Programs here measure up to others,says CCD director The director of the diocesan office of the Diocesan Directors of Religious Education/CCD to dioceses have been required to be certified since respondents said their programs are intended only Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD) said, assess the status of diocesan certification 1974, she noted. for catechists. based on the results of a national survey, the programs. The study was conducted by Fr. Eugene Almost all of the diocesan programs in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh diocese's catechetical programs Hemrick. director of research for the National • 83 percent of the responding dioceses reported Miss McCann said, make no such distinction compare favorably with other catechetical Conference of Catholic Bishops /United States that their programs consist of levels of certification. between schools and parishes. programs in other dioceses. Catholic Conference. Miss McCann said the diocese has a requirement for Among the results: ongoing revision in the programs. • 30 percent of the dioceses responding have "It s interesting to know what the requirements • 61 percent of the responding dioceses reported certification programs for catechists of and experience are elsewhere and (it is) satisfying • 78 percent of the dioceses responding have a handicapped persons. that our programs measure up," Anne McCann, catechist certification program. Throughout the having a recognition ceremony. diocesan CCD director, wrote in the May issue of nation, certification programs have been in Recognition is through the awarding of Miss McCann noted that incomplete records News and Notes," the diocesan Religious existance an average of seven years, the survey certificates at the deanery convocations in this indicate that such programs have been in existence Education/CCD Office newsletter. reported. diocese. Miss McCann said. in this diocese for at least 15 years. One hundred and fifty-three dioceses (or about 78 In the Pittsburgh diocese, certification for CCD • 75 percent of the respondents said their • 25 percent of the dioceses responding reported percent of the nation's 172 dioceses) responded to a catechists has been available and promoted for 30 diocesan catechist programs serve both CCD and having biiinguai/multi-lingual programs. survey commissioned by the National Conference of years, while Catholic school catechists in the Catholic school programs, while 16 percent of the (Continued on page 5)

Established in 1844: America's Oldest Catholic Newsp„ycr in Lontinuous Publication

Bishops help Pope d e c i d e Collegiality, courage noted in decision on trip

VATICAN CITY (NC) — After consulting with Council and English Derek Worlock of Argentine and British bishops and issuing another Liverpool and Scottish Archbishop Thomas Winning call for peace in the South Atlantic, Pope John Paul of Glasgow, who had been in since May 18 to II did not change his plans to visit Britain May 28- encourage the pope to make the trip. Junc 2, despite the continuing hostilities between and Britain. The courage is being equally assigned by close observers to the British churchmen, the Latin Insiders p rivy to m any of the discussions which led American prelates and the pope. to the pope's decision to go ahead with the trip said the decision was a victory for coilegiality and for TH E BRITISH are give credit for emphasizing to courage. the pope and the Latin Americans how much the trip means to their people. The Latin Americans are IT WAS O N LY after bringing together Argentine given credit for their willingness to explain the and British* cardinals for a public for peace decision to their countrymen. The pope is given May 22 and two days of intense discussions that the credit for having seemingly reversed his course, not pope made up ais mind, the sources said. on whether he wanted to go to Britain, for all along he The Argentine cardinals who participated in the strongly has, but on whether he could go given the Mass were Cardinal Eduardo Pironio, prefect of the heavy fighting. Vatican Congregation for Religious: Cardinal Raul (In Argentina, however, the Vatican Primatesta of Cordoba and Cardinal Juan Carlos announcement drew quick criticism. The trip was Aramburu of . called a "grave error" by Jorge Fraga, a former Joining them were English Cardinal George Basil minister of social action and a retired rear admiral. sculpture Hume of Westminster and Scottish Cardinal Gordon The view was echoed by newspapers and political Pentecost Sunday, which falls May 30, is symbolized Gray of St. Andrews and Edinburgh. leaders. was made possible through a gift of the Vincenzo in this original bronze sculpture designed by artist Rossetti family and a special donation by the Guild Others who concelebrated the Mass with the pope (Raui Matera, spokesman for the Peronist party, Nick Parrendo and located at Christ the King Church and Christian Mothers of the parish. were Archbishop Alfonso Lopez Trujillo of Medellin, in Ambridge. The work of art symbolizes the dove and — Photo by John C. Keenan Colombia, president of the Latin American Bishops' (Continued on page 2) flames that lake on shapes of letters to form words suggesting the fruits of the Holy Spirit. The sculpture Liberty is best defense against Soviets, say speakers

ARLINGTON, Va. (NC) — A , tives and multinational corpora­ together. The churches already former secretary of defense and a tions and his criticism of previous operate in an institutional Catholic public policy analyst and U.S. efforts to get authoritarian framework with offices, lists and author told participants at a two-day governments to improve their typewriters," he said. conference on religion and politics numan rights records. that liberty may be the United Many of the discussions at the He warned, however, that States' best defense against a Soviet conference centered on relations churches should not get away from threat. with the Soviet Union and the their original purpose as a result of morality of nuclear weaponry. their political involvements. "We must note confusion in the churches "The Soviet empire is rotting," about public policy," he added. said Michael Novak, a Catholic Schlesinger mentioned the tension "The churches have a role to play in author who is resident scholar at the that has developed between the public policy but they also have American Enterprise Institute for United States and Europe since the another role to play — in religion." Public Policy Research in establishment of the North Atlantic Washington. "Their greatest threat Tre a ty Organization (N A T O ) in Lefever talked of the morality of is not arm s. It is the inspired 1952. He likened the situation to the terrorism . yearning for liberty in the human fall of the Rom an E m p ire as described by St. Augustine: "The breast." "TERRORISM is an old weapon, sack of Rome was the result of inner vivid and instant." he said, "it is decay." directed against innocent people, "Liberty, historically, has had a not the enemy." very fragile growth," added James "Europe no longer believes that R. Schlesinger. secretary of defense the United States can save it." He also said that terrorism is in the Ford administration. "The Schlesinger said. supported by the media because preservation of liberty should be the "the media loves violence." foundation goal of our foreign and NOVAK, WHO has served as U.S. public policy." representative to the U.N. Human He also said he believes the Rights Commission, said that "the recent, thwarted attacks on Pope Soviet em pire is an em pire of lies." GUEST SPEAKERS at the two- John Paul II "could only have been day conference in a Washington carried out by an international "Writers, artists and churchmen suburb discussed "The Responsible network of terrorism. " have a great opportunity to conquer Use of American Power." The those lies, " he told the 100 educators, Lefever emphasized that conference was the second journalists and church members of terrorism is not a new phenomenon sponsored by the Ethics and Public all faiths at the conference. and was even suggested by Top debaters Policy Center, a politically right-of- Abraham Lincoln as a device if ail center organization founded by Novak also said the churches are I The debate teams at St. Germaine School, Bethel other attempts to overthrow a tyrant while the team of J.P. Landy (seated) and Steve Ernest Lefever, whose nomination weil equipped to aid in forming fail. Lefever said the United States I Park, placed first and second at the Southwest Dituner (standing) took second. Coach for the teams to be assistant secretary of state for public policy. "The 'left' goes to has developed the best policy Pennsylvania Speech League debate finals held is Barbara Paranzino. Other standings were: St. human rights was dropped by the church as never before," he said. against terrorism. "What the United recently at St. Elizabeth School, Pleasant Hills. The Louise Affirmative I, third place; St. Germaine Reagan administration amidst "The peace movement has sprung States is doing is that it won't yield," ; Affirmative I team of Filomena Pepecino (seated) Negative I, fourth place; St. Germaine Negative II, controversy over Lefever's alleged up in the last few years with books, j and Tess Sterling (standing, right) won first place, he said. "The U.S. will not capitulate fifth place; and St. Louise, Negative I, sixth place. associations with ultra-conserva- lists, and mass efforts to join people to terrorist demands." More Americans than Europeans believe in God, survey reveals

W ASHINGTON (NC) — More people in the United which included hour-long face-to-face interviews Northern Ireland (7.49) and (6.96). The lowest absolute guidelines. In Europe, only 26 percent States and Ireland — 95 percent — believe in God with a scientifically selected sample of at least 1,200 were D enm ark (4.47) and Sweden (3.99). agreed that there were absolute standards. Ireland than do people in 14 other countries questioned in a persons in each country. was the highest with 34 percent agreement. major international survey. And Americans more Although the average ratings for South African Among the findings of the study are these: than any other nationality rated God as of the highest whites and South African blacks were higher than • Given a choice, 72 percent of Americans would importance in their lives, the survey found. • The Americans and Irish believe in God — 95 the average rating for Americans, the rating for opt for personal freedom rather than equality, which South Africa as a whole, which included other ethnic percent — more than any of the other countries. was chosen by onlv 20 percent. Equality was defined The survey "is one of the most comprehensive and sub-groups, was lower than the rating for the United as "nobody is underprivileged and social class Belie! in God was 75 percent overall in Europe, ambitious studies ever undertaken of human States. differences are not so strong." Great Britain was values," said Edward M. Sullivan, director of dropping to 62 percent in and 58 percent in Denm ark. almost identical to the United States, with 69 percent research of the Center for Applied Research in the • Respondents were asked for each of the Ten choosing personal freedom, compared with 49 Commandments whether they still applied fully to Apostolate, a Catholic research organization based • Seventy-one percent, of Americans believe in percent in Europe overall. In both Spain and Italy, in Washington. life after death.compared with 43 percent in Europe them today. Responses in the United States were more people favored equality over freedom. and 40 percent in Japan. In contrast, only 67 percent closest to those in Ireland, and greatest contrast was The center conducted the survey in the United with France. of Americans believe in hell, but this was much more • Eighty percent of those in the United States States and Canada in cooperation with the Gallup said they were proud to be American, in contrast to Organization. than the 23 percent in Europe or the 15 percent in • More than half, 51 percent, of Americans Japan. only 38 percent of Europeans who expressed pride in believe that there must be moral rules guiding their nationality. European countries included in the study were sexual activity rather than leaving it to individual Great Britain, France, West Germany, Spain, the • Respondents were asked to rate, on a scale of 1- choice. Europe in general is less emphatic about Funding for the study came from church Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, the Republic of 10, how important God is in their lives. More Americans than any other nationality rated the sexual guidelines, ranging from a low of 32 percent in organizations, foundations, industry and Ireland, Northern Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and France to a high of 61 percent in West Germany of importance of God as 10 — 48 percent, with 70 government. Finland. Non-European countries included were people who favor moral rules. Japan, South Africa and South Korea, although the percent of U.S. blacks and 64 percent of U.S. Father Cassian J. Yuhaus, president of the Center Korean study was so recent that data are not yet Hispanics giving the 10 rating. Americans were the • Only 34 percent in the United States agreed that for Applied Research in the Apostolate, said more available. highest of all countries (average rating, 8.21), there are absolutely clear guidelines about good and than $1 million had already been spent in conducting followed by South African whites (8.55), South evil which apply to everyone whatever the the study. Plans are now being made to extend it to The Gailup Organization conducted the fieldwork, African blacks (8.45), the Republic of Ireland (8.02), circumstances, while 59 percent said there are no Latin America. Page 2 — Pittsburgh Catholic, . May 28, 1982

U pcom ing of 4 new approved

By NANCY FRAZIER crosses worn by in solemn liturgical of the men, Franciszek Gajowniczek, the father of a accepted the invitation to the new, wild Indian ceremonies to signify their union with the pope and VATICAN CITY (NC) — Twenty-four cardinals family, and was allowed to do so. country. their authority over the church province of which May 24 approved the upcoming canonizations of four their archdiocese is the head, was to be given to four After two weeks, he and three others survived the She arrived at Ville Marie in 1653 and began her new saints at a consistory. U.S. archbishops. starvation. Th e y were killed on Aug. 14,1941, by an work of teaching, visiting the sick and other It was the second consistory since John Paul II injection of carbolic acid. charitable service. Four years later, she opened Four U.S. archbishops were among those who became pope in October, 1978. Montreal's first school, in a stable. received the pallium: He was beatified by Pope Paul VI at St. Peter's Basilica in 1971. The cardinals, meeting in the Vatican's consistory Within a few vears. she had established a school Archbishops James A. Hickey of Washington; hall, voted to set the of Blessed Crispin for Indians, an Indian mission, a boarding school Patrick F. Flores of San Antonio, Texas: Oscar H. Blessed Crispin, who is expected to become the of Viterbo, an Italian Capuchin brother, for June 20 first canonized by the present pope, was born for the daughters of merchants, and a training Lipscomb of Mobile, Ala.; and John Lawrence May school for the poor. and of Blessed Maximilian Kolbe, the Polish-born Pietro Fioretti in Viterbo, Italy, 1668. After working Conventual Franciscan priest who died at the of St. Louis. as a shoemaker, he joined the Capuchins in 1693 and IN 1658, she returned to France with some Auschwitz concentration camp, for Oct. 10. During the public consistory, an official of the took the name Brother Crispin. companions to arrange for the foundation of the Vatican Secretariat of State also presented a report The consistory participants also set a canonization Sisters of the Congregation de Notre Dame, finally on the causes for canonization of the four new saints. date of Oct. 31 for Blessed Marguerite Bourgeoys, a For 46 years he was questor (alms collector) for receiving ecclesiastical approval in 1698. French-born heroine who labored in the 17th century Father Kolbe, who died at the age of 47 in the Nazi the order in Orvieto, Italy. In that capacity he collected not only enough to provide for the order's Blessed Marguerite died in Montreal on Jan 12 Canadian wilds; and Blessed Jeanne Delanoue, the concentration camp at Auschwitz, was born in 1700. French foundress of the Sisters of St. Anne of needs, but enough to help all the poor in the town as Zdunka-Wola, Poland. Jan. 6, 1895. well. Providence. Blessed Jeanne Delanque was born at Saumur. He joined the Conventual Franciscans in 1907 and France, in 1666 and was known in her early years for IN THE PRIVATE CONSISTORY, to which only was a seminarian at the Franciscan house in Padua, her avaricious egoism and bad temper. cardinals were admitted, the 62-year-old pope also Italy. E V E N IN HIS early years as a Religious, miracles requested approval for the appointment of Italian were attributed to him, and his spirit of joy and She became the owner of a small store at her Cardinal Paolo Bertoli as camerlengo AFTER HIS ORDINATION in Padua in 1919, he happiness were said to radiate to those around him. m other's death and made plans to exploit pilgrim s to returned to Poland. There he founded the Militia of (chamberlain) of the College of Cardinals. Cardinal He died in Rome in 1750 after two years of illness. the nearby shrine of Our Lady of Ardilliars. But after the Immaculate Conception, a pious association Bertoli has held that post since May 1979. He was beatified by Pope Pius VII in 1806. hearing a stirring sermon by chance, she had a dedicated to spreading devotion to M a ry through the vision of her vocation to help the poor and During the public part of the consistory, communications media. Blessed Marguerite Bourgeoys, whose immediately threw herself into a life of austerity and archbishops, bishops and abbots were admitted into He was a missionary in Japan from 1930 to 1936, ceremony was the last one performed penance. the consistory hall for the ceremony of postulation, returned to Poland in 1939 and was arrested by the by Pope Pius XII during the 1950 Holy Year, was Her home became known as the "House of or petitioning, for presentation of the pallia to Nazis shortly after the German occupation of Poland born at Troyes, France, on April 12, 1620. Providence" and was formally erected into a metropolitan-archbishops the next day. at the start of Word War II. He was released for a Orphaned at an early age, she failed in trying to religious house in 1704. Pope John Paul directed Argentinian Cardinal time and rearrested in February 1941 and interned at Auschwitz. join the Carmelites and the Poor Clares. In 1652, the She also erected Houses of Providence in Breze Um berto Mozzoni to proceed with the presentation of Governor general of New France, as Canada was and Puy-Notre Dame, feeding and housing the pallia May 25 in the Matilde Chapel of the When a prisoner escaped from the camp, the then called, went to Troyes, seeking teachers for the thousands of homeless by what seemed miraculous . Vatican. commandant ordered 10 men to die by starvation. children of his French garrison at Ville Marie, as means. She died in poverty at Saumur on Aug. 17. The pallium, a circlet of white wool with black Father Kolbe volunteered to die in the place of one Montreal was then named. She was then 32, but 1736. and was beatified on Nov. 9, 1947.

