PUBLIC NOTICE Federal Communications Commission 445 12th St., S.W. News Media Information: 202-418-0500 Internet: Washington, D.C. 20554 TTY: 888-835-5322

DA No. 17-376 Released: April 20, 2017


MB Docket No. 16-306 GN Docket No. 12-268

The Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau (the Bureau) announce the assignment of Regional Coordinators to support broadcast stations moving to new channel assignments in the post-incentive auction transition period. The Bureau is committed to ensuring a smooth and efficient post-auction transition. To enhance its ability to closely monitor the progress of the repack and to facilitate coordination among stations, each station that will transition to a new channel has been grouped into one of 10 geographically-based regions.1 Each region has a dedicated Bureau staff member as a Regional Coordinator.2 Regional Coordinators will act as a first point of contact at the Commission for stations and, with the support of other Bureau staff and other Commission bureaus and offices, will assist in resolving issues and challenges that stations in the region encounter as a result of the transition.

This Public Notice announces that in the coming days, the Regional Coordinators will contact the stations in their assigned regions by email to introduce themselves, and begin the process of coordination with stations in the region. Regional Coordinators will communicate throughout the transition period with stations regarding process, will respond to inquiries from, and otherwise work closely with stations to help facilitate the phased transition schedule and aid stations in satisfying their construction permit deadlines.

As described in the recent Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice, 987 television stations across the country will transition to new channel assignments.3 The release of that Public Notice initiated a 39-month post-auction transition period that will end on July 13, 2020. During this period, transitioning television stations will, among other things, enter into

1 See Appendix B. The information in Appendix B is current as of the release of the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN. Incentive Auction Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice; Incentive Auction Closes; Reverse Auction and Forward Auction Results Announced; Final Television Band Channel Assignments Announced; Post-Auction Deadlines Announced, MB Docket No. 16-306, GN Docket No. 12-268, Public Notice, DA 17-314 (WTB Apr. 13, 2017) (Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice). 2 See Appendix A. 3Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice at 19, para. 56. Publicly available data regarding channel assignments and on the Commission’s website (https://data

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contracts for the purchase and installation of new transmitting equipment, file appropriate applications for construction and operating authority, complete construction of new facilities, provide required notifications regarding the station’s termination of service on the pre-auction channel, and make the switch to broadcasting on their new channels by the applicable deadline. In most cases, eligible stations will also prepare and submit detailed estimates and invoices for reimbursement of their reasonably incurred expenses for relocating to new channels.4 On January 27, 2017, the Bureau issued a public notice5 outlining procedures for transitioning stations, including guidance on applications for relief from transition requirements that will aid stations to ensure they can continue to operate throughout the transition period.6

In order to facilitate a managed transition process, the Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice, provides assignments for all full power and Class A television stations transitioning to new channels to one of 10 transition phases that satisfy a set of objectives and constraints adopted in the Transition Scheduling Adoption Public Notice.7 The deadlines for each transition phase reflect an average of the estimated time required for all stations in each phase to complete their transition.8 The resulting schedule, among other things, accounts for stations with interference relationships or dependencies, facilitates the efficient use of limited construction resources, minimizes the disruption to viewers by limiting the need to rescan, and weighs the relative complexity of individual stations.

Distinct from the transition phase assignments described above, stations are assigned to regions in order to better facilitate coordination. The objectives when creating regions are to make the regions geographically continuous, to group linked sets in the same region, and to have a similar number of stations in each region. One way we achieved geographically continuous regions is all stations in the same Designated Market Area (DMA) are assigned to the same region. Significantly, however, the regions do not alter or in any way impact the phase assignments or transition deadlines set forth in the Closing and Channel Reassignment PN.

The regional groupings are intended to be a tool to facilitate coordination among stations facing similar localized challenges, and to enable stations in those regional groups to have access to a coordinator at the Commission who is familiar with the localized challenges. For example, the Regional Coordinator will help facilitate cooperation among neighboring stations that may confront similar challenges such as terrain or unique weather events. The regional coordination will also allow stations within a region to benefit from lessons learned by other stations transitioning in that region, including among stations within a region that are assigned to different transition phases. The Regional Coordinators will also serve as a point of contact for

4 See Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice at 29, paras. 84-85. 5 See Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau Announces Procedures for the Post-Incentive Auction Broadcast Transition, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd 858 (MB 2017) (Broadcast Transition Procedures Public Notice). 6 Broadcast Transition Procedures Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd 858, paras. 73-74; see also Incentive Auction Task Force and Media Bureau Adopt Post-Incentive Auction Transition Scheduling Plan, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd 890, 911-17, paras. 46-59 (MB 2017) (Transition Scheduling Adoption Public Notice). 7 See Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice at 20, para. 61; see also Transition Scheduling Adoption Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd 895-902, paras. 10-28. 8 See Closing and Channel Reassignment Public Notice at 20, para. 62.


