sue By Ferdie de la Torre The Variety tried to get CPA's torytime off at therate of one and into a mutual amendment to the VarietyNews Staff side yesterday, but CPA Public onehalftimesanyadditional hours contract which would change AFORMER air trafficmanagerat Information OfficerFrankRosario workedover 160per month. plaintiffs position from airtraffic the Saipan International Airport refused to comment, saying the Thecontractprovidedthatplain­ managertoairtrafficcontrol train­ hasfileda $.4millioncivillawsuit matteris already in the court. tiff,who was working for Federal ing officer. against Commonwealth Ports Au­ OnJune 7,1994, Clevelandand Aviation Administration at the The last alternative given was thority Executive Director Carlos theCPAenteredintoaprofessional time, would be paid $67,500 per that if Cleveland would not agree A. Shoda and CPA for allegedly services agreement in which the yearor a totalof $135,000. to one or two given options he terminating his contract without former was hired as the air traffic According tothecivilcomplaint, would be unilaterally terminated dueprocess. managerattheairportfortwoyears on December13,1994,Shodade­ by the CPA, said the lawsuit. LawyerMichael W. Dotts filed fromSeptember1, 1994toAugust cided he wanted to appoint a dif­ The complaint stated that the thelawsuitFridayin the U.S. Dis­ 31, 1996,the lawsuit said. ferentpersonto Cleveland's posi­ plaintiffanddefendants Shodaand trictCourtinbehalfof the plaintiff Undersuchcontract,Cleveland tion. CPA thenagreedto entera mutual Dennis L. Cleveland, a residentof was called to work 160 hours per Plaintiffwasgiventhreeoptions amendment to the contract. Guam. month and to receive compensa- that include to negotiate a settle- On December19, 1994, Cleve­ land left Saipan to go on a tripto Carlos A. Shoda Seattlefor Christmas holiday. The ment and to mutually rescind the trip had been pre-approved by contract. Shoda. The second option was to enter Continued on page 24 Referrals not a gov't obligation -- Tenorio By Rafael H. Arroyo This was because using repro­ Variety News Staff grammed funds out of othergov­ GOVERNORFroilan C. Tenorio ernment program or activitymay yesterday reiterated his position not be the proper source to fund that the CNMI government is not what could be an "unauthorized obligatedto providefor a medical program of government." referralprogrambutsaidhewould "The medical referral program have it continue if the Legislature has neverbeen an authorizedpro­ provides him the money. gram of government. We were In an interview yesterday after only doing it because the legisla­ dedication rites for the new Air­ ture was appropriatingmoneyfor portRescueFireFightingfacility, it," Tenorio explained. Tenorio said would veto the bill "So mypositionis thatsincethe recentlypassed by both houses of funds ran out, I want the Legisla­ GovemorFroilan C. Tenorio (middle) andLt. GovernorJesus C. Borja (right)join CPA Board members David Legislature to give him the au­ ture to appropriate the additional Q. Maratita, Manuel D. Muna and Chairman Victor B. Hocog in cutting the ceremonial ribbon during thority to reprogram funds into money for it to continue," he dedication rites for the new Airport Rescue & Fire Fighting BuilCiing yesterday. the medical referral program. added. Tenorio pointed out that the CNMI government is only pro­ viding referrals due to the inabil­ ity of the hospital to providecer­ Governor to Cing: 'Go to hell' tain types of speciallized treat­ ment. By Rafael H. Arroyo tion,Forhimtobringupcharges "There are cases this hospital VarietyNews Staff like that, is irresponsible and I cannot provide the needed ser­ AN IRATE Governor Froilan am tellinghim go to hell," the vices.As longas wehave CHCas C. Tenorio lambasted Tinian governorsaid. theonlyhospital,thiswillbecome SenatorDavidM. Cing for the Cingcouldnotbereachedfor an obligation on our part to send latter's accusations that Supe­ comment yesterday. This re­ patientsto whateverhospitalthey rior Court Presiding Judge porter tried to call Cing's resi­ Continued on page 24 Alexandro C. Castro was en­ dence but was told the senator gagingin "too much politics." was on Tinian. In an interview yesterday, Castro was rejected by the Tenorio expressedirritation at Senatewithavote of6-1during Cing's reasoning for the a surprisesessionMay 9th. He Senate's rejection of Castro's wasappointed tothetoppostof recentappointmentaschiefjus­ the SupremeCourt May 5th. ticeof the SupremeCourt. - Cing,whois chairmanof the "He says Judge Castro was Senate Committee on Execu­ gettingtooengagedin politics. tiveAppointments andGovern­ Ifthe senatorwas accusingthe mental Investigation, said judge of getting involved in Froilan C. Tenorio David M. Clng Castro's rejection was due to politics withme, then1can tell appointment over Castro's rejec­ ated that the judge Was favoring the nominee allegedly getting the senator to go to hell," tion for the top post of the CNMI the Administration in the disposi­ too involvedin politics. Tenoriosaid. . Judiciary but was especiallycriti­ tion of certain cases faced by his Itwasnotclearlystatedwhen 'That is. because1never dis­ cal ofCing'srecentremarks onthe government.' or how the judge allegedly cussedpoliticswith thepresid­ issue. "I think he was trying to send a played politics but the senator ingjudge." . He said he believes Cing's re­ messagethatthejudgewasissuing aired disappointment at how Tenorioyesterday aired dis- Partly cloudy with cent remarksabout Castro insinu- decisionsto favorthisadministra- Contlnuea on page24 morning showers.


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"-"-:~w<..--,-_...... -...... __- .••. 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANn VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 McVeigh pal charged in Okla. blast FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARiE:rY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 By PAUL aUEARY Three weeks after the deadliest woman yelled, "Baby killer!" drove back to Kansas together. '., OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)· terror attack on U.S. soil, Nichols Prosecutors built their case on Nichols lives in Herington, Kan- r -. Terry Nichols, an Army friend of declined to challenge his transfer evidence that included a fertilizer sas. . lems and other employment mat­ media 'reports and allegations of TimothyMcVeigh who wasjailed to Oklahomafrom Kansas. A court receipt and back-and-forth trips In addition, a law enforcement This was the statement made ters. laborabuse in the CNMIcommit­ two days after the April 19 bomb- appearance was scheduled for between Oklahoma and Kansas. source in Washington told The by Governor Froilan C. Tenorio According to the governor, he yesterday in light ofrecent state­ ted mostly on Filipino workers. ing in which 167 people were Thursday. "I think he's well informed of Associated Press that investiga- was told by Concepcion during RP officials say the ban will killed, was brought to Oklahoma Wearing a bulletproof vest, what's going on," said his public tors have evidence that Nic ments made by visiting Filipino their meeting that the latter was CongressmanTomasConcepcion stay on until pending labor com­ to face charges he and McVeigh Nichols was taken from the fed- defenderinKansas,SteveGradert. hols took another trip to Okla- planning to push a total ban on plaints are resolved and until pro­ carried out the attack. eral courthouse in Wichita, Kan- "I think he's pretty scared." homa City after the Ryder truck about the current ban on workers workers from his nation. from the Philippines. tective mechanisms are in place As wasMeVeigh, Nichols was sas and flown to the federal prison Prosecutors said that Nichols, that carried the bomb was rented That is why, he said, the CNMI for workers. charged Wednesday under a fed- outside Oklahoma City where 40, was with McVeigh in Okla- in Kansas.. . "We should start looking for shouldstartlookingat othercoun­ workersfrom othercountries. The During his meeting with era! anti-terrorism law that car- McVeigh is being held without homaCityonApril16,threedays The official did not say when tries for labor to prepare for any Concepcion, Tenorio said he Ties a possible death sentence. bail. As he left the courthouse, a before the blast, and that they that trip might have been made, fact is we need to shape up over eventualities. brought up the idea ofa selective here but I thought we have been but the truck, packed with 4,800 "He told us thathe was going to ban, meaning only those employ­ doing that. As far as the Philip­ pounds (2,160 kilograms) of fer­ set a six-month moratorium from ers with bad records would not be pine government is concerned, it tilizer-and-fuel-oil explosives, the Philippines. The Lieutenant allowed to hire. seems our efforts are not suffi­ 'Reports say.Murayamal was not rented until Monday, Thomas James McVeigh Governor and I are confused. He It was not known, however, cientto theirliking," saidTenorio April l Z,and was blown up on the ing to avenge the cult disaster at said total ban. I don't know whether such a suggestion was in an interview yesterday. morning ofWednesday, April 19. Waco, Texas, that took place ex­ whether he meant all workers or taken for consideration. Concepcion, who represents Given that the truck was de­ actly two years earlier. More.than whetherhe was just talking about "I askedhim why can'tyou ban may be resigning soon I Froilan C. Tenorio over four million overseas con­ stroyedand MeVeigh was arrested 80 cult members died as the construction workers, maids and employers on a case by case ba­ By Rafael H. Arroyo tract workers in the lower House Tomas Concepcion TOKYO (AP) • PrimeMinister criticism ofits lack ofdecisive ac­ the Mainichi, also said Thurs­ alone in Perry, Oklahoma shortly BranchDavidiancompoundwent farmers," said Tenorio. sis. Why should employers not Variety News Staff ofRPCongress, metwith Tenorio "In the meantime, our office in Tomiichi Murayama is consider­ tion after a subwaynervegas attack day that Murayama has re­ after the bombing, investigators up in flames. Currently, the ban is in effect guilty oflaborabusebe penalized THE CNMI should better really Wednesday. the Philippines are reviewing the . ing resigning soon, major Japa­ and aranklingtradedisputewith the marked on the "limits" of his are trying to find out how Nichols Federal investigators said that on any new maids, farmers and for the deeds of other employ­ start lookingat othercountries for He arrived Saipan Monday and qualifications ofemployees, this nese newspapers reported Thurs­ United States, the Yomiuri said. coalition government's role. got back to Kansas where he they found a receipt for possible nightclub workers from the Phil­ ers," said Tenorio. workers to prepare for whatcould has been meeting with Filipino being one of the causes of labor day. Thursday's reports were based Chief Cabinet spokesman turned himselfin on Friday, April bomb materials in Nichols' home ippines to the CNMI. Another alternative scheme be a total ban on workers from the worker groups discussing prob- abuse here," said the governor. Theresignationislikely tocome on aspeech Wednesday byYoshiro Kozo Igarashi continued that 21. One theory is that another and that McVeigh's fingerprint Such a ban came a month ago Concepcion was told about was According to Tenorio, after a Parliamentary election in Mori,secretary generaloftheLib­ Murayamamentionedthe "limi­ person may have driven him back was on the receipt. on the recommendation ofa labor for the RP consul general here to Concepcion liked the verification July, said Japan's largest newspa­ eralDemocraticParty,which rivals tation of the coalition govern­ to Kansas. Nichols - a slight man who fact-finding mission from the verify employers and not issue per, theYomiuri, which quoted a Philippine Department of Labor process saying that he imple­ Mumyarna's Socialists as thesec­ ment" in a conversation Sun- I At a court hearing in Wichita wears glasses - does not resemble labor authentication if the em­ Gov't not able to timely & Immigration. mented something like that in senior ruling party official as say­ ond-largest member of the ruling day, but warned against inter- last month, prosecutors described the sketch ofa muscular, square­ ployer poses a risk for the em­ I Saudi Arabia and that it is work­ ing that Mumyama hasmentioned coalition. Mori hinted that preting it as a code word indi- I a close association between The mission was prompted by ployee. jawedmale that the FBI has circu­ ing there. i "limitation ofhis administration." Mumyarna isleaning toward resig­ eating Murayama would resign. I Nichols and MeVeigh. Afterserv­ lated as a depiction of the second pay for PSS settlement I Murayama denied the reports. nation, the Yomiuri said. "He says similar things all I ing in the Army together, they ran suspect in the bombing. By Ferdie de la Torre I "It is not forgivable to create "A cabinet led by the head ofa the time," Igarashi said. "Ifs i a military surplus business, some­ However, the FBI is investi­ Variety News Staff political vacuum. I have no inten­ I party that is not the largest (in a nothing new." i times shared a house and traveled gating whether Nichols' husky THE US DepartmentofJustice tionwhatsoever toresign," he said. i coalition) is inevitably a transi­ Murayama's Social Demo- I together. l2-year-old son, Josh, is the per­ has filed a motion seeking court's i However, widespread talk of tional administration, and there craticParty holds only 69 seats i Authorities also believe they son in the sketch, which was based order directing the CNMI gov­ Murayama's waning spirit could is a limit to its role," Mori quoted in the more powerful 511- i shared extreme anti-government on witnesses' description of the ernment to pay the second install­ destabilizeanideologicallydivided Murayama as saying in a conver­ I member lower house of Par- ! views. Prosecutors have sug­ person seen with McVeigh in a ment in the discrimination law­ ! administration already facing sation earlier in the week. Iiament, compared with 208 i gested McVeigh bombed the Ryderrental shopApril 17 inJune­ suit. t. I mounting problems such as public Another national newspaper, r~ 1"" 1 _ for the LDP. I Alfred P. Murrah Federal Build- tion City, Kansas. Lawyer Steven B. Royster of if t·: , t : , i the US DepartmentofJusticeCivil I' \. , t f. t"t Rights Division, filed the motion ,! ' z:· \·fi. in the US District Court Wednes­ day after the government alleg­ edly failed to pay the installment MEENA'S ~-£A 'P-l/. as stipulated in the consent de­ JEANS FOR GUYS AND GALS cree. ~~~?j Royster asked the court to or­ SAlPAN: ACROSS C-MART '~~9)-alJ der the defendants CNMI, Board William S. Torres CHALAN KANOA, BEACH ROAD ofEducation, Public School Sys­ SAIPAN,96950 ments, one on October I, I994 ;.;~< tem, and Education Commis­ and second on April I, 1995. ;w ~: ; GUAM: ACROSS GOOD SAMARITAN CLINIC COME & SEE OUR LATEST SELECTION sioner WiIliam S. Torres to ten­ On April I, counsel of the de­ CHALAN SAN ANTONIO, TAMUNING OF FASHION AT EVER AFFORDABLE PRICE der immediately the second in­ fendants notified counsel of the GUAM, 96931 . stallment of $1.05 million plus plaintiffthat the defendants were '-'«:»""1 interest to the settlement fund. having difficulty finding funds In the al ternative, Royster available for the payment ofsec­ moved the court to order the de­ . :~ -r.', CHILDREN'S ond installment, according to the LADIES fendants to show cause why they US Department of Justice. '; ,_ $" 2 PC. SETS MEN'S should not be held in contempt of DRESSES Defendants' counsel requested '•. "-, (Made in U.S.A.) SHIRTS court for their failure to comply an extension until April 28, 1995. ·fJ ." with the consent decree and other ".-< " 'STOREWIDE STOREWIDE The memorandum stated that orders of the court. the defendants moved the court The US Department of Justice for an order effecting this exten­ also submitted a memorandum in sion. 20%· 50% OFF I 20%OFF support ofits motion for an order 20% OFF On March 31, 1995, the court directing the defendants to com­ issued an order directing defen­ ply with the consent decree by dants to make the second install­ immediately tendering payment UNISEX T-SHIRTS AND MEN'S LEVIS ment payment no later than April of the overdue installment. 28,1995. MEN TANK TOPS The discrimination lawsuitwas DOCKER PANTS Court ordered that with this (Made in U.S.A.) resolved on September 9, 1994 payment the defendants include; through a consent decree signed 5% simple interest accruing from between the U.S. Department of April I until the date ofpayment. Justice, the CNMI government, "The defendants have failed to 20% OFF Board of Education Chairman make the second installment pay­ Daniel Quitugua and Commis­ ment due under the consent de­ sionerTorres, agreeing to a $2.25 cree despite two court orders," million settlement. Royster said partly in the memo­ In the decree, among other randum. things, the defendants agreed to Following Royster's motion, pay a total of$2.25 million into a U.S. District CourtJudge Alex R. settlement fund. The money is to Munson ordered Wednesday the be distributed among claimants defendants CNMI, BOE Chair­ who have been harmed by alleg­ man Quituguaand Commissioner edly discriminating employment Torres, or their counsel to appear practices of the defendants. on May 17 for a hearing to show the decree,defendantsagreed In causewhythey should not be held to make two installment pay- A container containing 28 canisters of high-level nuclear waste is unloaded from the Pacific Pintail which in contempt ofcourt. brought the waste from France to Rokkasho's Musu Oagawa Port. (AP photo). ' _'_..J _ I 4-MARIANAS VARIEIY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995


stranger to threats nity is now confronted with a mass exodus of qualified and talented UNITED NATIONS - The Secretary General of the United Na­ What is taking the Legislature medical personnel from the Com­ tions, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, understands what it's like to be in the and the Governor so long in allevi­ monwealth, peoplewho have com­ mitted themselves to providing the cross-hairs ofa terrorist. As he puts it, he's either been on terrorists' ating the personnel crisis at the One more on labor abuse Commonwealth Health Center? best medical attention possible "black lists" or "waiting lists' for 18 years. Need I remind them that CHC (given the fiscal constraints im­ ONGOING visitofFilipinoCongressmanTomasConcepcion THE In one dramatic incident 'Boutros-Ghali confidentially warned performs services that are vital to posed upon them) to this commu­ nity. is a welcome event for his countrymen as it has presented another then President George Bush about an alleged terrorist who was the well-being of our community? chance for Filipinos here in the CNMI to be able to be heard oftheir I am appalled that our politicians My immediate concern is the residing in the United States. Six months before the February 1993 adverse effect that this law will concerns and problems. have waited even this long to act to World Trade Center bombing- Boutros-Ghali alerted Bush to the amendP.L. 7-45. Theanswertothe have on the Public Health Depart­ Not only do they have anothernational official wining to sit down .dangerposedbySheikOmarAbdel Rahman. TheMuslimcleric now personnel crisis is readily apparent ment. I amsix and one-halfmonths' andlisten to theirsad plighthere, the visit also allows for yetanother - exemptall government employ­ pregnant right now. The reason my stands accused of masterminding the bombing, which until last husband and I decided to have a eyewitness to the true situation in the islands. ees of CHC with medical training week's explosion in Oklahoma City was the costliest terrorist from the operation ofP.L. 7-45. In child here was because we knew The question inevitably arises: Is the situation here really that bad incident in American history. anticipation that the politicians may that the doctors and nurses in Pub­ lic Health provide first-rate prena­ so as to warrant fact-finding missions after fact-finding missions. After the FBI infiltrated Rahman's fundamentalist group, they want to exempt only medical per­ tal care, and we heard that themid­ Are the media accounts ofwhite slavery, rape, exploitation, wage learned that the organization also planned to blow up the United sonnel hail from Australia and Canada from P.L. 7-45, I say this: wives are excellent. The vast ma­ cheating, sexual and physical abuse real and accurately depictive of Nations -preferably while Boutros-Ghali occupied his 38th floor the country oforigin ofa particular jority of these employees are from the true scenario that exists here? suite. employee does not matter as much the Philippines, Fiji, Australia, and Canada, many of whom have re- And do the so-called champions ofthe oppressed fairly describe The "SG," as he is known at the U.N. building, takes the death as his or herqualificationsand abiIi- Continued on page 36 the picture as gory as it is, enough to merit a second, a third or even threats and attempts in stride. "I am a fatalist," Boutros-Ghali told a fourth look from suddenly caring and sensitive officials. ourassociateDaleVanAttaduringanexclusiveinterview. "Ibelieve Reader brands senators as "fools" How many more officials from the Philippines needcome here to very much that the day ofyour death is known in advance." Dear Editor, very idea that the intellectual gi­ really find out that the situation here is not as bad as those in other Boutros-Ghali's fatalism may be derived from his family history. Judge Castro made in the MVB ants at the Senate could disap­ case and the so-called "Amend­ Filipino OCW destinations. Hisgrandfather, Boutros Ghali, was Egypt'sonlyCoptic (Christian) No matters how distasteful it is prove Judge Castro's nomination I for me to come to Governor ment 25" case. In those cases, Galaide prime minister. He was assassinated in 1910 by Muslim nationalists Everyone in the Philippines know the dangers each OCW faces on the grounds that he is "too by John S. DelRosario. JR. Tenorio's defense on any issue, they claimed that Judge Castro the moment he or she steps on a foreign soil. who believed he was a British puppet for allowing the Sudan to be he must be commended on his political" exposes the Senator's had a conflict of interest. What We have workers being beheaded in Saudi Arabia, hanged in carved out ofEgypt. judicial appointments. Judges complete ignorance ofhowJudge that conflict was, we have not yet Castro operates. In reality, Judge Singapore, raped and imprisoned in Japan and yet we choose to Importance of the proposed Industry Wage By the time his grandson, Boutros, was born 12 years later, the Castro and Taylor are extremely been told. Strangely enough, my Castro makes decisions based on A measure to establish a four tier "industry wage" credit institutions; security and commodity brokers; family had added the slain ancestor's name to the family name so all conscientiousjudges who always recollection is that none of the focus ourfact-finding faculties on a place where democracyis being the law, not political favors, fam­ and re-establish the wage review board is now before dealers, charges and services; insurance carriers; in­ would' be named Boutros-Ghali thereafter. That's why the sixth put the law above their own per- lawyers in either of those cases held sacred. ily relationships, orfear that ifhe the legislature authored by House Minority Leader surance agents; brokers and service; real estate; and secretary general ofthe United Nations has the much-stumbled over sonal or political agendas. Tirno- raised this issuewithJudgeCastro. Why is it that when a Filipino official comes here and is told by Vicente T. Attao. . rules against a group ofSenators holding and other investment offices. The proposed double name, Boutros Boutros-Ghali. thy Bells would also make a fme I can assure Mr Cing, that if the workers they are generally content with their stay here, somepeople The proposed industry wage is the practical and in a few law suits, they might not minimum wage rate for these industries is $3.25 an Boutros-Ghali's rise to power carne amid turmoil. When Anwar addition to either the Superior lawyers in those cases smelled a start grumbling. realistic alternative patterned after the Special Indus- hour. confirm his appointment. That conflict,JudgeCastro wouldhave Sadat made his historic visit to Jerusalem in 1977 to discuss peace Court or Supreme Court. The quick assessment is that the poor official was not shown the try Committee of American Samoa. • Minimum wage rates under tiers three and four do might be his downfall in the known about it and recused him­ It is an alternative in the minimum wage question ~~dat' minis~r ) Unfortunately, the Senators present situation because the true shade of things, that he talked with the wrong people, that he not apply to small businesses unless their income with Menachem B.egin, s foreign resigned in protest. have allowed their pettiness and selfifthe lawyers stated a proper that parallels a provision in the Omnibus Territories Senators exposed their true mo­ was failed tomeet the aggrieved lot. exceeds an annual gross of over $500,000 under the The deputy foreign rrumster, Boutros-Ghah, stepped forward and outright stupidity to stand in the basis for his recusal. Act which gives the local government the opportunity current proposal. into history. He labored with diplomatic distinction to help craft-.,., way of confirming these men to tives in the Marianas Variety on Mr Cing is uninformed, igno­ Or worse, the assumption arises that maybe the visiting official to ensure that current and future employment or the Aboutninety-five percentofthe workers will not be what became the Camp David Accords, and peace between Egypt much deserved positions. The May 10, 1995 when they ex­ rant, and appears to have based lacks true concern for the welfare of his c,?untrymen, that he is just expansion of the private sector are not curtailed. and Israel. presseddiscontentoverdecisions _ affected negatively by the proposed bench marking. Continued on page 36 out for the proverbial pat on the back. The measure defines industries based on the US The entire work force will benefit from this measure Standard Industrial Classification and proposes a four This earned him enmity from Palestinian terrorist groups. He Then ultimately, therecomes that need to bring in anotherofficial, if it sails through both houses of the legislature. In tier industry wage for the CNMI. explained: "I was on the blacklist of the Palestinians because they Rev. Ripple raises concern about health care one who would not be biased. One who will believe that the CNMI other words, they'll see some form ofinrrease in their Dear Editor, the problems and do something Tier I includes the following industries: Agricul­ income. believed I was the mastermind behind the 1977 Sadat visit to of a few to realize the need to about them, their hands are shack­ is such a rowdy place deserving a mostdangerous place in the world tural services, forestry; mining and quarrying of non­ Under a specific provision ofthe measure, resident Jerusalem. 'Heis the mastermind,' theycharged, and he has betrayed As a pastor and as a resident and extend or to repeal Public Law 7­ led by "politics". And its the pa­ 45. label, notwithstanding testimonies of a greater majority that the metallic minerals; building and heavy construction; workers would receive mandated benefits given to us.' When I would enter a room (at an Arab League meeting, for voter ofthe CNMI, I am very con­ tients who suffer. Will it take an My understanding ofPublic Law opposite could be closer to the truth. construction-special trade contractors; food and kin­ non-resident workers in cash equivalent, thus.estab­ instance), all of the Arabs would leave the room. They refused to cerned about the current situation accidental death to bring home the dred products; textile; apparel and otherfinished prod­ at the CommonwealthHealthCen­ 7-45 was that it was established to Yes, we agree that there has been a certain degree ofdiscrimina­ lishing an effective wage rate of $3.85 per hour. shake hands." importanceofadeq uate health care encourage the training oflocalper­ ucts; lumber and wood products; paper and allied ter. for our people? tion noticeably leveled at the Filipino in these pearly isles. It is rather comforting that Representative Attao's Friends were assassinated during those days, and he poignantly sons to fill positions for which off­ products; chemicals and allied products; petroleum proposal would start realistic discussions on an issue As with many agencies in our Too long we have said, "If my There are indeed instances when Filipinos are looked down upon remembered flying to Cyprus to collect the body of an Egyptian local government, the problems island labor had to be hired. To refining and related industries; rubber and miscella­ that we have conveniently treated with a ten foot pole. loved one dies it must be God's date, relatively few have received and even sneered at. neous plastic products; primary metal industries; fab­ peace negotiating comrade killed by Palestinian commandos. Or the seem to come down to money and will," and have closed our eyes to It is a proposition that even US Congress wishes to see priorities. The problems in exist­ this training. These local persons These group of workers has become a dominant facet of the ricated metal products, except machinery and trans­ time two Palestinians in 1978 tried to plant a bomb in his office, but the possibility that the properdrugs are already given preference in hir­ considered to ensure that the private sectorisn'tforced ence are not new. and treatmentor patients care were CNMI economy when an aura of submissiveness and servitude is portation equipment; industrial machinery and com­ into bankruptcy. A bankrupt private sector will sim­ were discovered. People have been talking about ing, which is fine. But, and I say puter equipment, among others. It is recommended not available. Rather than simply this as a U.S. citizen, simply be­ viewed to be much more apt for a stranger in a foreign land. ply mean elimination ofjobs and a reduction in rev­ Is his life still in danger from the same groups? 'The people who the lack of supplies, the lack of accepting that "this is how it must that the minimum wage rate would be $2.50 an hour. cause one is a U.S. citizen does not enue for the CNMI Government and the subsequent are on their blacklist change. Now perhaps I am not on it. But I am equipment, the lack of personnel be," we urge our elected officials Yet the truth remains, abuse and prejudice are not the norms here Tier II includes: Building materials, hardware, make that person a better doctor, reduction in force and level ofservices we now enjoy. always on their waiting list," he quipped. for a long time. Theproblems have to strive for optimum health care in the CNMl, but rather the exceptions. garden supply and mobile home dealers; general mer­ been talked about, but not ad­ nurse, teacher, accountants, or any The proposal is a realistic approach to retaining eco­ for all. We also support those of other professional. Let us step up chandise stores; food stores; automotive dealers and Threats against his life are many and varied. His life was in some dresses. And now, when we have A greater lot of Filipino workers here are content and satisfied nomic sustainability and financial equilibrium in the our elected representatives who are our training of local persons, for gas service stations; apparel and accessory stores; peril from warring Somali clans, for instance, when he visited administrators who want to tackle willing to set aside the prejudices with the green pastures the CNMI has to offer. rather small economic base that we have today. Continued on page 36 home furniture, furnishings and equipment stores; Mogadishu in late 1992. Security was so heavy that he had to skip a In return, the CNMI is also benefited by the industry, dedication It is a proposal that will be subject to further refine­ eating and drinking places; hotels, rooming houses, lunch planned in his honor and instead dined on army rations in the patience the Filipino worker is known worldwide for. ment by the proposed WageReview Boardwho would camps and other lodging places; amusement and rec­ be mandated to review all pertinent local conditions safety of an area secured by the U.S. military. Why in the world would anyone want to ruin this very productive reation services; social services; museums, art galler­ beforeany increasein specific industry are effected or During a recent visit to Guatemala, a bomb believed to have been coexistence? ies, botanical and zoological gardens. The recom­ implemented. I do know for a fact that a lot ofresearch intended for him exploded within two blocks of a presidential mended minimum wage rate would be $2.75 an hour. work has gone into the drafting of House Bill No. 9­ reception and dinner. In the same week, police in EI Salvador Tier III includes: Passenger transportation, motor 411. The proposed wages per industry group are freight transportation and warehousing; water trans­ based on solid economic evidence or data. Therefore, captured a man connected to a rebel Salvadoran group who con- ' portation; transportation services; and communica­ detractors oughtto be prepared to illustrate their often fessed he planned to murder Boutros-Ghali when he visited San tions. The recommended minimum wage rate would ' ill-founded arguments based strictly on morals. The Salvador. , be $3.00 an hour. onus to prove your case with facts and figures is a His confidential meeting with Bush in 1992 is particularly poi­ TierIV includes: Electric, gas and sanitary services; matter of responsibility. gnant in the wake of the Oklahoma tragedy. Boutros-Ghali recalled personal services; business services; automotive re­ Let us not forget that twice the US Congress imple­ howhe warnedBushabout the dangerofhaving allowedan Egyptian pair, services and parking; miscellaneous repair ser­ mented the federal minimum wage in American Sa­ fundamentalist to take up residence in New Jersey. vices; health services; legal services; educational ser­ moa. On both occasions, the private sectorcame close vices; engineering, accounting, research, management to bankruptcy. We need repeat American Samoa's "I was the man who mentioned to President Bush about Sheik and related services; private households; miscella­ experience. Thus, it is most appropriate that Repre­ Rahman," he told us. As Boutros-Ghali was giving him the informa­ neous services; executive, legislative and general gov­ sentative Attao's proposal be considered forthwith in tion, the President got note paper to write it down. ernment services, except finance;justice, public order that it is the only realistic alternative that is now before "I noticed for the first time he is writing with his left hand," and safety; public finance, taxation, and monetary the legislature. For once in our lifetime. please let's recalledBoutros-Ghali. "Hetakesa scrapofpaperandsays, 'Boutros, policy; administration of human resource programs; not allow others to do the thinkinf: for us in that they'll how do you spell it? administration of environmental and housing pro­ constantly intrude with thejr own solutions because "Well, Boutros, what's your interest?' grams; wholesale trade-durable goods and nondu­ we have allowed them to think they know best. Si rable goods; depository institutions; nondepository Yuus Maase! "Isaid 'Mr. PresidentI'm onhisblacklist, andhe'sinNewJersey.' '''I was not aware,' President Bush said." 6-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12,1995 FRIDAY,MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VTEWs-7 . Resident m.ulls suit vs C By Rafael H. Arroyo Public Safety Director Gregorio mitting process. that was given to J.Y. Corp. Variety News Staff M. Camacho as local partner. "We gave J.Y. Corp. because "What happenedhere was that WATCHES, ELECTRONICS A LOCAL resident seeking a "I smell government bureau­ GregCamachohasfora longtime Lambert andGregsplitupandthe & OfFICE MACHINES Coastal Resources Management cracy at its worst here. Just be­ beenoperatingthejetski business latter put up 1.Y. Corp. So what CHALAN KANAO, SAlPAN. NEXT TO TOWN HOUSE permittoengageinthejetski busi­ cause the applicant is Greg undera previouspartnershipwith we did was we gave him the per­ ness is threatening to sue the Camacho, a close friend of CRM a certain Lambert Palacios," said mit we revoked from J.J.S.P., of CRMO and the CNMI Govern­ Director Manuel Sablan, they Sablan. whichCamachowaspartner,"said PH: 234-6090- ment for alleged unfair practices gave him the permit even if it The partnership, which went the CRM director. \ involving the jetski permitting meantbypassing thoseonthelist," by thenameU.S.P., accordingto Asked about Fleming's threats \. process. said Fleming. Sablanwasfoundhavingtwoper­ of a lawsuit, Sablan seemed un­ Lawrence Fleming, a 38-year­ "I knowI have earned the right mits so CRM had to revoke one perturbed. C~ECK OUT THESE SPECIALS THIS WEEKEND ONLY AT TICK TOCK! HURRY WHILE SUPPLIES LAST! oldfatherof five,toldthe Variety to a permit through all the years permit. "Let him sue, that's his pre­ he may take CRM to court any­ and the timeI havewaitedfor it," Sablan said it was this permit 19" COLOR T.V. WI REMOTE .9 CU, f1: MICROWAVE rogativeasacitizen,"Sablansaid. COOK~R time this month if the office does he added. , 19·Diagonally meesured, tinted. IInytron1l> plus high-focus tube' English/Spanish/French RICE :<8-1800 not do something about his six­ deluxe menu on-screen display· Message board'Calendar dete display'program timer' • Compudefrost AUTOi\llATIC/li1JARMlER Asked for a comment, CRM captIOn VIsion· Channel scan and fleshbeck. Auto search chennel memory.Sleep timer' • Manual defrost year old application. Clock'181-Ghannel direct cable tuner with 68 regular VHFIUHF channels and anadditional Director Manuel Sablan vehe­ 113non-scrambla channels· Convience display infrared remola control • Compucook "I am indigenouswho has been , Breakfast mently denied Flemings charges • Instant start seeking to engage in this kind of of favoritism. SALE! $ business for six long years. I feel Manuel Sablan "Wearegoingthroughthewait­ 19" I have been deprived by my own said firm wasgiventhejetski per­ ing list from top to bottom but ; governmentof thechance to earn mit after waiting only over a CRM isjust waitingforclearance SHAf..tP II a living for my family," said month, in effect bypassing those fromtheUSArmyCorpsof Engi­ L,.,1 ~- : ) Fleminginan interviewWednes­ on top of the waiting list who neersandotheragencieslikeHis­ SHARP ._--_.-~ ( have waited years. day. toricPreservation OfficeandFish r~,' "I want to bring this up as a '1 During the interview,Fleming & Wildlife," Sablan said. ~, • Easy on-screen multi-language (English/Spanish/French) programming tl showed the Variety documents citizen of this Commonwealth "Hopefully before the end of " • High-speed rewind function. Fult load rapid response' lSl-channel who has been deprived by this PLL (Phase-LockedLoop) tuner· Auto zero back- DPSS (Digital Program ·10 Cups Lightweight iron with 27 steam supporting his claim that he is the month,we'll getaresponseso Search System)· 1-year/S-eventprogrammable timer' Automatic tracking vents. Exterior is break-resistant number three on a CRM waiting government of the chance to en­ we can moveaheadwiththe issu­ ~ ", ro l ' and stays cool. Extended heel rest list forjetski operators license. gage in a small business to sup­ Tamper",001 SALE! $;2'3, for added stability. Dureverlong-life ance of licensesand a new set of cordset. He applied fora licenseon Oc­ port my family," said Fleming. regulations," said Sablan. REG. $24.95 tober I I. 1989and paid the perti­ "Everytime I go there, they tell Denying that J.Y. Corp. is a 4 HEAD nent fees in November 15, 1994, me I have to wait, yet they al­ Chinese firm, Sablan confirmed I ~ &?~ ~·':jl5'-· ,Ita as per the documents. 10wedJ.Y.Corp.to get the permit "" ~'/y /1 !~. ".r- Camacho to be the main man be­ BlACK&DECKER' OnJuly 20. 1994. Flemingsaid and operate the jetski business hind the company. SHARP (\S tJl .,. / e e BlICK&DECKBI' near the Saipan Grand Hotel. I ~/l:IP.SOi:'JAL AM/FM CRMapprovedajetski permitfor "But regardless of nationality, }i 1.Y. Corporation. Records would not have minded if they just because one is indigenous CASSr:7TIE STERIEO Fleming produced indicate 1.y. gavethe permitsto theonesahead does not necessarily mean they • FM/AM 2-band radio reception • Corp.. which is number 17on the of me in the list. All I want is Overhead type lightweight stereo should beentitledto specialtreat­ headphones· Auto stop system· Belt clip waiting list, turned [he applica­ fairness." he added. ment." said Sablan. ,.'. for active use (delachable) • FM stereo According to Fleming. 1.Y. LED indicator. tion in only about a month and a . On the charge of favoritism. REG. $44.95 half earlier, or on June 2. 1994. Corp. is a firm owned by a Chi­ ~p,\~ Sablan said he could not see how ~'rullab-JCIS-V Flemingisquestioningwhy the nese with former Department of CRM played favorites in the per- Fleming: Bureaucracy at its worst (~~ f2-:}\ /~] @ gg .;:-"" c.) './ kl Q-i..' '<'3 ~3~tr-- SHARP

