HERITAGE OPEN DAYS is locally run by a wide range Benvenuti ! 27/28 APRILE 25/26 MAGGIO BAULADU of organisations and thousands of volunteers including BOSA Heritage Open Days Event has come to its 17th edition and is proving to be an appointment of abso- TULA SARDARA Diocesi di – Bosa Ufficio Beni Culturali Parrocchia Ortodossa di Santa Barbara lute relief in the cultural planning of the Municipal Administration of Alghero, for 2019 too. UTA SELARGIUS Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici per le GUS - Gruppo Umana Solidarietà ONLUS Ong The great success obtained in the previous editions, with a remarkable increase of the presences 4/5 MAGGIO SETTIMO SAN PIETRO province di e Nuoro Progetto Sprar Alghero “Junts” and the enthusiastic pleasure of the tourists, has induced the Administration to continue on the MONASTIR TERRALBA Università di Sassari – Dipartimento di Storia, Wwf Sardegna NURAMINIS TORRALBA scienze dell’uomo e della formazione DISSUF foregoing way: by re-proposing every year a rendezvous that is always new and rich with hints and VILLAMASSARGIA Compagnia Teatro d’Inverno ORISTANO Università di Sassari - Dipartimento di different suggestions. QUARTUCCIU VILLANOVAFORRU Associazione Volontari per la Biblioteca San Architettura, Design e Urbanistica Laboratorio Michele Therefore, great novelties will accompany also this edition of Open Monuments, keeping intact the SAMATZAI VILLASIMIUS “animazionedesign” S.GAVINO MONREALE 1/2 GIUGNO Associazione Corallium Rubrum fascination of the visit to a town capable of offering its artistic heritage in an original and involving Fondazione G. Siotto SAN SPERATE CUGLIERI Associazione Tholos manner. SANLURI DOLIANOVA Biblioteca Comunale Rafael Sari Associazione Nel Vivo della Storia A complex organizational machine that is able to concern hundreds of available people who contri- SASSARI GENURI Biblioteca di San Michele Associazione Impegno Rurale bute, with a big enthusiasm and professionalism, to the achievement of this event characterized by SESTU IGLESIAS Biblioteca della Fraternita della Misericordia “G. TORTOLI’ / ARBATAX MONSERRATO Pezzi” Associazione Volontari Pensiero Felice Onlus a very important social as well as cultural spin-off. USSANA MURAVERA Associazione Laboratorio delle Strategie To this people, in particular to the young guides of the Citizen Schools and to their teachers, to the VILLASOR SERRAMANNA Archivio Storico Comunale Associazione Lo Frontuni volunteers of the local associations, to the technical-organizing staff, I express my warmest thanks, 11/12 MAGGIO VILLACIDRO Azienda Speciale “Parco Regionale di Porto ALGHERO VILLAMAR Conte” Ente Nazionale per la protezione e l’assistenza personally and in the name of the whole Town Administration. ARBUS VILLAPUTZU Area Marina Protetta Capo Caccia/Isola Piana dei sordi – Onlus 8/9 GIUGNO Aeronautica Militare – Distaccamento Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso The Mayor GUSPINI ASSOLO Aeroportuale di Alghero Tenute Sella&Mosca GONNOSFANADIGA Mario Bruno Comando Zona Fari della Sardegna – Marina Nautisub di Cardone SNC NEONELI Militare Italiana PLOAGHE COMPAGNIA BARRACELLARE di Alghero / Operatori Penitenziari - Casa Circondariale di ASINARA Alghero RADICI AL FUTURO Istituto Comprensivo n.1 Testi a cura di Don Antonio Nughes, Pietro MONUMENTI APERTI 2019 Istituto Comprensivo n.2 Alfonso, Giuseppe Calaresu, Fabio Caria, 18/19 MAGGIO Istituto Comprensivo n.3 Alessandra Carlini, Irene Dettori, Marco ALES Milanese, Antonio Pinna, Antonio Serra, www.monumentiaperti.com DECIMOPUTZU Liceo Classico Linguistico G.Manno LUNAMATRONA Liceo Artistico F.Costantino Carmelo Spada. PABILLONIS Liceo Scientifico E.Fermi PULA QUARTU SANT’ELENA Istituto Professionale Industria e Artigianato I.P.I.A. ALGHERO SANT’ANTIOCO SILIQUA Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore A. Roth COMUNE DI ALGHERO th th TERTENIA Cooperativa Itinera 11 /12 May 2019 VALLERMOSA Cooperativa Mosaico VILLANOVAFRANCA HODs - HERITAGE OPEN DAYS VILLASPECIOSA Cooperativa Silt Volontari del Servizio Civile Nazionale 2018 – progetto Meta Service


Coordinamento rete Monumenti Aperti, il patrimonio culturale della Sardegna Monumenti Aperti raccontato da ventimila volontari in sette weekend di visite gratuite ai monumenti. da sempre con Monumenti Aperti

