Carn No 150 July 2011_Issue No 138 October 2007.qxd 05/07/2011 12:40 Page 1

No. 150 Summer 2011 €4.00 Stg£3.00

50th Anniversary of the

When the is on the Broom – SNP Victory

Ÿ Agalon - a Business in Breton Ÿ Welsh MPs Oppose S4C Cuts - Campaigners face court

Ÿ No Bondholders to be Burnt! No Imperial Apology!

Ÿ Broadcasting Award for Kernow League members

Ÿ Barriaght Phartee Ashoonagh Nalbin


The Celtic Knot. Symbol of the Editorial Celtic League 50 years of the Celtic League and and of the Celtic Nations Progress Celtic Unity

This year is the 50th anniversary of the branches have over the decades organised inauguration of Owain Glyndwr’s first Celtic League, which was founded in interceltic events, bilateral interceltic parliament in the fifteenth century. Although Rhosllanerchrugog in Cymru () on 9th visits, manifestations at Welsh is the strongest of the Celtic languages August 1961 by a dozen founding members commemorations, summer schools, it is still threatened and activists still see from Wales, Brittany and . In that conferences, assisted in elections, held problems and fight for improvements. initial first meeting it was agreed that the pickets and demonstrations, arranged visits Gains have been made in the other Celtic fundamental aim of the organisation was of political leaders and campaigned for countries too, but they are more contentious “To foster national rights of the Celtic prisoners They supported the editor of Carn and less obvious. In for example the Nations, Political (including governing their and the general secretary and director of nationalist party UDB has gained own affairs), Cultural and Economics” At information on the military monitoring, representation in the Regional Assembly but the second meeting held in Cardiff on 30th language, political and cultural campaigns political development towards any from of September 1962 representatives of all six and issues. It can with fairness be said that self government has not progressed and the Celtic nations were present. the League and it activities have had a pivotal unification of is still fought for. The real The Celtic League has developed much role in increasing the level of interceltic progress of Diwan and Ofis ar Brezoneg are since then, The and aims were consciousness and making our struggles to be welcomed but there is no halt to the expanded over the years and now state “The better known in our own countries and continuing decline in native speakers of fundamental aim of the Celtic League is to abroad. Breton. support, through peaceful means, the Since the initial meeting of the Celtic In the economic progress of the nineties in struggle of the Celtic Nations, , Breizh, League the peoples of the Celtic countries the Republic was shattered in this century by Cymru, Éire, Kernow and Mannin to win or are still struggling for the political, cultural the greed and stupidity of bankers, to secure the political, cultural, social and and economic freedom of their territories, but developers and politicians. The state in now economic freedom they need for their there have of course been significant in control of the troika of IMF, ECB and EU survival and development as distinct developments towards this end over the last and the general population are paying for communities.” Commitments are made in 50 years. The two countries that have made debts of the banks and developers. In the the constitution to work for the restoration of most significant gains over this period are North institutionalised sectarianism has been the Celtic languages, to fostering interceltic Alba () and Cymru (). The political largely dismantled and the creation of the solidarity and co-operation, to publicising devolution that has occurred in Alba with the Stormont Assembly has given rise to the our struggles and achievements, to and in Cymru with the power sharing executive. Recent events in furthering the establishment of organised Welsh Assembly has provided a realistic show the fragility of this when resurgent relations between the Celtic nations and to foundation on which to build independent Loyalism once again comes to the fore. socially just societies. The full constitution is nations. An Official Languages act has been passed available on our website at in the Republic, a 20 Year Strategy for Irish has been launched, the Irish Language The early years of the League and the achieved official status in the EU, RnaG and events of the first 20 years are outlined in a TG4 flourish, Irish medium education two part article in the League magazine Carn expands, sometimes with difficulty, in both 35 and 36 published in 1981 “ The Celtic parts of the island but the Gaeltacht areas are League – 20 Years a Growing” by author still under considerable threat. and historian Peter Berresford Ellis. On the Demands for a were occasion of our fortieth anniversary in 2011 rejected despite 50,000 signatures but in an editorial in Carn 116 “40 Years of Cornish identity is stronger, the Cornish Progress on the Interceltic Front” the language has been officially recognised and a campaigns and developments of the League Cornish nursery school founded. In Mannin in the eighties and nineties and the progress Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, the teaching of Manx has expanded into made by the Celtic nations are presented. General Secretary of the Celtic League Manx medium education at primary level The special supplement in Carn 76, in our and the relationship between the and the is thirtieth year, on “The Single Market and the The overwhelming vote in the Parliament being increasingly questioned by each Celts’ makes interesting reading. The elections in May in favour of the Scottish generation. conclusions are as valid now as then. These National Party (SNP) to form a government While much has been achieved our nations issues of Carn may be seen on our new in Alba, shows that the people are ready to have still a long way to go to secure the multilingual website where all issues of Carn embrace the opportunity being presented to political, cultural, social and economic since its launch in 1973 to 2010 have been them for a referendum to determine their freedom they need for their survival and made available. own future. A Gaidhlig language Board has development as distinct communities. One For many decades now the Celtic League been established and some progress made in question that has to be addressed is this can has been an independent campaigning promoting the language. Similarly in Cymru, be achieved in an EU where every treaty organisation furthering our aims through a positive referendum vote for greater cedes more power to the central institutions? Carn, though our website, through a range of legislative powers for the Assembly in activities and through publicity releases on a March means that from June the new Welsh Rhisiart Talebot, General Secretary, wide range of issues both on our site and Parliament will be able to exercise greater Cathal Ó Luain, Convenor yahoo news groups. Our national and other legislative powers than at any time since the

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the heavy heritage of the aftermath of the 2nd world war. Reflections “Much of the recognition of the rights of Celtic nations and people belonging to minorities has occurred at the European Of Surviving Founders of the Celtic League level, with the adoption of a number of Conventions on rights of people belonging to on its 50th Anniversary minorities, negotiated within the framework of the Council of Europe. “However, one of these, relating to It is inevitable that during the League’s “Resolutions that come from the generally minority languages, has yet to be ratified by bicentenary year an element of reflection react against the developments that have two of the EU member States; France, whose will occur, where members feel compelled to already happened and in my opinion we are constitution states that the language of look back and assess what progress has been not being proactive enough in creating a France is French, thus requiring a made to date. Are the gains mentioned above Celtic confederation. An inter-Celtic modification of the Constitution; and Greece, the kind of progress the founding members dimension in the governmental which still refuses to recognise the existence of the Celtic League envisaged for their administrations in the Celtic countries, which in its territory of any minorities, except one nations fifty years ago? is separate to their participation in the (Muslim community under the Lausanne With this question in mind, we asked the British/Irish Council, is one possibility that treaty 1926). two founding members of the Celtic League the League should be exploring. I am not “The initiative of establishing the Celtic who remain alive, Séamus Filbin (Alba) and opposed to the British Irish Council and League was undoubtedly a courageous step Yann Fouéré (Breizh) what they thought of think that the League should approach them at the time; In those first minutes of the the progress that had been made by the to invite Brittany to be observer members League, the main objectives of working League over the last fifty years. like now is. towards fostering national rights to govern Below both men reflect briefly below on “In many ways the Celtic League could do our own, political, cultural and economic the progress of the League over the last 50 with a re-launch to shift its focus onto affairs, as well as campaigning for years and the extent to which the Celtic creating a ‘Celtic Association’.” acceptance of Wales, Scotland and Brittany countries have moved forward in their into the Common Market, as separate opinion, in terms of their political, economic Yann Fouéré entities, certainly contributed to the and cultural development. It is interesting to acceptance of rights of the Celtic nations - note that even after fifty years the fighting another important benefit being that this spirit of our two founding members has initiative helped to raise awareness of these continued! issues for all minorities throughout Europe. “However, what has been achieved has Séamus Filbin undoubtedly taken much longer that the “Gains have happened to some extent, but founders imagined!” the gains have not been specific enough for (Yann Fouéré has written much in French me. The Celtic League has made some about his life and times but in early June an contribution perhaps, but they have not autobiography in English of his time in engaged enough with nationalist politicians for example. I also expected something Connemara, Ireland was launched in along the lines of a Celtic confederation to Yann Fouéré Ireland. It will be launched in Aberystwyth. have developed. “There is no doubt much has been Wales in early Sept., to coincide more or “I was one of the younger people present at achieved, over the past fifty years, in terms of less with the anniversary of the founding of the first meeting and was very enthusiastic, greater linguistic, cultural and even political the Celtic League. It was translated by his but I remember expecting something more acceptance of the rights to which the Celtic daughter Rozenn Fouéré Barrett. “La than the gains that have been achieved, but nations are entitled, yet the degree of Maison in Connemara” was published by we adopted a pragmatic approach as far as I acceptance varies considerably between the Old Chapel Press [352pp, €15, ISBN 978-0- remember.” different nations, with Brittany probably “it is disappointing that Brittany has not having the most difficulty, largely owing to 9560062-2-6, consolidated the nationalist movement into something stronger like in Scotland or even in Cornwall. Nationalist politics seems a bit CELTIC LEAGUE 50th Anniversary, diffused in Brittany right now. , Alba, 28th to 30th October 2011 “The has not worked in my opinion; it is taking more and more from Public Session ‘The Celtic Nations, 50 years of Progress’ the nations of Europe and this idea of Saturday 29th October, 2pm to 6pm. creating a European army is ludicrous. My l fears about the EU are that it will result in a 50 years of Interceltic Activity - Introductory speech from Celtic League situation like the of Europe or l The Celtic Nations - 1961 v 2011, a Sea Change ? develop into some sort of dictatorship as Keynote speech by Author and Historian Peter Berresford Ellis occurred in my younger days. l “Despite my reservations about the EU, I Election Victory of SNP and Plans for Referendum, still think that a Celtic confederation based SNP speaker along the lines of the Norden Association l The Way Forward For the Celtic Nations and Interceltic Co-operation could work. It annoys me that the Isle of Man, Open Forum with speakers from the floor Ireland and Scotland do not engage with each other as much as they could. In the same way Further information will appear on the Celtic League website closer to the event on venue and with full programme for the weekend. Alternatively please contact I would like to see closer cooperation General Secretary or branch secretaries for full details. between Brittany, Cornwall and Wales.

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Dè an seòrsa beathaich a , SNP Leader

th’ ann an lug? nach ann an 2011 air a mhìneachadh ann an àiteachan eile an iris, ach dè tha e a’ cial- A deach thu do Camperdown a-riamh? ‘S e dheidhinn nan ainmhidhean seo aig a’ mhòr- lachadh airson na bliadhnaichean ti teachd? seòrsa pàirc airson ainmhidhean a th’ann chuid de na dùthchannan san Roinn Eòrpa. An robh ceart nuair a bha e na Camperdown , agus tha e naoi mìltean bho Carson nach eil ann an Alba? fhear-iomairt an agaidh an referendum ann mheadhan baile Dhuin Dè. Chitheadh tu an 97, ag gradh gur e an ‘road to muncaidh is mathanan is madaidhean-allaidh Summary Independence’ a bha ‘devolution’? ann, ach cuideachd, chitheadh tu cait-fiad- Lee Ramsay explores the link between Bha na polls a’ comhrachadh gun robh na haich is dobhran. Nuair a bha mi ann airson mythology and language and, after looking Làbaraich a bhiodh am partaidh nas motha, ciad uair, chuir e iongnadh orm nuair a chun- at one of the many Celtic characters whose agus chan eil iad cearr tric. Chiall na naic mi barrachd air aon gnè neas. Càite eile name is that of an animal, explains why the Nàiseantaich creideas a’ dèanamh argamaid am faiceadh tu sin fo na rionnagan? Ach, bha Gaelic for a lynx will always be lug and not eaconomach steidhichte air duthchanan mar a h-uile rud soilleir nuair a chunnaic mi na lioncs for him. Innis Tile agus Eirinn ron a ‘credit crunch’ lugan: Bidh mi ag innse dhut mu dheidhinn ged a bha iad fo riaghladh beag-cuid o 2007, sin nas anmoich. ach an la an-diugh, tha na Làbaraich, Lib A-nis, dè an seòrsa beathaich a th’ ann an dems as na Toraidhean ann am mì-rìaghailt. lug? Uill, chan e seòrsa boiteig a th’ann. ‘S e NEO-EISMEALACHD Le beachdachan air bun-reachdal, no ‘consti- seòrsa leòmhann no cat-mòr a th’anns an lug. tutional change’ air a BhBC tha e coltach gu ‘S e am facal Beurla, lioncs no lynx, a bheil dragh mòr air Pàrtaidhean an Aonaidh chanadh tu gu cumanta. Gu dearbh, cha robh NA H-ALBA NO ann an Westminster. am facal “lug” air a ràdh airson nas fhada na Rè am parliamaid ùr bidh Alex Salmond a’ mile bliadhna air ais! Mar sin, carson a tha BRISTEADH-DUIL cur an argamaid air adhart gun sgiur son neo- mi a’ sgrìobhadh ma dheidhinn? Uill, chan e eismealachd. Am bi e soirbheachail no am bi gur e seòrsa ainmhidh a-mhàin a th’ann, ‘s e EILE? bun-reachdal a- mach as an agenda son ainm airson seann charactar ann an seanchas ginealachd eile mar a bha e as dèidh an refer- a th’ ann an Lug cuideachd. B’ e an t-ainm Ann an Cairn 149, sgriobh mi artagail mun endum an an 1979? .Nam bheachd fhèin, llew a bha air an lioncs ‘sa Seann Chuimris bàrdachd Seumas MacGaraidh, fior tìr-gràid- theid an luchd –bhòtaidh le ‘Independece agus b’ e Llew an t-ainm a tha air laoch haiche na-Alba a bhàisich bliadhna ro Light’, neo-eismealachd fioscail, a-rèir mar a Cuimreach. Ach, airson nan Gaidheal, b’ e bhuaidh ainmeil ann an 1967. tha na ‘Crown Dependencies.’ Ach as dèidh Lug Làmh-fada no Lugh Dànachd a bha an t- Rinn MacGaraidh bàrdachd nàiseantach ann an taghadh sin, s mathaid gu bheil mi neo- ainm air a’ ghaisgeach. Is docha gu bheil fios an Gàidhlig, Beurla agus Beurla Ghallda. Re mheasadh am buaidh aig Alex Salmond air agad ma dheidhinn, ach is cinnteach mi nach a bheatha, cha robh mòran taic son neo-eis- muinntir na h-Alba? robh fios agad gur e ainm an cait a bh’aige. mealachd agus chur sin bhròn air. Cha b’ Steve Jackson Ma tha thu eòlach air an sgeul, smaoinich urrainn dha chredsinn carson nach bha na h- air cleas Luga nuair a bha e a’ marbhadh Alabannaich deònach a bhith a’ strì airson Balor, am fear le sùil mhòr, nimheil. Mar neo-eismealachd, a’ faigneachd càite a bheil Summary nàmhaid Luga, tha sùilean mòra, geala aig an na chridhean orra anns an dàn ‘Gone.’ In the last issue, I wrote about the poetry of ainmhidh “lug” cuideachd. Smaoinicheadh Seumas MacGaraidh, who often vented his tu air an sgeul mar sabaid eadar dà bhiast le Where are the hearts that once with pride frustration that the people of Scotland did lit- sùilean soilleir, uabhasach. ‘S beag an Swelled at the pibroch’s sound; tle to further their cause during his lifetime. t-iongnadh gum b’ e Lug na cheannard air an Where are the chiefs who took thy side That all changed in dramatic fashion with t-sluagh Ghàidhealach. Cuideachd is beag an When the clansmen gathered round? the results of May’s stunning election victory t-iongnadh gum bi am facal lug a’ for the SNP. But what will it mean for the ciallachadh sàr laoch sam bith anns na Where are the heroes that Wallace led, future? Is Scotland on the verge of being an bliadhnaichean as a dhèidh. Who scorned to bend the knee, independent country, or was the result a Co-dhiù, nuair a chunnaic mi an lug aig And who for their Scotland fought and bled, ‘false dawn’ that will lead to disappointment Camperdown, bha mi a’ tuigsinn roghainn an And lived but to see her free? like the referendum in 1979. The week fol- ainmhidh aca. Bha cuid-mhòr de na lowing the result, constitutional change was bheathaichean – lugan is neasan is cait-fiad- ‘S urainnear a gradh gun robh an ceist aige high on the agenda on BBC Radio 4, and the haich is madaidhean-allaidh is mathanan – air a fhreagairt mu dheireadh thall aig unionist parties in Westminster will certainly beò ann am Breatainn còig ceud deug Taghadh na h-Alba an an 2011, as dèidh be concerned that they all got such a drub- bliadhna air ais. Is urrainn dhuinn buaidh le fior ghluasad san Partaidh bing. My personal opinion is that by the end cuimhneachadh air na rudan a chaill sinn an Naiseanta na h-Alba. Ged a bha a’ mhòr of this parliament, the Nationalist govern- uair a chì sinn a h-uile beathaichean còmhla. chuid den t-sluaigh ann am fàbhar air fèin- ment may achieve ‘fiscal autonomy’ based Mar sin, chuir mi an t-ainm lug air an lioncs riaghladh ann an 1997, bha am parliamaid ùr on the model of the Crown Dependencies, oir bu toil leam cuimhneachadh air beul- fo smachd Pàrtaidhean an Aonaidh as dèidh and that independence may take a little aithris caillte. Tha sgeulan is òrain mu a ‘chiad taghadh. Tha am buil do-chredsin- longer.

