GRE) Secretary: Dr

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GRE) Secretary: Dr Annex 75 Attendance Sheet Arbiters’ Commission 2 September 2012, 15.00-17.00 Chairman: P. Nikolopoulos (GRE) Secretary: Dr. D. De Ridder (BEL) Present: J. Lentivaasa (FIN), M. Abdulrahim (UAE), J. Mena (ESP), A. Schuering (NED), G. Altanoch (MGL), G. Debessu (ETH), R. Zsifkovits (AUT), J. Vega (GUA), S. Boyd (FRA), Wijesuria (SRI), D. Buthali (BOT), R. Ricca (ITA), L. Mazouz (ALG), A. Filipowicz (POL), K. Bonham (AUS), F. Guadalupe (USA), Y. Stepak (ISR), C. Krause (GER), H. Hamers (NED), R. Anantharam (IND), A. Marghetis (CAN), G. van den Bergh (RSA), M. Pahlevanzadeh (IRI), K-J. Rist (NOR), A. Brustman (POL), A.Farlane (SCO), R. Alt (GER), B. Jones (GUA), C. Abundo (PHI), K. Jungwirth (AUT), S. Muradian (USA), E. Akhiwu (NIG), B. Balgabaev (RUS), M. Solano (CRC), W. Stubenvoll (AUT), I. Vereschagin (RUS), S. Sloan (USA), F. Dapiran (ITA), A. Vardapetian (ARM), G. Gijssen (NED), A. Surender (SWE), P. Pisk (CZE), A. Tkachev (RUS), H. Turdialiev (UZB), A. Burstein (ISR), Dr. M. Shorek (ISR), T. Sielicky (POL), Dr. G. Font (HUN), T. Luther (GER), E.Kahaleielah (LIB), S. Muratkuliev (TKM), C. Nsakanya (ZAM), A. Rimestad (FAI), L. Barnes (ENG), K. Deventer (GER), B. Tserendorj (MGL), A. Raetsky (RUS), A. Sorokina (AUS), C. Jarecki (IVB), H. Bond (CAN) Annex 75 FIDE ARBITERS’ COMMISSION MEETING ISTANBUL FIDE CONGRESS Istanbul, 2 September 2012 Chairman Pan. Nikolopoulos opens the meeting and reads the names of the IA who passed away since the last Congress. The meeting commemorates the deceased during a minute of silence. Eleven (11) out of thirteen (13) members of the Commission were present at the start of the meeting. IA Jose Martinez Garcia (MEX) and IA Hassan Haled (EGY) were absent. 1. IA and FA Tas for approval The list of received applications with their recommendations is distributed. Late applications will be reviewed by Chairman Pan.Nikolopoulos, Secretary D. De Ridder and Councillor W. Stubenvoll, before the start of the Congress. Up to now no blitz tournaments have been taken into consideration, but only rapid. Article 5.2 of the regulations for the titles of Arbiters will not change, as it secures a required level of the Arbiters. 2. FA Titles and norms from FIDE Arbiters’ Seminars for Approval All results of the completed FIDE Arbiters’ Seminars to be approved have been published on the FIDE and Arbiters’ Commission websites. A statistical overview of the FA Seminars is presented. Upcoming FA seminars are shown on the FIDE Website as well. 3. Internet based FIDE Arbiters’ Seminars There was a good cooperation with the Women’s Chess Commission such that two seminars were organized, one in English and one in Spanish. In North and Latin America many FIDE Arbiters’ Seminars on Internet have been organized successfully. During the next months an Internet FIDE Arbiters’ Seminars will be organized for African and probably also for Asian federations. The costs will covered by the FIDE Arbiters Commission budget. GM Thomas Luther proposes to organise a seminar for disabled chess players. Chairman Pan. Nikolopoulos agreed and said that the Arbiters’ Commission will be glad to cooperate with Mr. Luther on this issue. 4. Amendments of the Regulations The following amendments were approved to be included in the Regulations for the titles of Arbiters: Article 3.8 Being Chief or Deputy Arbiter in any FIDE rated Rapid and Blitz events, with minimum thirty (30) players and nine (9) rounds, shall be equivalent to one (1) FA norm. No more than one such norm either from rapid or from blitz will be considered for the title. Article 4.6e: All official World and Continental Adult and Junior Rapid and Blitz Championships (maximum one norm). The amendments will be in effect immediately after their approval by the General Assembly. The Commission does not accept that these rules will be applied retro-active since a huge amount of applications would have to be reviewed. The proposal of IA Filipowicz to change the period for inactivity of the Arbiters from two (2) to four (4) years was not accepted ( eight (8) present Commission’s members supported the proposal for the period to remain two (2) years and one (1) member supported the proposal of Mr. Filipowicz). IA Filipowicz proposal to add Continental Rapid and Blitz Tournaments to the list of tournaments valid for upgrading an Arbiters’ Category was postponed for decision to the 2013 FIDE Congress, in order to check which Rapid and Blitz tournaments are organised outside Europe. In the voting seven (7) members of the Commission voted for postponing, one (1) voted for immediate application of the proposal and one (1) member abstained. The President of Polish Chess federation Mr. Tomasz Sielicki explained his proposal to upgrade an arbiter to A’ category when he has done at least five(5) tournaments of B’ category in a five(5) year period – which means that he is very active – is accepted with two amendments: minimum 150 participants and two different type of tournaments. This proposal will be proposed to the GA for approval. 