The project stems from a collaboration Exhibition of Vintage Cameras Itineraries Exhibitions www.algheroturismo.it www.algheroturismo.it between the ‘animazionedesign’ laboratory in the foyer of the theater by the Circolo Fila- info - ALGHERO www.monumentiaperti.com info - ALGHERO www.monumentiaperti.com Alghero’s Harbour – Andrea Padre Boat of the Department of Architecture, Design Episcope - via Principe Umberto telico Numismatico e del collezionismo Alghe- and Urbanism UNISS led by Nicolò Ceccarelli Saturday and Sunday 4pm - 8pm Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th rese #monumentiaperti19 Departure time at 11am and 5pm - up to 50 and the Directorate of the House of Reclu- In Visitatione Pastorali people per tour sion of Alghero with the aim of enhancing curated by the Diocesan Cultural Heritage Of- Tours by Boat to Discover the City the Prison Museum and optimize visits to the fice and the MAB, Museum-Archive-Library, Culture Without Barriers Walls site during the event. The so-called “sidewalk of the Diocese of Alghero-Bosa. The Alghero’ USEFUL INFORMATION USEFUL INFORMATION The city of Alghero is one of the few in museum” takes the form of a modular set of Episcope rises on a 15th-century palace, rebu- The Association Pensiero Felice is available to follows from the other page that has preserved its walls and towers over ‘exhibition stations’, inspired by the mess-rack ilt and used as an episcopal seat from the end accompany people with disabilities to visit the the years. Today its bastion are suitable for (kept in the collection) with which the ration of the 1500s. During the 19th and 20th centu- monuments on Sunday 12th, from 9.30 am to OPENING HOURS # MONUMENTI APERTI Social Networks Church and Towerbell of Santa Maria la Palma Casa Gioiosa - Porto Conte Regional Park - a suggestive walk, they are dedicated to sea- was transported inside the detention area. ries it underwent enlargements and changes 5.30 pm. Monuments will be open from Saturday 11th Facebook (@alghero.monumentiaperti) Bus ARST: Alghero-Villa Assunta - Porto Ferro Natural Reserve farers such as Colombo, Pigafetta, Magellano The exhibitors created and arranged along in the internal structure while maintaining Please make your reservations by phone May to Sunday 12th May, from 10:00 am to 1pm Instagram e Twitter (@algheroturismo) Bus ARST: Alghero-Sassari Bus Arst: Alghero-Capo Caccia e Marco Polo. The guided tours by boat will the waiting queue, seemingly the same, once the neoclassical facade intact. On the occa- on the following telephone number +39 and from 4pm to 8pm Official Tags: #monumentiaperti19 Bus terminal: via Catalogna Bus stop: Tramariglio • A few monuments may have different opening be provided by Associazione Lo Frontuni, Arts ‘open’, will unfold to perform different di- sion of Heritage Open Days, the Episcopio 3393842790. #radicialfuturo Bus terminal: via Catalogna Arst hours from the ones listed above. Please, refer High School F.Costantino and Nautisub. splay functions, integrating physical, graphic, opens its doors and hosts in the atrium on the Capo Caccia Lighthouse to the list of monuments below to find opening Bus ARST: Alghero-Capo Caccia Nuragic site of Sant’Imbenia Reserve by sending an email at: multimedia elements and staging some key ground floor the exhibition In Visitatione Pa- The National Board for the Protection and As- times for each of them HERE IS THE LIST OF THE MONUMENTS THAT Bus stop: last stop Capo Caccia The site can only be reached by car. introductory themes to the visit. storali: a documentary and expository deepe- sistance of the Deaf - Sassari Provincial Section [email protected]. • Some monuments will also be open at lunch- REQUIRE PARTICULAR VISITING MODES Bus terminal: Via Catalogna 9.15am How to get there: from the Alghero port, dri- ning on the function and history of episcopal provides provides an interpreting service for You can book for up to 4 people at a time. time ve along the coastline, of Lungomare Barcello- Casa Gioiosa - Sede del Parco Regionale pastoral visits and liturgical objects that make Capo Caccia Lighthouse At the time of booking it will be necessary the event in the LIS sign language. The service • Inside the churches, the tours will be interrup- Nuragic Complex Palmavera na, viale Europa and viale 1°Maggio, keep on to specify the names of the participants and di Porto Conte up the kit of a Bishop. will be provided at fixed