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Little Rock-Pine Bluff, AR 608 KVTH-DT 26 16 1 - Little Rock-Pine Bluff, AR 37005 KARZ-TV 44 14 1 - Little Rock-Pine Bluff, AR 41212 KASN 39 34 1 - Little Rock-Pine Bluff, AR 86534 KMYA-DT 49 18 1 - Monroe, LA-El Dorado, AR 3658 KARD 36 19 1 - Monroe, LA-El Dorado, AR 38584 KMCT-TV 38 22 1 - Monroe, LA-El Dorado, AR 38585 KLMB-LP 23 36 10 - Oklahoma City, OK 2566 KOPX-TV 50 18 2 - Oklahoma City, OK 10265 KOHC-CD 45 31 2 - Oklahoma City, OK 25382 KWTV-DT 39 25 2 - Oklahoma City, OK 31368 KUOT-CD 19 21 2 14 Oklahoma City, OK 50182 KAUT-TV 40 19 2 14 Oklahoma City, OK 84225 KOCM 46 16 2 - Omaha, NE 23277 KXVO 38 29 3 - Omaha, NE 35190 KMTV-TV 45 31 3 - Omaha, NE 51491 KPTM 43 26 3 - Sherman, TX - Ada, OK 35666 KTEN 26 17 9 71 Shreveport, LA 35648 KTAL-TV 15 26 2 10 Shreveport, LA 38497 KADO-CD 40 36 2 - Shreveport, LA 38591 KLTS-TV 24 17 10 81 Shreveport, LA 70420 KBXS-CD 50 20 2 12 Shreveport, LA 70482 KSLA 17 23 10 81 Shreveport, LA 73706 KSHV-TV 44 16 2 10 Shreveport, LA 81507 KPXJ 21 32 2 12 Sioux City, IA 39665 KMEG 39 32 1 - Sioux City, IA 66170 KTIV 41 14 1 - Sioux City, IA 77451 KPTH 49 30 1 - Sioux Falls-Mitchell, SD 55379 KDLT-TV 47 21 8 - Springfield, MO 36003 KYTV 44 19 1 - Springfield, MO 51102 KOZK 23 16 1 - Springfield, MO 166319 KRBK 49 22 1 - Topeka, KS 43649 KTMJ-CD 43 20 8 - Topeka, KS 49397 KTKA-TV 49 16 8 - Tulsa, OK 1005 KDOR-TV 17 36 2 11 Tulsa, OK 24485 KGEB 49 14 2 - Tulsa, OK 31369 KUTU-CD 25 17 9 71 Tulsa, OK 35434 KOTV-DT 45 26 9 71 Tulsa, OK 37099 KWHB 47 16 2 11 Tulsa, OK 54420 KMYT-TV 42 34 2 9 Tulsa, OK 57431 KRSU-TV 36 32 2 11 Tyler-Longview, TX 55644 KYTX 18 15 2 10 Tyler-Longview, TX 70917 KFXK-TV 31 20 2 12 Wichita-Hutchinson, KS 72358 KSNW 45 15 8 -


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Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, WV 37806 WLFB 40 25 7 - Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, WV 66804 WOAY-TV 50 31 7 - Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, WV 71680 WSWP-TV 10 8 10 78 Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, WV 74169 WVNS-TV 8 11 10 78 Bluefield-Beckley-Oak Hill, WV 74176 WVVA 46 17 7 - Charleston, SC 416 WTAT-TV 24 17 5 40 Charleston, SC 9015 WCIV 36 25 5 40 Charleston, SC 10587 WCBD-TV 50 20 5 - Charleston, SC 61005 WITV 7 9 10 78 Charleston, SC 71297 WCSC-TV 47 19 5 - Charlotte, NC 10645 WTVI 11 9 10 78 Charlotte, NC 12793 WAXN-TV 50 32 5 40 Charlotte, NC 32326 WCNC-TV 22 24 5 40 Charlotte, NC 49157 WCCB 27 18 5 40 Charlotte, NC 61009 WNSC-TV 15 34 5 40 Charlotte, NC 65919 WHKY-TV 40 14 5 40 Charlotte, NC 67022 W21CK-D 21 15 5 40 Charlotte, NC 69114 WUNE-TV 17 36 5 40 Charlotte, NC 69124 WUNG-TV 44 21 5 40 Charlotte, NC 70097 WGTB-CD 28 27 5 40 Charlotte, NC 73152 WJZY 47 25 5 40 Charlotte, NC 74070 WSOC-TV 34 19 5 40 Charlottesville, VA 363 WCAV 19 32 5 40 Charlottesville, VA 9990 WHTJ 46 26 8 - Charlottesville, VA 47705 WAHU-CD 40 35 8 - Charlottesville, VA 70309 WVIR-TV 32 2 5 40 Columbia, SC 19199 WACH 48 22 5 40 Columbia, SC 37176 WLTX 17 15 5 40 Columbia, SC 40902 WKTC 39 31 5 40 Columbia, SC 60963 WOLO-TV 8 7 10 78 Columbia, SC 61012 WRJA-TV 28 29 5 40 Columbia, SC 61013 WRLK-TV 32 33 5 40 Columbia, SC 136750 WZRB 47 25 5 - Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC 25544 WMYV 33 28 5 40 Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC 53921 WXII-TV 31 16 9 66 Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC 65074 WGPX-TV 14 26 5 40 Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC 69360 WUNL-TV 32 33 5 40 Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC 72064 WFMY-TV 51 35 9 66 Greensboro-High Point-Winston Salem, NC 72106 WGHP 35 31 9 66 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 594 WITN-TV 32 34 5 40 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 18334 WCTI-TV 12 10 10 82 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 35582 WYDO 47 19 5 40 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 37971 WPXU-TV 34 16 5 40