D ecision to visit B ritain

called victory for courage

(Continued from page 1) Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, the person with the nation's largest, said the visit was the ultimate responsibility for deciding British "inopportune." strategy. (The trip is ill-timed considering that Argentina The plan was reinforced by the government's has one of the world's largest Catholic populations, public announcement that the visit was important to said Enrique Vanoli of the Radical Party, the second all Britishers and that Mrs. Thatcher would be largest political party. happy to do without meeting the pope if it meant the visit could go on. (About 90 percent of Argentina's population professes Catholicism, which is the state religion.) On M ay 19 the pope decided to invite to the Vatican B H i the British and Argentine cardinals and Archbishop (It was disclosed Tuesday that the Pope offered to Lopez Trujillo to celebrate with the pope a Mass for go directly to Argentina from his British visit. peace. They would also talk, in collegial fashion, (The papal letter said:"I would be willing to go, about the British trip, weighing all its pros and cons. directly if necessary, from England to Argentina The British prelates, said Vatican sources, and there, among you and with you, my dear presented their case in striking fashion: the 18 brothers and sisters, raise the same prayer for the months of spiritual preparation culminating in the victory of peace over war.") W pope's trip; the elderly waiting to be anointed by the The pope had said in a talk in St. Peter's Square on pope: the young men whom he would ordain; the May 16 that events in the Falklands dispute between thousands of couples who would renew their Argentina and Britain had "disturbed the marriage vows in the pope's presence; the atmosphere" of his pending trip and that for the visit international dimension of the pope's meeting with to proceed, "the framework must be one of peace the Anglican primate. Archbishop Robert Runcie of and security." Canterbury; the ecumenical setback which the trip's postponement would case. Coupled with Cardinal Hume's suggestion a few days before that the pope would be forced to IN TH E CONVERSATIONS the British prelates postpone the trip unless there were positive highlighted the points they had been making openly é developments toward peaceful negotiation in the in the press during that same week: A postponement South Atlantic, the pope's remarks seemed to turn would be a pastoral and ecumenical tragedy. M K J ^ Y” llfaai f the odds against the trip, although the pontiff said Cardinal Hume had said it would be years before that there was still time for the situation to change. the trip could ever be held again because of the costs But then the British hierarchy went to work. involved ($11 million) and the feelings which a New St John Neumann Church Archbishops Worlock and Winning rushed to Rome postponement would create. to reinforce what Cardinals Hume and Gray had told "When the Latin Americans heard the British Bishop Leonard congratulates Fr. William Bovard, and Mass. The church seats 600 people and is located the pope the week before: that much was at stake if cardinals and archbishops explain all of this," said pastor of St. John Neumann Church, Franklin Park, at 2230 Rochester Road. the British visit were cancelled. one Vatican source, "they were tremendously open prior to dedication ceremonies at the new church last D. , . , . _ and understanding." Sunday. Bishop Leonard officiated at the dedication Photo qv John C. Keenan HAVING HEARD that the pope was under strong "These (the Latin Americans) are tremendously and daily pressure from Latin American authorities courageous guys," said one veteran newsman. "I'd to postpone the trip, lest it be interpreted as support hate to be in their shoes getting off the plane when for British military strategy, the British prelates I B i É they go back." Alt condii to mao - m i a t i d KATES ARE PEt KITE FOR TWO ISLANDER M OTEL decided to press harder. MASTI* CMAMM VISA g Week Ends Mar 5-May 9 $ 0 1 SOI) BEACH HIGHWAY AT 20TH STREET “ Up until that point the British had been the laid- OUTDOOR POOL Anytime May 14»Moy20 **" * 9 back, nice-guys. While the Latin Americans were Attorneys meet Anyt!m^Mo^^VJvne24^|00$g7| pressing the British were pretty much saying, 'We'd Seaiotttuf Moisi Anytime Aug 30-Sept 19 A* " “ U OCEAN CITY, MD 21842 WASHINGTON (NC) — Diocesan attorneys from OCSANFRONT AT 28th ST HUS 10% DISCOUNT - WIN THIS HD like you to come and we think that you should, but we (before June 25 — after Aug 29) SWIMMING POOL • ALL UNITS W CATV around the United States discussed the Hatch CAU 301-289-9194 ^^»tCM^Aer^Da^jl^oboHLJjo^^ understand the crunch you are in,1" said one high AND DECK PATIO • 62 FULL Y EQUIPPED Vatican source. Amendment, the Catholic Telecommunications , EFFICIENCIES AND MO TEL UNI TS Network of America, and the meaning of religidn JIM DRONEY & MIKE SILVESTRE SELL 2 BL OCKS FROM CHURCH "But when (Archbishops) Worlock and Winning under the First Amendment at the 18th national came, and when (Cardinals) Hume and Gray came meeting of the Diocesan Attorneys Association. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE back later in the week, the British began to press DESKS, FILES, TYPEWRITER m y t (301)289-9179 back," added the source. At the May 17-18 meeting in Washington, attended VI T ^ ^ by about 150 attorneys, Lynn D. Wardle, professor of CALCULATORS, SUPPLIES. "It wasn't that the pope took any convincing on the law at Brigham Young University Law School, FAST DELIVERY DISCOUNT PRICES importance of the trip .'' said a British priest living in stressed the need for a constitutional amendment to MT. LEBANON OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO. SUPPORT YÔUR Rome. "He wanted in the worst way to go." reverse the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that struck down most state restrictions on abortion. 1817 Banksville Rd.. Pittsburgh, Pa. 15216 344-4300 ADVERTISER B U T W H A T the pope did need, sources suggested, was some help in weighing the issues and some (Fr. Adam Maida, the diocese's general counsel, recommendations as to how to continue with the trip attended the convention. while making it a bit more palatable to the 250 AU million Catholics in Latin America, about one-third "We addressed some of the issues in the United Ocean City, M d.— H om e o f [ÔPËN of the world's Catholic population. States," he told the Pittsburgh Catholic. "Mostofthe IT’S TUR issues have significance to our diocese as it is an That help came, apparently, when a stratagem integral part of the church scene. The issues ranged JTheCaptainscTableGI^estaurant was devised eliminating any “political-looking" from concerns which affect the lives of individual elements from the trip, such as a meeting with Catholics as well as institutional dimensions.") NO ANTA A R (A MOTOR SECRET of 13th St. " . ' i t HOTEL On the Ocean Ü' MD. 21842 102 Rooms That subscriptions to • ALL ROOMS AIR CONDITIONED • SWIMMING POOL • MEETING ROOMS • COLOR any nawapapar pay PHONE 301 TV ALL ROOMS • COCKTAILS AT CAPTAINS TABLE • DlREC I DIAL PHONES • FREE M 9-7H1 local calls • elevator service • all roo m s with Htat • family groups only a part of the coat ONLY • PACKAGE PLANS AVAILABLE • CALL OR WRITE - NOW! of lha publication. Tha difference is made up from advertising. IT S NO SECRET HEARING AIDS - 1/2 PRICE That advertisers Invest a portion of ttwir advertising budget In the Pittsburgh Catho­ AII-in-the-Ear Hearing lic to solicit your trade. They offer you mer­ chandise and sendees at reasonable prices. ~r ‘ 245

IT’S NO SECRET No other taxes or charges. 30 days trials negotiated That you should buy LOWEST PRICE ANYWHERE from them, when you need their merchan­ Doctors Examination Available dise and sendees and Utes** that you should tell C A L L klDW BEFORE YOU f6A6ET them you saw their ad ( FOR INFO. 941-4037 OR APPTS. In tha Pittsburgh THIS IS ALL THERE IS: Catholic. In this way • NO BUTTONS • NO WIRES SOUTH HILLS HEARING AID CENTER • WILL FIT A LOSS UP TO they know they get ROUTE 19, McMURRAY, PA. 15317 45 dd Provider tor United Auto Workort results. • HELP MOST NERVE DEAFNESS Gentlemen: Musicians to meet IT’S NO SECRET • WILL FIT 90% Please tell me how I may hear again more clearly in both Duquesne University will host the convention of the executive secretary of the diocesan worship Thot this helps the HEARING LOSSES ears without using hearing aids that have cords or tubes. National Association of Pastoral Musicians July 20-23, commission; Richard Moser, music director at St. advertisers, that It Name ...... bringing together noted speakers and church Louise de Marillac, Upper St. Clair; Sister Cynthia SALE ENDS helps the Pittsburgh musicians from throughout the country. Helping with Serjak, music director at St. James, Wilkinsburg; and’ JU N E 2 Address ...... preparations are, from left, Karen Clarke, music Richard Gibala, music director at St. Winifred, Mt. Catholic and that II City...... State...... z ip ...... director at Mercy Hospital; Fr. Richard Ward, Lebanon, and music coordinator for the diocese. helps you. Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday. May 28, 1982 — Page 3

N ational/w orld news New appeal for Hatch Books closed on 2 abortions

WASHINGTON (NC) — The director of the U.S. MADISON, Wis. (NC) — The Dane County coroner bishops' pro-life office has issued a new call for and district attorney have closed the books on the support of the proposed Hatch amendment on case of two babies aborted alive at Madison's abortion. University Hospital, but pro-lifers said they think Linking the issue to the recent case of a Down's unanswered questions remain. syndrome baby in Indiana who was starved to death. Both baby girls were born in early May, a few days Father Edward Bryce, director of the bishops' apart, at University Hospital following abortions on Office for Pro-Life Activities, said May 5 the Hatch 16-amd 17-year-olds. One baby, about 24 weeks old, amendment "provides a strong and effective lived about 10 hours; the other, about 26 weeks old, vehicle" for restoring respect for human life. lived about 27 hours. Both were transferred after The priest also welcomed a memorandum by birth to Madison General Hospital, which has a President Reagan, issued in the wake of the Indiana special care unit for new born babies and where they died. baby's death, ordering that federal funds be cut off to hospitals which discriminate in the treatment of the County Coroner Clyde Chamberlain said an handicapped. investigation by his office revealed that both babies died from "premature birth with immaturity, New pontifical council complicated by brain hemorrhage and pulmonary hyaline membrane disease by induced abortion.1' He VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II has said there was "noquestion that standard life-saving established a new Pontifical Council for Culture to measures werq followed" for both babies. facilitate contacts between "the saving message of the Gospel (and) the plurality of cultures." Pro-lifers claim victory The new council was announced in a letter dated May 20, Ascension Thursday, from the pope to ALLENTOWN, Pa. (NC) — Pro-lifers claimed Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, Vatican secretary of victory after an announcement by the Planned Social service honors state. The letter was made public at the Vatican May Parenthood Center of Berks County, Pa. that it 21. would pull out of United Way. Honored with plaques of appreciation at a recent director of Social and Community Services of the James P. Sterganos, Planned Parenthood board Mass and dinner marking the 10th anniversary of the Diocese of Pittsburgh Inc.; Sister Ruth, Msgr. John Peace day planned president, said the withdrawal was not a result of parish social service workers here were Sister Ruth C. McCarren, executive director of the social and pressure from either the United Way or the Berks Bearer, former supervisor of the diocesan program, community development department of the diocese, WASHINGTON (NC) — Nuns from all over the County deanery's campaign which was begun last and George Kokiko, former director. A dinner at George Kokiko and Bishop Leonard. United States plan to gather in Washington on year against the center’s alleged pro-abortion Duranti’s in Oakland followed the Mass May 21 at St. Sunday, May 30, to observe a day of prayer for peace stance. Paul Cathedral. From left are Ben Abate, executive — Photo by John C. Keenan on the theme "Renew the Face of the Earth." The event is being sponsored by the Leadership ■O b i t u a r i e s ■ Conference of Women Religious, the official Vatican funds needed organization of major superiors of orders of nuns in WASHINGTON (NC) — "Peter" needs more He was a past president of the the United States. pence to avoid a projected $29 million 1982 Vatican Sr. M . M uriel Surviving are his wife. C. Roberta Resurrection Holy Name Society budget deficit and U.S. Catholics are being asked to Quinlan Maloney, originally from The observance is intended as a public expression and a member of the St. Vincent de join a worldwide effort to contribute more to the Holy Sister M. Muriel Flamman, 75, of Epiphany parish. Uptown: two sons of concern about the threat to life and peace posed by Paul Society, Council 491 of the Sees annual collection. U.S. church officials the Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill Fr. John, pastor of St. Michael the nuclear arms buildup, said a spokeswoman for Knights of Columbus. Fort Pitt announced May 7. died Friday, May 21, 1982 at Church, South Side, and Daniel of the conference. Assembly and the Knights of Equity. Assumption Hall, the Sisters' Levittown: a daughter Mary Ann The collection, known as Peter's Pence, provides Infirmary and Retirement Home in Mr. McKenna was a retired Husar of Bristol, Pa.: and seven funds for support of papal projects and various grandsons. Five to be beatified Greensburg. superintendent with Equitable Gas, oliices and activities ol the . including Sr. M. Muriel was born inCrafton, where he worked for 51 years. VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II plans global charitable work. to beatify two Canadians and three Europeans in St. Pa., Aug. 23, 1907. She entered the Surviving are six sons, Fr. Jerome Traditionally, the Peter's Pence collection is held Sophie Regets Peter's Square May 23, the Vatican announced May Congregation from Saint Philip's McKenna, a Passionist priest on the Sunday nearest the June 29 least of Ss. Peter 11-; parish. Crafton. She attended St. working in Kingwood W.Va.; Miss Sophie Regets, housekeeper and Paul. This year, that Sunday would be June 27. Philip Parochial School and St. Brother Robert, a Passionist for Fr. Valentine Sedlack, pastor of The two Canadians are Holy Cross Brother Andre Joseph Academy, Seton Hill, and working in Manila, the Philippines: St. Rita parish, Munhall, died May Bessette, prime mover in the building of St. Joseph's entered the Congregation of the Thomas of Hasbrouck Hts., 19 in Braddock General Hospital. Oratory in Montreal, and Sister Marie-Rose Nobel candidate Sisters of Charity on Sept. 8, 1924. N.J.: Joseph, of the South Hills: She was 67. Durocher, founder of the Sisters of the Holy Names UNITED NATIONS. N Y. (NC) - The World Sr. M. Muriel received a bachelor Regis of Sunnyvale, Calif.: and Born in Frederickstown, she is of Jesus and Mary. Patrick of Baltimore, Md.; two Confederation of Labor, representing 14 million degree in biology from Seton Hill survived by one brother Andy The others scheduled for beatification are Father sisters, Catherine McKenna and Christian labor union members around the world, College and her master's and Ph.D. Regets, and five sisters Mary Peter Bonders, a Dutch Redemptorist missionary wants the Polish Solidarity union movement to in botany from the University of Sarah Holzapfel. and one brother, Radachy, Catherine Radachy, Ann Thomas, all of Pittsburgh. who cared for lepers in Surinam: Sister Maria receive the 1982 Nobel Peace Prize. Pittsburgh. She was associate Lesnok, Helen Chelena and Angela Astorch of Spain, a member of the Capuchin professor of botany at Seton Hill M r. M cKenna was preceded in Margaret Kubicar. Order of St. Clare; and Sister Marie Rivier, the The intention to nominate the beleaguered College from 1935 until 1952 and Solidarity movement for the prize was announced at death by his wife, Gertrude Foley Fr. Sedlack offered Mass on May French foundress of the Congregation of the Sisters served as academic dean of the McKenna and one son, Jerome. of the Presentation of Mary. a press conference in New York by Jan Kulakowski, college from 1952 until 1968. She was 22 in St. Rita Church. secretary general of the Christian trade union named served as academic dean of A concelebrated Mass was Beatification is a prelim inary step to sainthood. confederation, which is based in Brussels, Belgium. the college from 1952 until 1968. She offered in St. Michael Church, was named dean of administration John M aloney Frederickstown, on May 24 by Msgr. in 1968 and remained in that position Paul Simko, Fr. Sedlack, and Fr. NORTH WILDWOOD'S until March, 1982. if your Funeral Mass for John P. Maloney Thomas Chelena, a nephew. Burial eyes Sr. M. Muriel is survived by three was offered Tuesday, May 25, in St. was in the Fredrickstow n Cem etery. need to HOME HEALTH CARE sisters, Mrs. Mary Lauth and Mary Church, Glenshaw, with his th S t son, Fr. John P. Maloney Jr., be open by “PROFESSIONALS WHO CARE!” Catherine E . F la m m a n , both of £ r r m o t e l s o o th e officiating. Fr. William Ritzert Pittsburgh and Mrs. Margaret N e c r o l o g y THE FAMILY RESORT FOR A • RN s and LPN's delivered the homily and burial t h e m Kennedy of Amherst, Ohio. H0LI0AY STAY YOU'LL NEVER w i t h • Home Health Aides followed in Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Please remember the deceased FORGET TRY US & SEE' CLOSE TO • Homemakers and Companions A Mass of Christian burial was East End. priests of the diocese in your BEACH AND BOARDWALK AMUSE­ • Screened, Insured and RN Supervised celebrated Monday at St. Joseph prayers. MENTS L a v o p tik Mr. Maloney, 74, of 1307 24th & Surf Aves. 609 522-8334 EYE WASH • • 1 Hour to 24 hours a day Ch'll pel, Seton Hill College, WILDWOOD, N.J. 08260 Greensburg. Burial was in the Burchfield Rd., Shuler Twp., died M ay 31 • Serves the Diocese ol Pittsburgh Sisters' Cemetery. unexpectedly Saturday, May 22, at Fr. Joseph Vrhunec ...... 1952 • Insurance Claims Accepted home. June 2 F r. Joseph S. K u la c z ...... 1944 P IT T S B U R G H ’S Call Day or Night He was born Dec. 27. 1907. He was F. M cKenna June 3 900,000 a native of the Lawrenceville area Msgr. Vincent J. Rieland 1961 CATHOLIC ARE Funeral Mass for Francis J. and a member of St. Mary Church, a i s Ë n 391-4422 McKenna, of 1207 Chelton Ave., Fr. Andrew R. Spisak ...... 1966 S O M E O N E 46th St. June 4 Health Care Services Brookline, was offered Thursday, SPECIAL. REACH AT THRIFT DRUG Discounts to the Catholic Readers May 27, in Resurrection Church, Mr. Maloney retired from Ohio Fr. Paul B. Tomlinson ...... 1945 THEM THROUGH Brookline. Burial followed in Queen State U niversity and returned to the Msgr. William D. Savage 1969 THE PITTSBURGH June 5 of Heaven Cemetery. Pittsburgh area in 1976. He had been CATHOLIC a faculty member there for 11 years Fr. William P. McAndrew 1963 articipate in the Missionary Mr. McKenna, 84, died Monday, and was a technician for June 6 work of the Church all over May 24, in St. Joseph Home, refractories. Earlier he had worked Fr. Modesto Parolini...... 1947 the world by supporting the Garfield. for .Mellon Institute. Fr. Francis Hattenberger 1959 P Hospital volunteers DEVIE “The poor man is not May view State Hospital, Bridgeville, is recruiting therapy departments. Placements will be made FOR high school and college students for volunteer work according to interests and abilities of the the one who hasn’t a cent for the summer. volunteers and the needs of patients and residents. A in his pocket, . A training session for summer volunteers is All student volunteers work under the supervision of NEW OR USED but he who has not a dream... scheduled for June 22, 9 a.m. — 3 p.m. Registration the hospital's staff. C H E V I E will take place in the hospital's dietary lounge at 9 Students, 15 years of age and older, are eligible to D E V E R E A U X a.m. Attendance at the orientation session is attend the orientation by pre-registering at the A generation or two ago, the people of required. hospital's volunteer office. Prospective volunteers C H E V R O L E T many mission countries did not know • Volunteers are asked to serve a minimum of four are required to pre-register by June 18. Below Renzie Park Christ. Today, they have their own native hours a week for eight weeks during the summer For more information call the Volunteer McKeesport mqnths. Assignments will be in the nursing, Resources Office at 343-2700 or 221-7500, extension priests— and young men with a dream of 75 1 -2 8 0 0 reereation, Habilitation Center and occupational 386 or 498. being an “other Christ” among their people. The new Churches of mission lands, ROOF LEAKING? C a t h o l i c rich in Faith, are seeing a great increase GUTTER DRIPPING? I R E L I V E H IS T O R Y in religious vocations. But these For Emergency Service Call E u r o p e Churches are poor, and the young men RAY ADENOUR IN WILLIAMSBURG. who answer our Lord’s call are also poor Belgium Germany Austria Please, reach out to help make 3 2 1 - 5 6 0 0 Italy Vatican City fret Estimates - Terms Arranged BE OUR GUEST, Switzerland France their dreams come true. Pray for • SLATE' SHINGLE' FLAT ROOFS' P f Two Glorious Weeks tomorrow’s mission priests, and send You’ll Never Forget! them your support today through the - £ j CALL TOLL FREE _ under the spiritual direction of Society of St. Peter Apostle. Father Valentine G. ill-800-446-9228 M MAKE

