Gershen Kaufman,Lev Raphael | 304 pages | 05 May 1997 | Main Street Books | 9780385477963 | English | , NY, Coming out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives PDF Book

Reckless Paper Birds. Oct 22, Oneil Williams rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: any gay, lesbian or transgendered person. No other emotion is more central to our emergent sense of identity. Filled with the experiences of those struggling to overcome shame, Coming Out of Shame includes strategies for: - Storing self-esteem - Creating a positive gay identity - Healing scenes of shame - Developing partnerships in intimacy Self-affirming and inspirational, Coming Out of Shame guides the transformation of gay shame into gay pride and empowers gay men and lesbians as no other book has done. More Details The hallmark of shame is silence, and by breaking the silence around the dynamics of gay shame, Kaufman and Raphael offer a way to "come out" of shame and begin the journey toward wholeness and self-acceptance. Sally Hines. Self- affirming and inspirational, Coming Out of Shame guides the transformation of gay shame into gay pride and empowers gay men and lesbians as no other book has done. These are the central questions we'll be examining as we consider gay life for both women and men. By adolescence, such negative attitudes have produced and reinforced a single, powerful emotion: shame, the feeling that you're inferior and judged as "bad," for what you are--gay. Lev Raphael Goodreads Author. By adolescence, such negative attitudes have produced and reinforced a single, powerful emotion: shame, the feeling that you're inferior and judged as "bad," for what you are--gay. In such a climate, differences almost automatically translate into deficiencies. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. Community Reviews. This book is so fantastic I'm not sure my review will actually do it any justice. Error rating book. Tracing the historical and cultural sources of gay shame, Kaufman and Raphael reveal how gay men and lesbians have internalized shame, resulting in self-loathing and destructive behaviors. Following the initial email, you will be contacted by the shop to confirm that your item is available for collection. Matthew Todd. Jake Hall. Please try again or alternatively you can contact your chosen shop on or send us an email at. Girl Hearts Girl. In Coming out of Shame Gershen Kaufman and Lev Raphael expose the role shame has come to play in gay and lesbian lives. While the culture rewards certain differences like athletic achievement and heroism, it unequivocally punishes many others--signaling the danger of appearing too different. Pages for Her. The hallmark of shame is silence, and by breaking the silence around the dynamics of gay shame, Kaufman and Raphael offer a way to "come out" of shame and begin the journey toward wholeness and self-acceptance. Will Young. Average rating 4. Simply reserve online and pay at the counter when you collect. Gareth Thomas. As I got further along in the book, there was a lot of assumptions that pegged all gay men into one large bucket of hypersexual people exclusively focused on sex and the shame involved. Preferred contact method Email Text message. Coming out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives Writer

If we are to effect substantive, lasting change in the personal lives of gay people, then we must begin with a searching inquiry into shame that expands our knowledge of this misunderstood human emotion. More Details We'll be exploring what it's like for men growing up gay and women growing up lesbian in contemporary society. The key to building self-esteem is understanding shame and its profound hold on us, because shame is the source of low self-esteem. Self Help. Shame is the single greatest barrier to the realization of intimacy. Rarely discussed but vastly important, shame powerfully shapes each individual's development of self-esteem, identity, and intimacy--three areas in which gay men and lesbians have been extremely vulnerable to the crippling effects of shame. Not you? Paul Mendez. Error rating book. Psychologist and psychotherapist Kaufman Shame: The Power of Caring, Shenckman, has been publishing on shame for two decades; Raphael, his life partner of ten years, is best known for his Sylvia Brownrigg. How does our experience translate into intimacy and sexuality? Divided from Ourselves. Further, if we are to become successful in the pursuit of intimacy, we must understand shame's disruptive interpersonal impact. Call us on or send us an email at. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. The work improves with time as even later chapters encapsulate core ideas from the beginning of the book with brevity and simplicity. What is a gay identity or a lesbian identity? Gershen Kaufman , Lev Raphael. Unfortunately there has been a problem with your order. Rarely discussed but vastly important, shame powerfully shapes each individual's development of self-esteem, identity, and intimacy - three areas where gay men and lesbians have been extremely vulnerable to the crippling effects of shame. He teaches creative writing, popular literature, and Jewish American literature at State University. Simply reserve online and pay at the counter when you collect. It's exhaustive in its scope and largely succeeds in what it attempts to do. Will Young. About Gershen Kaufman. Lev Raphael Goodreads Author. What do we mean by a lesbian consciousness or a gay awareness? Paperback , pages. Kate Charlesworth. This concept of shame is really central to a gay person's understanding of self and Gershen and Lev do a superb job of illustrating their points. Please try again or alternatively you can contact your chosen shop on or send us an email at. Columbia Alumni Association. Coming out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives Reviews

Details if other :. Coming Out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives We'll be exploring what it's like for men growing up gay and women growing up lesbian in contemporary society. Most gay men and lesbians grow up learning that to be gay is to be sick, to be unnatural, to be a sinner. Books by Gershen Kaufman. Columbia Alumni Association. I'm very sad I finished this crap. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Available in shop from just two hours, subject to availability. The first chapter of the book is rather inelegant in its psychodynamically-soaked experiential language. Readers also enjoyed. This book is so fantastic I'm not sure my review will actually do it any justice. Welcome back. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Simply reserve online and pay at the counter when you collect. What is a gay identity or a lesbian identity? If this item isn't available to be reserved nearby, add the item to your basket instead and select 'Deliver to my local shop' at the checkout, to be able to collect it from there at a later date. Which is to say that I really can't accurately gauge how helpful the book would be for others. Paul Mendez. Pages for Her. Later in the work, the authors describe emotional and reframing interventions that are meant to confront and experience shame directly across every conceivable relationship that are both practical and potent. Other editions. This concept of shame is really central to a gay person's understanding of self and Gershen and Lev do a superb job of illustrating their points. I found this book somewhat helpful, but I suspect that my having previously read about gay shame in "The Velvet Rage" made my experience with this book much less impacting. Read more

Coming out of Shame: Transforming Gay and Lesbian Lives Read Online

John Mccullough. As I got further along in the book, there was a lot of assumptions that pegged all gay men into one large bucket of hypersexual people exclusively focused on sex and the shame involved. Sally Hines. Available in shop from just two hours, subject to availability. Reckless Paper Birds. Community Reviews. Simply reserve online and pay at the counter when you collect. Out of the Shadows. Straight Jacket. Lev Raphael Goodreads Author. If you have changed your email address then contact us and we will update your details. While the culture rewards certain differences like athletic achievement and heroism, it unequivocally punishes many others--signaling the danger of appearing too different. Columbia Alumni Association. Your order is now being processed and we have sent a confirmation email to you at. Rarely discussed but vastly important, shame powerfully shapes each individual's development of self-esteem, identity, and intimacy--three areas in which gay men and lesbians have been extremely vulnerable to the crippling effects of shame. If we are to effect substantive, lasting change in the personal lives of gay people, then we must begin with a searching inquiry into shame that expands our knowledge of this misunderstood human emotion. This book is so fantastic I'm not sure my review will actually do it any justice. Newsflash, doctor, grow up. Gershen Kaufman , Lev Raphael. Amrou Al-Kadhi. These are the central questions we'll be examining as we consider gay life for both women and men. Oct 22, Oneil Williams rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: any gay, lesbian or transgendered person.