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Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 57838 WNCT-TV 10 12 10 82 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 69149 WUNK-TV 23 25 5 40 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 69444 WUNM-TV 19 28 5 40 Greenville-New Bern-Washington, NC 81508 WEPX-TV 26 36 5 40 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 9064 WGGS-TV 16 2 5 40 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 53905 WYFF 36 30 5 40 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 56548 WMYA-TV 14 35 5 40 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 60931 WNEH 18 26 5 40 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 61010 WNTV 9 8 10 78 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 66391 WSPA-TV 7 11 10 78 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 69300 WUNF-TV 25 20 5 40 Greenville-Spartanburg, SC-Asheville, NC 72300 WHNS 21 17 5 40 Harrisonburg, VA 4688 WHSV-TV 49 20 8 - Harrisonburg, VA 60111 WVPT 11 12 10 78 Harrisonburg, VA 190915 WSVF-CD 43 36 8 - Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 3133 WWMB 21 26 5 40 Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 9054 WFXB 18 36 5 40 Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 17012 WPDE-TV 16 27 5 40 Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 61004 WHMC 9 11 9 76 Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 61008 WJPM-TV 45 16 5 40 Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 69416 WUNU 31 30 5 40 Myrtle Beach-Florence, SC 167158 WLPS-CD 14 33 5 40 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 9762 WGNT 50 20 7 51 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 13060 WNLO-CD 45 14 7 - Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 25932 WHRO-TV 16 31 9 75 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 35134 WYSJ-CA 19 36 7 51 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 47401 WTKR 40 16 9 75 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 65387 WVBT 29 21 7 51 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 66549 WJGN-CD 38 27 7 - Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 67077 WPXV-TV 46 32 7 - Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 69292 WUND-TV 20 29 7 51 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 71127 WAVY-TV 31 19 9 75 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 74167 WVEC 13 11 9 77 Norfolk-Portsmouth-Newport News, VA 76324 WSKY-TV 9 13 9 77 Raleigh-Durham, NC 8617 WTVD 11 9 9 76 Raleigh-Durham, NC 8688 WRAL-TV 48 17 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 16517 WUVC-DT 38 22 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 20590 WRPX-TV 15 32 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 22485 WHFL-CD 43 7 5 - Raleigh-Durham, NC 40211 WYBE-CD 44 34 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 50782 WNCN 17 8 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 54963 WRDC 28 14 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 64400 WBFT-CA 46 36 5 -

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Raleigh-Durham, NC 64611 WRAZ 49 15 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 69080 WUNC-TV 25 20 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 69397 WUNP-TV 36 27 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 70423 WUBX-CD 31 24 9 66 Raleigh-Durham, NC 71089 WARZ-CD 34 23 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 73205 WLFL 27 18 5 40 Raleigh-Durham, NC 168101 WHIG-CD 31 30 9 - Richmond-Petersburg, VA 412 WRLH-TV 26 24 5 40 Richmond-Petersburg, VA 9987 WCVE-TV 42 22 8 57 Richmond-Petersburg, VA 9989 WCVW 44 29 8 - Richmond-Petersburg, VA 10897 WUPV 47 8 8 - Richmond-Petersburg, VA 30833 WWBT 12 10 8 - Richmond-Petersburg, VA 57832 WTVR-TV 25 23 8 - Richmond-Petersburg, VA 74416 WRIC-TV 22 28 8 57 Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 24812 WWCW 20 21 5 40 Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 24813 WFXR 17 36 5 40 Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 57840 WSLS-TV 30 34 5 40 Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 70251 WPXR-TV 36 27 5 40 Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 71329 WDBJ 18 30 5 40 Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 73988 WSET-TV 13 7 9 - Roanoke-Lynchburg, VA 168095 WLHG-CD 43 19 5 40 Salisbury, MD 16455 WMDT 47 29 8 57 Salisbury, MD 40618 WCPB 28 21 4 36 Salisbury, MD 71218 WBOC-TV 21 32 4 36 Savannah, GA 23947 WVAN-TV 9 8 9 64 Savannah, GA 27245 WTGS 28 26 7 - Savannah, GA 48662 WSAV-TV 39 16 7 - Savannah, GA 61007 WJWJ-TV 44 32 7 - Tri-Cities, TN-VA 27490 WOPI-CD 9 11 10 78 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 27504 WKPT-TV 27 32 2 19 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 37808 WLFG 49 14 2 - Tri-Cities, TN-VA 40761 WEMT 38 28 2 19 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 57826 WJHL-TV 11 9 10 78 Tri-Cities, TN-VA 77676 WAPW-CD 21 23 10 - Tri-Cities, TN-VA 77677 WAPK-CD 36 16 2 - Washington, DC 23264 WWPX-TV 12 13 9 65 Washington, DC 25045 WHAG-TV 26 23 4 36 Washington, DC 40626 WFPT 28 21 4 36 Washington, DC 47904 WRC-TV 48 34 4 38 Washington, DC 57905 WAZT-CD 45 30 4 - Washington, DC 65670 WETA-TV 27 14 4 - Washington, DC 65943 WWPB 44 29 9 - Washington, DC 74091 WPXW-TV 34 35 4 38


