9th August 2019


1)Topic:- History & Art and culture.

News:- Todar Mal’s Jahaz Mahal in Fatehgarh Sahib faces delay in the renovation.

About Todar Mal:-

Todar Mal was born in the city of Laharpur in present- day in a Hindu family Raja Todar Mal introduced standard weights and measures, a land survey and settlement system, revenue districts and officers. In 1582, the title Diwan-I- Ashraf was bestowed upon him by the Emperor. Todar Mal was a merchant who worked as a Diwan in the court of Nawab Wazir Khan (Governor of Sirhind) He accompanied Raja Man Singh to crush the Afghan rebels in . As per Sikh legend, on December 13, 1705, Todar Mal performed the cremation of Sahibzadas Zorawar Singh and Fateh Singh and Mata Gujari. Todar Mal paid for the land required for the purpose with a large number of gold coins.

About Jahaz Mahal:-

It was declared a protected site in the 1980s under the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Archeological Sites & Remains Act, 1964. The Mahal was under private trust’s before it was purchased by The Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC). SGPC had started some construction work in the site itself which drew the attention of the Archeology Department. Now, archaeology has ordered the SGPC to immediately halt the work and is taking some efforts to revive the old structure.

Jahaz Mahal historical importance:-

This historic Jahaz Mahal was the haveli of Diwan. The site, a protected monument, is of immense historical importance for Sikhs as Todar Mal had sold his house (known as Jahaz Haveli) to buy a small piece of land for the last rites of Guru Gobind Singh’s two sons who were martyred by the Nawab of Sirhind.

2) Topic:- Institute


An Armed forces institute to come up in Hoshiarpur District. The institute would be set up on the patterns of the Maharaja Ranjit Singh Armed Forces Preparatory Institute in Mohali. The Mohali Institute has been a great success as it has nurtured and trained many potential army officers recruits. Rajya Sabha MP Ambika Soni has donated land for this purpose. The institute would be a commendable step as it can fulfil the student’s dreams who wish to have a career in the Indian Army.

3) Topic:- Skill Development & Institute.

. News:- Four new industrial training institute(ITI’s) to start this function this year.

Maland (Ludhiana) Adampur (Jalandhar) Singhpura(Ropar) Manakpur Sharif(SAS Nagar Mohali)

Apart from this, Guru Gobind Singh Skill University is also being set up at Chamkaur Sahib(Ropar).



Question 1:- Todar Mal become Finance Minister under which Mughal Darbar?

1. Babur 2. 3. Hamayun 4. Jahangir

Question 2:- New Armed forces institute to come up in which village of Hosiapur District?

1. Aglaur 2. Alar Pind 3. Bajwara 4. Abdullah


Q1:- 2

Q2:- 3
