little depicting the dire situation of effect on the situation of Darfur. Darfur. The harsh treatment of President Umar has been charged women and children in Darfur with crimes against humanity for has moved the hearts of many. murder, extermination, forcible The U.N. has provided as much transfer, rape, etc. help as was allowed in Darfur by Darfur, a region that has been the Sudanese government, only neglected by its own government to have its aid workers abducted for centuries, calls for immediate by the militia. attention as it currently faces a Nonetheless, more help is huge humanitarian crisis. The needed. The statistics show that situation has been described as besides 300,000 people killed, genocide, a term used to explain 2.5 million people are displaced systematic killing of a specific from their homes and continue racial or ethnic group. to live in utter fear and misery. In 2003, Sudan Liberation The persecution of humanitarian Army and Justice and Equality services in the area has dismantled Movement, launched an attack on the hope of peace and recovery. Sudanese troops. The major cause Darfur calls for our serious of the conflict was the tension attention and urgent help. While faced by two ethnic groups, the Refugees build make-shift shelters while in transit camps. living peacefully in our countries, Arabs and the black Africans, who PHOTO COURTESY OF USAID.GOV we should never forget the ones had been fighting over grazing needs of its citizens in Darfur, The government in return the genocide in Darfur. In 2007, who cannot even hope for the rights and land, as reported by which gave way to the formation admits mobilizing self-defense International Criminal Court luxuries we can afford as free BBC. The government at times of rebel groups. militia following the rebel held two men responsible for the citizens. It is imperative that every also failed to satisfy the basic attack, BBC reported. However, situation in Darfur with proper human being who is capable of it rejects having any links with evidence and support. These voicing his or her opinion should Janjawid, gunmen on horseback, two men were Ahmed Haroun, speak out against this injustice. which are responsible for killing Sudan s Minister of Humanitarian The world is an unpredictable about 300,000 people in Darfur Affairs, and Ali Kushyab, the place, and we never know when since 2003. Killing is one thing, leader of Janjawid militia. The the tables are turned. but Janjawid has crossed all Sudanese government failed Let us not wait any further. limits in abusing human rights. to comply with the arresting of Let us use our voices to speak They ride to the villages in Darfur, these two men, closed its eyes for those who cannot speak for slaughter the men, gang rape the and looked the other way. themselves. Let us give people of women, and torture children in The fact that government is Darfur, a voice. Together, we can unimaginable ways. not interested in solving the crisis move mountains. Despite the fact that is enough proof that it is guilty of For information on how government continues to deny carrying out genocide with the you can help the people anything to do with Janjawid, I help of Janjawid in Darfur. Today, of Darfur, please visit: Hopes turn to ash along with the houses in Darfur have come to believe that it is the situation of Darfur continues PHOTO COURTESY OF USAID.GOV directly taking part in promoting to deteriorate. Refugees who content?splash=yes Page 8 The Torch March / April 2009 Features

U2: No Line on the Who Watches the Watchmen?

Horizon By: cAssAndrA VeAle playing with a series of telling By: Austin KeenAn The album starts off with photographs, and newspaper the title track, No Line on -editor-in-chief- clippings. They reveal -stAff Writer- the Horizon. If you want to just enough stretch your imagination, you background to U2 s No Line on the Horizon might understand the whole make you think was released on February 27th experimental idea right off the you have a hold and has enjoyed chart topping bat. But any experimental edge on the plot, success, and generally good the record maintains does not only to be quite reviews. increase overwhelmed The through with the album marks the album, information that U2 s 12th moving seemed to be studio album, softly squeezed into the and features CARTOON BY BRENDON MIEL through last few minutes collaborative Moment of the movie. Malin Akerman whose purpose efforts with of The is to be the female interest of the the album s Surrender Watchmen film. Sadly, the Watchmen never producers, and consists of: Nite seemed to work together as a Brian Eno Unknown Owl played by group, instead chose to fight and Daniel Caller . Patrick Wilson, crime individually or in duos Lanois. The As you who is sort of like according to their tolerance music itself get further Batman without towards other characters. Also, is typical IMAGE COURTESY OF DOOBYBRAIN.COM into the the commitment, be warned: There are too many of U2, full record, U2 gets a little more Rorschach unnecessary love scenes and of very spacy rock soundscapes, energetic with single-ready PHOTO BY CASSANDRA VEALE (Jackie Earle even more awkward sex scenes. carefully placed riffs from The tracks like Get On Your Boots Haley) who is Watchmen is a great Edge, rich polyphonic vocals, Watchmen is a nearly three and Stand Up Comedy. The the cutthroat, insane, and most adaptation of the graphic novel, and positive messages. hour long, action packed, and album then tries to show its go-getter of the group. His though key facts were altered or The band has been noted sometimes incomprehensible experimental side with tracks super powers include being totally removed. The ending is as saying that the music is movie, starring five heroes. It like FEZ-Being Born and really angry and having a color nothing like the graphic novel more experimental than their is1985 and we can only assume White as Snow , ultimately changing mask which must be version, though fans won t be previous records, and I am that Nixon, played by Robert ending with U2 s classic formula really useful when he wants to disappointed. This was a fun, obliged to disagree. It is no more Wisden (AKA Worst Nixon on Breathe and Cedars of get seconds on Halloween. Dr. flashy movie that should