Af':UIFl\,1 Cf.\.SSET7E S7EREC W/CD PLAVER VARIETY STD E • CD sychronous dUbbingsystem· APSS (auto Programme Search) for • AUTOMATIC CD' LCD for CD • Built-in CD· FM/SW/MW 30 band tuner' Sem (3') CD 'BLACK FACE single compatible' Fult auto stop mechanism. Soft-eject casselle ·150 METERS compartmant· Variablesound monitoring system. Toner control REG. S170.00 ********* SAN ANTONBO LADIES BLOUSES $19.99 ACROSS fROM P.I.C. BUY THREE GET. ONE FREE MEN'S & LADIES SEIKO - CITIZEN WATCHES BUY ONE GET TWO SEIKO YASHICA LADIES SHORTS WI BELT FREE WATCHES (OTHER BRAND). MADE IN U.S.A. REG. $19.99 ALARM STOPWATCH NOW $jJ3.99 ONLY STEREO'S CAMERA'S DUAL TIMER ZONES REG. S34.95 COUNTDOWN TIMER ...•, ( ".... SONYAIWA NIKON, MINOlTA .. _-- j ~~ .. -•._~ 7 YRS. BATIERY MEN'S T·SHIRTS REG. $19.99 BOY'S SLACK'S _ $19.99 PHILIPS SANYO CANNON, PENTAX • AMlFM Tuner· Wake10 Redia or Alarm. Snooze Bar. Rad LED 11me NOW $15.99 ONLY BUY ONE GET ONE NOW 20%·40% OFF 20%·30% OFF Display· Sleep 11mer• Eesy-To-Set Clock and Alarm • Conveniently FREE ONLY Located Controls· Power Back-Up' Attractive Design. Antennas (LAKERS • BULLS· MAGIC) . STORE WIDE SALE SONY CASIO BOY'S T-SHIRT & SHIRTS $18.99 MEN'S JEANS $29.99 ONLY BUY ONE GET TWO FREE DESK FAN $19.99 ONLY • Compact portable design. AMlFM tuner, Cassette player/recorder, Full BUY ONE GET THREE FREE STANDING FAN $24.99 ONLY auto shut-off. Mono earphona (mini jack), Soft-eject cassette handling machanlsm helps protect cassettas, Built-In microphone, Full range INCLUDES: KOOl BOY'S DENIM JEAN'S $29.99 speaker. LED Indicator notes operation & battery condition. ACIDC power ONE CONTROLLER SUPER MARIO supply,AC powercordaupplled. 12 314 x 51/4 x 4112' (WHO), 3lbs. 11 2J WORLD MEN'S RAYON SHIRTS BUY ONE GET THREE FREE FUTONS BEDSHEET 3 oz. $24.99 $12.99 wi REG. $69.95 O!!I!lIII" :":.S\tU:';:i! $29.99 "L.' BUY ONE GET THREE FREE GIRL'S 2 PCS SET $16.99 TWO PillOW ,~ BUY ONE GET ONE FREE CASES ;-'---""---4--,t~f""14',\~~~' -i;e I Sablan said during an x-ray, Finance,Division relocatingto a . i, they noticed a dark organic mat­ nel,V()ffic~...."msitl1~~d)nthe Q) newoffice, the Dandan Commercial J o" ter in the coolerso theyinspected Center (nextto)oetep ])anciaI1Stor~t< . ..••.•...... •••...•... ." ..' .- r+ the cargo. The newoffice will begin providing baSic taxpayerandpayment C ,0 r .' -, ... \ The agents immediately con­ servicesbegmningMonday,May 15,1995, theCivicCenteroffice .... e , ,,~ ducted a field test and found the willcontinuetoprovide allservicesuptoi'riday,May 19,1995,the -.:._~-- - -. '--'~ , ~"::,~- ..::'~~:;y.~.;.:~: .._~;}~;.,:.~~,. ~ .. /~'''tJ cooler positive of marijuana, ac­ Civic Center office willbepennanentlyclosed and all Revenue en / . ~ cording to Sablan. (I) ~Ch~esecake" Gedde~, -. andTaxationbusinesseswill beconducted out of the new Revenue CJ by Anne '. "Seashell Voices" by Suki Hill Tab?(a"~" \\ n After listening Sablan on the "The Peaceable Kingdom" Seascape by "Roy : (1) andTaxationDandan office. The telephonenumbers(664-1000or .-~ ~ ltJ~_tid~ Prunt $8.99' I' witness stand, Associate Judge 664-1001) will remain the same and will be activated in the new . Poster $7.99 Matted Print $12.99 Ash glass matted frames '... ' en a.. " "...... "'- Marty W. K. Taylor said there is location beginning after May 19, 1995. .\\ of, I GustavEllechelbeinghandcuffed by a Customsagentafteryesterday's " ... ~ -, ,; -I \' 8 X 10 $25500'-'_:: - • >. \I ... \ court hearing at the Superior Court. ~ ~ a sufficient cause to detain the We are trying todo our best to keep service interruption at a J, I. " \ I J, f, , ,I /,1,/_ ..... ,/, ,~ minimum. We apologize for any inconvenience our relocation o 11 X 14 $35800.':: : c +d - ' , ... '- . ,,', ~-- project may cause you and once again your patience and under­ o - ,I \ CD standing, CO ,10' U. ,.-".. .' +01 "/,-"11 NEW PRES" MARKET c 'm (I) .' 0 ... - r+ Tupperware Open House c o ""'I: ~RICE~ '< EVERYDAY low low CHALAN LAULAU • MOTHER'S DAY "tJ BUSINESS HOURS; en ~_. Q) 7:00 A.M .. 10:00 P.M. MAY 14,1995 (J o ~ 9am-4 pm (f) ··~············~~ REALI pj:~. Oela Cruz Residence Capitol Hill 2 • ....~ ;~ J/ ! '"';"B-aphael's Angels" ~'PORK FRESH·' Houses down from the newly opened Capitol Hill Market. "Cocos Nucifera" by Gary Reed 24 x 36 '0' -.ptister $7.99 o l," '._,,' SPARERIBS , - " Reg.3i9.00 50 LBS. MILK lLit. i' Ji, Come see what's New in Tupperware. X I " Underwater Sealife by "Lassen" 24 36 30 LB. CASE 20 LB. CASE I Great Gifts for Mom! I. Reg. 209.00 Now $199.00 $13.95 S23.95/cs. Promotion By Island Ware Saipan 3.95/cs. Amelia OL.C. Hussey, Consultant/Manager. ~~~ HORMEl/ 322-2572 for Orders. SPAM~...... HEREFORD/ r. KIKKO c CORNED BEEF MAN en (I) other's DaYJ o o 10.. m en CORNED a. SPBCLlL ;l ~ BEEF CHILL wi 10.. • ~fg;t~~jiilill:~::j::::l:i:*:li:lm:::l;::;:!::;:iI1::j:::;;:::::iililiEllf 1"}" HASH BEAN 'fft" ;•. '...... o o o """C NEe :L:LO .' .'::; CD CO "Hilo Hale" by Carli Oliver Hawaiiana Art by "Pegge Hopper" 24x36 U. Seascape hy "Anthony Casay" 24x36 o .99¢~ Includes." r+ $1.29 Matted Print $8.99 ·Reg. 320.00 Now $239.00 " 24numberspe9ddialmemory Reg. 250.00 Now $189.00 Q) H/G iJII--H/-G---..,..---t-----+---HORMEl " microphone mutingcontrol " actualtalk time ".....o VIENNA c Decorate Your Mother's World with quality framed art and pictures at the lowest prices straight from the factory! o WHOLE ,;:,Tf(f/!fi!I TOMATOES " Hands-Free Operation -c ,'" "~::Ji' SAUAGE We have the largest selection of framed art, matted prints, mirrors, posters and unique cards and girts. '< 5 • .5 oz Sign up before en If you live in the CNMI, you can take an additional 15% off our framed artwork till June I st. Come visit us today! "'C K:6N~. May 15, 1995 and _.""'I: 69¢ G> o . avail 50or 100 minutes o '': CD ! Q. en FIITI DIAPERS FREE! All framed ~ "'---ar\Work comes In ash, Downtown Garapan GAIN 40'/30'/20'/18 ~ r------, PAMPERS Opendaily: 11 a.m.• 10p.m. o whitewash, Koa or mica I Pictures Plus 72'/52/ ...o quality wood with double Tel: 233-(PLUS)7587 I ca matting and glass. Honolulu • Saipan : With this coupon, takean additional u, Ready for hanging. ... u.s.-made. lmlJll:r'" Major Credit Cards Accepted: $8.95 $8.95 Located atTranspacenler-Gualo Rainext10 SUbway andHobbyShop e : Il:i1E[I SU.99 Business hours: Mon.-Sal. 10:00a.m.to 6:00p.m, TEL NO.: 235-2080 FAX: NO.: 234-1801 2! -=111 I our everyday low prices See storefordetails.OfferValid untilMay20, 1995 or whilesupplies last. .- I C *Artworkavailablein different formats and designsother than those pictured above. I of framed artwork. I Direct Factory Prices • Direct Factory Prices • Direct Factory Prices • 1 ~ff.:r .:x~re~ J~n.: 1.:t. _ c - ,

lO-MARIANAS VARIETYNEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12, 1995 FRIDAY,MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS}\ND VIEWS-II Olter still FSM president By Tom Panholzer president. caucussectionat1:55p.m,aftermeet­ havereceived thevote. TAX RE'UNDJAl,Eflf POHNPEI - Aftermorethan three Vice President Jacob Nena was ingforwhatmanyobservers feltwas The president position is chosen hours ofclosedcaucus, theFederated chosentoremain inthenation'ssec­ alongtime, and wordspreadthrough parliamentary styleby the 14Con­ States of Micronesia 9th Congress ond position; JackFritzretained his the standing crowdof several hun­ gressmen of whom 10 serve two­ TARO SUE CORPORATION gavethenodtoPresidentBaileyOlter position asSpeaker. dredthatNenadidn'twantthesecond yeartermsandfour servefour-year to serve another four years as FSM Senators came out of the closed placeposition. butinsteadinsistedon terms. It': _ .. thepresident's position. Thiscould The only hind deliveredin pub­ notbeverified, however. lic that tension exists between TARO SUE CORPORATION According to a so called Bailey and Nena was made by .0. BOX2745, saiPan' MP96950 ING ENTERPRISES, INC. "gentleman's" agreement the posi­ Speaker Fritz at the meetings end 1St" . Tel.: (670) 234-5416 rotate ighting & Sound tionofpresidentissupposed to when he said he hoped the two <@) Fax: (670) 235-5415 among the at-large representatives would work together to help the P.O. Box 7325, Tamuning, Guam 96911 from the nation;s four states: Yap, stateswith theirproblems. Tel.: (671) 649-3324/649-2730 * Fax: (671) 472-6652 Chuuk, Pohnpei, andKosrae. Afterthe elections, the publicas Opinion amongobservers isthatit wellas the politicians feasted on is­ FURNITURE CT-1215 is Kosrae's turn and Nena should landstylefoodprovide. Bailey Olter Control Receiver JBL Control 12SR Reg. $99.00 Reg. $885.00 Wooden Rocker SALE PRICE $752.00 DPS celebrates EMS Week Reg. $499.00 SALE PRICE $74.95 TIlE DEPARTMENT of Public goodopportunity to educate the pub­ cal Technicians. All EMT's have Sale Price. Safety has urged schools, busi­ lic about emergency preparedness, undergonetheDepartmentoffrans­ Infinity Reference 30 ...... nesses, and community groups to first aidandinjury prevention. portation EMT-Basic program $299.00 Computer Workstation. Reg. $209.00 "..... join the Emergency Medical Ser­ Duringthecelebration.Allisonsaid, within thelasttwoyears. Reg. $399.00 vicesprovidersnationwidecelebrat­ DPSwill conduct "MakeTheRight Ofthe52EMTs, thereare12who ~ SALE PRICE. $174.00 ingtheEMSWeekonMay14-20. Call"presentations atbothpublic and passed the National Registry ex­ SALE PRICE. 249.00 TONY Tan, President of the and this year, the VISMINDA Since thegeneral public isoften private schools island-wide. amination. Visayas Mindanao Association BeautyPageantCommitteeprom­ the first at the sceneof a medical Insigning a proclamation recently Allison saidfurther goals forthe Infinity Boom Box (VISMINDA)ofCNMI, proudly emergency, it is essential forindi­ declaring theEMSWeek,Governor ises the event to be glittered with EMSsystem within theCommon­ Regular Sale Price Reg. $449.00 announces the Search for MS. glamor and entertainment. viduals tobeprepared, saidtheDPS FroilanTenorio laudedtheEMSpro­ wealth include the licensing of all VISMINDA '95. Single ladies, between the yesterday. viders whohavetraditionally served EMSproviders andcertification of .... Glass Dining Table SALE PRICE $379.00 Though MS. VISMINDA '95 ages of 16 to 25, of Filipino The EMS team-dispatehers, asthesafety netoftheCNMI'shealth vehicles andeducation programs. is more of a popularity contest, VisayanlMindanao ancestry and paramedic,firefighters,emergency caresystem. ThefocusofEMSsystemisshift­ 5-pc set $599.00 $329.00 the would-becandidates are care­ of good moral character may physicians, nurses, etc., isavailable Tenorio said the designation of ing in addition to providing direct 7-pc set $699.00 $409.00 any timeday or night. Career and EMS Weekwillserveto educate the fully screened to project the im­ qualify to join. Deadline for emergency careto providing injury 3-Piece Oak Set $399.00 $299.00 age of the Filipina. filing application is on May volunteer EMS providers play a people oftheCommonwealth about andillness prevention, community Last year's MS. VISMINDA 17th. significant roleinsaving lives. injurypreventionandhowtorespond awareness of EMS and assisting '94 Beauty Pageant was a re­ EMSCoordinator JerryAllison toa medical emergency. BLACK SOFA BED ~ Sound Tech Interested candidates may con­ DepartmentofHealth andServices \.' soundingsuccesswhereMs.Arnie tact Eydie at 234-6424 or Joey at 'saidtheEMSWeek, witha theme At present, DPShastwocertified inproviding community health ser­ REG. $429.00 ,;':;.~; ~ ST162T ·16 Channel Nuiquewonthefirst coveted title, 235-1323. "We're There For Life"is also a paramedicsand52EmergencyMedi- vices. I Reg. $999.00 i SALE PRICE $299.00~: l' SALE PRICE $769.00 BUNK BED WITH MATTRESS: Single/Single ..... High End Multi Ray SALE PRICE. $479.00 .~.:.: ::.·sEjiiiD .::·:·:·:9 REG. $699.00 ~ (w/bulbs) Reg. $899.00 Peeled Shrimp (Small) 2 KG 24.95/BX U.S. QUALITY BEDS: i Black Tiger Shrimp H/on 2.B/LB 33.50/BX Twin Set-Mattress/ SALE PRICE $499.00 , i Peeled Shrimp 1.0.F100/2001 LB 3.75/BG Boxspring/frame $270.00 I Black Pomfret 300/500 1.39/LB Full Double Set $370.00 JBL Fane I Milkfish 600/BOO gm 1.89/LB f~ ..:" '"';~ ._ Queen Set $470.00 3-way 1200 w ~ Wahoo fillet 2.89/LB ~W King Set $570.00 Whole Green MusselNZ 1.39/LB Reg. $999.00 Scad Mackerel (Galungong) 1.45/LB SINGLEI DOUBLE: SALE PRICE ~~9.00 ~ EI;~.: .•...... ·HHHi> .• H.HW REG. $799.00 JBL Fane Hi-Power ..... Ground Beef Bulk 10· 10 LB 2.1 OIL SALE PRICE $ 559.00 Hamburger Palama , 10 LB 19.50/BX Speaker 1000 W .."... Oxtail Palama 10 LB 27.50/BX 5-Piece Black Reg. $929.00 Beef shortrib Sliced, Palama 10 LB 38.95/BX SALE PRICE $789.00 Brisket Stew Cut, Palama 10 LB 16.95/BX LEATHER SOFA SET ~:;···!:.·:··:·.:i::·:'i;.III";;·::::·: .. :·:·::.::::::;·:!ii·.:·;.ii1':::i·W REG. $1,299.00 Porkloin Bnls Whole 2.65/LB ------, SALE PRICE Pork Butt Bnls 1.39/LB S1,099.00 Microphones Pork Sparerib Danish 2 ON 1O/LB 15.00!BX 15% OFF , ", Shure Wireless Microphones: Pork FeeUHock 0.69/LB of California Gallo GenerallVierchandise .' .. ,' ',". :': ~.,:~:... ~': : REGULAR SALE PRICE Smokek Ham B/115n9 1.89/PKG 1»\ Wine & Cooler .' '.", . , . TV30D $479.00 $389.00 Dub-Franks CknlPork 1/LB D.99/PKG Rice Cooker - As low as $29.95 TVD58D $499.00 $409.00 ~·:t;P:jf~tl:::i:i;::;;;l;:·:;:i:;·~}:·:i:;i.:::m;.il.iil~:!ij:!::i~~;fi·ili;:f=m!ili~f:iifl;r=·i:i]:!\t Different Sizes Luggage - From 10%·20% orr SC1484D $869.00 $699.00 Modern Quartz Clocks- As low as $7.95 SC2458D $929.00 $759.00 Ckn Whole Fryer 30 LB 22.50/cs All Car Fresheners- 20% Oft Ckn FryerlStew loose O. 79/LB I.~I 3 1/2x 5 Picture Frame- As low as $1.95 REGULAR SALE PRICE Chicken Thigh TIP D.85/LB Philippine Basket- From $35.95 to $42.95 JBL Control 10 , , , $889.00 $759.00 CknWing 5 LB 6.45/BX 7-Piece Cookware Set- Only $16.95 SOUND TECH ST 122T 12 Channel .. , ,.. , 849.00 636.00 50 wFlashlight SL·8220 , , , , 129,00 ' 96.95 Chicken Gizzard ..: 5 LB 4.95/BX All Kinds of Gas Stove- As low as $29.95 0 Mini Flash SL·8291 , 39.00 31.95 Turkey Tail TIP 0.49/LB Desk Fan 12° $20.95 Desk Fan 16°· $24.95 Neon License Frame 42.95 .. , , ,.. 34.95 Bar Light BL-83 ,.. , 169.00 , 134.95 Long Island Duckling -FCH- 1.59/LB Stand Fan 16°- $28.95 JBL-E155 Fiber Sub 750 W 899,00 , 764.00 , .* Above Special are good from May 12 to May 16.,'95 or While,supplies last. Beach Mat- As lowas $4.95 JBL Wedge Sub 15' SPKR 529.00 449.00 , Kwek's Ent. is not responsible for any "type error" or any misprint by newspaper. ' Selected Gift Items at 50% Off the Regular Price!!! Projector Screen 999.00 799.00 4

FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-13 12-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12,1995 No more free child car seats THE DEPARTMENT of Pub­ straint program manager, ex­ difference of the seat if over from OHS&FP. cation cards and vehicle reg­ lic Safety, Office of Highway plained that the voucher is a $50. Unlike before when istration. Safety and Federal Program payment for up to $50 per ap­ The participating stores are OHS&FP provided free car The applicants must also re­ will no longer issue free child plicant approved by the Ben Franklin, Carmen's Baby seats, Benavente stressed, they ceive instructions from car seats in order to get paren­ OHS&FP. News, Lollipop, J. C. Tenorio now want parents to get in­ OHS&FP on proper usage of tal involvement in their cam­ Benavente said the vouch­ Enterprises, Joeten Ace Hard­ volved in making an effort in child car seat, and visit the paign for children's protec­ ers will be used to purchase ware, Town House and Sablan getting their child protection. participating stores and shop tion. only child safety seats that Enterprises. She said with the program for their choice of the seat. The OHS&FP however, will meet Federal Motor Vehicle Benavente said past appli­ before, they easily ran out of Applicant will obtain an in­ be giving child restraint Safety standards at participat­ cants who have received a the stocks, so now, they want voice on the seat from the ven­ ; . vouchers to authorized appli­ ing stores on Saipan. child car se;t from the previ­ everybody to participate. dor, submit the invoice to f· :~ cants as part of Child Restraint An applicant will obtain a ous Car Seat Loaner Program The applicants must OHS&FP for voucher issu­ . Purchase Assistance Program. voucher from OHS&FP to pur­ may qualify for the new pro­ bring the following: Original ance. Applicant must pay the Melina Benavente, Occu­ chase child car seat of choice. gram upon returning the pre­ birth certificate of the child, difference of the seat if .over , . pant Protection Child Re- An applicant will then pay the vious child car seat issued parents or guardians identifi- S50. (FOT) " ; ~. : :,0" \ r

. May 12 to 31 '95 KTV 19 CCD 19" Color TV JVC C20ClS 20" Color Aiwa NSX.270 Digital Audio

wi Remote Control, TV wi Remote Control, Component System, Remote Control, . .' ." . ..' .'," .. Cable-Ready Reg. ($425.00) Cable-Ready Reg. ($595.00) 110/220 Volt Reg. ($625.00) -,~".G:. ' COR~ELLE·DINNERWARE ..:..>,. r ~-;. . SETS· SALE SALE

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i' ---LANE----

'ff--7Jf!!h (Gauapan IlL San Jose) Floral S ecial

Corsages Roses arrangement in dozen, half dozen and three's Mix arrangement, tropical arrangement PSS sets June application & fruit baskets deadlines for scliolarships pss -Applications are now avail- He especially encouraged stu- able for students who want to ap- dents who want to become teach- Place your orders early! ply PSS Teacher Academy, Paul ers, citing the ongoing shortage of Douglas or Robert C. Byrd Schol- local teachers. arships. Here is a brief description of Open -Monday - Saturday Deadlineshavebeen set for these each scholarship, along with the 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM SUGAR DOCK three scholarships, so it is very deadline for each: U.S. Sunday - CLOSED important that interested students *PSS TeacherAcademy Fellow- PacifW Pride apply as soon as possible. ships. Calrose Rice THE FLORAL LANE Anyhighseniorwhois planning Up to $5,000 will be available to so Ibs WE WILL BE OPEN ON to attend college after graduation PSS Teacher Academy graduat- Bit ."11 can getapplicationsfor these three ing seniors (who desire to become CHALAN KANDA BEACH ROAD SUSUPE MOTHER'S DAY (May 14) scholarshipsat the PSS central of- teachers) for theirfirstyear in col- fice in Lower Base. To pick up or lege. Applications are due on or from 8:00 am - 3:00 pm o turn in applications, see PSS Fed- before June 16, 1995. Any appli- D eral Programs Coordinator Bill cation or agreement submitted af- CHALAN KANDA Matson. tel' that date may not be consid- Tel. 235-6516 CATHEDRAL Commissioner of Education ered. A division ot Carmen Sateway Enterprises, Inc. William S. Torres encouraged *Paul Douglas Teacher Fellow- qualifying students to apply for ships. i I ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!....-:th:e:se:..:v:.:al:u:ab:le:.s:c:ho:l:ar.:shi:' II p::s:'"...... Every senior in the upper 10 CLOROX , , l'" percent ofhis orherl995 graduat- NESTEAMIX ZEENAPKIN : I ing class who desires to become a 530z 360 cts 1 gal $2.99 teacher is eligible for $5,000 per ': year from this scholarship. These $4.99 $2.99 i l scholarships are renewable each year for up to four years in college MACKEREL SNUGGLE as long as the student continues to KIKKOMAN SOY Chorizo Spanish qualify. These scholarships are family Bag $9.95 ';' subject to the ongoing availability 1.6 Itr. SAUCE sausage $4t99 of funding. Applications for this scholarship must be submitted on or before June 16, 1995, After this PAULS MILK $4.99 $23.95 due date, the PSS may offer re­ maining scholarship funds to $10.99 graduates fromprioryears, includ­ NISSIN Cup Noodle P-7 ing students who are attending (Shrimp Flavor) 12/cs POWDER MilK schools off-island. Therefore, any application or agreement that is Hormel Corned Beef 4506. $2.99 submitted late may not be consid­ $4.99 • NO Credit Hassles ered. _.- "Robert C. Byrd Honors Schol­ $1.69 • NO Security Deposit arships Tenhighly competitivescholar­ Now we are serving • NO Credit Check ships of$1,500 per year each will Scot paper towel ANT & ROACH be available to graduating seniors. • NO Repair Bills These scholarships arerenewable limit 3 Killer $3 99 Two Convenient 180z • each year for up to four years in , • NO Long Term Obligation college as long as the studentcon­ ~i tinues to qualify. These scholar­ i" Oleai Beach Locations BeachRoad ships are subject to the ongoing Beach Road availability of funding. Applica­ 0: Downtown tions for this scholarship must be j !I GaraPan Marianas M8rkot MOrgen; IPrinting IBuildingI submitted on or before June 5, "')oM 1995. Any applications after that 233-3739 MiddleRoadE date will not be considered. For applications or for more in­ San Jose Downtown formation, contact PSS Federal Market Garapan ProgramsCoordinatorBillMatson IChurchI 235-3131 I DIAL at 322-6409. China Town

• -, '. I" j I, ",/.,' , ,


f Filipina nurse's case dismissed DISTRICT Court Judge Alex R. Judge Munson granted a govern­ Munson Wednesday dismissed a ment motion for summary judg­ discrimination lawsuit filed by a ment, finding that Ms. Magana .~ former nurse at the Commonwealth failed to meet the 'heightened Health Center. pleading' standard adopted by the -'i~ ,~ .~\ '. Teofanie M. Magana had sued Ninth (Federal) Circuit Court of (oJ .. , ?< J ," ,r, .• ' the CNMI government, as well as Appeals. The court found thatMs. the past and present directors of the Magana's allegations that Drs. WEEKEND SPECIAl Commonwealth Health Center, al­ Chong and Abraham "knew of, leging that CHC failed to pay her approved, ratified, or acquiesced SALE: MAY 12 -18, 1995 the proper amount of overtime and in (a) policy, practice or custom" (fJi'J~5§t that she had been discriminated of discrimination against Filipi­ against on the basis of her race. nos were only conclusions, rather In April, Judge Munson dis­ than the facts required by the ap- . missed Ms. Magana's overtime and peals court standard. :J-f5I2(Vf13OT.9L9{SYlIPYl9\£ . racediscrimination claims, butgave Reflecting the current problems her an opportunity to refile a suit at the Commonwealth Health against former Public Health and Center, Dr. Abraham hailed the f£9\£TE2?:P1(IS1:SJ 19\£C. Environmental Services Director dismissal of the Magana suit, Dr. Jose Chong and Secretary of saying it will allow CHC .em­ Public Health Isamu Abraham, ployees to focus on the immedi­ which would have allegeddiscrimi­ ate need to provide the best pos­ nation on race and national origin. sible health care to the residents InWednesday's ruling however, of the CNMI. Rota dusts off plan to ~ ; DATE: MAY 8 -14 I· , TIME: 9:00 AM - 10:00 PM meet water shortage ROT A Mayor Joseph S, Inos has But a growing water demand on ~ made a plea for water conserva- Rota and low water levels during tion as reservoir levels fall and this dry season are our main prob- pipes run dry. lerns." Limited Offer Only "We must take all reasonable The Mayordetailed someofhis steps to fix leaks, and conserve office staff to assist in a clean up water. I'm sorry, but washing cars of the Water Cave area. He also is a luxury right now," said Mayor issued an Island-wide plea for Inos. "We've got to save our pre- water conservation measures. cious water for essential needs." "Water leaks in both govern- ."The water level in the Rota ment and private buildings con- Water Cave is very low. It's only tribute in a major way to the water a few inches, insteadoffeet, above shortage," said the Mayor. the'outflow pipe." "People with the water tanks The Mayor made a personal should take care to not let these visit to Rota's main source of tanks overt1ow. Once they're water, hiking the rugged trail to full, shut off the valve. The wa- Rota's "Matahn Hannom" or ter you waste could help your CRISCO Water Cave. "We pulled a lot of neighbour get through this criti- OIL swollen roots from the main pipes. cal dry spell. Oops sorry! In the May 10 issue of the Variety, it was inadvertently written in the third paragraph on page 5 story "Feds note progress at CHC" that CHC received "an announced" visit by surveyors. The correct word should be "an unannounced" instead of "an announced." A typographical error. Our apologies.


6:00 A.M. • , 0:00 P.M. for: Kindergarden __ -V-neckline SERVING BREAKFAST ALL DAY . -Front gown : ;' I' I -no opening ",p\ -pleated ~: 'I \ -Gown's length just below the knee it ~ Available at: ~r: Arabella's Beauty & Dress Shop We accept ordersfor catering San Antonio Across Pacific Island Club andreservationsforparties------'" Contact: Annie Tel # 235-68-41/Fax # 235-38-02

I ,. Friday Special ~. *Spiritual Healer and Advisor. Meat loaf with rice or mashed potatoe & soup ~D If you are In need of help and spiritual guidance a: she can help you through the power ofprayer. $6.00 {9. San Antonio If you suffer from strange sickness Church 0.------.' .* .*' and can't hold money. Saturday & Sunday Special '* · If your loved one isacting strange. Chicken breast maryland with rice & soup H"'A-LI-NA-'S.....J I D ~re you always unlucky inevery things you do. ..Do you feel that this is not natural. * Then, here Isthe Holy Woman you must see. $7.00 * * Theresa can help you with allyour problems. =~~iEr You can see Theresa at her office in Susupeacross from KSAI Radio Salad bar for $5.50 For more information and appointment call 235·7024.