President Reagn's endor­ public high school students By FR. JEROM E LEDOUX, S.V.D. sement of a school prayer from even meeting voluntarily I looked around the whole wide - amendment has stirred up at school to pray, even before world to see what I could see. There some of the old, lame class started. It is interesting to m y surprise, was much more than arguments against this idea, that a high school senior who a I could have ever hoped to see It was not the paintings and other works of and not only from secular few months later enrolls in a opponents but from many in art which caught m y eyes,' but state university m ay, the court rather the original subjects of the religious community. has held, pray and worship to nature which the art had imitated, ft his heart's content in the was not the piddling coilectiohs : What possible good, it is university facilities. found in museums, but the awesome asked again, can a brief mountains, volcanoes, galactic morning prayer do students? fireworks, mind-bending meteor If you find such reasoning craters and the Painted Desert. How can it possibly change mystifying, consider that in their conduct significantly? a nation whose official motto is - Well, what good, it might be "In God we trust,” and where asked in reply, does the brief school lunches are bought with ' prayer that opens sessions of currency and coinage Congress and the Supreme officially inscribed with “In FR. JEROME LEDOUX Court really do thé members? God we trust," students are What good does the brief forbidden by law from uttering prayer at banquets do the those four words to begin their d in e rs ? school day. The late Arch­ bishop Fulton J. Sheen once said that these words alone Obviously, these prayers Again, I looked the world over to would constitute a suitable aren't expected to change see what I could see. Instead of the prayer for the public school. •anyone significantly. Rather, glorified fish tanks called But modern court rulings aquariums, there lay the sprawling they are simply meant, in a prohibit it. It is amid this kind overwhelming water system country whose founding of confusion that proponents of covering more than 70 percent of the documents, institutions and school prayer have decided earth, teeming with unimaginable national traditions all billions of creatures of qveyy that the only solution is recognize a Supreme Being, to description and size. Instead of the passage of a constitutional acknowledge that Being's makeshift, man-made quariers a m e n d m e n t. called zoos, there spread The dominion. They continue a immense grasslands and lorests national tradition that with animals roaming at will Tftere Such an amendment is not recognizes American life is sped the cheetah at 70 m.p.h. andthe intertwined with the religious, easily won, however. Two golden eagle well in excess olTiOO as distinct from a religion. previous prayer amendments m .p.h. Other purposes may well be failed to obtain the required two-thirds vote in Congress. ONCE MORE I looked around to .served by school prayer, but see what I could see. Th e smallest Furthermore, to tamper with these are enough. Surveys have flower froze me in rapt contempla­ consistently shown that a our constitution for no more tion, and the vast combination of m ajority of Am ericans believe than a brief school prayer colors, shades of varieties of that even a brief acknowledge­ would be unwise* in our flowers, shrubs and trees flooded ment of God in school has judgment. For such a major ''■WF my mind with delight and wonder As I had never seen it before, (here importance, that we ignore undertaking, something greater should be gained. stood the human species — wonder Him to our sorrow. among wonders — in all its beauty and com plexity, standing out as the But, it is further argued, The administrative board of A tip of the hot would be nice flower beyond aii flowers and'the some students who are non­ the U.S. Catholic bishops marvel of life beyond ail marvels. believers m ight be offended by wants the amendment to With rising hopes, I scouted school prayer. Mr. Reagan's authorize not only prayer, but around the earth to hear what I could proposed amendment spe­ also voluntary religious hear. Predictably, there were-the soothing sounds of nature's brotjks, cifically provides, however, instruction in public schools. On Amnesty International Such instruction, by private breezes, gentle rains and amazing that no one shall be required to By MSGR. PAUL M. LACKNER symbolize their demands to know leaders on June 21, 1980, by 60 songbirds. There was the flasfi of instructors of all faiths, once participate in prayer. The the fate of their children and plainclothesmen one block from the lightning, the boom of thunder, the I have written in this column in the right of students to remain was provided on “released grandchildren who have "disap­ National Palace. The authorities howl of winds, the unnerving rour of past about the work of Amnesty silent or leave the room is time." But in the 1948 peared.' ' The picture, taken on April have refused to acknowledge lions, the eerie trumpet of elephants, McCollum case, the Supreme International. I admire its goals and 15, marked the fifth anniversary of responsibility for the detention and the melancholy baying and barking assured. The right of students I support it financially. It seeks to Court struck down the practice weekly Sunday Vigils of these Xocop Chavez remains disap­ of dogs, the cacaphony of cricfiete. to voluntarily participate assist prisoners of conscience: men as a violation of church-state women. peared." the off-key serenade of frogi“31id deserves equal protection. and women who have not used or cicadas. That is what the "free separation. advocated violence, but who I suppose that the feature ARGENTINA: "A well-known exercise" of religion means. nevertheless find themselves But, the towering above all these It was an unfortunate material about Argentina caught filmmaker, Raimundo Glayzer, was soothing, threatening or h&rgh Furtherm ore, there are many imprisoned for their beliefs, color, decision, one that took away ethnic origins or religion. It is my eye because of the present abducted from his home on June 2, sounds was the wondrous sound of , ihings in public schools today 1976. Among his best known films is from parents the right to see to strictly non-partisan. Amnesty dispute over the Falkland Islands. the hum an voice. Th is voice, too, can that of fend some people, and Personally, I have no use for the 'The Traitos,' which traces the be harsh, strident and threatening. the religious education of their International also works to for which exemptions are not eliminate the use of torture and the present Argentine government development of the trade union However, properly modulated, children even in the public always allowed. Sex educat­ death penalty in all cases. because of its terrorism. Nor do I movement in Argentina. He carefully projected and propelledJ)y schools. Reversing this ruling have any use for the English remains disappeared." ion, to nam e one. If the soft pom love, the human voice, whether in would be major step toward government for its inhumanity to that is sometimes passed off to speech or song, is the most soothing, restoring to Am ericans a basic man in Northern Ireland. My USSR: "Levko Lukanenko is a the most reassuring, the most students as sex education isn't liberty they have been depriv­ maternal grandparents came from lawyer who was arrested in inspiring and the most pleasing considered offensive or e d of. MSGR. PAUL County Armagh and I know first­ December 1977 and charged with sound which graces our ears. harmful, we question that a M . L A C K N E R hand much about the prejudice and anti-Soviet agitation .and Encouraged. I moved around the anguish that they and other brief school prayer would be. propaganda' in connection with his world at large to feel what I could The President's prayer o relatives of mine have suffered and membership in the Ukrainian feel. What I felt was the touch of proposal is commendable but are suffering there. I have many Public Group to Promote the God's creative power in the wet kiss cousins both in U lster and in Writing against the prayer inadequate as it stands. A Implementation of the Helsinki of the raindrop, in the warm kiss of a amendment in a local paper f c j England. I believe that the Falkland Agreements in the USSR.' He powerful ray of sunlight, in the provision for religious Island dispute should be settled by a remains in prison." this week, national columnist warm blanket of spring air. God's instruction needs to be I am prompted to write again United Nations Trusteeship. The power, warmth and love were even Jam es Kilpatrick said it is only included in the amendment. about this fine organization after present governments of Argentina more evident in the press of the institutionalized school prayer Given that change, this receiving my copy of the current and E ngland have too m uch blood on In view of the foregoing, it would seem that you or I as individuals human hand, the kiss of human lips, that the Supreme Court has legislation would be an May issue of "Matchbox," the their hands. official publication of AI USA. One living in this free country are the embrace of human arms. banned, not voluntary prayer. important step toward article which first caught my eye OF COURSE, the assassinations, helpless to do anything about such EXCITED NOW, I searched He is wrong. The court last upholding religious freedom in was the full text of the address given the disappearences, and the prisoners. However, this is not the everywhere and questioned December banned a group of e d u c a tio n . by journalist Robert Cox on Nov. 4, torturings are not confined to case. We can join the Amnesty everyone to know what I could know. 1981 to the cadets at the Citadel Argentina. In the same issue of the International and learn more about Almost in shock, I discovered that Military Academy in Charleston, AI publications, there are pictures these people. We can pray for them. the body of knowledge in people, in South Carolina. of 22 persons who have been We can join in letter writing the world and in the universe is so imprisoned, murdered or who have campaigns to have them released, O ther view points THE TITLE of the address was vast and so deep that our individual disappeared and in some cases even because at time their governments "Calling Terrorism by Name in knowledge merely highlights our released. These other countries do respond to such pressure. Argentina.' ’ It tells the sad story of a ignorance. We need 10 lifetimes to include: Guatemala, Republic of Whenever the trip is made, country which in the 1970's became a know even a little. that "during the time of the Korea, Romania, the U.S.S.R., Those interested may obtain laboratory for terror. It is now a land the papal visit to Britain Papal Visit to England, many Czechoslovakia, Uruguay, El further information by w riting to: Somewhat intimidated by' the where innocent people are provides us in Am erica with an Salvador, Vietnam, Chile, Amnesty International USA, 304 huge volume of knowledge in the Episcopal and Roman Catholic murdered and where many other opportunity not only to and Tunisia. West 58th St., New York, N .Y. 10019. world, I trained my mind on what I churches in the United States people simply disappear and in recognize the progress toward As I see it. the work of A I is a great knew to think what I could think. have scheduled joint services many cases presumed to be still What a world! What a universe! unity already made between Here are some typical cases: work of mercy that fulfills tht of worship and other alive. On page 2 of the May Gospel precept: "I was in prison and What an am azing m ystery is life and the Roman Catholic and publication where Mr. Cox's commemorative events." GUATEM ALA: "Florencia you cam e to visit Me. " (M att: 25:36) our human life in particular! How Anglican Churches, but also to Churches here in Connecticut address is featured is to be found a Xocop Chavez, a leader of a trade by your letter-writing which insignificant I am in all of creation picture of the Mothers of the Plaza union at a textile plant, was pray that they will continue could, and should follow their pressured unjust governments to — and yet, how important I anrto de Mayo whose white scarfs abducted along with 26 other union have been singled out by God!' -their efforts towards reunion. example by offering prayers release Me. Alter all, the worldwide and intercessions in their own Anglican communion included worship services. the Episcopal Church in our — Conn. Catholic Transcript Getting to the real questions country. In fact, the April issue of Ecumenical Trends reports By DALE FRANCIS representatives of the Women's W H E N T H E R E are discussions of w illing to take the next step to ordain Ordination Conference. inequality of women in the Church, them to the priesthood. There were One of the difficulties in what are they really about? Women questions raised about the licitness communication is that we often now serve in parishes is most parts of this but the fact was women were discuss issues according to what The bishops' statement called for Pittsburgh Catholic a review of the Vatican's 1976 of the country as lectors, cantors, validly ordained as priests, the they seem to be rather than what Official I ’nlil im i ion of ih r l l i m w n f 1‘illsliiirgh. I’ll. declaration that women could not be ministers of Communion, members whole question was settled. they are. We try to find answers to of parish councils and liturgy Serving the counties of Allegheny, Beaver, questions, not realizing they are not ordained priests. The committee said the review should be made "in committees. What is denied to SO THE ARGUMENT about Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington the real questions. We use the light of the insights of modern women are thQse roles that belong to equality of women in the Church is terminology in a familiar the ordanied. The first thing to really about ordination of women. connotation, unaware that it may anthropolgy, sacramental theology understand is the question of That seems simple enough, does it? have different connotation for and the practice and experience of women ministering in our American inequality of women in the Church is But is isn't. Anyone who has paid Pittsburgh Catholic Publishing Associates others. culture." finally the question of ordination of serious attention to the Women's Mo*l Key. Vincent M. Leonard, 0 .0 ., F resident women. Ordination Conference knows that to Key. John A. Harvey, Exerulire Secretary the conference ordination has a The bishops urged that and General Manager different meaning. Ordination, to ' 'Christians at all levels engage in an The bishops' committee suggests K,lnliti,hn) IH t I In \l„,l Hr». Mirharl O'Cunnor. It.II. the conference, does not come from on-going dialogue, a reflection on the diaconate m ight be opened to I mi mil Subscription Hale: gH in I .S.. gy ,,, l „ n„ au the successors of the Apostles but DALE the issue of justice and equality of women. This was mentioned almost 'li-mlxr: I alholii- PtM AoMM'ulion from the com m unity. It is a FRANCIS women." They added, "We believe casually but it is to the heart of the Senfd In M: New* Sen ice profound difference and any valid such dialogue will reveal the real question. The diaconate is the Seruml-CIa** I’mlage l*«W *1 I’ill-liiiixli. |*a. discussion of the ordination' of existence of sexist attitudes. ordained ministry and the question women must necessarily recognize Robert Melder, Editor Granted the traditional teaching of whether wom en should be that those who propose it propose, excluding women from priestly adm itted to the diaconate belongs to William McClinlon, Associate Editor too, a radical difference in the ordination, there are significant the question of ordination. I’ulrieiu Itarlo*. Stephen kurlincliak. Reporter* levels of the Church's ministry meaning of ordination. It seems to me this has been which could be opened up to women, In the Episcopal Church in this Jack Lee, Adrertising Representative happening in the discussion of perhaps including the diaconate." It is clear we are going to have a ordination of women to the country, there was resistance to the f rank Rode, Business Manager discussion of the question. If it is to ordination of women to the Frank Murray, Gimdalian Manager priesthood and the role of women in have meaning those who participate the Church. It is not my intention in this priesthood. In compromise it was Fnhlished Every Friday in it better understand the real column to argue for or against decided they should be ordained to Pittsburgh Catholic questions— that the diaconate is (ISN 032-0323) I WAS REM INDED of this when ordination of women in the Church, the diaconate. Once this was done 110 Third Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. ordination and that finally it is not 15222 the Bishops* Committee on Women nor to discuss the degree of sexist the question of ordination was Phone: just a discussion of ordination to (412) 471-1252 in Society and the Church issued a attitudes in the Church, rather I'd settled. Women had already been women but the meaning of statement after meetings with like to get to the real questions. ordained, bishops were found ordination. Keynesianism will return Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, May 28. 1982 — Page 5

By CHARLES 0. RICE ing power and thus could not buy the of the rich to trickle down, is the only products of industry. Keynes will rise again. John way to go so as to escape from this recession before it grows up to be a Maynard Keynes developed an We have been told of late that full-sized depression. ecomonic theory that underlay the Keynes' General Theory is dead as a long post war prosperity which door nail and its place taken by Lyndon Johnson derailed by his mad Monetarism, the Laffer curve, It could be that the spending of Vietnam adventure and the money supply-side or similar discredited mega-amounts on armaments will he threw at it. As many economist ideas in new ciothing, but Keynes is make recovery impossible will, now admit, LBJ blew it by again raising his handsome head regardless of the approach. Even tryjng guns and butter and no tax and his th'eory is emerging from the Keynesianism canpot cope with increase. grave. excessive m ilitary spending because that sterile spending has What went wrong was not the surprisingly little effect on normal Keynesian prescription for commerce and does not put an economic health but the uncon­ adequate proportion of the available trolled multinational waste of money into the hands of the most money, brains and manpoweron the important consumers, the working MSGR. CHARLES armaments industry. people. O . R IC E What are the signs that There are signs, thank God, that Keynesianism is coming back? The we may move away from seeking obvious bankruptcy of Reagan­ security in wild military buildups. omics is one indication and the Billy Graham, God bless him, will rising consensus that prosperity will help and Brezhnev is talking sense. not return until consumers have more money to spend is another. ********* Keynes idea, his "General Theory of Employment, Interest, I N O T E D S O M E observations in and Money," was simple and was the Wall Street Journal's “ Outlook" THAT LOVELY letter from one of those happy ideas that not column to the effect that "the time President Reagan which I quoted only are practical but also humane. and strength of an economic with commentary a few weeks ago Its prem ise is that the key to recovery depend on stepped up appears to have stirred merriment prosperity is the consumer. consumer demand." Pundits and in other Democrats while it was at Distribute wealth so that people can forecasters have started to dither, the same time alarming some buy the products of industry. He got along with their general dithering, worthy Republicans, especially the idea from studying the about consumers, consumer those now lurking about the White Depression and analyzing its roots. confidence and buying power all of House. Although the delightful thing which bring Keynes' General was mailed nationally, the White Th eo ry to bear ..once again. House advisers have decided it was THE DEPRESSION came down like a wolf on the fold, not because a bit overdone and have withdrawn Super Mu Alvernia jubilee We have to understand that the president's approval. Too late in the poor were lazy and workers were getting money into the hands of the A total of 29 members of the Sisters of St. Francis of the game, old chaps, the damage is Marie Estelle Puhl, M. Leonard Puhl, M. Judith Abel over paid, but because these lowliest consumers, rather than M l. Alvernia in Millvale marked jubilees in Religious done, but I want to thank ail of you Maura Reilly, Germaine Walter, Barbara Mary unfortunates were denied purchas­ pouring it into the heaped up coffers life last Saturday at a special Mass offered by Aux. for a lovely column idea. Habovsek, M. Juliana Stein, Catherine Horniek, Marv Bishop Anthony G. Bosco. The jubilarians, pictured George Manius, Mary Louise Gerber, M. Waller above before the Mass, include two nuns who are Franko, M. Therese Simon, M. Rose Clare marking 75th anniversaries in Religious life: Sisters McDermott, M. Hubert Hesidence, M. Corila Loibl Mary Paul Houser and M. Marcelline Laska Five Qualification for archbishop Ellen Hutzler and Johfr-Marj-Hill. Marking 25th marked 60th anniversaries: Sisters M. Celine Lhota, anniversaries were Sisters Maria Ramon Santiago M. Clelus Wehrle. M. Bertram Freund. M. Jeanne By FR. ANDREW M. GREELEY • An active distaste for women women's roles in life and in the Voelker and Rosemary Pensalek. Another 20 marked and Elizabeth Bauer. A dinner and reception followed and strong efforts to keep them at the Mass for relatives and friends. There is an underground church that are made by men who 50lh jubilees: Sisters Anna Marie Gretter, M arm's length, not because they are discussion among Catholics who clearly are much happier when they Margaret Teresa O’Shea, M. Bernarda Sehutty tempting but because they are — Photo by John C. Keenan know their hierarchy that ought not can avoid women. repulsive. , stay underground. The burden of MAKE NO MISTAKE about it, this discussion is that the most Sexual neuterism. one must women sense such aversion. They important thing about the next understand, was considered a sign have radarlike mechanisms that archbishop of Chicago is that he be a of virtue in the seminaries of the enable them to know when they are , bona fide heterosexual, a man who past. Celibacy was important and it perceived as attractive and when likes women, who enjoys talking to didn't matter whether it required they are perceived as repellent. them, who is not ill at ease in their little (if any) sacrifice. Indeed, Th e y can sniff a cleric o r a hierarch presence and who does not hate and those for whom it would be a who is turned off by them a mile tear the female half of the human sacrifice were viewed with some away. They may not quite articulate suspicion, while those for whom the it the way this column does, but what avoidance of women was no I say here is no secret to a vast challenge were considered to be the number of Catholic women. most promising of young men. Sexual neuterism, however IF YO U have a hierarchy that has blameless its origins, is a profound FR. ANDREW m ore or less norm al reactions to affront to women. Just as celibacy is J GREELEY women, in terms "of the sheer mystery and fascination at this probabilities of the matter you may instinctive level of most women's have a slight increase in the number reactions to m en, so neuterism is of heterosexual actions as well as insult and contempt. feelings. A wom an is impressed by the mystery (or by the Mystery) around In the same way, married men a man who would not have her even M Y POINT is that a substantial who enjoy women are somewhat if he could, though he might greatly cornponent of the Catholic power m ore likely to be unfaithful, in term s appreciate the joys of her elite is without sexual passion or of numerical probabilities, than availability: she is profoundly sexual energy of any sort. They those who have a hard time feeling offended by a man who would run don't like women especially, but any attraction for their wives. they are not erotically attracted to away in physical disgust from the men either. They are "neuters" with possibility that she might be But a wife would much prefer a little sexual energy and high needs available for him. These are deep, man who enjoys women to one who for power. They may have friends almost instinctual reactions. Since does not. And the women who make hnd cronies of either sex on whom we are also rational creatures, we do up half the church would, for the they greatly depend, but there is no not live merely by viscera and most part, much prefer a church component of physical attraction, instinct. But neither do we obliterate leader who enjoys them instead of indeed little possibility of physical them completely. one who has an aversion to them. attraction in their relationships. Sometimes I think that much of Archbishops and cardinals who Again, there is nothing wrong with the sexual politics in the Catholic are turned off by women will turnoff Baden jubilarians being that kind of person if that's the church is a power struggle between women and make the already bad way you have been put together. If, men who do not like women and have relationship between women and Sixteen members of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Baden Partseh, Nancy Hupert, Karen Craig, Ann Francis however, a substantial body of the power and women who do not like their church even worse. celebrated 25th anniversaries in Religious life last Hanley, Ruth McDade, Anne Celine Mutseheller and men and want power. Saturday at the motherhouse. From left, front row, leadership of an organization is Or as one bishop said to me, "I Marie Corday Denny. Missing from photo is Sister made up of such people, you will are Sisters Pearl Yohe, Rosemarie Vogel, Patricia' Sarah Dixon. The situation I describe was don't mind those colleagues of rpine Rossi (rear), Ada McMahon, Norma Zanieski (rear). have the following: who wouldn't turn their head when a perhaps not unacceptable in a time Brown and Margaret — Photo by John C. Keenan pretty girl walks by, as I do. I mind • Intricate and endless struggles when women were not conscious of are Sisters Dolores for power. their rights (though in truth I don't those to whom it would not occur think so). But now women do not that turning their head was a • Little concern for the problems take kindly to the decisions about possibility." ■ of hum an passion as they affect life. sex and marriage and about U n iv e rsa l Press Syndicate