have experimental than The Joshua Ever) has been president forever. Lebanon. All in all, a fun listen, Manhattan is a mass of walking been a half hour shorter. Tree or any other U2 record, for The Watchmen are the second and another solid album from one blue energy, played by Billy that matter. That does not make generation of masked vigilantes of the biggest rock bands of all Crudup that holds immeasurable it a bad record, though. U2 has protecting New York City from time. powers due to some nuclear lab always had a knack for creeping evil foes. The film opens up accident. His fling for this movie into the hearts of rock lovers all with an entire Bob Dylan song is Silk Spectre II, played by over the world, and they still haven t lost that touch. Lily Allen: Undeniable Pop By: cAssAndrA VeAle synthethic backdrop. The lyrics of this It s Not Me, it s You are, -editor-in-chief- for the most part, more superfical than the last album. We have graduated from lesser endowed ex-boyfriends to clothes and anorexia. In some tracks, Allen is conceited and snobbish while on a few tracks she is vulnerable and unsure of herself. The first single, called the Fear boasts I want loads of clothes and f***loads of diamonds/ I heard people die PHOTO COURTESY OF while they’re trying to find them.” PITCHFORK.COM For someone who told Spin Lily Allen s sophmore album, magazine that she spent about It s Not Me, it s You is another $145,000 on clothes in 2008, she hit for the florist-turned-pop seems to realize that she is part of star. This album is a bit more the problem and is plagued by an mature than her first, with deeper overwhelming sense of collapse. lyrics reflecting Allen’s issues She has her cake, throws it around with drugs, her weight and her the restored dining room and views on homophobia. I might then feels a tinge of panic while not write a very good second observing the mess. album. The thing to do is not This album has a far clubbier take yourself so seriously. The sound than her debut, with less moment when you sort of start to emphasis on the vocals and much believe all that stuff is when you more on the synthethic beats.The get in trouble, she told Pitchfork. last song is an acoustic version of com in November 2006. The Fear which is a nice ending This album is certainly a break to a much more energetic album. from the homey, wispy voice of All in all, a fun record from a the last album and features much silly rich girl in a prom dress and better production and a more sneakers. March / April 2009 The Torch Page 9 Features

I Love You, Man: Dating to The Dream: Find the Right Friend Love vs. Money

By: dAnielle feller relationship because Sydney gives Peter By: Justin leVA album that oversteps the boundaries of more confidence to stand up for himself this genre successfully. -stAff Writer- and Peter gives Sydney a real friendship -stAff Writer- Love vs. Money, undoubtedly one of when all his other friends flake out on the best albums of the year, was released Terius Youngdell Nash, better known In today s world people date all the him. on March 10th with much critical acclaim. by his name The-Dream, started his radio time to try to find the right one, but how This movie is a must see movie of the Nash delivers a strong and smooth R&B dominance in 2007 after writing a little often do you go on a date to find the right year, it is definitely better than all of those album that will mostly be recognized song called, Umbrella for Rihanna. friend? Well, this is exactly the case in crappy romantic sappy ordinary movies for the beats, which are definitely worth Needless to say, the song was successful, the new movie, I Love You, Man. you waste your time on. So, get off your the recognition. Each track shares a winning a Grammy I highly recommend this movie behind and go see this movie. balance of jazz and not only because it was well written for Best Rap/Sung electronic, with the and has amazing characters, but it also Collaboration and characteristic of R&B emphasizes great directing as well. The receiving a nomination cracks, snaps, and main character Peter (Paul Rudd), works for Song of the Year. background synthesis. in a real-estate Company. He is engaged Since then, The- Each beat flows into to be married and his girlfriend has many Dream has released the other as if one song friends, while Peter on the other hand two albums. His is a continuation of the does not. Peter tries to connect with other second album, Love previous track. guys by going on dates with other straight vs Money has put The album contains men. His younger brother works as a The-Dream where he various collaborations personal trainer at a gym, and is around belongs, which is at from artists such as straight and gay men all the time. He sets the top of the music Kanye West, Mariah him up on a date that turns into a disaster. industry. The-Dream IMAGE COURTESY OF RAP-UP.COM Carey, and even Lil Peter even tries finding a friend on the has reconnected with Jon for a club beat. Each internet. his production partner Tricky Stewart to track is worth listening to; The-Dream s Unfortunately, nothing is working create an album full of the usual R&B unique style is present on every piece for him until one day at an open house material; sex, girls, booty, Patron and of the album. The most notable songs, he meets Sydney (Jason Segal), and they thangs. However, Love vs. Money is far Rockin That Thang, Walkin on the hit it off. They exchange phone numbers more than just an R&B album. It reaches Moon, and Mr. Yeah, are great songs and start hanging out. The things that past the generic R. Kelly, and Usher tracks with unique beats and lyrics that make you Peter goes through and the characters that R&B fans have come to love. Nash want to move. Watch out for The-Dream attempts to do more with this album, and that surround him make this movie not PHOTO COURTESY OF IMPAWARDS.COM in the future, for this is only the beginning only very true to life but also extremely by stretching the limits, he has created an for him and this creative production duo. hilarious. I like Peter and Sydney s Speed the Plow: Broadway Review By: stephAnie chAipis David Mamet made a mockery of Hollywood and the movie industry from -stAff Writer- the big dogs to the fresh meat. Speed the Plow