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When the Yellow’s on the Broom

By the time most people went to work on the morning after the May election, the polit- Election Scoreboard ical map of Scotland had completely Party Const Regional +/- Total changed (see map where the lightest grey is the yellow of the SNP). The SNP had been SNP 53 16 +22 69 given an overwhelming mandate by the LAB 15 22 -9 37 Scottish people. CON 3 12 -2 15 The SNP fought a much slicker, and posi- LD 2 3 -11 5 tive campaign than their opponents. It could OTHER 0 3 0 3 be criticised for focussing too much on Alex Salmond himself, but it concentrated on the strengths of the last government. In the lead- ership debates on TV, Alex Salmond wiped the floor with his opponents, with only Annabelle Goldie showing any character and Scottish humour. In contrast, the Labour Party’s cam- National Party, paigning was mostly negative and scare mongering... including a last minute mail Labour, shot warning people that a vote for the SNP was a vote for independence. failed to raise his profile much, and was Lib/Dem, chased into a Subway sandwich shop in by people campaigning against Labour cuts. The other two parties failed to Conservative make much of an impression, and in Clydesdale, the Liberal Democrat candidate failed to get his registration in on time. The night was one of numerous surprises. In the major cities, and hand, but even the SNP itself looked sur- under intense pressure in a three way split went completely SNP. went com- prised at the scale of the victory handed to with the SNP candidate, and an independent pletely SNP, except one seat... in the them. who had great personal popularity. ( Lothians, leader Iain Gray Of course, in the regional list votes, the and have never been completely retained his seat, but by a mere 150 votes – three major parties clawed back some MSPs comfortable with a Scottish identity, due his was the only constituency outside under the of PR... to their history... they are essentially Norse Edinburgh. More surprisingly, most of which squeezed out the minor parties. The in outlook, and have never spoken Glasgow and the surrounding area also went Greens, who had been hoping for at least six Gàidhlig.) to the SNP. Larkhall and Harthill, the bas- MSPs, retained two, and Margo MacDonald, But the SNP victories in Glasgow, tions of Orangeism in Scotland now have an independent got back in. So there was no Edinburgh, and the areas around them which SNP MSPs. Big names to lose their seats return to the second Scottish Parliament, were the big success story of the night. The included David McLetchie, former when the Greens and SSP had seven MSPs SNP has failed to make much of an impres- leader, Labour strongmen Tom McCabe and apiece, along with the Pensioners’ Party and sion in Edinburgh before, but there was a Andy Kerr, , and every several independents... 2011’s Scottish elec- breakthrough in the last election when Liberal Democrat in mainland Scotland. tion was most definitely a “two horse race”, Kenny MacAskill took Edinburgh East. After the election, the Unionist party leaders, as the Lib Dems would say. While the SNP has scored stunning victories Iain Gray (Labour), (Lib Dem), What about the parts of Scotland which in by-elections in west central Scotland – and Annabelle Goldie (Conservative) were didn’t go SNP? Well, the Borders have never , Motherwell, Hamilton, Glasgow all forced to resign by their masters in had much of a nationalist stronghold, prefer- East- it never taken these seats in a general London. Figures such as Andy Kerr and Tom ring the and Liberals. In this election election, and that’s what’s important. In McCabe were so confident that they would they voted Conservative. The two con- some of these seats, the SNP overturned regain their seats they never put themselves stituencies in the southwest were more sur- massive majorities, and this cannot be put on the regional lists. Another Labour MSP prising. went Labour, which was down merely to a “collapse in the Lib Dem took a three week holiday in the middle of completely out of character, and in vote” as some Labour people claimed, since campaigning, only to come back and find Galloway, the Conservative and former there was never much of a Lib Dem vote he’d lost his seat! Presiding Officer Alex Fergusson* won back there. A lot of people had expected the SNP to his seat after an extremely hard fight with the It’s now up to the SNP to take this good win, but very few felt that the victory would SNP. In the Central Belt, the remaining will from the public and use it wisely. The have been on this scale. The previous SNP Labour vote was much depleted and in some late Labour leader had tried to administration was most definitely a minori- places Labour only got in by the skin of its set up a system which would not allow an ty one, getting in by the narrowest of mar- teeth. The main exception to this was Jackie absolute majority by the nationalists. Last gins, indeed it was only a recount on the Baillie’s seat in Dunbartonshire, where she week it failed to. regional list which assigned the actually increased her majority. Orkney and Alex Fergusson is not to be confused with SNP an extra MSP which would help give Shetland retained their Lib Dem MSPs, one Alex Ferguson, the Manchester United man- them a plurality in the last parliament. Alex of whom was Tavish Scott. This is hardly ager. The footballer did play a minor part in Salmond had booked Prestonfield Hotel in surprising as they have long been safe seats. the Scottish election, and campaigned for Edinburgh for a victory speech long before- However, Liam MacArthur in Orkney came Labour.

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Celebrities flock to SNP Hollywood star, , is one of many The amazing life of a cultural figures to come out for the SNP. Cox famous Scottish radical who was elected Rector of Dundee University with 2/3 of the votes said: The son of a farmer turned merchant, “As a lifelong Labour supporter, I find Thomas Muir was born in Huntershill -just myself in this particular election feeling that north of Glasgow- in 1765. Muir also lived I must support Alex Salmond and the SNP. At there subsequently and the house still stands. this juncture, I feel that Alex Salmond’s poli- After Grammar School Muir studied law at cies are the right policies to hold the line Glasgow University. However in 1780, after against [university] tuition fees in Scotland. I a dispute with college authorities over his believe passionately in free education and role in a student protest- Muir withdrew and know that as long as Alex is First Minister, he completed his studies in Edinburgh instead. Thomas Muir will defend this principle.” He set up a law practice back in Glasgow This is a major coup for the SNP, as Cox though. There he gained a reputation as a has always been a staunch Labour supporter, “man of principle” who was often engaged as declared an outlaw. When he did return, in to the extent of appearing in their electoral counsel in cases of “patronage against local August 1793, Muir was then tried in front of a broadcasts. Brian Cox, not to be confused landowners.” He also appeared gratis for notoriously partial judge Lord Braxfield. Muir with the English astronomer of the same some of his poorer clients. said all he had done was advocate “equal name, is a major Hollywood actor, and With this radical outlook Muir was, not representation of the people.” It was a “good Emmy winner. He has appeared in such films surprisingly perhaps, drawn to the emerging cause” and it would “ultimately prevail.” as The Bourne Identity, X Men 2, Troy and reform movement in Scotland. In July 1792 The ruling class was having none of it Braveheart, as well as the TV series he and William Skirving established the though. Muir was sentenced to 14 years Deadwood. His breakthrough was as Scottish Friends of the People. They wanted transportation to Botany Bay. George Hannibal Lecter in Manhunter, a few years to “sever the Union of 1707 and to establish Washington heard of -and was outraged by the before Anthony Hopkins took on the same an independent Scottish republic! (Ellis length of the sentence. He sent the USS Otter role. 2007). Muir had been vocal in his to rescue Muir. Muir’s escape was made good While the SNP has counted , appreciation of the French Revolution. He’d in 1796 but the USS Otter got into trouble off actress Elaine C. Smith and also corresponded with the revolutionary Panama. The Spanish accused Muir of being a as celebrity fans in the past, traditionally such United Irishmen about a unified campaign spy and took him first to Havana and then back support has tended to be thin on the ground in that would embrace common demands for towards Spain. But then British ships attacked the past. Many people in show business have democracy and national freedom. All this and Muir lost an eye. Muir finally ended up in been afraid to come out as SNP supporters, made Muir a marked man. When at the First Paris. He was made a French citizen and his because they’re worried about it affecting Convention of the Friends of the People he house at Chantilly became an “intellectual their career. read out a fraternal address from the same centre” for Scottish republicans. Irish Controversial painter Jack Vettriano also Society of United Irishmen it was deemed to revolutionaries like Napper Tandy also visited offered his support for the SNP. His paintings be sedition and he was arrested. Whilst on (Ellis 2007). Muir died in 1799. He is still have been extremely successful commercial- bail Muir went to France (where he met remembered as an enlightened, radical thinker ly, but continue to draw criticism from the art Thomas Paine). The trial date was then and as an impassioned orator who fought for world. suddenly brought forward. Stranded, Muir Scottish freedom. The internationally renowned comic book didn’t make it back in time and he was Alan Stewart artist Mark Millar also threw his weight behind the SNP. His works include Kick-Ass (recently made into a successful film), and he The achievements of a poet who helped lead the Scottish cultural renaissance has written material for 2000 AD, various Hugh MacDiarmid was born (as Christopher Murray Grieve) in Langholm on 1 August 1892. Marvel comics featuring Spiderman, His father was a postman and MacDiarmid was said to have derived much of his future Superman and the Fantastic Four. radicalism from both him and from the “fiercely independent tradition of the burgh” (Slainte Other celebrities to voice support for the 2005). The house where Hugh lived as a boy was adjacent to the town’s library. From his earliest SNP include Gerald Butler, Alan Cummings, days Hugh had unrestricted access to books. This encouraged his interest in reading and and Midge Ure, singer in Ultravox and an languages —an interest that stayed with him throughout his life (BBC 2005). organiser of Live . In fact after leaving school in 1910 MacDiarmid turned naturally enough to journalism. When The idea of independence, or at least a ref- war broke out he did join the Royal Army Medical Corps, serving in Greece and France. In 1918 erendum on the issue, is supported by three however he developed malaria. Back he went to Scotland to work as Chief Reporter for a paper prominent historians: , in Montrose. Michael Fry and Neil Ascherson. In the case Journalism was still providing him with a living therefore. He was also increasingly interested of Fry and Ferguson, this is especially sur- though in developments in the field of contemporary poetry and literature. To this end he began prising given their revisionist views on to publish a poetry anthology, “Northern Numbers” and a literary magazine, “Scottish Scottish history. Ferguson recently wrote an Chapbook.” The first collection of his own poetry, “Sangshaw”, appeared in 1925. It was followed, article in The Scotsman saying that Scots the year after, by his major work —a long poem titled, “A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle.” should not “sit on the fence” over the inde- MacDiarmid believed in, and was increasingly at the forefront of, a Scottish literary pendence issue, and should either support or renaissance. Granted in the 1930’s, after the breakdown of his first marriage, he did move with oppose it, and that the status quo was a bad his new partner Valda Trevlyn, to the isolated Shetland island of Whalsay. As such he was cut compromise. off for a time from “mainland cultural developments.” But he continued to write “ground- Amongst the other parties, Labour managed breaking and stylistically innovative poetry” (BBC 2007). to pull in Alex Ferguson of Manchester After the war his literary reputation continued to grow. He had the opportunity to travel United, comedian Eddie Izzard, and the abroad, including to the Soviet Union and China. Yet MacDiarmid was never wealthy. In the Tories managed to pull rugby great Gavin early 1950’s he and Valda moved to a cottage, “Brownsbank”, near Biggar. They lived there until Hastings. his death on 9 September 1978. Ray Bell Alan Stewart

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ARMORICA- Breizh BREIZH Spectacular

ARMORICA is an important outdoor show Bro-Skos paz-ha-paz war-zu an which is held on the Leon’s coast in Breizh. Ar Vro Bagan (AVB) gathers about a dozen professional comedians as well as one dieubidigezh hundred volunteers on stage. For the last two decades some 500 to 1,OOO spectators have N’eus ket bet añv eus votadegoù Bro-Skos attended the show, which is performed for e kazetennoù an douar-bras. D’en em soñjal a six to seven nights. As always the show is be zo diwar-benn ar vank-se. Padal ar gazetenn based on an historical theme. The producers’ ekonomikel The Economist, deuet er-maez e- aim is to create the right atmosphere by kreiz miz Mae, he doa lakaet war wel politik- placing lights not only on the stage, but also erezh Bro-Skos: “Dieubidigezh dre guzh”, an on the rocks and on the old sailing boats, dieubidigezh oc’h en em staliañ tamm-ha- hoping to inspire the audiences imagination tamm. to travel from place to place and from time to Dav eo lavaret, eo ar pemp a viz Mae 2011 en ur bezañ a-du gant marc’had an arc’hant. time down through the centuries. As the cast un devezh istorel, da vat. An SNP, a-du gant Dre se niver an dud dilabour en deus kresket. suggests the show is a comedy and dancing is an dieubidigezh, en deus sachet 69 dilennad Padal, a-raok e oa gwelloc’h ar stal eno eget also part of the show during the battles as war 129 er Parlamant nevez. Da lavaret eo, e Bro-Saoz . Hag evit echuiñ ganti, brezelioù well as for the fairs, in the summer time, 23 dilennad ouzhpenn e-keñver votadegoù NATO a zo gwelet fall-put gant ar familhoù when the weather is fine... 2007. D’ar mare-se e oa aet ar maout dija kollet ur bugel dezho. Brezelioù digom- ARMORICA-BREIZH is a new show, gant skipailh Alex Salmond. Setu perak prenus evito. which will be repeated for the next two or emañ e-penn ar gouarnamant en-dro. Kentañ- Setu peseurt dieubidigezh evit Bro-Skos three years. For technical reasons the show ministr a vez graet outañ, e-giz e Bro- gant ar SNP? Evit poent, Alex Salmond a will not be in the Breton language this year, Gembre. An traoù a vo aesoc’h an taol-mañ chom fur. E-giz en deus skrivet The but a few expressions are scattered gant ouzhpenn hanter-kant dre gant eus an Economist, ur votadeg a-enep Breizh-Veur throughout the play. dilennidi gantañ. Ouzhpenn-se paotred an ne dalv ket ur “Ya” d’an dieubidigezh. Ret eo Anyway, it’s an opportunity to learn more unvaniour gant Breizh-Veur a oa a-enep d’an SNP prouiñ he politikerezh war an about the arrival of the Bretons, i.e. the Celts dezhañ hag o deus roet o zilez eus ar strol- dachenn. Alex Salmond a implij ur strate- and Saxons who came from Great Britain, in ladoù sokialour, konservatour, ha Lib. Dem. giezh sioul, pazenn-ha-pazenn, evit sachañ two different waves of migration - the Ha perak ‘ta ez eus bet ar lañv-bras-se? Da muioc’h a arc’hant eus Westminster. military invasion and the religious migration gentañ tout int bet e-karg e-pad pemp bloaz. Gouzout ar ra mat e vo dav dezhañ mar- which came later during the seventh En abeg da se o deus graet kalz a draoù evit c’hatañ evit mont pelloc’h. Evit poent an Century. ar Skoziz (tailhoù ebet evit mont er skol- SNP en deus raktreset ur referendom diwar- In order to understand who’s who I’ll use veur, evel evit a re gozh en tu all da 65 vloaz, benn an dieubidigezh evit 2014. Un doare all the word “armoricans” for the people from keñver ar seku…) Lañs evit an energiezh da marc’hatañ. Armorica i.e. Breizh and the British-Bretons padus ha nevez, nac’hañ da gas soudarded Wikileaks en deus diskuliet war ar skinwel (B-B) will be used to identify the Roman & skozad d’ar “Blackwatch” (en Afganistan ur sekred anavezet mat: ar gaz hag an eoul- Saxon warriors from Great Britain and the h.a.), met ivez labour an dilennidi, tost-tre mean o tont eus ar mor tro-dro a zo o vont da religious people who also came from eus ar poblañs er Kuzulioù Kumunioù ha netra. Dav e vo da Vreizh-Veur embroañ an Great Britain, mainly from Cymru, but not brud vat ar mestr Alex Salmond, war ar mar- div drederenn eus an ezhommoù, a-benn ar only... As you may know some 700,000 c’had. bloavezhioù o tont. Ouzhpenn-se an nukleel years ago during the Palaeolithic period, Evit komprenn an disoc’hoù dreistordinal a zo en arvar abaoe Fukushima. Hag ur poli- carbon-14 has proved that there were people dav eo teuler ur sell ouzh politikerezh tikerezh kreñv tro-dro d’an energiezh padus a settled in Armorica, but they were not Celts. Breizh-Veur ha bedel zoken. Ar Skoziz a zo saveteio Bro-Skos? Ur vro gant startijenn At about 5OO0 BC during the Bronze Age bet dipitet gant an emglev e gouarnamant ha hag he deus adkavet he dieubidigezh bet kol- we find the first signs a civilisation, which is Parlamant Westminster etre ar let gant Unvaniezh ar Parlamantoù (1707), a- linked to the Celts. Ar Vro Bagan begins the C’honservatourien hag al Lib. Dem. E Bro- raok adtapout ar Parlamant er bloavezh 1999. show in Halstatt (750-BC) and La Tene (350- Skos al Lib. Dem. en doa pakaet un taol bazh Ur Vro-Skoz diplomatek a zo bet a-viskoazh BC); two cities in Switzerland. By 500 BC gant pemp dilennad war seitek a-raok. Ar digor war ar bed a-bezh. the migration from the centre of Europe to pezh pouezusañ eo an ekonomiezh evito. Per Deligniere Ireland, through Armorica was well Bro-Skos zo bet skoet fall gant kudennoù organised, thanks to an hierarchical society, bras marc’had an arc’hant, abaoe 2008. Summary with warriors, Druids, craftsmen and A-raok Din-Edin (=Edimbourg) oa e An account of the great SNP victory in the farmers... seizhvet plas en Europa. Siwazh, an tiez- 2011 election. There was no mention of In Armorica, the settlers had to contend bank o doa kalz a broduioù “toxik” deuet da the election in the French press!!! With the with the Romans. Julius Caesar and Brutus heul ar “Pension Funds” eus S.U.A. Ret eo SNP winning a clear majority in beat the Armorican fleet, in the small sea of bet da c’houarnamant Bro-Saoz lakaat the Scottish Parliament, Alex Salmond will MorBihan, in 56-BC due mainly to a lack of anezho dindan anv ar stad evit hanter-kant now be able to negotiate for a wind that did not help the Armoican fleet. dre gant. Evit ar Skoziz gouarnamant Breizh- larger budget and the referendum for Goulc’han Kervella, the producer of AVB, Veur a zo bet kablus da goll ho talvoudegezh, independence is planned for 2014. is well known for his meticulous research

