Dalrev Vol66 Iss1 2 Pp188 213.Pdf (12.14Mb)
Patricia Clements "Transmuting" Nancy Cunard Les po'etes. devant mes grandes attitudes, Que j'ai !'air d'emprunter aux plus fiers monuments Consumeront leurs jours en d'asteres etudes; Car j'ai, pour fasciner ces dociles amants, De purs miroirs qui font toutes choses plus belles: Mes yeux, mes larges yeux aux clartes eternelles! Charles Baudelaire, "La Beaute"1 C'est. sans doute, /'instant qu'Aiice devrait surprendre. Oit e/le devrait, e/le-meme, entrer en scene. Avec ses yeux violes. Bleus et rouges. Qui connaissent l'endroit, l'envers, et le revers; le jlou de Ia deformation; /e nair ou blanc de Ia perle d'identiti. Luce Irigaray, "Le Miroir, de !'Autre C6te"2 This paper is about a series of meetings of the aesthetic with the real, political, and personal. It is about some of the ways in which "language casts sheaves of reality upon the social body, stamping it and violently shaping it (Wittig 64). And it is about the "transmutation" of a woman seeking to enter history into the represented feminine. The woman is Nancy Cunard (I 896- I 965); the transmuting artists include John Bant ing, Cecil Beaton, Man Ray, Aldous Huxley, Michael Arlen, and Richard Aldington; and the "transmutations" are both the widely circulated photographs and paintings of the 'twenties and early 'thir ties and some "keyed" fictions. The facts of fashion, photographic style, and literary disguise have together given us a topos of modern ism. "Nancy Cunard," it is commonly known, bringing together two complex literary and historical fictions, is "the modern woman." Nancy Cunard was a poet, publisher, journalist and political acti vist.3 Her mother, Maud Burke, later Lady Emerald Cunard, wife of Sir Bache Cunard of the shipping family, was a Californian who became a prominent society hostess, mistress of Sir Thomas Beecham, "TRANSMUTING" NANCY CUNARD 189 and a powerful patron of the official arts in England.
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