confronted the power role in Speed the Plow is a serious play with Hollywood, from head producer to the hidden sarcasm behind every line. David innocent secretary. Mament disclosed Mamet wrote an excellent script that reveals how Hollywood is about sex, money, and the ruthless nature of the business world. authority, transforming people into cold Speed the Plow is a three act play hearted con-artists. It was ridicule of male without intermissions, running up to a total friendship and the male opinion of women of 90 minutes. The venue of this play is The capability; William H Macy, Raul Ezparza, Ethel Barrymore Theatre, which is located and Elisabeth Moss couldn t have played it at 243 West 47th Street (Between Broadway out any better. All actors were sharp, on cue, and 8th Avenue), with an audience that and went above and beyond with withholding consists of ages twelve years and up. the upbeat rat-a-tat-tat rhythm that keeps the The cast is made up of two men and one play alive. woman, William H Macy, Raul Ezparza, and The piece itself is so powerful that Elisabeth Moss. The script is packed with there was no need for an elaborate setting. witty, profane, and extremely quotable lines. Speed the plow only had two set changes, This rapid-fire dialogue engulfs you in the both being simple- an office and a living moment and creates laughter through-out the room- with scarce prop usage through- audience. out. The actors had a phenomenal presence, especially Macy who made the play s emotions over flow with truth. The twists and turns of the plot keep you at the edge of your seat, and will bring you to an unexpected conclusion. The play is a must-see all over again, a play that deserves a bravo and a standing ovation. Raul Esparza and William H. Macy in Speed-the-Plow PHOTO COURTESY OF SPEEDTHEPLOWBROADWAY.COM Page 10 The Torch March / April 2009 Features

The Reborn Palm Announces New Palm Pre with WebOS By: dAniel diAz accelerometer, and proximity to scroll through the running sensors. applications was described by -stAff Writer- The Pre has 8 GB of Palm as the Deck view , where built-in storage. One tenuous each application has a live- On January 8th 2009, Palm disappointment is that the Pre preview activity card and the demonstrated its new Palm Pre does not have external storage user can “shuffle” to the desired running in its latest operating capabilities. applications. An upwards gesture system- Palm WebOS. The Palm Touchstone will throw the application out of Presenting a new sleek and Charging Dock, or the puck , the deck closing it. compact design, it has a 3.1-inch is a round non-slip holder that Next to the sole-main button multi-touch supported touch allows charging the phone by just is a gesture area, which allows screen with 24-bit color and 320 placing it on top. The puck will navigation in the phone. Finger x 480 resolution. align the battery with magnets gestures such as a swipe from A 3.5mm phone jack allows and charge the phone through right to left will zoom out of the you to plug in your headphones electromagnetic induction. application back to the Deck and blast music on the go. The On the software front side, view . Swiping upwardly from classic silent mode switch is Palm is presenting WebOS which the gesture area while holding incorporated. has been built up from scratch and down and the quick launch It has a QWERTY keyboard does not reassemble in anything wave will display. This wave that slides out from the lower to the previous PalmOS versions. contains the favorite buttons and part of the phone. On the back it WebOS relates applications its display is similar to the object has a speaker with 3-Megapixels with one another and allows dock bar in Apple computers. camera. them to communicate. This all- Web browser allows multiple The dimensions are 2.3 by 3.9 synchronized communication decks as if they were separate by 0.67 inches, weighing only between the OS and its applications and can be scrolled 4.76 ounces. applications is branded Palm through the Deck view . The With Advanced Audio Synergy. page can be zoomed-in and Distribution Profile (A2DP), WebOS is more Web-based zoomed-out through finger The Palm Pre the user could stream music to as well, and is targeted to swipes or using soft buttons. IMAGE COURTESY OF THEGADGETEER.COM wireless headsets or speakers at rely on Web access to provide Portrait and landscape mode can standard on most smart devices, mobile technology, the Palm reasonable streaming quality. further services. Web-connected adjust the positioning of the page. are all incorporated in the Palm Pre seems to shake the market Wi-Fi is not the only way to applications can be developed Instant Messaging Pre. Applications are responsive for other modern devices such obtain Internet access as Sprint with knowledge in HTML, XML, applications, music player, video to the touch screen gestures, and as Apple s iPhone or Google s has 3G EVDO (faster than 3G) and CMS. and photo album, calendar, have been visually improved T-Mobile G1. The price for the network. The new WebOS supports phonebook, camera, GPS since their previous PalmOS Pre has not been released yet, but GPS is integrated to the multiple applications to be run navigations, email and other equivalents. the carrier will be Sprint. Pre as well as ambient light, simultaneously. Also a new way applications that are becoming Setting new standards in the First Look at Microsoft’s Window’s 7 Beta’s By: dAniel diAz Internet access are necessary for the installation. -stAff Writer- Among the improvements, a better device management On January 9th of 2009, is promised but it is hard to test Microsoft made Windows 7 in a Beta version. Windows Beta available to the public. Internet Explorer 8, which is now Microsoft s latest operating available to previous OS versions system was available to download as RC1 (release candidate 1), is for a brief period of time before part of Windows 7. the server became overwhelmed The display is now designed and slowed down tremendously. to better interact with touch- After adding some more servers, screen capable PCs. Windows Microsoft made its newest Touch supports multi-touch operating system available only but these features are still quite until February 10, 2009. slow-responsive. Handwrite Since its