Letters to the editor On N, Ireland prisoners. This court is notorious for incident occurred on April 16, when accepting questionable evidence, a soldier fired at close range at 11- To the Editor: the Diplock Court always hands year-old Stephen McConomy. He Unfortunately, Carole Craig's down long, harsh sentences. Under was struck in the head and died five article, "Both sides claim victory in the circumstances, Britain's days later. As is usually the case, N. Ireland hunger strike," in the attempt to classify these prisoners Stephen McConomy was involved in April 23 issue of the Pittsburgh as "co m m o n " must certainly be no disturbance at the time. Catholic has done more to confuse disputed since they receive Since 1972 the British security and.misinform rather than to clarify ' ‘special" treatment at every step of forces have fired 42,069 plastic the tragic situation in Northern Ire­ the way. bullets at Catholics. Interestingly land. Ms. Craig lost ail credibility Another area that Ms. Craig enough, plastic and rubber bullets and revealed her true intent when apparently feels is not a "trou b le" she said, "Britain must convince are banned in the rest of the U.K. area is that of employment. because of their lethal nature. Catholics that the IRA is making However, a closer look reveals The Catholic population must also trouble where none exists. .." What otherwise. The Northern Ireland Catholics must they convince? endure constant raids by security Fair Employment Agency issued a forces. Obviously not the ones living in N. report on April 7, and described job Ireland, for they know exactly what discrimination as "worse than According to the article, Ms. C raig they can expect from the British and ever." The Fair Employment recently spent several months in their loyalist pals. The British Agency added that ten years of Ireland and N. Ireland. Since she propaganda Ms. C raig is attem pting direct rule by Britain has done ab­ had plenty of time to look'around, it •to advance is aimed directly at solutely nothing to diminish the is difficult to understand how she Central aids missions American Catholics, who, for the deeply sectarian nature of the six- could have missed so much. Most of most part, have no idea what is county state. Discrimination in her article reads like it could have Students at Central Catholic High School in Oakland going on in the six counties of mission office. The students designated the funds to housing is equally deplorable. been written for her by the British raised a total of $3,813 for the missions as part of go to missions in the Philippines, Central America, Ireland occupied by Britain. Information Sevices. their annual Lenten project at the school. They M other Te re sa ’s work. South India and to Pittsburgh Throughout the hunger strike Another "trouble" area that Ms. joined with Brother Dominus Michael, left, mission EDWARD P. HORGAN priests at work in Peru. many references were made to the Craig overlooked involves actions of director at Central, and Brother William Johnson Human Rights Committee Chair­ prisoner, demand for "political the security forces against Catholic center. Central principal, in presenting the check to — Photo by John C. Keenan man . Ancient Order of Hibernians status, nowever, lew attempts civilians. The use of the killer plastic Fr. John Harvey, director of the diocesan were made to tell the prisoners, bullet is causing the greatest Division Number Five reasons for making this demand. concern among the Ca'holic Swissvale The British didn't bother to tell us population. Don't be misled by the that even the most fundamental term "plastic" - this weapon of rules of common law justice are oppression, when fired at close CCD program s reviewed discarded in N. Ireland. Anyone can range is truly deadly. The On G reeley be arrested at anytime under the indiscriminate use of this weapon To the Editor (Continued from page 1) Miss McCann said that this diocese also does not emergency laws. A person so by British troops and police has make such requirements. detained by the security forces can resulted in many deaths - a high Re: "Infiltrator" letter, May 7 be held incommunicado for from percentage are children. The latest issue, by Ruth Rupp. Since no need has surfaced in the Pittsburgh According to Miss McCann, entry level three to seven days. During that diocese, Miss McCann said there is no such program certification in the diocese requires 60 hours. Upon The Pittsburgh Catholic While I don't condone or agree time the person detained is not with some of the views expressed in here. receipt of the entry level certification, catechists are welcomes comment from readers perm itted to see anyone: no law yer, Fr. Andrew Greeley's weekly required to take continuing education courses at family member or priest. on a wide variety of subjects. We • 90 percent of the responding diocese allow column, I cannot accept insensi­ least once every five years; in the continuing Interrogation goes on round the ask that letters to the editor be no credit for courses taken in other dioceses. tivity and intolerance to opposing education classes, catechists are permitted to take clock. Britain's professional more than 300 words, and they viewpoints under the guise of "m y In the Pittsburgh diocese, course studies taken up to 30 hours in content materials (i.e. scripture) interrogators use many question­ should be legible. All letters must Christian view." from other dioceses after 1965 are considered for and six hours in catechetical methods. able methods: sensory deprivation, be signed and include telephone Greeley's priesthood cannot credit. intimidations and brutal beatings, to Responses to the national survey rated scripture, number and address for become an issue over which we sit in mention a few. Since many of the • 31 percent of the responding dioceses have a sacraments, Christology, ecclesiology, prayer and verification. Letters may be judgment. Suggestions of his victims are just teen-agers, the retreat requirement. moral psychological development as topics high condensed or rejected at the "infiltrating" the priesthood show torturers have a high percentage of among required content. Rated low as topics for discretion of the editors. lack of understanding and Generally in the Pittsburgh diocese, Miss McCann success. They are able to extract required content were human sexuality, Mariology Opinions reflected are those of intolerance of views other than our said, retreats are available on the deanery level. confessions in over 80% of the cases. and justice and peace. our readers, and not necessarily own. The next stop is the Diplock Court, a • 93 percent of the dioceses responding do not those of the Pittsburgh Catholic Miss McCann said all of the topics are included in juryless political court established CINDY VESPIGNANI require a comprehensive examination or final or the Diocese of Pittsburgh the content for the diocesan CCD office's to hear the cases of political Moon Township paper. "Communicating the Christian Message" program. Page 6 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, May 28, 1982

KNOW #YOUR T fkith How insight grows

By Katharine Bird NC News Service As a child. Father E. Carl Lyon of Silver Spring, M d., eqjoyed going to visit his uncle in the Maryland countryside With a twinkle in his eye, Father Lyon says his uncle had a reputation in the iVhy I need e com m unity of belief family for being lazy. Perhaps not by coincidence, the pastor adds, this uncle chose to make his living O N E S U N D A Y , while backing the car be members of a church community. as a shepherd, spending long days in the red — by other ways of seeing my faith BY C O N TR A S T, believers who have out of the driveway to go to Mass, my 5- W e are all different, of course. Perhaps open fields watching his sheep. Even and the responsibilities that go with it. no community must identify alone how year-old daughter plaintively asked why many non-churchgoers see themselves today, several decades later, Father Lyon they want to carry out the injunctions of we went to church when so many of her growing spiritually just as well outside the has a clear m em ory o f watching, fasci­ THIS STRETCHING of our views the Gospel for serving others, and then friends did not. church as in. comes not only from the message that is must pursue that activity without support nated, as his uncle “ talked” with his During our drive to the parish, her But I know that I don’t And I suspect sheep. proclaimed from the pulpit but from the from a faith community. question took on a somewhat prophetic that the same is true o f most Christians, example of other church members who 4. Another important reason for having The uncle, in common with shepherds note as we observed many people outside affiliated with a church or not. After all, frequently serve as models for our own a com m unity dimension o f faith is found everywhere, had his ow n special call. on this beautiful spring morning -- none Christianity is by nature a communal behavior. in ritual. A faith devoid of ritual expres­ W henever he gave this special call. Father of w hom gave the appearance o f going to faith. So to fully experience its richness, 2. Th e re is also a give-and-take to com ­ sion runs the risk of being too cerebral, Lyon explains, the sheep would interrupt church. one generally needs to belong to a parish m unity involvem ent that is healthy for too limited in its appeal. T h e Christian whatever they were doing and turn to There were joggers, those working in or some other faith community. faith. In a parish — as in a family — we faith is meant to touch us as whole per­ follow him. His uncle would use the call if their gardens, a few bicyclers and some Here are a few reasons why I think so: must acfjust our preferences for the sake sons, our bodies, our feelings and our he felt the flock was getting unruly, or if returning from the market with packages 1. Membership in a church community of the common good. minds. some danger threatened. tucked under their arms. serves to broaden our horizons o f faith. This adapting helps prevent us from When we engage in ritual - at Mass or Maybe these people had gone to W h en we participate in a church com ­ IN FATHER LYON'S view, when identifying, say, our ow n views o r of at the other sacraments - we experience church earlier; or maybe they were to go munity, we are bound to be confronted hy the New Testament first talked about prayer, as the correct way, the only way. symbols and images that have emerged later. But probably neither, in many cases. issues we might otherwise choose to Jesus as the Good Shepherd, it intended Parish life exposes us to a rich diversity of over countless ages. These symbols repre­ Probably they had joined the ranks of avoid, such as examining our style o f life to present an image which the early Chris­ faith expressions which can be an excel­ sent humanity’s deepest religious long­ those who no longer affiliate with any in relation to gospel norms. tians could immediately identify with. lent source for our spiritual growth. ings, hopes and needs. They are our faith church or synagogue. In recent years, a For instance, we may be asked to con­ What Christians today need, Father 3. Communities can provide effective forged into visible, tangible substances. good number of our friends and relatives sider our responsibilities to the poor and L y o n says, is to recognize the call o f Jesus ways for believers to translate their faith Thus, when we enter into ritual, we are have either deliberately chosen — or the downtrodden, or to labor tirelessly for and to know they belong in some special into action. Parishes not only can help bound together as people. We discover slipped into — this lifestyle. a world of peace and justice. way to this particular shepherd and none raise our consciousness about w ho needs that we are not alone; that we are all If left to m y own devices, I ’d probably other. to be served; they can provide the means God’s children. M A N Y OF TH ESE people believe in choose watering the azaleas over con­ for us to respond to those needs. Christianity seeks to give us this insight God and guide their lives according to templating my obligations to the poor. B U T O FTE N TO O , what others do, as Morever, parishes can provide the sup­ and experience. But, it is well nigh religious or ethical principles. But for m uch as what they say, is what refocuses But in a com m unity, I freely place myself port and encouragement that are so some reason they no longer see a need to impossible to do so outside community. our attention on the meaning of our faith. in a position to be influenced — to be jar­ important for ministry. (©1982 by N C News Service) A number of years ago, I knew a young woman who was struggling to decide what direction her life should take. She and her husband had strong views on their obliga­ tions as Christians. Childless at the time, the woman volunteered a number of hours each week at a children’s center. There she became aware of some Children's Story Hour: A woman anoints Jesus children who badly needed a home but who were considered unlikely adoption prospects. Frequently they were older children. B y Janaan Manternach SH E H E S ITA TE D for a few minutes. After much discussion, the couple NC News Service The other guests were angry. “ What is and plot against h im ,” she said to herself, Then she walked boldly into the dining decided to become foster parents and the point of this extravagant waste of per­ “ he knows pow that I at least care for room. Conversation stopped. Everyone welcomed a teen-age brother and sister It happened one evening in Bethany. fume?” someone asked. him. Many others like me love him very looked up at her, wondering what she was into their home. Jesus was eating dinner at the home of a “That expensive perfume could have m uch.” doing there. However they did not find the process leper named Simon. been sold for more than 300 silver Jesus became very serious for a of adjustment easy. The children, There were a small number of dinner pieces,” grumbled another. moment. His face looked tense and T h e wom an held up the jar she was especially the girl, found it hard to adjust guests along with Jesus. They were enjoy­ “ That’s a whole year’s wages!” added a drawn. carefully carrying. She looked at it for a to life in a small family. ing the good food and lively conversation. third. “The money could have been given “ She has done what she c o u ld ," Jesus m o m e n t T h e n she struck the neck o f the Eventually, the girl ran away from their A woman stood outside the dining to the poor.” told the guests. “ She is perfuming my jar against the table. Th e sweet aroma of home a couple of times. She returned room for a few minutes. Some people body in preparation for its burial.” rich perfume filled the room. She poured each time, but the couple, increasingly think her name was Mary, but no one “ L E T H E R A L O N E , ” Jesus said. the perfume on Jesus’ head. concerned, sought professional counsel­ knows for sure. She held a small jar in her “ W h y do you criticize her? She has done T h e guests looked at one another in ing in the matter. They were determined hands. me a kindness. She has done a beautiful horror. “ What does Jesus mean?” they Pouring perfume on the head of a guest to help her. But eventually, a decision was “I don’t dare go in there during the thing. The poor you always will have with wondered. “ Does he think his enemies was a sign o f respect and love in Jesus’ reached that the girl would leave them for meal,” she thought to herself. “ But I you. You can be generous to them will actually kill him?” time. a situation where she might be happier. have to show Jesus how m uch love I have whenever you wish. But you will not al­ Jesus looked up at the woman and “What this woman has just done,” for him. So many people are plotting ways have me.” smiled. She smiled back at him. But she Jesus added in a happier tone, “ will be T H E B O Y , H O W E V E R , stayed. A n d against him , I at least want to let him T h e wom an felt relieved. She knew was trembling. She was afraid of what the remembered wherever the good news is the family settled into a somewhat quieter know someone cares.” Jesus appreciated what she had done. others were going to say. preached throughout the world.” life. Today, the teen-ager they brought “ N o matter how many people hate him ( 1 1982 by NC News Service) into their home is a valued member of the family. A n d in the space o f two years the couple’s family has grown with the birth o f their two babies. I remember feeling at the time how T e a c h i n g lucky we Christians are to have the exam­ ple of such people in our community. as Jesus did Th e change in Catholic schools They voluntarily took on a demanding role that many of us couldn’t see our­ selves undertaking. “ the golden By Sister Bernadette Young, CDP, age of Catholic forming “strong and perfect Our Catholic schools give form the fullest and best opportunity to education." P h .D Christians and soldiers of Jesus and expression to this description of realize the integrative reality of life Christ." Just recall the rite of The transformation of the In every era the Catholic school the Church which is more Biblical is supported not only by the bishops' Confirmation in which the Bishop Catholic school over the past two has undertaken the task of creating than the definition given in the pastoral, but it meets the criteria of welcomed the newly confirmed into Week in Focus decades has been a legitimate an environment which relects the Baltimore Catechism, which limited many educational theorists. John the ranks with a slight blow on the concern for many responsible Church's own understanding of her the Church to "the congregation of Dewey, after a long career of over 50 cheek as a reminder that one must Catholic parents. Because of their nature and her mission. The Vatican all baptized persons united in the years in public education, stated Our experience as Christians is be ready to suffer anything, even own experiences as students in the II document “De Ecclesia" same true faith, the same sacrifice, that the most influential factor in the broadened and expanded by the death itself, for the sake of Christ. Cathoiic school, they have identifies the Church as a mystery and the same sacraments, under the educational process is the The historic situation has changed example of others in the com­ expectations of what the same imbued with the presence of God authority of the Sovereign Pontiff "conditions" under which learning for Catholicism and consequently munity. schools should be teaching and what which means that even the Council and the bishops in communion with takes place. The attempt that he for the Catholic school. Neil Parent tells this week why their children should be learning. Fathers could not provide a nicely h im ." made in public education to create a structured definition including all of community and service environ­ he finds membership in a com­ And so it happens that when these IN 1972 THE National Conference what the Church is. It is im portant to The new image by which the ment failed to a great extent munity valuable. Without a com­ expectations are not realized, of Catholic Bishops promulgated a appreciate that throughout history Church attempts to give fuller because the "common faith" with no munity, he says, we have to figure parents begin to doubt the religious magnificent pastoral entitled "To the Church has taken her heritage expression to the reality which foundation in God can never be a value of the Catholic school and Teach As Jesus Did." This out alone how to live according to from Christ and has attempted to Jesus Christ founded is that of a substitute for Christian faith. wonder if the Faith is being document on Catholic education the Gospel. Membership in a com­ organize and give expression to it in "Pilgrim Church." The People of transmitted properly. Although this establishes the three interlocking The Catholic school has every munity serves to broaden our various ways. While this continuing God are “in via", on the way to the kind of thinking is understandable, it elements of the message revealed advantage for quality education. horizons of faith, he writes. phenomenon of development within Kingdom of God and so this concept is not accurate and deserves by God (didache) which the Church W hat Dewey claim ed to be the the Church naturally effects the is carried over into the Catholic clarification. proclaims: community in the life of purpose of education is being Catholic school, it is aiways without school. Father Richard McBrien in the Holy Spirit (koinonia) and fulfilled through Catholic education, KATHARINE Bird says a com­ the loss or mutation of our faith his book "Catholic" defines the service to both the Cjristian that is, the student is carried out munity often helps Christians dis­ It is a fact that our present-day content. Church as “the body of persons community and the entire world beyond himself, only to discover Catholic schools are significantly called by God the Father to cover new insights into the mean­ (diakonia). It is the integration of himself, and in this way he becomes different from those of the. pre- IN AN EARLIER age when acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus, ing of their faith. The accounts these religious truths and values a citizen of the vast world beyond Vatican II era. Yet at the same time, Catholic constituted an immigrant the Son, in word, in sacrament, in others give of their faith and the Church in the United States, with life that distinguishes the himself. It is precisely this kind of today's Catholic schools are witness, and in service, and through actions they perform convey a Catholic school from all othe transcendent experience in which c a rry in g out the mission of Jesus surrounded by hostile forces, her the power of the Holy Spirit, to message to us. Ms. Bird is associate identity was that of a "militant" schools. the person encounters the reality of just as faithfully as did our schools in collaborate with Jesus' historic Church with the responsibility of m ission." mystery. Isn't this to teach as Jesus editor of the Know Your Faith That our Catholic schools afford did? series. Catholic schools picnic Pamphlet on wills McKeesport Council 955 of the Knights of Around Columbus, assisted by Duquesne — West Mifflin The diocese has joined with Christian Associates Council 4210, will sponsor the 68th annual Catholic to publish a pamphlet on wills and to increase Schools Picnic on June 14 at Kenny wood Park. Open house for housing awareness of the importance of wills. The day s event will include a sports program The Holy Ghost Development Corporation If you own a house, a car. or an insurance starting at 1:30 p.m. behind the park's Turnpike McKees Rocks, will hold an open house on Sunday, policy," the brochure reads, "you have an estate." ride. There will fca eight races for boys and girls in June 6, from 10 a.m . to 4 p.m . for the public to inspect Persons who die without a will leave it to the state to grades on through eight, plus novelty races and a new home at 100 Phoenix St. decide the distribution of their personal possessions treasure hunts. There will be separate hunts for and to determine the guardians for their minor pre-schoolers, first and second graders, and for Th e home is the first of eight houses being built in a children. women. development bordered by Olivia and Washington Streets. Prospective homebuyers can purchase the Wills also are a chance to help a person s church or Priests from the local parishes will be special split-level that is being shown or they can select one synagogue through a bequest that will "influence guests at a 4:30 p.m. dinner in the park dining room. of the eight remaining lots in the development and others and remember God’s love and goodness" then pick the style of home to go on the lot. according to the brochure. Tickets may be purchased at the McKeesport Council Home, 539 Shaw Avenue, June 12-13 from Lots range in size from 5,000 to 9,000 square feet The brochure also includes a form to determine noon to 4:30 p.m. Tickets will also be available after and lot prices range from $1,500 to $2,000 A hom e on personal assets and liabilities and a section on steps Saturday evening and Sunday Masses in the local the property would add $42,500 to $48,000 to the total in writing a will and contacting an attorney. parishes. cost. The development corporation will help The brochures are being distributed through Chartered buses will provide transportation to the qualified homeowners arrange a conventional 16 5 percent mortgage for up to a 30 year term parishes of the diocese. Information also is available park, but regular buses are to be used for return from the pastors or by calling 456-3139 trips. Fares on the chartered buses will be 50 cents The Holv Ghost Development Corporation is a for children and regular far for adults. Schedule for group of McKees Rocks residents who have worked May festival bus pickups. Clairton, St. Clare School, 11 a.m., St. with Action-Housing, the Redevelopment Authority Paulinus, 11:15a.m.: Glassport, Seventh and Eighth of Allegheny County, the Allegheny County The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deal Streets, 11:30 a.m .; Port Vue, St. Joseph School Department of Development, Pittsburgh National (WPSD) will hold its annual May Festival and open 11:45 a.m . Bank and Ryan Financial Services to provide house on Friday, May 23, on the school campus. The housing in the neighborhood. school is located at 300 Swissvale Ave., Pittsburgh. Chairman for the event is Edward Rarick. F r. Nicholas Dattilo, pastor of St. Vitus Church in New Castle, presents members of the Apostles of the Summer programs The program will include classroom visits in the Peace observance Sacred Heart of Jesus with copies of the order’s new morning and the crowining of the May Queen and a Four parishes in the diocese will join in the constitution during ceremonies recently at Clelian The Ozanam Cultural Center will offer summer student pageant in the afternoon. "Weekend of Worship and Witness" for peace and Heights in Greensburg. The constitutions were programs for boys and girls of all ages, Mondays recently approved by the Vatican Congregation for through Thursdays, beginning June 21. The The 1982 May Queen is Jodi Hawkins, the daughter nuclear disarmament being observed in the U.S. and of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkins of Dunbar and a 17 other countries May 28-31. The local effort is Religious. Pictured are Sister Margaret Ann, of St. programs will run seven weeks and admission is free. senior at the WPSD. coordinated by the Pittsburgh Peace Network Vitus parish, left, and Sister Suzanne of Clelian Heights School for Exceptional Children. A fantasy, "Dragons, Giants and an Elf or Two" The programs and their times are: arts and crafts The parishes which will host observances on will be performed at 1 p.m., following the crowning 1-3 p.m.: tutoring, 9 a.m.— coon; pre-school 9 Sunday, May 30, are Most Blessed Sacrament, Penn Bishop’s Camporee of the May Queen. Students from all departments at a.m.— noon; general recreation, 1-3 p.m.: lunch Hills, at 11 a.m.: St. Benedict the Moor, Uptown, at the school will be featured in the pageant. regular Masses: St. Joseph, Manchester, 11:15 a.m. Scouts who earned Catholic religious program, noon—1 p.m.: day camps (schools clubs) and St. Anne, Castle Shannon (May 28) at 7:30 p.m. emblems during the past two years will be guests of 1— 4:30 p.m.: and basketball skills clinic, 9 a m — noon. Bishop Leonard and the Catholic Committee on Memorial Day service The observance will also include a vigil at scouting at the annual Bishop's Camporee June 18-20 Rockwell International headquarters, Downtown, For registration or further information, contact at Camp Twin Echo, near Ligonier. the center at 281-4046. Fr. Gregory Buzzy, assistant pastor at St. Bernard Sunday, May 30, at 1 p.m. The corporation is Church, Mt. Lebanon, will participate in the The weekend of spiritual and outdoor activities involved in production of nuclear weaponry. The memorial service to be held Monday. May 31, at 11 open to Scouts in the six-county diocese, is expected 50th anniversary weekend precedes the opening of the United Nations' a.m. at the Mt. Lebanon Cemetery. State Sen. D to attract 125 boys and 30 adult leaders. The three special session on disarmament which begins June Sister Mary Doloritas of the Bernardine Sisters of Michael Fisher will give the address. The program is 7. Boy Scout councils in the diocese - Allegheny Villanova will celebrate her 50th annivesary of sponsored by the South Hills Memorial Day Trails, Moraine Trails and East Valley - will be Religious life Sunday, M ay 30, in a celebration at the Association. Central reunion represented. order’s motherhouse.