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before each play. As usual he invited a few started in Breizh. The Carolingiens came into specialists like Bernard Merdrignac and power in the Franck Empire and by the 750’s Jean-Phillipe Cassard to assist him in the they succeed to isolate Breizh, with the production of the show.As a result we learn “marches” from Clisson to Averanches. In a lot about our history from this play, which 831, the emperor Louis Pious came to an covers a wide spectrum in history. Among agreement with the Breton kings and other things it shows the link between the gave the title of “Missus-Imperiatoris” to Armorican tribes and the Franks against the Nominoe, Earl of Gwened, handing over a Romans, during the Battle of Alesia in 52 lot of power to him, but maintaining the link BC. Alesia is marked as a milestone of “prefet” with the Emperor. Later on, in Breton history by academics and Nominoe became the real king of Breizh archaeologists who claim that it brought when he beat Charles Moal in Ballon in 845. about the end of Celtic civilisation in Therefore, Breizh was Independent for a few Brittany. They use this sacred milestone to years. In 851 when he died Erispoe, who also pinpoint when the French state came into beat Charles Moal in Jengland, came to being, despite the fact that celtic languages, power and consolidated the kingdom of festivals and lobbies are still in existence Breizh. The play ends on this happy note. in Europe. It should also be noted that Like many people I look forward to AVBS Breizh only joined the french kingdom in next spectacular play. 1532-AD. GiK... Alesia strengthened the links between the Roman and Armorican tribes. The Romans built roads and ports to expand their trade throughout their empire. During the 2nd century the Roman’s conquered England, day. As mentioned earlier Breizh only DISTRICT however they were unable to conquer the became “officially” part of France in 1532!!! Picts and the Welsh. The links and agreements between Clovis ELECTIONS 2011, Between the 4th and 5th centuries the and the Breton-British army helped a lot Roman empire began to decline slowly but during this second migration with the aid of PRESENCE OF surely. During the 4th century the Saxons King Riwal of Domnonea in 511. As you EMSAV and Frisons commanded a strong fleet in the may know this small kingdom is now Channel, which forced the Romans “Devon”. At the time this kingdom also occupying Great Britain to fight them on controlled the northern part of “Armorica- In the last district elections, Emsav, the both sides of the Channel. Maxime, the Breizh” (Leon and Treger). Therefore, this is Breton Movement, has proved it is now a officer in charge of Great Britain grew weary the first time it is possible and correct to use political force to be reckoned with. But of the situation and mounted an offensive to the word “Breizh”, because these people because of the voting system, it is still defeat Emperor Theodose. In 387, he gained came from Great Britain. without any elected representatives, with the control over Rome, but in 388 he was Roman Catholic saints who were children exception of Christian Troadec, Mayor defeated by the Emperor in Slovenia and as of, or close relatives of the king, replaced the Carhaix left in the colours of his formation: a consequence a lot of his warriors went back Druids, and belonged to Saint Colomban We will make thee Brittany. home. A few of them settled in Armorica, order and it was only under the rule of Karl On 20 and 27 March, the French population however Viking raids at sea and in Bagaudes Magnus in the 800’s that they adopted was invited to renew half of the general threatened the trading links and the Romans Benedictine values. It should be emphasised council, elected officials of the department, were unable to control the situation. In the that this migration was massive and well the structure invented before the Revolution middle of the 5th century, they left the organised. The main group came from of 1789 to break up the old “provinces” and Saxons in charge of most of England and as Cymru as well as from ST Pol, ST Telo, ST worn on the baptismal font by revolutionary a result the first military migration started Malo, ST Brieg, ST Samson and STz Ninig. ideologues, in 1790. from Great Britain to Armorica, thus the Other saints came from Ireland among them It was the last time voters were asked to Roman army took control the ports on both ST Colomban, ST Jaoua, elect representatives who will only sit in the sides of the Channel in order to ensure peace ST Ronan, ST Sezni, ST Briac and ST departmental authorities. Because the reform on the continent. This part of our history is Gwevennoc who built Landevennec in Aber- initiated by the government of François not well known. Most of the Breton people Elorn, which has always featured as a very Fillon provides, in 2014, for a merger believe that the monks, who came from important place in Breizh, even into this between general and regional councilors and Cymru and Great Britain, were the first century! between the Regional Assembly and the four British- Bretons to settle in Armorica, As their language and religion were similar general councils of administrative Brittany however this second religious migration most of the Armoricans accepted them as (four counties). With a voting system of a came much later during the 5th and 7th liberators, protecting them from the Vikings two-round majority, which favours, as in centuries. at sea and in land at Bagaudes, however the many French elections, a polarization of Between both migrations, King Clovis of process of total assimilation of the political representation of the left and the the Franck’s was baptised in Reims in 498, newcomers took generations to be achieved, right adhering to ideological postures and which is marked as yet another milestone in but it is this group who are the Breton spreading the troublesome formations, french history. At this time the Breton speakers of today. especially the autonomists, present for two speaking catholic lobby had beaten the The play gives a good opportunity to terms now in the regional assembly elected french catholic hierarchy, with the help of understand the B- B...Blue- Beard: by proportional representation. Under such Pope Jean- Paul II, during the 4th century on Conomore from Domnonea, who killed conditions of rigged democracy, or even his first visit to Breizh. Returning to Breizh seven wives because he was afraid to have a denial of democracy, it is understandable that Jean-Paul II first visited the Breton catholics successor. ST Samson went to Paris to sort a number of activists of Emsav do not wish to in Reims declining to go to St. Anna an Alre, out the situation with King Childebert. When engage. This was notably the case in the held by the french church, until the following this king died in 558 a new wave of wars ranks of the right and the radical left: Adsav

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and Breizhistance (ex Emgann), who average of 7.7% of votes throughout the Atlantique where the Breton consciousness preferred to abstain. territory of Brittany, the UDB starts to count and identity are consistently fought over with A significant part of the Breton movement, with its leftist allies. In the Cotes d’Armor, the Regional Council of Pays-de Loire, have on the contrary, decided to engage, to make with a double-digit average of 12% they are still surpassed 5%, above which, according heard the discourse of an autonomous an even more significant political force. Two to President Yves Pelle, first deputy of the Brittany in a Europe of peoples. The fiery of its candidates, Gwen Riou for Plouagat, city Erquy, one can hope to influence local mayor of Carhaix Christian Troadec, was and Jean-Michel Le Naour, for Rosporden, politics. head of the list on behalf of the Breton Party, with respectively 17.73% and 18.28% of the Emsav is now a visible and meaningful in the regional elections of March 2010, votes, were even present in the second round political component of Brittany. But alas, crossed the bar in the first round with 12.5% and demonstrates the reality of the due to the systematic polarization of French of registered voters, which enabled him to autonomist vote. politics, the pervasiveness of Jacobin and hold on to second round where, because of The Breton Party, which is nationalist and Parisian formations, this clarity is only the absence of a challenger, he won with a defends the project of a fully independent and reflected in terms of mandates, reflecting a score of 100% of the vote. This was unheard sovereign Brittany, and is classed as the lack of democratic life in France. There is of in central Brittany. center right, for its part suggested ten still long way to go for France to become a The UDB (Union Démocratique Bretonne) candidates, distributed over the whole of democratic country, and for Emsav to enjoy had 29 candidates in the assembly of five historic Brittany. Its average score is close to a true representation, the equal of Plaid counties of Brittany, in partnership with that of the European elections: 2.73%. But Cymru in Wales or the SNP in Scotland. Europe Ecology-The Greens. The results two of its candidates, Reun L’Hostis for the Thierry Jigourel show the anchorage of the autonomists of the district of Ploudalmézeau and Michel left in the Breton landscape. With an Philippot, for that of Blain, in Loire- Agalon Clothing Company helped by K.E.B.

At the end of May the members of Klub However, feeling homesick they decided to They have concentrated on designing Embregerezhioù Breizh (K.E.B.), a create a business, linked with their own clothes for men with the Ermine symbol Business consortium in Breizh, traveled to culture and their language. Their aim was to embroidered on each item just like the the Armor-Lux Headquarters in Kemper at produce clothes which displayed strong crocodile on another famous make!!! H.Q. (cf.: sailors’ striped B&W. T-shirts) in symbols of their identity, like the Ermine, the However, only recently they have expanded order to meet Gwillom PUECH and Gwenn ha Du, etc. and now market clothing for women and Gwenaël ROGEL the two founder members Gwillom PUECH explained that at the children. of Kalon (Heart), the company who make the beginning they were helped by Armor-Lux, K.E.B. was established in 2008 by Agalon range of clothing. As a result K.E.B. and even today they still worked hand in hand. businessmen who lived or were reared in a have promised a loan of €1,500 in order to The production is done in Armor-Lux’s bilingual environment. Their goal was to help the two managers to develop their factory from their designs patterns and their offer all their employees a chance to discover business in the near future. stock of clothing is held in storage there too. the Breton-Celtic culture in the workplace. In 2010, the two 23-year-old men started Therefore, he said, ‘we do not need to rent a They also wanted to promote the creation of their small business. Both had studied in warehouse which is good news in term of Breton speaking businesses in Breizh. Alan Diwan schools, before going on to continue money!’ ArGal, president, said ‘To stay alive a their education further a field outside Breizh. language must be used on an everyday basis’… so in the firms the use of the Breton language between workers was encouraged… We are happy with the creation of Agalon, because it provides two jobs in Breizh, and we expect more in the future’. Agalon’s plans are 100% in line with the goals of K.E.B. because it is based on our identity and the Breton is the language used at work. ‘Today we start to reap the dividends from the bilingual activities in schools. It’s encouraging to see students from the Diwan schools keep using Breton in the workplace. It’ll help other young Breton men and women to do the same’, ArGal insisted. An appeal to go for… Pol Puech, father of Gwillom stated that, ‘Before today clubs and associations received some financial help from us. Is it good to see that businesses are now also getting help too. So if creators of workshops are prepared to embrace our Celtic identity and Breton language, do not be afraid to come and see K.E.B. in order to put forward your proposals…’. G.PUECH (left) Alan ArGal (KEB-centre) G.Rogel (right). Courtesy Nelly NENAN, Ya!

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byddai’n mynd yn ddwyieithog. Erfyniwn ar ein haleodau Cynulliad felly i wyrdroi’r penderfyniad a wnaethpwyd gan y Cynulliad Cymru blaenorol ynglŷn â’r mater hollbwysig hwn.” Summary Cymdeithas yr Iaith have launched an on- line campaign calling for the Welsh language to have a stronger presence in the Welsh Assembly, concentrating specifically on the need for a fully bilingual version of the Cofnod Cymraeg yn ein Cynulliad ni Record of Proceedings (Cofnod).