last catastrophic recognition is also trying to be Windows Vista, the public has sharpened and support more been more than curious about languages. what Microsoft will now offer The six versions of 7 will be with Windows 7. Windows 7 Starter, Home Basic, With the release of Vista, Home Premium, Professional, the public can clearly notice the Enterprise and . desire of Microsoft to improve its Among these, Starter will be appearance; however that came designed for mobile PCs, such as with the price of system overhead. Netbooks. Starter will allow three The resources, especially memory, applications to be used at a time. that Vista s Windows Aero theme Seriously, it’s Windows’s Vista re-packed and renamed. Nothing else to it. Prices haven t been announced. needs to display the flashy and IMAGE COURTESY OF FC05.DEVIANTART.COM Developments are still on the transparency effects, makes the has more than one tab open, an application without having to shut-down times are quicker. works and hopefully it will be out experience considerably laggard. it will display all those tabs in switch to that window. Certain tasks will be faster in Vista by 2010. So far the Beta 1 is the Microsoft is now trying to continuous thumbnails. The user Concerning the system or XP, but the gap in performance only preview we can get from this improve the interface without has more control over the system performance, the opinion of the between 7 and previous OS new OS. Although there is a final exhausting the resources with tray now, preventing the presence public is divided. Windows 7 versions are still short. date for downloading Windows Windows 7. Microsoft plans on of unused icons. Folders have the has been compared to Vista and The system requirement for 7 from Microsoft, the image revamping the taskbar that most thumbnail preview from Vista XP and even benchmark tests the installation of 7 is much less files will probably be around users are familiar with since but now libraries group same file have been performed on the three than Vista. A 32- or 64-bit 1GHz for download until an update Windows 95. The new taskbar will types within a folder. Gadgets will different versions. processor, 1GB of memory, 16GB becomes available. contain the icon of applications now be in the desktop, instead of What we can easily say of disk storage space, DirectX . being used, and when hovered having its own bar. There is also about Windows 7 so far is that 9 graphics with at least 128 MB over, a live thumbnail preview a peek function that allows you the installation process is much memory for the Windows Aero will be shown. If the application to momentarily see a window or simplified, and the boot-up and theme, DVD-R/W Drive, and March / April 2009 The Torch Page 11 Features

The Great Lange Reset Those Presets By: chArles A. cArtAgenA By: Alex KAng show is famous for their daily morning phone taps, where a member of the show -stAff Writer- -feAtures editor- disguises him/herself as someone else and prank calls another person. Artie Lange s resume is rich with Tired of the same old boring radio Z100 also allows listeners to be experience: construction sweeper, turned station? Itching to hear that new hit interactive, urging them to become adolescent felon, turned alcoholic, turned single? Well here are dock worker, turned stand up comic, some of the hottest radio turned sketch comedy star, turned coke stations to tune into for addict, turned convict turned taxi-driver, your commute. turned movie star, turned sitcom star, 100.3FM- Z100 is turned radio side kick, and turned heroin probably the most popular addict. With his new book, Too Fat to radio station for the wider Fish, this N.J. born Renaissance man has NYC area. But if you are made yet another addition to his many not familiar with it, or just can’t find yourself titles; best selling author. IMAGE COURTESY OF KLEYAM.COM By the time Lange s book hit shelves listening to this station, across the continent this past November, it here are some reasons to tune in. Z100 ZVIPs. ZVIPs are able to earn points for was already on the N.Y. Times best sellers is one of the top 40 stations based in prizes, just for being loyal listeners of list, (where it remained months later). New York City. The station offers a wide the station. You can sign up for ZVIPs Five months before it was out anywhere, it variety of songs from artists like Jason on their website, was ranked 27th on Amazon s top sellers IMAGE COURTESY OF BOOKSOUP.COM These points can be accumulated list. The buzz created by Too Fat to Fish by simply calling in to participate in has led Lange to numerous Letterman laugh out loud or cry. The 300+ pound conversations, on-air contests, and appearances, news appearances, and a Lange went from very simple means to more. The toll free number is 1-800- Rolling Stone profile. During the profile, lavish ones in a relatively short period 242-0100, and you can also text in he was undergoing a five day heroin of time. However this opulence has requests to 55100. bender, something he admitted while on not changed his lifestyle choices: poor, 97.1FM - Hot 97 is an urban hip- popular radio program, The Howard Stern young, rich, old, the 40 year old has hop and R&B station, also based Show. always lived a life filled with gambling, IMAGE COURTESY OF CLASSICPINBALL.COM in New York City. Hot 97 is the The book, barely breaking 200 pages, prostitutes, drugs, and heartache, each of home of Funk Master Flex, and Angie is a quick read depending on the readers which is covered in minute detail by this Mraz, Rihanna, Kanye West and more. Martinez, who often feature exclusive emotions. Based on the comedian s life, man who makes over $3 million a year Z100, however, is more than just never-before-heard songs on her show. the chapters are incredibly poignant, telling stories for a living. your typical radio station. They have a The Hot 97 station is also known for their disturbing, and overall hilarious, which very popular morning talk show that lasts news updates with Ms. Info, who gives us put the reader through a whirlwind of from 6am to 12pm, The Elvis Duran and See radio on Page 13 emotions that may have them pausing to The Morning Show. The Elvis Duran Felician College StudentS FirSt