., .._.._- _...- .. --- ·18"MARIANAS VARIEl'YNJiWS ANID,\VIEWS-PRIDAY- MAil( '12,.199"$ FRIDA'Y,MAy."f '2..,' WlJ5 ~MARlf\N--AS VA:RlETY·NgWS ANI:> 'VlEws~i9 Townhouse Rotary raffle on Saturday TIlE RotaryClubof Saipanwill be door prizesthat will also be raffled for April and May selling raffle tickets for a brand new off. The tickets are available for Mazda MX-3 Sports Coupe at $20.00each, and,whileyourmustbe Townhouse thisweekend Theraffle presentto win the otherdoor prizes, isa fundraiser fortheRotarians who youneedNOT be present towinthe routinely distribute moneytovarious car. charitableorganizationsandcommu­ Ifyouwouldliketopurchase raffle nityprojects. tickets,cometotheTownhouseShop­ The raffle drawingwilltakeplace ping Center tomorrow between 10 at the upcoming Rotary"LasVegas AM and4 PM. Or,ifyoucannotget Night", May 27 at 8:00 PM in the to Townhouse, you may purchase SaipanDiamond Hotel. Purchasers tickets at Midway Motors, Hot 98 COSMETics PURSE BENEnON Sisley of raffle tickets will also get free FM,ShellMarianas officein Puerto PlASTic Bowl CIOTkES NOTE Books (S) 2 fOR $1 .00 admissiontoLas VegasNight(other­ Rico,orcontactPatWilliams at233­ Toys KiTdlfN UTENSils wise, admission is $5.(0) and will 9801f2J5 toarrangepurchaseofraffle MINERVA MIMO P"d 2 fOR $1.00 Kodxk FilM : School Supplirs also be eligible for the huge list of tickets. Cxnpn i Officr Sepplies WAIlFT } fOR $2.00 Tool's i COMbs

fnAME f WA1CkES 1~11' FHI-;H 2 fOR $1.00 Photo Chili Cook-offwinners ';'1 S~:-;irAllY NApkiNs I Video & Audio TAPE~ I DURING 1053 KCNM-AM and Speech& DramaClubbyKCNM& T... Sltim 2 fOR $8.00 LAdy\ RAGS ' LAMp SHAdE Ere, 103.9KZMI-FM's3rdAnnualClinco KZMI and RUDOLPHO's. de Mayo Chili Cook-off held at Energentic Speechand Dramaclub RUDOLPHO's Friday night 44 members were kept busy shuttling For every purchase of $10. 00 UtC Gannents get one free from these items: chilis' competed for bragging rights cupsofchilitothejudges, selling hats Beach [1oad San Antonio 10 Koblerville ~ and thecash! andgreeting peopleatthedoor. Capturing Istplaceandthe$1 ,000 Judges fortheeventincluded:' 'Chili ~. PANTY (disposable) Grand Prize for the best chili was Captain" Bobbie Grizzard, Wyatt BJC Discount '--VI&W . local resident Dan Aregis. Retired McMillan, Adam Turner, Steve TOY (onedori) PIC HOTEL Store MinlmJrl Northwest pilot Hank Too, from Nygard, Lady Sam, Abel Nolasco Memo Notebook Minnesota, tookhome$500 for the and of courseRUDY! ('p-'''''''''<''''" -Hair Brush Beside W&W Minimarl in Iront of :: 2nd place and his friend Jeff Over 200 spectators danced the } -', :<:.... UIC garments in San Anlonio " I ...... , ..... Engelskgen, also a retired pilot for nightawaytothesmoothtunesofthe " ....v ...... ~ ~,~~~ , ...~ ...... ;.' ..... " ... ~,~ ""' ..~...... ;':' ~,,:;- ,. Northwest, grabbed the$300for3rd reunited "Tourist"band. The crowd ~:., '~ ~ '~"'" :.:,~ :':;-,~",",<,: ~.: :":":~::::::::::-:;:<,~·~~:'::'..(~h ~ ." ... ,',...... '." ,',0" ...... •.:,...... :.':.:.. -,' ...... ,.::,.":4.// place! Over $1,500 in consolation alsogottotasteallthechili'safterthe prizes weregivenaway4ththru20th judgingwasover.Afewrain showers place. passed by to keep thecrowdcooled down! GIVE MOM THAT $500 was donated to the MHS SOMETHING SPECIAL ON MeInorial Day event HER VERY OWN ... TIlE 1995, Memorial DayCommit­ OnMay29th,I995,0900a.m.,the tee,theU.S.ArmedForces Veterans Memorial Day Ceremony willtake Association of the CNM1, and the place at the same site as mentioned Division ofVeterans Affairs, Depart­ above. ment of Community and Cultural Light snacksandrefreshments will Carnation Affairs, informs the General Public, be served immediately afterthecer­ allVeterans, Family andFriends, that emony. Evap Milk there will be a Candle Light Cer­ AllVeterans, Civilian (Provisional) emony on May 28th, 1995, at 6:30 Marine Scouts, spouses and p.m.attheCNMIVeterans Memorial dependants, and the people of the .79( ParkinSusupe,acrossMarianasHigh CNMI are kindly asked to join us SchooL celebrate thisspecial occasion, The "Candle LightCeremony"is Yourpresence will be greatly ap­ ', ·.PR •I .~CE toHonorand inremembrance toallof preciated. Ifyou should needaddi­ TREAT YOUR MOM TO OUR ourdearly beloved Veterans, who've tional information, please call Mr. proudly served in thedefense of our JosephM.Palacios attelephonenurn­ MOTHER'S DAy BRUNCH greatnation. ber233-3475. MAy 14, 1995, SUNdAy

Onion Potatoes Orange .sse, .sse, •.65(/lb. Smile Saipan

.; , LA~~~RY HARDWARE IVIVA I I Oleai Beach J I I I SHOP ------1 TO CHALAN PIAO • ====-- - Q ¢ BEACH ROAD to GARAPAN ¢ I BAYANIHAN TERRACE I ~ I NIG~n~UB I FOOD FIESTA ;;;.1J, I:. LT) , RESTAURANT v: c £~ 2nd Floor Morgen Billg. ;' ~ j\p( Microl " ~ We Offer: - .. _---- Fine Dining • Braces • Teeth Whitening Q en AQUA RESOKr CLUB • Teeth Cleaning III From 11 :00 am 2:00 pm • Fillings ::I ~ • Denture Repair n SILVER MARKET A 8reaL place to be Adults :$22.00 Cll • Extractions ::::I Tel. 234-6631 Kids :$11.00 • and other Dental needs c;; For reservation pleasecall Polar Mayeth at tel. # 322-1234, ext. 7301731 same Day Appointments Tel. 235-372D 4

.I • J l' , '. r .-~ 20-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12. 1995 FRIDAY, MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VlEWS-21 ~ ••• ~T~YTT•• Y?~~ .T••?~TT••.•?TYT?YT. F-building CHOI'S DISCOUNT GROCERY dedication held KOBLERVILLE 234-1142 DEDICATION ceremonies mark­ located witha view to improving the month-long specialized training inair­ $3.3 overallefficiencyofoperations,"Chair­ craft crashandrescue atMosesLake, ingthe completion of the new .I million firestationat the Saipanin­ manHocog said. Washington State. Another firefighter ternational Airport (SIA) was held 'The reasons are because, one, is recentlycompletedanernergencymedi­ Thursday morning (May 11).. at­ within walking distance from theAir cal services seminar in Baltimore, tended by Gov. FroilanC. Tenorio Traffic Control Tower; two, the re­ Maryland. The 10 new fire recruits and Lieutenant Governor Jesse C. sponse time foranyemergency onthe underwentintensivemonth-long train­ Borja, cabinet rnernbers.Iegislators, runaway and apron areas will be sig­ inginallof aircrafts firefighting. CPAboardmembers, andotherdig­ nificantly shorter' andthree,theARFF Hocog expressed hisappreciation to nitaries. personnel will havedirect lineofsight thecontractor, theCPA'sengineering McLaughlin is MeV. Located north of the Air Traffic to the runaway, taxiway, and apron consultants, Efrain F. Camacho and - Control Tower, thenewfirestation is areas," Hocog said. Associates for designing the building MAY 12 TO 15, 1995 part of the overall airport expansion Constructed by Black Micro, the andalsofor overseeing theconstruc­ employee ofmonth project Itwill replace old,dilapidated newfacility hasa total offourbays for tion until completion. Healsothanked MARIANAS CableVision Sub­ Since the beginning of the year he fire building thatismorethan20years fire trucks, two 100,000 gallon water theprevious board members for their scribers may not know the name, has concentrated all his efforts on tanks, andan emergency generator. partin conceiving theproject, getting old. but his voice has become synony­ Board Chairman Victor B. Hocog Chairman Hocog said the CPA is the funding for it from the Federal Marketing and Promotions. Re­ told the assembled crowd at the cer­ alsomindful about thedevelopment of Aviation Administration, andactually mous with MCV. In numerous cently he has informed viewersof emony that thefirestation isequipped its fire fighters, nothing thattheyare getting theproject started. radio and television promotions, MCV's latest channel and service CALROSE RICE LONG GRAIN RICE REAL FRESH with offices, training room, library/ trained for any emergency that may Heurged thestaffofthefire division it's Mclaughlin's friendly, famil­ additions, including anewSaipan DIAMOND G NESTEA recreation room, living quarters, anda occurat the airport He said that re­ attheCPAtokeepthefacility cleanat DIAMOND G MILK iar voice that tell cable viewers favorite, The Golf Channel. 50 Lbs. 24 ct ONLY WN)M kitchen. 'This building is strategically cently, fourCPAfirefighters leftfora alltimes. what to expect from MCV. He MCV SalesandMarketing Man­ 50 Lbs. 32 oz .'-"--"- has now been named MCV's agerBarbaraHuntsays"Greg'sdedi­ CALROSE 'r :1 RICE Employee of the Month. cationto detailandcreativity arein­ L ..,..,...... , . McLaughlin was hired on the strumentalinkeepingthepublicaware I· , 69 MCV production staffin the sum­ of the evergrowing numberof new $12. mer of 1993. He gradually began programs MCV has to offer," working more and more on Mclaughlin willreceive afiftydollar KMCV promotions, as well as check and a personal plaqueforhis PORKSPARE~ ".':. new MCV products and service. excellent work. PORK CHOP WHOLE FAMILY BAG RIBS' CHICKEN Micronesia crafts exhibit 1 cs 20 Lbs. 30 Lbs. THE COMMONWEALTHCoun­ displayand sell work at the exhibit cilforArtsandCulturewillbe hold­ shouldcontacttheArts Council. ing the Annual Micronesia Crafts TheDead.lineforthesubmissionof· 99 Exhibit fromJune9 toJune30,1995. work for the Micronesia Crafts Ex­ 95 The exhibit will be held at the hibitis June2, 1995. $16. I SI8· Convention Center, capitolHill. Ifyou are interested in displaying ...... ,~--'. ,, o::------j------~~~~------meexhibitfeatures traditional craft orselling workattheexhibityoumay »SEEF FEET work from all the Micronesian Is­ visittheArts Council Officeorcon­ BEEF BACK RIBS lands and is the largestof it's kind tact Sinforosa Pinaula or Robert LONG LIFE FAMILY BAG throughout the year. Hunter at telephone: 322-9982 or FAMILY BAG Craftsand collectors who wish to 322-9983. MILK 95 VolunteersAmparo L.G. Tenorio (extreme left) and Rita V. Tenoriopresent a pair of crutches topatient from $12. Tinian, Timothy Seaman. The crutches were donated to CHC Volunteers by Lisa Hawkins. (Photo by Susan 12 Ct. P. Schwarz) Computer Fair at JKPL 99 95 THERE will be a computer fair You will see the difference be- $9. $12. sponsored by the Marianas Com- tween an IBM computer to puter Club on May 27-28, 1995 at Macintosh and the many applica- Joeten - Kiyu Public Library. tions of computer. This is your opportunity to ex- For more informations please SPAM perience the computer world in call Cao at telephone (670) 234- 3 For the Commonwealth of the North- 6385 or (670) 233-1127/8, or fax ern Mariana Islands. (670) 235-5088. 95 • TANG SAPPORO CHORIZOS KIKKOMAN "Treat 1vfo1vf extra specialthis year's 1vfotfier's Vay" 24 Ots ICHIBAN SAUSAGE SOY SAUCE \fisi/ our shop FLOWERS GALORE located in the BENCAAf , Building in Garapan, behind Castro's Mobil Station ill Middle Road. ", ~---..Ji 95 j 95 1 CS 1/;;::-- 16lt elIiay 146W)Jl 5:30pnz to 10:00prn at §>ollJJliJJ i 50 95 ! $9. . $4. $21. lit have the following Mother's Day specials:~ I S8 ~, &2lJu!t $40.00· (g//i!() $20.00 • Hallmark quality - MOlhf.r's Day Cards . '~. GtJith ~lee 250UlJellil ci}Jhoto & 7$olsafle • 11o1l00n Wrap Gift Items ,'\ SURF TIDE SNUGGLE • f

22-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12,1995 Police: Nerve gas tested on sheep _I PERTH, Australia (AP) • The "The police are now back on sheep on the property near Wiese said police had also found the sect were still in Perth. Japanese sect blamed for the sarin the property," federal Justice Min- Leonora, in Western Australia's chemicals on the property that Kerr said that there is no rea­ ." ii ART nerve gas attack on the Tokyo ister Duncan Kerr said Thursday. eastern gold fields. could be used to make a second son to believe that the sect leader .... l ~" i subway appears to have tested the West Australian Police Minis- The nerve gas attack in the To­ lethal gas. is in Australia. Japanese police i~. ',~ gas on sheep on a ranch in remote ter Bob Wiese said police had kyo subway two months ago killed But Kerr said he was informed are believed to be ready to charge ~(~ western Australia, officials said found residues of chemicals used atleast 12people and injuredmore that the second gas was an irri­ Shoko Asahara with the attack, :1 Thursday. to make the deadly gas in 24 dead than 5,000. tant, perhaps mustard gas. but his whereabouts are unknown. , ! "I think it is quite clear that Sect members including Shoko ", ' they were out there testing at least Asahara attempted to return to '.' some gases - certainly testing sarin Australia in October 1993 but and possibly another," Wiese said. were refused entry and the sta­ The Aum Supreme Truth Sect tion, which was bought for US boughtthe remote Banjawarn sta­ dlrs 365,000 (500,000 Australian tion in June 1993 and a group of dollars), was sold in August 1994.. \.1 sect members, including cult Wiese said the carcasses were !. leader Shoko Asahara, travelled found during a searchofthe sheep to the station in September 1993. station soon after the Tokyo sub­ At the time two of the group way attack, but testing equipment

members were arrested at the Perth had to be brought from overseas i· International Airport for possess­ to establish what the chemical ing hydrochloric acid in contain­ was. ers marked hand soap. The testing had indicated that Two crate loads of chemicals the chemical was brought with them were also con­ methylphosphonic acid, which is . fiscated. produced when sarin gas is bro­ Wiesesaid Japanese police had ken down by decomposition. travelled to the ranch Wednesday Ithadalso shown that the sheep to neutralize the soil around the died during the l4-month period sheep carcasses. that the property was owned .by He said he was unsure whether the sect. Japanese authorities would take Wiese said he was uncertain action over the discovery, but that what type ofgas the second group Australian authorities had not of chemicals could make, but that chargedanyone overthe incident. it was lethal and t Master A-1 It was believed no members of he chemicals could be easily purchased locally. Mackerel He said the chemical residue 15 oz. from the sarin gas found in the ,.., soil posed no threat to new own­ 11 :: 2 for f"l ' ers of the property or other live­ :"J" stock grazing in the area. r:.1 :- :l-"~__""';"""'''''' 1-1 " , :~:::- The affected soil could be eas­ [J ~-v-V\,;.-V'::/-:",,; '",7'A ily neutralized by common chlo­ rine. D ~''''/:earingfrom D Hormel you Beel for Stewing $1.59/lb. D w. Samoa Beef Round Cut for Chop Steak $2.19/lb. o Spam • .: wOrryIng Beef Back Ribs $1.19/lb. o 12 oz. would make her day! Bouquet - Chicken Wings 2Ibs,fpkg $3.49 ea. over beetle Starkel Poultry - infestation Slewing Chicken Head & Feet On ...... $1.19/lb. Remember Mother's Day WESTERN Samoa's Department this Sunday, May 14 & of Agriculture is worried over the threat of a new infestation of the save money with MTC's low taro beetle which almost wiped out the country's taro crops two direct dial rates. years ago, RNZI reported Thurs­ Johnie Walker day...... ,,-- .. The taro beetle is currently de­ Black stroying crops in Papua New 750m!. Guinea, Solomon Islands, New Destination Effective Competitor MTC Caledonia, Vanuatu and Kiribati. Chief crops officer Albert Pe­ Hawaii/ Sat/Sun/Mon ters says the Agriculture Depart­ U.S. Mainland 5pm-5am $1.30 $1.25 ment is taking extra quarantine 5am-5pm $1.45 $1.40 measures to prevent plant mate­ rial from being imported or , Guam 24 hours $0.70 SO.65 smuggled into the country. Peters says the effect of the taro i. [I Hong Kong 24 hours $2.15 $2.05 beetle on taro is bad enough, but f the beetle is also a threat to ba­ i Ij Japan 24 hours $1.95 $1.90 nana crops ...Pacnews i: ~j IIt, Korea 24 hours $2.15 $2.05 I: nE ~. !. DES1GNAlBJ { i; Philippines 9pm-7am $1.95 $1.65 I., ; DRIVER I"~ i; 7am-9pm $1.95 $1.75 I I Vanish Scope f [; TQilet Bowl Ceaner Mouthwash /,'(//("'/1111111 u n: (/'/'/111111/(// III/II/II<' diu'( / .lial mt,« r: 12 oz. 12oz. F. I ': i'I, mite ...Value you can always depend on. ~." FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-25

counsel informed Shoda and the CPA Board .of I?irecto~ by letter contract. $122,472.43 as compensatory On the other hand, Cleveland o a.... damages againstShodaand CPA, requested the court to order the Sh d that the termination was unproper. He said he was never paid for " . C9ntinued from page 1 But neither defendants ever re- the two weeks immediately pre- or alternatively an order direct­ defendants to pay $125,000 each . p'laintiff agreed that upon his sponded to the letter, said the law- ceding his termination despite the ing the CPA to reinstate him to as punitive d~ages. retum ajobdescription would have suit. promise of defendants. active employmentunderthe con­ And finally, Cleveland asked a .TOMO·R·ROW.. '.' NEWCAR.· been prepared at which time the One week later, Cleveland's In filing the case, Cleveland, tract. declaration thatthe acts of Shoda amendment to contract could be counsel contacted the CPA's law- through his counsel Atty. Dotts The court was asked to order and CPA violated his (plaintiff) ONLY executed. yerto inquire as to the CPA's posi- cited five causes ofaction such as the CPA to make plaintiff whole rights and the due process and P'RIC,ES' .'; The air traffic manager returned tion concerning the termination of violations of due process, civil for all losses at wages, benefits equal protection clauses under .at. plaintiff. rights, wrongful termination, civil and all other terms and condi­ U.S. Constitution. to Saipan on January 3,1995as the , But plaintiffs lawyer was told service act, and breach of con- tions ofemployment as air traffic He wanted costs of bringing STARTING at. defendants had been informed he .' ..", this action including reasonable ". TRIPLEJ··· would' by the CPA'scounsel that as far as tract. manager from January 4, 1995 to ,v . Onthe same day, after his return Shoda and Board of Directors of Cleveland demanded at least the date of such restatement. attorney's fees. I' ! I to Saipan, Cleveland was asked by CPA were concerned, the matter ------...;.,;.;;.;,.;.;,;"".;;~,;,;;,;,;.----.-;.------it easy for them by making it easy MOTORS· . the CPA to meet with Shoda to signing not so much because of was concluded. for me to just reprogram money discuss his employment with the However, CPA's counsel did Referrals... the medical referral but because . .in·Garapari·. $10,995 Continued from page 1 within the approved budget of CPA. agree to present the matter to the of lack of funding. In the mean­ $190 million," said the governor. A meeting was set on January 4, can be treated," said the gover­ time, one ofthe doctors said he's Board. In a related matter, Governor 1995 for 1p.m. at the office of CPA In March, CPA counsel re­ nor. resigning because some of the Tenorioalso took exception to the at airport. However, neither Shoda quested more time for the Board The House of Representatives foreign doctors, mostly Canadi­ recent string of resignations plagu­ nor any representative of the CPA to considerthe matter which plain­ and the Senate this week held ans are quitting," said Tenorio. ing the hospital from both doctors appeared, said the lawsuit. tiff agreed. separate sessions to pass House "They're using Public Law 7­ ,.~." I , and nurses, saying he believes 45 as an excuse. That's not a ,~< UISED~RS} r";' Later on that same day, Last April 7, CPA advised Bill 9-402, authorizing the gov­ ,,~ ~f Public Law 7-45 is not really the .' ,.....",> ., •. .../ ,",,", .•".,.J ..""...... ;. . '...... >.. __....:; .1 .• 'ft Cleveland'scounsel received a let­ Cleveland that CPA had rejected ernor to transfer lapsed and any good excuse. If these people re­ root of the problem. ter from Shoda, terminating plain­ the claim, prompting him to seek other funds in the fiscal year 1995 new their contracts, we can re­ Under Public Law 7-45, thehos­ tiff "for cause." relief from the court. budget into the medical referral new them now and they can work pital would no longer be able to The termination Jetterlists seven The plaintiff added that he program. for another two years. 31069 90 HYUNDAI EXCEL 4DR $4995 hire non-residents or non-US citi­ specific grounds for the termina­ worked for a total 183 hours of The program was officially So I think they're just fed up zens to fill medical positions in tion which according to Cleveland overtime and was never awarded stopped Tuesday as it has already with the situation in the hospital. the hospital after September 30, 31051 92 MAZDA B2200 X-CAB PIU 8995 "are untrue statements." the compensatory time off to overshot its FY 1995 budget of Maybe they don't like our island 1995. OnJanuary5,1995, theplaintiffs which he was entitled under the $2.9 million by some $2 million anymore and they just want to midway into the budget year. Such a deadline also exists for move on," said the governor. 31071 91 MAZDA B2600 4X4 9995 Although H.B. 9-402 gave the non-residents in teachingjobs un­ Earlier, the chiefexecutive said governor wide powers to repro­ der the Public School System and his position about P.L. 7-45 is for SONATA.' . Arts Council to meet certain other government agen­ the deadline to take its course and 31084 91 MAZDA 2600 X-CAB P/U 10295 THE COMMONWEALTH Council for Arts and Culture will be gram money to keep referrals con­ tinuing , Tenorio was not at all cies. let hiring be through recruitment holding a special board meeting on Thursday, May II, 1995,1:30 amused. "Most of the doctors are re- agencies. 31007 95 MITSUBISHI ECLIPSE 18595 pm at the Arts Council Office, Capitol Hill. "What the Legislature did was The agenda for this meeting includes: Old Business, Establish­ to allow me to reprogram from Continued from page 1 ment of Board Committee to review Executive Director's perfor­ other programs. I don't want to Governor... 21098 91 HYUNDAI EXCEL GS 3DR 5495 mance, Executive Director's Report on Flame Tree Arts Festival do that because I don't want to the reorganization executive or­ of Chief Justice must now stand Expenditures and new austerity measures. take out funds from an approved dersand the currently pending law­ empty for some time," said the 21017 92 HYUNDAI EXCEL GL 4DR 6495 ON THE SPOT The public is invited to attend this meeting, For further informa­ program into a program that is suit regarding Amendment 25 of governor in the one-page letter. tion you may contact the Arts Council at telephone: 322-9982 or never authorized by law," said the Constitution. "Though legal, this will make 322-9983. Tenorio. Such cases had Governor people of the CNMI suffer," he 21094 91 HYUNDAI SCOUPE 7495 • CREDIT APPROVAL "I don't want to take money out Tenorio as defendant. added. Through Bank of Hawaii of a service program that we're Reacting to the Senate's rejec­ Responding, Demapan fired off ECliPSE' . ,.> .. , -; ",' 51016A 93 HYUNDAI SCOUPE lS 9595 , .' .. :' . {/ ~ 'Obligated to provide in favor of tion of Castro, Tenorio on a similarly hot letter explaining representatives - .•'.'.". one that we have no obligation to Wednesday fired off a sternly­ that the Senate exercised its consti­ provide," said Tenorio. worded letter to Senate President tutional responsibility as it saw fit. 21112 91 HYUNDAI SONATA Gl 4DR 8495 1~~:t~r:~tC!r ~I According to Tenorio what the Juan S. Demapan calling the "As you know, during the past • TRADE IN APPRAISAL , Legislature actually did in pass­ Senate's action "extremely fool­ year the Senate has gone out of its ing the measure was basically get­ ish and rash." way to cooperate with your admin­ 21105 90 MAZDA B2600 X-CAB P/U 8495 • DELIVERY ting out of making a tough deci­ "I am disappointed in your ac­ istration," Demapan told the gov­ sion. "That is for them to identify tion, not only because it sense­ ernor. 21020A 90 TOYOTA 4-RUNNER 14595 additional funding. They don't lessly insults and rejects a fine "But our patience is wearing .4 hBanft ofHawaii ~ll want to do that so they try to make jurist, but also because the office thin," he warned. STEAK. SEAFOOD ...... 2R093 92 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS 8995 ~\\lAL ~+ VISIT TODAY FOR COme celebrate 7295 2R069 92 HYUNDAI SCOUPE LS . . rff:::,f ~i SALE PREVIEW! ISUZU TRUCK. '. '. \~ &S ~ ... ' 2R050 92 HYUNDAI SCOUPE LS 8495 ••••••••••••••••••