Mae Cymdeithas yr Iaith wedi lansio ymgyrch ar-lein i gryfhau presenoldeb y Gymraeg yn y Cynulliad. Mae’r ymgyrch a Anrhydeddu chywynwyd ym Mehefin yn canolbwyntio ar sichrau bod cofnod llawn o drafodion y ASau’r Blaid Cynulliad ar gael yn Gymraeg. Maent hefyd yn pwyso am gynnydd cyffredinol yn y gyda ‘diolch’ o defnydd o’r Gymraeg yn y Cynulliad. Nid yw’r Cofnodion ar gael yn Gatalwnia ddwyieithog ers Medi 2010, ac mae Bwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg wrthi’n ymchwilio i’r Ar y 13eg o Fehefin cafodd y tri aelod mater, yn dilyn cwynion gan y cyhoedd. seneddol o Blaid Cymru yn Lloegr eu Wrth lansio’r ymgyrch, dywedodd Catrin hanrhydeddu gan ddirprwyaeth o seneddwyr Dafydd, llefarydd hawliau Cymdeithas yr ac ymwelwyr o Gatalwnia am eu gwaith yn Iaith, “Mae pobl Cymru wedi dangos ffydd Cofnod - dogfen o’r pwys symbolaidd mwyaf codi ymwybyddiaeth yn San Steffan o’r yn y Cynulliad wrth bleideisio am ragor o - droi bellach yn ddogfen uniaith Saesneg ar argyfwng cyfansoddiadol sy’n wynebu lly- bŵerau. Oherwydd hyn, mae mwy o y cyfan, ar ôl iddi fod yn gwbl ddwyieithog wodraeth Catalwnia. gyfrifoldeb nag erioed ar ysgwyddau ers 1999, yn gwbl groes i’r datblygiad hwn Diolchwyd i Hywel Williams AS (Arfon) gwleidyddion ein corff democrataidd i ac yn sathru ar statws swyddogol y Gymraeg. am ei gefnogaeth ac am gyflwyno “Cynnig ddangos a ydynt o ddifrif am brif-ffrydio’r “Clywsom yn ddiweddar fod llai o lawer o Bore Bach”, a gefnogwyd gan nifer o ASau o Gymraeg i bob agwedd ar fywyd y Cynulliad Gymraeg yn cael ei siarad yn y Cynulliad wahanol bleidiau. Yr oedd ei gynnig yn galw ai peidio. Byddai gwyrdroi penderfyniad y erbyn hyn, ac ‘rwy’n siwr y bydd ein am gefnogaeth i Statud Ymreolaeth trydydd Cynulliad a sicrhau bod y Cofnod gwleidyddion eisiau mynd i’r afael â’r Catalwnia 2006 yn dilyn penderfyniad anne- llawn ar gael yn y Gymraeg yn dangos broblem hon. ‘Does dim dwywaith nad yw mocrataidd llys cyfansoddiadol Sbaen yn gweledigaeth ac yn symbol clir o naratif diffyg Cofnod dwyieithog yn ychwanegu at y Madrid i ddiddymu adrannau allweddol o’r Cynulliad Cymru ar gyfer y dyfodol. Pe na broblem honno gan fod angen cyd-destun statud. baent yn gwyrdroi’r penderfyniad, byddent dwyieithog er mwyn i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg Llofnodwyd neges o gefnogaeth i Mr yn tramgwyddo hawliau iaith pobl Cymru ar yn y Siambr a’r tu hwnt fod yn gam naturiol. Williams gan dros 11,000 o Gatalaniaid. lefel gwbl sylfaenol. Byddai parhau â’r Mae perygl gwirioneddol i’r Gymraeg droi Daeth dros 100 o Gatalaniaid i San Steffan i sefyllfa fel ag y mae yn gosod cynsail yn ddim mwy nag addurn yn y Cynulliad. ddiolch i Mr Williams, AS peryglus iawn ar gyfer y dyfodol, ac yn gwbl Bydd hynny yn tanseilio’r Gymraeg ar draws (Meirionnydd Dwyfor), a Jonathan Edwards groes i’r datganiad fod gan y Gymraeg y wlad. AS (Dwyrain Caerfyrddin a Dinefwr), yn statws swyddogol yng Nghymru yn dilyn “Mae diffyg Cofnod dwyieithog yn fater o bersonol . pasio Mesur y Gymraeg, 2011.” bwys i’n haelodau, ac mae unigolion o bob Dywedodd Mr Williams “Rwy’n falch Mae’r Gymdeithas wedi llythyru aelodau’r cwr wedi cynnig ymgyrchu ar y mater hwn. iawn o’r cyfle i gyfarfod cynifer o gynrychi- Comisiwn i sichrau y bydd Cofnod gwbl ‘Rydym yn deall hefyd bod Bwrdd yr Iaith yn olwyr o Gatalwnia a datgan fy nghefnogaeth ddwyiethiog o drafodion yn y Cynulliad ar ymchwilio i’r mater o dan Ddeddf yr Iaith i’w gwaith diflinio dros gael gwrandawiad i gael yn y dyfodol agos. Mewn llythyr at Gymraeg 1993. Os yw’r Cynulliad ei hun yn ofynion democrataidd cwbl rhesymol pobl eu aelodau newydd y Comisiwn, dywedodd torri ei Gynllun Iaith, pa obaith sydd i . Bu’n anrhydedd i mi fedru chwarae Catrin Dafydd, ar ran grŵp hawliau’r weddill sefydliadau Cymru? rhan fach yn yr ymgyrch. Gymeithas “Penderfynodd y trydydd “Deallwn fod bwriad cyflwyno bil ar gyfer “Mae Catalwnia yn genedl. Felly mae’r Cynulliad stopio darparu fersiwn dwyieithog diogelu’r Gymraeg yn y Cynulliad. Mae hyn Catalaniaid yn gweld pethau, ac yn sicr, llawn o Gofnod y Trafodion, penderfyniad yn rhywbeth mawr ei angen, a byddwn yn dyma hefyd yw ein barn ni. oedd yn amhoblogaidd ymysg y cyhoedd yng cadw golwg ar y datblygiad hwnnw. Fodd “Cyflwynais y CBB i alluogi fy nghyd- Nghymru ac ymhlith Aelodau Cynulliad o bynnag, bydd sicrhau Cofnod dwyieithog ASau i ddangos cefnogaeth ac uniaethu gyda bob plaid. ‘Rydym yn erfyn arnoch felly i unwaith eto yn hanfodol fel rhan o’r rhethreg phobl Catalwnia a’u hawl i ddewis natur eu ddychwelyd at y polisi o ddarparu Cofnod ynghylch ‘corff gwirioneddol ddwyieithog’ dyfodol yn ddemocrataidd drostynt eu dwyieithog cyflawn fel y gall pobl Cymru sy’n cael ei ddefnyddio mor aml heb ystyried hunain. ddarllen trafodion y Cynulliad yn eu hiaith ystyr hynny. Mae angen cofnod dwyieithog “Mae’r dyfarniad hwn gan lys Madrid ac a eu hunain, boed hynny yn Gymraeg neu’n fel man cychwyn cyn adeiladu ymhellach ar orfodwyd ar lywodraeth Catalwnia gan Saesneg. hynny wedyn. Mater o egwyddor yw hyn, lywodraeth Sbaen yn cyfyngu cwmpas “Mae’r Gymraeg bellach yn iaith parchu hawliau iaith pobl Cymru ar lefel pŵerau datganoledig yng Nghatalwnia – swyddogol yng Nghymru, yn dilyn pasio sylfaenol. sydd yn llwyr tanseilio’r refferendwm Mesur y Gymraeg 2011, ac ‘rydym yn falch “Pan stopiodd y Cofnod fod yn ddwyieithog democrataidd a gynhaliwyd yn 2006. Mae iawn o’r datblygiad hwn fel yr ydych am y tro cyntaf, daeth aelodau o bob plaid hefyd yn golygu nad oes modd i Gatalwnia chithau. Mae’r penderfyniad i adael i’r ynghyd i fynegi pryder ac i’n sicrhau y gael ei chydnabod yn gyfreithiol fel cenedl continued on page 11 10 Carn Carn No 150 July 2011_Issue No 138 October 2007.qxd 05/07/2011 12:40 Page 11

Ychwanegodd Menna Machreth “Mae degau Cyhuddo Prydain o dorri cyfraith o filoedd o bobl wedi gwrthwynebu’r cynlluniau hyn gan gynnwys Archesgob Ewrop dros S4C Cymru, arweinwyr y pleidiau yng Nghymru, a degau o fudiadau. Mae yna ddyletswydd arnon ni fel cymdeithas sifil i ystyried pob opsiwn er mwyn atal cynlluniau sydd yn groes i hawliau dynol pobl Cymru. Mae’n amser i’n gwleidyddion ddechrau gwrando.” Summary A deputation of Welsh language supporters, including Plaid MEP Jill Evans and Cymdeithas members, visited the in Strasburg to gain support against the cuts to Welsh-language television that the London government are threatening. They were advised that the cuts would be Y ddirpwryaeth o Gymru, yn cynnwys Jill Evans ASE a’r Dr Simon Brooks contrary to international law given the (Cymdeithas yr Iaith), a swyddogion Ewropeaidd. agreements the Brits have previously signed.

Aeth dirprwyaeth o ymgyrchwyr iaith i Prydan i ddarparu sianel deledu Gymraeg. drafod y bygythiadau i S4C mewn cyfarfod â Wrth drafod ag Alexey Kozhemyakov, ‘No you don’t have swyddogion uchaf Ewrop ym mis Mehefin. cadarnhawyd hefyd bod y siarter yn Yn ystod yr ymweliad â Senedd Ewrop yn gwahardd gwledydd rhag ‘lefel is o to speak Welsh’, Strasbwrg gwaneth aelodau o Gymdeithas yr ymgymeriad’, sef gostyngiad i’r gwasanaeth Iaith gwrdd â Chomisiynydd Diwylliant i’r bobl sydd yn ei dderbyn. Mae S4C yn jokes Radio Station Ewrop Androulla Vasilliou a phennaeth wynebu cwtogi 94% ar ei chyllideb dros y Secretariat Siarter Ewrop dros ieithoedd pedair blynedd nesaf. lleiafrifol Alexey Kozhemyakov. Trafododd Dywedodd Menna Machreth, llefarydd Cymdeithas yr Iaith made an official y ddiwprwyaeth gyda’r swyddogion effaith y darlledu Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, y complaint to Real Radio, notifying Ofcom toriadau ar ymrwymiadau cyfreithiol byddai’r mudiad yn ystyried unrhyw gamau and the Welsh Language Board, following an Llywodraeth Prydain. Toriadau a fyddai’n cyfreithiol y gallan nhw eu cymryd yn dilyn advertisement for a job by Real Radio. Real golygu lleihad sylweddol yng ngweithrediad y cyfarfod: “Mae’r hyn ddywedodd y Radio in the advert said: “A brilliant yr ymrwymiad i wasanaeth teledu Cymraeg swyddogion yn arwyddocaol iawn i’n opportunity has come up at Wales’s only o hyn ymlaen, o’i gymharu â 1998 pan hymgyrch dros ddarlledu Cymraeg. Mae’n national commercial station, Real Radio. We lofnodwyd y Siarter gan Brydain. glir bod cynlluniau’r Llywodraeth a’r BBC are looking for an experienced Broadcast Yn dilyn cadarnhad gan swyddogion uchaf yn mynd yn groes i gyfraith ryngwladol. Journalist to join our Breakfast team, based Ewrop ym mis Mehefin y byddai lleihau Mae’n anorfod bod safon y gwasanaeth yn in Cardiff, delivering the on-air content our sylweddol ar lefel gwasanaethau teledu mynd i ddioddef gyda’r toriadau enfawr news and sport hungry listeners demand. Cymraeg yn groes i gyfraith ryngwladol maen nhw’n eu cynllunio. Felly, fe fyddwn “You must have an outstanding voice, a mae’r ymgyrchwyr yn ystyried her ni’n ystyried unrhyw opsiynau cyfreithiol keen eye for the right story and the gyfreithiol dros S4C. Cafwyd cadarnhad bod sydd gyda ni fel bod modd atal y confidence to play a key role in our flagship dyletswydd cyfreithiol ar Lywodraeth Llywodraeth rhag torri ei hymrwymiadau. show. You should also be an expert in using Cadarnhaodd swyddogion fod y siarter iaith audio creatively to keep us sounding fantastic. continued from page 11 Ewropeaidd sydd yn diogelu gwasanaethau radio a theledu yn orfodaeth ryngwladol. “In return we can offer you the chance to gan i Sbaen hawlio mai nhw yw unig Pwysleision nhw fod Llywodraeth Prydain join a station with nearly 500,000 listeners in ‘genedl’ y wladwriaeth. wedi cytuno’n rhydd i’r siarter sydd yn eu a country bursting with news and sport, and “Bydd hyn yn taro tant cryf gyda chenhed- gorfodi’n gyfreithiol. a true commitment to original journalism. loedd datganoledig y DG. And, no, you don’t have to speak Welsh!” “Hawdd ydy deall dicter y Catalaniaid – Dywedodd Jill Evans, ASE , mae llys Sbaen wedi llwyr danseilio eu “Mae’r ymosodiad ar S4C yn ymosodiad ar sustem ddemocrataidd. yr iaith Gymraeg ei hun. Fel un o ieithoedd “Rhaid i ddyfodol pobl Catalwnia fod yn cydnabyddedig yr UE, mae i hyn oblygiadau eu dwylo nhw eu hunain – nid yn nwylo neb ymhell y tu hwnt i Gymru. Gwelir S4C fel arall.” patrwm i lawer o wledydd eraill, ac y mae’r Siarter Ewropeaidd ar Ieithoedd Lleiafrifol Summary yn mynnu darpariaeth deledu a radio yn Bethan Williams, Chairperson of Plaid Cymru MPs have been honoured by a ieithoedd perthnasol pob gwlad.” Cymdeithas yr Iaith said: delegation of parliamentarians and visitors “Rwyf wedi gwrthod talu fy nhrwydded “The real joke is the fact that Real Radio is from Catalonia for work in raising aware- deledu fel protest yn erbyn ymosodiad allowed to broadcast nationally without ness in the London parliament of the consti- llywodraeth San Steffan ar S4C. Carwn weld having to provide any services in Welsh. It is tutional crisis facing the Catalan govern- y cyfrifoldeb dros ddarlledu yn cael ei disgraceful that this radio station is allowed ment. Hywel Williams MP (Arfon) was ddatganoli i’r Cynulliad Cenedlaethol, gan to disregard the Welsh language after getting thanked for his support and for tabling an nad yw, yn amlwg, yn derbyn y parch dyledus a license across the whole country. At Early Day Motion calling for support for the gan lywodraeth San Steffan. Dylai ieithoedd present, Wales is fighting to keep our only 2006 Catalan Statute of Autonomy following lleiafrifol gael cydraddoldeb gydag ieithoedd Welsh language television channel, but a the undemocratic decision of the Spanish Ewropeaidd eraill ym maes darlledu, sy’n new ‘national’ radio station chooses to constitutional court to scrap key sections of golygu cyllid digonol heb ymyrraeth gan dismiss the language outright. This is totally the statute. wleidyddion.” unacceptable.”

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Welsh MPs oppose Plaid leader unviels new team for government TV plans 4th Assembly

Unions and language groups have welcomed Plaid Cymru Leader AC news that a majority of Welsh MPs voted unveiled his new Shadow Cabinet for the 4th against government plans to cut S4C’s National Assembly in May. Mr Jones budget, as a critical cross-party report was pledged that the new team will work hard to published. Only votes from English MPs hold government to account as well as prevented the cross-party group of MPs promote Plaid’s policy agenda. The Plaid formally including a line calling for S4C to be leader re-affirmed his party’s election removed from the Public Bodies Bill (p. 46), promise to represent people from all parts of legislation that would allow the Government Wales. Plaid’s representation is now 11 to cut its grant to the channel by 94%. The members, compared with 15 after the last effort to stop the plans was supported by assembly election. They lost the seats of Labour, Plaid Cymru, and Liberal Democrat Aberconwy and Llanelli, and lost a member representatives on the committee. in the South West and South Central regions. Speaking on behalf of union group, the FEU Plaid Cymru Leader Ieuan Wyn Jones AC Ieuan Wyn Jones AC (Federation of Entertainment Unions), David said “The pool of talent from which I have Donovan said: “It’s clear that the majority of been able to choose this shadow cabinet is this time, the Plaid team’s responsibility is to Wales’ MPs want to stop the Government’s very strong. Not only does Plaid Cymru have ensure that any plans that plans by taking S4C out of the legislation, a wealth of experience amongst our long come before Assembly are fit to that’s to be welcomed. The fact that the established ACs, we have also gained new bring about real improvements for the people Government has relied on the vote of English members who have a vast amount to of Wales. Our focus will remain firmly fixed MPs on the committee says it all. We warmly contribute. on ensuring that the voice of every part of welcome the opposition of the Labour party, “Without a in place at Wales is heard loud and clear in the Senedd.” Plaid Cymru, and the Liberal Democrats to the Government’s attempt to change the law. There’s hope that we can win our battle for a secure future for our only Welsh language TV Hotel in Welsh-speaking area bans channel with their continued support.” The report accepts the need for “a new Welsh conversation in kitchen S4C: a multi-platform, multi-media broadcaster/publisher” (para. 64, pg. 18) and recognises that the deal between the BBC and the Government was made ‘in haste’ and The memo issued to ‘without sufficient consultation’ (para. 131, pg. staff at the Carreg 33). There is also recognition of the financial Môn hotel uncertainty after 2015, the committee argues that it is ‘essential that there is a long term funding formula [for S4C] enacted in primary It has been a while since we have had one of those No Welsh in the Workplace cases, but legislation.” (para. 100, pg. 26) one emerged in March in a hotel in the village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyll on Ynys Môn Menna Machreth, Cymdeithas yr Iaith (Anglesey), in the Bro Gymraeg (area where the natives speak Welsh),. Employees at the Gymraeg’s broadcasting spokesperson Carreg Môn hotel were issued with a memo (See photo of memo stating exact words) added: This memo was issued in a workplace in an area where Welsh is the native language and it “Although the Government has ignored the clearly not restricted to speaking Welsh to the colon chef in question, but to other Welsh-speak- views of Wales so far, it will have to reconsider ing colleagues. Following the adverse publicity in the media officials of the hotel have denied its ill-thought-out plans following this critical “banning Welsh” and made other vague excuses, but they have not apologised or retracted the report. We’re glad that the united opposition offending note. from Wales to these massive cuts is reflected The issue has been discussed in considerable detail on a Facebook page, “Hawl i siarad by the majority of Welsh MPs. It doesn’t Cymraeg yn Carreg Môn / The Right to Speak Welsh in Carreg Môn”. surprise us that the opposition is so strong, given that the deal between the BBC and the Government would mean a 94% cut to the channel’s grant - a cut which is totally unfair. Insurance company awarded for Welsh Language Service Certainly, we agree with the need for a new Cymdeithas yr Iaith have presented an award to Tarian Cyf., a Caernarfon-based insurance S4C in the new multi-platform age and the company, an award for offering an exceptional Welsh-language service to the public. The need for a long term funding formula protected “Gwobr Caru’r Gymraeg - Love Welsh award”, part of the language movement’s new initiative, in statute.” was presented to the company officers as thanks to the company for providing a high standard Meic Birtwistle from journalists’ union the of service. NUJ added: Presenting the award, Osian Jones, regional organiser for Cymdeithas, said: “This report puts a great deal of pressure “A few weeks ago Tarian Cyf. launched a new website to sell insurance, the website on the Government to look afresh at all its ( is completely bilingual, and shows what can be delivered when firms plans. Only with a new way forward, which show respect for the language.” builds a consensus across Wales, can we “Tarian Cyf. see the business sense in offering a comprehensive Welsh language services, it’s secure the high quality programming a pity that big international companies don’t do the same. We are very pleased to present this needed for the success of the channel.” certificate to the company, which offers an excellent Welsh language service to the public.”

