The Grand Valley Ledger
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The Grand Valley Ledger W/olume 7, Issue 11 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 January 19, 1983 Graham Building is historical site School Board votes to In a H'inl effort. Ihc Showhoal matter. they opted to purchase a (iarden Club, the West Central state approved historical marker. xv-hiHr w shuffle administrators Mkhiyan Historical StK'iety. ()wing to the high costs of pur- G«MIA*I ItOMH" and the hmell C ily Council con- chasing such a marker, the Gar- ^ trihuteil 'ouard the purchase and den Club invited the City Coun- In a special meeting of the In other action Monday night, ^installaiion of a state approved cil and the West Central Michi- Lowell Board of Education held the board set March 14 as the marker recognizing the (iraham gan Historical Society to partici- Monday. January 17. the board, date for the school millage elec- building, which houses the h- pate in the project, which they alter meeting in closed session tion. but it did not arrive at a defi- brar\ and the YMCA. as an his readily agreed to do. with the administrators of the nite millage proposal. The ad toncal building The text of the cast aluminum Lowell Area Schools, unani hoc- committee formed to discuss The Marker was installed in marker, which was prepared by mously approved a motion to au- the millage vote had suggested a Irnnt ol (he buildm)! Monday. Virginia longer and Thelma thorize School Superintendent three-year millage proposal of January 17. Hahn. reads as follows; Donald Kelly to reassign admin- 21.8 mills in 1983 . 22 mills m According to (iarden Club In 1873 Robert W Graham istrators I9K4. and 22.2 mills in I98.S. meinbet Hruce Walter, the suf!- designed and built this Italianate Kelly acted quickly on this au- The board will meet once gestion lor an oflical marker lor structure as a two-family resi- thorization. and on Tuesday he again Monday. March 24. to de- the (iraham building originated dence A native ol England. issued a statement to all school termine a millage proposal. All IPwith the Showboat Garden Club Graham settled in l.owell in personnel announcing adminis- voted operational millage for the Altei a committee consisitng ol I K.SX Here he worked as a brick trative reassignments which af- school has expired, and the Walter. I:vel>n iinggs. and mason, a larmer and a merchant. fect every school but the high board is anxious to get a millage Mildied I iml had considered the Graham's son Krnest. an ar- school proposal set and presented to the New assignments, effective property owners m the I»well Standing beside the new marker are Olive Cook, president of January 24. are as follows: School District. the Showboat (iarden Club. Bvelyn Kriggs. president of the Alto Principal -- Jim White. Kelly also annoumed Tues- West Central Michigan Historical Society, and Jim Maatman. Bushnell Principal and Cur- day that "there have been some iAlain SVmkmayo r pro-tem. riculum Director -- Dirk Ven- very good things going on" in in- wri ema. Runciman Principal and formal contract negotiations be- ic Special Ed Director -- Bill tween representatives of the : il chitect. designed notable build- I9.S4 In 1922 the public library Kirby. Middle School Principal - board and the teachers union. ings m Chicago. Washington. moved into its west w ing. Its east - Dave Burdette. Middle School Both the board and the teacher DC.. New York City. Cleve- w ing became the headquarters ol Consultant -- John Gabnon team have a tentative plan which land. and l.ondon The Graham the local YMCA m IWiO house was deeded (o the city in Kelly said Tuesday that the the they hope to present formally to reassignments were not intended the teachers in the coming week. to be punitive, but were instead Kelly said that the groups arc Canoe livery may open here intended to "revitalize" the "in the process of getting num- A new form of recreation may evening llie amendment to schools involved. bers together." and he expressed "There's nothing negative confidence that an end to the ATTKNTION LOWKLL CLASS OF 1M7K be available to area residents and Lowell's zoning ordinance will tourists neM summer thanks to now make it possible for certain about it." Kelly said "The board contract negotiations is in sight. wants lo see if we can't perk It s nine lor us to plan our live year reunion Iheie is a meeting an amendment passed by the recreational businesses to oper- things up " January 27. |MH< at 7 IN) I' M m the Hich ScIuhiI. ro»»ni will be Lowell City Council Monday ate m RR