The 1932 graduating class at Central Catholic High A total of 212 Boy Scouts received religious She entered the order from St. Hyacinth parish in School will hold its 50th anniversary reunion emblems from Bishop Leonard at the recent award Oakland. Saturday, June 5, at the Pittsburgh Athletic Convocation and Mass at St. Paul's Cathedral, 3 DAY PILGRIMAGE TO Association. For information call 621-8189. Oakland. Pope Pius X II Award went to 22 Scouts, Ad For most of her ca reer she has Aitare Dei Step I, went to 130 Scouts and Ad Altare taught in the eastern part of the Priest marks jubilee Dei Step II, was presented to 60 Scouts. A total of 42 state. She presently is principal St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Girl Scouts received the Marian Award. of a school in Philadelphia. Fr. Regis O'Brien, a native of the North Side, Home In celebrated his 50th anniversary of ordination May 21 Sister has three brothers and Tamburitzan scholarship FREE TIME FOR BROADWAY SHOW at a Mass in Immaculate one sister in the Pittsburgh Conception Chapel, St. Naomi Yeskey, a senior at North Catholic High area. They are Joseph Typanski Ju ly 30 to A ug. 1st Francis College in Loretto. School, has been named winner of a Duquesne of Penn Hills, Anthony of University Tamburitzan scholarship, covering full Sharpsburg and E d w a rd of Homilist was Fr. Edmund tuition, room and board and fees. She was among 12 Sr. Doloritas Sheraden and Angela Bian- * 1 0 0 ». Carroll, minister-provincial recipients from throughout the U.S. chini, of Sheraden of the T h ird O rd e r R egular of C A L L F O R St. Francis. A graduate of St. Gabriel B en efit fle a m arket RESERVATIONS 885-2962 School, she has also been active Fr. Regis attended St. in the folk group at St. Gabriel Employees of Honeywell Inc. will hold a flea Francis Xavier School and parish. At North, she was active market and bake sale to benefit McGuire Memorial Duquesne University before Your classified number in the production "Camelot" Hom e Sunday, June 6, from 11 a.m . to 5 p m at entering the order and F r. Regis and has been an honor roll Honeywell 1005 S. Bee St. in Green Tree (a quarter Call: 471-1252 beginning studies at St. mile past the Parkway Center entrance on Gree Tree Francis Seminary. student and member of the National Honor Society. Kd. going toward the West End). He was an associate professor of philosophy at St. All proceeds will benefit the children at McGuire M cFarren Typew riter Co Francis College and Seminary for many years and She is active with the Memorial in New Brighton. The sale sponsored last also taught pastoral theology. Naomi Explorers at Allegheny General Hospital, Junior Achievement « f ™ r Honeywell employees raised more than 545 Liberty Ave. at Fifth 2 8 1 - 7 4 4 3 and the Slavjane and Mestrovich Junior $1,700 lor the home. Whitehall winners Tamburitzans and the Bulgarian Nationality Group. [PERFECT GRADUATION GIFT Five juniors from St. Francis Academy. She will major in business administration a Summer retreats Duquesne. LOWEST PRICE Whitehall, competed in the "Biology Olympics" The Sisters of St. Ann of the Mt. St. Ann Retreat STUDENT CORRECTABLE sponsored by Slippery Rock State College on April Retreat schedule House in Ebensburg will host summer retreat for ELEC. PORTABLE women Ju ne 25-27. Aug. 20-22, and Sept. 10-12 at $35 The team members were awarded third place in St. Em m a Retreat House in Greensburg has listed per weekend, for reservations contact the retreat house at (814) 472-9354. experimental design and team member Laura White its summer retreat schedule. The schedule follows took lourth place in the competition in the field of Legion of Mary retreat, June 4-6; retreats for genetics. women, Ju ne 11-13, June 25-27, and Ju ly 9- 1 1 ; Sisters Bible school retreats June 19-24, and July 30-Aug. 4- a retreat for hihf Mauy ? hilrc'tl in Glenshaw will host a vacation Other members of the team included: Karen Abel priests' helpers July 19-22: and a six-day silent i. June 21-25 from 9:30-11:45 a.m for in physiology: Lisa Henson in taxonomy; Marinell retreat Aug. 14-20. For information or reservations children ages three and one-half to 12. Tuition is $4 James in ecology: and Roxanne Golembiewski in call the retreat house at 834-3060 or write 1001 Harvey with registration after all Masses or at the rectory by anatom y. St., Greensburg, Pa. 15601. Choir gets medal Legion of Mary drive FOUNTAIN COURT MOTEL The St. Paul Cathedral High School Choir received The Legion of Mary, the largest lay apostolate 19th & Philadelphia Ave a Division IV Medal of Merit at the Sounds of group in the world, with more than one million active OCEAN CITY, M0 21842 1ST YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE America Music Festival in Nashville, Tenn. The 46 Modem Units Inn Room Coffee, members and 10 million auxiliary members, is in the TV - Air Conditioned. 1/2 Blk. to Beech AT NEW LOCATION festival is a part of the International Music midst of a recruiting drive. Pool - Elf. Rooms, Opp. Church Festivals, a music adjudication program. 1 HR. FREE PARKING W/MACH. PURCHASE The purpose of the group is spiritual growth BANK AMERICANO MASTERCHARGE Calvin and Ann Ginnavan WE ACCEPT VISA AND MASTER CHARGE According to choir director Sherry Sparks, it is an through prayer and service. It has two types of PHONE 301-289-9131 OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 9:30-5:30 SAT. 10-2 honor to be invited, to perform at one of the festivals. membership, active and auxiliary, or praying W « Repair AN Makes, . She said that to be invited, the choir had an audition m em bers. that was judged by a panel of adjudicators before the F r e e E s tim a te s 2« 1 “# 44 3 For information on the Legion of Mary call Fr. invitation was extended to perform in Nashville. WE NAVI RIDIONS FOR AU TYPFWRITERS A A0 MACMNtS Thomas Carey, spiritual director, at 563-3189 or Len Zadinski, Pittsburgh Comitium vice president, at Training sessions 563-4348. The Christian Mothers at St. Joseph Church in W ith 123A% * Cabot will sponsor three assertiveness training Essay winner classes Tuesdays, May 25, June I and 8, at 10 a m Marlene Kinney, a sophomore at Canevin Hieh f in a n c in g Leading the sessions will be Gloria Jackman of the School, won first place for her essay "Being A Irene Stacy Mental Health Center in Butler For Healing Presence," at the state convention qfthe • Special privileges to the fully information call 295-4834. Babysitting will be Catholic Daughters of America, held recently in and 5 % down, available. equipped Chatham Hyatt Health Pittsburgh. Her essay, which was one of two from C l u b the Chartiers Court CDA, will now be submitted for it’s easy • Convenient m oid service available 'Thanks for Giving9 Salute the national competition. • Close to the m ajor business, GIRL shopping, entertainment and cultural The United Way will hold its eighth annual Church festival to move up centers in downtown Pittsburgh "Thanks for Giving" month-long salute to those who contributed to its fund drive, beginning Tuesday, St. Ursula Church, Allison Park, will hold its Want Natural tn your condom inium : June 1, with a noon rally in Market Square, annual festival Monday through Saturday, May 31- • Panoram ic city or private plaza view Downtown. Featured will be free health tests in the June 5, on the church grounds on Duncan Avenue. HAIRCOLOR? ...To The Tow er • Solar gray, double-hung windows Health Foundation's mobile testing van from 11a .m. Featured will be an opening day parade at 7 p.m. Today good hairctilor means, • Sound-resistant construction to 1:30 p.m., music by Benny Benack and beginning at the Wyland School. The event will rich, glowing hair, .accenting A Condom inium • All w ood parquet floors your natural color highlighting refreshments from the Salvation Army canteen. conclude Saturday with a fireworks display. • Central heating and air conditioning to compliment your features. At Chatham Center With EXXACT! natural color s y s te m you gel the leeling every women • Fully equipped kitchen featuring wants. Now, the prem ier address in P it t s b u r g h is Refrigerator/freezer Free Color Consultation also the premier value in town Because Electric range with oven by minimizing your down paym ent, we re D is h w a s h e r Even it you don't eolor vour maximizing your buying power Here, hair now. at EXXACP HON and • Spacious living and d in in g a r e a s with only 5% down, you can attord to DALE our eolor professionals, • Master TV antenna outlet uill give you a FKEE hair eolor finance your well-below-market 12%% ’ • Cable TV available AWNINGS onsultation. They will study m o r t g a g e our skin lone, eye color, appearance, hairstyle and And as a hom eowner at The Tower, you'll Studio Residence From S 43.300 suggest the eolor that is just right enjoy some very special pleasures and Corner Studio Residence From $ 51.200 PATIO CANOPIES lor you A good cut and style is conveniences for which you'd expect to One-Bedroom Residence From $ 76.100 important, but only the right hair • Gold Bond Custom Tailored pay much m ore.. Two-Bedroom Residence From $113.100 ►wjs mt Reversible Canvas Awnings eolor will make you really • Woven Acriisn - Colorful beautiful At The Tower: Visit our Sales Center on the 20th floor and DURABLE FADE RESISTANT the 80s Look • Aiuminum-RoH Pan or Panorama • Private uniformed doorm an to greet and tour our exquisitely .furnished m odel During the 80s hair design will Styles Also Fibergias and you 24 hours a do/ homes, open from 10 am to 7 pm Plastic Materials depend on Color. Color will give M onday through Friday. 10 am to 6 pm vou and your hail depth, • Lavishly appointed entertainment • Noise Pollution Specialists Saturday and 11 am to 6 pm Sunday • Season All Products • Storm Doors • Storm sleekness and sophistication and lounge with grand piano ontribulc to the finished look Windows and Replacement Windows. • G arage parking with elevator access • Patio Furniture • Flags and Banners i'ou owe it to yourself to look Investors note: 90% financing available ..our best. Phone todav lor an to the m am lobby a t 1 3 3/4% . RENT OR SALE appointment with RON or DALE FOR at 471-2515. There's no • CANVAS • ALUMINUM • FIBERGLAS PARTIES AND obligation. It s FREE WEDDING RECEPTIONS Presented by BJF Development, Inc. for Patio, Porch and Windows GROUND BREAKING Houn COMPLETE SERVICE AWNINGS INSTALLED. REMOVED. REPAIRED AND STORED. Monday thru Saturday on behalf of The Prudential & COMMERCIAL USES 10 am to 8 pm Insurance Company of America. FREE ESTIMATES O C A A 120 BOULEVARD OF THE ALLIES NO OBLIGATION ■ 0 3 U U Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 471-4600 Our Only Location -A CONDOMINIUM Park free In the Chatham garage I AT CHATHAM CENTER A. MAMAUX & SON Halrcolor Specialists when visiting our models. AT THE ENTRANCE TO PITTSBURGH'S GATEWAY CENTER Station Square ------4 7 1 -2 5 1 8 •Five-year balloon mortgage 30-year amortization at 123/-% interest with a first-year Annual , Percentage Bate of 13% ond a 2 oomt financm a fee Page 8 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday. May 28, 1982 Vatican observer calls Moscow meeting worthwhile Russian Orthodox Patriarch Pimen of Moscow, By FATHER KENNETH DOYLE The final statement warned that mankind was Dr. Graham, whom U.S. government officials "near the brink of total annihilation" and urged the reportedly tried to dissuade from attending the who chaired the conference, included in his opening ROME (NC) — A Vatican observer to the recently Soviet Union and the United States to take conference, has been strongly criticized by some day address "a couple of paragraphs supporting concluded peace conference of world religious immediate steps to reduce their nuclear arsenals churchmen for failing to speak out strongly against Soviet policy," Fr. Long said, but the patriarch's leaders in Moscow called the meeting "worthwhile" and put a halt to the arms race. religious repression in the Soviet Union during lengthy talk remained basically on the spiritual arid and "pretty well-balanced.” church appearances and remarks to newsmen in the moral level and marked the speaker "as someone Fr. Long and Jean Larnaud, general secretary of Soviet Union. who really does care about the issue of The much-publicized May 10-14 conference the International Catholic Center at the United disarmament." sponsored by the Russian Orthodox Church was Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Fr. Long, who said that he could comment only on surrounded by controversy amid allegations that the Organization in Paris, were sent to the meeting as Dr. Graham's performance within the conference Soviet government planned it as a piece of pro-Soviet observers of the Holy See and representatives of the itself, said the Baptist clergyman “ had helped steer In one of his politicized references, Patriach propaganda. Vatican's Secretariat for Promoting Christian the conference toward the moral and religious Pimen had declared: "One cannot but strongly But during a stopover in Rome on his return to New U nity. issues" and had expressed "strong Christian deplore that certain powerful circles of the West, York from the meeting U.S. Jesuit Father John Long convictions" on issues of war and peace. pursuing their own political, economic and other told NC News Service that the conference had "come Fr. Long, who worked for many years on the staff interests, will not balk at blackening the honest arid of the secretariat and is now on its board of up with much more than expected." The Vatican observer said one of the conference's open peace-loving policy of our fatherland. " consultors, currently is director of the John X X III biggest contributions was its witness value within TH E FIV E-D A Y meeting began, said the 57-year- Ecumenical Center at Fordham University in New Fr. Long called the widely rumored belief that the the Soviet Union. old priest, with some statements which were "highly York. Soviet government financed the conference "mostly politicized," but from the morning of the meeting's FR. LONG described the conference as “sincerely "In a country where atheism is an official part of myth, as far as I can determine." second day, “people started to zero in on the directed to what the churches had to say on an issue the ideology," said the Jesuit, “the message came At the conference. Father Long read a letter from religious issues involved in the question of nuclear with strong moral overtones." He attributed this to across that the churches had something to say on the Pope John Paul II, addressed not directly to the isarmament." question of nuclear disarmament and that, if you are such religious leaders as Lutheran Bishop David W. conference, but to its host, Patriach Pimen. In it, the Preus of Minneapolis. going to be serious about the issue, you have to listen Fr. Long called the series of final statements pope spoke of his "desire to collaborate with your to what religion is sa yin g ." adopted by the conference "definitely well- Fr. Long also credited U.S. evangelist, the Rev. church in every field in which an authentic witness to balanced" and said they had been developed Billy Graham, with speaking out strongly at the HE ADDED that the conference received the risen Christ and his Gospel can and should be "primarily on a spiritual and moral level." conference in favor of nuclear disarmament. coverage on the government television network. given by Christians in today's world."