times. Meeting at ted during the church services Guided Tours on Saturday and Sunday from 9am to 3pm. Bus Arst : Alghero-Capo Caccia driving along the strada statale 127 bis, which a contact number. Saturday 11th - 5.00pm Largo San Francesco, in front of the Tower of • The staff and the promoters reserve the right to In order to access to the site, reservation is man- Bus stop: Bombarde Beach. The Nuragic Com- leads to Fertilia town. After having passed the La Vida Rústiga: Lo Vi Torre di San Giovanni and Coral Museum Saint John at 11 am and 5 pm on Sunday. suspend the visit any time to ensure the safety of From 10 to 25 May datory. plex is located at a distance of 400 mt. town, drive along the SP55 strada provinciale Sulis Tower curated by Centre Excursionista de l’Alguer visitors and cultural properties Bus terminal: via Catalogna to Porto Conte-Capo Caccia. The entrance is • The waiting time may be due to safety measu- How to book: by email to Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th from 10am Wine: territory, tradition and innovation, co- The Planet I Want For more information and reservations located along the SP55, 200 meters after the res for keeping staff and visitors safe and comfor- [email protected] comunali stampa : Arti Grafiche Pisano, Cagliari grafica : Daniele Pani foto archivi to 1pm and from 4pm to 8pm ordinates Prof. Antonio Farris Sculpture Exhibition curated by Antonello Al- please contact Mrs Simonetta Fara at the crossway with the SP55 towards Capo Caccia table You can book for up to 4 people at a time. At the To follow - Wine tastings of the producers of loro and Antonello Deriu. (before the Hotel Baia di Conte). Monumental Trees Itinerary following number +39 3479540172. • Different languages –English, French, Spanish, time of booking it will be necessary to specify the the Porto Conte Park Brand and visit to the La names of the participants and a contact number. Along Cristofero Colombo’s Catalan and Sardinian – spoken at some of the Former Civic Market - Via Sassari The entrance to the site is located on the square Bastion Vida Rústiga exhibition. sites; please, refer to the panel displayed at each Saturday and Sunday of Capo Caccia. To reach the lighthouse it is ne- site for details on the language service Sunday 12th 10.30am ASPA - Alghero Street Photography cessary to walk along an uphill road of about 1.5 La Vida Rústiga: Lo Vi km. It is highly recommended to wear comforta- Special Events Awards scarica l'app curated by Centre Excursionista de l’Alguer Photographic exhibition of the winning wor- Info Point: ble clothes and shoes. Heart of Civic Theatre Walk in the vineyards and in the cellar of Te- ks. Exhibition of over 100 photos selected for • InfoAlghero Tourist Information Office | 2, Ca- e scopri i monumenti nute Delogu. gliari street tel. 079 979054 - Opening hours: Saturday 11th - starting from 5pm the Aspa Awards, the international street disponibile su Appointment 10.30 am at Piazzale della Pace Saturday from 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and from HOW TO GET TO THE MONUMENTS WHICH Musical Performances photography award based in Alghero, now App Store e with its own car. in its second edition. Exhibited in the spaces 3.30 pm to 7.30 pm | Sunday from 10 am to ARE LOCATED OUTSIDE THE CITY CENTRE Google Play by Dario Pinna (violin) and Riccardo Pinna 1 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm. To Follow, lunch in the Tenute Delogu restau- of the former Civic Market of Alghero, they (keyboard) accompanied by the Compagnia • Hod’s Info Point located in Lo Quarter complex Alghero Military Airport rant (by reservation). tell the world in its complexity, in its evolution Teatro d’Inverno - Progetto TxT Teatro per - Largo San Francesco - Opening Hours: Saturday The site can only be reached by car or by public Registration is required by Wednesday 8 May. and continuous transform itself through the tutti and Sunday from 9.00 am to 8.00 pm transports. objectives of photographers from all over the Sunday 12th – starting from 10.30am How to get there: from the harbour, drive world. @ HERITAGE OPEN DAYS ON THE WEB Concerts along the coastline of Lungomare Barcellona, via Europa and Viale 1°Maggio, keep on driving by Civic Band Antonio Dalerci - Progetto TxT Civic Theatre Further information on the event and the monu- ments can be found on: along