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Detroit, MI 455 WADL 39 27 8 - , MI 5800 WPXD-TV 50 24 8 - Detroit, MI 10267 WXYZ-TV 41 25 8 - Detroit, MI 16817 WTVS 43 20 8 - Detroit, MI 25722 W33BY-D 33 15 3 22 Detroit, MI 51570 WKBD-TV 14 34 3 22 Detroit, MI 53114 WDIV-TV 45 32 8 - Detroit, MI 68444 WDWO-CD 18 22 3 22 Detroit, MI 72123 WWJ-TV 44 21 8 - Detroit, MI 74211 WMYD 21 31 3 22 Detroit, MI 168471 WLPC-CD 40 28 3 - Duluth, MN-Superior, WI 35525 KQDS-TV 17 18 9 73 Flint-Saginaw-Bay City, MI 41221 WNEM-TV 22 30 3 22 Flint-Saginaw-Bay City, MI 67792 WAQP 48 36 3 - Flint-Saginaw-Bay City, MI 72052 WEYI-TV 30 18 3 22 Flint-Saginaw-Bay City, MI 82627 WBSF 46 23 3 22 Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 10212 WOTV 20 17 6 44 Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 11033 WLLA 45 22 6 45 Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 33869 WMKG-CD 49 31 6 - Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 36841 WOKZ-CD 50 33 6 - Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 67001 WOBC-CD 14 16 6 - Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 71871 WZPX-TV 44 21 6 44 Grand Rapids-Kalamazoo-Battle Creek, MI 167892 WOLP-CD 41 35 6 45 Green Bay-Appleton, WI 361 WACY-TV 27 36 3 - Green Bay-Appleton, WI 2708 WGBA-TV 41 14 3 - Green Bay-Appleton, WI 2711 WLWK-CD 22 19 3 32 Green Bay-Appleton, WI 4150 WLUK-TV 11 12 9 68 Green Bay-Appleton, WI 9635 WFRV-TV 39 22 3 32 Green Bay-Appleton, WI 18798 WPNE-TV 42 25 3 - Green Bay-Appleton, WI 73042 WCWF 21 15 9 - La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI 2709 WEUX 49 14 2 13 La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI 2710 WLAX 17 33 9 73 La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI 7893 WEAU 38 17 9 73 La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI 18780 WHLA-TV 30 15 2 13 La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI 64549 WXOW 48 28 2 - La Crosse-Eau Claire, WI 64550 WQOW 15 25 2 13 Lansing, MI 6104 WKAR-TV 40 33 7 - Lansing, MI 36533 WLAJ 25 14 7 - Lansing, MI 74094 WSYM-TV 38 28 7 - Madison, WI 10221 WMSN-TV 49 18 6 45 Madison, WI 26025 WBUW 32 21 6 45 Madison, WI 65143 WISC-TV 50 11 9 68 Marquette, MI 4318 WNMU 13 8 9 68

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Marquette, MI 9630 WJMN-TV 48 32 1 - Milwaukee, WI 35091 WMKE-CD 21 36 10 - Milwaukee, WI 37104 WPXE-TV 40 30 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 65680 WISN-TV 34 28 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 68547 WWRS-TV 43 34 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 71422 WBME-CD 24 17 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 71427 WDJT-TV 46 29 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 73107 WITI 33 31 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 74098 WTMJ-TV 28 32 6 45 Milwaukee, WI 74174 WVTV 18 27 6 45 Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN 35584 KSAX 42 24 3 - Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN 35843 KSTC-TV 45 30 3 - Minneapolis - St. Paul, MN 35907 KPXM-TV 40 16 3 - Peoria-Bloomington, IL 6866 WHOI 19 24 7 48 Peoria-Bloomington, IL 28311 WTVP 46 35 7 48 Peoria-Bloomington, IL 42121 WMBD-TV 30 26 7 48 Peoria-Bloomington, IL 52280 WAOE 39 33 7 - Quincy, IL-Hannibal, MO-Keokuk, IA 70537 WMEC 21 36 7 48 Rochester, MN-Mason City, IA-Austin, MN 35906 KXLT-TV 46 26 1 - Rochester, MN-Mason City, IA-Austin, MN 66402 KIMT 42 24 1 - Rockford, IL 52408 WQRF-TV 42 36 8 - South Bend-Elkhart, IN 36117 WHME-TV 48 36 6 44 South Bend-Elkhart, IN 41671 WNIT 35 31 6 45 South Bend-Elkhart, IN 41674 WNDU-TV 42 27 6 45 South Bend-Elkhart, IN 73983 WSBT-TV 22 29 6 45 South Bend-Elkhart, IN 74007 WSJV 28 30 6 45 St. Louis, MO 9375 KEFN-CD 49 21 9 70 St. Louis, MO 35693 KTVI 43 33 8 - St. Louis, MO 37238 W50CH 50 36 8 - St. Louis, MO 40861 WPXS 21 13 9 70 St. Louis, MO 57221 WRBU 47 28 8 - St. Louis, MO 62182 KETC 39 17 8 - Traverse City-Cadillac, MI 9913 WCMW 21 20 6 44 Traverse City-Cadillac, MI 9922 WCMV 17 34 6 44 Traverse City-Cadillac, MI 21253 WPBN-TV 47 35 6 44 Traverse City-Cadillac, MI 21254 WTOM-TV 35 16 6 44 Traverse City-Cadillac, MI 25395 WFUP 45 21 6 44 Wausau-Rhinelander, WI 81503 WMOW 12 13 9 68 Wausau-Rhinelander, WI 86496 WTPX-TV 46 19 2 -