~' ..... 1R064 91 ISUZU TROOPER, V6 9995 :''''.;' -. ..",:: .:~~'O:"..;h>;t • ~t=, ... jR' 'f!fI:ith 3 1R053 91 SUBARU lOYAlE 4DR 6995 J .~,~~ ~.~i ...... Bake House '{~.x F Seafood Platter $12.50 ~i 1R076 91 SUBARU LEGACY 4DR 7995 Enjoy a crab claw, shrimp, mussels & 2R081 92 HYUNDAI ELANTRA GLS 8995 mahi-mahi, cook the way you want. ~ii SUBARU , '. ." . Steak & Shrimp $13.50 ~~l • on any Bakery products 2P012 90 DODGE CARAVAN V6 $15995 ~ Tender & Juicy 8 02, steak & all the ...:. I of your choice. TRIPLE ~'j JMOTORS ' shrimp you can eat, sauted orbreaded Sale starts on Friday, May 12 to May 19. iR~irops $11.50 ~ BEAC H ROAD $Pampi, breaded, sauted orcombination. ~~j~ liH~ UU~ !!lEi;> Uf. im~<> JUt}· :Hm~> Call early for your orders of Business Hours: Daily 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. <6" DINNER SERVED WITH COLESLAW, RICE ~].i.i~ Potu, Tamales, Apigigi, Empanadas,· Tel. # 322-9993 Fax: 322-8422 Bibingka, Pantuba, Chamorro Cake and C~4c- many more varieties to choose from. ~~::.~. :I~:::?f.~ - ; ~IJ ~I Look for the ~:@ TRI~':=O~PLE~~!ORS ::...~~~~~ R DINOSAUR ~ Garapan, Beach Road 234-7133 • Chalan Kanoa, Beach Road 235-5153/5014 26-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSAND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12,1995 FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VJEWS-27 Vietnam rescues Chinese boat people Scores feared dead HANOI, Vietnam (AP) • Border police official said Thursday. their vessel and gave them food, The group of 22 men, three find jobs in ~rqsperous Australia policerescued 27 Chinese whose The passengers, all of them in medicine and fuel, said a provin- women and two children em- and Hong Kong. in gold mine mishap .ship lost power and went adrift good health, set sail againSunday cial border police assistant, Phan barked fromChina'sCantonprov- The last group of Chineseboat off Vietnam's central coast, a after police helped them repair Van Thien. ince in the hope of fmding abetter people landed in Vietnamin Feb- By DONNA BRYSON surface,and rescuerswere usinga U.S. Made _ ~. ¥., life in Austra,Iia, :men said by ruary. 1?ey were 54 emigrants -JOHANNESBURG, South parallel shaft to reach the wreck­ , ~!QIt'.· telephone.Police discoveredthem from China's Guangxi province, Africa (AP) - A gold mine acci­ age, mine officials said. Quite Power 'j last Friday after their ship broke one of the country's poorest,who dent probably caused by human Labor leader Sam Shilowa called for an independent investi­ down off Vietnam's Quang Nam- were heading also to Australia error may have killed as many as THOMAS PEAKE &COMPANY UMITED Air Conditioning Systems Da Nang province, 610 kilome- when they sought shelter from a 100 workers, mine officials and gation, including foreign experts, ters (375 miles) northeast of Ho storm and came ashore in south- the government said Thursday. to determine the cause and assess IROOM AIR CONDITIONER I I SPLIT TYPE I Chi Minh City. ern Vietnam's Ba Ria-Vung Tau Rescuers were struggling to blameproperly.HetoldRadio702 :::~J) ::",,J, ,;,;; ".~;.~.: . They were the fifth group of province. reachanelevator cage sent plung­ inJohannesburgthepurposewould • Designed for demanding ing to the bottom of a deep mine be to get an independentview on condiHons Chinese to arrive here by sea so Vietnamese boat people have Ceiling Mounted far this year but the first to come themselves landed on Chinese shaft after a locomotive fell on it, safety standards in South African • Easy service and maintenance from booming Canton. territory while trying to reach said James Duncan, spokesman mines, which Shilowa said have ::::;:-,:f,fj. Durable and attractive Thien said they told him they Hong Kong. for the Anglo AmericanCorp. thehighestnumberofdeathsinthe The accident at the Vaal Reefs world. ] 0 Silent operation were all ethnic Chinese who left ------• Reliable and efficient their original homes in Vietnam gold mineat Orkney, 180kilome­ "It would be in the interest of Wall Mountea Floor Mounted after thetwo nationsfoughtabrief Public dissent ters southwest of Johannesburg, everybody,"saidShilowa,headof 12,000 to24,000 BTU 9,000 BTU to60,000 BTU border war in 1979. They left occurred at the end of the night the Congress of South' African China because authorities there is penalized shift Wednesday and the crushed Trade Unions, an umbrellagroup IMULTI SPLIT AIRCON I IPACKAGE UNITS I had made life difficult for them, elevatorcage was believedfull of of mostly black labor organiza­ ~"' 2x12,000 he said. in Vietnam? f' workers. Duncan said. tions. ~iI1~~' ~ . '6".... ~ SouthAfricaistheworld's lead­ lxI8,000&2xI2,000BTU 7Ton to 40 Ton It is not known whether the CANBERRA, Australia (AP) ­ Such cages can hold about 100 ~.c;, .1E'6. 3x12,000 inggold producerandhassomeof Package limits group planned to return to China Public dissent is not tolerated in people, hesaid,adding:"Youcan't .-~ ....- 4x12,000 believe how awful it is." the deepest mines. Accidents oc­ ~.-,;; 1&9',=8: or continue south to Australia. Vietnam andevenminorincidents _=-"T. ~h;;:" .!..::f ;,J",,,,. 1x24,OOO &2x 12,000 cur frequently and usually cause Chinese and Vietnamese have can incur harsh penalties, areport Energy and Mineral Affairs moved back and forth across their by a visiting group of Australian MinisterPikBothasaiditappeared fatalities. Complete Parts and Service common border for centuries. legislators said. humanerror must havecausedthe The nation's worst mining di­ Financing Available sasteroccurred in 1960, when437 Vietnam expelled more than The parliamentary delegation accident, because the locomotive workers were killed whentrapped 200,000 ethnic Chinese residents visited Vietnam in April. Its.re­ went through a safety barrier and underground in a coal mine south in 1978-79 when relations be­ port, released Thursday, said reli­ fell into the shaft. .~.-~i;;,;~ of Johannesburg. The worst gold .. tween the two Communist gov­ gious activity in Vietnam is still "Thelocomotivecouldnothave ----_._------.---- moved as it did had it been prop­ mining disaster OCCUlTed in 1909 A Vietnamese soldier jokingly salutes the photographer as he chats with his friends during from ceremony ernments soured. Many of them regulated, although the situation erly controlled," Borha said in a when 152 minersdied ina tlooded AIR CONDITIONINGa REFRlGEI1ATlON HOTEL Be IltSTAUI1ANT SUPPUES which marked the anniversary of the fall of Saigon in Ho Chi Minh City(AP Photo) have since left China illegally to has improved and will probably statement. "The driver is alive so mine. Tel.:(670) 235-5572 Location: Middle Rd.• Chalan Laulau continue to do so. Fax:(670) 235-5573 Next 10 Flash Foto The report of the delegation, he musthave eitherjumped out of led by Sen. Stephen Loosley, ac­ thelocomotiveor inanyeventwas knowledged economic changes not in it." and said there is now a "generally Thelocomotive fell onto an el­ evatorcage,snappingitscableand morerelaxedatmosphere"inViet­ nam. causingittofall500meters(yards) But the delegation also said to the bottom of the shaft, 2,300 "Vietnam remains a highly con­ meters (1.4 miles) below the sur­ trolled society in political terms. face, Botha' s statementsaid. ""MTC's lowered Some400 other workersunder­ "Pluralism remains at a rudi­ mentary stage. groundwere brought safely to the ' .. "The Communist partyof Viet­ .. -- ~. nam is explicitly and in practice Submarine its rates ~and~ in complete control of society, even thoughcentrifugalforcesare at work in the economic area. found 131 improved service!" "While there appears to be no repression of the private expres­ years after sion of political or other views at variance with those of theregime, public or organized dissent is not its sinking tolerated. CHARLESTON. South Caro­ I• "The cases of imprisonment lina (AP) - A (onkdcr:llL'''uh­ and harassment of which the del­ marinetluu mystcriouxlv x.uik ,'II egation was aware demonstrate the South Carolina coasl in i S(}-l TAGA ELITE PLA.N that even minor and nonviolent after raiding a Union blockade expression of dissenting views has been identified hv research­ •Bonus: 100 minutes free incurs harsh penalties. ers. • Monthly service: $79 (save $20/month over the "Eagle I" plan) "The legal system treats dissi­ A Thursday announcement is • Reduced off-peak minute rate: $.25 ($'.45 peak) dents harshly. planned to idcntify the wreckage • 150 free minutes per month "Relevant penal provisions are as the CSS Hunley, said Dean • Five custom calling features broadly worded, the judicial sys­ Foster, a spokesman for the Na­ tem gives little scope foracquittal tional Underwater Marine and jail terms on conviction are Agency. The agency is a non­ TAGAPLAN lengthy. profit foundation. "The absence of pluralism has "It's intact and covered with Phone 234·5911 Microl Corporation Fax 234·6514 meant that the churches have op­ silt," Foster said. "With a limited •Bonus: 50 minutes free erated under restrictions and con­ amountof money, the boat can be • Monthly service: $35 (save $4.00/month over the "Hawk I" plan)· trols for many years, though that raised." situation has improved and will Archaeologists and divers said • Reduced off-peak minute rate: $.35 ($.65 peak) probably continue to do so," the in January they believed the ob­ A§;.; • 30 freeminutes per month report said. ject, about 40 feet (13 meters) ~:':}~ • Five custom calling features The legal system in Vietnam is long and 6 feet (2 meters) wide, Pairere #1 il' . Pairere #1 undergoing sweeping reform, in might be the Hunley. fii~"'f:""'" Sign up at our Customer Service Center by May 15, 1995 part as a result of the require­ Divers dug through 3 feet (I i", ments of the market economy, it meter)of silt and found what they f~..."·..,, to receive your free bonus minutes! said was one of the Hunley's ob­ said. Danny Tom Frank Ivan The delegation concluded, servationtowers. e'{our Cilrs~ though, that Australia shouldcon­ Many people over the years ".'1' ~'J' tinue its high level of engagement have tried to find the Hunley. It ~v .~ . ~ .~. . Saipan 's First 111 Cellular Technology with Vietnam. . wasfound by a team of research­ It said this could encourage ers, including Clive Cussler, an Q.uality Ser'vice . IIIIIIIIW ...Value you can always depend on. positive change in both political underwateradventurerandauthor and economic areas. who had been searching for the Hunley for about 15 years. tiL=\-= ·,'111.. 28-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS.AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 Dollar higher, stocks slip lower FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-29 • TOKYO (AP) • The U.S. dollar much effect on the dollar. The Tokyo Stock Price Index ing. "These talks have been going was trading slightly higheragainst "It seems that for the time be­ of all issues listed on the first Stocks of automakers were on for a long time," he said. ''The the Japanese yen early Thursday ing, the sentiment has become section was down 14.92 points, down on anxiety over possible market is reacting mildly." in Tokyo, while prices on the quite bullish toward the dollar," or 1.11 percent, to 1,321.50. The U.S. sanctions against Japanese The benchmark No. 174 10­ Tokyo Stock Exchange fell on said a dealer at a U.S. bank in TOPIX fell 10.24 points, or 0.76 cars, but JardineFleming analyst yearJapanesegovernmentbonds profit-taking. Tokyo. "There aren't really any percent, the day before. Paul Migliorato called the drop a stood at 109.11 yen, down from The dollar remained stable in new factors, but support has held Prices fell on profit-taking by "knee-jerk" reaction, and said their Wednesday close of 109.26 Tokyo after its overnight rally in very well." domestic institutional investors overall market reaction to the re­ yen. Their yield rose to 3.320 New York following an an­ "Ifthings get worse from here as well as on some overseas sell- newed trade threat was "muted." percent from 3.300 percent. nouncement by the Clinton ad­ on the dollar may be sold again, ministration that it would file a but for now the trade movements complaint with the World Trade are within market expectations," Despite trade fight, foreign Organization over Japan's seem­ said another dealer. ingly impenetrable auto market. Shortly before midday, the dol­ The United States is also ex­ lar was trading at 83.85 yen, up pected to publish a list of Japa­ from 83.14 yen late Wednesday share ofcar market soars nese products to be hit with sanc­ in Tokyo but slightly below its By DORIAN BENKOIL carmakers. slow to adaptto needs ot the Japa­ tions. Japan has promised to re­ overnight level of 83.91 late in TOKYO (AP) • Outside a shiny Lastyear, sales offoreign autos nese market. spond with a complaint ofits own New York. Tokyo showroom, a metaIIic­ in Japan rose 46 percentto a record Theydidn'tsell the smallercars to the WTO. On the TokyoStockExchange, green Jeep Cherokee shares the 301,000 units, said the Japan Au­ most Japanese need to negotiate The dolIar normally weakens the 225- issue Nikkei Stock Aver­ display stage with the latest offer­ tomobile Importers Association, narrow streets and tiny parking on signs of increased U.S.-Japan age shed 226.58 points, or 1.3 ing from Honda. an industry group. spots. And American models trade frictions, but Tokyo dealers percent, to end the morning ses­ The dealership sold a dozen The U.S. "Big Three" weren'tmadeto the Japanese stan­ say the current developments had sion at 16,559.91 points. On Cherokees last year. That may Chrysler, Ford and General Mo­ dard of a steering wheel on the already been anticipated by the Wednesday, it had lost 131.73 not sound like a lot - but it's four tors - captured just 1 percent of right. . market and are thus not having points, or 0.78 percent. times more than the year before. the Japanese market last year, but Japanese customers who Even as the Clinton administra­ that's nearly double their share a bought U.S. cars had trouble get­ tion takes to the trade battlefield year earlier. ting replacement parts quickly, to try to pry open the Japanese Even if the American share is and dealers were not equipped to auto market, foreign vehicles are small now, it has the potential to handle the needs of finicky con­ making inroads here, carving out take off as Japanese consumers sumers used to fast, attentive ser­ a small but growing market share. gain confidence, said salesman vice. And some imported-auto deal­ Yukitoshi Okamoto, whose car In recent years, though, Ameri­ ers worry that an all-out trade war dealershipcarriesJeep Cherokees. canautomakers have been chang­ now would do more harm than "When we first took them in, I ing their ways. good in their campaign to win the was worried about quality," he Since 1993, Chrysler's Chero­ hearts and minds ofJapanese car said. "But quality has gotten bet­ kee Jeeps have been for sale in buyers. ter, and the price has gone down." Japan with the steering wheel on "Personally, I don't think what Price. is providing an increas­ the right side. Ford has been ship­ (the trade negotiators) are doing ingly important edge for foreign ping right-hand drive cars to Ja­ is so great," said Kaz Saitoh, a automakers these days. The dol­ pan and promises that by the year spokesman for Yanase and Co., lar and currencies roughly pegged 2000 all of its cars will be avail­ Japan's largest car importer and to it have lost about one-third of able with the steering wheel on dealer. "Ifthe product is good and their value versus the yen in the the right. the price is right, you can do bet­ last two years, so foreign Ford, meanwhile, invested ter and better selling imported .; carmakers can afford big price heavily in advertising. Its high­ STOCK# YEAR MODEL Uc.# SELL cars in Japan these days." cuts. profile "My First Ford" TV spots Autos are the single biggestsore For example, the price in Ja­ featured Japanese from various CARS' point in Tokyo's trade relations pan of a Ford Explorer XLT fell walks of life assuring compatri­ R95{)06 1988 CRESSIDA AftA.110 3695 with Washington, accounting for from 5.24 million yen in 1992 to ots that their American car was U95{)14 1990 CRESSIDA M5-713 6JjL one-third of the record dlrs 66 3.595 million yen this year, keep­ working out fine. U95{)78 1994 W~RY u ABG-422 17995 billion U.S. trade deficit with Ja­ ing a consistent dollar price tag of The result is beginning to show C95{)02 1990 CM\RY AAW-535 6995 pan. about dlrs 42,000. in sales figures. AAl-464 4395 Japanese brand cars capture a In some ways, the auto trade Ford nearly tripled its sales here U93-140 1990 UN1RY 22 percent share of the U.S. mar­ mirrors the reversals in the over­ last year, with a leap from 5, I I I U95{)43 1989 C6}/,RY I\B[-825 4395 ket, including a 12.5 percent share all U.S.-Japanese relationship cars sold in 1993 to 14,321 in U95{)90 1991 C/,J:,RY .431}202 7995 for Japanese vehicles made in since World War II. 1994. Still, that's only a tiny share R94-o45 1990 Ci\J/iRY \\/G[,! ASB-035 :i695 North America. By contrast, the Before the war, U.S. autos were of the 3.4 million passenger ve­

C95{)04 1991 f'lP-2I ~ 1\ (TUPBO)1\ MV-583 10995 foreign share of the Japanese prized in Japan for their quality. hicles sold in Japan last year. U95{)76 1988 CORGill GTS ABM-282 4995 market is only 4.4 percent. After it, they were kept from the Foreign carmakers say building U95{)97 1990 COROLlA WGN AAW-882 4695 In the wake of the collapse of market by a combination of U.S. customer loyalty is a long-term Just Pack Your Bags and Go C95-003 1992 TERCEL MY-455 5995 the latest round of auto talks, the policy and Japanese protection­ process here. Hajime Saburi, a U94·212 1990 MERCEDEZ 300 SEl MV-412 21995 United States is contemplating ism. spokesman for Mercedes Benz, punitive sanctions against Japan Trade barriers gradually rose, credits his company'sfour-decade Going on a Down Under vacation is easy with Continental Micronesia Holidays. U95{)39 1990 ,VLfJ1DA MX-6 AAU-853 4695 and planning a formal complaint and Japanesecar quality improved drive to provide reliable service With non-stop flights to Sydney and a range of available vacation packages, the MAZDA MX-6 AAW-251 3995 U94·239 1990 with the World Trade Organiza­ dramatically. As the Japaneseauto with making it Japan's top-selling chance to explore Australia's exciting land of contrasts is simply a phone call away. U95{)40 1989 MAZDA 929 MP-491 4695 tion. Japan is vowing a complaint industry grew ever more power­ foreign brand. of its own. ful, U.S. automakers railed against "It's the customers who decide U95{)74 1991 !VI.AlDA 929 ---AAl-792 ---10995 U95{)31 1989 NISSAN SENTRA AAL-875 2195 The bitter dispute comes at a Japanese trade practices. But un­ what to buy," he said. "From that Whatever your budget, there's a Continental Micronesia Holiday for you. A couple U95{)19 1989 NISSAN 240 SX AAG-1~ 4995 time when the trade picture is like their European counterparts, standpoint, we think the situation can enjoy a three night package, staying in the heart of Sydney, with a Harbour U95{)49 1990 HYUNDAI SONATA AAR-345 3695 actually brightening for foreign the U.S. car manufacturers were in Japan is not really bad at all." Tour, for just $1086 per person. U95{)83 5495 t!QfO.UlU 1991 HYUNDAI SCOUPE AAR-464 JOHNSTON1S4.AHO There are many options available. It'ssimple. Pack your bags and go. R94-{)l6 1990 4X2 MG-739 3695 37 more boatpeople arrive R95-003 1992 4X2 AAJ-488 5795 DARWIN, Australia (AP) • spokesman Steve Ingram said the Late last year, some 800 boat For the vacation of your dreams, call your travel agent or Continental Micronesia Thirty-seven boat people believed 20 males and 17 females, includ­ people arrived in northern Aus­ (94-018 1992 4X2 MX·166 .5795 Holidays at 234-6491. Some restrictions apply. U95-061 1989 4X2 MY·l72 3695 to be from southern Chinaarrived ing six children, had beenchecked tralia, mainly Vietnamese people R95{)08 1991 4X4 AAU-248 6995 Thursday and will be sent to a by a doctor and were believed to resettled in southern China. detention center, the Immigration be in good health. U95-096 1990 4X4 My-012 5995 The first group of 53 of the Department said. Ingram said the people were Vietnamese was returned to Continental Micronesia U95-067 1991 4X4 V-6 AAS-300 8995 The department's Northern speaking Vietnamese, Cantonese Chinaon Tuesday underan agree­ Y(~ Continental U95{)94 1994 4X4 EX{AB ABG-482 14595 Territory director, Peter Watters, and another Chinese language. ment between Australia and . U95{)93 1990 4X4 EH.AR AAV-672 6995 said the boat people had been "The group appears to have China. Micronesia U95-068 1990 4X4 EX-eAB MNr647 6995 taken to the airport, where a char­ left China in mid-February. Ingram said it was believed the Fly with thewarmth of Paradise U95-065 1991 FORD EXPLORER A!&874 11995 tered aircraft was to fly them to "They're a bit different from latest group did not come from 1990 HUNNER MJr\-879 12995 Curtin Airbase near Derby, in any other group we've had in the southern port city of Beihai, U95-089 Western Australia's north. U95-092 1991 HUNNER ABD-041 12995 that they appear to (be) speaking the starting point for most of the Immigration Department three languages," Ingram said. recent massive influx. FRIDAY, MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWs-31

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555 MACKEREL IN OIL 15 oz. Revlon Sunkist '. .,.:'..: .....-,'. :"SAKERY .' - --.~.. :'.:," Outrageous $4 39 CHILDREN'S $6.99 •• , • '. l .... 'r SHAMPOOj • VITAMINS Fresh/Frozen . CONDITIONER 15 oz. Citrus Complex 80 Tabs. RUGALA BLACK TIGER Colgate Golden Sun SHRIMPS- TOOTHPASTE $2.99 VITAMIN C ." '~-0 tR'>. w/ Free Brush 8 oz. 500 mg. White ~ f!{~' @,/0 X:~'j ~X";~!3 ~~~ ~ ~, ------BO El Springfield Nature Made CHOCOLATE 11..Lb ... ~ Wintergreen $1.29 VITAMIN E CHIP COOKIES ALCOHOL 16 oz. 1000 I.U. SERVICE AND SELECTION MAKES THE DIFFERENCE!! FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIErY NEWS ANP VlEws-33 32-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND YJE~~~II;>~Y-=-~lt\Y 12: 199~ _ Clinton puts squeeze vs Japan cars . By MARTIN CRUTSINGER and auto parts market," the presi­ still prefer a negotiatedsettlement year worth of imports from Japan. panies topledgetoboost purchases . WASHINGTON (AP) • In the dent said in a statement released ofthe fight, which has draggedon But after 30 days of public com­ of American-made auto parts for latest attempt to pressureJapan to in Washington. "Unfortunately, for nearly two years. ment it would be reduced to be­ their factories in the United States increase sales of American cars those negotiations have not pro­ But officials left no doubt they tween dlrs 1 billion and dlrs 1.5 and inJapan by extending "volun­ and auto parts, President Clinton duced meaningful results." were prepared to retaliate. The billion of Japanese products that tary plans" first put into effect in has ordered an unfair-trade com­ Clinton said the administration United States will impose puni­ wouldbe subjected to punitivetar­ 1992. plaint filed against Tokyo with was finalizing a list of Japanese tive tariffs on more than dlrs 1 iffs as high as 100percent- still the The United States is also de­ the new World Trade Organiza­ goods that could be subjected to billion in Japanese auto imports largest such sanctions case in U.S. manding an increase in the num­ tion. U.S. trade sanctions and he had and seek a ruling from the 124­ history. ber of dealerships selling Ameri­ In a decision announced .directed U.S. Trade Representa­ nation WTO thatJapan has erected While U.S. auto executives ap­ can cars inJapan and relaxation of Wednesday at the White House, tive Mickey Kantor to tile an un­ unfair trade barriers to protect its plauded the trade threats, groups safety rules that have blocked U.S.­ Clinton also authorized publica­ fair trading case against Japan auto market. representing Japanese auto com­ made auto parts from being sold in tion of a list of punitive tariffs with the WTO. . The administration said its list panies and foreign dealers in the Japanese repair shops. againstJapaneseautomobilesand "I want to underscore my strong of Japanese imports targeted for United States said the tough talk TheJapanese have criticized the parts. supportfor these actions," Clinton higher sanctions would be released would end up hurting consumers U.S. efforts as managedtrade, par-: The move follows the collapse said. early next week after Clinton re­ through higher prices. And they ticularly the demandfor voluntary of trade negotiations last week in Kantor, at a White House brief­ turns from a trip to Moscow. said it could spark a trade war if purchasing plans. They gave no Canada and turns up the heat in a ing, told reporters that the United But congressional and industry Japan decides to retaliate against sign Wednesday that they were long and bitter fight over access States could no longer tolerate a sources, who spoke on condition U.S. products. relenting. of the American automotive in­ situation where Japan had 24 per­ of anonymity, said the targeted But administrationofficials said A Japanese official who spoke dustry to the Japanese market. cent of America's "wide open" products were expected to include the record dlrs 66 billion trade on condition ofanonymity denied "Over the past 20 months, my auto market while the United Japanese luxury autos, auto parts deficit with Japan - nearly 60 per­ there are any restrictions on any HONOLULU administration has made every States had "a meager 1.5 percent and possibly minivans. cent ofit in autos and parts -left no country'sauto shipmentsto Japan. GUAM effort through negotiations to re­ share in Japan." The initial list is likely to include choice but to take a hard line. He said Japan can make a good KWAJALEIN move obstacles to Japan's auto The administration said it would perhaps as much as dlrs 7 billion a They want Japanese auto com- case before the WTO.

MAJURO KOSRAE Brazil to adopt coffee export retention plan BRASILIA,Brazil(AP)·Brazil duces to keep prices up on the "A retention system is the most fee Industry Association have lion bags of 132 pounds (60ki- will adopt a system of holding world market, the government convenient for us," said Jose been split: Exporters favored a los), the country will harvest be- back some of the coffee it pro- announced Wednesday. Milton Dallari, an official in the quota system, but producers pre- tween 12.7 million and 14.8 mil- Finance Ministry. He declined to ferred a retention plan that would lion bags. give details. withhold coffee from the market Brazil is the world's largest BALI Peugeot-Citroen sales up Oswaldo Nieto, president of when prices get too low. coffee grower and exporter, and PARIS(AP)·PSAPeugeotCitroen and Asia. the Brazilian Coffee Exporters Last year, coffee producers held its main market is the United saidThursday its I995 first-quarter Sales ofPeugeot and Citroen cars Federation, said one plan under back 20 percent ofstocks to drive States. consolidated sales rose by 8.5 per­ in western Europe were 0.6 percent study is the retention of 20 per- up world prices. In the first quarter of 1995 Bra- cent from the same period last year below thoseof thefirstthreemonths cent of stocks. "A definite per- But some members ofthe Bra- zi1 exported 2.5 million bags of to 42.67 billion francs (dlrs 9.23 of 1994,although sales ofcommer­ centage will be worked out at the zilian Coffee Industry Associa- coffee, down from 3.7 million billion). cial vehicles surged by 22 percent. London meeting," he said. tion opposed such a system this bags in the same period in 1994. The automaker cautioned, how­ In March alone, Peugeot noted, I The decision to reject a quota year because killer frosts and Higher prices on international ever, thattherateof increase fell off European car sales were 1.8 per­ system comes a week before the droughts sharply reduced Brazil's markets, however, pushed earn- steeply toward the end of the quar- cent below those of the same year­ world's coffee producers meet on 1995-96 crop. ings up 42 percent over the same ter. ago month. May 17 in London to define mar- Instead of an expected 26 mil- period last year. First-quarter sales outside Eu­ Overall, Peugeot Citroen sold keting and export strategies. ropeincreased25 percentcompared 495,900 vehicles in the first three Members of the Brazilian Cof- with the year-earlier period, thanks months, up 1.1 percent from a year DO YOU HAVE 2 1/2 to strong growth in South America earlier. SQUARE FEET IN Please consult your travel agent if YOUR STORE OR you're seeing spots before your eyes. MARKET? DO YOU WANT TO