the Strada Statale 127 bis, which leads to Teatro per tutti Piazza Teatro Monumenti Aperti è un progetto di IMAGO MUNDI http://www.alghero-turismo.it Fertilia town. At the roundabout, turn right on Saturday and Sunday 10am - 1pm | 4pm - 8pm Patrocinio www.monumentiaperti.com the Strada Statale 291. After 1.5km, turn right The Prison - Vittorio Emanuele Street PREMIO DI Moto Contrario Work in Progress on Strada Vicinale Mario Aramu. The Military Ai- RAPPRESENTANZA DEL PRESIDENTE Saturday 11th from 14 to 19 DELLA REPUBBLICA Consiglio Regionale Camera dei artistic installations by Pierluigi Calignano, rport is located at a distance of 200 mt. della Sardegna Deputati Sunday 12th from 10.30 to 19.30 Pierpaolo Luvoni and Marcello Cinque in Bus ARST: Alghero-Villa Assunta - Porto Ferro Sidewalk Museum | Temporary collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts Bus ARST: Alghero-Sassari Partner Sponsor tecnico Media partner Exhibition to Support the Visit to Mario Sironi of Sassari - TxT Theater Project Bus stop: Dopolavoro al bivio SS291 the Prison Museum for all. BUS TERMINAL via Catalogna Land Gate Tower 1 Museo Casa Manno 7 Porta Terra Square Santa Barbara St. www.monumentiaperti.com Renamed Torre di Porta Terra in the Sa- The Museum has a considerable heritage ALGHERO - 11/12 maggio 2019 baudian period, this tower was initially exhibition consisting of furniture, pain- known as The Royal Gate-the main en- tings, sculptures, prints, old books, corre- cuted in the late Renaissance style, which 26 27 28 29 #monumenitaperti19 trance to the town. The tower was sur- spondence, manuscripts and original re- are evident above all in the elegant portal. 30 31 32 33 mounted by the coat-of-arms in stone cords, highly valued from an historical and The church stands in an area that, in an- 2834 33 3239 31 of the Crown of Aragon, which is today artistic point of view. The exhibition is in- cient times, was used as a cemetery. It is 38 housed inside. The gate, closed at dusk, terspersed with the Sardinian intellectual’s therefore also known as the Old Church of 3136 served as the means of entry and exit to most representative pages of his existen- the Fossar, a Catalan term meaning “ce- the town up until its demilitarization at ce, and offers through some multimedia metery.” 24 3530 tools a glimpse of an era full of change 9 the end of the 19th century. Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - 8 1pm / 4pm - 8pm Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - and essential to the national unification 3327 1pm / 4pm - 8pm process within the Italian history. 30 2632 Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - Bell Tower of Saint Mary 13 1 pm / 4 pm - 8 pm 4 Municipal Palace 2 Cathedral 67 3 Columbano St. Principe Umberto St. 29 Historical 8 10 5 The elegant Gothic-Catalan style bell to- 6 The oldest parts of this palace structure Municipal Archive date back to the 15th century, when the wer of St. Mary’s Cathedral was built in 2 piazza Molo 2 - Complesso S. Chiara 11 23 Civic Counsel purchased some houses si- the second half of the 16th century in the 12 13 tuated in the Square of the Old Well no- The Historical Municipal Archive sa- same period in which the ancient parish fe-keeps a rich collection of records, Church of St. Mary was restructured. To- wadays called Piazza Civica, Civic Square, 1 to be adapted for use as the municipal spanning the chronological period day, the bell tower can be visited thanks to hall. Restructured several times over the between the Aragonese conquest of the restoration work completed in 1993. 14 19 29 course of the centuries, the edifice was 1354 and the last 40 years. The most Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 1pm - rebuilt by military engineers from Pied- important sector consists of the so- 6pm mont in the second half of the 18th cen- called ancient fund. tury. At this period is dated back the faça- Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - Civic Theatre 14 15 de of Municipal Palace, neoclassic style 1 pm / 4 pm - 8 pm 37 Teatro Square 20 otherwise at the end of 17th century is In virtue of the increasingly liberal ideas of 21 dated back the façade in the background, Alghero Municipal Library early years of the 19th century, Alghero 18 situated in Civic Square, where there was Rafael Sari 9 benefited by the construction of its first