International Conference On Emanations in Modern Engineering Science and Management (ICEMESM-2017) ISSN: 2321-8169 Volume: 5 Issue: 3 65 - 68 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Touch Screen Technology – A Review Durga Shahu Vaishnavi Deshmukh Prof. Bhagyashree Khumbhare MCA Final Year, MCA Second Year, Assistant Professor. Information SRPCE,Nagpur,shahupreeti596@gm SRPCE,Nagpur,vaishnavi.deshmukh Technology, SRPCE,Nagpur,
[email protected] [email protected] Mob. No. 7385867735 Mon. No. 7387934946 Mob. No. 9422145671 Abstract. Touch screen technology which allows user to interact directly with what is being displayed, rather indirectly using mouse or keyboard. It can be used without any intermediate devices. Touch screen is usually found in smart phones, video games, kiosks, navigation system etc. Keyword: Touch Screen, Sensors, Screen, Layers, Fingers and Stylus. __________________________________________________*****_________________________________________________ 1. INTRODUCTION user to interact with the computer by touching A touch screen is an electronic visual display that can pictures or words on the screen. detect the presence and location of a touch within the display area. Touch screens can sense finger and other C. First touch telephone passive objects, such as a stylus. However if the object sensed is active, as with a light pen. Apple was the first with a touch screen Tele-phone in the year of 1983. Jason ford of ELO touch A. History systems, (the company whose founder invented touch screen technology) for providing the touch In 1971DR.Sam Hurst, founder of technology. In 1971, the first Touch Sensor was ELOGRAPHICS developed the first touch opaque developed by Doctor Sam Hurst. sensor ELAGRAPH at the University of Kentucky.