alphaville alphaville dreamscapes dreamscapes DREAMSCAPES REVISITED 1977-1998 DREAMSCAPES REVISITED 1977-1998 To whom it may concern! Big Bang Button, November the 22. 2063 I am a traveller. A friend. An observer. Even a guardian angel. I have met Alphaville many times, in their early days in Munich or, sorry, possibly Paris, Münster? I was at the concert they played, I think, after the release of their first mega-hit "Black Hole Door" in Kinshasa at that legendary arena where Mohammed Ali recently boxed against George Foreman. I sat next to Marian when he and Michael signed the multi- million-dollar deal with TCF and I was the one who, 20 years later, pulled him from that burning car wreckage in LA just before he..., well, that's another story. There are so many stories, about Alphaville, about each of YOU. As I said, I am a traveller. It's curiosity that drives me on and a peculiar ability that enables me to journey the worlds which you can only enter via your dreams. - Throughout my widespread travels Alphaville has been a valued companion. You see, don't forget one thing: there are boring, lonely universes out there in which they never existed while in others their career followed a distinctly different path. If you have questions about the band, their releases and tour dates All this can be heard on Dreamscapes: victories and defeats, songs none of you know, which please refer to
[email protected]. nonetheless became smash hits in other verisimilitudes. There is much to discover, yet it For business matters such as management, licensing and booking remains but a wee segment of infinite possibilities: like millions of sailors in parallel worlds.