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Radio continued from page 11 Stigma continued from page 4 news about celebrities and what s going online to www.espnradio. the stigma of mental illness, partner. His partner asked; other institutions telling his story. new and hip. It plays the com. By clicking on the tab for a recognizing signs, and speaking Vinny, will you always love Vincent was just one of the hottest hip-hop and R&B songs specific show, audiences will be about it. A person commits me? speakers but each had their own from such artists as: T.I, T-Pain, able to stream the show live from suicide every 16 minuets in the The morning after Vincent poignant story of loss or illness. Lil Wayne, Jay-Z and many more! their computers as well. United States, which makes this was given the news that his The honesty of the speakers, You can call 1-800-223-9797 ) 0 ) UHVK LV D message so important. After lover had committed suicide. both the group that presented on to request a song or to participate contemporary adult radio station showing the affects of such Distraught, Vincent fell into stage, and those in the audience, in on-air contest, while listening based in New York City. The through a film, the stage was a deep depression of his own. were touching and at times to the station. You can also visit station offers light music from given to a panel of speakers Due to a six month malaise that heart-wrenching. The event did their website- artists such as, Leona Lewis, comprised of the director, confined him to bed Vincent much to bring awareness to the with tons of interesting content Rihanna, Daughtry, Coldplay, two students, and two faculty had lost this job and isolated personal struggles those around to look through , such as a Hot97 Jason Mraz, Avril Lavigne and members, each of which provided himself from all responsibilities. us face on a daily basis, which we playlist, Ms. Info s latest news, more. There are commercial-free true life examples of how mental It reached a breaking point when are more often then not oblivious and sample songs you heard on hours that feature up to an hour of illness has affected them. his father decided to take action to. It is easy to think you are the radio to purchase through commercial free music during the The first story was told by and make his son seek help. alone, or that people live charmed Amazon and/or iTunes. morning and evening rush hours. Vincent, a current student who lost Since that time Vincent has lives, in passing, sharing a bus $ 0 ) RUDOORX VSRUWV Callers can call 1-800-959-1027 a loved one to mental illness. He done much to improve his life. seat, or standing in line, but all junkies out there, we have got to request a song or simply text explained how in 2003 he carried He is working again and applying people have their own obstacles, the perfect radio station for you! in requests to 21027. You can on a one year relationship with his himself to his studies. In addition and there are those who will 1050ESPN radio is where you also log onto www.fresh1027. boyfriend who was Bipolar and he has become an advocate and understand. The school wellness can get the latest updates and com, to view their playlist, stream Schizophrenic. One night after a speaker for aiding those suffering center is a place students can go news about particular sport for live, and checkout their last 10 long day of work Vincent had a from mental illness. He has to find a place of understanding every season. Right now if you played” list to find the name of short phone conversation with his spoken at Hofstra, N.Y.U., and or volunteer to help those in need. tune to 1050ESPN, analysts will the song you heard. be breaking down plays from With this new arsenal of radio Viewpoint continued from page 6 football game over the weekend stations, don t let your commute More than that, the dead boy and the kidnapping of Gilad a place of Muslim worship. The and analyzing match-ups for the to school be the worst part of your was still alive and unharmed. It s Shalit, who has been held captive same holds true for Christian upcoming weeks. day. Take these stations, reset interesting that this story was for several years? holy places. But in Saudi Arabia ESPN Radio can be heard those presets, and enjoy your ignored by most publications Israel has lived in a state no other religion but Islam may on the radio at 1050AM or by commute! and broadcast outlets that had of terror since the day of its be practiced under severe penalty disseminated the original story. founding. for those who violate this dictum. Package Cafe Bergen Hamas, and previously, the Israel steadfastly guards the Have there been atrocities Palestine Liberation organization holy sites of all religions; and on both sides? Of course there continued from page 3 continued from page 4 maintain in their charter that that includes Islam. On the other have. But in all reality, peace can people with disabilities will be its soulful sound, and was a clear the only acceptable solution is hand, it is a documented fact that only be achieved when both sides receiving more help from the testament of a women willing to the total destruction of Israel. the Arab countries have defiled, decide that enough of their young government. As this takes affect, overcome obstacles to shine in How do you deal evenly with desecrated and destroyed some of men and women have died and many students can quit their her own light. any organization committed to the Jewish people s most sacred it is time to talk instead of fight. second part time job and spend The BCC Dance Club destroying you? sites. That cannot happen until Hamas more time in studies. followed up Barbara Perry- Where is the mention of the When the Arabs controlled and its supporters are ready to All this sounds terrific—but Clark s performance with a more cross-border raids by Hamas that Jerusalem, no Jew was allowed acknowledge the right of Israel to is it achievable? The economists, modern vibe. They did a spirited have killed school children; the near the Wailing Wall. Now that exist and sit down at the table as according to NY Times, expressive dance to the tune of car bombs set off in shopping Israel has control of the city, the equals instead of terrorists. believe that it is unwise for Get Up, by the popular R&B centers; the