Duncan Area. Vancouver Island. BC
GEOPHYSICAL REPORT On The ELECTRO-MAGNETIC dr MAGNETIC SURVEY for Mt. Sicker Mines Ltd (N.P.L.) Duncan Area. Vancouver Island. B.C. BY E. P. Sheppard, P. Eng. Consulting Ceologis t Noukmber 30, 1968 Vancouver. B.C. INDEX SUMNARY & RECOMMENDATIONS INTRODUCTION PROPERTY OWNERSHIP LOCATION & ACCESS HISTORY CEO LOG v ORE DEPOSITS GEOPHYSICAL SURVEYS: Magnetometer Survey 8 Electro-Magnetic 9 INTERPRETATION 10. 11 CERTIFICATE REFERENCES APPENDIX: Geotronics Surveys - Field Report Affidavits - T.N .Rolston (Ceotronfcs Surveys) MAPS : General Location Map (Bound) &$Geologic Map, Sheet 1, Scaler 1" I 100' #/Geology (Geophysical Sections), Scale: 1" I 200' %E-M Survey, Section 1, Scale: 1" = 100' +'Prof iI e I* I1 It I, *,5 u rve y , 'I 2 " I1 #bProfile, 11 I, It II I, 4 u rvey , I' 3 " @Po f i 1e, '1 I, It I, &OS urv ey , 11 4 1' II 4 Profile, 11 I, II MSurvey, 01 5 1' I' Proffle, 'I I, II I, (Maps ,in accompanying folder) .. E. P. SHKPPARD & ASSOCIATES LTD. Mt. Sicker Mines Ltd (N.P.L.) - GEOPHYSICAL REPORT SLIbiDlARY After three profiles of magnetometer work were completed, the survey was discontinued. The magnetometer did not detect sufficient magnetic variations in either the ore zones or the geologic formations traversed to be of value in locating possible ore zones, contacts, faults, etc. The Electro-magnetic survey outlined seven well-defined, east-west trending anomalies, a few of which showed flexures toward the southeast. This has been interpreted a8 folding in the schistose rocks traversed by the survey. A definite east-west trending anomaly was outlined over the Tyee and Lenora ore zones.
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