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S4C by 94% and instead fund the channel Party leaders’ message on S4C future primarily through the BBC. Twenty-four different organisations, including the NUJ, BECTU, the Musicians’ Union, Equity, and Cymdeithas yr Iaith campaigners visited the Writers’ Union, have written to the the offices of the four main political parties government calling for these plans to be in Wales during the Welsh general election halted. campaign in April to deliver an urgent David Donovan from the message about the future of S4C. BECTU, and Dr Simon Brooks and Danny In November last year, the four party Grehan from Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, leaders had written to the British Prime presented the proclamation to Carwyn Minister outlining their opposition to the Jones’s office at the Labour Party current plans. Representatives from headquarters in Cardiff. Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg and unions Dylan Morgan and Osian Jones, along with visited party offices in Llangefni (Plaid Mair Rowlands from Bangor Students Union Cymru), Aberhonddu (Brecon) (Lib. Dems. (UMCB) presented the proclamation at Ieuan and Tories), and Cardiff (Labour) with a Wyn Jones’s Constituency Office in proclamation calling on all the political Llangefni. parties in Wales to press for a full review of Bethan Williams, Chairman of Cymdeithas S4C rather than continuing with the British yr Iaith, presented the proclamation to Kirsty government’s present plans for the channel. Bethan Williams, Chairman of Williams, leader of the Liberal Democrats, The proclamation stated: Cymdeithas yr Iaith and to Nick Bourne, leader of the Tories in “We call on you as the leader of your Wales, in Aberhonddu. political party in Wales to demand that “No decisions should be made about the Ms Williams said “There is widespread the British Prime Minister future of Welsh language broadcasting in opposition to the massive funding cuts faced order that an independent and Wales until a thorough review has been by S4C and its proposed merger with the comprehensive review be held into the future conducted. So S4C should not be part of the BBC. This is an issue where there is a united of S4C, the only Welsh-language channel in Public Bodies Bill which currently being opinion in Wales. Those political parties that the world. discussed in the . are part of the coalition government in “We also call on all politicians who “You supported the call for a review back London must reconsider their decision to represent Wales either in the National in November 2010. We now call on you to ignore us in Wales. We expect all parties to Assembly in Cardiff or in the House of make a firm stand on the future of S4C and demand the full review they called for to take Commons in London to declare their full Welsh-language broadcasting.” place, instead if the ill-considered plans of support for such a review and for Welsh The London government is attempting to the Westminster government are language broadcasting.... change the law in order to cut its funding to abandoned.”

S4C report: BBC-Government deal S4C campaigners to ‘in crisis’ – umbrella group calls for face Cardiff magistrates broadcasters to pull out of talks Two members of Cymdeithas yr In May trade unions and language groups called on the BBC and S4C to pull out of talks on Iaith who took the future of Welsh-language broadcasting following a highly critical report by a cross-party part in a direct group of MPs. action protest to According to the House of Commons Culture Committee, the Government’s plans save S4C will go “sounded more like a [BBC] takeover than a partnership”. An umbrella group, including on trial at the Heledd Melangell BECTU, the NUJ journalists union, the Writers Guild, actors union Equity, Cymdeithas yr start of July Williams Iaith Gymraeg, and the Musicians Union, are campaigning against plans for a 94% cut in (14:00 7th July 2011) the government grant to S4C and a BBC takeover of the channel. In an open letter, the Cardiff magistrates have confirmed. groups have called on the Government, S4C, and the BBC to end their talks. The letter says: “It’s time to scrap these ill-considered plans for S4C which have been condemned so It’s alleged that the two campaigners - Jamie Bevan widely. The leaders of the four main political parties in Wales, the Welsh Affairs Committee, (from Merthyr Tudful) and Heledd Melangell Williams tens of unions and language groups, tens of thousands of people who have signed petitions, (from Nant Peris) - broke into Cardiff North Conservative attended rallies and written to politicians, and now the Culture Committee, have all MP Jonathan Evans’s office and sprayed a slogan on the criticised the plans. You, as public bodies, are politically isolated, your discussions are in wall of the building against the changes to S4C. Bethan a state of crisis - they are not legitimate in the public’s eyes. Williams, chair of Cymdeithas said at the time of this “For how long are you going to continue to ignore the opinion of all these people and announcement: groups? No-one wants this, it’s not good for the Welsh language, Welsh-language “It’s time for the people who have benefited most broadcasting, or public service broadcasting in general. It seems that [Culture Secretary] Jeremy Hunt and [BBC Director General] Mark Thompson are the only people left in from S4C existence to realise the sacrifice of the Britain who still think that merging S4C and the BBC is a good idea. people who risked their freedom for the language “It’s not a surprise that the BBC doesn’t want to hold a public consultation on its plans – over the years. Over the decades, hundreds of they fear the public knows these plans are absurd. We call on you to bring your talks to an people like Heledd and Jamie have put their end, as no-one has faith in them.” The umbrella group held a protest “Rhaid i Cyw Fyw!” (Cyw must live!) at the freedom, livelihoods, and in one case their life on Urdd Eisteddfod in Abertawe/Swansea on 31st May. the line for the Welsh language. Without them, our language would be much weaker today.”

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Liobrálach, go háirithe – agus bhí roinnt de na feisirí parlaiminte a bhí ag an bPáirtí Liobrálach i Westminster ina gcomhaltaí de freisin! Ina theannta sin, Éire bhí cuid mhaith daoine a bhí páirteach ann a mheas gur gníomhaíocht ‘neamhspleách’ a bhí ar siúl acu. Is í an cheist mhór i gcónaí, gan dabht, ná ar éirigh le Mebyon Kernow agus gluaiseacht Gluaiseacht mhisniúil na gCornach náisiúnach an Choirn i gcoitinne aon rud a bhaint amach agus an oiread sin deacrachtaí acu, fiú amháin ón taobh eagraíochtúil de? Má tá suim agat i bhforbairt ghluaiseacht de sin ab ea an tionscadal “overspill”, nuair a Má fhéachtar ar na torthaí toghcháin a thug- an náisiúnachais sa Chorn le céad bliain shocraigh rialtas Shasana go mbogfaidís na tar sa saothar seo ó thaobh líon vótaí agus anuas, gheobhaidh tú eolas go leor i leabhar mílte daoine as Londain go dtí an Corn agus céatadán, ní mheasfá gur éirigh go ró-mhaith atá foilsithe ag Welsh Academic Press: iad a lonnú i dtithe comhairle áitiúla ann. Dar leis an bpáirtí a chuid polasaithe a chur chun Mebyon Kernow and Cornish , ndóigh, tugadh lucht ciníochais orthusan a cinn. Ar an láimh eile dhe, dealraíonn sé gur le Bernard Deacon, and Garry chuir ina aghaidh. éirigh go maith le feachtais áirithe a raibh Tregidga. Tá cur síos maith le fáil sa leabhar MK páirteach iontu – feachtais faoi uisce, seo ar na tréimhsí éagsúla a aithníonn na tithíocht, iascaireacht, comharthaí Cornaise húdair i saol pháirtí náisiúnach am Choirn, agus an cháin chloiginn, mar shamplaí. Mebyon Kernow (Mic an Choirn), agus na Dar ndóigh, feachtas ar éirigh thar cionn bhfréamhpháirtithe agus na mbuíonta a leis ab ea cur chun cinn bhratach an Choirn – d’fhás as nó a raibh baint acu leis. Cros San Piran (nó Ciarán, mar is fearr aithne Dar leis an húdair, ba í an teanga a chin- air i measc na nGael). Glactar leis an mbrat- ntigh, míle bliain tar éis choncas na ach sin anois ar fud na tíre agus ar fud an Sasanach, gur tháinig an Corn slán mar domhain mar bhratach an Choirn, fiú amháin shainchuid de na hOileáin Cheilteacha agus ina measc siúd ar beag a dtuiscint ar stair na nár imigh féiniúlacht na tíre agus féinmheas tíre. an phobail mar náisiún ar leithligh de dhroim Dealraíonn sé go gcreideann na húdair an tsaoil ar fad. Ba í an teanga agus an gur sa náisiúnachas saoránach seachas sa chuimhne náisiúnta ar na céadta bliain náisiúnachas cultúir atá todhchaí na glu- d’ansmacht na Sasanach orthu (tréithe a aiseachta náisiúnta sa Chorn .i. náisiúnachas bhain leis na náisiúin Cheilteacha go léir sna a chuireann fáilte roimh gach saoránach (is hOileáin Cheilteacha) a choimeád tine an cuma cén bunadh atá acu) agus a dhíríonn ar Chornachais ar lasadh i measc na gCornach, chearta gach saoránaigh a bhaint amach mar agus ba é dul i ndísc na dtréithe sin de dheas- chuspóir náisiúnta. Ní léir dúinne gur gá ca briseadh míleata, coilíniú agus eisimirce a rogha a dhéanamh idir an dá shaghas náisiú- d’fhág meon an neamhspleáchais sa Chorn nachais sin agus measaimid gur i dteannta a ar an dé deiridh. Is ábhar suntais é go chéile is fearr iad a bheith, cé go mb’fhéidir nascann an aicme ghallda sna tíortha go bhfuil daoine sa Chorn agus i gCeiltia i Ceilteacha go léir na tréithe sin le ‘iargúl- gcoitinne a bheadh teoranta go docht do lea- tacht’ agus ‘mí-aibíocht’ agus go dtugann gan amháin nó do leagan eile. siad ‘aibíocht’ ar aon ní a léiríonn go bhfuil Tá rud amháin soiléir, áfach: go dtí go n- na tréithe sin á gcailliúint againn – is é sin go éireoidh le Mebyon Kernow tacaíocht a bhfuilimid ag fás i dtreo an ghalldachais Helena Charles, an Chéad mhealladh is leithne ná an tacaíocht, bunaithe agus ag fágaint tréithe nach mbeadh ár Chathaoirleach ar Mebyon Kernow ar an traidisiún neamhspleách agus lio- máistrí sásta leo laistiar dínn. Táimid ag éirí brálach sa Chorn, a mheallann siad de ‘inghlactha’. D’fhág an t-éagomhlann seo idir mionlach ghnáth, agus tacaíocht ó dhaoine ar de bhu- Agus na tréithe sin á gcailliúint ag muintir beag agus ceann de na stáit ba láidre ar nadh gallda iad san áireamh, is snámh in an Choirn, mar sin, tháinig gluaiseacht chun domhan go raibh an dá dhearcadh i gcónaí aghaidh easa mhóir Shasana a bheidh ar siúl cinn a sheas an fód don Chorn stairiúil ann idir na daoine a chreid go gcaithfí acu chun fíorthionchar a imirt ar thodhchaí Ceilteach agus nár lig dó dul i ndearmad – seasamh go neamhleithscéalach leis na bun- an Choirn. Mebyon Kernow. Ba chróga an dream iad an phrionsabail agus iadsan a mheas maidir leis chéad ghlúin sin de MK agus is deacair, agus an té nach bhfuil láidir nach foláir dó a bhei- Tadhg Riabhach Ó Dulchaointigh. an cuntas seo a léamh, gan meas ar a th glic. Tá an scoilt sin (nár cheart an scoil- bheith againn ar Helena Charles, céad- teachas seachas an teanga a bheith ina slat Summary chathaoirleach an pháirtí agus bean nár chuir tomhais le haghaidh na bhfíorCheilteach?) le This article reviews the book Mebyon fiacail riamh ann nuair a tháinig sé go dtí feiscint sa chur síos seo, ní hamháin laistigh Kernow and , by bunphrionsabail an náisiúnachais. Sa den pháirtí ach idir an páirtí agus na Bernard Deacon, Dick Cole and Garry deireadh, bhí a seasamh ró-láidir dá taobh Cornaigh sin a mheas go raibh MK ró-umhal Tregidga (Published by Welsh Academic féin agus tháinig dream a bhí ‘níos prag- maidir lena chur chuige agus lena chuspóirí. Press). The authors state that the Cornish mataí’ chun cinn ina háit. Ba é an léiriú ab fhearr air sin ná an helped maintain Cornish identity. Tá cuntas anseo ar na feachtais agus na Nationalist Party, faoi cheannas an Dochtúra The book outlines the forerunners of Mebyon fadhbanna a raibh ar na Cornaigh dul i ngle- James Whetter sna seachtóidí. Kernow and describes how the party devel- ic leo i rith na mblianta agus is deacair gan Castacht eile a bhain le MK ar feadh na oped and the challenges along the way. To trua a bheith agat dóibh agus iad ag seasamh mblianta ab ea an drogall a bhí ar a chomhal- make progress and be in a position to influ- an fhóid in aghaidh namhad a bhí i bhfad taí féin glacadh leis gur pháirtí polaitíochta ence events in Cornwall the party must níos cumhachtaí, níos glice agus níos soini- iad! Cuid mhór de na comhaltaí, ba chomhal- expand beyond its traditional base. ciúla ná iad. Ceann de na samplaí is measa taí de pháirtithe eile iad – an Páirtí

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three men rejected the findings of the NO BONDHOLDERS TO BE BURNT! Tribunal with Dunne challenging the Tribunal to prove its findings in court. Lowry NO IMPERIAL APOLOGY! had to resign in 1996 when it was revealed Dunnes Stores had paid for work on his home and is now an Independent TD. He Both Fine Gael and the Labour Party individuals. Nor is there any recognition of made untruthful statements before and his election manifestos stated that bondholders the disastrous role played by European banks rebuttal speech on Moriarty’s findings in the should share in bank losses and in the debts (who are now being protected as senior Dáil was greeted in stony silence. The Gárda of insolvent financial institutions. After bondholders) in funding the speculation in . Commissioner said the report was being some three months into the Coalition On individual responsibility what about examined with a view to identifying criminal government they clearly stated that this will CEOs and directors who breached their own offences. On the basis of the outcome from not happen. They pointed the finger at the institutions guidelines, did not have rules in previous tribunals do not expect too much, if European Central Bank claiming that the place at all or did not record their discussions anything. ECB has ‘held out solidly that senior and decision making, Ministers of Finance Queen Elizabeth 11’s visit took place in bondholders will not be touched’. and Taoisigh whose responsibility it was to May amidst such a level of security that in Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan then be fully aware of critical issues in Dublin and elsewhere only specially invited declared that the Government had plans to governance of the banks and the economy? guests were allowed close and city centre had impose substantial losses on senior Once again the ruling elite responsible for the air of the deserted village. The scheduled bondholders in the now defunct Anglo-Irish the crisis, the costs of which they are making events which took place there and at others Bank and Irish Nationwide Building the ordinary citizen pay for, have walked venues went off without any real incidents. Society. Within a day this had been away scot free. While the visit was on the cards for quite a challenged by EU Economic Commissioner while and was seen by some as a part of the Ollie Rehn, who said no such proposal had Peace Process Sinn Féin, who was central to been conveyed by the Irish authorities and that process, did not welcome the visit, commentators stated that the general stance saying it was premature. While the Queen of the ECB was well known and unlikely to was laying a wreath in the Garden of change. EU Competition Commissioner J. Remembrance (for those who died fighting Almunia said the sweeping scope of the to free Ireland), protesters released black bank guarantee given in Sept. 2008 was the balloons in memory of those who have given problem. He claimed that in 2001 the their lives in the cause of Irish Freedom. commission had put forward proposals to Éirigí, Republican Sinn Féin and the 32 warn the Irish authorities about the County Sovereignty Movement all organised overheating of the economy but these were protests during the visit, at one of which the rejected. latter two groups skirmished with Gardaí. Nor, at the time of writing, has any progress Finian McGrath, Independent TD had said in been made on the other key issue of the Dáil earlier there were many elected renegotiating the interest rate on the bail out. members of the House and many more Again and again independent economic elected representatives in Scotland, England commentators have pointed out that these Finian McGrath, Independent TD who and Wales who do not support monarchies or crippling terms will stymie economic outlined in the Dáil the broader opposi- outdated institutions with inherited powers. recovery and that alternatives has to be tion to the Queen of ’s visit Some British citizens had come to to oppose sought including the possibly of default. the wars in and and protest against the British These are not the only U turns made, the new The findings of the report of the Moriarty arms industry and their recent deal with. He (Labour) Minister of Education, Ruairi Tribunal published in March also make queried the invitation to the ceremony at the Quinn, who had promised student bodies in interesting reading. This was the Report of British war memorial in Islandbridge of five the run up to the election that he was against the Tribunal of Inquiry into Payments to UDA brigadiers. Of particular concern to increases in fees has now changed his Politicians and Related matters which many was that the visit coincided with the position and declared they are necessary. centred on concerns relating to the 1995 37th anniversary of events which caused the In April the Nyberg report on the systemic mobile licence competition (the licence was single largest loss of life (33 dead) in the banking crisis was published. The report awarded to D. O’Brien’s Esat Digifone). Troubles, the Dublin and Monaghan stated that it occurred because of lax This focused particularly on the actions of bombings, carried out by Loyalist groups oversight and changes from time honoured the then Minister for Communications, with the involvement of British Intelligence prudential limits and procedures of the Michael Lowry (then in Fine Gael, and at the services. Calls were made for the release of financial institutions themselves. Culpability time party fundraiser). This story is too long files which the British would not give to the extended across all areas of society, the to give many details here but be careful if Barron Inquiry. British Prime Minister David banks, auditors, the financial regulator, the you are looking for the report on the web as Cameron of course has to approve all the Central Bank, the Department of Finance a site titled is in fact one Queen’s speeches. An opportunity was lost and Government, politicians, the media and set up by D. O’Brien. The Tribunal found ‘In to include a formal apology for ’s imperial investors. The mania in the Irish property the cynical and venal abuse of office, the role in Irish affairs. Not surprising maybe as market created a consensus few were will to brazen refusal to acknowledge the Cameron later rejected the calls for release of challenge, risk management in the banks impropriety of his financial arrangements the Dublin Monaghan bombing files. proved largely ineffective and there was with Mr Denis O’Brien and Mr. Ben Dunne, In the Northern Assembly Peter Robinson, only a handful of people who warned about Mr Lowry has cast a further shadow over Democratic Unionist Party(DUP), and the developing risks. No real surprise there this country’s pubic life. Also in regard to Martin McGuinness, Sinn Féin, are back as on the basis of information which had been another matter ‘What was contemplated and First Minister and Deputy First Minister. The coming into the public domain in the last attempted on the part of Mr. Lowry and Mr. results of the Assembly election in early May few years but what is quite strange is that the Dunne was profoundly corrupt, to a degree were DUP 38(+2), Sinn Féin 29(+1), SDLP report stopped short of blaming any that was nothing short of breathtaking.’ All 14(-2) , UUP 16(-2), 8(+1), Others 3.