residential districts 1^ posted II you would like to help but cannoi make the meeting con w ith prior approval from both the H '''ii I aura (IX-y i Ixasure at KW-W/lh Council Okays Planning Commission and City New officer sworn in Council IOKEMA PARADE'83 The amendment stemmed Cable TV Irom a request from John and t he lokema UistrM ol the West Michigan Sh»>res Boy Scouts ol Karen Bosserman ol Grand Rap- Xiik-iicj is pulimt.' on a scout test IMK *on April Mt. IWO in I owell. for Township ids asking to be allowed to con- Ml struct a canoe livery on property I here w ill k a si,mi paiade with over I .mill scouts paiiicipaiin^ One more hurdle blocking they are purchasing Irom Arnold lo nuke this scout lest a bij; success, we wanl to sijri with a leslive cable TV service to pails ol I xtw - Wittenbach ot Lowell The prop- parade ell Iownship was cleared Mon- erty is on the east edge ol the city Iollowmg the parade there will bi- displays at the Riveisidc day evening when the Lowell and runs Irom Mam Street to the v h<»ol andaiaiiiplne in the evening at the Showhoal Amphitheatre City Council voted to approve a (irand River Iheie will k- a featured shaker plus .i ( ub ScihiI cn»ssover VSe consent agreement between the Bosserman hopes to begin need every ones help to make this successtul township and the I .owell Cable contruction in the spring The V^tmld vou volunteei your org.ini/ations to participate in this Television Department The livery will consist ol an olfice paiade ' Lowell Township Board ol Trus- building near Mam Street, park- Contact Dick Conlisk. I Kim VK Mam St.. I «»i 2<». Ijiwell. Ml tees had already approved the ing area, driveway to the river, 4«»U| . KM? agreement launch site and about thirty The resolution passed by the canoes Bosserman explained LHS HOCKEY TEAM HOLDS EUNDRAISER council authorized Mayor iX-an that alter studying area rivers, he Collins and City Manager Ray found the Grand at Lowell to be Ihc I owell High ScImhiI Ihvkey learn will be holding a tun Quada to execute the agreement ideal because it's about two draiserhiKkey eaiiK-ayamsi Sac'inaw I isc-nhoweiT M Saturday. One more obstacle that must be hours to the public landing at Jaiiuai> 22. at the < as^ade Ice Arena Proceeds ttom the eame will cleared is pnvurmj: authori/a- Ada and about lour hours to the {•o to the hockey team I ickets will be- «hi sale at the high school oi tion from Consumers Power public landing tin VKest River may be puic based at the gate ticket pi ices are S2 tm student. S2 Company to string cable on their Drive near the Last Beltlme adults poles in the township Major re- Bosserman calculates thai the sidential areas such as Key livery will produce about 2.lltKI Ol I I HE BLOTTER Heights Trailer I'aik and rentals over the six month period Eastgate in the Woods will deli that they plan to be open I wo subjects, oik a tuvemle. weie aitested ^cdncsdav Jan 12 mtely be provided service Other Bosserman pointed out that and chaiged with illegal entiy with the intent to commit a telony areas will or will not be serviced canoeing is great lamily recre- Ihe two entered a slot aee bam and took sc-veial items Both Mill he' depending! on whether or not ation. as well as being a g«»od - charged and sent to their iespc i live c«Hirts at a later date they meet the criteria spelled out outing lot youth groups ol all | bmdl olTicm recovetvd a vehicle i4olen Ihim (he iii\ ot m the agreement We were un kinds Bosserman predicts thai James Valentine NKyomin^ on Pleasant St early ^edik-sday IIk- uitvcupied vein able to contact ollicials who the livery will bring a certain cle wa» letuiiK-d to its owner Police au imesliyalmg the niattei could explain the details ot the amount ol tourist business to the The Lowell Police Depart- evaluation of his physical and tuitliei agreement prior to our press community's restauiants. gas im-nt has sclrtied a new otlicer psychological stability James (ic'ldersina ol I owell was sinii k broadside* at Main ami time stations and convenience stores to fill the vacancy created by the Valentine comes to l-owell Montoc I nday attemoon wlien a vehu Ic driven b\ Ralph Kuiivi at retirement ol Sgt James Hutson alter eight and one-half years on the I -ake Odessa police force, the teniptc-d to make a lelt turn ott Monov onto Mam St I heie wete no Xppmntrm-nts not always James Valentine. 29. a life- SUBSCRIBE TO last six years as a sergeant mjunes ntt-dfd at Nanity Hair Fash- long resident ot I Jike Odessa and A former student of Lansing l)a\ id Mlenol Ia»well tailed to vtufi m time and caused a Kai ac ions.