5. Update of the List of Lecturers Two candidates have been added: Sultan Ali Al Taher (UAE) and Guran Unal (TUR). Lecturer IA Hesham Elgendy may be removed from the list when there is news by the Egyptian Chess federation regarding his activity. 6. Classification of the Arbiters The lists of Arbiters according to Categories ( A’, B’, C’ D’) is reviewed during the year by the Commission, after checking all proposals sent by the Federations. New recommendations can be sent to the Arbiters’ Commission for the next Congress. 7. Proposal for the Arbiters’ Stipends in FIDE Events A first list for the Arbiters’ Stipends was proposed at the 2011 Krakow FIDE Congress. Initially it was proposed that organizers would contribute about 10% of the stipend to FIDE. The Krakow Executive Board decided to form a subcommittee consisting of the Commission Chairman Pan. Nikolopoulos, Christian Krause, Hal Bond, the FIDE General Secretary Ignatius Leong and the four Continental Presidents, which would make a survey regarding the issue. This committee made a survey taking into consideration information from Elista Office for about 7400 tournaments that were organised in 2011, of which 450 resulted in title norms, presumably the total number of tournaments where a norm could be achieved should be three times as high. Unfortunately no distinction could be made between national championships and private tournaments. The Arbiters’ Commission is aware that some arbiters are not paid in tournaments but the list should give a basis to arbiters to negotiate a stipend with the organizers. The presented list of Stipends includes all tournaments organized all over the World. For FIDE and Continental Championships 10% will be deducted from the Arbiters’ Stipends and will be given by the Organizers to FIDE. For private tournaments where a norm can be achieved, an amount of 100 Euro shall be paid by the organizers to FIDE. Small Swiss and Round Robin tournaments are exempted from payment. Also National championships (individual or team, adults, juniors, youth, seniors, amateur, schools, etc.) are not charged with any fee. From the total amount received, 30% will be paid from FIDE to the Continents, while the Arbiters’ Commission may receive another part. Christian Krause (GER) indicates that 100 Euro for a round robin is only a small amount of the budget of a tournament. Mehrdad Pehlevanzadeh (IRI) referred that in Asia the tournament organizers cannot afford to pay to FIDE even the amount of 100 euros. Lakhdar Mazouz (ALG) said that in Africa it is not possible such stipends and such contributions by the organizers to FIDE to be applied and asked for exception for Africa. Christian Krause (GER) proposes to indicate whether a tournament offers the possibility to players to achieve norms or not: in case they do the organizers should pay, in the opposite case no player would be able to achieve a norm. Herman Hammers (NED) points out that those tournaments are already paying for rating a tournament. Mr. Lakhdar Mazouz, Continental president of Africa, requests that Africa would be exempted from payment since they do not have the necessary financial possibilities. Representatives from the UK, USA and India claim to have the same problems. Luxman Wijesuriya (SRI) and Klaus Deventer (GER) point out that this list would give arbiters a good basis to have an acceptable reimbursement for the work done by the arbiter during the tournaments. Genden Altanoch (MGL) asked why there should be a double taxation to FIDE for a tournament. Chairman Pan.Nikolopoulos points out that actually there would be only one contribution from the arbiters, as their stipend shall be deducted, but the latter one implies that arbiters are paid in a correct way and that the proposal will give the possibility to the Arbiters to receive some money for their work during the tournaments. A voting followed and nine (9) commission members out of nine (9) present at that time were in favour to accept the list of stipends and send it to the GA for approval. The majority of the people who were attending the meeting had no objection against the list of stipends but it was strongly against the fees to be paid to FIDE. 8. License for Arbiters The regulations for the License for Arbiters were approved during the 2011 FIDE Congress in Krakow. Thereafter FIDE Arbiters’ Commission sent a circular letter to all federations, informing them how the system would work. In June 2012 a letter was received by the Dutch Federation, which was opposing against this system. Chairman Pan. Nikolopoulos indicated that arbiters would only have to pay once for their license, in contrast to FIDE trainers.
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