Andrea Padre Boat which provided the colony necessary servi- with particular elements such as cupels, the original entrance theatre, named “the Theater of the Ama- 24 piazza Molo 2 – Saint Clare Complex 22 ces; it was designed by the engineer Arturo false doors, busts, and bull horns, em- Opening times : Saturday and Sunday 10am - teurs,” and situated near the ancient Je- 17 Alghero’s Harbour 1pm / 4pm-8pm The Municipal Library entitled to the poet Miraglia, the designer of the urban regu- blems of deep religious sentiment. The suit College. Fifty years later, there were The fishing boat “Andrea Padre” is made Rafael Sari is a modern public reading li- latory plan of Fertilia. The Casa di Lavoro prevalent funerary practice of the period calls to build a new Civic Theatre in Piaz- in 1955 in Cattolica by the master of the brary created in 1840, when a group of (House of Labour) was active from 1941 was burial. Civic Square 3 za Vittorio Emanuele (Vittorio Emanuele axe “Della Santina”. As soon as she is members of the local bourgeoisie decided until 1961, when it was decommissioned. Free entry and guided tours only on Sunday 12th. Square) in an area belonging to the mu- launched, she begins her long career in Originally called Plaça Reial (Royal Square) to create a reading cabinet. Reachable Opening times: Saturday 4pm - 7pm Opening times: 9am - 7pm nicipality, called Calasanz. Construction 16 the world of fishing. The boat has been or Plaça del Pou Vell (Square of the Old from Piazza Molo, it is housed in a part and Sunday 10am - 7pm was begun in 1858 based on a design by used for a long period for fishing sardi- Well), this square has for centuries been of the Complex of Saint Clare, in the he- 25 31 architect Franco Poggi and was completed nes, then for coral fishing to end up as a The Sella & Mosca the beating heart of Alghero and is, still art of the historical center of the city. The sed in a recently renovated building that in 1862, followed thereafter by the the- “trawler”. In 1993 it was bought by the Estate today, the hub of the old town. Among building was built in 1641 as a cloistered was once the location of a monastic com- Nuragic Site 28 atre’s inauguration. The edifice is unique local company from Alghero Nautisub Founded in 1899, Sella & Mosca is si- the institutional quarters overlooking the monastery to be then used, from 1870 plex annexed to St Michael’s Church. Tower), allowed for quick passage betwe- of Sant’imbenia in Sardinia in that its entirely supported and it has been fully refurbished. After tuated in the north of Alghero on a land square there are: the Municipal Palace until 1970, as hospital, with the church Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - en the other two towers through the use The nuraghe Sant’Imbenia and its village structure was made out of wood. 2 years, it returned to work as a transport blessed by sunshine and brushed by sea and The Royal Customs House, as well as of Saint Clare attached. After about forty 1pm / 4pm - 8pm of curtains. This massive building has a ra- are located in the inner shore of the bay Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - boat for divers and as a boat used for breezes. The estate spreads over 650 hec- some of the residences of Alghero’s im- years of degradation, since 2004 the com- dial ribbed vault and is located close to the of Porto Conte, anciently known as ‘Baia 1pm / 4pm - 8pm “Passenger Transportation” for tourism tares and produces wines that highlight portant families. plex has been restored. In 2014, the new imposing Montalban outpost. delle Ninfe’. The first site was founded in Church of St. Michael 18 purpose. the unique characteristics of soils hardly Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - headquarters of the Municipal Library was Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - the 14thcentury BC and went through a Carlo Alberto St. Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - freed from rocks and abandonment. Its 1 pm / 4p m - 8 pm inaugurated, which also houses the Histo- Headquarters of the 15 1pm / 4pm - 8pm deep renovation process from the second 1pm / 4pm - 8pm facilities, amongst vineyards and beau- rical Archive of the Municipality of Alghe- It was built between 1661 and 1675 un- half of the 9thcentury BC. The project led Workers’ Mutual tiful gardens, include charming cellars, The Magdalena Fort 4 ro and the Library of the Department of der the direction of Domenico Spotorno into the creation of a public plaza inclu- Aid Association in the late Mannerist style typical of Jesuit Lo Quarter and Saint 21 museum rooms and a small church. The Forte della Maddalena owes its name Architecture, Design and Urban Planning Library of Fraternity and Mercy ding workshops and labor spots and star- Bastioni Magellano buildings. The façade of the church has a Michael Library Opening times: to a statue once placed in a niche in the of the University of Sassari. “G. Pezzi” ted life as the central marketplace. At this high base of sandstone ashlars and a bro- The area is occupied by a vast and stra- Guided tours on Saturday 11th to the tower, popularly known as the Maddale- Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - The headquarters of the Workers’ Mutual 25 stage, significant and relevant commercial ken tympanum decorated with a simple tified architectural complex which, in 66, Giovanni XXIII Str. Museum and the Church from 9am to 5pm. netta. It is one of the three forts built in 1pm / 4pm - 8pm Aid Association, a goodwill organisation connections with a wider Mediterranean protruding frame, accompanied by three The Library of the Fraternita della Miseri- Guided tours to the winery at 10am, the 16th century to provide the city front operating in the pension and welfare sec- the course of the centuries, has been world from the western to eastern coast- large rectangular windows that provide subjected to various transformations. The cordia “G. Pezzi ”was founded in 1984 11.30am, 3.30pm, 5pm. with the walls of the city. It consists of an 10 tor, was opened in Alghero in 1883. In it, lines have been established and soon this Jewish District light to the interior space. The architraved thanks to the then president Dr. Mario Guided tours on Sunday 12th to the Mu- imposing quadrangular structure which, it is possible to admire a collection of vin- so-called quarter of St. Michael extends village turned into a community mainly In the Medieval Period, the Jewish com- wooden portal is surmounted by a marble Sari and the Rector Don Salvatore Maron- seum and the Church from 9am to 12.30am. on the north side, incorporates the ho- tage reproductions and original paintings near the homonymous church founded by organized as a city-state colony. Archaeo- munity (aljama) of Alghero was organi- bas relief depicting the Annunciation. The giu. Its creation is due to the donation Guided tours to the winery from 10am to monymous circular tower, also known as depicting members of the Savoy family, the Jesuits, present in town since 1589. logical excavations took place at first from zed like those of Cagliari and Sassari, and nave is distinguished by projecting pila- of 4800 volumes by the illustrious fellow 11.30am. Garibaldi’s, in memory of the “hero of the Giuseppe Mazzini, Giuseppe Garibaldi and The main edifice of the quarter is the an- 1982 to 1997 and were set to restart in according to the tradition of the Jews of sters and is covered with a lunetted barrel cient Jesuitical college dating back to that citizen Giuseppe Pezzi, Medical Admiral two worlds” who arrived in Alghero in Giuseppe Verdi, as well as a large painting 2008 thanks to an agreement among the 32 Barcelona. The Jewish community was vault. Three side chapels with subarches and Professor of History of Medicine at Military Airport of Alghero 1855. going back as far as the 20’s celebrating time and currently it is still concerned with Regional Archaeological Department, Al- settled on a peninsula stretching out into the Lateran Treaty. decorated in relief motifs overlook the a restoration work in progress. the Universities of Rome and Naples. The The construction of the airport, located Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - the port. The documentation of a stable book collection was later enriched with ghero’s Municipal Council, the Porto Con- in the area of “La Nurra”, began the Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - nave. An octagonal dome sits above the Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - 1pm / 4pm - 8 pm presence of Jews in Alghero begins only the donations of Beppe Sechi Copello and te Regional Park Authority and the Univer- 10th July 1937 and it was open on the 1pm / 4pm - 8pm transept crossing of the