c» t:.O ur Advertisers Like to Hear “I Saw Your Ad in the Catholic”! Repeat it Often' m BUSINESS DIRECTORY

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Service lor 3 Generations ^ AAA Tree Removal EMERGENCY ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES • GUTTERS REPAIRED BUERKLE Home repairs, roofing, re­ 683-2348 ALL TYPES REPAIRED B S E CONTRACTORS MORRONE 563-2515. • TREE TRIMMING An elegant musical instru­ modeling, additions*- PLUMBING CO. or REPLACED. ment crafted from the finest Roofing. Gutters. Downspouts. • YARD CLEANUP Reg. Pig. Htg., Cool. gamerooms & cement • FREE ESTIMATES woods and material available. Slate and Tile Work SPECIAL! A.O. SMITH • Gutters and Spout* work • Remodeling & Renovating Miscellaneous • INSURED WATER HEATERS • Soffit and Fascia Preferred by artists like Vary Raasonabla BATHROOMS GAS LINES Bill Kirk 343-1473 488-0300 • Free Estimate ANDRE PREVIN 461-3843 461-7324 ^STUFFED DRAINS CLEAREO. • References 781-6957 361-7751 CEMETERY CALL TOM KICINSKI ‘ • Work Guaranteed BUDGET A/C HTG. Emergency Kwik Service MOODY/BALDWIN GARDEN CARE LINDY’S BILL FONG JIMMY PRE-SEASON SALE We do all Cemetery 683-0140 885-5494 PIANOS & ORGANS CABINET REFINISHIN6 6 7 2 - 0 4 4 9 ■V BILL MO MURA Whole House A/C, Room flower plantings and WASHER/DRYER ONE ¿ALL CAN DO ALL Corner Blvd. of Allies and CECERE Market St.. Downtown The Poor Peoples Champion • KITCHEN CABINETS ■ Units, Furnances. seasonal plant mainte- REPAIR • refrigerators « • Rooting • Painting • OFFICE FURNITURE A/C Checks. $24.00 nace. For Information 2 6 1 - 0 6 6 2 HO USE CALLS $4.95 J i m B e r m a n Leaky Roof Brick i Chimney Pointing • FURNITURE ■ 661-2916 372-6392 795-4631 FOR ESTIMATE CALL: 276-5598 276-4861 Answers ' General Contractor Overhaul 4 6 6 - 7 4 3 8 24 hours 793-6790 SLATE-SHINGLE-METAL- Garage Doors and LEO'S • PLUMBING ROOFS COATED CHIMNEY S Electric Operators * All Types Inside • H EATIN G FIXED-DOWNSPOUTING. “ R E M m r REPAIR WORK • Sales • Service Nome Rsmodtling Painting Contractors Appliance Service • AIR CONDITIONING Additions — Roofing — Gutter* • Installation DOORS. FLOORS. Servicing the East 24 hr. Emergency Service OUR SPECIALTY GAMEROOMS. CEILINGS. Porches — Siding — Kitchens SuDurbin/wsit Mifflin JIM SMALLHOOVER SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING Fast Emergency Service WINDOWS Baths — Windows — Ceilings & Surrounding area E & E PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES PHONE BOB AT 8 3 5 - 5 6 1 5 Free Estimate KRATSAS PAINTING • Rafrlgaratora • Dlshwuher • GAS LINE CALL JOE RENZ BROS. Interior & Exterior 7 5 1 - 7 7 5 9 Aluminum Awnings Sprayed • Residential > Washers • Dryers • Ranges • WATERHEATERS . 521-3995 8814157 884-4257 • Commercial PHOTOGRAPHY INSURED >act6ry trained. • BACK HOE SERVICE. • Interior A Exterior REASONABLE RATES BY HAW KINS FREE ESTIMATES " WORK GUARANTEED Kirk Bill ROOFING Weddings, Proms, F. BUFALINI O T T O ' 361-7751 781-6957 7 9 3 - 4 9 5 5 Home Remodeling 1343-3751 / 571-0249 Averaga Roof Raahinglod School & Team Photos • Roofing • Siding DOES IT ALL Under $800 PHOTOGRAPHERS • Soffit & Fascia • Windows A. W. WEIGAND Gutters, Fascia Work W H O C A R E • Gutlars A Downspouts D & R P A IN T IN G LAZAR ROOFING & SIDING Free Estimata DAVID A VALERIE • Decks Commercial - Residential PAINTING • Porches • Rapair Gen. Contractor 8 Designs SOFFITT & FASCIA • General Renovation Interior - Exterior Painting INTERIOR & Dan O’Connell 828-1484 Homes. Industrial. Commercial Gutters. Doors. Windows. • Complete Interior Remodeling Neat &Clean Work E X TE R IO R Complete Interior & Glass Block General Reasonable 1 all Free Estimates Insured 655-3828 F L IN T 8 8 5 - 4 2 2 5 work guaranteed Save by dealing with Otto, a one FULLY INSURED exterior remodeling Remodeling man operation. DON HAZLETT ASPHALT PAVING You r* wetcoma to visit my show­ F&S Painting Gemanomi 4 Room Addition 10% Discount for 882-2797 Residential/Commercial room displaying kitchens, bathe, Reasonable. Call Anytime Senior Citizens ROOF LEAKS Drlveways/Parklng Lois carpet, and II note um 655-2761 343-2763 PRESTIGE. 231-0947 OR 367-5872 4 4 3 - 3 9 1 1 ______ASPHALT SEALING "ADD-A—COLOR'' STOPPED . Serving North Pgh. Areas TOP QUALITY SOLID „ All types of new roofing OAK KITCHENS 4 0 ; 0FF WE HAVE KOHLE R PLUMBING FIXTURES PAINTING and repairs. 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From our mobile lacfory s CLEAN UP UPON Robert Mlncin ta your house. Customized > l l L K E t L \ ANSNT4HRS 381-5810 COMPLETION VISA A MASTfRCHARCt SPRING SPECIAL RON YOHE 8 8 2 - 4 6 8 0 to your home at the job site. lau - 271-6246 DISCOUNT PRICES ROOFING 3 7 2 - 1 1 8 5 Painting Decorating & NEW ROOFS John Newman & Son INTERIOR & EXTERIOR REPAIRS RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL DAVID J. DEFAZIO CO. KITCHEN REFACING Painting Inc. WALL COVERINGS G U TTE R S B. M. BAILEY EXCELLENT SELECTION • ROOFING • SIDING • SOFFIT & FASCIA DOWNSPOUTS QUALITY WORK INTERIOR/EXTERIOR QUALITY WORK REASONABLE RATES • WINDOW REPLACEMENT • MASONRY WORK. CHIM NEY Plastering Co. LOW PRICES PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES WALL WASHING FREE ESTIMATES NEW OR REPAIR PO IN TIN G • Meet DISCOUNT FOR PROMPT SERVICE 8 5 4 - 0 4 6 9 781-9020 Investigate our • Clean CALL BILL O'NEILL 422-1313 SR. CITIZENS ' -FREE ESTIMATES Reputation \ £ • Old Ofj FULLY INSURED 8 2 3 - 4 3 3 5 SUPPORT ANTHONY CILIA JR. 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Inc SEAMLESS GUTTERS Free Estimates Brand-Name Products • Many Years Experienc- Driveways — Sidewalks 15 years construction experience Is yours ROOFING Cellulose Fiber • Thermal Analysis & Re-insulation CEMENT WORK 8 8 4 -3 1 3 1 Patios — Porches 9*1 YPAQQ FVP Storm Doors & Windows • Complete Winterization Steps, Walls & Garages FULLY INSURED 885-1303 Free Estimates & Consultation Brick & Block Work • DRIVEWAYS • SIDEWALKS STOP ' FREE ESTIMATES • STEPS • PORCHES R em odeling i PATIOS • FLOOR Don’t Renew your “Energy" Conservation Specialists FREE ESTIMATE 653-4070; 531-9829 old roof (All Types) 341-6404 563-2672 REAL WOOD 882-4680 R. OECARLO We can do It lor 1/3 E. R. SHAW the co st with N ew • SIDING • ROOFING KITCHEN REFACING • SOFFIT & FASCIA • GUTTERS CUSTOM CEMENT WORK Resurface old wood (or Plastic) FIBERGLAS SEALER « DOWNSPOUTS • WINDOWS Complete Cabinets with beautiful new ALL WORK METZINGER CONSTRUCTION CO. GUARANTEED • STEPS • SIDEWALKS • PORCHES 15% DISCOUNT TO Home SENIOR CITIZENS FREE ESTIMATES • DRIVEWAYS • PATIOS • WALLS Av. Kitchen SOLID OAK WOOD. Any and all cement construction, No job to large or to small 24 HOUR SERVICE 7 3 4 - 0 6 4 3 River-Towne Free Estimates with no obligation I0 Cabinets OAK Service since 1945 Construction, Inc. Remodeling "We give you more and It cotta you less" S999. "CUSTOM CARPENTERS" Room Addition« - • Now Kltctwn* * Bath« CALL GARY FULLY INSURED Imling Remodeling Siding * Porches * Soffltt A Fascia KENNA CO. 247-3927 Roofing • Windows * Repairs DAYS 486-9097' EVES 665-1167 1011 PENN AVE. BONDED 371-3700 793-6093 C o m p le te Gams Rooms • Concrete • Block A Brick In te r io r Insulation * Plumbing • Elsclrlc Wiring Magic R e m o d e lin g WE WORK WITH ALL CITY AND Chat fur conoiTionmGf CERAMIC TILE COUNTY LOAN PROGRAMS • Keeps you cool and dry • Made for the climate locally "RE-G NU-IT^ NEW & REPAIR LOW INTFREST RATE • Up and away discharge PLASTERING sends noise away. WALL COVERINGS r - “Bathtub Refinishing in the Home-Withoui Removal." Bathrooms our $ 6 9 5 + LEE BERKEY Thermostat A Tubino YES, WE CAN SAVE YOU HUNDREDS OF $$$ SPECIALTY Eglly Insured. Guaranteed Workmanship • REFRIGERATION • AIR CON. and installation COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL: FREE ESTIMAlE FOR FREE ESTIMATES' AND FAIR PRICES • HEATING 24,000 BT e TUBS • TILE • SINKS • STOVES G U AR AN TEE CALL JIM RYAN 885-3697 4 2 2 - 9 0 8 6 7 8 7 - 1 5 5 8 SALE ENOS 5/31/82 SAVE TIME ONE DAY TO COMPLETE TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU C O M E S E E 2404 SAW Mill HUN BLVD 1033 MAIN STREET The Symbol of Catholic Charity W H IT E ’S PITTSBURGH PA. 15234 ALIQUIPPA, PA. 15001 JEANS MACHINES L 412-885-4440< »iz-o o D 412-375-5143 MORRONE SEWING MACHINE SERVICE PARISH SHARE PROGRAM 2932 WEST LIBERTY AVE. DORMONT 2 J - SINCE 1971’ Ak you doing your share? Open M o n . Wed.. Fri.. Sat.. 9-5; Tues.. Thur.. 9-9 563-2515 TUB e Pittsburgh Catholic. Friday, May 28, 1982 — Page. 9 rBenny’s Place9 called well-intentumetL but flaw ed Federal Bureau of Investigation is the "ABC News surely convince viewers that such a situation can By HENRY HERX nothing but his masculine pride to sustain him. He's hard-drinking, two-fisted and tough on the woman he Closeup: J. Edgar Hoover," airing Thursday. June never be allowed to recur. NEW YORK (NC) — A blue-collar w orker's fear of lives with (Anna Maria Horsford). In other words, 3, 10-11 p.m. on ABC. TV PROGRAMS OF NOTE _ losing his job to a younger man is the situation this is not family entertainment. explored by "Benny's Place," a well-intentioned but Since Hoover's death in 1972, there have been a Tuesday, June 1, 4:30-5:30 p.m (CBS) "The .flawed drama airing Monday, May 31. 9-11 p.m. on number of revelations about his almost half-a- Shooting." The effect of a hunting accident on the ABC. The script gives him obe chance at redemption three farm boys involved in it is a presentation of through the love of a good woman and he throws it century tenure as head of the FBI. The merit of this documentary report is to bring them all together to the "CBS Afternoon Playhouse" for youngsters. Benny has been running the machine repair shop away. Although the role is a secondary one, as played by it dominates the drama. She recount a sorry record of misuse of power rare in our Saturday, June 5,10-11 p.m. (NBC) "The Making -in a steel mill for 17 years. No longer just a job, it has democratic history. becom e Benny's special place in the world where he is everything that Benny is not and brings the joy of of the President." John Chancellor is the reporter for alone makes the rules and commands respect. He is life, otherwise missing, to this grim and unrelieved this news documentary examining Ronald Reagan's 1980 election from the perspective of the social and . not about to groom a potential successor and when he film. Hoover's manipulation of publicity in building the political ideas and trends of the last half century. js assigned an assistant, his combative nature forces gangbuster reputation of the bureau and his own as a conflict with predictable results. Directed by Michael Schultz on location in the nation's top cop apparently set the pattern for the TV FILM FARE rest of his career. But it also led to som e of his m ajor . The crisis of the aging worker is an important' Georgia, the production excels in creating the mill Sunday. May 30,7-9 p.m. (ABC) — "The Bad News environment and life in a black working-class blunders, such as arresting Nazi saboteurs before .social theme but the statement of the problem in they could lead to their U.S. contacts or Bears in Breaking Training" (1977) This sequel "Benny's Place" has somewhat broader intentions. neighborhood. "Benny's Place," winnerof the "ABC takes the inept Little League team of the lirsi film to Theater Award" given each year to a new play inadvertantly tipping the Soviets that we had broken It is also the study of an individual who has wasted one of their spy codes. the Astrodome. The foul language so prominent in his youth and is now afraid of dying. Benny's real developed at the Eugene O'Neil Memorial Theatei the original has been toned down, but there are battle is less with keeping his job than finding some Center, was scripted by Philadelphia writer J. Rufus lapses enough in taste to make this niidly Caled. At the end it is clear that Hoover had come to meaning to his life. regard himself as being above the law and was entertaining comedy questionable material for “Closeup on J. Edgar Hoover” — Looking for the dangerously out of control. The program may not younger viewers. (PG) A-II1 — Morally In the title role, Louis Gossett Jr. has no trouble unobjectionable for adults. convincing viewers he is a character who has reality behind the legend of the man who created the satisfactorily explain why this happened but it will

Book review ' Padre Pio: The True Story’

