A Day Full of Surprizes Armenia New Leader Ruky Tickets Sold Out!
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Daily News of Torino Olympiad May 28/2006. A day full of surprizes Tickets Armenia new leader sold out! t seems that the rest day was very fter the success of the usefull, at least for all the teams website, the stands at from the top. If You remember the Chess Olympiad that in round fi ve fi rst 5 matches start filling up Tickets ended in 2:2, today there was no for the parterre sold such a result in fi rst 14 matches! out and reprinted ITh e heroes of the day were Dutch players. AThe 37th edition of the Chess Olym- Th ey defeated Russia with 2,5:1,5. It could piad is harvesting new successes every have been even worse for leaders, since Gri- day. With the media spotlight trained on schuk was a pawn down for a long time, but the event and press coverage at excep- fi nally managed to escape in a rook end- tional levels, crowds of chess freaks but game. Th e only decided game was on bord also a public of the simply curious are four, where Nijboer outplayed Rublevsky in pouring into the Oval. a highly tactical game. With such a result While the official site of the Organi- Netherlands is now second with 17,5 poin- sing Committee continues to record an ts, while Russia dropped behind with half a incredible number of contacts (two mil- point less. lion again today, many connected live to Aft er yesterday’s round we have a new the games), today the stands and above leader! It is Armenia, who defeated Uzbeki- all the parterre (gold tickets) have cloc- stan with 2,5:1,5, thanks to the victory of ked up a record: in just a few hours the Akopian against Barsov, while all other ga- tickets available for the playing arena mes ended in a draw. were sold out. Another surprise in top matches was The 300 tickets made available by the created by Belarus. Th ey won 3:1 against organisation to protect the silence and con- higher rated team of Spain. Especially im- centration of the players, were not enough portant was Aleksandrov’s win against Shi- to satisfy the demands of visitors. rov on board number 1. Th ey are now on 17 points, together with Russia. Four other winners in top matches are half a point behind: Ukraine, USA, Sweden and India. While USA, Sweden and especial- ly India are certainly very satisfi ed with their result, we are sure that Ukraine expected more from their match against Iran, who Ruky continues to surprize. Actual champions Today the 37th Chess Olympiad sees the vi- managed to win just one game and it was El- sit of the mascot Ruky to the Oval. He will be yanov on board three. Sweden and USA won touring the various areas and will be availa- with the same small result against Bulgaria ble for photographs. and China, while India managed to cash Top pairings for round seven are: Nether- Lithuanians collapsed aft er their short mo- even 3 points against Germany. Aft er their lands-Armenia, Russia-Belarus, India- ments of glory a couple of rounds ago. disastrous start they are now sharing fi ft h Ukraine and USA-Sweden. Four teams are on 13,0 points: USA, Ro- place already. We feel somehow that today it will be a mania, India and Bulgaria. Th ey all won Italian «A» team lost to Lithuania with real fi rework on boards! their matches with the same 2:1 result. Th eir 1,5:2,5, «C» team lost with the same result More or less the same scenario was seen victims were Mongolia, Armenia, Slovenia against Chile, while only «B» team managed by women as well – 11 decided matches and Kazakhstan. Th ree teams follow with to give some joy to italian fans by scoring 3,5 from fi rst 12! Two leading teams, Russia and half a point less: Hungary, China and Esto- points against Faroe Islands. Ukraine, won with the same result 2:1. Th eir nia. Th e only team who won all the matches Th e situation on the top is now: Arme- victims were Hungary and Spain. Ukraine is Ukraine. nia 18,0 points, Netherlands 17,5, Russia missed a chance at least to equalize their Top pairings for round seven are: Slo- and Belarus 17,0 followed by Ukraine, USA, number of points with Russia. Th ey are now vakia-Russia, Ukraine-Romania, USA-In- Sweden and India with 16,5 points. on 14,5 and respectively 14,0 points. dia, Bulgaria-China and Estonia-Hungary. One more interesting detail is that only A surprizingly high victory (3.0) of Slo- Today we step into the second half of this two teams won all their matches and these vakia against Lithuania brought them to the tournament and the suspense is growing up! are Belarus and USA! third place with 13,5 points. It seems that (M.Cebalo) Interview with MonRoi wireless Michele Godena a big hit! ichele Godena, age 39, GM and present national champion, is the ita- he Open A Tournament is “Our team becomes a part of the organizer lian player with the highest Elo rating (2537). Aft er today’s hard fought taking place in Turin May team assisting arbiters to make their tour- game he gave us this short interview. 