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Burlington, VT-Plattsburgh, NY 69946 WVER 9 10 10 - Burlington, VT-Plattsburgh, NY 77515 WNMN 40 17 7 - Elmira, NY 60653 WETM-TV 18 23 7 - Elmira, NY 62219 WYDC 48 30 7 - Elmira, NY 71508 WENY-TV 36 35 4 36 Harrisburg-Lancaster-Lebanon-York, PA 72313 WHP-TV 21 32 4 36 Hartford-New Haven, CT 147 WTIC-TV 31 34 4 36 Hartford-New Haven, CT 13602 WEDH 45 30 7 - Hartford-New Haven, CT 14050 WCCT-TV 20 33 4 36 Hartford-New Haven, CT 51980 WHPX-TV 26 28 4 36 Hartford-New Haven, CT 53115 WFSB 33 36 4 36 Hartford-New Haven, CT 74170 WVIT 35 31 4 36 Hartford-New Haven, CT 74214 WUTH-CD 47 22 7 - New York, NY 9610 WCBS-TV 33 36 4 36 New York, NY 13594 WEDW 49 21 4 36 New York, NY 18795 WNET 13 12 9 65 New York, NY 22206 WNYW 44 27 4 - New York, NY 30429 WEPT-CD 22 28 4 36 New York, NY 38336 WLIW 21 32 4 36 New York, NY 60555 WFUT-DT 30 26 4 36 New York, NY 70158 WVVH-CD 50 18 4 - New York, NY 73206 WLNY-TV 47 29 4 36 New York, NY 73333 WNJU 36 35 4 36 New York, NY 73356 WPXN-TV 31 34 4 36 New York, NY 74197 WWOR-TV 38 25 4 - New York, NY 168834 WDVB-CD 23 22 4 36 , PA 12499 WPSG 32 33 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 25453 KYW-TV 26 30 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 48481 WNJS 22 23 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 51568 WTXF-TV 42 31 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 51984 WPPX-TV 31 34 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 63153 WCAU 34 28 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 72335 WDPB 44 24 4 - Philadelphia, PA 72338 WHYY-TV 12 13 9 65 Philadelphia, PA 74216 WFPA-CD 28 35 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 74464 WPHY-CD 50 22 4 36 Philadelphia, PA 167543 WPSJ-CD 38 27 4 - Philadelphia, PA 191822 WQAV-CD 50 26 4 36 Portland-Auburn, ME 25683 WGME-TV 38 15 3 - Portland-Auburn, ME 39656 WMEA-TV 45 36 8 - Portland-Auburn, ME 39664 WCSH 44 31 8 - Portland-Auburn, ME 48408 WPME 35 24 3 33 Portland-Auburn, ME 53065 WPXT 43 34 8 -

12 Federal Communications Commission DA 17-376

Portland-Auburn, ME 84088 WPFO 23 17 3 33 Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA 22591 WLNE-TV 49 24 7 - Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA 47404 WPRI-TV 13 7 4 36 Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA 50780 WJAR 50 25 7 - Providence, RI-New Bedford, MA 56092 WSBE-TV 21 2 7 - Rochester, NY 10318 WBGT-CD 46 29 4 - Rochester, NY 57274 WXXI-TV 16 22 4 36 Rochester, NY 58739 WGCE-CD 25 26 10 - Rochester, NY 73371 WHAM-TV 13 9 4 36 Rochester, NY 73964 WROC-TV 45 21 4 39 Springfield-Holyoke, MA 2650 WFXQ-CD 28 21 4 36 Springfield-Holyoke, MA 25682 WGGB-TV 40 26 8 - Springfield-Holyoke, MA 72096 WGBY-TV 22 13 4 36 Syracuse, NY 617 WTVU-CD 22 25 4 36 Syracuse, NY 629 WHSU-CD 51 23 8 - Syracuse, NY 14312 WIXT-CD 40 27 8 60 Syracuse, NY 14315 WONO-CD 34 24 8 60 Syracuse, NY 21252 WSTM-TV 24 19 4 36 Syracuse, NY 34329 WNYI 20 13 4 36 Syracuse, NY 34341 WTKO-CD 36 32 4 36 Syracuse, NY 40758 WSYT 19 14 4 36 Syracuse, NY 53734 WCNY-TV 25 20 4 36 Syracuse, NY 58725 WNYS-TV 44 15 8 - Syracuse, NY 64352 WSPX-TV 15 36 4 36 Syracuse, NY 74151 WTVH 47 18 8 - Utica, NY 43424 WFXV 27 34 8 60 Watertown, NY 16747 WWTI 21 31 4 39 Watertown, NY 62136 WPBS-DT 41 26 4 36 Watertown, NY 68851 WWNY-TV 7 8 10 79 Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 16962 W07BV 7 9 9 - Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 17010 WYOU 13 12 9 65 Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 64690 WQPX-TV 32 33 4 36 Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 68135 WYLN-LP 35 26 4 36 Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 68136 W47AO-D 47 36 4 36 Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 73318 WNEP-TV 50 16 4 - Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 73374 WSWB 31 34 4 36 Wilkes Barre-Scranton, PA 73375 WOLF-TV 45 22 4 36