church. The dome 1pm / 4am - 8pm sity of Sassari. in 1354, the date in which the city passed is externally decorated with polychrome Antonio Era. 28th March 1938. The buildings, as still Diocesan Museum of Sacred Art from the hands of the Doria family (the The library’s book heritage contains a spe- Opening times: Sunday 10am - 6pm tiles based upon a design by Antoni Si- Coral Museum 22 visible, have the common architecture Duomo Square 1 5 Genoese family to which the town owes Sulis Tower 16 mon Mossa and Filippo Figari around the cial section with books of considerable of “standardized type called Balbo” that It is located in the historic city centre, its founding) to the Aragonese domina- middle of the 20th. The Coral Museum represents for the City historical interest from the 16th and 18th Capo Caccia Lighthouse 29 even today are visible in other airports. Sulis Square of Alghero a first “piece” of an articulated near the Cathedral, set in the old Rosary tion. Opening times: Saturday 10.30am - 1pm / 3pm centuries. The Lighthouse was built in 1864, refur- The airport remained continuously ope- Built in the first half of the 16th century, system of cultural facilities called Museums Church. The Church is originated from a Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - - 6pm Opening times: Saturday 4pm - 8pm and bished in 1950 and reactivated in 1960. It rating during the war, before and after it constituted one of the bulwarks of the Alghero, an integral part of a modern and civil construction dating back to the Me- 1pm / 4pm - 8pm Sunday 10am - 1pm / 3pm - 6pm Sunday 10am - 1pm / 4pm - 8pm is located on the top of the Capo Caccia September 8, 1943, although it was also fortifications of Alghero. La Torre dello updated instrument of knowledge and dieval Age, from which the two blind por- Tours include a walk through the streets of promontory overlooking the sea. The light undermined by the German army. It was Sperone (The Tower of the Royal Spur, in enhancement of the history of the city tals be proof with dichromic ashlars on the neighbourhood. Starting point: Bastions Nuragic Complex of 26 station is a three floors white building around that time the pilot-French writer Catalan, Esperò Reyal) takes its name from Church of Saint Francis 19 and its territory. The Museum offers to its the left side of the façade bear witness. Marco Polo, front entrance Department of Palmavera wrapped in Faraday’s cage that protects it Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was assigned Architecture. the presence of, in the shelter of the to- Carlo Alberto St. visitors a vision of the richness of our Me- When the Catalan domination took over, from lightning. The structure is crowned to the squadron of the reconnaissance wer, an offshoot of the fortification—that This church was built at the end of the diterranean Sea represented specifically by This Nuragic village (15th – 8th century the factory was enlarged and became the by the lantern in which the rotating op- group of the Allied Forces stationed at is, a spur. Today, it is better known by the 15th century in a Gothic-Catalan form by the Corallium Rubrum intimately linked to BCE) has a central body of two towers home of a patrician family. tic is housed. It is an impressive building, the airport. To the French writer was Chiesa di Santa Barbara 11 name Torre di Sulis after the revolutiona- the Conventual Minor Brothers who had Alghero and its territory. a rampart wall around which the rest of Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10 am - on top of which rises a tower of about paid the transit lounge. Cavour St. ry from Cagliari, Vincenzo Sulis, who was been present in the town since the first the archaeological site pivots. Particularly 1 pm / 4 pm - 8 pm Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - 24 meters which, added together at the Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - The first mention of the Church of St. Bar- imprisoned inside, spending a good twen- decades of 1300s. In 1593 the building 1pm / 4pm - 8pm important are the interior chamber of the height of the cliff, brings the total height 1pm / 4pm - 8pm bara, which had originally been dedicated ty-two years of isolation within its walls. suffered a collapse that destroyed its cen- main tower which has an ogival shape of the lighthouse to 186 meters above sea Cathedral