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...... :=-_-==-_-=- ---.:- ~FRID~AY, MAY i2, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWs-35 34-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 '.~' Ex-Labor minister's family' I~NITATION FOR 810---'-= e ell II IFB 95-006 Major averts Parliamentary defeat · ro e In I ega oan case The CNMI Public School System Is sollcltlng from firms Interested b d Insupplying to the Public School System with 15 computers and LONDON(AP). TheConserva- before the vote to Conservatives Critics say most ch~g~s are Chancellorofth~Exch~uerKen- p~tentlal rebels n~t to make P TOKYO (AP) • Prosecutors credit unions. million) in illegal loans. other accessories. Specifications are now available at the PSS .• rnment on Wednesday to rally round the battered and economy measures shrinking an nethClarke,andnght-wmgerswho things worse for Major now. Uve gove ., . .. 1 E' "G . I 1 1 raided companies owned by reia- Some of that money was re- Meanwhile, former defense Procurement & Supply Office during regular working hours. defeated an opposition attemptto deeply unpopular administration. over-b.urdened sen:l~e: ., ~ppose c oser .uropean integra- ~;ernment IS a one y,P ace Trad~ S~cretary tives of a former labor minister portedly shifted to one of minister Keisuke Nakanishi, fac- block its London hospital closure Defeat would have eroded fur- Major blamed divisions m his non and see.Major as weak. to be, . Mlcha:l Thursday looking for evidence of Yamaguchi's political organiza- ing a Parliamentary committee Bids are now being accepted by the PSS Procurement & Supply its first significant vic- ther Major's personal authority party as a prime reason for the Thehospitalclosurescut across Heseltine said ill a BBC televi- C tions, Office Lower Base. Salpan from 8:00 o.rn. to 4:00 p.m. dally Mon- program , . di id ith Lo d leai .. . aI i nk between the formerofficial demand to testify about his rela- day thru Friday except Holidays. Closing date and time for this tory since being virtually wiped and increased the chances of a record unpopulanty ~f the g~v- those Vl es, .Wl n on egis- sion interview. . and a scandal involving two failed His office refused to comment tionship with Takahashi, resigned bid Is June OS, 1995 at 2:00 p.rn, local time at which time and out in nationwide local govern- challenge to his leadership in ernment, some 30 pomts behind lators.responding to protests from . Countered London legislator credit unions. on Yamaguchi's link with his rela- from Parliament Wednesday, os- place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids ment elections. November. Labor in opinion polis for nearly a consutuents.. ~lr Rhodes Boyson, a Conserv~- Th~ NatI~nalHealth Toshio Yamaguchi became the rives' businesses. tensibly to take responsibility for received after the above date and time will not be accepted Despite a rebellion by a hand- "Ifthis House wishes to send a year.. . state.ofthe trve W,?O opposes Bottomley s first politician investigatedin con- On Wednesday, prosecutors his son'sarrestfor marijuana pos- under any circumstances. All bids must be In a sealed envelope ful of rank-and-file legislators, the message which even the Secre- Major must call national elec- Se~lce.' wldelY'per~elved as de- pla~s, Ifwe are ... lectured once sprin~ ~s ~o nection with the credit coopera- and police seized evidence from session. facemarked "IFB95-006" and submitted to the PSS Procurement government defeated by 320-308 tary of State cannot misinterpret tions by 1997. . terioratmg despite higherexpen- aga.m what government tives, whose public bailout companies linked with the two Local news reports suspected & Supply Officer Lower Base, Salpan. votes an opposition Labor Party ... It must be defeat," said the The. party IS ?roadly spht be- ~Itur~, ~s among the Conserva- pohcy IS, It shows the govern- projects were much criticized be- former credit union presidents, that resignation of Nakanishi, also motion seeking to block the clo- Labor spokeswoman on health, tween ItS mor~ hbe!'al,'pro-Euro- tives big vote-losers. ment has not"taken the message A non refundable fee of $25,00 U.S. Dollars must accompany the bid. The twenty five dollars fee maybe a certified check, or sures. Margaret Beckett, seeking Con- pean Commuruty wmg, headedby Party leaders appealed to the of last week. cause of reported extensive po- who are suspected of extending a New Frontier Party member, litical connections of one of the illegal loans to risky enterprises might have been an attempt to other forms acceptable to the Public School System made pay­ The vote followed trouncings servative rebel support. two bank presidents. such as resort and golf course avoid hurting his party's image able to the Treasurer. Public School System Commonwealth of which wiped out the Conserva- Mrs. Bottomley accused .~- the Northern Mariana Islands, The bidder Is requested to submit Yamaguchi left the powerful developments for personal gain. because of his alleged link with the with his bid a copy of his business permit, tives from local authorities in bor of"cynical and opportunistic Defendant slashes own throat opposition New Frontier Party in The presidents, who have been credit union president. Scotland last month, and reduced parliamentary gamesmanship." February afterallegations that his summoned to give testimony in Many Japanese banks suffer The CNMI Public School System reserves the right to award on a them to a rump in councils in She plans to close St. relatives received large amounts Parliament, have repeatedly de- from huge bad debt burdens, part single or multiple awards or reject any or all bids In the best Inter­ England and Wales last week. Bartholomew's hospital in cen- while testifying before court of money in questionable loans nied wrongdoing. of the economic hangover from est of the Public School System. Inquiries to this bid maybe di­ With Prime Minister John tralLondon,aninstitutionfounded rected to Mr. Michael Murphy at telephone number 322-4056 Dispatch reported. The two, who are being tried to­ from the two scandal-tainted The raids were conducted on the wildly speculative "bubble Major's majority down to 11 in 900 years ago, and shut the ser UTICA, New York (AP) -A ext. 246. Acting County Judge John J. gether, were involved in a court­ banks to support a resort venture. suspicion that the presidents may economy" of the late 1980s. Ana- the 651·member House of Com- ious accident and emergency man being tried for murderslashed Elliott adjourned court until room scuffle earlier in the week. Prosecutors searched several have committed breach oftrust or Iystssay the controversy surround- lSI William S. Torres ~ Louise Concepcion mons, the fate of the program - unit at Edgware Hospital in north his throat with a razor blade while Thursday, when he is expected to Skinner was ordered shackled companies Thursday, including a violated deposit laws in extend- ing the credit union bailout may Commissioner Of Education Procurement & Supply Officer and perhaps of Health Secretary London. testifying before a jury Wednes­ question the 12 jurors about what after the fight and was in shackles consulting company owned by ing the loans, investigators say. hurt the chances for otherbanks to Virginia Bottomley - hung on the The plan is part ofan overhaul day. Wednesday when he took the wit­ Yamaguchi's youngerbrotherand Prosecutors say the two former receive public help in the future. vote. of the National Health Service Robert Skinner, 29, is charged effect the incident might have on ness stand. a golf course managed by his sis- presidents - Harunori Takahashi The maximum penalty for beach But the government won rela- which the government says has with second-degree murder and deliberations. UndersheriffPeterParavati said ter, which reportedly have re- of Tokyo Kyowa and Shinsuke oftrust is up to five years in prison INVITATION FOR BID tively easil y, quashing a potential increasedefficiency, saved money third-degree weapons possession Skinner was in stable condition security procedures will be re­ ceived more than 4 billion yen Suzuki ofAnzen Credit-extended or a fine of 500,000 yen (dlrs rebellion that had been confined and improved services by con- in the 1994 shooting death of a at Faxton Hospital and was being viewed to determine how Skinner (dlrs 47 million) from the two a total of 11 billion yen (dlrs 130 6,020). to legislators in the London areas centrating bigger specialist units, man down outside a restaurant. transferred to a psychiatric center obtained and concealed the blade. IFB 95-0011 affected by the closures. such or trauma or cancer units, at Deputies said Skinner had just for observation. Prosecutors and defense attor­ The CNMI Public School System is soliciting from firms interested in Government leaders appealed a smaller number of hospitals. begun making a statement when Also charged in the slaying is he took a piece of razor blade and Clarence Suber, 22. Both defen­ neys had no comment on Buyers snap up News Corp. supplying to the Public School System with thirty (30) computers that dants are from New York City. Wednesday's incident. meet or exceed the following specification: cut himself, the Utica Observer- 1) Microprocessor------68LC040/33 Mhz 2) Operating System------System 7.1 or higher stocks after MCI deal inked 3) RAM---·------8MB SYDNEY, Australia (AP) ­ ment has died down and people Fox television network and 4) Hard Drive------250 MB News Corp. Ltd. shares soared start to digest -what it actually ~ewspaper and media proper- 5) Disk (Floppy)Drives------One (1) 3.5' 1.4 Mb Intemal 6) Monjtor------14" Color (640 x 480 pixels) 9.7 percentThursday with almost means, the shares will settle and ties around the world. 7) Expansion Siots------Four (4) o • 1.8million shares changing hands find a base. What that base is ANZ Bank media analyst Bob 8) CD·ROM------Double Speed, Tray Loading Internal in the first 10 minutes oftrade on remains to be seen," he said. Peters said the MCI deal would 9) Keyboard/Mouse------80 Keyldesk top bus type ,"" :,0.8':"': P :·.E .:C , .A,:'t, , news MCI Communications News Corp. hit a high of US provide a natural fit that would 1O)OneYear Warranty .~ ." ":':1 {. ,. .,;', .' :. . ".' . I ,r, •• • Corp. would invest US dlrs 2 bil­ dlrs 5.69 (7.80 Australian dol- enable Murdoch to link up vari- Bids are now being accepted by the PSS Procurement & Supply MAY11-15 lion for an equity stake in the lars) in morning trade. ous businesses within the group Office,Lower Base, Saipan from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily Monday media giant. MCI said the venture, part of while the capital injection thru Friday except Holidays. Closing date and time for this bid is June 06, 1995 at 9:00 a.m. local time at which time and place all bids will be The stake would make MCI the a global alliance, would create would provide the potential for publicly opened and read aloud. Any bids received after the above / largest foreign shareholder in the and distribute electronic infor- further expansion. ~f date and time will not be accepted under any circumstances. All bids MOrOROLA media giant. mation, education and enter- "Certainly it's a big boost, I must be in a sealed envelope facemarked "IFB955-0011" and submit­ "The stock's just gone abso­ tainment services to businesses think a lot of people were won- ted to the PSS Procurement & Supply Office, Lower Base, Saipan. PTSSO lutely berserk," one broker said. and consumers worldwide. dering what Murdoch would The CNMI Public School System reserves the rightto award on a single "On the face of it, the deal Rupert Murdoch's News do next to expand and link his or multiple awards or reject any or all bids in the best interest of the looks very good for News Corp. Corp., one of the worldslarg- media organization," Peters PublicSchool System. Inquiriesto this bidmaybe directed to Mr. Michael Murphy at telephone number 322-4056 ext.246 8349 but I think once the initial excite- est media companies, owns the said. /s/ William S. Torres /s/ Louise Concepcion 20% OFF I Keep Saipan Clean a~d & Green Commissioner of Education Procurement & Supply Officer all other cellular fiJA l~lUllRDjl~ V phones and ASIAN CUISINl DINNIR BUI FIT Invites you to experience the spicy taste of different Local Residents Special accessories / i Asian cuisines. Chef Friedle creates a distinctive J '50% Off Rooms· . one of-a-kind carefully prepared with culinary excellence. Asian delicacies are served every Saturday night for the $110/Night* . month of May from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ADULTS: $22.00 KIDS: $11.00 May 8 • June 30 SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE SUNDAY BRUNCH Treatyourself to a get away at the Complete with Black Angus Prime Rib beautiful Hotel Nikko, now at a very special (Cut to Taste) Roast Suckling Pig, Irresistible Hot and Cold Items, pricejust for you! . Featuring Freshly Baked Breads. Tempting Desserts State-of-tlie-Art and many more. *10% CNMrtax applies. Cellular Phones ADULTS: $20.00 (\ Rooms subject to availability. b.y Motorola MAGIC KIDS: $10.00 [d~ From ,kif./'.., Mustbe 18 or older. CNMIID required. 11:00 p.m. to 2:00p.m. ,bi~ ,;... \ SAIPAN STORE ONLY ~/" .•.•, ~1," ~'/;.>,.'.; ~ '·.C'·"·: Rooms Special includes: 8tIOW ~ :k· ·t<,< serena: ! ..... Featuring Mr. Ken Rush -. "1. ~ ...... -'tIi,t~ .. - Welcome Drink ':---, ..... 2~ ..'~~" .. ~.. ~ AII-You-Can-Eat . Clown In face painting ..':~'< .~ .. . Lunch Buffet t~ - Use of Water Park . Balloon Animals for free ...... fiI. j' t' " . - Free Entrance to Disco 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. MOTOROLA, A Winning Combination ® ~ - Hotel Nikko Souvenir Gift $16 Adult Soipon & Guam's Only Authonzed Motorola Dealer/Service Center $10 Children for reservation please call Pol or Mayeth ay Tel. 322-1234.. ext. 730. 731 hotel nikko saipan For Room R~servations, call 322·3311 SAIF'AN HARMON BARRIGADA 235-CELL (2355) 646·FONE (3663) 635·FONE (3663) 36-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 . made crisis remedied even sooner. Expectant bet~er health care. Therefore, the Hegarty, followed by the other doc- Why aren't they moving in the face • •• legislators and the Governor must tors, nurses, technicians, and so of this' crisis? Perhaps if they act At this point, it would be a luxury for me if I only had to worry about Continued from page 5 ensure that CHC has the resources forth. What a tremendous loss. It's now they could persuade the doc­ Lim reelected as necessary to address the medical a loss that can be prevented - all tors and nurses ofPublic Health not the labor itselfand did not have the added stress ofwoadering whether signed or will be forced to leave needs of this community. our elected officials have to do is to resign. I hope that they will act because of P.L. 7-45. Also, two Rig~t now, the most pressing exempt all CHC employees who beforesomeone is injured or dies as CHCwill have the resources neces­ a result of the politicians' inaction. sary to deliver our baby. need involves CHC personnel. provide medical services. mayor of anesthesiologists have resigned in As for me, I suppose I'm fortu­ protest and I believe that the con­ There is no reason why the Com- We all know that the legislators By ROBERT H. REID hauled to police stations for pass­ nate in that my due date is not for Anxiously Waiting, ' tract of another anesthesiologists is monwea1th should suffer from the and the Governor are capable of MANILA, Philippines (AP) port and identification checks. drain of qualified medical person- acting fast and even surreptitiously. another 3 months. I feel sorry for soon expiring. That leaves a total of , the tough-as-nails That drove off customers, and one anesthesiologist for the entire nel. This will begin on May 31, We've seen it recently with the tax the women who are due in June and former police chief who closed most of the bar owners moved to hospital. Looks like the chances of 1995, with the departure of Dr. bill and judicial confirmations. July - they need this foolishly- /S/Jennifer Griffin Skinner other cities in the metropolitan an epidural are slim or none. More down this city's notorious "red­ importantly, if Public Health is not conflictwasJuanDemapan would own ignorance and ignoring a dos to thegood Senatorfrom Rota light" district, opened up a huge area, . adequately staffed, all pregnant Reader... have abstained from voting on valuable resource of evaluating for having enough sense to use his lead Thursday in his bid for re­ Last year, Lim promised to rid vote wisel y ratherthan forrevenge. women had better hope fora routine Continued from page 5 Judge Castro's election since his judicial prospects? election as mayor of Manila. the city ofdrug dealers or resign. labor and delivery - one without brother, Judge Miguel Demapan, I can tell you this much. I will Anyonewho mayhave thought With more than 90 percent ofthe Soonafterward, morethan adozen any complications, one not requir­ his conflict of interest argument was lobbying for that same posi­ remembercomeelectiontime that that a constitutional amendment votes tallied fromMonday'selec­ people were found hanging from ing a cesarean section, one in which solelyon whateverrumors he may tion. Did Juan Demapan reject Senators Demapan and to take the judicial re-appoint­ tion, Lim was leading with bridges and lampposts wearing the baby is not born prematurely, have heard or inferences he may and one in which the fetus is not in Castro to open the possibility for Villagomezareignorantfoolswho ment and approval power from 434,800 votes to 178,200 for his signsreading: "I was a drugdealer. have drawn from the fact that he distress. his brother to take the position? think nothing ofruining the repu­ the Governor and Senate is not closest rival, former Mayor Mel Don't follow me," did not like the decisions in those The politicians should get their Senator Demapan had no busi­ tation of a fine judge. I would not necessary shouldthinkagain. It's Lopez, in the three-way race. Lim denied any role in inspir­ cases. Is this what, the people of act together right now and do what ness voting on this nomination. vote for either of these fools after time to take the power from the Lopez said he plans to file fraud ing anti-drug vigilantes.. Tinian want from their Senator? they've been elected (and paid) to Andwhat aboutTomVillagomez? yesterday's uninformed and out­ fools and put it directly in the charges with the Commission on Limrose to nationalprominence do. Maintaining an adequate health In effect, Mr Cing has decided to Could it be that he is related to right ignorant rejection of Judge hands of the people. Clearly, the Elections. after President care system is an obligation of the ruin the hard-earned reputation Justice Villagomez and would Castro's nomination to the Su­ Senate is not representing -the Lim, a former police general appointedhimManilapolice com­ highest order that they owe to this ofan honest, hard-workingjudge community. I can't think of any prefer to see him in the position of preme Court. The people of Rota interests of its constituents. It's known locallyas the "Dirty Harry mander following a series ofvio­ based on rumor, innuendo and public service that is more critical Chief Justice instead of Judge should be shocked that Paul time to take away the power of of the Philippines," fulfilled a lent, anti-governmentdemonstra­ speculation. to this communi ty than that of pro­ Castro? Manglona would take part in such the Senate to destroy hard-earned campaign promise three yearsago tions by supporters of ousted Morever, I find it shocking that viding quality health care. I hate to The bottom line is that it must a senseless reputation slaughter. reputations. to close down strip joints, bars President . state the obvious, but we live on an any of the Senators on this island be a difficult day for Judge Castro Theonly Senatorwith any sense in and other "prostitution fronts" in The new police commander island and we are virtually isolated even know what a conflict of in­ to swallow the idea of being this matter is Senator Hocog. Ku- Name withheld by request the city. crackeddownon the rallies, which from other health care services with terest is much less when it should the exception of Guam's. We sim­ judged by the corrupt group of "Dirty Harry" is the tough, no­ had been a weekly event in the be used to recuse someone from ply don't have the option that pa­ prostitutes infecting the Senate. nonsense San Francisco police heady days ofliberalism that fol­ tients on the mainland have of driv­ participating in ajudicial proceed­ They obviously know nothing Rev. Ripple Continued from page 5 detective movie character played lowed the 1986 "people power ing. If the Senators knew what a ing to a nearby community toobtain about Judge Castro and should be by Clint Eastwood. revolution." a "burden". As one who resides in ashamed for ruining the reputa­ these professions, but until they Soon after taking office, Lim Lim was also instrumental in are ready, why should we penalize the CNMI and has been silent too tion of a man who is well-liked lifted the bars' entertainment li­ defeating coup attempts against the very competent persons who long. I offer my apology. I greatly Mrs. Aquino. and well respected in the legal are already filling these positions? appreciate all they have given to censes and personally led raids to community. The arrogance of And why do we feel we have the us, and am sorry for the difficul ties nail up the doors. Someclub own­ After retiring from the police in these so-called lawmakers is yet right to treat them as "expendable they have had to endure. ers won court injunctions to halt 1990, he was named director of again put on display for all to see. commodities" rather than as hu­ 1am only one voter, but Istrongly the raids. the National Bureau of Finally, why didn't the Senate man beings? urge our legislators to appropriate Lim responded by ordering pe­ Investgation before running for seek input from the Bar Associa­ I have met many doctors, nurses money in ways that will help main­ riodic raids in which patronswere mayor. tion as to the qualifications of and other medical professionals tain the best possible health stan­ dards for all people who reside in judicial candidates? Do these who happen to be from Fiji, Like a close friend, Canada, the Philippines, Austra­ the CNMI. I further urge the ex­ Senators really think they know lia, New Zealand. The majority are tension or repeal on-45, to enable Marcos, Opposition enough about legal system to over­ highly-skilled, competent and those who have been giving ser­ look this invaluable resource committed persons, who have vice to our patients and our stu­ }t's eljc};j]J@J1]@m [lJll@o wherein the members deal with dents will not be forced to leave. •come to the CNMI of offer their bets still in running .~ . ,.."": ..".'. thejudges on a daily basis.? How skills to fulfill a need. The same is And my prayer is that all who . into ';~::-.-.-~ ufthe \-,.~ • . ., . • .•. , '·1'.·." ." """..c.t •. ~I·~ ... _ •• !t".,.,;)1 • arragont can the Senators be that true for teachers, accountants, en­ work in the CNMI might be treated MANILA, Philippines (AP) - releasing early reports from ad- ~v... ·,·...·,,_'"',:.. they ignore the opinions of bar gineers, and other professionals. with fairness, dignity and respect. Exit polls show Ferdinand ministration strongholds to con- (sid'kik') n. 1. aclose friend 2. Suzuki's dependable four-door," .-...• members time and time again. Rather than welcome them openly "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. and three vince the public its candidates Side. kick and express our appreciation, we Sincerely Are they really serving their con­ otheropposition candidatescould were sure winners. four-wheel drive sport utility vehicle which features air .....- have called them a "problem" and Rev. Barbara Grace Ripple stituents by wallowing in their still win Senateseats despite weak "The opposition believes the conditioning, AMlFM cassette player, power windows and showings in early, unofficial administration and its allies have power locks. This durable vehicle isknown for getting people counting, it was reported Thurs- prepared the ground for massive day. fraud," he told reporters. intosome ofthe world's rougher places...andbringing them back. Make your Marcos' mother, Imelda, holds Ramos has called the results a an unassailable lead in her race "fresh mandate" and promised to for the House of Representatives pass measures to create jobs and after Monday's balloting. revise tax laws even though elec- Mother's Day The National Movement for tion violence that killed 40 people Free Elections- NAMFREL- said undercut claims the Philippines Have a meal together at McDonald's@ its unofficial count, which is based was ready for social change. on official figures, show 10 can- Ramos was elected in 1992 and Mom's meal is free!* didates from President Fidel with the smallest mandate in Phil- Cut out this note to Mom, sign it, and leave it where she'll find it. Ramos' coalition leading for the ippine history. He also claimed 12 contested Senate seats. his allies were leading for 183 of Marcos stood No. 17 in 204 House seats as well as 68 of NAMFREL's early count Thurs- 76 provincial governorships. day. NAMFREL's tally is based Mrs. Marcos got a boost Tues- on figures from about 27 percent day when election officials, who Eam Extra Money of the precincts nationwide. had disqualified her on residency sell AVON On Thursday, the Philippine grounds, reversed themselves and give us a call Daily Inquirer said nationwide said any candidate could take of- exit polls conducted by the re- fice if they won. Pacific Engineering spec ted Social Weather Stations She has tried to build a political & Construction, Inc. D~lo showed four opposition candi- career of her own since returning dba Tessie's Corner ===:::: dates - Marcos, Miriam Defensor from Hawaii, where she and her ,~ Santiago, Gregorio "Gringo" late husband, dictator Ferdinand I Honasan and Nikki Coseteng - Marcos, fled after a popular up- Tel.: No.: (670) 234-5224 . could finish among the top 12. rising in February 1986. Fax No.: (670) 234-7289 ,,( ...=01' IINtAood Mahar Mangahas, president of Mrs. Marcos was on the verge the survey firm, said the race for of victory Thursday from her the last five Senate positions was home island ofLeyte with 64 per- "extremely tight." cent of the vote over incumbent Fronicio Tomokone & Froncello Mongor On Wednesday, the 37-year- Rep. Cerilio Montejo and a third old Marcos claimed he had been candidate. Seventy percent ofthe G~@-c- cheated and that NAMFREL was ballots had been counted. - , ­~Al~ ~lAR1~ MAY 12, 10 31, 95 TRI~I::oF~PLE~2!?RS "~I-: n Garapan, Beach Road 234·7133· Chatan Kanoa. Beach Road 235-515315014 ...,H BI-..,..... I,.:3 ONLY • WHILE SUPPLIES LAST IDon't Drink and Drive I 01992m.McDonald's COljlO

• If'· 38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12. 1995 FRIDAY, MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIEfY NEWS AND VIEWs-39 Medicines found laced with poison By VIJAV JOSHI lacedwith poisonor illegallyadul­ suming the pills, but no arrests A ministry statement said un­ Singapore ·seH Chinese medi­ SINGAPORE (AP) • A dozen terated with Western drugs, offi­ have been made as the source of supervised ingestion of cines, which are based on a phi­ types oftraditionalChinesemedi­ cials said Thursday. the contamination is not known. chlorphenirarninemay lead to diz­ losophy dating back to 5,000B.C. cines, made from animal and TheHealth Ministryhas warned The ministry gave no estimate of ziness, lowering of blood pres­ Besides, about 1,000 practitio­ herbal extracts, have been found the public against buying or con- the total amount of medicine in­ sure and muscular weakness. ners, knownas "sinseh," dispense volved. Dipyrone, a banned drug, causes prescriptions in a business worth Some of the medicines come tremors, hemorrhage, allergic re­ millions of dollars. At least 48 hurt in prepackagedfrom China, and oth­ actions and serious blood disor­ The Western medical system, ers are importedin bulk and pack­ ders. however, forms the core of aged in Singapore, where Chi­ Seven other types were found Singapore's advanced health HKrooftop battle nese medicine is popular among with toxic metals - mercury, lead care, with more than 4,000 doc­ elderly Chinese. About 75 per­ and arsenic. These can cause tors practicing. By JOHN LEICESTER sent home. cent of Singapore's 3 million vomiting, bloody diarrhea, fatal The ingredients of Chinese HONG KONG (AP) - Helmeted Human rights groups charge people are ethnic Chinese and the convulsions and cancer of the medicines are varied: donkey police with shields battled scores that the process is flawed and that rest are Malays or Indians. lungs, the statement said. hide, lizard minus the entrails.. . of Vietnamese asylum seekers genuine refugees are sometimes A Health Ministry official said One type of medicine was human hair, tiger bones, rhinoc­ .' who threw burning debris at them sent back - a charge the govern­ four types of traditional medi­ found adulterated with eros horns and thousands of spe­ . in a protest Thursday over plans ment denies. cines meant to cure influenza, paracetamol, used in Western cies ofherbs and plants. They are to send some of them home. At Dozensofprotestsand confron­ running noses and itching were medicines such as aspirin to con­ intended to cure a range of mala­ least 48 people were slightly in­ tations have wracked Hong found laced with tain fever. dies like insomnia, piles, loss of jured, the government said. Kong's camps, including violent chlorpheniramine and dipyrone, Mixing Western drugs in Chi­ voice, convulsions, impotence, The clash at the High Island demonstrations in April 1994 in drugs listed as poisons. nese medicine is punishable in anxiety and plain fever. camp erupted as officers tried to which more than 200people were The official, speaking on con­ Singapore by fines ranging from The basic philosphy is to look flush out 38 Vietnamese whom injured. Police fired more than dition of anonymity, told The 1,000 Singapore dollars (dlrs after a person's entire constitu­ the government wants to deport 500teargas rounds and werecriti­ Associated Press that the two 714) to 2,000 dollars (dlrs 1400) tion. A broth contains 20 to 30 on a flight to Vietnam Wednes­ cized by a government-ordered drugs were added to the raw ma­ and up to one year in prison. ingredients intended to strengthen day. inquiry for using excessive force. terial to increase efficacy. About 1,000 pharmacies in as well as cure the patient. When the Vietnamese refused to give themselves up, officers in helmets inched forward in ranks, ':.::,. shields raised. ., ' --.'~ .; About three dozen Vietnamese, including chidren, climbed on to Get your game ticket instantly dormitory roofs at the camp and When It Matters To You, i,l i' with a fuel purchase at participating some threw objects at the offic­ u c., Mobil stations in Guam and Saipan! ers. Using airplane gangways bor­ Collect them until your game card spells rowed from Hong Kong'sairport, r;:::: ',', It Matters To Us! officers clambered on to a roof : ;', SYNERGY!, and you will drive home ...~ L~ a luxurious; new Mercedes-Benz, and dragged some ofthem away. worth over $36,000. Others climbed down voluntar­ ily. TUNE IN TO THE CNMI'S Nearly 1,000 prison officers, NUMBER ONE NEWS TEAM! police and riot police took part, a government spokeswoman said. She said 41 officers were treated in a clinic for slight injuries. An­ WATCH THE CNMI'S ONLY other 25 Vietnamese said they SATELLITE WEATHER were injured, but only seven re­ quired treatment, she said. FORECAST! Eight of the 38 people sched­ uled for deportation were cap­ tured, she said. AND GET THE LATEST Some Vietnamese set fire to debris and threw it at officers, she SCORES FROM THE added. At least one Vietnamese SAIPAN SPORTS wearing a headband thrust a stick through a hole in a dormitory roof AUTHORITY! to prod officers below. • ~\t':< k . hts on the Hong Kong has long feared ",~.,' f::"::-'.\- . Tudela Wee nl9 that such violence will increase as . Deborah lee and VICky the colonial government tries to Watch Bob Co\d~n, Travis coffman, deport the Vietnamese before the KMOJ At SIX: You have even more British colony reverts to Chinese NewS chances to win free gas for rule in 1997. a year in the 2nd Chance Many ofthe 21,500 Vietnam­ _ ~ l j l l n l n l l . n l " r o ' lI'l r o f ", o bl l F'II h ff" I . :" ::;';~:,',;~,C,::'~:;~;:::::~::,:". Sweepstakes, lout teo icia ese remaining in Hong Kong have -. :; =s~.~.:,_. .... _ entry form found inside your game spent years interned in camps, KMCY aSUNTON Mobil_~ '3J;i''-~~_-_:~:: ticket and deposit it into the bin at refusing cash incentives to leave -'-:::::::7 r.:;"j;~;-::-_~::: any Mobil station, Seethe voluntarily. complete official game rules posted at every "They'vebeen here for at least SIEIE participating Mobil service station, six or seven years, can you imag­ NEWS ine?" said Pam Baker, a lawyer ~~;~:~~~~~ticket who represents asylum seekers. has an 6:00PM 6:30PM instant win prize and/or a "They feel as if they didn'thave a sweepstakes entry. fair hearing." Hundreds will win Since 1988, Hong Kong has every dayl granted asylum only to those who prove they risk persecution at home. The rest can be forcibly ..<, Don't Miss Out! Save MARIANAS CABLEVISION Get your game ticket instantly with every fuel purchase 'Call Today 235-4MCV Some restrictions apply. See official rules for details to obtain game piece without purchase. Power Game ends June 25, 1995 or while supplies last. Vicky Tudela Anchors Asunto Siete

VOid where protub.teo Game open 10altlegal resrcerus 01Guam and Saipan except the employees and immeo.ate families of Mobil. lIS alhllales or suosnnanos. Its aovernsinc agency, game suppher, and any ether company Involved With the deSign, production, oxscuuon or o.sinbuuon 01tne game tickets L. --' .. ., . ',. ' •• I ., _ "' I .~. , '~" '.. I • I) r , I• 40-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 FRIDAY ,MAY ·12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEws-41 Cubails protest repatriation policy Whatto·expect in Clinton-Yeltsin summit an elementaryschool was delayed who express a "credible" fear of to. 45 - to a .nava1 base about 40 8y WALTER R. MEARS less than cancellation of the , - . By SANDRA WALEWSKI and clear the traffic. Three men :J;'•..;.~;;;,;~, ...': J.' .....Jf...... •. ' ....•.. '.•..'...... planned this year unless the by a demonstrationone blockfrom per:>ecuti?nin their hom~lan~will miles (64 kilometers) from Ha- entire sale. And while that's I.·.....:.;<.-:'::: ...:..-... . ~"~~. ?;: Iran deal is dropped. But the MIAMI (AP) . Cuban exiles an­ were arrested for battery on a po­ WASHINGTON (AP) • In .: ." v.. "."; C commission review delays the lice officer after refusing to move the station. be interviewed by U.S. imrrugra- vana. . the expectations game as still the aim, the administra­ gered by a new U.S. policy to The girl, who had swallowed a tion officers. Just after midday W~dn~sday, tion tempered it a bit before .,. .,," final line on that point. Con- repatriate all Cubans rafters a pickup truck that was blocking played in politics, in Congress hard piece of candy, was breath- Early Tuesday afternoon, the Cubans throu.ghout Miami took and lately at the Moscow sum­ the summit. stepped up their campaignofcivil traffic, said police spokesman ing and not in distress when res- Coast Guard returned the first to the streets 10 a wor~ stoppage mit, winning isn't everything: "We did modestly better disobedience Wednesday, block­ Angel Calzadilla. !~~~~!~~~~t\~~~7:~~~:j~~ than the expectations," said Scuffles broke out as motorists cue officials arrived, despite a group of rafters - 13 men aged 28 that lasted about 10 mmutes. The aim is set targets that are ..." i_ ing traffic and occasionally scuf­ delay of about five minutes. Michael McCurry, the White ,~,,~{'1 ~~~t:tn~~. fling with motorists. Three people tried to make their way around hard to miss. soaring Medicare "In some incidents, five min­ That's done with studied House press secretary, on that were arrested. demonstrators. utes could be the difference," said and other issues. Yeltsin \.. J~~11 ;~: "We never react to threats," Protesters throughout Dade "The way these people attacked Rebel supporters are pessimism in advance. Lt. Ed Pidermann of Miami Fire agreed to have a U.S.-Russian ~ ., "'i1 Yeltsin said when the aid cut­ County disrupted traffic, in some me like a mob ... opening my The White House provided Rescue. commission look at other as­ off came up at a post-summit cases stepping out of their cars truck and everything and throw­ a sample in the days before The traffic disruptions began hoping to see peace pects of the reactor sale and news conference. and lying down on the road. Dem­ ing things out of the truck ... be­ President Clinton went to Rus­ this week after President Clinton mands are basic and not nego- . report findings he and Clinton Besides, much of the aid is onstrators also linked arms across cause I didn't see their view," By TRINA KLEIST sia and met with President reversed 36 years ofspecial treat­ can consider when they meet earmarked for the dismantling several lanes of busy State Road said motorist Mario Cardenas. PATlHUITZ, Mexico (AP) ­ tiable. Boris Yeltsin. ment for Cubans fleeing their This village ofrocky cornfields again, late in the year. of Russian nuclear weapons, a 826. Many waved small Cuban "That's not right. Something has Supporters of the Zapatista rebels Politically, the expectations communist homeland. and scarce water was founded 80 But Christopher said there U.S. policy aim in the first flags and chanted"Cubasi, Castro to be done aboutit,It's getting out are ready to make peace with the gambit works best in presi­ Under a policy announced last years ago when theirgreat-grand­ was no real progress on U.S. place. no." of hand." government- if it givesthem what de nt i al primary elections, week, all Cubans intercepted at parents were freed from peonage insistence that the Russians Boris Yeftsin "This meeting was a suc­ Most of the tie-ups lasted only A fire-rescue vehicle respond­ they want in talks that start Fri­ since losing can be winning Biff Clinton sea will be returned and only those on large local ranches and coffee end their war on secessionist cess," Clinton told students at long enough for police to arrive ing to a call of a child choking at day. when a candidate comes closer challenge him in 1996 and ar­ plantations. way, it's a summit success, as forces in Chechnya, and only Moscow University after list­ "There can be peace if (the than anticipated. Clinton gue his policy is too closely Since then, their lives have Clinton said. Real progress on a gesture toward easing fric­ ing the points it covered, "be­ government) gives us all that we knows how. He took what tied to Russia and to Yeltsin changed little. Men trudge miles should have been an embar­ the Iran front, Christopher tion over the projected expan­ cause everyone of those deci­ want," a leader of this divided in particular. community, a man in his 40s who to the fields, where they grow the rassing defeat in his first pri­ called it, because Moscow sion of NATO to the east, to sions will give you and your There's still talk among Re­ counterparts in the United called himself Brauer, said staples of corn and beans using mary and made it look like agreed to drop the most dan­ which Moscow objects. gerous aspect of the deal. Ear­ publicans of canceling, or at States a safer future." Wednesday. sticks, hoes and machetes. victory by claiming to be "the That's not going to satisfy least cutting, the dlrs 788 mil­ And besides, it almost The Zapatistas are based in iso­ Women grind corn by hand and comeback kid." lier in the year, both had said Clinton's critics, especially lion in U.S. aid to Russia matched expectations. lated communities like this one, cook beans over wood fires. Res- " In Congress, House Repub­ they wouldn't be satisfied with the Republicans who want to made up ofdescendents ofMaya piratory ailments are the leading licans worked a variation on Indians who live in mud-wattle killer of adults. the theme by saying they'd huts anddraw drinking waterfrom Like most residents of Chiapas never promised to win every­ ;11A1\jANAS lSA;b "O.... M,M8,RSHtP CARDS Three months after President mands for betterliving conditions. before and didn't change Occasional governmentdonations much. " '~-~,' 0010 VISCOUNT ON FOOD ~ lJfl'fRAGES Ernesto Zedillo sent troops into the area, the two sides are negoti­ of flour and other goods are too Chief among them is the 'T. I-YEAR MEMBERSHIP PERIOD ating again. little and too late, they say. Russian plan to sell nuclear On Friday, they are to begin "We do not want to take up power plants to Iran, equip­ MBA is a non-profit, Christian-oriented, CHOICE 1: GOlT)EN AGE (SENIOR e,TIZ EN) their third round of talks in the arms. We want peace," said ment the administration sees village ofSan Andres Larrainzar, Nicolas Ruiz Cruz, 44. "But the as a step toward nuclear weap­ Bible-believing institution offering CHOICE 2: MAHALO! (21 YEAR OW +) about 15 kilometers (10 miles) government pays no attention to onry there. On that, Yeltsin unique opportunities to selective students in grades 7-12. Those north of San Cristobal de las us. Since 1970, we have been agreed to withhold a compan­ HURRY! ONLY f 00 CARVS 8E1NG ISSUED! The Beach'ouse Restaurant Casas, the state's major city. asking for land, for ahighway, for ion sale of equipment that capable of passing a rather stiff entry exam will find a list of San Jose, Beachside • Tel. 235-5604 The two sides are far from agree­ a loans ... and they never autho­ could be used to convert fuel (fafrnerly Oleo; Beach Restaurant) opportunities not available everywhere. ment, but for the 850Tzeltal Indi­ rize them. "For this reason, to wcapons-grade materials. ans who live in Patihuitz, the de- the war erupted." "We got more done today o 0 0 0 9 e 0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 000 than I thought we would," o AP courses; wtucn con obtain full college credit subsequent CIl o Clinton said. "We are ahead I!I to passing a rigorous exam in each subject taken. • of where I thought we would II • • • be." He had wanted the • Stateside college summer classes at Stanford, Georgetown, • • • • entire deal canceled, and still Univ. of Texas as well as other sites through the JSA ptoqtatn. • • does. His diplomatic and de­ • Annual SA Tprin7ing for all High school students grades 9 -12. GREAT RATE UPDATE fense advisers anticipated the • • • Opportunities to participate in Theatre, unetonc. • • Russians would back off the II • Mathematics, Geography(JHS), Spelling(JHS) competitions • • companion sale, and had said ~; • : r • so before they left Washing­ and for tiara-working types, student council participation • • ton. They also said not to ex­ • II • • pect breakthroughs at the Because MBA is a relatively small school, fewer than a • • Clinton-Yeltsin conference. • • "I certainly wouldn't judge • hundred students over all, opportunities to excel...and to become • l1app~ it like a box score," Secretary • 4th: of State Warren Christopher involved are the rule rather than the exception to the rule. SIMPLE • • said at a preview briefing. So, for you achievers and the over-achievers, it may be that INTEREST • "This is a long-term engage­ PER ANNUM ment." MBA is what you have been looking for. Come and take the test on I Christopher said it would May 13, from 7:30 A.M. - 2:30 P.M., and bring a lunch and a testing Judy linn be a significant summit ac­ complishment for Yeltsin to • $500 Minim'um Investment • Limited Time Offer • fee of $10. .' ...... i I ...- "I".~ -.. 1 come away willing to take I I (Princess) For more information, call us at (670) 234-6508, and I I Visit your Isla Financial Office today or call 235-5278 I I another look at the deal with ask forPrincipal Robert L. Berkey. I I ~antos Iran, and to factor in data he Mailing address: P.O. Box 904 CK i I ISLA FINANCIAL SERVICES didn' t have before - declassi­ to•• ":::::::::::::::: .. t.,. I.., ":::::::::::::::.. I", Joeten Commercial Building II from: Papa, fied U.S. intelligence indicat­ Saipan, MP 96950-0904 ing Iran seeks the plants as a Saipan, MP 96950 ..I': ...... I I ::J?I / ~ step toward nuclear weapons. 1 I mama. i ~ :lohua l1nn With expectations set that I" I •••••••••••••••• I Smile ~lwaN8 I t ' :- -, I 1 I l~. -. - - ,# - •• , , '. , " i I•'