22-29 2006, as part of the naments modern and prestigious, while 37th Chess Olympiad Fe- providing spectators wonderful experience. How many Olympiads did you take part in? stival. Th e tournament With aff ordable and easy to use MonRoi te- I attended the last 10 Olympiads, Turin included, starting in Th essaloniki in 1988, and attracted the participation of 110 players. chnology organizer can broadcast corporate sinceM Moscow 1994 I have played in the fi rst board. Actually today’s game has been the 100th Th Te championship is organized by the Chess sponsor logos, thus increasing profi ts and in my Olympiads. Olympiad Organizing Committee, the chess player prize funds.” Zeljka Maloba- Gruppo Scacchi Torino 2006, and the Italian bic, MonRoi Customer Support continued: Are Olympiads diff erent from normal tourna- Chess Federation under the aegis of FIDE. “PCMs are trendy. Electronic records help ments? Participants are using electronic Perso- players in preparations. Th ey can analyze Defi nitely yes. Th e number of participants nal Chess Managers (PCM) to record game their opponent matches on the spot. Player is extraordinarily higher, and you meet people scores. Th ese PCMs are linked to the Pro- photo broadcast is a real hit. We truly enjoy from all over the world. You really understand fessional Tournament Manager in order to working in beautiful Torino with a fantastic what “Gens una sumus” means. live broadcast tournament. Th e games are team of arbiters!” viewable in real time at the MonRoi World And what about the training for this kind of Databank of Chess (WDC). Players, arbiters onRoi system tournament? and spectators love it! Th e Personal Th is should be diff erent too. Ideally you Highly experienced tournament arbiters Chess Manager is the should have a number of training stages with all Michele Cordara, Domenico Fasano and only patented FIDE- the team players, in order not only to work on the technical aspects, but also to improve the Giovani D’Ingiullo implemented the leading approved Personal team spirit. But unfortunately this has been possible only once before the event. edge wireless technology and the verdict is Chess Manager in the world. It records mo- unanimous: “Th e MonRoi system is easy to vesM in a universal pictorial notation, records How is the Olympiad going so far? set-up and use. Spectators are thrilled with time spent on each move, wirelessly broadca- We could have scored better, even if we have met strong teams. Personally I can be satisfi ed the top quality live broadcast. Th e games are sts games, receives pairing information, sto- at the moment: in the fi rst board I have played four games, winning one and drawing three. projected on the white board as well.” Don’t res games, replays databank of chess games, And against Smirin (Israel, 2662) and Rozentalis (Lthuania, 2596) I probably had a better miss the opportunity to take part in their views games in real-time, has SD card capa- position with black, though their rating is higher is mine. But I am sorry for Garcia Palermo, Blitz tournament which will be held on June bilities, easily transfers games to a computer who lost two games that were likely won. He just needs a good result to recover confi dence 1st starting at 6pm. and more! Th e PCM in a recording mode and shape, so to show what is his actual skill. FM Ljubomir Ilic from Macedonia is en- is a scoresheet- an electronic one. It is fully (M. Settis) thusiastic: “I wrote my games for 30 years secure and tamper-free. With the MonRoi on paper and it took just one day to switch Professional Tournament Manager the arbi- from paper to an electronic scoresheet. Th e ter can see all games listed in real-time from a central computer. It detects if players have stopped kee- ping score and if there is a 3- Three women time repetition draw, collects results and monitors the time on all games. No more in- correct pairings due to result amongst the men mix-ups! Th e MonRoi system is fully wireless and setting it up takes only a few minutes.