SHEG T HER ElUmBER! That's how Jane Peters, from , became Carole Lombard — by numerology. Just one of the quirks of this Hollywood star who insists that she's not beautiful, and is glad of it by Jim Tully V




is Carole Lombard speaking: “I am glad crash and confined to her bed for half a year. that I'm not beautiful — that I’m not A scar was left on her face, and caused her symmetrical of feature and perfect of considerable worry. It might have meant the IT form — for the simple reason that I would end of her screen career. A weak heart was need to spend all my time keeping that way. also said to have been an aftermath. "It is much better for a woman to have a Several months passed before she was strong fairly attractive look. At thirty-five the rav- enough to have a new screen test. After many ishingly beautiful woman is through. At that anxious hours it was discovered that the scar age the woman who has the possibility of did not show on the screen. being attractive is just beginning. A seemingly endless period of uncertainty "For example, a girl who doesn’t quite make followed. Her first stroke of good fortune the grade as a beauty fights to overcome the came when she was selected by C. B. de Mille handicap by developing her mind and per- for the leading role in "Dynamite.” But she sonality, her ability to wear clothes — to later was removed from the cast. make herself as attractive as possible in every She drifted aimlessly in and out of different way. If I’d been beautiful I’d never have cinema harbors for the next three years, amounted to much.” ignored by film reviewers and mentioned with Carole Lombard was bom Jane Peters in indifference by casting directors. Fort Wayne, Indiana, nearly thirty years ago. At twenty-two she could literally see the At seven she came to Hollywood with her curtain of her career falling. Then she was mother. With the exception of a short period cast in a role opposite . As one in New York when little more than an extra, producer said, “No one cared who was oppo- she has since lived in and about the film city. site Powell.” A believer in numerology — that the letters After appearing with the suave actor in in a name have an influence on destiny — she several films, she married him. Though her changed her name to Carol Lombard. She husband was without a peer as an adroit later added an “e” to the first name. Accord- master of cinema make-believe, she called ing to the Hollywood custom, this change him “Junior.” It was "Junior” who changed was later given legal sanction. the course of her life. As a young girl, she appeared in amateur Off the screen the poiseful Powell is bashful. theatricals. She did not finish high school. If he had two personalities, so might his Instead, she sought a film career. She is young wife. reticent concerning her early struggle. But Her intelligence was above the average. she said in connection with her kindness to Her aggressiveness might be a smoke screen , a beautiful studio ste- to cover her retreat from life. Subtle and nographer who had failed to reach a cinema sophisticated, she had a keen sense of humor. goal, "Why am I helping her? Well, a girl has Her screen personality had been years in a pretty tough time in the business. I ought the making; it could not be changed in a day. to know. I came up from the extra ranks. Audiences and those who tabulate box-office And if I can help anybody miss the pain of receipts have long memories. But Powell was that, 1 feel pretty happy.” patient. A divorce came. He was still loyal. Through Miss Lombard’s intercession, the His task was completed in five years. stenographer is now on the way to becoming The most brilliant star in his section of the a successful actress. sky, he asked that his ex-wife be given the There are other instances of an almost important lead with him in “My Man God- belligerent kindness shown by the famous frey.” comedienne to those less fortunate. It was the comedy sensation of the year, A HOOSIER GIRL Her first appearance out of the extra ranks and bounced Miss Lombard into fame as the WITH AN AIR was with one of the greatest of all film cow- leading cinema comedienne of the day. OF ROYALTY boys, . She was not successful in Her name and salary soared to unbeliev- the role. Off the screen she seemed ideal for an able heights. Studios clamored for her serv- outdoor girl. Before the camera she lacked ices. She secured one of the best and most the breezy nonchalance so necessary for one stringent contracts ever made. For appearing of that type. in three films a year she is paid $450,000, in such an extent that she is one of the excellent tract to another studio, could not be obtained of the film Innately shy, her defense in Hollywood was addition to which she is allowed to make one tennis players colony. She spon- as her leading man. the tennis career of Alice hoydenish behavior. Only her shyness regis- film a year “off the lot.” sored Marble. Of William Powell she says, "I must like tered on the screen. Failing in "westerns,” She also has the right, under the terms of Still fond of pranks, she recently gave a the man, or I wouldn’t have married him in she conceived a dislike of them. the contract, to the exclusive services of a “hospital party.” The guests appeared with the first place! Now that we’re divorced, we’re was at that time in the throes favorite photographer and studio electrician, objects essential to a hospital. The hostess still the best of friends.” She adds naively, received them while on a of his great success. He engaged her as a the supervision over and final word on her reclining stretcher. ‘‘We’re both civilized people.” bathing beauty for eighteen months. During director, the choice of story and the casting. She recently refused to appear in a film Powell, the sentimental Svengali, never because who was con- this period she was injured in an automobile Her once weak heart has become strong to Spencer Tracy, under makes comment.