.,'.. '..I ,. t ~t ;.. :" .. ~.':\ '~T ;~T',T_~:\/,;rr·.r (l;'J '.. "j,~i.':;~~ "/T:::;t~ t: '",7 ~\\ T:; .. 'ff,' '/. ~.~. 42-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSANDVIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12, 1995 oIi! FRIDAY,MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETYNEWSAND VIEws-43 Ancient.shrine gutted in gun fight Mandela invites foreign capital By QAISER MIRZA burning wooden structure in a.m., p~lice said. . Reporters have been blo.cked F~ont, th.reatene~ to immolate SRINAGAR, India (AP) -A Char-e-sharif, where they had SurVivors. ~mong the esti- from the town, an.dno reliable himself if the goverm~enta.t- ,.By TOMCOHEN andundeveloped, withforeign gov­ other 10 members of the Southern markets, putting localproducers out 650-year-old mosque burned taken shelter two months ago mated 60 militants who had repo~ts were available on ca- tempte~ to hold elections 10 JOHANNFSBURG,SouthAfrica ermnents andinvestors looking else­ African Development Community ofbusiness,andtradeandinvestment to the groundearly Thursday and began a standoff with the b.een i~ the shrine too~ posi- sualties. Kash~lr. (AP) • President Nelson Mandela wheretospendtheirmoney. (SAOC). delegations regularly visitSouthAf­ With the end of civil war in In theyearsince thenation'sfirst ricawithout seeing othercountries. during a fierce two-day gun Indian army. nons in bunkers outside the b ~ore than 1,SOdO homesdanbd KMhah~ .wlas done °d f t?rede welcomed visiting headsof state and ''Many of our members coming battle between Indian forces The mosque and shrine of building facing Indian forces u~lDe~ses were estroye y as min ea ers e~alne businessleader'sThursdaybydescrib­ Mozambique, SouthAfrica's peace­ all-race election brought Mandela to hereare mainly interested in South and Muslim militants in Kash- the Kashmir's patron saint entrenched on high ground a fire 10 t~e town that began Wednesday as they .tr~e? to ing southern Africa as idealforfor­ fultransition fromapartheid toblack power, SouthAfrica hasbolstered its . Sheik Nooruddin Wali, which above, said officials in Monday night when the shoot- lead a crowd of civilians eigninvestment rule underMandelaand signs of a economy by increasing exports to Africa," notedKlaus Schwab, chair­ m~ighting continued after is a center of pilgrimage for Srinagar who received reports ing start~d, offic.ials of. the t~rough police ba~ricades 10 Opening the 1995 Southern Af­ possible end to Angola's civil war, poor neighbors and using its well­ manandfounder oftheSwitzerland­ dawn as the militants fled the. Muslims caught fire around 3 from the area. local police and flre services kilometers (6 miles) from ricaEconornicSwnmit, Mandelasaid regional leadershopetheycanusethe maintained ports, raillinesandroads basedWorldEconornicFonnn,which ;::.~==.:;=;.;.:;.;.~~..;.;;~~~~:;;.;.;.;;.;;.;------~~-'::----"1 said. Char-e-sharif. the region had shed its legacy of summit todrawfresh attention to its asconduits forregional trade. is helping stagethesummit The confrontation has In a speech after prayers colonialism andminority ruleto be­ need and attractiveness for invest­ Cheaper andbetterSouthAfrican Masire, inhisremarks at theopen- seized the attention of for the festival of Eid at comemorestable. ment Kashmiris at a time when In- Kashmir's biggest shrine, the "Politicalstability, democratic sys­ PresidentsRobertMugabeofZim­ dia is about to decide whether Hazrat Bal, Malik blamed the temsofgovernment andchallenging babwe, Ketumile Masire of to hold elections for the state military for starting the fire programs of reconstruction provide Botswana,FrederickChilubaofZam­ legislature of Jammu-Kashmir that gutted the town of Char-e- vital ingredients for sustained ec0­ bia and Joaquim Chissano of HOUSE for the first time since the sharif. nomic growth and development," Mozambique listened to Mandela's separatist insurgency began in The government has accused Mandela toldthefourforeign presi­ cornmentsopeningtwodaysofmeet­ 1989. More than 11,500 the rebels of igniting the fire ip to dents and hundreds of business fig­ ings and panel discussions. people have been killed in the keep tensions high. ures inattendance. "In suchaclimate, MandeladownplayedSouthAfrica's ~T~K war. Kashmir, India's only Muslim- both the people of southern Africa dominant roleintheregion, saying it g LOBSTER In Srinagar, a top militant majority state, has been the cause and investors can be assured of the wasan equal partnerwithneighbor­ leader, Yasin Malik of the of three wars since 1947between mutual benefits ofproductive invest­ ing states because of the need for Jammu-Kashmir Liberation India and Pakistan. ment" widespread development after de­ ReSTaURanT Thesummit, aimed at strengthen­ cades of apartheid's discrimination BUCKLE-UP SAIPAN IT'S THE LAW ing contacts between regional gov­ against theblackmajority. But ernments and business, comes as SouthAfrica'sgrossnationalproduct LUNCH & DINNER MENU southern African nations aretrying to islargerthanthecombined totalofthe SPECIALS, EVERYDAY band together towinalargershare of investors' money. Decades ofcivil warsandconupt leadership haveleftthe region poor PLS. CALL: UN seeks DAILY: 235-7852 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM FOR ORDER & DELIVERY, release of 1:00 AM to 4:00 AM WE ACCEPT CATERINGS abducted 1_------:-:=.ds of specialty 12 different kinftle Including :PANCAKE. aid worker 0 pancake &wa a Fetuccine, c( NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) • Two n 0 s?agnetti, Lasag , a: ~ U.N. officials arrived in a south­ \ MICROL \ \IT&E \ ern Sudan town Thursday to seek SteaK & Lobster '~n FOR CNMI ~ SANJOSE ROAD .... thereleaseof aFilipinoaidworker pancake to go AFFORDABLE 100%* COVERAGE held by rebels who seized and "'\50 avai\ab\e·. m\ SAIPAN HAPPY 'Co-payment and some other restrictions apply looted a relief barge early this CABLE MARKET ACCEPTED BY COMMONWEALTH HEALTH CENTER, week. SAIPAN HEALTH CLINIC, PACIFIC MEDICAL CENTER, & Philip0'Brien,coordinatorof the REFLEXOLOGY & CHIROPATHY CLINIC U.N.'s Operation Lifeline Sudan, 'For complete list. please call. saida securityadviserand an offi­ FRIDAY· SATURDAY MAY 12-13 cial of the U.N. World Food Pro­ r~-----~~~---~------,' First Holy Communion NO REFERRALS NEEDED gramwouldseekunconditional re­ lease of Romy Delos Santos and I ALL LIBBEY I JIIIIRRO ALL MIRRO ~ ~ YOUR CARD ACCEPTED OFF-ISLAND the return of the looted food. I GLASSWARE I Cooking Pots AtGuam Memorral Hospital» The doctors Clinic, Guam, Straub Clinic &Hospital, Hawaii • Delos Santos was detained in SI. Luke's Hospital, Philippines Tonga, 80 kilometers (50 miles) Enroll Today westofMalakal, whichis580kilo­ : 40°A, : "KASAMIENTO" WEDDING WORLD meters (360 miles) south of the R off 9 Design Florist - Cabrera Center Beach Road, Garapan capital, Khartoum. I I On Wednesday, the rebel Sudan MULTI Peoples' Liberation Movement fac­ PPO-HEALTH PLAN tion led by Lam Akol, freed the :1LibbeyJ : barge, another foreigner, Mirko Rizutto of'Italy, andsevenSudanese .I~ JI First Holy Communion employees of theWorldFoodPro­ Administered by. MOYLAN'S INSURANCE UNDERWRITERS, INC. Tel. (670) 234-6442 Fax (670) 234-8641 gramand U.N.Children's Fund. r~------~~------~, Dresses and Accessories Rizutto and the Sudanese were I ASSORTED "~J~ ~J ~'--- I Insured biiilif!CE COMPANY flown to Khartoum and the Sudanese crewof 13remained with I PLASTIC WARE : I \ J' I the bargein Malakal. 1 - --- I • First Communion Gowns Thebargewasdelivering 785tons ofreliefsupplies for 185,00 people 300/0~' • Veils We put a smile on your face with high quality dental care in the CNMI...at in 20 townswhenit was seizedon : : the White' Nile river Sunday. I I • Prayer Books 7he Saipan Seventh-day In a statement Thursday to news organizations inNairobi, therebels • Accessories A~a!!!~~~~!en~!p!~?dp!!!!!!~es saidthebargewasseizedforfailing EKCO. ! TO 400/0" ! tooffloadfoodat drop pointsthey I• ~ ,,'. •• • t' • :. 1 I. 0 W Administered and Marketed by: controlled. Enr I/ No _, ' ~_"!"!I!' J.' , Moylan's Insurance Operation LifelineSudanwases­ 3~: ·t::'.-':~ 'l"::\/~'" ;'~"::'\'..f;.~"-,-;.: ~".".:;., ··':.'.ri.~.(~::·:-'~, 1 ~ -:--.~ ~~ <~ :~.j' :~ ~ Underwriters, Inc. tablished in 1989tohelpfeedsouth­ .. <: '.;":." 1. .: ''1- 'w:' ."';...... /.::...... '": ...... ".' ¥'>: -, ... ' _ :. ",,': .. , : ."' SAlPAN {i:":::~ CAtlNDRY;:DE·TERGEH1t:·~b·'EANlt.'(f'S.UPPLIES·,.~ Come in and select from our finest communion gowns. ~@I'-A. SAIPAN: ern Sudanesedisplaced by a civil \:}:.; DESK,.LAMPS. .. -...... '.. ­ ~, ~ DENTAL Tel: (670) 234-6442 warnow. in its 12thyear. :;.~~,~'\;" ..:\-~!\~.r.:~ ..",,'>~~ doot~.iS·;~·;·';::AlAIN~~~bwERS·'>~· S-·TAlUi:.E:V ~~TboL'·s:<"'·'<, " <.: ,>:. ~~. :- .,,~~.~. ,· ...~~;.- .... I·.. '·\-, ;·."I.,.- "" ...... J' 1~~1. ~.( ~~!"!I"". ,IP i,. .. • . " .,. ~ ••.:', ".,,',' ." •.:- •• , ..•••. _ ,', ~~i.~ PLAN Fax: (6~0) 234-8641 .'::'!!!!.l ~~~ ROTA. Care Provided by The Saipan Seventh-day Tel. (670) 532-2230 I BECYCLED II Adventist (SDA)Clinic Chalan Laulau, Salpan Fax; (670) 532-2230 (t:~~' 1 S 1 '!. .A'}/f -Y L t1!.'l, i..~'If:::rrV rlVIA?"FI3.1I1 YTRLqAV ~ 1': fJlj.lIil\i1·S·~ 44-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY• MAY 12, 1995 , ... -- FRIDAY,MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARlETY NEWS AND VIEWS-'t with one eye, he still consid­ ers himself to be a loner. PeterFalk stars in 'Roommates' In 1971, Mr. Falk starred as By Lucette Bentley The film's inspiration. was his grandson Michael (D.B. ~har~cter" .adds ~ax Apple, State of C<:>.nnecticut and had a disheveled police detective From Holywood the real-life unconventional Sweeney) a 35-yea~-0Id .sur- He ISthe kind t~at ISthe,bac~- begun studies toward a mas- in a "Sunday Night Mystery PETER Falk, best known for relationship between author ge?n whom he has ral~ed since bone o.f A~erIca, an imrm- ter~ de~ree from Syracuse Movie" on TV, which later over two decades as TV's Max Apple and his grandfa- childhood and continues to grant, m .this case from Po- University when he returned became the series "Columbo." "Columbo" . welcomes his ther. guide into manhood. land who arrived with no to the city to audition for a "Columbo" made him rich in challenging starring role in the Peter Falk stretch~s the co~- Their s~ga. spans over 30 money andlittle education and role ~n an off-~roadway pro- the '70s, when he was the high­ current Disney film "Room- siderable range ~fhls tal.ent In ~ears, beginning when.Rocky h~s learned not onl~ to sur- ductlon" of The Iceman est-paid actor on television. mates". a comedy-drama cen- potraying the uniquely vibrant IS 75 years o~d.. DUring the vlve.butto prosper: HIS .gra~d- Cometh. He neve~ went ~ack He lives in a sprawling Span­ tering on the relationship be- Rocky Holeczek, who at 107, co.urse ~f their hfe together, ~on IS now a ,cardiologist liv- t~ Syracuse. he still consl~er ish-style Beverly Hills man­ tween an octogenarian grand- is the oldest e~ployed bak:r !"1lchael s w.orld e~pands to ing t~e American Dream. Y.et himself a New Yorker ~espI~e sion. If you are expecting a father and his grandson. in Pittsburg. HIS roommate IS Include a wife, children, an he discovers that Rocky still the fact that he has lived In discombobulated Columbo, overly attentive mother-in-law has important lessons to teach California for 35 years. you'll be disappointed. The and a busy carrier in medi- him." When Peter was 3, he un- 67-year-old actor is erudite. A cine. "I realized right away that it derwent surgery to remove a backdoor open to reveal two plush Through all the changes, one was a dram part," interposed malignant tumor and lost his offices leading to a large studio thing between them remains Falk. "I thought if you can't right eye in the process. "I with hardwood floors and a high­ constant: Rocky's deterrnina- score with this one, hang it remember the day of the op- beamed ceiling. Two easels dis­ tion to stick around for as long up! Retire." "I was intrigued eration," he says. "My mother play charcoal etchings ofwomen as it takes to teach Michael by Rocky's lack of self-doubt was walking with me down a in repose, done by Falk. The what he needs to know about - a trait I admit I do not pos- corridor. When the elevator bookcases are filled with art books living. sess in real life." came, she said: "Oh, you go by Degas, Matisse and Egon "It's a love story that rede- Like his character in ahead. I forgot my pocket- Schiele surrounding the actor's 'C Inlerscope Communicalions, IncINomura Babcocl< & Brown Unil One Film Partners, AllRighls Reserved.' fines the conventions one nor- "Rommates," Falk comes from book' or something like that. six Emmys. In the garage you can In the years following the death ofhis parents, Michael is raised to adulthood by his grandfather Rocky. And when the tables turn, it is Michael mally associates with loving humble beginnings Born in I remember saying, "Don't see the white Rolls-Royce an two who rescues Rocky, and invites the old man to live with him, in Hollywood Pictures' poignant drama, "Roommates." relationships - much in the New York, he attended start until my mother comes. Range Rovers. same way as 'Driving Miss Hamilton College and earned She's on her way. She'll be His first marriage to pianist Daisy' or 'Terms of Endear- a degree in political science right here... What are you Alyce Mayo ended in divorce in ment,'" says director Peter from the New School for So- doing? She hasn't come 1976 after 16 years. They had Yates of "Roommates." cial Research. He worked as a yet... to, Feeling self-conscious two daughters Catherine and "Rocky is a most. unusual management expert for the as a child and young teenpager Jackie...His second marriage, to I Danese in 1978, seems to have provided him with nothing but Peter Falk stars as Rocky Holeczek, an acerbic, self-sufficient grand­ happiness .. father who is determined to douse any question of his ability to properly guide his grandson Michael (Sweeney) through his fife." "It works because of the mutual recognition that we are two demo­ cratic narcissists. She does what she has. to do, and I do what I have NOTICE TO BIDDERS to do. We respect that," says Falk. He has just completed filing a 1_ .. ---1 FENCING MAINTENANCE CONTRACT '@Inlerscope Ccmrnunications. IncINomura Babcock &Brown Unit One Film Partners AllRrghls Reserved- new "Columbo" for television, '@ tnterscope Comrmmicattnns, Inc!Nomura Babcock &Brown Unil One Film Partners. AllRighls Reserved,' but he says: "God Willing, if! get D.B. Sweeney stars as Michael Holeczek, who was raised by his Though gap ofseveralgenerations exists between Rocky (Falk, left) NOTICE is hereby given that the Commonwealth Ports Authority grandfather, and is now repaying the debt by inviting the old man to a another good script I'd love to do and his grandson (Michael, right) their common link is family devotion. (CPA) of the Commonwealth of the Norther Mariana Islands is it... move in with him. soliciting bids trorn qualiiied individuals or business to maintain the exterior lencing at and surrounding the Saipan International Airport. The CPA shall receive sealed bids at the OHice of the iilBlI1lilllRllfllllillllllllllllililllffIIIJIIllllll18 Commonwealth Ports Authority at the Saipan International Airport April 18 Placement Test July 12 Last Day for 40% refund - Session" until 4:30 p.m. on the 22nd day 01 May, 1995. English 1:00 p.m. Math 5:30 p.m. July 27 Last Day for Withdrawal - Regular The perimeter and interior fencing to be maintained extends a April 19 Placement Test distance ot approximately five miles and maintenance shall be Math 1:00 p.m. English 5:30 p.m. July 28 Last Day for Withdrawal - Session" perlormed at least every month and shall include at aminimum: May 1 Placement Test Aug. 4 Last Day of Instruction - Regular Session English 1:00 p.m. Math 5:30 p.m. 1. Mowing of all grass and weeds for adistance of at Aug. 8 Grades Due (Regularl leasttwo feet on both sides all exterior fencing. 'C Inlerscope Communications, IncINomura Baocock &Brown Unil One Film Partners. All Rights Reserved,' May 2 Placement Test Last Day of Instruction - Session 1/ 2, Spraying with weed killer for adistance of at least Through al/ the changes in their respective lives, one thing remains constant, Rocky's determination to stick Math I :00 p.m. English 5:30 p.m. Aug. 11 two feet on both sides of all exterior fencing, around for as long as his grandson Michael needs him. Any and all chemicals to be used must be May 'I -12 Academic Advisement Aug. 14 Grade Due - Session II certified and approved by the Envi ronmental SUMMER '95 CLASS SCHEDULE IS NOW AVAILABLE AT THE ADMISSIONS Protection Agency and the CNMI Division of May 19 REGISTRATION :::::..------.::.-.------"--w&lliW"" 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 OFFICE. PLEASE PICK UP A COPY FOR YOURSELFI Environmental Quality. Bidders shall submit a from Ada, Melvin thru Deleon Guerrero, Norma and, listing ot proposed chemicals intended to be from Manasterli, Taher thru Santos, Claudia NON-DEGREE STUDENTS NEED NOT APPLY FOR ADMISSION NOR REQUEST used, FOR REGISTRATION PACKET. IF YOU ARE NOT SEEKING A DEGREE OR 2:00 p.m. - 6:00 From Deleon Guerrero, Polly thru Malone, Reyna and, CERTIFICATE, SIMPLY PICKUP A REGISTRATION FORM (ADMISSIONS), HAVE IT All bids shall be made in accordance with this notice to bidders, from Santos, James thru Yu, Mi SIGN BY YOUR INSTRUCTOR, PAY THE TUITION AND FEE(S) AT THE BUSINESS and the specifications of areas to be maintained, and contract on OFFICE AND REGISTER AT THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE (BUilDING D). hle with the Deputy Director ot the CPA. All bidders should include May 20 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 New Students IF YOU ARE SEEKING A DEGREEAND/OR A CERTIFICATE, AND AN ON-GOING a list of references and a copy of the bidders current business STUDENT, YOU MUST REQUEST FOR A REGISTRATION PACKET. IF YOU ARE A license. Any questions and lunher information concerning the May 22 ·23 Add/Drop/Late Registration NEW STUDENT, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REQUEST FOR A REGISTRATION specific areas to be maintained may be obtained from the CPA PACKET BUT YOU DO NEED TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION. Deputy Director, Mr. Jose B. Aldan aUbe.."Saipan In\~rDational May 25 Last Day for 80% refund - Session I DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FOR RESIDENT STUDENTS IS Airport Fencing Maintenance Contract." All bids must be received MAY 31, 1995. May 29 Last Day for 40% refund - Session I by the CPA On or before the above stated time and date. PLEASE CALLADMISSIONS OFFICE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION AT 234-5498 OR 234-0099 EXT. 1400 THRU 142/. Bids shall be opened by the Executive Director of the CPA at the June 5 First Day of Instruction (Regularl closing time stated above and shall remain on file until a final June 9 Last Day for 80%'refund (Regular) SSSSSS 1995·96 FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID SSSSSS contract is entered with the lowest successful bidder. June 16 Last Day for 40% refund (Regular) APPLY FOR FINANCIAL AID NOW IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ATTEND NMC The Commonwealth Ports Authority reserves the right to reject any SUMMER 1995. FALL AND/OR SPRING SEMESTER. APPLICATIONS ARE NOW and all bids pursuant to CPA Procurement Rules and RegUlations June 30 Last Day of Instruction - Session I AVAILABLE AT THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE. Section 3.2(7). Mobil Gas July 3 Grades Due - Session I AVOID lAST MINUTE WORRIES ON HOW TO PAY FOR YOUR TUITION, FEES, Staion BOOKS AND EDUCATIONAL NEEDS, FIND OUT IF YOU ARE ELIGIBLE. APPLY /s/CARLOS A. SHODA July 5 First Day of Instruction - Session II NOWI Executive Directior Beach Road Garapan FORMORE INFORMATION, V1SITTHE FINANCIALAlD OFFICEIN EITHER SAlPAN, Manage By:Juan "Kiyu" July 8 Last Day for 80% refund - Session II Date: 2/4/95 ROTA OR TINIAN CAMPUS. FRIDAY, MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWs-47 46-MARIANASVARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12, 1995 Unexplainable cancer recovery Actress Julia Roberts visits ~ Haiti , Awards forher rolesin "Steel Mag­ after Aristide restored to power , By USA M. HAMM which I think isthehopeofHaiti, the ing Creole, the language of most was nolias" and "Pretty Woman," said inOctober has beenslowincoming. son? Where should Tommy be hope. They gave us one to eight lina, are at a loss to explain "He thought the chemo­ PORT-AU-PRINCE,Haiti (AP)­ heartofHaiti,"theaetresssaid,gamely Haitians. "By ANNE GEARAN therapy was making him feel Asked what she thought of the she wanted to"showpeople that this Audrey Hepburn traveled to S0­ CENTREVILLE, Virginia buried? months." his apparent recovery, which FIlm starJuliaRoberts, looking ear- standing on a benchandraising her is officially classified as a re­ sick and he didn't want it any­ country, 15 minutes aftershearrived isap1acetocomeandthesepeopleare malia in September 1992 as thehu­ (AP) - A month ago, Russell "Every day I was preparing But last week, Cram and .-' nestandunglamorous andtoting her voiceintheabsence ofamicrophone mission. more. He wanted to make his andpassed anoff-key Haitian street, important, andtheirproblems areno mandisastertherewasslippingoutof Cram began attending to the myself for what life would be his family received news they own backpack,' arrived in Haiti on orpodium. "We are not telling him he's plans to die," Friedman said. sheresponded witha dazzling grin: different than oursathome." theheadlines andneeded newatten­ grim details of death. What kind like when Tommy was gone," are still struggling to compre­ Wednesday for a six-day visit as Wearingnomakeup andcasually cured. We will watch it very Brain scans in April showed Shemightchangeher mindonce tion. Severalmonthslater,U.S.forces of funeral service was right for Cram said. "In February, the hend: The latest tests showed UNICEFs new goodwill ambassa­ dressedinbeigejeans,sneakers anda ''It's hot!" closely," said Dr. Henry some improvement, but the she ventures into Port-au-Prince's arrived thereto ensure famine relief his 17-year-old terminally ill doctors gave him absolutely no no evidence of the brain tu­ dor. cardigan under the searing Haitian The 27-year-old Roberts was se­ Friedman, a cancer specialist family didn't really believe it, slums,wherechildrenliveintheworst shipments. mor that had been killing "I'vecometoHaiti tovisit withthe sun,RobertswasgreetedbyUNICEF lected asgoodwill ambassadortocall who began treating Tommy in Cram said. Then Friedman attention totheplight ofHaitian chil­ conditions in the Western Hemi­ Hepburn died last year. Rob­ Tommy. children," Roberts toldjostling re­ country director Elizabeth Gibbons December. summoned Tommy to Duke dren, ravaged byapoverty worsened sphere. erts' agendaincludesmeetingwith Low pregnancy rates for "It's like a happy ending in porters at animpromptu airport news asshecamedowntheairplane steps. Friedman has never seen or last week for more extensive byinternational embargoes imposed More than halfof them are mal­ Aristide, visiting a hospital and a a movie," Cram said. "You conference. TheAmerican starofthespectacu­ heard ofanother case in which a tests, including magnetic reso­ toforceout thearmyleaders whohad nourished, few have access to safe water project in the capital, and would say, 'Oh that's just "I'm herewithUNICEF to sortof larly successful "Pretty Woman," unmarried immigrants tumor like Tommy's disap­ nance imaging. ousted President Jean-Bertrand drinking water and 15 percent die traveling to a vaccination pro­ Hollywood, but it would never see what wecandotobring morelove "ThePelican Brief' and about nine ing it this country's fastest grow­ peared after only brief chemo­ "We compared the MRI to Aristide in 1991. before they tum five, according to gram in the southwest city of Les By CHRISTOPHER CONNELL happen in real life.'" andsupport to thechildren of Haiti, othermovies saidshehas beenstudy- ing minority group. therapy. "It's akin to hitting the the earlier results, and we were' Roberts, nominated forAcademy UNICEF. Internationalaidpromised Cayes. WASHINGTON (AP) - Immi­ Tommy wears a baseball grants from several Asian and The statistics were derived cap with "No Fear" embla­ lottery," he said. shocked, that would be a good Pacific Island countries are far from seven states - California, zoned on it to cover a head Doctors found Tommy's word for it. Pleasantly Public Announcement less likely than other women in Hawaii, Illinois, New Jersey, gone bald from chemotherapy. brain cancer last August, and he shocked," Friedman said. McEntire,Mc Graw win this country to have babies as New York, Texas and Wash­ "It's hard to believe, re­ had surgery to remove a tumor. When Tommy's illness re­ TheCommonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsPub­ teen-agers or without being mar­ ington - that account for 72 per­ ally," the husky teen-ager said. But in December, doctors found ceived extensive local public­ lic School SystemSpecial EducatIon Program would like ried, a government report said cent of the Asian and Pacific "One month they're telling the cancer had spread to his ity this spring, area Camaro to announce a meeting of the Special Education State Thursday. Island births. you you're gong to die, and spine. enthusiasts restored a 1968 model and gave it to Tommy. Advisory Panel (SESAP). Country Music Awards Fewer than 2 percent ofbirths The seven states reported the next month they say you've Tommy went to Duke, where 108,295 babies of Asian or Pa­ Friedman tried innovative che­ Having such a car had been andnoonestopped tosaythanks. So The Mavericks won awards for to women from Korea and India got your whole life in front of Meeting Date: May 16, 1995 By JEFF WILSON were to teen-agers, compared cific Island descent born in you. It's kind of hard to grasp." motherapy. The treatment this his dying wish. UNIVERSAL CITY, California I'm veryhappyforher," Brooks said. top vocal group and new group or Meeting Time: 8:30 a.m. with 12 percent of all births in 1992. Only 17 percent of the Doctors treating Tommy at spring didn't appear to be Dave Kranz, general man­ (AP)-CountryqueenRebaMcEntire ''Ijustkeepworking, trying toget duet ''Well now, this istoomuch," Location: Aqua Resort (Taga Room) the United States in 1992, the mothers were born in this coun­ Duke University Medical Cen­ working, and Tommy asked ager of the Camaro club, said wonher first entertainer of theyear it," shesaidminutes beforethewinner said Mavericks member Robert National Center for Health Sta- , try. ter in Durham, North Caro- his doctors to stop the drugs. Tommy gets to keep the car. The meeting Is open to the public and the public Is In­ trophy at the Academy of Country wasannounced. Reynolds, husband of Trisha tistics said Thursday. vited to aHend.The agenda for thisspecial General Meet­ Music Awards on Wednesday and NewcomerTimMcGraw tooktop Yearwood. "FromtheMavericks to The center said that. only 8 Ing Isas follows: accepted itonbehalfof''fellow Okies a1bumfor''NotaMomentTooSoon.'' thefans,weloveyouvery much." percent of the Indian babies and whohaveendured" thebombing. "Thisistotally unexpected," saida Brooks&01innexpressed swprise Third Northern Mariana Islands Constitutional Convention 1. Introduction of New Members about 4 percent of Korean ba­ "I wanttodedicate this toallthose stunned McGraw, who won over at winning theirfourth consecutive 2. Review of minutes from July 22 and July 29 bies were born to unmarried Pre-Convention Committee whowereleftbehind," McEntiresaid. Garth Brooks, VinceGill,AlanJack­ top duet award: ''You never know Meetings women, compared with 30per­ Second Floor, Joeten Dandan Center sonandMaryChapin Carpenter. whenthe train isgoing to stop," said 3. Discussion of Un-Met Needs TheOklahoma bombing weighed cent of all babies born in this Caller Box 10007, Saipan, MP 96950 heavy onartists, many ofthem natives He and also received new male Ronnie Dunn. Tel. No.: (670) 235-0843 • Fax No.: (670) 235-0842 4. Discussion of Report due to the Commissioner of country. ofOklahoma: "Oklahoma.Iloveyou. artist honors. ChelyWrightwasthenew female Education by July I of each year The-government has previ­ 5,1995 We'reproud ofyou.Keep itup,"said AlanJackson, whowentintothe vocalist winner. May ously tracked births of babies of Any person wishing additional Information regarding Garth Brooks, who hails from the showwithsevennorninations,walked The showwasbroadcast onNBC Chinese, Japanese, Filipino or SESAP and thismeeting, please contact Barbara T. Rudy, away with a single trophy, the top from the Universal Amphitheatre. Oklahoma Citysuburb ofYukon. Hawaiian descent. The new re­ malevoca Hollywood's usual Annani suits and Coordinator for Special Education Programs,at 322-9956 Brooks won the video award for port provides details for the first OPEN LETTER TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC . listawardGill, whohad five nomi­ diamonds werereplacedwithStetsons, or fax 322-4056. Any person desiring to aHend the meet­ 'The RedStrokes," andwas given the time on births to mothers of nations, leftemptyhanded. rhinestones andcowboy boots. Ing who requires special accommodations, please con­ JimReeves Memorial Award forfur­ Indian, Korean, Vietnamese, tact Ms. Rudy at the above numbers by May 12. thering the cause of country music • John Michael Montgomery's "I The usual row of stretchlimou­ The Third Northern Manana IslandsConstitutional Convention will convene a month from now Swear" was picked song and single sines dropped off celebrities, in­ Guamanian and Samoan origin. internationally. Most of the Vietnamese, In­ on June 5, 1995, at the House of Representatives chamberon Capitol Hill. The sessions of the McEntire earlier won the female record of theyear. cluding Barbara Mandrell,whose dian and Korean mothers who Convention will be open to the public. Schedules will be published periodically. \. vocalist trophy, her seventh Acad­ "Are you sure you got the right black lace miniskirt had photog­ had babies here in 1992 were emyofCountry Music Award since guy? Ireally wasn'texpecting towin raphers hopping. Another eye­ born outside the United States. The delegates welcome suggestions and proposals from the general public as to amendments to 1985. Buttheentertainer award had this," Montgomery saidafterwinning popping arrival was a squealing These mothers tended to be older our Constitution that would make it betterfor the benefit of all our people. If you or your eluded her. the top single trophy. He was last pig with a red, white and blue organization have a suggestion or proposal, bring it or mail to the Pre-Convention Committee, PUBLIC NOTICE 'That girl hasworked herbutt off year'sbestnewartist winner. bandana. and were more likely to be mar­ ried than U.S.-born women of Second Floor, Joeten Dandan Center, CallerBox 10007, Saipan, MP 96950, or send us a fax at The Northern Mariana Islands Retirement Fund wishes to develop the" same ancestry. 235-0842, or take it to one of the elected delegates. two distinct official logos exclusively for the Retirement Fund and the Worker's Compensation Commission. The general public, all The center said the Asian and schools and government employees are solicited to submit a de­ FOR AUCTIONI Pacific Island population in the The Pre-Convention Committee is recommending to the Convention that some of its work be United States more than doubled sign ordesigns for consideration by the Retirement Fund Board of SAIPAN CREDIT UNION BUILDING done in committees that will cover particular subjects. The Pre-Convention Committee is also between 1980 and 1991, mak- recommending that thesecommittees provide for public hearings so that interested citizens and Trustees. June 2, 1995 at 10:00 a.m. groups can present their views to the Convention, If you or your organization wish to appear, DPS Conference Room Acash award of $1 00.00 for each logo selected will be given to the please call the Pre-Convention Committee at 235-0843. person, persons ororganization submitting the selected design. Bigamy The workof the Convention must be completed within 60 days after convening. or sooner if Entry requirements are as follows: is illegal possible, and within a very restricted budget. For this reason, we are doing advance planning, and we urge the public to continue participation in the constitutional amendment process as we 1. Size: Design should be presented in 8' x 11" paper orsmaller. for Hindus do our work. 2. Color: Design may be submitted in color or black and white. NEW DELHI, India (AP) ­ Sincerely. 3. All logo designs submitted shall become the property of the. Bigamyisillegal for aHindueven Northern Mariana Islands Retirement Fund. ifhe converts to Islam which per­ #'~ ~ mits four wives, the Supreme ... 4. Deadline: All entries are due on or before May 15, 1995, and Court has decided. Herman T. Guerrero, Chair may be submitted to the NMI Retirement Fund Office, located In a ruling touching on a sensi­ atthe 1stfloor, Nauru Bldg., ormailed to P.O. Box 1247, Saipan tive political issue, India's high­ Delegates: MP 96950. ' estcourturged the government to enact a civil code and marriage Donald B. Mendiola, Saipan The NMI Retirement Fund is a pension fund established in 1980 to laws that would apply to all reli­ Tomas B. Aldan, Saipan provide a~nuities to CNMI retired government employees ortheir Lot 007 D 21, and containing an area of 733 square meters, more or less, as more particu­ Dr. Vicente S. Aldan, Saipan James M. Mendiola, Tinian gions lU}!l sects in India. Felix R. Nogis, Saipan benencianes. By statute, all government employees are required larly described on Drawing/Cadastral Plat No. 007-D-00, the original of which was regis­ There was no immediate reac­ Marian Aldan-Pierce, Saipan to become members of the NMI Retirement Fund. tered with the Land Registry as Document No. 653, on the 27th day of November, 1970. tion from the government. But Frances DLG. Borja, Saipan Justo S. Quitugua, Rota Garapan, Saipan. the ruling was welcomed by the Dr. Carlos S. Camacho, Saipan Joey P. San Nicolas, Tinian Esta~l!shed in 1989, the Worker's Compensation Commission is HindunationalistBharatiyaJanata Esther S. Fleming, Saipan Teresita A. Santos, Rota administered by the NMI Retirement Fund. Its function is prima­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Friday, 2nd day of June 1995, at the hour of 10:00 Party,thelargestoppositionparty, John Oliver DLR. Gonzales, Saipan Bernadita T. Seman, Saipan rily to make certain that employees are covered by workers' com­ Herman T. Guerrero, Saipan Marylou A. Sirok, Saipan pensation insurance and toreview employees claims resulting from a.m., at the DPS Conference Room, in Susupe, Saipan, CNMI, pursuant to Court Order which demands that India annul dated May 5, 1993, Bank of Saipan v Saipan Credit Union, Civil Action No. 93-289, DPS will whatit callsspecial privileges for Victor B. Hocog, Rota Mariano Taitano, Saipan work-related injuries and death. Both the government and private Dr. HelenT. Taro-Atalig, Saipan sector employees are covered under this program. sell the above-described property to satisfy said Default JUdgment and Foreclosure Order, Muslims and other minorities. Henry U. Hofschneider, Tinian costs and expenses of sale, to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United "It is significant that conver­ David L. Igitol, Saipan Juan S. Tenorio, Saipan ~hould you need addi~ional information to assist you in develop­ States. As per Article 12 of the CNMI Constitution, all sales shall be limited to those of sionandthen resorting to bigamy Jose R. Lifoifoi, Saipan Lillian A. Tenorio, Saipan 109 a I~gq for the Retirement Fund and Workers' Compensation Northern Mariana descent. has been declared illegal," L.K. Benjamin T. Manglona, Rota Joaquin P. Villagomez, Saipan Commisslon, please feel free tocontact Mr. Ed Manglona, Admin­ Advani, the party chief, said in David Q. Maratita, Tinian istrator, at telephone number 234-7228, orvisit the office during "BANK OF SAIPAN RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS" New Delhi. regular working hours. FRIDAY,MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIEJ:YNEWSANDVIEWs-49 48-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 THlRD AMENDED Cult official admits House panel OKs GOP I .THIRD AMENDED NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER OF SALE group made nerve gas plan to retire deficit UNDER POWER OF SALE pan, and has been missing since IN DEED OF TRUST IN DEED OF TRUST By ERIC TALMADGE 5,500 others. ByALANF~AM promised tax cuts as well. But the plans have enormous KAMIKUISHIKI, Japan (AP) Police refused to comment on the March 20 subway attack. WASIllNGTON (AP) - The Re­ Thanks to those savings, both political significance. Aware that " In a breakthrough for police, a the news reports. However, they At the time of Tsuchiya' s ar­ Republicanmeasuresprojectedtiny they would lose at every tum, publican drive to shrink the U.S. Bernadino C. Duenas and Ana Duenas on or about_ Lorenzo M. Tagabuel and Maria C. Tagabuel. on or cult official has admitted that his say they have found chemical rest on April 26, police also con­ government passed its first con­ budget surpluses in 2002to begin Democrats nevertheless crafted fiscated a notebook with notes amendmentsdesignedtohighlight 14.1982 gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands Housing Authority about April 26. 1995, gave and delivered to the Mariana Islands group made the type of deadly traces indicating that sarin was gressional test early Thursday as erasingthehugedebtthathasbeen nerve gas used in an attack on produced in a laboratory at the regarding sarin production. building since the VietnamWar. theirdifferences withRepublicans. (MIHA), now known as the Northern Marianas Islands Housing Housing Authority (MIHA), now known as the Northern Marianas Islands the House Budget Committee Tokyo's subways, news reports group's headquarters at At first Tsuchiya refused to To dramatizewhatRepublicans As the day moved along, both Corporation (NMHC) acting on behalf of the Farmers Home Housing Corporation (NMHC) acting on behalf of the Farmers Home muscled through a plan to elimi­ said Thursday. Kamikuishiki. respond to police interrogation, natethefederaldeficitwithinseven were doing, House Budget Com­ Republicanplansstoodintact: The Administration (FmHA), now known as the Rural Economic and Administration (FmHA), now known as the Rural Economic and Masami Tsuchiya, who was Meanwhile, in Australia, offi- but began to cooperate early this years. . Overpowering mitteeChairmanJohnKasichhung Houseplan by Kasich to eliminate week, the Yomiuri quoted police Community Development Services (RECDS), United States of America, Community Development Services (RECDS), United States of America, arrested last month in a hidden cials said Thursday that Aum Democrats who complained the a digital "National Debt Clock" 369agencies,commissions andother as saying. aDeed of Trust, upon certain real property hereinafter described, which aDeed of Trust, upon certain real property hereinafter described, which undergroundroom at the dooms- ShinriKyoapparentlytestednerve plan would wound the neediest behindhishearing-room chairthat federal entities, and the Senate plan "We were not testing fertil­ Deed of Trust was recorded on June 14. 1982 under Document Deed of Trust was recorded on April. 29. 1985. under File No. 85· day cult's headquarters near gas on sheep at a ranch in remote Americans, the panel voted 24-17 ticked off increasesin the dlrs 4.7 byBudgetCommitteeOtainnanPete izer," the Yomiuri quoted Domenici with the more than 100 M125..to secure payment of aPromissory Note of the said Trustor to [l9ito secure payment of aPromissory Note of the said Trustor to the Mount Fuji, told police that the westem Australia. to send the measure to the full trillionnationaldebtaslawmakers sect made sarin nerve gas last West Australian Police Minis- Tsuchiya as telling police. "We House of Representatives next debatedhis plan.: programs itwouldkill. the MIHA, now known as NMHC, acting on behalf of the RECDS, United MIHA, now known as NMHC, acting on behalf of the R'ECDS, United made sarin around last spring." Both planswouldrelypredomi­ spring, the newspaper Yomiuri ter Bob Wiese said police had week. But that didn't stopDemocrats, States of America. Tsuchiya, who has a master's States of America. and other news reports said. found residuesof chemicals used Meanwhile, the Senate Budget both liberals and conservatives, nantly on savings from medical This would be the first time an to makethedeadly gas in 24 dead degree in organic chemistry, is care and anti-poverty programs, "", .. Committee inchedtowardapprov­ from avowing their opposition. The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property hereafter The Deed of Trust and this Notice of Sale affect the property hereafter official of Aum Shinri Kyo, the sheep on the property near suspected of having led the They contended that Republicans and both targeted entire Cabinet­ ingasimilarbudget-balancingblue­ described: described: doomsday cult suspected in the Leonora, in Western Australia's group's sarin production team. print of its own. Support for the were harshly paring programs for levelagenciesfor termination: the gas attack, has admitted it pro- eastern gold fields. Police plan to seek arre-t war­ measure amongmajorityRepubli­ the poorand frailwhilepavingthe DepartmentsofEducation, Energy rants shortly for about 20 cult and Commerceby Kasich, andthe LOTNO.1 027. AND CONTAINING ANAREA OF1..014 duced sarin. "I think it is quite clear that canswasunwavering, andthepanel wayfortax cutsforthewell-offjust LOT NUMBER 002 I 05, AND CONTAINING AN The group has denied any in- they were out there testing at members on suspicion of having when deficit reduction must be Department of Commerce by SQUARE METERS. MORE OR LESS. ASSHOWN ON wascertaintoapprovethepackage AREA OF 1,472 SQUARE METERS, MORE OR volvement in the attack and least some gases - certainly test- made sarin and releasing it into in time for the Senate to debate it paramount. Domenici. the subwaysystem, Kyodo News But whileMedicareandMedic­ LESS, AS MOREPARTICULARLY DESCRIBED ON CADASTRAL PLAT NUMBER 055 I 01. THE claimed that the huge amounts of ing sarin and possibly another," nextweek. "The wealthy can take care of ORIGINAL OFWHICH WAS REGISTERED WITH THE chemicals and sophisticated Wiese said. Service reported. TheRepublican packageswould themselves. The sickest seniors aid, which provide health insur­ DRAWING/CADASTRAL PLAT NUMBER 0221 00, LAND REGISTRY AS DOCUMENT NUMBER 16706 equipment found by police at its The sect bought the remote At the cult's Mount Fuji com­ pare programs assweeping asmed.i­ cannot," said Democratic Sen. ancefortheelderlyandpoor, would THE ORIGINAL OF WHICH WAS REGISTERED facilities were used to produce property inJune 1993and a group pound on Thursday, riot police James Exon. see their growth merely slowed, ON MARCH 11. 1983. THE DESCRIPTION calaid for the elderlyand foreign WITH THE LAND REGISTRY AS DOCUMENT agricultural chemicals. of sect members, including cult continued their search of the fa­ aid. Congressional budget resolu­ other initiatives could vanish alto­ THEREIN BEING INCORPORATED HEREIN BY Sarin was releasedon five sub- leader Shoko Asahara, traveled cilities under a drenching rain, The Senate plan would slice tions offer only suggestions when gether. Kasich proposed killing NUMBER 713, ON THE 1ST DAY OFMARCH, 1971 REFERENCE. way trainsinTokyo on March20, there in September 1993. fog and wind, backed by about nearly dlrs 1trillionfromexpected they list which programs shall be home-heating aidforthepoor,ben­ 15 police vehicles. efitsforthelong-termunemployed killing 12 people and sickening Asahara later returned to Ja- spending overthenextsevenyears; cut. Other committees will make The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the final decisions on spending cuts andtheconstructionofpublic hous­ The Trustor has defaulted on payment of the Note secured by the theHousereductions wouldgoeven Deed of Trust, and by reason of said default the Northern Marianas further tofinancedlrs350billionin later this year. ing units. Deed of Trust, and by reason of said defaull the Northern Marianas Housing Corporation issued its Notice of Default on January 3.1995 Housing Corporation issued its Notice of Default on December 20. Poll body says Marcos ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Northern Marianas Housing 35 military bases on US Corporation will, on June 2. 1995. at 10:00 a.m., at the office of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Northern Marianas Housing Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (formerly MIHA), Garapan, P.O. Corporation will, on June 2. 1995. at 10:00 a.m., at the office of the cannot be proclaimed Box 514, Saipan, MP 96950, Under power of sale contained in the Deed Northern Marianas Housing Corporation (formerly MIHA), Garapan, P.O. ous reasons but who may appeal list for possible closure of Trust, sel\ the above described parcel of real property at public auction By ROMY TANGBAWAN Box 514, Saipan, MP 96950, Under power 01 sale contained in the Deed MANILA, Philippines CAP) ­ their disqualification. proposaldueJuly1.PresidentOinton Thedecisions brought predictably to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations secured by said "That means even if Mrs. By JOHN DIAMOND 01 Trust, sell the above described parcel 01 real property at public auction Reversing anearlier decision, the andCongress thenwillhave toaccept negative reactions from elected offi­ Deed of Trust. The minimum bid offer shall be not less than Marcoswins,her proclamationas WASHINGTON(AP)- Weighing to the highest qualified bidder, to satisfy the obligations secured by said Commission on Elections said orreject thelistinitsentirety. Inpast cials. winner will be withheld until her local job worries against pressure to $74.000.00. total amount due to RECDS loan and NMHC'S expenses. Deed of Trust. The minimum bid otter shall be not less than Thursday that former first lady closure rounds, commission recom­ Judy Ann Miller,an assistant to disqualificationcaseisresolved," cutdefense spending, aU.S.govern­ $68.000.00. total amount due to RECDS loan and NMHC'S expenses. cannot be pro­ mendations havebeenapproved. California Gov. Pete Wilson on Borra said. ment panel has added 35 military The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be claimed a winner in her congres­ The statehardest hitwasCalifor­ base-closing issues, saidthe addi­ In the latest count available, bases toitspossible closure list. sional race unless she wins her nia, witheightfacilities. There were tions of Californiafacilities to the conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than that the The sale shall be without warranty as to the title or interest to be Mrs. Marcoswas leading with64 The recommendations Wednes­ fight against disqualification. fourbases inTexas, andthree eachin list suggestthe military is content Northern Marianas Housing Corporation is the lawful holder of such conveyed or as to the property of the Deed of Trust, other than that the percent of the ballots, leading in­ daybytheDefense BaseOosureand On Tuesday, election officials Oklahoma, Pennsylvania andGeor­ to get by with only a handful of Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by cash, certified cumbentRep.CiriloRoyMontejo Realignment Commission come as Northern Marianas Housing Corporation is the lawful holder of such saidanycandidatewhowoncould gia Otheraffected states wereUtah, West Coast bases. check or cashier's check and shall be paid within 72 hours from the and a third candidate. Seventy badnews toofficials andworkers in Deed of Trust. The purchase price shall be payable by cash, certified take office, and Mrs. Marcos has Florida, illinois, Minnesota, Missis­ 'We aregoing to work in a very percent of the ballots had been theaffectedregions andgoodnewsto time of sale. check or cashier's check and shall be paid within 72 hours from the been widening her lead over an sippi, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin, aggressive fashion through thecom­ counted. those representing bases alreadyon administration candidate. Alabama, Maryland, Maine and munities to put our best foot for­ time of sale. She has tried to build a politi­ the proposed list,sincetheir chances The Northern Mariana Housing Corporation reserves the right to reject Mrs. Marcos faced disqualifi- North Dakota, along with Guam. ward," Miller said. cal careerof herown sincereturn­ ofsurvival arenowincreased. any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and place for sale The original Pentagon listof rec­ The Northern Mariana Housing Corporation reserves the right to reject ing from Hawaii, where she and of such property. Any prospective buyer must be aperson authorized any and all bids and to cancel or extend the date, time and place for sale her late husband, dictator ommendedclosuresandrealignments affected 146bases.Therecommen­ INVITATION FOR BID by the Constitution and laws or the Commonwealth of the Northern of such property. Any prospective buyer must be aperson authorized Micronesian Te~ Ferdinand Marcos, fled after a dations would leadtoelimination of Marianas Islands to hold title to real property in the Commonwealth 01 .-=--=-tn G;' popular uprising in February by the Constitution and laws of the Commonwealth of the Northern 34, civilian jobs. IFB NO. 95·0010 II II II Beyondthecall 1986. the Northern Mariana Islands. Marianas Islands to hold title to real property in the Commonwealth of m "There aresome thatwereon the The Public School System issoliciting Competitive Sealed Bid from inter­ Her son Ferdinand the Northern Mariana Islands. original listthat intheend won't be ested Individual or Firms for the procurement of Food & Non- "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. was in DATED this 51ILday of May. 1995. Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation (MTC) is seeking a closed,"saidformerlllinoisSen. Alan Food Items for SY 1995-1996, for the Islands of Saipan and Tinian. The danger of losing in his Senate specification package Isnow available and can be obtained by visit­ Business Services Supervisor. Dixon, the commission chairman. DATED this 5th day of May. 1995. race, although an exit poll indi­ ing the Food Services Sectlon,.PSS Central Office, Lower Base, lsi MARYLOU ADA SIROK "All things arepossible." during working hours. All Inquiries shall be directed to the Food cated that he and three other op­ In a hearing room packed with Corporate Director lsi MARYLOU ADA SIROK This position is responsible and accountable for the installation, maintenance, positioncandidatesstillcouldwin. services Coordinator, Mrs. Augusta B. Deleon Guerrero, at telephone and repair of all business telecommunications products sold by MTC. This members ofCongress, state andlocal number 322-4051. ext. 268. Northern Marianas Housing Corporation The Philippine Daily Inquirer Corporate Director position supervises the activities of the Equipment Technicians and contracted officials, military officers andlobby­ said nationwide exit polls con­ Northern Marianas Housing Corporation labor resources to ensure that profitability, quality, and customer satisfaction ists, the commission members ac­ All Bid submission shall be In duplicate In a sealed envelope facemarked ducted by the respected Social "IFB 95-001 0", and addressed to Ms. Louise C. Concepcion. PSS Procure­ COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN ) objectives are met. Job responsibilities include ensuring that all business cepted virtually alltherecommenda­ Weather Stations showed fourop­ ment & Supply Office, PSS Central Office, Lower Base, Solpan, MP96950. MARIANA ISLANDS ) ss. COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN ) t~rminal tions presented by their staff while equipr:nent sold by MTC is installed, maintained, and repaired in a positioncandidates.Marcos, Miriam Bids must be submitted no later than 9:00 o.rn., June 6,1995 at which timely and profitable manner through effective supervision of lechnicallabor voicing sympathy forthecommuni­ tlme and place It will be opened and read. Late submission will not be MARIANA ISLANDS ) ss. Defensor Santiago, Gregorio On this 51ILday of May. 1995. before me, aNotary Public in and resources. ties nowfacing a possibly devastat­ considered under any circumstances. "Gringo" Honasan and Nikki ingeconomic blow. for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, personally On this ~day of May. 1995. before me, aNotary Public in and Coseteng - could finish among the A non-refundable fee of $25.00 U.S. dollars must accompany the bid ~pplicanl must possess an M degree in electronics, have five years experience Concern overthe heavyhitCali­ appeared Marylou Ada Sirok. duly authorized representative for the for the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, personally top 12 in nationwide voting to de­ which maybe a certified check. cashier's check made payable to the In PBX and Key System installalion and repair, and detailed technical fornia tookin the1993 base closure Northern Marianas Housing Corporation, known to me as the person cide thatmanySenateseats. Public SChoolSystemTreasurer, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana appeared Marylou Ada Sirok. duly authorized representative for the ~nowledge of PBX, Key, Voice Mail, Centra net, and Call Accounting product round led the Pentagon to recom­ Islands. The bidder Isrequired to submit with their bid copy of the busi­ show name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE OF SALE UNDER Mahar Mangahas, president of I Northern Marianas Housing Corporation, known to me as the person IIn.es. Good oral and written communications, and supervisory/leadership mend only slightreductions this time ness license and other pertinent documents. POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and he acknowledged to me that show name is subscribed to the foregoing NOTICE OF SALE UNDER skills are amust. thesurveyfinn,saidtheraceforthe around. Some accused the Ointon last five Senatepositions was "ex­ he executed the same on behalf of the Northern Marianas Housing POWER OF SALE IN DEED OF TRUST, and he acknowledged to me that administrationofworryingabootelec­ The Public School System reserves the right to reject any and all bid for tremely tight." toral votes inthenation's mostpopu­ any reason and to waive or amend any defect. if In Itssale opinion to do Corporation. he executed the same on behalf of the Northern Marianas Housing Human Resources Office Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. Theyoung Marcosstood16th in lous state. so will be In the department's best Interest. Corporation. P.O. Box 306 Thursday'saftemoon countby the Butthecommission, givena man­ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my official Saipan, MP 96950 National Movement for FreeElec­ 151 William S,Torres lSI Louise CoConcepcion, Chief dale to consider military as wellas Commissioner of Education PSS Procurement & SUpply seal the day year first written above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have set my hand and affixed my official tions- NAMFREL. The countwas MTC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer economic issues, decidedtowidenits seal the day year first written above. basedon results from37 percent of possiblecOOicesasit~itsfinal 5/10/95 ._. theprecincts nationwide. , , 50-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-MAY 12, 1995 FRIDAY, MAY' ii:'i995 ~~Ri.\NP:s vAiuEIT ~~~ ~ VIE~s~S'l INVITATION FOR BID Busmess· IF-lnance~;;;11!!!~. IFB 95·008 No recession thru next year l1'f CNMI Public School S}"3tem is soliciting from firms interested in supp~ing By JOHN D. McCLAIN expansion slowing to just a 2 which the expansion is pro­ short-term interest rates seven the next presidential election. Korean chip makers That's a forecast we're sure totrePublicSchoo\System12unitsofthe66~gersschoollxJses. Detailed WASHINGTON (AP) - Many percent annual growth rate jected to continue for at least times in the last 15 months. bid ~ification is now available at the PSS PrOOJrernent and Supply Office, of the nation's top economic during the current quarter, another six quarters," accord­ The NABE forecasters be­ the White House would like to Lower Base, saipan. Ireuses must mret the "Buy Nnerica" reqUirement of forecasters are confident the from 5.1 percent in the final ing to the survey summary. lieve the economy will grow take to the bank." section 165 oftre Surface Transportation Ni of 1982, and must have aone year plan to raise prices nation will escape a recession three months of 1994 and 2.8 "Indeed, the view of the at a 2.2 percent rate during the Still, the NABE survey maintenance / warranty agroorrent, must 00 rustproof / undercoa.ted and safety at least through 1996 and be­ percent in the first three NABE panel seems to be that second half of 1995, 3.2 per­ found forecasters expecting inspoctOO and registerOO prior to delivery to PSSPANDS. Bids are now ooing SEOUL, South Korea (AP) • increase," said a Samsung official business relations with custom­ months of 1995. the economy will somehow ac­ cent for the year and 2.3 per­ the Fed to boost interest rates acrepted by the PSS PrOOJrement &Supp~ Office LO'Mlf Base, Saipan from 8:00 lieve both unemployment and South Korean computer memory who spoke on condition ofanonym­ ers," an LG Semicon spokesman inflation will remain moder­ But none of the economists complish something that prob­ cent for 1996. one more time over the sum­ am. to 4:00 p.m. daily MondaY thru FridaY except Holidays. Closing date and mer as insurance against any chip makers said Thursday they ity. The company provides 12 per­ said. ate. foresaw a recession, generally ably has never happened be­ The survey results are simi­ time for this bid is June 00, 1995 at 2:00 p.m.local time at which time and place plan to raise prices, following the cent ofall computer memory chips Since the start of the year, the lar to those of another poll inflationary spiral. aJ( after Forty-three professional defined as two consecutive fore: an extended soft land­ bi* will 00 publicly opened and read aloud. Mybids received the above dollar has fallen about 17 percent dafe)Jd time will not 00 ~ted under any cirrnmstances. All bids must 00 in lead of Japanese manufacturers, sold around the world forecasters surveyed earlier quarterly declines in the gross ing," it said. early this month by the news­ At the same time, the con­ aseaTed envelqxl ta::ernarkOO IFB95-008" and submitted to the PSS PrOOJrement to offset the effects ofthe declin­ Two other South Korean chip against the yen and 3.7 percent this month by the National domestic product, the total Economists use the term soft letter Blue Chip Economic sensus projects unemployment &Supply Office, Lower Base, Saipan. ing dollar. makers -LG Semicon and Hyundai against the Korean won. That Association of Business output of goods and services landing to describe an Indicators, published in hovering between 5.5 percent South Koreanmanufacturers sup­ Electronics - said they also were meansJapaneseandSouthKorean . Economists agreed the in the United States. economy slowing sufficiently Sedona, Ariz. and 5.7 percent. It dropped to . Anon refundable fee of $25.00 U.S. Dollars must aa:ompany tre bid. Thetwenty ply one-fourth of the world's de­ considering price increases. companies are now earning less economy has decelerated "The stretch of weakness to curb inflationary pressures Only three of the 50 Blue 5.4 percent in 1994 and has a~table five dollars fee mayOO acertified check, or their forms to the Public mand for dynamic random access Stung by the rising yen, such for their exports priced in the that the economy will endure wit Chip economists said the next averaged 5.6 percent during School System made payable to the Treasurer, Public School System sharply over the last six memory - DRAM - chips, a key Japanese suppliers as Hitachi, American currency. months. during the second quarter hout stalling into recession. recession will begin this year. the first four months of 1995. CommorlWffilth of the Nortrem Mariana Islands. The bidder is requested to The forecasters said that al­ computer component NBC, Toshiba and Fujitsu began EvenifJapanese and South Ko­ The survey consensus re­ seems to be considered a sort That was the goal of the Fed­ Six forecast the next down­ submft with his bid acopy of his business permit. though the Fed appears to have Increases in DRAM prices could telling customers last month they rean companies increase prices, leased Thursday projected the of 'pause that refreshes,' after eral Reserve as it boosted turn in 1996, 21 in 1997 and Tre CNMI Public SChool SY?tem reserve the rightto award on asingle or multiple add to the prices of personal com­ would raise prices 5 to 10percent, their market shares will not be 20 in 1998 or later. staved off any explosive rush of a'Nards or reject any or all Dids in the OOst interest of the Public SChool System. puters and other electronic goods as even on backlogged orders. affected because memory chips "In other words," said Rob­ inflation, prices will post a mod­ ~~o this bid rnayOO directed to Mr. Tim Thomburght at telephone number theybecome more sophisticated and Japanese companies lead the are in short supply worldwide, in­ ert J. Eggert Sr., the newslet­ est advance, rising 3.3 percent need more memory chips. global chip market with a com­ dustry officials said. ter editor, "more than 80 per­ this year and 3.4 percent in 1996. Officials at South Korea's bined share of 47 percent U.S. All three major South Korean. Indon gov't wants pulp cent believe the next reces­ The Consumer Price Index rose IS/WILLIAM S. TORRES lsi LOUISE CONCEPCION Samsung Electronics Co., the personal computer companies are manufacturers saidtheir plantsare sion won't occur until after 2.6 percent in 1994. Commissioner of Education PrOOJrement &Supply Officer world's largest supplier of DRAM the biggest consumers. running at full capacity. The com­ ..-...:--'-----'-: ------0-· chips, said the company will raise South Korean companies said panies, all owned by South Ko­ INVITATION FOR BID prices for new orders. their price increases will applyonly rean conglomerates, have vigor- . maker to better record COMMERCIAL SPACE "Wewillsoon tell our customers to new orders. ous expansion programs to boost IFB 95-009 how much, but it will be a small "We think about our long-term production of DRAM chips. . JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP)­ lations on reforestation. spoke on condition of anonym­ FOR RENT Authorities have warned r 1993, the Forestry Minis­ ity, confirmed receiving the The CNMI Public School System is soliciting from firms interested in supply­ (FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR) ing to the Public School System Computers, Laser Writers, Unes and Acces­ Indonesia's biggest pulp manu­ try fined the company about dlrs ministry's letter, but denied re­ sories. Construction, Power Equipments, LCD Projector For Multi-Media, la­ facturer to improve its logging 500,000 for failure to pay refor­ ports that it was facing a short- ser Disc Player.Plumbing Kits and Tools,Small Engine Training Engine, Trac­ Pharaoh steps up campaign record, which a government estation and royalty fees. a of wood. tor & Tiller, MS DOS Computers, MS Environmental activists say "We are still producing at DOSCompatiblePrinters, Woodworking ToolSets, ,MechanicsToolSet, Small spokesman described Thursday Engine& Power Mechanics Tool Set, DraftingTables. Home Economic Equip­ as dubious. indiscriminate logging is strip­ full installed capacity," he said. rnents, to push Egyptian gold mines The company has been rely­ ElectricityToolSets, Woodworking Work Benches, Brush Cutlers, OCR PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Pa­ ping the forest cover in Indone­ Softwares, Scanner, Big Screens, Television Sets, and VCR Players for the PERTH, Australia (AP) - Pha­ tain some 138,000ounces ofgold. conceptual mining plan and pro­ per has two months to respond sia, whose rain forests are the ing on its own harvest and land VocationalEducation Program. raoh Metals Corp. said Thursday Pharaoh said Fluor Daniel cess flow sheet. to a warning lettersentlast week second largest in the world after clearing within its own conces­ DetailedSpecifications are now availablealthe PSS ProcurementOffice,Lower it had stepped up its plans to es­ Australia had been instructed to Other prospects within the by the director general offorest Brazil's. sions, as well as wood coming Base, Saipan. Bids are now being accepted by the PSS Procurement & Sup­ tablish gold mines in Egypt by conduct an evaluation of gold Egyptian concession areainclude development, said Agus PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and Pa­ f-rom outside the concession, he ply Office Lower Base, Saipan from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. daily Monday thru appointing consulting engineers projects within the concession the old Sukkari and Barramiya Wahyudi, a Forestry Ministry per ot the Sinar Mas Group, said. Friday except Holidays. Closing date and time for this bid is June 07, 1995 at The company produces 790,000 2:00 p.m local time at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and Fluor Daniel to undertake pre­ agreement, as well as a pre-feasi­ mines, which Pharaoh said had spokesman. which was listed on the New read aloud. Any bids received after the above dale and lime will not be ac­ feasibility studies. bility study on the Abu Marawat been estimated to have a potential "The company's program is a York Stock Exchange last tons of pulp and 254,000 tons of cepled under any circumstances. All bids must be in a sealed envelope Pharaoh controls a cluster of gold/silver deposit. for 13.5 million tons at 2.3 grams/ bit dubious right now," Wahyudi month, controls a timber estate printing and writing paper annu­ tacernarked 'IFB95-G09" and submitted to the PSS Procurement & Supply ally. In its 1994 report, the com­ Office. Lower Base, Saipan. gold properties covering more The company said recent ex­ ton gold and 15 million tons at 1.2 said without elaborating. ofapproximately 223,650 hect­ than 2,000 Square miles (5,000 ploration had delineated an indi­ grams/ton respectively. He was apparently referring ares (552,415 acres) in Riau, pany said its total assets had in­ Existing karaoke fUlly furnished & Equipped ready for A non refundable fee of $25.00 U. S. Dollars must accompany the bid. The sq. km.) in the Red Sea region of catedand inferred resource at Abu Studies on these projects are to reports that the company has Sumatra. creased from dlrs 1.6 billion in immediate business twenty five dollars fee maybe a certified check, or other forms acceptable to Egypt under a concession agree­ Marawat of318,000 tons averag­ expected to take about six weeks. not followed government regu- A company official, who 1993 to dlrs 1.8 billion in 1994. 1,800 sq. ft. the Public School System made payable to the Treasurer, Public School Sys­ Across/lnfront ofAqua Resort and Plumeria Hotels tem Commonwealth 01 the Northem Mariana Islands. The bidder is requested ment with the Egyptian govern­ ing 5.3 grams/ton gold, 69 grams/ Pharaoh's managing director, to submit with his bid a copy of his business permit. ment. ton silver, 0.72 percent copper MohamedEl-Ansary, said Thurs­ or Good for Restaurant, Night Club and Retail Shops The properties include 37 and 2.16 percent zinc. day the company was aiming to Terms negotiable The CNMI Public School System reserves the right to award on a single or known gold mining sites includ­ multipleawardsor reject any or all bids in the best interest of the Public School The Fluor Daniel study is sched­ develop its first gold mining and For more information Please call 234-3218 System. Inquiriesto this bid maybe directed to Mr. Patrick Tellei at telephone ing gold tailings, dumps and hard uled to be completed in 12 weeks processing operation in Egypt in look for Eric!Alan number 322-4052 rock deposits estimated to con- and includes development of a 1996.