attack on the Olympic Temple Mount is guarded by the government to put forth so Gospel duo Mary Mary. The Village that killed Israeli athletes Israeli soldiers to preserve it as much money. Some conservative performance was well executed, scholars argue that the best and definitely brought some Planning continued from page 1 medicine for U.S. economy youthful energy to the audience Student Government students and students enrolled more information, contact the would be to reduce overall DW&DI %HUJHQ SUHSDULQJWKHP representatives, Dlugos explained in transfer programs is also office of Vice President Peter government spending. for the featured performance of the logic behind exploring expected to rise, thus redefining Dlugos at 201-493-3619 or via It can be perverse because the night. external trends first. Community the image and future of the email at [email protected]. you stimulate something that s The Garden State Choral colleges, he claims, tend to be community college as a versatile The committee is very open really pretty weak and should Chapter, lead by director Rick inward oriented overall, which and transitional institution. to suggestions and critiques. maybe fade, said Amity Shlaes Greene, took up the entire stage can be a set back, especially in The committee, which Feedback may point out faulty CFR Senior Fellow. Public with its members, which was a terms of course material. is comprised of more than external conditions or trends that works projects often fail to revive welcome sight. The group is well When it did come time to 19 faculty, staff and student have been overlooked. national economies, as evidenced known for their performances survey the internal trends, the representatives, is eager for Dlugos, passionate and by Japan s experience during the all over that extend all the way committee recognized a change more input. An Open Forum was experienced in the field, defines 1990s. to the Vatican in Italy, and their in the traditional vision of the held on March 4th, 2009, which planning as all but knowing what Who knows what will happen latest CD, titled You Are The community college, which once yielded some 85 attendees and, you ll do in the future , which is for certain with America s folding One , was released in 2004 to focused more on career training, according to Dlugos, provided something most of us practice economy, but as Obama has said, much critical acclaim. Between adult and part-time students. helpful feedback. Another when important decisions need to The plan is not perfect. No plan solemn speeches, the group s With the current recession and Forum will be held in April or be made, especially concerning is. I can t tell you for sure that harmonious power was clear continually rising tuition costs, early May and will be open to our cultural, financial, and everything in this plan will work to everyone in the auditorium, enrollment of full-time, first-time faculty, staff, and students. For academic wellbeing. exactly as we hope, but I can tell especially towards the end of you with complete confidence the performance. Audience OPRA continued from page 1 that a failure to act will only members were encouraged to private attorneys, clerks, requestor specifying reasons for Of course, the bill is not deepen the crisis. get up and participate in the and the Executive Director of delay and when he/she will have perfect, and problems of performance, and the booming Government Records Council the information, or can deny the confidentiality arise. For example, Imperialism voices of the Garden State Choral (GRC). The audience was very request only with a legal reason. since the reason for request &KDSWHUEURXJKW&DI %HUJHQWR interactive and asked many If the custodian does not reply is completely dismissed, this continued from page 7 a dramatic and celebratory close. questions to the panelists, which back after seven days, it is deemed service can act as double-edged You couldn t ask for a more helped analyze the strong and denied , and the requestor can sword, and cause the public more articles are published and read, but fitting celebration of Black weak aspects of OPRA. sue the custodian, because he/she harm than safety. Such matters few people are actually moved by + LVWRU 0 RQWKWKDQZKDW&DI As the panelists put it, OPRA broke the law through OPRA. All still call for investigation, and the the reality. Unfortunately, out of Bergen delivered. As per the requires the requestor to fill out dealings between the custodian act still needs more revisions. these few people, there are even series usual presentation, a range a form and write a letter to the and the requestor are strongly However, hopefully fewer who actually step up and do of different performances with a Records Custodian. A custodian suggested to be in writing, as a the liberty to access public something remarkable that makes great focus on cultural celebration is a municipal clerk or other result. information outweighs the abuse a difference within the society. is always what the occasion calls department of head known To better control this complex of confidentiality. Imperialism may not longer for. We re looking forward to the to the public who finds the system and better enforce this As renowned former news exist as it was defined earlier. QHW &DI %HUJHQ DQGZHOOEH information asked for. Then the act, the (GRC), consisting of reporter, Martin O Shea, puts it, Maybe we need to redefine it to there to let you know where the requestor writes a letter with a five members, was created to transparency and accountability include, bankrupting countries action is. very specific question or request assist requestors and records to the people that we represent is to secure your own personal for information; no explanation is custodians and adjudicate denial essential in our government. He interests. Do you think the necessary. of access complaints. They hopes that this seminar and other world is ready to embrace such a The custodian has up to mediate altercations between the OPRA seminars will help people definition? seven business days to give requestor and the custodian, free to learn how they can comply requestor the information. The of charge, and have their own with the law, not evade it. custodian can write a letter to the hotline.