PADRE PIO: THE TRUE STORY, into normal hagiography, and Padre Pio there seems to be more therefore the Christian occult does purely biographical information By C. Bernard Ruffin. Our Sunday than we have had in the inspirational Visitor (Huntington, Ind., 1982)324 not seem to us an entirely unlikely place for would-be and probably literature. There's the matter of the pp. $8.95 Reviewed by Thomas P. will-be saints like Padre Pio. sister nobody wants to talk about McDonnell and also of another, a Religious, who He is not classical-mystical, crushed Padre Pio in his last years certainly, in the highly literate and by quitting the Bridgettine Order NC News Service theological style of St. John of the after nearly 50 years of spiritual There are two kinds of saints, Cross and God knows, he was not obedience. Unaccountably, too, fora roughly speaking. Standard pragmatic in the usual sense. Any potential saint, Padre Pio had been Mystical and Basic Pragmatic. saint with common sense would not extremely jealous of her widely deliberately want to go around with known sanctity. A Capuchin, and Examples of the Saint Mystical holes in his hands, because, as therefore legally poor Padre Pio previously suggested, it is run iill the way from what we may was also freed from his vows of call, perhaps, the Christian occult something that is going to be talked poverty in order to handle the to, say-, a St. John of the Cross, while about. Besides, what are we to make considerable funds that were the Saint Pragmatic ranges all the of wounds that are. anatomically pouring in to the little friary at San way from a classical abstractionist speaking, in the wrong places? Giovanni Rotondo from all over the like St. Thomas Aquinas to the Would Jesus Christ compound an world. There was also the dreadful applied Christianity of the Mothers inaccurate reproduction of his Greek chorus of Pious Ladies Cabrini and Seton. It is obvious that actual wounds? devoted (mildy speaking) to Padre in these two rather large and Anyway, for devotees and other Pio that made such a shambles of his comfortable segments of hagio­ Padre Pio purists in support of his trance-like almost interminable graphy. with their subdivisions and cause for immediate beatification M asses. stratifications, there is room for and eventual canonization, here is practically anyon“ with aspirations probably the best book on him that is The contradictions, in the end, to certified sanctity. currently available in English. tend to increase one's sense of reality rather than diminish it. The There is also currently available a many photographs are helpful, 7 All the sam e, what are we to do little paperback issued by while the numerous typos are not, with' "someone like Padre Pio. Doubleday Image Books, "Tales of and one would have wished a less renowned as a m ystic, confessor and Padre Pio" by the late John uneven index with its failure to Fine arts festival stigmatic, presuming, as we must, McCaffery. It is simply an addition mention, especially in view of Padre Ragan (right) during one of the demonstrations held that*^Imminent beatification and to the legend-making aspect of Pio's relationship to the Blessed Art teacher Karen Vachon (center) of St. Thomas High School in Braddock oversees the batik works of at the Diocesan High School Fine Arts F estival, held even-ultimate canonization are in professional saint-making itself, Virgin, the appearances at Fatima April 29 and 30 at the Carlow College campus. the-offing? The problem for with, its obligatory measure of and Garabandal. Otherwise, this is a her student juniors Norma Irvin (left) and Beth AnYefjejm readers of books like this clairvoyance, improbable visions must volume for Padre Pio one, which purports to be the true and bilocations, etc., that have enthusiasts. “Modern Banking Withjd Fashioned Courtesy” story o'f Padre Pio, by a Lutheran become so increasingly available as enthusiast, the Rev. C. Bernard the books and articles multiply. McDonnell, who retired recently DEDICATED CARE Ruffin, is that we are already so as a staff writer and book editor of firmly rooted in the pragmatic And yet, like reports on the UFOs, The Pilot, Boston archdiocesan SHALER origins of our national culture. is there something that still remains newspaper, is currently corre­ OFFICE a FOR THE ELDERLY F rankly, we are pot likely to think of unexplained after all the mystical sponding for that paper and straws in the wind have blown freelancing for other church 900 Ml Royal Blvd the fa'med stigmatic of San Giovanni Pgh., Pa 15223 * n/Zetuaac/ i^eAicteri/ia/^&aee ,^/u^ne as someone who fits very easily even away? In Mr. Ruffin's version of periodicals. 486-4245 BLAWNOX STATE LICENSED OFFICE 824 IDLEWOOD AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA 15106 201 Freeport Rd Area pastor marks Pgh., Pa. 15238 BUS 14121279-4507 RES. 1412)922*698 25th anniversary MEMBER F.D.I.C. 362 9111 SUMMER RETREATS Fr. Bede J. Hasso, pastor of Our L atrobe and la ter a t Sacred H eart in ■ WH2 Lady, Queen of Peace Church, North Jeannette. Fr. Bede taught at Barry l.uil v. HelltfioiiN. PrieNlM Side, celebrated his 25th Robinson School in Norfolk, Va., at CONFERENCE RETREATS IN APOSTOLIC ( F J. m p/here the Choice ^ anniversary of ordination with a Benedictine High School in SPIRITUALITY Mass and reception at St. Peter Savannah, Ga., for almost nine • The Constant Elements of an Apostolic is Deliciously Yours Church, North Side, Sunday, May 23. years, and served as an assistant at Spirituality M TUESDAY e WEDNESDAY • THURSDAY ■ ■ St. Mary, North Side. He also served Malachy Broderick, F.S.C.. M A Fr. Bede, a native of Port Vue, at parishes in Virginia Beach and .lun«-27-4ul> 111 ™E VARIETY BUFFET studied at St. Vincent College and Covington, Ky., and returned as • New Testament Themes in Apostolic A Delicious Selection of ^ _ * Seminary in Latrobe. He was pastor of St. Mary, North Side, in Ministry 50 Hot & Cold Foods ...... 9 4 * 9 5 professed as a Benedictine monk in 1978. Luke Salm, F.S.C., PH. D. (Special Children's Prices) 1951 and was ordained to the July ft-1 1 » —m m a FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY m m mm priesthood May 26, 1957. • The A postolic Minister in His/Her Spir­ He also is a former registrar and itual Roots the ORIGINAL BUFFET admissions director at St. Vincent Charles Reutemann, F.S.C., Ph.D. His career has been divided Our Traditional Selection * q m between pastoral and educational College. F r. Bede has been pastor of July 2H-:il the newly formed Our Lady, Queen DIRECTED RETREATS of 70 Hot & Cold Foods ...... ^ O t 3 U work. He served as an assistant at (Special Children's Prices) FR. BEDE J. HASSO St. Vincent Basilica parish in of Peace since last year. Staff: Brothers and Sisters of the Spiritual Center "TOP QUALITY ALWAYS" •lien«- I*l2i •Iunr2ll*26 FOURTH ANNUAL JOURNAL PRAYER RETREAT Benedictines mark anniversaries Joseph Schmidt, F.S.C., M.A. •Iuly IH-2.T Benedictine oblates at St. Vincent A num ber of B enedictine priests of Catholic University of FuJen in FOR INFORMATION WRITE: BUFFET RESTAURANT the Greensburg diocese marked Taiwan and now helps with the Archabbey in Latrobe. works of the community in Latrobe. CHRISTIAN BROTHERS DAILY 4 30 lo 4 30 SUNOAY 11 30 lo a 30 C LO S E D M O ND AY . anniversaries of ordination this Fr. John F. Murtha, prior at St. week in a special Mass concele- SPIRITUAL CENTER *1 PHONE 898-3030 Vincent and formerly continuing ADAMSTOWN, MD. 21710 brated with Bishop William Connare Fr. Bede J. Hasso, pastor of Our education director at St. Vincent L _"l s Ml. NORTH OF PA. TURNPIKE ON RT 8 I I in St. Joseph Hall, Greensburg. Lady. Queen of Peace, North Side, College, marking his 25th jubilee. Pittsburgh, marking his 25th They included Fr. Hugh J. Wilt, a jubilee. Fr. Isaac Henry Jacob, a native of native of Turtle Creek who is Carrick who now is director of the marking his 50th jubilee this year. Fr. Clarence F. Karawsky, Tel Gamaliel Center near Bet REUPHOL S TERING Fr. Hugh had helped to establish marking his 25th anniversary, Shemish, Israel. He is also marking MAY Wimmer Priory and taught at the director of vocations and his 25th anniversary. ON SELECTIVE FINE FABRICS

THE BUCKINGHAM SPECIAL WITH THE SAME WORKMANSHIP 1405 BALTIMORE. AVE OCEAN CITY. MD Walking Distance to Church • One block to beach • Air Conditionec M a s s WE ARE KNOWN FOR • EvejJ room private bath and apartments • Free parking on premises • TV Reasonable Rates 301*288-6246 MR. & MRS. PETE BUAS o n J u n e 5 » f f 50 YEARS PflEfe r e c o r d e d for MTERI0R LEGAL INFORMATION iffipfi I l f M l We've been serving the North DECORATING Hills. Our expert craftsmen take ' 281-4664 Blessed Nunzio AND pride in their work. If you have a favorite sofa or chair. ..or DESIGN e antique that needs upholstered, SERVICE and you want the very best in_ Sulprizio’s Feast Day detailing and fabric...Call us for Bv free estimates. Dear Friends of Blessed Nunzio: WE CUSTOM BUILD The Annual Mass in honor of Blessed Nunzio will be held in St. Cyril of Alexandria Church. J. Scott Genslmger. I OD FURNITURE, TOO! 3854 Brighton Road. Northside. at noon on Saturday, June 5. 1982. Msgr. Daniel A. and Gearing, Pastor, will be the principal celebrant. John W Qenslinger A.I P We do carpel and Upholstery cleaning. Confessions will be heard prior to Holy Mass in English and Italian. 316 GRANT AVENUE The wood carved statue of Blessed Nunzio and the Blessed Mother will be carried in MILLVALE, PA. WE ALSO CUSTOM MAKE DRAPERIES procession from the Blessed Nunzio Shrine at 1138 Stanford Road, beginning at 10:30. Following Holy Mass a luncheon will be held in the church hall. Eveyone is invited to TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS participate in his most significant religious event commemorating the feast of Blessed Nunzio Suprizio. MILLVALE MOW OHM For more information call Mrs. Delfina CesareSpada, 766-6077. PHONE? ANSWERS our 24 HOURS A DAY HEW SHOWROOM If you come by bus, take 16B Bus to Brighton Road, Northside. FEATURING Furniture At Family Prices BLESSED NUNZIO SULPRIZIO PLEASE PRAY FOR US ALWAYS. UPHOLSTERY 821-1829 WE CUSTOM BUILD FURNITURE. TOO Page 10 — Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, May 28, 1982