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conflict of interest but also that these board 20 YEAR STRATEGY ON IRISH LANGUAGE – members would not be nominated because of their Gaeltacht or Irish language expertise but on the basis of political patronage as is KEY CHANGES ANNOUNCED the case with other boards and committees. The most vigorous critic of the proposals was previous Fianna Fáil Gaeltacht Minister The 20 Year Strategy on the Irish Éamonn Ó Cuív. He condemned the decision Language had been published last December not to establish a new Údarás na Gaeilge by the previous Fianna Fáil/Green agus Gaeltachta saying that leaving the government (ostensibly with a measure of all promotion of Irish outside the Gaeltacht to party support) but since the election of the Foras na Gaeilge, a cross border body, would new Fine Gael/Labour coalition nothing had leave the State polices on Irish open to a been heard on plans to ratify it or indeed ‘veto’ from Northern Ministers who would implement it. However in early June the not (particularly unionists) be prepared to go Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, Dinny as far in language policies. The Foras was not McGinley TD, speaking at a meeting of the the appropriate agency in this case. He also Board of Údarás na Gaeltachta (Gaeltacht criticised a formal connection between the Authority) in Co. Donegal, announced Údarás, the IDA and Entreprise Ireland several important changes to the 20 Year saying that the power relationship was not Strategy for Irish and significant changes in equal between them, the Údarás would suffer the government agencies to be charged with Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, and it would be a case of implementing the strategy. ‘death by a thousand cuts’. He stated that the proposal to establish a Dinny McGinley TD new authority, Údarás na Gaeilge agus Gaeltachta, have been shelved by the new the lack of action in filling it had been Fine Gael/Labour Government. This new criticised. authority was to have been one of the key It was also announced that a new statutory Feis na nGael players in the implementation of the 20 Year definition for Gaeltacht areas, based on Irish language Strategy. Instead, Gaeltacht linguistic rather than geographical criteria, body Údarás na Gaeltachta will be would be provided . Statutory status will be responsible for the implementation of the given also to a new type of ‘Gaeltacht Strategy within Gaeltacht areas (it aims to network’ area outside the existing statutory increase the number of speakers in the Gaeltacht areas. ‘Gaeltacht Service Towns’, Gaeltacht by 25% by 2030). which service Gaeltacht areas, will also be Outside of the Gaeltacht areas, the given statutory status. Department of Arts, Heritage and the Comhdháil Náisiúnta na Gaeilge Gaeltacht will oversee the Strategy in (Coordinating body for Irish Language conjunction with Foras na Gaeilge with organisations) broadly welcomed the other Government departments such as the Government decision to continue with the Department of Education expected to be existing functions of Údarás na Gaeltachta, have some input into the roll-out of the including its enterprise functions, and the Strategy. McGinley said that there had been decision to allow the appointment of a CEO too much duplication when it came to the to An tÚdarás. An Chomhdháil however implementation of the strategy, which was recommended adequate provision be made, no longer feasible given the pressures on the in terms of funding, to ensure An tÚdarás can Linda Nic leoid public finances. suitably perform its enterprise functions. The The agency will retain all of its current announcements were also broadly welcomed Linda Nic leoid, Uist a Tuath sna hOileáin functions including the enterprise function, by Guth na Gaeltachta ( Thiar (from North Uist in the Outer which had been set for the chop following the pressure group set up to oppose Hebrides) singing in Gáidhlig at the Feis the publication of Colm McCarthy’s An detrimental proposals on the Gaeltacht of na nGael session in Club an Chonradh, Bord Snip Nua Report. The Údarás will be Colm McCarthy’s An Bord Snip Nua Report. Dublin at the end of May. Also expected to co-operate with Enterprise However Guth an Gaeltachta stated that the participating were singer James Graham Ireland and the IDA on significant projects fact that there will be no elections in future to from Loch an Inbhir, Sutherland, fiddler with high potential. elect the board members of Údarás na Alasdair White from Leodhais (Lewis) and Changes were also announced to the make Gaeltacht was a detrimental step from the Larry Kinsella with Éamon Breathnach up of the Board of the Údarás. These point of view of democracy, transparency from Éire. From Thursday to Saturday changes will bring an end to the general and accountability. They understood that they took part in a number of workshops elections for the Board of the Údarás. Local there is a need to reduce costs because of the and sessions along with others. In the Club authorities will now nominate members to current economic climate but thought that they were joined also by Breton dancers the board, which the Minister said would other options could have been explored such from the Breizh-Éire group retain some element of democracy. It will as running the Údarás elections on the same ( The series of events now have between 10 and 12 members, as day as the County Council elections or was organised by Feis na nGael against 20 previously, some of which would appointing a new board on an interim basis ( and funded by be appointed by the minister. The changes until more resources are available. They are Colmcille (, the will be outlined in a new Bill to be published against the proposal outlined by the Minister partnership programme between Foras na in 2012. Critically the government has also of State today that future board members be Gaeilge and Bord na Gaidhlig . Further announced plans to advertise for the nominated by local County Councils in events are planned for September and appointment of a CEO to the Údarás. This Gaeltacht areas. They believed that this could October. position had been vacant for some time and not only result in a strong possibility of

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WHAT FUTURE FOR SAOR ÉIRE SEMINAR IRISH LANGUGE On the 7th of May last Republican Socialist ORGANISATIONS party éirígí held a highly successful event in Dublin entitled Saor Éire. The one day event The future of many of Ireland’s Irish was held on a Saturday and consisted of a language organisations is uncertain, as the series of talks on various topics followed by current funding model will cease at the end brief discussions. The event was held to of the year, with a new funding model to be coincide with the anniversary of the implemented in January 2012. Now, in the execution at the hands of the British military fourth year of the review of core-funded of Scottish born Irish Republican Socialist, organisations, the new funding model is still and one of signatories of the 1916 being developed by Foras na Gaeilge Proclamation, James Connolly. (FnaG). Since FnaG was first established in The day began at 10 a.m. and was opened 1999, it has provided annual funding for by éirígí General Secretary Breandán Mac organisations in the Irish language voluntary Cionnaith who drew comparisons between the world as it was when Connolly lived and sector, funding which paid the running costs Daithí Mac An Mháistir, éirigí, speaking as it is today. Mac Cionnaith remarked that of the organisation, the services they provide on the Irish and global financial crisis. and the projects they complete. ““Ireland remains divided by imperialism. Presently, nineteen organisations are core- The livelihoods of the vast majority of Irish conflict was primarily one driven by funded by FnaG, twelve of whom are located people are controlled by undemocratic nationalism rather than class struggle and as in the Republic, with seven organisations capitalist forces which stretch from this such the Marxist ideas of Connolly were not located in the North, with some island to London, to Washington and to the fore in the 70s or 80s either, organisations operating across the entire Brussels. They are no different to those same particularly after the Offical IRA were country. FnaG states the proposed undemocratic controlling forces which outdone in terms of prominence in the restructuring sets out to provide the value for Connolly and others struggled against.” northern Catholic community by the money, along with a more efficient approach Afterwards the first of the talks began Provisional IRA. to the promotion of the Irish language and which had as its theme the giveaway of oil Daithí Mac An Mháistir of éirígí, Unite the provision of Irish language services to and gas reserves by the Dublin government Union regional organiser Brendan Ogle and the Irish speaking community. The new to huge multi-nationals such as Shell. Joanne Chilean trade unionist and Latin America funding model consists of a portfolio of McDonald of éirígí described the staggering Solidarity Centre activist Pepe Gutiérrez then schemes, as follows: Advocacy and amount of the state’s natural resources that discussed the present financial crisis in both Research; Community Radio; Arts; Public had been given to Shell without any benefit the 26 county state and globally. Gutiérrez in Competence; Lifelong Education, Preschool to the Irish exchequer, while Maura particular gave an interesting account of the Education; Educational Aids; Family Harrington of Shell to Sea described the damage so-called austerity measures that had Support; Youth; Educational Support. As a ongoing campaign against the corporation in been imposed ón the people of Central and part of the new funding model, applicants Rossport, Co. Mayo. South America during the 70s and 80s by the would receive funding based on their Next on the agenda was the question of IMF had caused. He pointed towards an implementation of projects under each whether Connolly was an idol or an optimistic outcome for Ireland moving scheme, which would require funding for the ideologue for Republicans of the 20th forward in the fight against similar measures costs incurred for implementing particular century. Historian Aindrias Ó Cathasaigh, if they were to learn the lessons of history initiatives rather than the current core- creator of the popular and well received and look not repeat the mistakes of countries funding model. televion series detailing the lives of the seven like Chile and Argentinia who took nearly The new funding model raises many signatories of the 1916 proclamation and three decades to shrug of the parasitic IMF. questions as to the future of the organisations aired ón TG4 entitled Seachtar na Cásca, The final talk saw éirígí Cathaoirleach currently core-funded by FnaG, and whether spoke first. He detailed Connolly’s affect on Brian Leeson and Roger Cole of PANA they will be able to continue to provide their in the years shortly discuss the modern day manifestations of current services, or to employ fulltime staff following his death and into the 1920s and imperialism and the critical role opposition if funding is only available on a scheme by 30s, and remarked ón the fact that due to to the visit by the British Queen to the 26 scheme basis. There is no indication of how Connolly’s complete writings not becoming county state would play in opposing these. this funding approach is supposed to support widely available until much later, his Following this, attendees of the conference the 20 Year Strategy for Irish or indeed if it resonance with early attempts at building walked the short journey to Arbour Hill is supportive of it at all. Another cause for Republican such as the Republican cemetary where a ceremony was held to concern is that the new model is based quite Congress and Saor Éire were not that strong. commemorate James Connolly that included heavily on the Scottish National Plan for Brian Kelly of Queen’s University Belfast a number of short speeches followed by a Gaelic, without much thought to the then gave an account on the place Connolly’s wreath being laid in honour of one of sociolinguistic differences between both teachings in the recent conflict in the North Ireland’s greatest patriots. languages. of Ireland. It seems, Kelly conluded, that the Kerron Ó Luain

New iPhone App for Raidió Rí-Rá The new and improved Raidió Rí-Rá application is available for free from and the Irish-language chartstation wants it to top the iTunes charts! Thousands of people have downloaded Raidió Rí-Rá’s iPhone application for free from iTunes since its launch. Traic Ó Braonáin, Chairperson of Raidió Rí-Rá said: “The Raidió Rí-Rá app has been in high demand since day one, whereby people can listen to all the hottest music from the charts being presented through Irish 24/7. Raidió Rí-Rá is the only station presenting music from the charts completely through Irish all year around, online.

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0044 (0)1209 213131 / THE (0)8453303919GWETHNOC TARTANEmail: [email protected] COMPANY Kernow Website: Prop: Peter R Morton Nance

Cornish Tartan & Tartan Wear “ADHYSKANS – Bespoke Tartan Wear ny wra trohow sawya nevra”. Men’s Kilt Hire Jewellery in Cornish Tin Tartan Design

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war’n bellwolok, warlinen hag yn paperyow- An baner o degys gans eseli Kesunyans An gwari ma, neb a waynyas piwas Holyer nowodhow. Dyskadoryon Soth-West hag i ow keskerd- rag an gwella gwari, a vydh per- hes dres an benncita yn unn grodhvolas a-dro formys yn Kernow ha wosa hemma yn dhe drohow spenans an governans. Yn medh Summary Breten Veur rag tri mis. An dro a dhalleth an baner: “ADHYSKANS – ny wra trohow A banner, translated by MAGA’ gained high orth Gwariva An Minack yn Kernow, hag y sawya nevra”. media coverage when members of South hwra mos ynwedh dhe nebes gwarivaow a Andy Woolley, Skrifennyas a’n Kesunyans West National Union of Teachers marched vri kepar ha’n Gwariva Lowry yn Salford, ha Gwariva Pleasance yn Loundres. Hemm a Dyskadoryon Soth-West, a wrug keswel against government spending cuts in London. Translated the banner reads: EDU- vydh an kynsa prys rag lies a’n woslowysi bellwolok yn fyw a-dryv an baner yn Plen an dhe woslowes orth an yeth Kernewek yn CATION - cuts never heal. Senedh, hag yth esa meur a-dro dhodho gwari an par ma.Rann an gwari yw a-dro dhe Robert Walling, den neb a wrug ‘An Howlsedhas’ – lyver-termyn ynKernewek a- dro dhe Gynsa Bresel an Norvys. Walling a Gwari Kernewek a wra tro genedhlek gewsis gans Henry Jenner, hag yma Menyster Methodek, Joseph Hocking, ynno ynwedh. An hwedhel ma a wra sywya tus dhyworth Porthpyran ow tehweles dhyworth an vresel gans sleyneth nowyth a vordardha, ha’n gwari re dheuth ha bos klassek kevos. Rag pella kedhlow, mirewgh orth www.bish-

Summary Bish Bash Bosh Productions in collaboration with Iron Shoes, are touring Alan M. Kent’s First World War-themed drama ‘Surfing Tommies’ this summer. Based on the story of returning Perranporth men who learnt surfing whilst serving their country, this drama is a con- temporary classic. For more details, see www.bishbashboshpro-

Articles kindly supplied by MAGA – The Cornish Language Partnership Gwiasva / Website:

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Plans laid out for huge St Piran’s event in Redruth