of Saint Mary 6 to St. Andrew, dates back to 1526. The- Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - tral part of the church. Although partially due to the false-dome building techni- The Prison 23 level and which makes Capo Caccia the Parish Church of Santa Maria Duomo Square 2 re are, however, elements that date the 1pm / 4pm - 8pm reconstructed in 1598, the church main- que employed in its construction and the 28, Vittorio Emanuele II Str. highest lighthouse of Italy. La Palma 33 The construction of the Cathedral began structure back to the 14th century. Some tains the presbytery, the adjacent chapels, “meeting hut,” which played a special valuable icons (dating from the 16th to the first two chapels in the counter-faça- Established by Royal Decree in 1889, the role for the village assembly. Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 9am - The parish church, whose name it shares in the second half of the 16th century. The Museo Archeologico 17 3pm the 19th centuries) render the interior pre- Free entry and guided tours only on Sunday with the burg in which it is located, San- first building was begun in 1567: the ra- de. The cloister dates back to the same Penal Colony of Alghero raised in a su- To visit the lighthouse, reservation is manda- cious as a place of worship. Since 2008, della Città 11th. ta Maria La Palma, got its name from dial chapels found behind the presbytery Gothic phase. burban area on the hill of St. John only tory. Send an email to: 72, Carlo Alberto St. and the belfry with a portal in the Gothic- the Holy Orthodox Archdiocese of Italy Opening times : Saturday 9am - 7.30pm in 1893. Right there, Alessandro Serenelli, Opening times: 9am - 7pm an illusion to the Virgin Mary.The name and Malta has been officiating at religious The Archaeological Museum of The City [email protected]. was given to all houses of worship du- Catalan style date back to this period. Sunday 9.15am - 10.45am / 12am - 7.30pm the murderer of Saint Maria Goretti, was The Cathedral is distinguished by its im- services. holds the oldest evidence of man’s presen- imprisoned for the last years of his long ring the agrarian reform of the Nurra posing neoclassical pronaos (temple-like Opening times: Saturday and Sunday 10am - ce in the territory, from the proto-history, detention from 1924 to 1929. In 1945 a Casa Gioiosa - 27 Necropolis of Anghelu Ruju 30 area in the 50’s. Inaugurated in 1953, entrance hall), planned in 1862 by the Ar- 1pm / 4pm - 8pm to the Nuragic epoch, to the Phoenician Tower of Saint John 20 tragic lifers jailbreak took place and after Headquarters of The Porto The hypogean necropolis of Anghelu Ruju it was built by ETFAS,the organisation in chpriest Michele Dessì Magnetti and pla- and Roman period. A well-defined exhibi- San Francesco Blvd. this episode, walls were strengthened and (3500-1800 BC) consists of 38 tombs cut charge of transformation of the mining tion path around three particularly signifi- Conte Regional Park ced against the older Renaissance façade. Church of Saint Ann Intra 12 The Torre di San Giovanni also called the perimeter towers were erected. into a limy sandstone ledge 23 metres and agriculture activity of Sardinia. cant subjects for Alghero and its territory: The buildings of the Tramariglio penal co- Opening times: Saturday - Sunday 1 pm - 6 pm Torre di Mezzo (The Middle Tower) due to Opening times: Saturday 11th 2pm - 4pm above sea level. The sacred character of Saturday 10am - 12.30pm / 3pm - 6pm Moenia (Inside The Walls) the sea, the ways of inhabiting, the world lony, which are now headquarters of the its important strategic and defensive mili- Sunday 12th 10.00am - 7.30pm the tombs is evident in the decoration of Sunday 4pm - 8pm Roma St. of the sacred. Regional Park Porto Conte, were built du- tary function. This tower, situated betwe- the various interior spaces with elements Built in the 18th century, this church de- The Museum stands in Carlo Alberto Stre- You must show up at the entrance with a ring the 30’s. The plan also included a re- en the Torre di Porta Terra and Esperó Reial document of identity. such as small cup-like containers, false do- monstrates architectonical elements exe- et, in the hearth of the old town. It is hou- sidential area located on the top of the hill (more commonly called Torre Sulis, Sulis ors, by the decoration of the environments