March / April 2009 The Torch Page 15

Congratulations continued from page 16 March Madness injury, would have been accomplished without By: guy Weiss There are four divisions in the tournament, It s funny because I actually beat the awesome support of Coach each with ranks 1-16. The highest ranked team him in order to qualify for the Nationals, Rehain, assistant Coach Mike -stAff Writer- in each division plays the lowest (1 vs. 16, 2 and now he beat me. . Disappointed, Heslap, Trainer Megan Smith, vs. 15 etc.) and the format is kept this way April has finally arrived and it has brought Alex endured the mental anguish of a Elaine Korinko and most of al,l my throughout the tournament in order to prevent with it a great deal of events to be thankful for. tough loss due to injury but remains teammates . the highest ranked teams from eliminating We officially have less than six weeks left in the diligent. He continues to work and Not only is wrestling important to each other. March Madness has gained so spring semester, the weather should become looks forward to his next challenge that him, his academics take just as much much popularity partly because of the history more tolerable, and most importantly we are awaits him during the summer season. focus in his life. As top notch of an of lower seeded teams upsetting heavily underway in the most exciting tournament in Alex will be spending this athlete Alex may be, he is no ordinary favored opponents. Low ranked teams that FROOHJH VSRUWV WKH1 &$ $ 0 HQV LYLVLRQ, summer competing in the University jock. He currently has a 3.9 GPA and is advance well into the tournament are referred Tournament, or March Madness Nationals Freestyle where he hopes majoring in business. He is definitely to as Cinderella Stories because of their as it is commonly known. March Madness has to gain experience to bring along to a strong pick for his prospective unexpected presence in the advanced rounds carried over to April this year and the final next season s tournament. Happy universities: Penn State, Rutgers, and of the tournament. In 1985 an eighth seeded rounds of the tournament are scheduled to take about his freshman year, and his Columbia. Villanova became the lowest ranked team to place April 4th and 6th, 2009. The following accomplishments, Alex was quick to ever with the tournament. is a brief overview the tournament. thank those around him. None of this A large part of March Madness is the March Madness consists of 65 NCAA process of filling out “brackets” – tournament basketball teams. charts that show These are the top 65 Basketall continued from page 16 the first round of schools in the nation scheduled play and Point Guard spot for us and is our hopefully we can use this to propel us basketball-wise. 31 leave open spaces engine that makes us go. Elgin Brown into next season as well. teams gain entry for the remaining and Jayvon Beaty both average a Q: When facing Sussex CC, were to the tournament rounds. Websites double-double for us every night you guys the underdogs or favorite to by winning like and are very athletic inside. Brandon win? their respective usually offer Alexander and Derrick Ross provide A: We had split our two previous conference opportunities to scoring from the guard spots for us. games with Sussex this year, so we tournaments and fill out brackets for Jimmy Schmitt is a steady guard who were about even going into the game. the remaining 34 free and compare can really shoot the three and provides They are a well coached team with a teams are chosen by your predictions to us with leadership and stability on the ton of great players. the NCAA selection IMAGE COURTESY OF STREEBALL.COM the actual outcomes court. committee. These of the tournament, Q: What threats do you face against Our 3rd place Bulldogs have made schools are not providing a point system for correct predictions. your next opponent, anything you great strides by coming so far in their chosen by their records alone, but also There are also public pools in businesses and Guys must improve in response to season. They showed great poise in by how they have played against heavily organizations that consist of a large number these threats? their turnaround season, winning six favored opponent. A team with fewer losses of people each submitting a bracket and an A: We are one of only 8 teams left of their last seven games. Though they that hasn t played as many big name schools entrance fee, the winner of which receives a in the country so all the games at the were sent home early on the national might not be seeded as high as a team that large part of, if not all of the wagered money. National Championships will be tough. stage at the hands of the number one defeated a powerhouse like North Carolina or There are 18.4 quintillion ways that an NCAA We feel if we are playing the way we seed, their accomplishments have Connecticut while accumulating more losses bracket can be filled out and while some can we can beat anyone in the country been great this season, and our men s throughout their season. Another duty of the ways are obviously more likely than others, on a given night. We play a very strong basketball team made sure to close the selection committee is to seed, or individually statistically you are 100 billion times more schedule against tough teams not only interview by thinking their supporters; rank all 64 of the teams. There is also a play- likely to win the mega millions jackpot than in Region XIX, but also the toughest We appreciate the support we LQJDPH ZKHUH WKHW K DQG WKUDQNHG to pick a perfect tournament. Many celebrities teams in the New York Region XV. We have gotten from the whole Bergen teams play each other for the final spot in the and sports analysts fill out brackets that can be feel this prepares us well for what we Community. The administration and tournament, with the loser being the first team publicly viewed, even President Obama filled will face this weekend. students alike have been tremendous in eliminated. This game happens because of the out his bracket on Through two Q: How s the team s morale doing? acknowledging our accomplishments. relatively new inclusion of the Mountain West rounds of the tournament, the Commander-in- A: We are a Freshman oriented conference in 2001. The NCAA decided that &KLHI VSLFNVDUH DFFXUDWH IDUEHWWHU group with only two sophomores it would rather have the two last placed teams than my 27.47%. on the roster. We are all excited that play each other for a spot in the tournament we have had this much success and than choose only 33 teams.