Redruth is to hold another mammoth festi- val to celebrate St Piran’s Day next year. The 2011 event, which took place on 5th March, attracted over 2000 people to market stalls, exhibitions, musical performances, steam engines and many other attractions. Organisers say that 2012 will be even bigger, and will take the undisputed title of “The Biggest St Piran’s Celebration in Cornwall”. Saturday 3rd March has been earmarked as the day to look forward to, and many of this year’s attractions are expected to return alongside new additions The organisers, which include Mike Chappell of the Celtic League, Redruth Rugby Club, Redruth Town Council, Redruth Chamber of Commerce and the newly formed Redruth Radio, say that festi- and passion of ‘Cornishness’ in to the fabric the 2011 event, said “We had a fantastic St val-goers can also look forward to a proces- of this historic and cultural town. The 2012 Piran’s Festival 2011 with, literally thou- sion, fireworks on the rugby field, fancy- festival should prove to be even bigger and sands of people in the Town Centre and at the dress, and many other activities, especially in better, with even more input from the local Rugby Ground – no one was more proud the town centre. Redruth Rugby’s fixture list community; this is why we are holding a than I to be part of the day’s celebrations. for next season will not be confirmed by the public meeting (date to be confirmed, likely The local community and people from much Rugby Football Union until late May; if they June) to invite residents to share their ideas further afield came along to support us – we are at home there will be some spectacular and to become members of the working had a contingent from Wales. Of course, this action (though this year’s match will take group.” festival, as we had hoped, was the first of an some beating). If they are away the club will Redruth Rugby’s General Manager, Gerry annual celebration of St Piran linked very stage a special St Piran’s exhibition match. Reilly, commented “We were delighted to be closely to the county-wide intentions of oth- The firewalk, which this year raised over at the centre of this year’s St Piran’s ers”. £2000, is back on the cards for 2012 and Celebrations and we are eagerly anticipating Councillor Thomas added “2011 turned out organisers say they hope to see a long line of being involved again next year. This year to be an incredibly sound foundation to build people queuing up to follow in the footsteps saw the entire Redruth Community come 2012’s festival on. We learnt a lot from our of blind 87 year old Bobby Bownas who together along with many visitors to the experience, but mainly there were two things impressed the crowds at this year’s event. Town. We hope that even more will swell the that stick in my mind. Firstly, that there is a The possibility of extending family entertain- numbers next year and we look forward to great desire, no, demand, to continue such ment throughout the evening will be welcoming them to the Recreation Ground.” celebrations - you simply wouldn’t believe explored, alongside the successful live music George Saint, Secretary of Redruth & the number of people, near and far, who have events in pubs and bars across the town. District Chamber of Commerce, added “The asked us to ‘keep up the good work’. The event this year sparked international Redruth Chamber fully supports next year’s Secondly, we witnessed true civic pride interest; one participant was even inter- ‘St Piran’s Festival’, which brings people through the expressions of enjoyment and viewed on Irish TV. It is thought that the from far and wide into our historic town. enthusiasm and we displayed a strong belief huge celebrations might also have further This year we had visitors from far and wide; and spirit in our town. The challenge for all influence, as the announcement to stage the Penzance in the West and Dorset in the East, of us now is to make our next festival bigger second St Piran festival next year comes as coming to enjoy not only the festivities, and better, but one thing we can be sure of is attempt to convince cen- which were numerous, but also the friendly that we expect more and more participants tral government to make St Piran’s Day a atmosphere of Redruth and the local traders. and visitors to come to Redruth 2012.” bank holiday. Alongside the Cornwall-wide Next year will be bigger and better. So we as Mike Chappell of the Celtic League and St Piran’s Pub Packs project, coordinated by the supporters of local commerce all say one of the founder members of the celebra- Ben Read – also a working group member for ‘bring it on’.” tion said’ “It is my pleasure to serve Redruth Redruth’s St Piran’s Festival – the celebra- and indeed our little Country of Cornwall as tions could give weight to the bank holiday The Redruth St Piran’s Festival 2012 Saint Piran and I hope to do the same next proposal. is set to be held on Saturday 3rd March year. This celebration marks Cornwall’s dis- Town Development Manager, Lee 2012 with a fully packed programme on the tinctiveness as a Celtic Nation and not a part Dunkley, said “We were overwhelmed by the day. Join in with “The Biggest St Piran’s of England.’ community participation in the St Piran’s Celebrations in Cornwall”: Redruth Town For more information about The Redruth St Day festivities this year, which was the first Centre and Redruth Rugby Football Club. Piran’s Festival 2012 you can contact the such attempt in Redruth’s recent history. The Mayor of Redruth, Ian Thomas, who Town Development Manager, Lee Dunkley, town is building on this, grounding the pride addressed crowds in Cornish and English at on 01209 210038 or [email protected].

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Joan Symons, Cornwall Council’s cabinet Cornish Language Partnership member and chairman of the Cornish Language Partnership, added: “‘We are awarded €3600,000 over 3 years delighted that the Government is continuing its support for the Cornish language. This funding will enable us to continue to provide Kernewek once considered a forward to a busy and productive the services we currently offer and undertake “critically endangered” three years.” further projects and development.” language has been thrown a Kernewek, as Cornish is lifeline by the Government known, gained official with funding for a further recognition under the CHUCK McLAUGHLIN, R.I.P. three years. The ancient European Charter for tongue had been declared Regional or Minority extinct by The United Languages in 2002. It Nations Educational and shares about two thirds of Scientific and Cultural its vocabulary with Welsh, Organisation (UNESCO) in and even more with Breton 2009 only to be brought back Joan Symons and is spoken by about 300 from the brink a year later. people fluently with thousands Efforts in the county to breathe fresh more able to hold a conversation. In life into the Celtic language, which was 2008 a standard written form was agreed in spoken widely until the 18th Century, an attempt to unify the orthographies and It was with deep sadness when we heard prompted UNESCO to reclassify its status move forward the revival. the news of the sudden death of Chuck last year. MAGA was set up in 2006 and brings McLaughlin, Age 59, who passed away Andrew Stunell, Minister at the together a range of voluntary organisations suddenly on Sunday, June 12, 2011. He Department of Communities and Local and statutory bodies from its office and team was a member of the Irish Freedom Government (DCLG), announced an extra of dedicated staff. It has worked with Committee Board and Chairman of the £360,000 for the Cornish Language schools, businesses and community groups, Albuquerque, New Mexico cumann. Partnership (MAGA) during a visit to produced resources, overseen work on the Chuck was a tireless, compassionate, Cornwall. language itself and promoted Cornish widely and outspoken advocate for Irish MAGA Manager Jenefer Lowe, said the at home and through Europe. republican political prisoners and their announcement underlined “the unique place Cornish language studies have been families. One of his last acts was to the language holds in Cornwall’s distinct introduced in a number of schools with the organise a substantial donation drive for culture”. first Cornish language crèche opened in 2010 several families of republican prisoners. “We are grateful for the support of the at Cornwall College near Camborne. Recent Chuck was deeply committed to the DCLG and Cornwall Council - with ever MAGA projects include a translation service efforts to appeal for an International increasing interest and demand from providing Cornish house names, wedding human rights delegation to visit schools, businesses and the public, we look speeches and tattoos. Maghaberry jail, and he was to visit the jail himself later this month and meet with several of the prisoners there. Chuck CELTIC LEAGUE MEMBERS WIN RADIO BROADCASTING AWARD diligently and regularly corresponded with many of the republican prisoners Celtic League members, Michael Chappell imprisoned at Maghaberry, Portlaoise, and and Tony Leamon, who produce and present in prisons in Lithuania and France; who no the hugely popular One And All Radio show doubt will feel a great loss at the news of on Falmouth’s Source FM today won a local his passing. award for most innovative programming on Chuck’s every energy was spent on the station. righting wrongs wherever he found them. Their show goes out every Monday His compassion knew no geographical morning between 9am and 11am on 96.1FM. boundaries; he was equally outraged over They play Cornish and Celtic music, debate human rights and territorial abuses to all local issues and give Westminster Celtic peoples, Native Americans, the politicians a hard time! Guests on the show Palestinian people, and displaced and have included local MPs, Councillors, occupied peoples all over the world. musicians, filmmakers, and lecturers. The Chuck McLaughlin was a larger-than-life Cornish language features in the programme. presence whose tireless, endless energy Thanks to the show going out live on the was totally focused on the downtrodden, internet via the source website they have a Tony Leamon the wrongfully accused, the imprisoned, truly global audience and the programme is the occupied, and the abused. the most listened to on the station. Listeners commitments. Indeed, Mike has been offered Chuck and Judi attended the Celtic as far away as New Mexico and Australia work as a political interviewer by a media League AGM in Kernow in 2009, where he have spoken live on the show. News items, company. made many fiends. On behalf of his Celtic poetry and music are regularly sent in from According to one of the hundreds who did League friends I would like to extend our Celtic League members as well as listeners attend the opening ceremony of Source Fm’s condolences to his wife Judi and family and in Australia, South America, and all the new studio the quality of programming at the to thank The Irish Freedom Committee Celtic nations in Britain. station rivals any of the larger commercial or for contacting us with the sad news. When Tony Leamon accepted the award he national radio stations. stated that the show would be nothing Website: ndex.htm without his “pard” Mike Chappell who was Tony Leamon, Assistant General Secretary. PB unable to attend due to massive family (tel. mobile : 07858367843 )

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v’ad. Ec y traa cheddin, ta foast scoltey eddyr y ‘Cheer Ard’ as y ‘Cheer Injil’. Ta sleih dy liooar sy Cheer Injil foast coontey sleih yn Cheer Ard dy ve myr sleih dyn ymmyd. As Mannin cre mysh y scoltey crauee, y vollaght shen haink rish kyndagh rish eabbaghyn fir-toshee Hostyn dy chur ny Yernee fo chosh dy bollagh keeadyn dy vleeantyn er dy henney? Lhig dooin guee dy vod Nalbin geddyn rey Barriaght Phartee rish y vollaght impiroilagh shoh. Ny lurg cragh ny Jamysee, haink Sostyn dy ve croghey mooar dy liooar er sidooryn Ashoonagh Nalbin Albinagh dy gheddyn laue yn eaghtyr er noidyn Hostyn. Shimmey Albinagh ta goaill Ec y toshiaght jeh Mee Boaldyn 2011, moyrn mooar jeh tradishoon caggoil Nalbin. chossyn Partee Ashoonagh barriaght As, mennick dy liooar, va’n/ta’n tradishoon yindyssagh ayns ny reihyssyn son reiltys shen shirveish reiltee Hostyn – shen yn aght Nalbin. Son y chied cheayrt, hooar y partee ta impiraghtyn gobbraghey. Jean moyrn tromlagh glen ec Holyrood, as eh geddyn tree Albinee son nyn sidooryn milley yn raad dys feed soiag as nuy. Fer-toshee Phartee Dy jinnagh Nalbin cheet dy ve seyr, seyrsnys Nalbin? As cre mysh y lught-thie Ashoonagh Nalbin, Alex Salmond, t’eh yinnagh shen livrey Sostyn gys laueyn ny reeoil Sostnagh/Goaldagh? Dy darragh credjal dy vel y varriaght shoh cur niart da dy Thoreeyn son traa foddey. Ta’n Partee Nalbin dy ve seyr, cre harragh er y Chrooin? reaghey refrane mychione seyrsnys Nalbin sy Obbraghys Goaldagh croghey trome dy Pobblaght Albinagh? Co-chrooin? Hannah, traa ry heet. Hed y Reeriaght Unnaneyssit er liooar er olteynyn Obbraghys Albinagh ec ta skeealyn er nyn gur magh dy vel Benrein scoltey, ta unnaneyseyryn dobberan hannah. Westminster ayns Lunnin. Ec y traa t’ayn, ta Hostyn boirit dy jean y Reeriaght Agh va mee rieau goaill yindys nagh vel nane as daeed jeu shen ayn, cosoylit rish shey Unnaneyssit brishey seose. Jean Albinee monney sleih toiggal dy jagh y Reeriaght olteynyn ec Partee Ashoonagh Nalbin. Dy ennagh gra ‘Ogh, y venrein voght! Cha shen er scoltey hannah, tra daag shey beagh Nalbin seyr, cha beagh olteynyn nodmayd ee y hreigeil!’ Feyshtyn anaasagh. counteeyn as feed jeh Nerin, bunnys keead Obbraghys Albinagh erbee ec Westminster – Ayns pabyr-naight Sostnagh er y gherrid, blein er dy henney. Jeeragh ny lurg ny parlamaid Hostyn eisht. Verragh shen va art ayn bentyn da barriaght Phartee reihyssyn ayns Nalbin, dooyrt ard- vondeish dy liooar da ny Thoreeyn. Myr shen Ashoonagh Nalbin. Ard-linney yn art, va shirveishagh y Reeriaght Unnaneyssit, David (as son resoonyn elley) ta’n Partee shen ‘As shinyn coayl Nalbin, cha beagh Cameron, dy jinnagh eh goaill noi refrane Obbraghys Goaldagh dy bollagh noi faagit dooin agh y Sostnaghys s’beg lhien’. mychione neu-chrogheydys Nalbin dy lajer. seyrsnys Nalbin. Tra hug as e Gyn ve gaccan mychione y smooinaght Agh tammylt beg ny lurg shen, dooyrt chumraagyn ardwhaiyll Albinagh as ‘coayl Nalbin’ (!), y red anaasagh syn art Cameron nagh beagh eh prowal dy chur sthap Bretnagh er bun, smooinee ad dy by liooar shoh, shen dy row yn peiagh Sostnagh screeu da lheid y refrane. Agh dooyrt eh dy jinnagh shen. V’ad cho tootagh as nagh hoig ad dy eh dobberan nagh vel ashoonaghys ‘cooie’ ec eh caggey feer jeean dy chummal y Reeriaght beagh ny hAlbinee as ny Bretnee shirrey ny ny Sostnee. Va’n fer-screeuee gaccan dy vel Unnaneyssit myr t’ee ec y traa t’ayn. Ec y smoo as ny smoo. She cheer elley yn bolgan ashoonaghys Sostnagh goit ec sleih traa t’ayn, eddyr 25% as 35% dy leih aasit Lunninagh, as ny politickeyryn ta goit ayns politickagh fashistagh as riftanyn bluckan- ayns Nalbin, t’ad ayns foayr jeh seyrsnys. shen, cha nel ad toiggal monney jeh’n teihll coshey – ‘y Sostnaghys s’beg lhien’. Cre’n fa Cha jean Salmond prowal dy reaghey refrane mooar cheumooie. Heill fir-toshee yn ta Sostnee cooyrtoil goaill aggle loayrt mannagh vees eh shickyr dy liooar dy beagh Phartee Obbraghys Goaldagh dy beagh ny h- mychione Sostnaghys? Atreih, er lhiam pene tromlagh ayns foayr jeh seyrnys. Albinee jeant booiagh ec minniag dy dy nee ashoonaghys Sostnagh y slane job lot S’cosoylagh dy jean Alex Salmond shirrey heyrsnys. As cha hoig ny fir-toshee shen dy – y stoo cooyrtoil as y stoo neu-chooyrtoil. tooilley pooaraghyn son parlamaid Nalbin row orroo cur geill mooar da ny reddyn va Va mee rieau smooinaghtyn dy row eh dy chelleeragh – dy gheddyn ny pooaraghyn taghyrt ayns y cheer hootagh shen my- quaagh dy row (as dy vel) ymmodee sleih shen as, ec y traa cheddin, dy yeeaghyn da hwoaie jeh Watford. Cha dug ad monney ayns cheer impiroilagh gra ‘ashooneyryn’ rish pobble ta currit fo chosh oc tra ta’n pobble Nalbin nagh vel pooaraghyn dy geill, as chaill ad ram soiagyn ayns ard- pobble shen shassoo dy dunnal son ny liooar ec y pharlamaid shen nish. Nee eh valjyn as baljyn Hostyn. Ec yn un cheayrt, cairyssyn oc hene, as ec yn un traa cha nod y shirrey tooilley seyrsnys argidoil son ayns politickaght, haink Partee Ashoonagh sleih impiroilagh gra ‘ashooneyryn’ roo Nalbin – soie raayt Albinagh son keesh cho- Nalbin dy ve er cheu hoshtal yn Phartee hene! Keayrt dy row, va mee my oltey jeh’n corpagh, myr sampleyr. My vees Albinee Obbraghys Goaldagh. Tra hooar Tony Blair Phartee Obbraghys Goaldagh. Tra va goaill aggle roish red casley rish slane as e chaarjyn greim er yn Phartee Obbraghys olteynyn Sostnagh gra dy row ashoonaghys seyrnsys, oddagh Partee Ashoonagh Nalbin Goaldagh, haink y partee shen dy ve casley Celtiagh ny red ommidjagh as agglagh, as va shirrey seyrsnys glen son cooishyn argidoil rish partee Thoreeagh elley. mish gra red gollrish ‘She ashooneyryn çheusthie jeh’n Reeriaght Unnaneyssit, as Cha nel eh shickyr noadyr dy vow Nalbin Sostnagh shiuish’, haink ad dy ve corree smaght ec Nalbin er dy chooilley nhee, er seyrsnys. As cre’n sorch dy heyrsnys ta shin agglagh. Agh shegin dooin gobbarghey ny lhimmey jeh cooishyn mooie as coadey loayrt mychione? Dy firrinagh, y seyrsnys cooishyn shoh dooin hene. (beggan gollrish Mannin!). Ta leighderyn smoo leaghar, shen seyrsnys veih sheer- ennagh as sleih ta noi seyrsnys Nalbin gra vunargidys. Ta cooid vooar jeh’n teihll fo’n smaght jeh bunargidys, ayns y chummey jeh Summary nagh vel y pooar ec Salmond refrane The wonderful SNP election victory in May leighoil y reaghey. Agh ta Salmond gra dy colughtyn mooarey as banceyryn ta nyn roosteyryn. Seyrsnys veih sheer-vunargidys? raises many questions about the future of the vel eh geearree refrane cowreydagh UK – the nature of , (indicative referendum). Dy beagh tromlagh Fodmayd dreamal. Erash ayns shoh wass, foddee ny h-Albinee jerkal rish tooilley the British royal family, the Scottish military soilshaghey dy beagh ad son seyrsnys, eisht tradition, etc. But it’s a time for optimism in veagh smaght politickagh ec Salmond (cha seyrsnys ayns cooishyn argidoil as cooishyn cultooroil. T’eh jeeaghyn dy vel ny h- Scotland. nee smaght leighoil) dy varganey son Brian Stowell seyrsnys. Albinee smoo daaney ayns nyn aignaghyn na

