Sir Andrew J. Wiles Awarded Abel Prize Elaine Kehoe with The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters official Press Release ©Abelprisen/DNVA/Calle Huth. Courtesy of the Abel Prize Photo Archive. ©Alain Goriely, University of Oxford. Courtesy the Abel Prize Photo Archive. Sir Andrew Wiles received the 2016 Abel Prize at the Oslo award ceremony on May 24. The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has carries a cash award of 6,000,000 Norwegian krone (ap- awarded the 2016 Abel Prize to Sir Andrew J. Wiles of the proximately US$700,000). University of Oxford “for his stunning proof of Fermat’s Citation Last Theorem by way of the modularity conjecture for Number theory, an old and beautiful branch of mathemat- semistable elliptic curves, opening a new era in number ics, is concerned with the study of arithmetic properties of theory.” The Abel Prize is awarded by the Norwegian Acad- the integers. In its modern form the subject is fundamen- tally connected to complex analysis, algebraic geometry, emy of Science and Letters. It recognizes contributions of and representation theory. Number theoretic results play extraordinary depth and influence to the mathematical an important role in our everyday lives through encryption sciences and has been awarded annually since 2003. It algorithms for communications, financial transactions, For permission to reprint this article, please contact: and digital security.
[email protected]. Fermat’s Last Theorem, first formulated by Pierre de DOI: Fermat in the seventeenth century, is the assertion that 608 NOTICES OF THE AMS VOLUME 63, NUMBER 6 the equation xn+yn=zn has no solutions in positive integers tophe Breuil, Brian Conrad, Fred Diamond, and Richard for n>2.