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Monterey-Salinas, CA 14867 KCBA 13 11 9 67 Monterey-Salinas, CA 167838 KMMD-CD 39 28 2 - Portland, OR 21649 KATU 43 24 2 - Portland, OR 35380 KOIN 40 25 2 - Portland, OR 47707 KNMT 45 32 2 - Portland, OR 71078 KKEI-CD 38 36 2 - Portland, OR 71080 KOXO-CD 41 15 2 - Reno, NV 34577 KRNS-CD 46 18 1 - Reno, NV 48360 KRXI-TV 44 23 1 - Reno, NV 59139 KTVN 13 11 1 - Reno, NV 60307 KRNV-DT 7 12 10 - Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA 10205 KTXL 40 33 8 - Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA 10242 KQCA 46 23 9 63 Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA 18736 KMUM-CD 31 19 9 - Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA 51499 KMAX-TV 21 24 9 63 Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA 52891 KEZT-CD 23 14 9 63 Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, CA 52953 KSPX-TV 48 22 8 - Salt Lake City, UT 1136 KUCW 48 35 1 - Salt Lake City, UT 6359 KSL-TV 38 23 1 - Salt Lake City, UT 6823 KBYU-TV 44 17 1 - Salt Lake City, UT 36607 KJZZ-TV 46 19 1 - Salt Lake City, UT 64974 KEJT-CD 50 21 1 - Salt Lake City, UT 68889 KTVX 40 30 1 - Salt Lake City, UT 69396 KUED 42 15 1 - -Oakland-San Jose, CA 18148 KDTV-CD 28 21 9 63 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 22644 KKPX-TV 41 14 8 - San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 33778 KDTV-DT 51 20 9 63 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 34470 KGO-TV 7 12 9 67 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 35280 KNTV 12 13 9 67 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 35703 KTVU 44 31 8 - San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 37689 KAXT-CD 42 22 9 63 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 52887 KFTL-CD 28 21 9 63 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 57945 KRCB 23 5 9 63 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 58912 KCSM-TV 43 27 8 - San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 64987 KSTS 49 19 8 - San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 65526 KRON-TV 38 7 9 67 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 69619 KBCW 45 28 9 63 San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, CA 71586 KCNS 39 32 8 - Seattle-Tacoma, WA 4624 KUNS-TV 50 24 7 - Seattle-Tacoma, WA 21656 KOMO-TV 38 30 7 - Seattle-Tacoma, WA 34847 KING-TV 48 25 7 50 Seattle-Tacoma, WA 35419 KWDK 42 34 7 50 Seattle-Tacoma, WA 35862 KVOS-TV 35 14 7 50


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Cleveland-Akron, OH 72958 WBNX-TV 30 17 4 36 -Akron, OH 73195 WKYC 17 19 4 36 Columbus, OH 1104 WMNO-CD 28 18 2 - Columbus, OH 9939 WOCB-CD 39 32 8 - Columbus, OH 21158 WWHO 46 23 8 - Columbus, OH 50141 WOUC-TV 35 6 2 - Columbus, OH 50147 WOUB-TV 27 32 2 17 Columbus, OH 54414 WDEM-CD 17 24 2 - Columbus, OH 56549 WSYX 48 28 8 - Columbus, OH 59852 WXCB-CD 45 25 8 - Columbus, OH 66185 WOSU-TV 38 16 8 - Columbus, OH 74137 WTTE 36 27 2 17 Dayton, OH 411 WRGT-TV 30 36 6 44 Dayton, OH 25067 WPTD 16 35 6 44 Dayton, OH 41458 WHIO-TV 41 33 6 44 Dayton, OH 65690 WDTN 50 31 6 45 Dayton, OH 73155 WKEF 18 34 6 44 Erie, PA 19707 WFXP 22 26 4 36 Erie, PA 49711 WSEE-TV 16 21 6 - Erie, PA 53716 WQLN 50 27 6 - Erie, PA 65749 WJET-TV 24 28 4 37 Evansville, IN 3661 WTVW 28 22 6 44 Evansville, IN 13991 WFIE 46 26 6 44 Evansville, IN 24215 WEHT 7 12 10 78 Evansville, IN 34205 WKOH 30 17 6 44 Evansville, IN 34212 WKMA-TV 42 31 6 44 Evansville, IN 72041 WEVV-TV 45 28 6 44 Evansville, IN 168419 WJTS-CD 18 24 6 44 Ft. Wayne, IN 13960 WISE-TV 18 34 6 44 Ft. Wayne, IN 22108 WFWA 40 18 6 44 Ft. Wayne, IN 25040 WFFT-TV 36 20 6 44 Ft. Wayne, IN 39270 WANE-TV 31 32 6 45 Ft. Wayne, IN 67485 WFWC-CD 45 16 6 - , IN 146 WXIN 45 22 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 3646 WIPB 23 19 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 7908 WDTI 44 23 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 10253 WIPX-TV 27 28 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 28199 WDNI-CD 19 16 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 29292 WIWU-CD 51 28 6 - Indianapolis, IN 37102 WHMB-TV 20 7 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 56523 WTTV 48 27 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 56526 WTTK 29 15 6 44 Indianapolis, IN 66536 WTIU 14 33 6 44

17 Federal Communications Commission DA 17-376

Indianapolis, IN 70161 WALV-CD 46 17 6 - Indianapolis, IN 70416 WBXI-CA 47 36 6 46 Jackson, TN 65204 WBBJ-TV 43 35 8 - Jackson, TN 68519 WJKT 39 21 8 - Jackson, TN 71645 WLJT-DT 47 14 8 - Johnstown-Altoona, PA 13929 WKBS-TV 46 6 6 - Johnstown-Altoona, PA 20287 WATM-TV 24 31 4 36 Johnstown-Altoona, PA 23341 WTAJ-TV 32 24 4 36 Johnstown-Altoona, PA 68403 WTOO-CD 23 22 4 36 Johnstown-Altoona, PA 73120 WJAC-TV 34 35 4 36 Jonesboro, AR 2784 KVTJ-DT 48 18 1 - Lexington, KY 23128 WUPX-TV 21 25 3 34 Lexington, KY 24914 WKYT-TV 36 21 3 34 Lexington, KY 34196 WKHA 16 33 3 - Lexington, KY 34202 WKMR 15 30 3 30 Lexington, KY 34207 WKLE 42 35 6 44 Lexington, KY 34222 WKSO-TV 14 17 6 44 Lexington, KY 51597 WTVQ-DT 40 27 3 - Lexington, KY 64017 WDKY-TV 31 19 3 30 Lexington, KY 73203 WLEX-TV 39 28 6 44 Lima, OH 1222 WTLW 44 2 2 - Lima, OH 68549 WOHL-CD 35 15 2 - Louisville, KY 6837 WJYL-CD 16 29 6 44 Louisville, KY 8500 WLCU-CD 23 15 6 44 Louisville, KY 13989 WAVE 47 36 6 46 Louisville, KY 21432 WKPC-TV 17 30 6 44 Louisville, KY 25078 WKYI-CD 24 18 6 44 Louisville, KY 28476 WDRB 49 32 6 - Louisville, KY 34167 WMYO 51 16 6 44 Louisville, KY 34181 WKZT-TV 43 23 6 44 Louisville, KY 34195 WKMJ-TV 38 34 6 - Louisville, KY 53939 WLKY 26 14 6 44 Louisville, KY 55315 WRLW-CA 17 21 9 - Nashville, TN 418 WZTV 15 20 6 44 Nashville, TN 7651 WJFB 44 25 6 44 Nashville, TN 11117 WHTN 38 16 6 44 Nashville, TN 28468 WNPX-TV 36 32 6 44 Nashville, TN 30580 WPBM-CD 46 15 6 44 Nashville, TN 36504 WTVF 25 36 6 44 Nashville, TN 41398 WNPT 8 7 10 78 Nashville, TN 61026 WJDE-LD 31 23 6 44 Nashville, TN 73310 WNAB 23 30 6 44 Paducah-Cape Girardeau-Harrisburg-Mt Vernon 592 KFVS-TV 12 11 9 -