~WiliiamS,~ UJ.~ ConceDcion CommissionerOf Education Procurement & Supply Officer The Chamorro/Carolinian Language PUBLIC NOTICE Policy Commission will be having their IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE regular monthly meeting on Friday, NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Furnitures, Refrigerators, Aircons, Plumbing, &Electrical Goods, May 12, 1995 at 2:00 P,M. at the CIVIL ACTION NO. 93-660 Transformers, Canned Goods, X-Mas Lights, And Many Others. Dept. of Natural Resources RAFAEL ARRIOLA KOSAKA and NOMINANDA L1FOIFOI KOSAKA, Plaintiff, This is frustrated and unclaimed cargo in the custody of Saipan Conference Room. -v- ANTONIO A. ARRIOLA and MARIA M. ARRIOLA Stevedore Co. and will be sold "AS IS, WHERE IS", entirely All members are therefore urged to at­ Defendants. without warranty whether express or implied. tend this meeting. For additional infor­ NOTICE OF SALE rrvrtlon pis. call the office at 288-5321 , NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN that. pursuant toaWritofExecution issued bythe Court in this :.:,. Sale will be held on May 20, 1995 beginning at 10:00 a.m. in matter onMarch 9,1995.I have levied and executed upon, and will sell. atpublicaucnon, to the highest bidder, for current lawful money of the United Slates, all of the right, title, the empty container yard located between Beach Road and Iho following agenda are to be discussed and interest of Defendants in and to thefollowing property: WW II Highway. The entrance is directly opposite Kaiser Cement. Lot 002 H 52 (formerly lot 13. block 10), as more particularly described on Orawing! Cadastral Plat No. 002 H00 dated February 17,1971, theoriginal of which was registered 1 Constitutional Amendments for wiltl the Land Commission onMarch 1, 1971, asdocument no. 693 at theLand Registry. Saipan; and Goods can be inspected any Saturday before the date of sale Translations. LotA.H, No, 74-3(partof original A.H. 74),situated in Puerto Rico, Saipan, containing an from 8:00 a.m. to ..12:00 noon at the place of sale. Contact area of856 square meters, more orless. asmore particularly described onDrawing/Cadastral 2. House Bill #9-6 with Senate Plat No. 2013/83, Itle original of which was registered on November 23, 1982, asDocu­ Ms. Prescilla Kapileo 322-8569. ment No. 15957 atItle Land Registry, Saipan. Amendments. The sale will be held on Friday, May 19,1995, atthehour011:00 p.m., atthe lawoffices of White, Pierce. Mailman & Nutting, Joeten Center, Susupe, Saipan, Northern Mariana is­ Any person or corporation believing they may have claim on 3. PIBBA Conference (June 21-23) lands. any sale item must notify Saipan Stevedore Co. of such claim Th~ sale will beheld witlloutany warranties whatsoever, wheltler express or implied, allof 4. Chamorro/Carolinian whICh arehereby expressly disclaimed, The sale is subject to approval bytheCourt. The before May 15, 1995 failing such notice of claim, goods will Orthographies rightIs reserved to reject any and all bids, for any reason. be sold without recourse. DATED, this 12thday of April, 1995: The Hi?liw,ing, an a~tonomous, fixed-win,g unmanned aerial vehicle, designed and built by the Boeing Co., takes ~ts firS! test flight Wednesday, April 26, .1995at the Grant. County Airport in Moses Lake, Wash. The lSITAHER K. MANASTERLI plane IS deslqnedto take offandlandlike a helicopterandfly horizontstlvlike a fixed-wing aircraft.(AP Photo) 52-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12,1995 FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-53 DNA links O.J. to murder scene N. Korea suggests Beijingmeeting lookedat the DN A results flashed tied Simpson to the other end of By LINDA DEUTSCH Gallucci and Kang to resolve actors. maintain a freeze ofits nuclear on a 7-foot (2-meter) courtroom the prosecution's so-called trail By JU-VEON KIM than originally planned, the LOS ANGELES (AP) - OJ. South Korean news agency the nuclear standoff, they had "As we have declared more program as long as negotia­ screen. ofblood.. telling jurors that DNA SEOUL, South Korea (AP) ­ Simpson jurors finally saw how said, quoting unidentified disagreed on the venue. North than once, there is no change tions continue. Simpson, a former football star on a sock found at the foot of Softening its earlier position, his genetic fingerprint was linked Seoul government sources. Korea had suggested its capi­ in our position toward the re­ The freeze isa key condi­ and one of the most famous Simpson's bed was consistent North Korea proposed Thurs­ to murder: Dark blots on his DNA Robert Gallucci, the chief tal, Pyongyang. Washington actor model issue," the tion for North Korea to re­ Americans ever brought to trial with his ex-wife's. day that it meet with U.S. ne­ X-ray are similar to those from a U.S. negotiator with North insisted on a third country. North's official Korean Cen­ ceive the financial and diplo­ for murder, did not pay attention The testimony about DNA re­ gotiators in Beijing to iron out blood drop found near the slashed nuclear differences, the Korea, said in Seoul earlier Yonhap said the United tral News Agency quoted an matic benefits outlined in the to the screen. He looked down at sults was long awaited. But bodies of his ex-wife and her that he had received a letter States, in close consultations unidentified Foreign Ministry nuclear deal. Cotton's matter-of-fact deli very­ Yonhap news agency reported. friend. a notepad and occasionally spoke with South Korea and Japan, spokesman as saying. The North has threatened to given to a jury that has been se­ In a letter to the United from his North Korean coun­ "That pattern is consistent and with his attorneys. The 4'7-year­ is expected to accept the latest "At the future talks, we will restart a stilled reactor unless the questered for four months and States, the North's communist terpart, Kang Sok Ju, but re­ looks to be the same as the pattern old Simpson faces life in prison if finally ascertain the will of dispute over replacements is re­ after 2 1/2 days of dense, scien­ government also suggested fused to disclose its contents. North Korean proposal. of Mr. Simpson's (DNA)," bio­ convictedofkiIIing Nicole Brown South Korean officials, the U.S. side concerning the solved soon. Despite its tific explanations about DNA ­ that the talks be carried out by While both sides had agreed chemist Robin Cotton explained Simpson and Ronald Goldman Yonhap said, were puzzled by implementation of the frame­ repeated denials that it is produc­ robbed the moment of dramatic slightly lower-level officials to high-level talks involving on Wednesday as many jurors last June 12. Later, Cotton the North Korean letter, espe­ work agreement between the ing nuclear weapons, Western impact. cially its offer to downgrade two countries." experts suspect North Korea may Cotton, director of Cell mark the negotiations. The spokesman said, how­ already have enough plutonium Diagnostics ofMaryland, also tes­ Gallucci and Kang were the ever, that his government will to make at least one atomic bomb. Micronesian Tel tified that Simpson's genetic ~tr n principal architects of a his­ "markers" were found in a blood n toric deal, signed last Octo­ II II U-,U Beyondthecall drop collected from the foyer of -: ber, that ended nearly two m his mansion the morning after the years ofacute nuclear tensions slayings. Micronesian Telecommunications Corporation (MTC) is seeking an on the Korean Peninsula. Prosecutors have suggested Administrative Secretary. The Gallucci-Kang talks Simpson cut his hand whileslash­ were called after lower-level Successful applicant will provide adminUrative and secretatia: support t.o the ing the victims, leaving behind negotiations broke down in blood drops at the crime scene General Manager-MTC with expediency, proiessinnalism and conlidentlality. O.J. Simpson Berlin on April 21 over North We, the family of the late Provide administrative support including composition of conesnondence. faxes. and his home, which is about two Korea's refusal to accept re­ pered with by police trying to fense team, said in court papers and memorandums. demonstrating initiative and discretion with confidential miles away. With no known eye­ placement nuclear reactors records and files. prioritizing and handling multiple tasks. Screening calls and frame Simpson. that the bag was in his possession "ERMAN TENORIO witnesses and no weapons recov­ from rival South Korea. letters, and responding to routine questions. The Administrative Secretary will ered, prosecutors have built their Cotton also said blood on on June 13 and again from June Exe~utive The reactors are part of the work closely with customers calling MTC's OHices to ensure complete Goldman's shoe appearedto come 14 until it was collected by a spe­ VILLAGOMEZ customer satisfaction. An up-beat. cheerful altitude and desire to be service to case around DNA analysis of wide-ranging deal aimed at from Ms. Simpson and possibly cial master from his home on the customer is essential. blood found at the crime scene, in dismantling the North's from Goldman himself but not March 28. His statement was cordiaffy invite our refative and~ to 15 Simpson's Ford Bronco and at his nuclear program, suspected of contained in a stipulation - state­ This position will collect. organize and compile reports for the General Manager­ estate. from Simpson. weapons production. They years 'Death Jmniversa1!J 2\9sa1!J on May 15­ ment offact that both sides agree to MTC. utilizing word processing. electronic mail. spreadsheet programs and Cotton said the genetic pattern The stain on Goldman's shoe would produce far less weap­ use 0{ Macintosh computer. - that Kardashian wants read to the 22 at 7:00 p.m. andMay 23rd12:00noon at suggested that the blood in was cited by a detective to sup­ ons-grade pi utoni um that the jury. Prosecutors refused Tuesday Simpson's foyer could not have port his theory of a single killer. North's existing facilities. ~~W~o/~dMCo/~~m~ Applicant must be a high school graduate or equivalent.. Prefer secretarial to agree to the stipulation and still sciences education. One to three years of general office/administrative come from the Sirnpsons' two Detective Tom Lange testified in In three days of consulta­ want Kardashian to testify. Perdido. experience. Good verbal and wrilten communication skills are amust. young children, Sydney and Jus­ March that a mixture of the vic­ tions in Seoul with Japanese tin, who often visited their father. tims' blood on the sole of and South Korean officials, Human Resources OHice . She also ruled out the possibil­ Goldman's shoe indicated"a cast­ Gallucci reconfirmed Micronesian Telecommunications Corp. ity that the blood drop at the cri me off of blood from one murder 11 months !Mass wi!!6e saidatSt. Jude Churd: on May PO. Box 306 -Washingtons posi tion that the Saipan. MP 96950 scene came from the children, who weapon." after killings, new reactors should come 23 at5:00p.m.Dinneruui.be servedajterwanls lived with Ms. Simpson and were In another development, from South Korea. the only at tfie same residence. Xjmffy join us. MiC isan Equal Opporlunily/Atlirmalive Action Employer asleep in her condominium at the Simpson friend Robert Simpson kids country willing to pay most of time of the murders. Kardashian denied ever looking the dlrs 4 billion cost. The defense has vigorously inside a garment bag that Simpson Hutu refugees, one who's face was hacked and set on fire recuperate North Korea responded challenged DNA results. contend­ took to Chicago the night of the on cover of after treatment in a Butare, Rwanda, hospital following attacks by the strongly by saying Thursday murders. POSITION VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT ing that evidence sent to Cotton' s Rwandan Tutsi-leti army on the Kibeho camp in southwestern it will not back down from its Kardashian, an attorney who Life magazine Maryland lab for analysis was Rwanda.(AP Photo) objection to South Korean re- says he is a member of the de- The Northern Marianas Housing CorporaTion (N,'V\HC) is soliciTing employment applicaTion for contaminated, mishandled or tam- LOS ANGELES (AP) - Nearly a the posiTion of Loon/DocumentaTion Clerk for NMHC's CenlTOl Office in Gorapan, Saipan. year after Nicole Brown eJ mill no! 6ortj('/ !JOlt... cJ ltauc car:JlCf) !JOlIl uautc OJI tlte pairn (ro III!J 11((1l1) . Simpson's murder and 0.1. YEARS DEATH ANNIVERSARY ROSARY cJ.la;a/1 4'): IS t DESCRIPTION: This posiTion involves moderately complex duTies in assisTing the stoff of the tIS Simpson's arrest, the couple's Mortgage Credit DivisiQl1 in avariety of duties invol'~ng the preporahon and / or processing of children are on the cover of Life We, the family of the late loons; interviel't~ng loon app"conts; and pJckaging loon appliccTions. Serve under the supervi~on magazine. or the Manage, Mortgage Credit Division and performs avariety of duties relevant to housing The photos featured in Life's Enrique rITulemar Jtibu;s - 3rd linni\7erSllI'Y IfEKMAN TENORIO assistance ond loon programs. Must hove good command of the English language, and June issue show Sydney. 9, and ::t\~ possess good public relation skills. Justin, 6, on an Easter weekend VILLAGOMEZ pilgrimage to their mother's :::~~!;:: DUTiES AND RESPONSIBIUnES: Provides guidance end assistance to housing loon applicants; gravesite. better known as reviews for completeness, incoming housing loon applications and maintains loan opplications Justin wears a simple striped "Derman Kiyu" waiTing iist, conducts loon interview and determines which loon program the applicant(s) is / shirt but Sydney wears the patch­ eli~l~ ore for and whether repayment ability exists; obtains pertinent informaTion nec€sscry work dress that she wore to her :Mrs. Jl.naresina C. 'lJi[lagomez, together witfi herchildren, grana to determine credit v/orthiness of hou~ng loon applicant (s); consolidates and packages mother's funeral. children, aaugfiters andson-in lawwou[a fif;g. to invite re!atives ana h()us:ng loon applications in accordance with established policies and procedures for loon "This is the first time since #rufs tojom them in commemotatinq the anniversary rosary of her programs administered by NMHC; prepares necessary documents pursuant to submission Christmas that they have gath­ 6ewvea fius6anrf, theirfatheranagra'iufjather. I criteria for Mortgage Credit Division Manager's review and approval prior to submission to the ered as a group here," the maga­ ~fitfy Corporate Director; follows-up on delinguent borrowers and pursues oppropriate action; records zine says in the story that accom­ rosatu wi!!be saidat thejamify tesidence in.9t5 'Perdido, Saipan, mOftgage or other legal documents or instruments, researches properties with quesTionable commend1lJT'MoTUfay, :May 15, 1995, at 8:00p.m. On the final aay panies the photos. :May 23, J99~ rosary wif(6esawat12:00noon. tirie; followsiJp on required hazord insurance policies for properties financed by NHMC and "Sydney can't bring herself to maintains its Tickler and perlorms other related duTies and assignments as required. (1)oula like to invite all (TO our rrlatincs an» fJril'J/»s to ioiJl 1t.1 as nie remember Itim in our approach the grave. Dominique 'Daify mass is 6ei11f{ offereaat:Mt. CarmerCathedralat 6:00a.m. from prayer..1 O1t /tis tltie» anni/'('{.Iary rosary. 7)1,r 11011j ((Jsary mill bc sai» nirjlltlv at the rcsi»c//ce (her aunt and Nicole Brown (/0 :May 15to:May 2:2, f995. SAlARY: Salary ranges from PL 22, Step 1, $15,860.10 per annum to amaximum of PL Simpson's sister) has to coax her 9I/.a. crd~ .£1IUopi dti6U& (fJ.@!X. ~i.JL#4 6elri1r8 eJllmlea 9It1U!ceJ) bcrtilll/i//rl 22, Step 4, $18,358.51 per annum, depending upon the qualifications of the selected across the grass." on Q1Jel)nCJ()at,j, ~iav /0, 1995 at 8:00/,.m., ('I/»inrl on 7;11IIr.ll)ay, 34iaV 18tf/ 1995. (j}Jl tl/i.s :Mass ofIntention wi[[6e offereaatSt.Juae Chutd: on9>{ay:;J, 1995 candidate. at5:(XJp.m. Jl.jter the .mass youare allimiitedfor dinner at the famIly Living with their grandpar­ 6inal Bay 7§ltulS()ay, ~iatj /8tll, d!losanj mill be sai» at 12 noon, eS/,ecial34ias,1 uo intcn­ residence in5rs 'Perdido. . ents, aunts and cousins in Dana ~to/mt OUAUFlCATIONS REOUIREMENTS: A) Graduation from on accredited high school plus !wo tion wilt be Itel» at tlte '(gannel '(Jathr/)ral at 5:00/,.111. §>ill1ICl mill 601101/1 at tl/r Point, about 50 miles (80 ki­ 'Ifuznk'You anaSiYuus:Maase. rCJi})ence in 7$/talan @J{,anoa Sl>ist.#4 . (2) yoors of progressive related work experience; or B) two (2) years of college specializing lometers) south of Los Ange­ ~us in MI8S IoYfJrns adegree in bonking one (1) year of progressive related work experience. les, the children know their :Mrs. JIJufresina c. 'lJif!ajjomez father is in jail, the magazine • ~ta.s.f ufJ ~nlenlion.s wilt beqin ellen! momintj befjillltintj O1Jc/)m..I()atj, ~ia'J 10, 1995 thru Mr. & Mrs. Jesus c. o/i1.fagomez WHERE TO APPlY: Interested individlJOls must submit on NMHC-presciibed employment says. Mr. & Mr..s.Josepfi c. 'lJif1anomez & :ramify ap~i(01ion C(g/uu.s'aay, &4lat,j 18, 1995 at 6:00 a..m. at @4;I01mt 7$annel 7$at/tc()eal. 9rfs. jlntonia C. 'lJtffagomez form no later thon May 12, 1995, to Ms. Marylou A. S:rok, Corporate Diredor, But they are shielded from tele­ NMHC, P.O. Box 514, C.K., Soipan, MP 9695(}{)514. A.pplication forms are available at the 9rfs. 1Qta 'lJiffanomez & Cfiifrfren vision newscasts about the trial, Mr. :rra~c. o/if!'¥Jomez , NMHC Central Office in Goropon. For further information, coli telephone numbers 234·7689/ and store clerks cover tabloid or wJite to the specified address. Mr. & Mrs. LuisMerufiofa & :ramily (Pai) 7670/6866/9447. magazines when they see the chil­ @J{,inBI'I ioin tlJ-e5 i 'III/liS ma'a.s{'-fJltitiso~ Christina Allen, 2, is dwarfed by a massive sculpture titled "Reach Out" Mr. !l@y c. 'lJif!agomez dren approaching, the magazine ~~ EQUAl. fMPlOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: no person shall denied employment because of by AlfredTiborat Franklin Parkin Columbus, Ohio. The red tulips make C!iNa. £ e1ti6U& ",,8 crdlrilJhm be said. roca, cth, rBijil, sex, notional origin, ancestry, or handicap. up a red ribbon as an AIDS memorial.(AP Photo) ____~:7"~.':" ...