Football in BCC? By: AndreW Merino transfer to a four year university Bernard Fuersich. During my at the first sign of opportunity. sit down with Mr. Fuersich I -sports editor- The fact that Bergen is only a learned that aside from the great two year program geared toward difficulty, there are no other To many students who grew transferring makes it incredibly football programs in our region, up in popwarner , or treated difficult to imagine maintaining on the community level. This Sunday like a day of Sabbath an active roster (the average makes it virtually impossible to to the N.Y. Giants instead of to football team consists of 50 plus hold competitions, with the high organized religion, it may seem players, with over 22 different cost, of time and money it would strange, even disturbing that positions and second and third take to travel to other schools, in a B.C.C. does not have a football string spots needed for each different region, especially when program. I too, as an avid fan of those positions due to the students have class obligations. of the N.F.L. and a former high high injury rate). Programs like There are numerous athletic school linebacker, questioned or basketball simply programs in Bergen, including why our school, rich in athletic require far less personnel, and non-seasonal intramurals, such competition, lacked a program. I Felipe Pena’s High School State Footbal championship ring. thus are easier to execute. This as volleyball, ping pong, and was sure however, that the lack of PHOTO BY ANDREW MERINO isn t to take away from the hard flag football. However for the a program had nothing to do with friends, but was unable to do others like him, one issue became work and dedication required foreseeable future, full contact a lack of interest, as I interviewed so at other institutions because abundantly clear. for these other programs, as our Football, will not be joining the numerous student s in an attempt of financial issues. It seems Many students, who enroll student athletes are incredibly Bulldog s den. to gauge their enthusiasm for the logical that with such a wide in Bergen Community College, motivated individuals. However sport. spread interest that Bergen do so with the same intentions the numbers, both financially and One such student is former (a more financially sensible as Pena, they do so in order to roster wise make it much more High School State football alternative) would act on this complete a step to transition. difficult to start and maintain. Champion, class of 07, Felipe interest. However as I continued Many students who enroll do These sentiments were Pena. Pena showed an avid to discuss the idea with Pena, and not plan to graduate; they plan to reinforced by athletic director, interest in the sport, as did his Page 16 The Torch March / April 2009

Around the Den Congratulations Are In Order By: AndreW Merino And chArles A. cArtAgenA By: AndreW Merino -sports editor / stAff Writer- 1) The Seton hall pirates competed against -sports editor- Syracuse Orange Basketball in Madison Square Garden. The pirates crumble to #18 Syracuse during Alex Moreno, the freshman Bulldog the second round of the BIG EAST championship. hailing from Tenafly, New Jersey, broke out The pirates are eliminated, Final score 89-74. from the pack this past season by qualifying for the NCJAA nationals. Ranking only under the 1st and 2nd seed in the tournament 2) For the first time since 2005 Rutgers Football despite only being a freshman, Alex was will have a new starting quarterback since the enthusiastic about entering the competition departure of Mike Teel. The Scarlet Knights will saying, “I felt confident knowing some mostly likely start Jabu Lovelace if he is in top shape of the wrestlers in the tournament I had coming back from his second ankle surgery, if not the previously beaten before. Alex has also other QB competing for the spot maybe Dom Natale. been well versed in competition, wrestling all four years in high school and reaching 3) Montclair s sophomores Monique Riddick the status of All League his junior and and Will Brown, each win an individual title from senior years. the Indoor Competition in the NCAA Division III Alex came to Bergen weighing 184 Indoor Championship. Brown won an individual title pounds, physically fit and mentally prepared. for Men s track and Riddick won an individual title He trained hard with his teammates during for women’s field. the season, overcoming adversity by Alex Moreno choosing to compete with a broken hand PHOTO COURTESY OF ELAINE KORNICK during the first six weeks of the season. In won. However when it was time for the 3rd 4) Senior from , All-American addition to the break he also suffered from a round Alex was again plagued by injury. He Doug Umbehuaer placed 3rd and wins his 100th torn meniscus in his knee later in the season. popped his knee out of place shortly after the victory on National Stage, During the 79th annual The phrase no pain, no gain was really put match began and it was no longer a question NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships. Making to the test as Alex competed for the love of of battling pain, but of risking serious injury Umbehuaer Riders 13th All-American wrestler. the sport, combating both injuries. and his wrestling career. In regards to the Competing well enough to earn a 1st round Alex commented on the unfortunate 5) Rowan s Bryan Carlisle took sixth place for round bi, Alex had his first match in the diving as he competed in the NCAA Division III second round of the tournament, which he See congratulationS on Page 15 Swimming and Diving Championship. It was the last day of the National Championship for the Owls as Carlisle landed on sixth place. Bergen Men’s Basketball 6) Women s Softball Head Coach Ben Allen of collects his 300th win of his career Finish 3rd in the Nation as they beat Anderson University. They complete the By: AndreW Merino Rebel Spring Games with an outstanding record of 10-0. -sports editor- This past spring season 7) The Lioness from TCNJ, Hillary Klimowicz Coach Kelly led his young was selected as Statefarms/WBCA Division III Player team (which is comprised of the year as she helped the Lions finish third in the mostly of freshmen) to victory NCAA tournament. This was the woman s basketball against the last two competitors programs best finish in the NCAA Tournament. during the regional tournament, Sussex Community College and 8) Men s tennis program was Rockland Community College. dominate in their Conference Opener for 2009 This win qualified us for the achieving a 9-0 victory over Goucher. Not one player New York national tournament. in the men s tennis program lost more than three Guiding the Bulldogs to their games in the men s 65th consecutive conference first time conference final, victory. Coach Sean Kelly was gracious enough to sit down with the Torch sports staff for a brief 9) The track and field program for Princeton interview, before traveling University has two more athletes who qualified for to the NJCAA Division III the NCAA Regional s. The school now National Championships at has seven competitors ready and amped to compete SUNY-Delphi. in the NCAA Finals. Q: How do you think a 10) William Paterson s Senior Grace McKay is program should be judged, and the first woman’s swimmer to compete in the NCAA how do you think this season Women s Swimming and Diving Championship compares to past seasons? Division III since 2006. She placed 26th with a time A: You judge a program on of 2:06.91 in the 200 back preliminaries. how far they play into March and we are very fortunate to be playing our best basketball right 11) FDU s bowling team accomplishes to win now and have advanced to the their first-ever NEC Championship. The Woman’s NJCAA Division III National bowling teams annihilated Kutztown with a 4-0 Championships at SUNY-Delhi. defeat. The program has improved each of the last three years and this 12) Kean s football program gives back to the year we recorded 18 wins. community by participating in the National Education Q: Who are your key Number 42 fights for a rebound during the regional Association s Read Across America Day in Wayside players? A: Aaron Dorrell runs the championship round Elementary School in regards to celebrating Dr. PHOTO COURTESY OF ELAINE KORNICK Seuss s Birthday March 9th. See BaSketBall on Page 15