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Atlanta, GA 711 WCIQ 7 12 10 78 , GA 6900 WUPA 43 36 5 40 Atlanta, GA 13206 WATC-DT 41 34 5 40 Atlanta, GA 23948 WGTV 8 7 10 78 Atlanta, GA 23960 WSB-TV 39 32 5 40 Atlanta, GA 35090 WSKC-CD 22 14 5 42 Atlanta, GA 35418 WKTB-CD 47 23 5 42 Atlanta, GA 48813 WUVG-DT 48 18 5 - Atlanta, GA 51969 WPXA-TV 31 16 5 40 Atlanta, GA 55108 WIRE-CD 40 33 5 40 Atlanta, GA 64033 WPCH-TV 20 31 5 40 Atlanta, GA 68058 WHSG-TV 44 22 5 42 Atlanta, GA 168094 WYGA-CD 16 29 5 40 Atlanta, GA 168812 WANN-CD 29 20 5 40 Baton Rouge, LA 12520 WGMB-TV 45 24 8 - Baton Rouge, LA 24977 KBTR-CD 41 36 8 - Baton Rouge, LA 51806 WBXH-CD 39 32 8 - Biloxi-Gulfport, MS 13995 WLOX 39 32 8 - Biloxi-Gulfport, MS 53517 WXXV-TV 48 25 8 - Birmingham, AL 16820 WABM 36 20 5 40 Birmingham, AL 21258 WSES 33 36 5 40 Birmingham, AL 24257 W47EI-D 47 16 5 - Birmingham, AL 31649 WOIL-CD 47 23 5 - Birmingham, AL 64338 WEAC-CD 34 35 5 40 Birmingham, AL 71221 WBRC 50 29 5 40 Birmingham, AL 71325 WDBB 18 14 5 - Birmingham, AL 73312 WPXH-TV 45 33 5 40 Birmingham, AL 74138 WTTO 28 21 5 40 Birmingham, AL 74173 WVTM-TV 13 7 10 78 Chattanooga, TN 23942 WNGH-TV 33 4 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 49235 WDGA-CD 47 30 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 49236 WDNN-CD 49 20 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 49240 WTNB-CD 27 5 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 52078 WPDP-LP 25 19 5 43 Chattanooga, TN 54385 WDEF-TV 12 8 10 78 Chattanooga, TN 60825 WELF-TV 16 28 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 65667 WTCI 29 35 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 71353 WDSI-TV 40 14 5 - Chattanooga, TN 72060 WFLI-TV 42 23 5 40 Chattanooga, TN 167588 WYHB-CD 44 25 5 43 Columbus, GA 710 WGIQ 44 30 1 4 Columbus, GA 11113 WLGA 30 17 1 4 Columbus, GA 12472 WXTX 49 24 1 2

20 Federal Communications Commission DA 17-376

Columbus, GA 17544 WYBU-CD 16 26 10 - Columbus, GA 23918 WJSP-TV 23 5 1 2 Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS 12477 WCBI-TV 35 27 1 - Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS 43170 WMAE-TV 12 9 10 78 Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS 43192 WMAB-TV 10 8 10 78 Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS 68910 W39CA-D 39 24 1 - Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS 74148 WTVA 8 11 10 78 Columbus-Tupelo-West Point, MS 83946 WEPH 49 17 1 - Huntsville-Decatur-Florence, AL 591 WAFF 48 15 8 - Huntsville-Decatur-Florence, AL 28119 WZDX 41 18 8 - Huntsville-Decatur-Florence, AL 57292 WAAY-TV 32 17 2 20 Huntsville-Decatur-Florence, AL 65128 WHDF 14 2 2 - Huntsville-Decatur-Florence, AL 67020 W17DJ-D 17 34 2 20 Jackson, MS 68911 W18BL-D 18 32 10 - Jackson, MS 71326 WDBD 40 14 3 - Jackson, MS 84253 WLOO 41 36 3 - Knoxville, TN 18252 WETP-TV 41 24 7 - Knoxville, TN 18267 WKOP-TV 17 29 5 40 Knoxville, TN 19200 WTNZ 34 15 5 40 Knoxville, TN 35908 WVLT-TV 30 34 5 40 Knoxville, TN 52628 WPXK-TV 23 18 5 40 Knoxville, TN 72971 WBXX-TV 20 31 5 40 Knoxville, TN 81750 WVLR 48 36 7 - Macon, GA 21150 WDMA-CD 31 16 3 31 Macon, GA 23935 WMUM-TV 7 9 9 64 Macon, GA 24618 WGNM 45 33 9 - Macon, GA 43847 WMGT-TV 40 30 3 - Macon, GA 54728 WPGA-TV 32 23 3 - Macon, GA 58262 WGXA 16 26 3 31 Memphis, TN 21726 WPXX-TV 51 33 1 - Memphis, TN 60830 WBUY-TV 41 26 1 - Memphis, TN 168014 W50EA-D 50 15 1 - Meridian, MS 4686 WTOK-TV 11 13 10 78 Meridian, MS 43169 WMAW-TV 44 28 7 - Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 721 WEIQ 41 30 7 53 Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 6554 WFGX 50 14 7 - Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 17611 WSRE 31 24 7 53 Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 31570 WPAN 40 31 7 53 Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 41210 WJTC 45 35 7 - Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 54938 WAWD 49 25 7 - Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 60827 WMPV-TV 20 18 5 41 Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 73187 WKRG-TV 27 20 5 41 Mobile, AL-Pensacola, FL 81669 WFBD 48 29 7 -