SHOP CLASSIFIED C alendar o f Events

200 H E L P 510 ENTERTAINMENT W A N T E D BABYSITTER— Mature w/ref. CATERING A-l — All occasions, CELEBRATE YOUR SPECIAL tor infant. Mon. & Wed. your location or ours. 25 - 500 OCCASION — with music by permanent. My home. 681-3379. persons. Also complete flower Eternity. Excellence in all types ol music. Call 487-4930 or SSI- arrangements for ail occasions. 8276. HELP AN ELDERLY PERSON Call anytime, rcasonalbc. 231- W/a mental or physical 0947 or 734-3696. disability by providing a homo & personal care. In return, you will GENERAL CLEANING - Apt.' DISCJOCKEY - Radio Exp. receive a monthly payment. Call eondo. home. Wklv/bi-monlhlv I Professional sound system & the Adult Program. 362-3600. 621-5338. I light show. A complete mobile I unit. Records for everyone. OFFICE HELP NEEDED - H A N D Y M A N '- All types ol I Reasonable & Honest. Oldies a- Receptionist, typists, book­ home repairs, plumbing I specially. All Occasions Sonnv keepers. tile clerks, secretaries, heating & electrical. Cement & I 241-2212.______oil ice trainees, etc. Male & Fe­ yard work. Very reasonable males. Downtown & Suburban prompt service, *Jim 431-3026. I DISC JO C K E Y - Put job openings 30 day tree trial I professional D.J. wilh a special period with pay. Kearney-Mc- INSULATION — Carpentry. I touch lo work lor you at your Donough EMP.. Call 391-1071. Paneling, Ceilings. Floors. I next social, private or club Railings. Bathrooms. Storm I I unction. Wedding receptions & "ORGANIST/DIRECTOR OF Windows, Aluminum Siding. I clubs a specially. Music Irom MUSIC"— At suburban parish in Soil it & Fascia, Porches. I the 20 s to the 80s with D.J. the Beaver V alley, approximat­ Sidewalks. Block. Brick. Stone. I Steve, one ol Pittsburgh's most I ely 35 min. Irom downtown Pgh. Cemenl Work. Rooling Gutters. I active entertainers.S&-S Must have music education exp. Hauling. Fullv insured. Free I production assoc. 412-881-1024. and knowledge in liturgy Esl. 761-5538. Manning Please send resume to FO X FIR E— Large selection of I Our Lady ol Peace Church. 1001 MOODS “IMAGE PHOTO- I rock, country, standards, ethnic I Second Ave.. Conway. PA 15027. GRAPHY OF PGH. - Candid & I music will add to any wedding I formal wedding photography. I party, or club date. Vocals. I PART TIME SECRETARY -2 - "Love Story ' Albums a I Reasonably priced. Paul 462- I 3 days/wkl.v. Typing, stencil specially. Also Custom Wedding I 4574. work & sonic bookkeeping. Invitations & Accessories. I HAVE THE MUSIC-U-LIKE - I Small Parish in Pgh. Area. Box Invitations 10-, oil. 922-5621. I 729, MO Third Ave.. Pittsburgh. By a DJ. Weddings & all types of I parties at a reasonable price. I Jerry Fink, 884-6431. 290 SITUATIONS ' HAVING AN AFFAIR" - I I W A N T E D Don't keep it a secret. For I I COLLEGE STUDENT NEEDS musical entertainment at I I I WORK— Lawn mowing, wall weddings, parties, and I 11 cleaning, window washing. banquets. Cull Ken Cook Trio I I I basement painting and cleaning. 279-6807 I I any odd job. Call Kevin 561-7867. 385 WANTED T O B U Y I I BEST PRICES — for furniture. I glass, knicknacks. and estates. I Thank you for culling. 364-6801. ! [CASH — lor old oak furniture. | Furnishing old home, not | antique dealer. Call 361-6185. I i,io n e l ,T m e 1 R a n "f l y e r I & IVES TRAINS — Noire Dante | Alumnus will pay lop dollar. Any 600 H O M E | condition anywhere. Collector. 600 H O M E 809 APARTMENTS | Drew Bauer. 821-4851. 821-3389. , IMPROVEMENTS IMPROVEMENTS T O R E N T I LIONEL, AMERICAN FLYER ALL HAULING f.— Clean-up & IVES, BUDDY L - Trains' u!"0/, ft“?- Stable, reason- I GREfciYlKE/CRAFTON — | Collec tor will pay lop dollar. Any able. Call Frank. 687-3850. | Luxury 1 BR. Convcn to pub I trails, and shop. W/VV A/C | age or condition. Electric or CARPENTRY WORK - Wood | wind-up. 343-2690. Security Building. Equiped replacement windows, porches | Kitch., Avail. Immcd. $305 J OLD — Furniture, china, brass. kitchens, ceilings, doors, I includes heat + elect. Call 922- | copper, lamps, cut glass. gameroonis. dry wall. South | .Vlll____ | jewelry, wooden ice boxes. Hills Area. Free estimates 344- | stained glass, most any old 7444 ______| OAKLAND— Furnished. 4 mi., | thing For quick cash tail me | private bath, pav own elect 2 CEMENT — Brick work. REMODELING - "Walls persons. Avail. 6/1. 262-5899 J before you sell, now conducting Sid walks. Driveways. Porches*' insulated & paneled. Ceilings I House & Estale Sales! Dorothy 1 Patios. Drywjlls. Basements; lowered. C o m m or Cathedral ST. JAMES/WILKINSBURG— 279-0359. ' ! Garages. Free Esl. Call Joe 262- beamed. Dry-wall hanging & 2nd. Hr., unlurn apt. Avail. June I. Call 487-7388 OLD CEDAR CHESTS ~ taping. Windows & Doors. Wtnier rules on interior Bedroom & Dining Room Sets' | CEM EN T WORK - Porches, 810 RESORTS & I Wanted. Paying up to $100 lor 1 projects. Esl. 241-4620. | steps, garage walls, brick work. I VACATION PROPERTY cedar t hesis any size or shape. I glass block windows, etc. Cali «OOF REPAIRS ^TriiikTfbr" Also buying old gold jewelry 1 | Frank 731-1311. people on fixed income. Mr. HILTON HEAD — Spacious Call Paul 279-0359. ' ! Quigley. 683-2757 or 766-4088. luxury vac. villas. Sleep 6 or 8 2 E N ER G Y S A V ER S "- Thermal Sc 3 BR's. 2 Sc 3 baths.-Fully WANTED — All types of used | Replacement Windows. Glass-; SENIOR CITIZENS - Have equip Located on ocean & j furniture and antiques. Crafton | block. Storm Doors. Complete your w alls w ashed or painted at block Irom ocean. 922-3282 alter Trading Post. 922-4441. Closed | Home Remodeling One calf prices you can a Hunk 241-5953. 5 p.m. or weekends. Tuesday and Sunday Hours 10- Learn to Play | does all. Free Est. John373-3774. STEEL VALLEY ASPHALT^ EXPERT ROOF REPAIR - MYRTLE BEACH - Beach Driveways, parking lots, home lor rent. 4 BR, 2 baths WANTED — Raccolta. "Manual Organ | Repair work our specialty. All sidewalks & asphalt scalings ol Indulgence" Mint or near A/C. 1 V. Sleeps 10. I block Irani W. J. Grabowski | types ol raols. gutters, down Serving the Greater Pittsburgh ocean. 462-8545. mint cono. English text. 761-6172 | spouting & chimney pointing. All Area. 462-3999 or 462-4245. alter 5 p.m. I work guaranteed. Free 412-335-2047 I estimates. Call 431-1758. 881- WALLPAPERING & PAINT— 2944 l\G — Prol. install. Shop at home. Discounts on sanitas & S P R U C E I GAMEROOMS — bathrooms. wallpapers. Free est. Call Dale IRISH CENTRE I siding, solii & fascia, rools. and OF PITTSBURGH | all phases ol home remodeling. HOTEL 68d6 Forward Ave. Sq. Hill I Cheapest price on new roois. WALLPAPERING & PAINT­ HALL RENTAL I M&.M Construction. 922-8014 JET — Interior and Exterior 181 SO. NEW YORK AVENUE | 922-8734. F aiming. Discount on ail wall ATLANTI! CITY. NJ. 08401 ACCOMMODATES coverings. Free Est. George > BEACH BLOCK NEAR 150-500 PEOPLE I HOME CARE — remodeling, Tracy 462-4035. 38I-7048. CASINO 371-0367 carpeting, painting, general repair. Bob 464-0897 WALL WASHING — Painting. » 100 ROOMS AND House Cleaning. Window APARTMENTS HOME REMODELING - Cleaning. Paper Cleaning and > REASONABLE RATES/ SHOWER 8 WEDDING Kitchens. Family Rooms. Replace window ropes. Grass PaneUn« Carpentry Painting. Pre-Casino Confidential, Free FAVORS culling. Go anywhere. Free All kinds. Have your cellars, estimates. Call 481-5866. (SPECIAL FAMILY RATES) and DECORATIONS attics, garages, cleaned. Pregnancy Testing PAR TY TIME ' SPACIOUS PROCHES - 908 PENN AVENUE Chimney pointing & slushing. AND ELEVATOR Birthday Favors, Etc. Reasonable Est. 242-3039. J-IO M W F. tt-1 T.H.S. MIKE FEINBERG CO. me CALL 08 WRITE FOR MFORMAflM “ CALL 731-2420 120 Seventh St. Pgh . Pa 15222 liofsK PAINTING ~ Outside 609-344-6448 261-0490 all tin work painted on root. A T A Experienced worker George 1 Provides help lo Quigley. 683-2757. 766-4088. *pregnant women. G A E T A N O ’S lNTERIOR/EXTERIORlpjuNT ING — 20 yrs. exp. very A I I I Z O . V l BANQUET HALL 8 CATERING SERVICE reasonable. Insured. Free est BK K l»OI.|.E.\ CHARLANE 673-5163. Your location or Ourt R ock PREGNANT? 818 Broadway Ave -And you didn't mean to be? J. T. & SON — Homi Buyers & Sellers McKees Rocks Pa 15136 Construction Co. Jor a free pregnancy test and MANOR improvements. Wall & cement Wanted 771-833« work. All Types porch repair, All Concrete Workl AL-SANNS ¡Confidential support CALL HOME new Sc old drop ceilings, All Types ol Additions! " C A L L b i r t h r i g h t 884-0516 221-9241 paneling, plastering. Commer­ All Block 8 Brick Workl BEACH HUGGER FOR TH E cial Sc Residential, interior & All Repairs! MOTEL 6 2 1 - 1 9 8 8 exterior painting. Free est. »21- All Home 8 Businesses! THORS ELDERLY 6830 alter six or 745-3462. 3rd A Ocean Ave. NEAR MCKEESPORT HOSPITAL 35 years Experience THE PERFECT FOOD Window Cleaning N. Wildwood. N.J. 08260 STATE LICENSED PAIJVTING - Interior & TOURS WALL WASHING FREE ESTIMATES (609) 729-0222“ Arizona Honey-Bee GUTTERS CLEANED For Information Exterior. Exp Sr. Citizens Low family rates Ocean *«ew. Reasonable Rls. 793-8229 *■ Tj 3; 481-2765 Heated pool, surf fishing 20CT ft. ANNUNCIATION RADIO POLLEN 20 years dependable service on Admissions 9269 away Air Conditioned & Heated. RQgSARY I DAY T O U R - FREE ESTIMATES PLEASE CALL Free ice. Color Cable TV. Sixerowlul Mother Shrine. BUY OR SELL 804 RENTAL Barbeque Unit. Betjevue. OH, Sunday. June 13. We Go Anywhere 7 5 1 -9 5 1 3 CALL SERVICE $2JZpp, Reserv. 343-1748. 241- 6 7 3 -1 3 5 6 7 8 2 - 2 8 5 8 58 M 6 7 2 -9 0 1 1 ROOMMATE FINDING SER.- S U M M E R FLORIDA VACATION—June Renters, your rent cut in 1/2. 18-¡J>th. Hotel. Meals. & Free N E W Need Assistance In Landlords, your home is your SPECTACULAR! Trans. Call 683-5180 ENERGY Resolving a Dispute? income. Ret. checked. Photo's BEDS* taken. Fee 341-5583 Weekly Rates oTJr T ä d y OF THKSNWVS^ Mediate - Don't Litigatel Lowest of the Year PilSsion Play. Black Hills; TSI Honeybee For Information Call: AVAILABLE 809 APARTMENTS Weekly, $140 Spaurìisli. South Dakota. Points I FOR BO TH West. 15days. $570. June24 pick POLLEN Pittsburgh Mediation Center T O R E N T Located directly on the upon Pgh. 258-5775. 258-9078. MEN & WOMEN Atlantic Ocean. Directly AVAILABLE IN 3 6 3 - 4 8 8 4 . B E LLE V U E -F irst Floor, lee.. A c f o s s the Street f r o m St. PITTSBURGH. In small intermediate care (urn., w/w. six rms.. and batn.2 Gabriel's Church. FRANCISCAN Harvested in the high desert nursing home in beautiful porches, call evenings only. dry areas oi the United 510 ENTERTAINMENT country setting in Near curlinc. $300 + utilities. Lone Palm Motel 734-1264.______TOURS States From a multiple of A BAND FDR YOUH WED-' Southern Butler County. 749 N Ocean Blvd.- - 1982 ESCORTED floral sources formed into DJNG, PARTY. OR BANQUET (Valencia) CIVIC CNTR. - I BR & ell Pompano Beach. FloriOa BUS TOURS natural pods Package ol 30 YOU WILL ENJOY! - Hear CALL ADMINISTRATOR Conven. to trans. Equip, kitch. Haber Associate« - TORONTO EXPO/ tablets packed individual­ Kenny Rodgers. Barry Manilow.' 661-4700. 412-661-3434 . . ? NIAGARA FALLS ly ...... *5.00' Englebert. Elvis, nianv more CALL FOR DETAILS “ Aug. 19-22 $159 including standards, polkas and special requests. Prolessional N.Y. Theatre Tour 9 2 2 - 4 6 0 7 vocal/instrumcntui arrange­ . 8 Sin Gennaro Festival ments. Book direct and save S ept. 17-20 $189 MUSIC BROTHERS. Bob. 885 Belvedere Residence 1123. 884-2224. Z A IR T O U R FREE RECORDED LEGAI INFORMATION S lits Approved Retirement Homo . CALL 281-4664 lor Ambulatory 8 Convalescent LAS VEGAS BAND — "Easy Street" — Our Men 8 Women ; FLAMINGO HILTON music will help make your * Supervisory Personnel ft special day a truly memorable Mr«. Rhoda Lyons. R.N. —»¿m $ 4 0 9 tax incl FUNERAL DIRECTORS one. For the best in variety * 24 Hour Nursing Care ' "O n e Week, Sept. 4-11 musical entertainment call 655- * Visitors Always Welcome 7490, ______J982 Brochures Available Located on BAND — "Prime Time" — ■ Routa 422, jVrile: Franciscan Tours Pittsburgh's most versatite 7 miles eas't 3.0. Box 98261 wedding & banquet band. of New Castle Standards. Contemporary. Pittsburgh. Pa. 15227 BEINHAUER Call D R CALL Polkas, Disco, plus we handleall reception ceremonies 731-5412 9 2 4 -2 1 9 1 385-6962 881-3479 885-5870. BANDS — For wedding' receptions and all occasions. No Yau can shout your mutig« charge to view our selection on sound and color video tape | frani the rooftops but o S U P P O R T " Entertainment Unlimited 343- dottar and Insxpamlva way 7700. U Y O U R la with an advsrtlaaniant In tha Pittsburgh Catholic ADVERTISER YOUR CLASSIFIED N U M B E R Call tadav tor details 471-1252 4 7 1 - 1 2 5 2 H o m e A g a in Pittsburgh Catholic, Friday, May 28. 1982 — Page 11 CONNIE ANN VALENTI FR. RON LENGWIN l°ves little children, Mommy, why doesn't Love for the handicapped may already be dying. He help her to walk? ", my little girl wanted to know. We do not simply "get rid" of someone, for that I tried to hush her, explaining we were at Mass and implies active participation and even some sense ol must not disturb the other people. But she keep responsibility on our part. Rather, we just allow the looking at the girl in a wheelchair, and the question person, if we even give him or her that status, to die. came again in a different from - "Doesn't He love It is alm ost as if we say: " If you can't make it on your her, Mommy?" own, then you don't deserve to live," ^ iny,iears began to form in her eyes. I hated to Something like this happened not too long ago and leave Mass before the final blessing, since it is so may soon become the rule rather than the exception, important, but I thought we better. The pains that when parents decided to stop feeding their baby and are a part of carrying a child for nine months and "allowed" it to die, because there was a problem 61YM6 birth are nothing when compared to what you with its esophagus. It may have been more than gothrough trying to answer the questions that child coincidental that this child was also experiencing a will ask while growing up. form of mental retardation known as Down's Her tears fell like a Spring shower when we got syndrome. Perhaps we have already taken the next outside. I tried to calm her down, but I wasn't doing a step after abortion. very good job. When I saw the girl in the wheelchair, You have frequently expressed a strong desire to where her father had pushed her and left by herselt be able to see the soul. God certainly has His reasons for a few moments, I suggested we go over and talk for not giving us that ability, but right now I can join to her. hoping it would do my little one some good. in your prayerful wish. If we could see the soul and She looked so pretty in a flowered dress. He recognize it as God s true gift of life to us, we might reddish brown hair seemed to shine. It not equate life with only the body or mind and complemented her bright and beautiful smile. Her perhaps we would not blame God for the handicaps body looked weak, but there was strength in her which each and everyone of us possess in one form or eyes. "Hi," my little one said. "I'm Maria. another. However, some of them are more obvious Why doesn't God let you walk? Doesn't He love and more severe than others. you?" I would like to quote now from a Pastoral I tried unsucessfully to become invisible and Statement of the United States Catholic Bishops on Examining the leader's manual for fhe "Visions and superintendent for diocesan elementary schools; immediately thanked God her father wasn't close Handicapped People. "Concern for handicapped Values in the Catholic Schools” inservice program dnd Sr. John M artin Sullivan, A.S.C.J., principal at St. enough to hear. But in the same split second that it people was one of the prominent notes of Jesus' are, from left, Sr. Carleen Reck, S.S.N.D, project Vitus School, New Castle. The two-day inservicc took for all of this to run through my mind, the girl earthly mission. When asked by John's disciples, director; John Maurer, principal at Canevin High program was held May 20 - 21 at the Monroeville answered "Yes, Maria. God loves me and I know He Are you He who is to come or do we look for School; Sr. Ignatius Rooney, R.S.M., assistant M arriott. loves you too." One child had a weak body, but both another?'. Jesus responded: “Go back and report to had good, strong minds and both were pleasing to John what you hear and see: the blind recover their God. sight, the lame walk, lepers are cured, the deaf hear, dead men are raised to life, and the poor have the Catholic schools program I ve never met a handicapped person in whom I good new preached to them.' Handicapped persons didn t see God. Their love certanily isn't become witnesses for Christ. handicapped. The kind of love they give and the unselfish way they give it makes yo want to share it "We all struggle with life. We must carry on this explained to area educators and not just keep it for yourself. M aybe the quality of struggle in a spirit of mutual love, inspired by their loves is influenced by the opportunity they have Christ's teaching that in serving others we serve the B y STEPHEN KARLINCHAK the four-fold objectives of the project) isn't going to fly It's more to spend more time with God and to appreciate Him Lord Himself. inservice program are: of a success if the two in the team m any little gift to us. Approximately 175 diocesan attend." In doing so, we build a community of school teachers and principals were • T o gain an overview of the When we return home again, it's not our body God interdependent people and discover the Kingdom of introduced to the "Vision and Values principle and the inservice process Sr. Carleen told the teachers and w ill be looking at to see how we m ay have adorned it God in our midst. Jesus revealed by His actions that in the Catholic Schools" program of the "Vision and Values"; principals that there is a need to or what we've done to make it strong, for we will have service with and to people in need is a privilege and during a two-day inserviee session integrate religious values into all left it behind. God will look into our souls, none of • T o acquire knowledge of the an oppqrtunity as well as a duty. When we extend our held May 20-21 at the Monroeville levels of the Catholic school wTiich were handicapped at birth, to determine what program's leader's manual: healing hands to others, we are healed ourselves." M arriott. curriculum. "There's a special need amount of damage we may have done to them since • To experience selected activities lor Catholic schools to be Catholic "It’s an inservice process so local then. God doesn't make mistakes, but He forgives us The bodies and minds of handicapped persons may of the "Vision schools, she said. "Teachers front who do. be different than our own, but these people possess a school leaders can adapt the state colleges haven't been quality of soul which can enrich the life we share programs to use in their own • T o be acquainted with the integrated in religious values. Maria and I pray together now for the parents of together. It is often the handicapped person who has schools," said Sr. Carleen Reck, materials and process available for There's a need to get it together In handicapped children, asking God to give them S.S.N.D., elementary education the "Values” phase. strength and to help them realize how important the gift of greatest value to offer to us. we must not textbooks, more values are only do for them; we must allow them to do for us. director for the National Catholic eliminated, neutralized. Teachers these children are to Him. If love for the "There's nothing in here (the Education Association (NCEA) and have to raise questions and there's a handicapped dies and we fail to see their leaders' manual) that hasn't been The handicap which we should fear the most is project director. practical way to raise them ." specialness, it will be easy lo justify getting rid of what we do to our souls in refusing or failing to love tested before," Sr. Carleen said. them and freeing ourselves to the burden — through one another. It is the only handicap that shows in the It wasn't my idea.. "Sr. Carleen "We didn't want to re-invent the humane means of course. heavens. said jokingly. "I walked into the wheel." I N T H E M A Y 20 s e ss io n N CEA office when they were looking The first year of the program fora principals and teachers worked on for someone to head its new activities to determ ine the vision' of curriculum project." school is dedicated to the vision phase of the program. Sister said it their schools. "It's a chance to re­ ACCORDING to' Sr. Carleen, the asks the questions: “ Who are we?" examine our identity even if it came PCC backs m arital rape bill project began five years ago in order and "What is our future?" into the system 40 years ago. 20 to develop a corporate vision for years ago or two years ago. the principals¡pals and gradually, step by step." HARRISBURG: - Citing a the State House of Representatives Catholic education. Sr. Carleen said SHE TOLD cannot be charged with rape, a teachers "Y o u 're here to m ake the serious gap in the law that has the that the present law legitimizes the the project's first two years were In the Friday session, the felony, but merely with assault, a project work, it needs local effect of discriminating against possibility of brutality in a marital misdemeanor. spent in laying the project’s educators examined the values rape victims if they are married to foundation. She said that the leadership. Nothing really happens relationship, and distorts marriage Howard J. Fetterhoff, executive phase of the program. their attackers, the Pennsylvania project's steering committee in schools unless the leadership is by suggesting that one spouse can be director of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference has voiced its identified the importance of the rig h t." the property of the other, rather Catholic Conference, noted that the support for House Bill 1122, the Catholic schools and determined the Assisting Sr. Carleen were Sr. than an equal partner. conference studied the issue Sr. Carleen explained why the marital rape bill. common denominators. Mary James Dumm, S.C. THE BILL would allow a wom an carefully. There was considerable principal and one teacher from eueh The Catholic Conference, which The third year was spent principal, and Pat Galla, teacher at who is raped by her husband to interest voiced publicly in the school were invited to the inservice speaks, lor the Catholic bishops of assembling the actual program. In St. Anselm School. Swissvale. St prosecute him for rape. Under position the conference might take program. She said participants at Pennsylvania in public affairs, told the fourth year, 36 pilot programs Anselm is in the first year of the current Pennsylvania law, spouses on the bill. Th e Church sees the seminars and workshops often program . interest in the legislation as an for training school leaders were acquire 'cold feet' at their schools opportunity to speak out on a established. This year, Sr. Carleen when it comes time to apply what is Sr. Ignatius Rooney, R.S.M., sensitive moral issue. said 40 training sessions have been learned in such sessions. assistant superintendent of PCC hacks bill given in the United States as well as elementary - education for the He noted that the legislation Australia and New Zealand. "You have the responsibility to diocese, said the two-day inserviee Pennsylvania Catholic Conference voiced strong support for the conforms to authentic Church lead," Sr. Carleen said. "If you as program was funded by the John revised Abortion Control Act being introduced next week in the teaching about marriage. The PCC Sr. Carleen told those assembled state legislature. principals don't see a need, it (the Cieco Memorial Fund. in its support for the bill cited Howard J. Fetterhoff, executive director of the PCC. which speaks excerpts from two papal for the in Pennsylvania on public affairs, said the documents: conference would be very active in working for the legislation's • Pope Paul Vi's encyclical, enactment. Hum anae V ita e "; " It is in fact justly observed that a conjugal act n Foyer W e plan to lobb y members of the House and Senate to support this imposed upon one's partner without 3 I legislation, as well as point out to the public how the bill can help save regard for his or her condition and [Ü the lives ol unborn children, where possible, who survive an abortion lawful desires is not a true act of love 1 or who may be defective oi handicapped after being brought to term. D ressin g Uàm m L h e e I and therelore, denies an exigency of 1 B - |L We also feel the legislation wil increase parental participation in right moral order in the I l"e decsion o(.a minor whether to have an abortion. It will also make relationships- between husband and . Ki wife." sufficient information available to a woman who is considering having 8 0 x 9 -0 an abortion." he noted. • Pope John Paul II's "Apostolic Exhortation on the Family". In noting that the legislation was developed after lengthy "Authentic conjugal love The Berkshire consultation with the office ol Gov. Dick Thornburgh, Fetterhoff presupposes and requires that a 2 Bedroom pointed out that the governor's objections to the previous legislation man have a profound respect for the Sen Bill 742, concerned relatively minor parts of the legislation. Thè equal dignity of his wife. You are tnjt the main provisions have been retained in the new language. The not her master,' writes St. Ambrose, Master Bedroom B edroom D ining Living Room action of the legislation is expected to take place during the week of but her husband: she was not given 15 -0 * 11-0 12 -4 X 10 -0 9 -8 x 9 4 23 -4 X 12 0 June 1. to you to be yo ur slave, but your wife'. .

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Chcerlcading champs Special Olympics

Members of the diocesan grade school varsity back row, Kim Mauersberg, Nora Simpson, Katie champion eheerleading squad from St. Thomas More Finn, Susan Freedy and Mary Beth Lyons. Not Taking a breather between events at the Special Deaf; John Clarkey, a student at WPSD; Danny School, Bethel Park, are front row (left to right): pipi etured etured is is coach coach Kerry Kerry Gable. Gable. The The diocesan diocesan OlympicsOlympics competition competition neia held May May 7 7 at at si. St. /ininony Anthony Kakos,Kakos, a a student student at at McKeesport McKeesport Central Central Catholic Catholic Cathy ' Prezioso and Kathy Norton; center row, championshipschampionships were were held held May May 1 1at at St. St. Mary Mary of of the the School,School, Oakmont, Oakmont, are are (from (from left): left): Christine Christine O’Hara, O’Hara, a a SchoolSchool (Olive (Olive Avenue); Avenue); Cheryl Cheryl Kakos; Kakos; and and Beth Beth Meghan O’Grady, Laura Stanton and Liz White; and MountMount High High School. School teacherteacher at at the the Western Western Pennsylvania Pennsylvania School School for for the the Bendell,Bendell, a a student student at at McKeesport McKeesport Central Central Catholic. Catholic. S t Thomas More cheerleaders win; Ozanam sets cage clinics

By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK TheclinicsThe clinics will will be be held held Monday Monday through through Thursday, Thursday, PennsylvaniaPennsylvania School School for for the the Deaf Deal as as well well as as St. St. rules,rules, fund fund raising, raising, uniform uniform selection selection and and pep pep . . „ , , , frontfront 9 9a.m. a.m. to to noon, noon, with with a afree free lunch lunch offered offered at at noon. noon AnthonyAnthony's. 's. rallies. StSt. Thomas MoreMore, Bethel Park, won first place in the varsity division at the diocesan grade school The clinic is open to boys and girls, ages 12 and One hundred and forty athletes participated in the Tuition and room and board is $94. There is a $36 eheerleading championship held May 1 at St. Mary under. All phases of basketball will be covered in 50-meter dash, standing long jump, softball throw deposit for participants who stay on campus and $40 of the Mount High School, Mount Washington. addition to lessons in health care, dieting, etc. Area and the high jump. for commuters. college coaches and players will attend the clinics. For additional information, contact Arlene St. Teresa, Perrysville, placed second, followed by There will be film strips, scrimmage games and Assisting with the events were the students from Houser, Wheeling College, 316 Washington Ave., St. Titus, Aiiquippa, third; St. Germaine, Bethel possible field trips. the Riverview High School track team and graduate Wheeling, West Virginia, 304-243-2295/2000; or All Park, fourth and St Patrick, Canonsburg, fifth. St. students from the University of Pittsburgh. Star Cheerleader Conference, P.O. Box 9485, Kansas Coinian, Turtle Creek, won the novice award on the The clinics are free to the public and will be City, Missouri, 64133. varsity level. conducted at the Reizenstein Middle School, East Liberty; Brashear High School, Beeehview; and at WHEELING COLLEGE will host the All Star On the junior varsity level, St. Germaine, the Ozanam Center, Wylie Avenue. won the event followed by St. Patrick, second; Cheerleader Conference camp for girls, junior high ST. JOHN’S (MONACA) SCHOOL Athletic St. Teresa, third; St. Thomas More, fourth; andSS. To register, contact the Ozanam Center at 281- school through college, July 26-29. Association held its annual banquet recently in the 4046. school hall. Simon and Jude, Scott Township, fifth. The junior The camp directors will include cheerleaders Association president Bob Tuccinard gave the varsity novice award went to St. Mary, Glenshaw. from Penn State, Pitt, Michigan State. Bowling opening remarks and presented the Scholar-Athlete Green and Northwestern. ST. ANTHONY SCHOOL for Exception Chidfren Award to eighth grade cheerleader Barb Stone. OZANAM CULTURAL CENTER will sponsor a hosted a Special Olympics competition on May 7 for Participants will receive instructions in cheer Jackets, plaques and photographs were presented to basketball skills clinic program beginning June 21 special education students from McKeesport techinques, including new cheers, gymnastics, the eighth grade boys and girls basketball team and continuing for seven weeks. Central Catholic, South Side Catholic, the Western chants and pompom routines as well as seminars on members and the eighth grade cheerleaders. ^Mausoleum TWO NEW SECTIONS OPENED (QUEEN OF HEAVEN MAUSOLEUM) ^ FA M ILY U N ITS for 2 a n d 4 ( a b b e y ) VER Y AFFORDABLE BIG SA VINGS A C T N O W ! Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from having made provisions TODAY in a Distinctive Catholic Burial

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