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Manx Preschool Movement – A Success Story In March I visited Mannin on a research nurseries are linked to the English language trip to find out how the Manx language is primary schools and come under the same taught and managed in the Mooinjer Veggey name as these schools, even though they are (MV) early year’s settings. in theory run independently from them. The In 2008 I contacted MV for advice ahead of cost for the children to attend these nursery setting up a Cornish language preschool places is met by the Manx Department for movement - Movyans Skolyow Meythrin Education and Children (DEC), but as a (MSM) - and after returning to Kernow result MV needs to meet certain educational (Cornwall) in 2009 and setting up a Cornish requirements, such as the teaching of the language Saturday preschool (Skol Veythrin Early Year’s Foundation Stage Curriculum Karenza) the following year, my mind turned and the Freedom to Flourish scheme. The again to how I may learn from the MV MV playgroups however are run experience. independently, with the exception of the schools are reliant on the dedication and Skol Veythrin Karenza has now been health and safety guidelines as set out by the employment of staff and the odd interest free running for over a year and as the main Manx Department of Social Care (DSC). loan and grant from Manx organisations preschool teacher at the school I felt as Consequently MV is free to use its own such as the Manx Heritage Trust. though I needed to find out if I was on the curriculum and structure the day as it Some of the difficulties that were being right track and being ambitious for the pleases. experienced by MV are being tackled, in no movement, how MSM could develop small part by the dedication and enthusiasm further. People often say that every language of staff members like Janice Quilliam. The revival is unique and even though of course lack of Manx speakers for instance is being this is correct, I nevertheless believe that addressed by MV by inviting Manx there are many lessons that we can learn Language Officer, Adrain Cain, to teach from each other and this is no truer than in Manx specifically to adults who are the case of the Celtic family of languages. interested in working in the early years. The Two of the overarching aims of the Celtic new classes are going to take place in League are to foster and promote Braddan Playgroup, which will also cooperation between the Celtic countries and hopefully bring in more suitably qualified to help in the restoration of the Celtic staff to work in the MV settings. The popular ‘Roie Mygeayrt’ Manx language children’s languages and I feel that this particular Janice Quilliam research project meets these two aims nicely. songbook by Annie and Jenny Kissack, was Even before I left for Mannin I began I have already explicitly mentioned that being reproduced and the continued ‘cooperating’ with my fellow League there is a divergence in the curricula used by expansion of the movement was also being members by asking who I should best the different types of setting, but that is one discussed with one idea discussed of contact on the Island to tell me everything I of only several differences. Other differences possibly having a nursery attached to needed to know and the name of Janice between the two different types of setting Bunscoill Ghaelgagh. Janice also said that in Quilliam was immediately raised by Patricia include the fact that the playgroups only run sharing early year’s language practice and Bridson. Janice is the MV coordinator and in the mornings and that parents/carers have education planning with me during my visit not only was she a really lovely Manx to pay for the provision. Also, as already to the Island, also allowed for her to reflect woman in her own right, she was my trusted indicated, two different government on a number of areas that she said she needed MV guide and mentor for the whole trip! departments preside over the different to “keep in mind”. Janice planned the whole week for me (even settings – the DEC and the DSC. The The practice of sharing teaching experience down to the unseasonably beautiful playgroups are inspected by the DSC for is invaluable when it comes to language weather!) and took me around in her car to quality purposes, but the nurseries however revitalisation and education planning the different early years settings that MV are not inspected. Another difference that specifically. My visit has given me added runs and manages. was pointed out to me was the difficulty that impetus and greater confidence in my own My research was particularly focused on MV has in recruiting suitably qualified staff Cornish language teaching and planning. It Manx language early year’s provision and for the playgroups compared to the nurseries. has also provided me with a better idea of even though I am aware that Bunscoill Despite the differences between the two how we should further develop Skol Ghaelgagh is also part of the MV movement types of setting, there are many more Veythrin Karenza and MSM in the near and do a fantastic job, I was not particularly similarities and of course many instances of future, which I will be sharing with parents interested this time in primary education. good practice. Both the playgroups and the and colleagues over the next few months. This fact came as a surprise to some of the nurseries for instance run for five days a Since my return I have been lucky enough to people I met on the Island, who had assumed week and demand is generally high, secure more research funding to visit Cymru that I had only come to visit Bunscoill, especially for the fully funded nursery school (Wales) for a week in June 2011, where I which included my cousin and her Manx places. The nurseries and playgroups are also plan to visit the Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin husband, who even though they lived on extremely well resourced, but the level of (MYM) Welsh language preschools, in order Mannin and had three young children Manx language resources was low in all the to learn more about the Welsh experience. themselves, hadn’t heard of any of the other settings. As I know from my experience in This will no doubt provide me with further MV schools. Kernow and from when I worked as a knowledge and understanding of how MV runs and manages three nurseries and bilingual teacher with the British Council in Cornish language early years provision two playgroups on the Island. The nurseries the state of Spain, the cost - in terms of time could be further enhanced. are Ashley Hill, Peel Cloth Workers and and money - of producing language Mooinjer Veggey: Willaston and the playgroups are Ballasalla resources in a target language is high. This Playgroup and Braddan Playgroup. The MV situation is no different in Mannin and Rhisiart Tal-e-bot

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“HUBBADULLYA” In addition to broadcasting on Source FM in the form of the ‘One & All’ programme, Celtica Tony Leamon & Mike Chappell have now reached an agreement with the brand new Redruth Radio to broadcast on that station. On line only at this stage but with live transmissions from the Carnmanellis aerial Galicia due to commence in late July with coverage of Redruth, Portreath, Camborne and The Celtic League continues to receive organisations, but it would nevertheless be outlying areas (FM frequency to be enquiries from people who ask why Galicia interesting for all concerned if channels of announced), “Hubbadullya” (its a Cornish does not have a national branch within the communication were opened up and main- word - look it up !) will be live from organisation and why Galicia is not recog- tained, as Camba Gayoso suggests in his Thursday 7th July, 2011 from 1000 to 1200. nised as a Celtic nation by the League. open letter. I heard recently from a Galician Making use of European funded state of the To these requests I normally refer the nationalist politician for instance that there is art facilities, situated within the renovated enquirer to the Frequently Asked Questions a small group from the University in ‘Elms’ Centre in Green Lane, Redruth, the page on the Celtic League website (Celtic Santiago that is attempting to reconstruct the programme will broadcast Cornish and League, 2010), where the question ‘Why ancient Celtic language that was spoken in Celtic Music and have a different take on isn’t Galicia listed by the League as the sev- Galicia over a thousand years ago. Whether news reportage in the local press. Guests and enth Celtic nation?’ is answered clearly and they are successful in their endeavour, we making full use of the new outside recording concisely. Despite this I usually make the will have to wait and see, but an interesting and broadcast facilities, the programme will point that if the enquirer would like to send project nevertheless. add to ‘One & All’ in its coverage of Cornish us information about what is happening I look forward to hearing more from our and Celtic issues and from the outset will be in Galicia, we would be more than happy to Galician friends about what is happening cul- highly critical of the Westminster regime consider this for publication on our Celtic turally (and politically too) in their beautiful and seek to highlight matters Cornish and League news site, as we do for the Basque country and I am sure my sentiment is shared Celtic. Country occasionally. Unfortunately though, among the League’s other members. Guests from pro Cornish & Celtic Political very little information has ever been sent to Parties and Organisations are warmly us as a result of these invites. There is little Rhisiart Tal-e-bot welcomed on “Hubbadullya” and offered doubt though that many people in Galicia free to air publicity in this European funded perceive themselves and their heritage to be References project. Celtic. Aviva, E (2009) A Living Fossil?: In One and All will continue to be broadcast In 1996 an organisation called ‘Liga Search of Celtic Heritage in Galicia, and expanded on Source FM and Celtiga Galaica’ (League of Celtic Galicia or Spain, Available at: retransmitted on Redruth Radio. LCG) was formed with the intention of pro- On Friday 8th July, BBC Radio Cornwall are moting Galicia as a Celtic nation. Unlike the apr99.html visiting Redruth radio to view the new Celtic League, the LCG focuses on the cul- Celtic League (2010) Frequently Asked facilities and to consider combined tural and historical traditions of its Celtic Questions Available at: transmissions. Where Cornwall leads, it past and has the motto “A people who forget seems the dear old BBC follows. their origins lose their identity; a people who Manoel Camba Gayoso (2009) lose their identity become dust.” The LCG Presentation to the Celt´s countries helps to organise an annual International Available at: Congress on Celtic Culture, which its President, Manoel “Mhor” Camba Gayoso, Get out of Cornwall says aims to “unite people from Portugal, “‘Natural England’, ‘English Heritage,’ Spain, and the rest of Europe to learn more Scottish Education Secretary other English Quangos, Westminster about our shared Celtic history.” (Aviva, makes historic politicians - be gone with the lot of you. 2009). The third International Congress took We don’t want you any more. Get out of place in the Galician city of Narón between Gaelic speech Cornwall. An honest Cornish housewife 15th and 17th April. Educational Secretary Mike Russell made struggling to support her family on a pit- In an open letter to the ‘Celt countries’ on tance does a better job. Clear off out of the LCG website, Camba Gayoso writes: history by becoming the first person to address a European Council meeting in our Country all the way back to “Galicia is a constant source of Celtic infor- England.” mation that after many centuries sunk in Gaelic. dreams, in a fossil state, it begins today to be Mr Russell made a short speech on youth Mike Chappell’s comments on ‘One & reality, to the thanks to investigations and issues in the language at the Education, All’ in mid-June. Less than 10 minutes studies on our specialized people´s land. Youth and Culture Council in Brussels. later the phones went into melt down and “...we want to strike up a friendship with you Interpretation was provided for Ministers Sarah Newton MWP offered to come live which will mean an interchange of all kind and representatives from the other 26 on air to speak. of things . And the base for this future rela- member states. The move comes after Gaelic was given tion can be the wish for peace, friendship co-official status as a language of the Celtic Big-Bang e-Breizh and brotherhood among all the people who European Union and the signing of a Part 3 belong to the celtic culture.” (Camba Memorandum of Understanding between Will be published in 2012 when the book Gayoso, 2009) the UK Permanent Representation to the of the colloquium / L’INTERCELTISME Galicia may not be recognised as a Celtic EU (UK Rep) and the Scottish will be produced by U.B.S (University of nation under the linguistic criterion put for- Government in October 2009. Breizh South), hopefully this year. ward by the League and other pan Celtic

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Scotland: Onwards to Independence Membership The modern struggle for independence and The from 1965 were formally known as the Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party. Labour was also pro-Union. So it was left to the , formed Subscriptions in 1934 (and its’ predecessor the National Party of Scotland, formed in 1929) to make the case for independence. All those who agree with the constitution The SNP’s first real, sustained success came in the late 1960’s and early 70’s. It won and aims of the Celtic League are eligible Hamilton in a ‘67 by-election, Govan in a ‘73 by-election and took one third of the vote in a for membership. The membership/ ‘74 General Election. The emphasis, from the SNP’s point of view, was on who would benefit subscription rates (including Carn) are: from the “newly exploited oil riches of the North Sea.” €24.00, Sterling £14.50, Europe (airmail) Pressure for independence led to devolution concessions. But the 1979 referendum was £20.00, Outside Europe £22.00. US$30.00 loaded by Labour. The terms stipulated that 40% of the total electorate had to vote “Yes.” But (US funds, cheques drawn on a US bank). as Houston (2008) points out- few 20th century British Governments had been “elected by that For information about the Celtic League many.” contact secretaries: In the two decades that followed there was a massive reaction against the social and economic policies associated with Thatcher and Major. The handling of the Miners strike alienated ALBA. Ray Bell 33, Gogarloch Haugh, Scotsmen. So too did the early introduction of the “community charge” or . There were Dun Eideann, EH12 9JG. also many high profile industrial closures. Steel at Gartcosh, carmaking at Linwood and BREIZH Gi Keltik Plougerne, aluminium at Invergordon all faced the axe. But “ethical, socially democratic ideals” had BP44 -29880 Breizh/Brittany. underlain Scottish society for generations. Scots began to rediscover their own civil society. CYMRU Robat ap Tomos, 11 Heol By the 1st of July 1999 the Scottish Parliament had resumed/re-opened after a gap of nearly Gordon, Y Rhath, Caerdydd, CF2 3AJ. 300 years. But Scotland is still not fully independent. The only makes and ÉIRE Caoimhín Ó Cadhla, 61 Ascaill implements policy on certain devolved matters whilst -for instance- defence, foreign affairs and Gairbhille, Ráth Garbh, B.Á.C 6 relations with the EU are “reserved matters” for Westminster alone. Subs to: 33 Céide na Grianóige, The SNP meanwhile continues -with ever greater success- to espouse a “mature, reflective, Ráth Cúil, Co. Átha Cliath constructive and broadly based .” It recently won an overall majority at Email: [email protected] Holyrood. It now hopes to strengthen the Scotland Bill and plans, in due course, to hold a KERNOW M.J. Chappell, proper referendum on independence. 3 Edwards Apartments, Gweal Pawl, Further Reading: Rab Houston, SCOTLAND: A VERY SHORT INTRODUCTION, Oxford Resrudh/Redruth TR15 3AE (2008) Email: [email protected] Alan Stewart MANNIN M Kermode, c/o Thie Meanagh, 7 Michael St., Peel, IM5 1HA. Tel No: 07624 474159 ENGLAND BRANCH Florence Kenna, Celtic League Celtic League 72 Compton Street, London, EC1V 0BN. press releases WEBSITE USA Margaret Sexton, c/o P.O. Box Those who would like Celtic League press 20153, Dag Hammarshjold Postal releases via Electronic Mail can subscribe Centre, New York, NY 10017. (free of charge) to the mailing list at: INTERNATIONAL BRANCH Mark Lockerby, 12 Magherdonnag, Pony Fields, Port Erin, IM9 6BY, Interested in Gaelic? Isle of Man. International Branch Make it part of your GENERAL SECRETARY Rhisiart Tal-e-bot, Internet Site future too… 5 Chyandour, Resrudh/Redruth TR15 http://homepages,enterprise,net/mlockerby 3AB. Kernow/Cornwall Email: International Branch Secretary Email: [email protected] [email protected] EDITOR Ms P. Bridson, 33 Céide na Cli Gàidhlig Grianóige, Ráth Cúil, Co. Átha Cliath, Éire. Email: [email protected] Quote this publication of a Articles for Carn should be e-mailed to the free info pack from: Editor. Appropriate photographs should be sent with them. Clì Gáidhlig Material for the next issue of Carn should 1-4 Highland Rail House, reach the Editor no later than 16th Sept. Independent Scots read the Academy Street, 2011. Articles sent for publication in Carn ‘Scots Independent’ , IV1 1LE. must relate to our aims. All materials copyright © Carn unless otherwise stated. Contact +44(0)1463 226710 The views expressed in Carn are not 51 Cowane Street, FK8 1JW Alba/Scotland necessarily those of the editor or of the Celtic League. Telephone Stirling 01259 730099 Website Email: [email protected] ISSN 0257-7860

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