Federal Communications Commission DA 17-376

Austin, TX 35923 KHPF-CD 44 35 3 - Austin, TX 48836 KXLK-CD 23 24 3 29 Bakersfield, CA 7700 KUVI-DT 45 26 3 - Bakersfield, CA 18747 KABE-CD 39 35 3 - Corpus Christi, TX 48833 KCRP-CD 41 17 8 - Corpus Christi, TX 82910 KUQI 38 19 8 - El Paso, TX 10202 KSCE 39 21 8 - El Paso, TX 36916 KTDO 47 26 8 - El Paso, TX 68753 KTFN 51 20 8 - Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 12913 KLUJ-TV 34 21 9 - Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 28280 KTFV-CD 48 32 8 62 Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 32176 KRZG-CD 32 27 8 62 Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 34457 KGBT-TV 31 18 9 - Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 56079 KMBH 38 16 8 - Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 62354 KTLM 40 14 8 - Harlingen-Weslaco-Brownsville-McAllen, TX 69692 KNVO 49 17 8 - , TX 13200 KUVM-CD 34 20 2 16 Houston, TX 23394 KIAH 38 34 2 16 Houston, TX 28324 KTBU 42 33 2 - Houston, TX 31870 KYAZ 47 25 2 - Houston, TX 53847 KXLN-DT 45 30 2 - Houston, TX 64984 KTMD 48 22 2 - Houston, TX 69531 KZJL 44 21 2 - Houston, TX 70492 KUBE-TV 41 31 2 - Las Vegas, NV 14302 K43FO-D 43 36 1 - Las Vegas, NV 63768 KBLR 40 20 1 - , CA 9628 KCBS-TV 43 31 2 18 Los Angeles, CA 19783 KVEA 39 25 2 7 Los Angeles, CA 24518 KDOC-TV 32 12 2 15 Los Angeles, CA 26231 KWHY-TV 42 4 2 - Los Angeles, CA 35670 KTLA 31 35 2 18 Los Angeles, CA 36717 KSKJ-CD 45 27 2 7 Los Angeles, CA 55083 KXLA 51 30 2 7 Los Angeles, CA 58795 KVCR-DT 26 5 2 7 Los Angeles, CA 58978 KPXN-TV 38 24 2 - Los Angeles, CA 60026 KHTV-CD 27 22 2 7 Los Angeles, CA 167309 KNLA-CD 50 32 2 15 Lubbock, TX 3660 KLBK-TV 40 31 1 - Lubbock, TX 55055 KXTQ-CD 46 24 1 - Lubbock, TX 65355 KTTZ-TV 39 25 1 - Lubbock, TX 77719 KLCW-TV 43 23 1 - Odessa-Midland, TX 50044 KPBT-TV 38 28 1 - Odessa-Midland, TX 53541 KMLM-DT 42 15 1 -


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Honolulu, HI 64548 KITV 40 20 1 - Honolulu, HI 77483 KPXO-TV 41 32 1 - Honolulu, HI 83180 KKAI 50 25 1 - 2174 WMTJ 16 15 1 23 Puerto Rico 2175 WQTO 25 19 1 27 Puerto Rico 3001 WCCV-TV 46 35 1 23 Puerto Rico 3255 WQHA 50 25 1 27 Puerto Rico 8156 WUJA 48 24 1 23 Puerto Rico 15320 WRUA 33 16 1 23 Puerto Rico 18410 WIDP 45 34 1 23 Puerto Rico 26681 WTIN-TV 15 14 1 23 Puerto Rico 29000 WVOZ-TV 47 36 1 23 Puerto Rico 32142 WQQZ-CD 30 16 1 23 Puerto Rico 48237 WQSJ-CD 48 23 1 23 Puerto Rico 48239 WSJN-CD 20 22 1 83 Puerto Rico 53859 WIPR-TV 43 26 1 27 Puerto Rico 53863 WIPM-TV 35 32 1 23 Puerto Rico 54443 WRFB 51 30 1 - Puerto Rico 58342 WJWN-TV 39 33 1 23 Puerto Rico 60357 WOST 22 20 1 83 Puerto Rico 67190 WVSN 49 23 1 23 Puerto Rico 73336 WNJX-TV 23 31 1 23 70287 WTJX-TV 44 36 1 - Virgin Islands 83270 WZVI 43 21 1 -