~".".t L,~ i .~.. ,' 54-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS ANDVIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12, 1995 FRIDAY. MAY 12, 1995-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWSANDVIEWS-55 PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CNMI GOVERNMENT PUBLIC.NOTICE INVITATION TO BID IN THE SUPERIOR COURT PUBLIC NOTICE DPW95-IT.00323 COMMO~WEALTH PUBLIC NOTICE PUBUC NonCE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE OF THE OF THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COMMONWEAl.TH REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL COMMONWEALTH OFTHE NORTHERN CHANGE OF BIC OPENING C'ATE NORTHERN MAlllANA ISlANDS COMMONWEALTH OFTHE OF THE NORTHERN MARlANA ISlANDS RFP NO.: RFP95·0054 MARIANA ISI!ANiS CIVIL ACTION NO. 87·622 NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS CIVIL ACTION NO. 94-908 Project: Construction and Renovation of the Old Japanese FOR: PRODUCTION OF NON-POINT SOURCE and consolidated cases CIVIL ACTION NO. and BANK OFGUAM, CIVIL ACTION NO. Hospital (CNMI Museum) at Garapan, Saipan . POLLUTION VIDEO (C.A. No. 93-184 and S.C: Nos. 87-160, 92-986 consolidated cases (C.A. Nos. 93­ Plaintiff, OPENING DATE: MAY 26.1995 TIME: P.M. 87-161,87-326,87'327 and 87-328) 95-329 3:00 459; and 93-1015, and S.C. Nos. -v- This to inform all prospective bidders that the bid opening has UNION BANK, 93-007,93-009, and 93-778) LUCY 1 SABLAN Defendant. BIHE L1U BROWN. been extended: INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS OR FIRMS MAY PICK UP Plaintiff Petitioner, From: May 05, 1995, 2:00 p.rn., local time PROPOSAL FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS ATTHE OFFICE -v- CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC., FIRST AMENDED vs. To: May 19, 1995, 2:00 p.m., local time OF THE DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT AND ELPHIDIA B. CAMACHO SJ CONSTRUCTION CO. Plaintiff, RONALD LEROY BROWN, Defendant. SUPPLY, LOWER BASE, SAIPAN. -v- NOTICE OF SALE Respondent. ANTONIO O. QUITUGUA, lsi EDWARD M, DELEON GUERRERO NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE ISHEREBY GIVEN that, pursuantto an Date: 5/2/95 POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT Defendant. AMENDED SUMMONS Acting Secretary of Public Works lSI EDWARD B. PALACIOS Order issued bythe Court inthismatter onApril NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, SJ Construction Co. is currently.seeking skilled and experienced tradesmen: 22, 1995, I will sell. at public auction. to the pursuant toaWrit ofExecution issued NOTICE OF SALE highest bidder, forcurrentlawlul money of the TO: RONALD LEROY BROWN by the Court inthis matter on April 3, United Slates, alloftheright, title, and interest PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CNMI GOVERNMENT Laborer 2yrs. expo $2.75/hr. of Defendants inand to the following property: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CNMI GOVERNMENT 1995, I have levied and executed upon, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, that certain real property situated in satpan, and will sell, at public auction, to the Mason 4yrs. expo $2.75/hr. notified tofile any answer you wish to Electrician 5yrs. expo $2.75/hr. pursuant toa First Amended Writof Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Is­ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL highest bidder, for current lawful money Execution issued bythe Court inthis lands, designated aspartof E.A. 161 (E.A. 161 make to the complaint, acopy ofwhich "E"), more particularly described asfollows: is given you herewith, within twenty INVITATION FOR BID ofthe United States, all ofthe right, title, Plumber 5yrs. expo $2.75/hr. matter on April 18, 1995, I have and interest ofDefendants inand tothe one (21) days after the fourth Carpenters 5yrs. expo $2.75/hr. . levied and executed upon, and will RFP NO.: RFP95-0056 following property: DutieslResponsibility: Performs any combination of dutiesnn constr~ctlOn Beginning at a corner which is designated as publication ofthis Amended Summons. IFB No.: IFB95-0049 sell, atpublic auction, to the highest Corner No.1, having piane rectangular coordi­ and to deliver or mail a copy of your projects within appropriate skilled area or as required. Interested candidates bidder, for current lawful money of nates of51,513.62 meters North and 54.797,50 For: PROCUREMENT OF TWO (2) FOR: PROVISION OF COMPUTER SYSTEM Aportion of Lot 254T 01, situated in meters East of the Mariana Islands Coordinate answer toDAVID A. WISEMAN, whose Tinian, Mariana Islands, containing an fax qualifications and background to (670) 433-0069. the United States, all of the right, System of 1966: address isP.O. BOX 2607, SAIPAft, MP BRAND NEW VEHICLES OPENING DATE: MAY 26,1995 TIME: 2:00 P.M. area of 1,000 square meters, as more title, and interest of Defendants in Thence S 50' 54' 19' E, 58,01 meters to 96950 as soon as practicable after filing particularly described in that certain and to the following property: Lot Corner No.2: Opening Date: MAY 19. 199~ Time: 3:00 P.M. your answer orsending it to the Clerk INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS OR FIRMS MAY PICK UP PROPOSAL FORMS Warranty Claim Deed dated March 16, 016 R 01, situated in Songsong Thence S 43' 55' 55' W. 51.84 meters to ofthis Court forfiling. 1992, Commonwealth Recorder No. 92­ Corner No.3: Interested individuals or Firms may pick up bid forms and AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF Village, Rota, Northern Mariana Thence N 51'53' 33' W. 55.39 meters to 942; and SJ CONSTRUCTION CO. Islands. specifications at the office of the Director, Division of .PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY, LOWER BASE, SAIPAN. Corner No.4: Your answer should be inwriting and The sale will be held on Friday, Thence N 41' 01' 01' E, 52.63 meters to filed with the Clerk ofCourt. atSaipan, Lot 005 1412, situated in Koblerville, Procurement and Supply, Lower Base, Saipan. May 19, 1995, at the hourof 1:15 Corner No.1,the pointofbeginning; MP 96950. It may be prepared and lSIEDWARD B. PALACIOS Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT p.m. at the law offices of White, signed for you byyour counsel and sent lSI Edward B. Palacios containing an area of984 square meters, Containing an area of 2,954 square meters, more or less, and more particularly Pierce, Mailman & Nutting, Joeten more or less, tothe Clerk ofthis Court by messenger described on DrawingfCadastral Plat No. SJ Construction Co. is seeking TWO experienced, Center, Susupe, Saipan, Northern ormail. It isilll1 necessary for you to 005 I 08 dated September 30, 1983; Mariana Islands. The sale willbe held onFriday, June 9,1995, at appear personally until further notice. PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CNMI GOVERNMENT Commonwealth Recorder's file 18434, Construction Foremen to supervise and The sale willbe held without any the hour of 1:00 p.m .. at the law offices of the description therein being White, Pierce, Mailman & Nutting. Joeten Cen­ If you fail to file an answer in coordinate laborers activities on various projects. warranties whatsoever, whether ter, Susupe, Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. INVITATION FOR BID incorporated herein by reference, express or implied, all of which are accordance with this summons, REQUEST FOR BIDS Experienced U.S. Citizens required. Salary will hereby expressly disclaimed. The The sale will be held without any warranties Judgment by Default may be taken The sale will be held on Friday, June 2, sale is subject to approval by the whatsoever, whether express or implied, allof against you forthe relief demanded in SHELL MARIANAS IS ACCEPTING SEALED BIDS FOR THE FOLLOWING: which are hereby expressly disclaimed. The sale IFB NO.: IFB95-0055 1995, at the hour of1:00 p.m., atthe Court. The rightis reserved to reject the Com plaint. law offices ofWhite, Pierce, Mailman & commensurate with experience. Qualified issubject toapproval bythe Court. The rightis FOR: PROCUREMENT OF A VEHICLE WITH TRADE-IN any and all bids, for any reason, ONE 1989 TOYOTA 4X4 PICK-UP, L1C. #AAM-083. VEHICLE MAY BE SEEN Nutting, Joeten Center, Susupe, Saipan, reserved to reject any and allbids, for any rea­ BY ORDER OF THE ABOVE COURT. OPENING DATE: MAY 19.1995 TIME: 2:30 P.M. AT THE SHELL TERMINAL FROM 8:00 AM TO 4:00 PM MONDAY TO Nortbern Mariana Islands. candidate Fax resume to (670) 433-0069. DATED, this 20th day of April, son. 1995, FRIDAY. SEALED BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL MAY 15,1995. SHELL DATED, this 2nd day of May, 1995: DATED this 26th day ofApril. 1995 INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS OR FIRMS MAY PICK UP BID RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS NOT MEETING The sale will be held without any warranties whatsoever, whether express /srrAHER K. MANASTERLI /SITAHER K. MANASTERLI FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT THE OFFICE OF THE L.-IsfDeputy__Clerk~of Court ~ THE CURRENT MINIMUM BLUE BOOK VALUE. BIDS WILL BE OPENED or implied, all of which are hereby DIRECTOR, PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY, LOWER BASE, AND WINNING BIDDER NOTIFIED BY MAY 19, 1995. expressly disclaimed. The sale issubject SA/PAN. ) to approval by the Court. The right is FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT THE TERMINAL MANAGER AT 323­ reserved to reject any and all bids, for lSI EDWARD B. PALACIOS any reason. , COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT PUBLU:; NOTICE 1000/5009. Law office seeks a responsible and DATED, this 20th day ofApril, 1995: (Second Floor) The Civil Service Commission experienced Assistant Collection Clerk. will hold their regular board ~ PROCUREMENT AND SUPPll CNMI GOVERNMENT ISfTAHER K. MANASTERLI .8 Bedrooms plus 700 sq. ft. Must have bookkeeping background • 1,800 sq. ft. whole floor . meeting on May 15, 1995 at 9:00 I • Across/lnfront of Aqua Resort and Plumeria Hotels a.rn, at the KBC Conference IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE and must be able to tvpe. Please REOUEST FOR PROPOSAL COMMONWEALTH OF THE • or Good for Restaurant and Retail Shops Room in Tinian. NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS contact Ana T. Camacho, White, Pierce, • Terms negotiable AG~N[ijA RFP No.: RFP95-0051 .. Mailrnan & Nutting, telephone 234-6547 For: DIVISION OF CORRECTIONS FOOD PUBLIC NOTICE I. CALL TO ORDER SERVICE PROGRAM II. ROLL CALL CIVIL ACTION NO. 93·488 III. APPROVAL OF Opening Date: MAY 19.1995 Time: 3:30 P.M. and consolidated cases FOR RENT 1995 (C.A. Nos. 94-495-398,94-424, 94·429 and MINUTES-AprilS, Interested individuals or Firms may pick up bid forms and 94-495, and S.C. Nos.93-2078, 933310,93­ IV. READING OF 2424,94-255,941388, and 94-1590) e Three-Bedroom House CORRESPONDENCES specifications at the office of the Director, Division of FLAME TREE TERRANCE APARTMENTS Procurement and Supply, Lower Base, Saipan. GABRIEL F. BOYER, Lone Star Casino Marketing at Koblerville, with security V. NEW BUSINESS Plaintiff, Dept. is seeking applicants, VI. OLD BUSINESS lSI Edward B. Palacios -v- o 1.Bedroom.Apartment 0 2-Bedroom-Apartment fence, fully furnished. VICENTE N. RIVERA, dba 181 GENERAL multi-lingual in Native VII. COMMITIEE'S CONTRACTORS '40Bedroom·House • 3·Bedroom·House $850.00 REPORT AND DEVELOPS, INC" Japanese/Native Korean and • Fully Fumlshed • Ocean View For Inquiry: Tel. Nos. PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY CNMI GOVERNMENT fluent in English. Duties 235­ VIII. EXECUTIVE Defendant. • 24-Hour Maintenance on Call • Swimming Pool ASSISTANTS REPORT BllSINESS OPPORTUNITY • 24-Hour water Supply • Beautiful Garden involve Marketing Customer 7171n272 (OFFICE) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL IX. LEGAL COUNSEL'S NOTICE OF SALE • Laundry Facility 235-6724 (HOME) POPULAR ISLAND SPORTS BAR & GRILL WANTS AN service for our casino REPORT RFP NO.: RFP95-0048 ENTREPRENEUR/INVESTOR TO OPERATE THE FOOD SERVICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai. pursuant to guests. Fax resume or letter Ask for Crls, or Mike FOR: PROCUREMENT OF 750 KW GENERATOR Wril of Execution issued by the Court in this LOCATION: LOWER CAPITOL HILL X. ANNOUNCEMENT DIVISION. matter on January 27. 1995.1 have levied and of interest to 670-433-0069. XI. ADJOURNMENT ENGINE INTERESTED COMPANIES OR PERSONS MUST MEET executed upon, and will sell. at public auction, FOR MORE INFORMATION~ CALL TEL. 322-3366/5558 FAX: 322-3886 OPENING DATE: MAY 1~ TIME: 2:00 P.M. THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: to the highest bidder. for current lawful money ~f the United Slales, all of the right. lille, and /s/ EUGENE A. SANTOS mlerest of Defendant Scholastica B.L. Rivera INTERESTED INDIVIDUALS OR FIRMS MAY PICK UP BID Extensive experience in commercial food service or restaurant in and the follOWing property: Chairman Civil Service FORMS AND SPECIFICATIONS AT -fHE OFFICE OF THE business, inamedium to large volume environment, as an owner Commission Lot 001 G29, containing an area ROOMS FOR RENT DIRECTOR, DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT AND SUPPLY, or manager. Athorough uncferstanding of U.S. Standard sanitary of 824 square melers, LOWER BASE, SAIPAN. procedures and food quality control. Enough start up cash to more or less. as shown on the p'urch~se stock, payroll, utilities, rent deposits, bonding, Insurance, Division of Lands and Surveys Official Chalan Kanoa, SEMI-FURNISHED 2 BR APT. Cadastral Plat No. 001 G02 dated March 18, (2 UNITS AVAILABLE) $ lSI EDWARD B. PALACIOS licenSing, and other costs. 1986, the description therein being 550.00/MONTHLY OPERATE THE KITCHEN KEEP THE PROFITS incorporated herein by reference. (near the Post Office, School, • <: .' THIS IS AGREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PERSON. PRINCIPALS ONLY PLEASE. The sale will be held on Friday, May 19, Stores and Laundrymat) WRITE TO rn BOX 3159, SA/PAN, MP 96950 1995, althe hour of 1:30 pm,at the law offices RENTI , Cavi,te Asseciotlon of Saipan of White, Pierce, Mailman & Nutling, Joeten /FOR Ma.~am~o Center, Susupe, Saipan, Northern Mariana U~ II.-- ~ITE , .Donates to Kcrldot, . Islands. $100.00 and -QKF\e;f\Tj~ D~YN>DN ' - o (,Il5 ~.A~ENiT Awarding of proceeds of the Cavite Association of The sale will be held withoul any warranties ___/~'IiJ" ',TVP WAREHOUSE FOR RENT whatsoever, whether express or implied, all of CONTACT MARGIE AT Saipan Summer fundraislng raffle to Manamko and \ \.'. 2. ~:'-l \DDLE Q£_~,,:-,-f) which are hereby expressly disclaimed. The ----~-·DH\Gr\\J"'1 Karidat will be on May 14, 1995 at the Susupe Beach Park TEL. NO. 288-6121/234-7133 - Located at Airport Road sale issubject 10 approval by the Court. The APARTMENT FOR RENT APARTMENT fOR RENT tv \1\[2.l

DEADUNE: 12:00 noontheday priorto ~bItc:atIon EEK & MEEK®by Howie Schneider e~ij !M ;;;;;g;;g;gp liM9FP£fMSirifi;;g CROSSWORD PUZZLER NOTE: If some reason your advertisement Is Incorrect. call us FAr -X)~s 1HI/oJ Immediately to make the necessary correcsors. The Marianas fRQ'vI M(fJC:JS Variety News and VIews Is responsible only for one Incorrect A~ V£R:( HARD 'VTAKE. ACROSS command Insertion. We reservethe right to edit. refuse. reject or cancel any 35 Louie­ • • 1 Sorrows 36 Sail Answer to Previous Puzzle ooot an time. 5 Actor Voight 37 Amiss 8 Amphibian 38 Judge 40 Gnaw 4 COOK - High school grad., 2 years 1 ARCHITECT - College grad., 2 years 12 Angers 1 BEAUTICIAN 1 WELDER, ARC 13 Yes (Fr.) 41 Martin 10 experience. Salary: $2.75-$4.25 per experience. Salary: $1,4600per month. Employment Wanted 1 ELECTRICIAN 1 PAINTER 14 - Scott 43 "Thelma & 1 MASON - High school gmd., 2 years hour. 1 GENERALHELPER(MAINTENANCE Contact: DEV. & ASSOCIATES, INC., 15 Opp. of SSW Louise" star experience. Salary: $2.75 per hour. 1 STORE SUPERVISOR- High school WORKER) P.O. Box 3353, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. 16 Readyfor (inits.) 44 Foremost 1 CIVIL ENGINEER - College grad., 2 grad., 2 years experience.Salary:$700 1 SECURITY GUARD - High school No. 234-6187(5126)F/19320. action (2 wds.) 45 Fulfill years experience. Salary: $700-$900 per month. equiv.,2 yearsexperience.Salary:$2.75 5 RESTAURANT WAITRESS - High 3 WAITRESSES - High school grad., 2 18 Anglo-Saxon 47 Sister per month. per hour. school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ years experience. Salary: $2.75-$2.95 money 49 Frosting Contact: NICANOR A. BOCAGO dba Contact: RENATO G. AZUCENAS dba 51 Container ary: $2.75-$4.24 per hour. per hour. 19 Prosecutor Bocego Enterprises, P.O. Box 744, Myra'S Trading, Const., & Manpower (abbr.) 52 Again 1 (DEPUTY)MANAGER-Collegegmd., Saipan,MP96950.Tel.No.234-5232(51 Contact: VANO ENTERPRISES INC. Service, P.O. Box 2576, Saipan, MP Contact: DIAMOND HOTEL CO., LTD. 20 Bakery 54 Before dba Kinpachi Restaurant(1) & (2),P.O. dba Saipan Diamond Hotel, P.O. Box 2 years experience. Salary: $2.75 per 19)F/19242. 96950.Tel.No.234-3193(5126)F/19318. goods (prefix) hour. Box 89, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 86, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. 234­ Garfield ® by Jim Davis 21 Printer's 55 Center Contset:ROYALFAME SILK COLLEC­ 4 SHIPFITIERS - High school grad., 2 234-69OO(5/19)F/19236. 5 CLUBHOUSE GUEST ATIENDANT 5900 ext. 278.(5/26)F/2538. measure 56 - dreams TION INC., P.O. Box 741, Saipan, MP 23 Affirmative 57 Legal matter years experience. Salary: $2.75-$3.00 3 FRONT DESK CLERKS JU=T BE.AUTII=UL! DON'r EVER © 1995 United Feature Syndicate 96950.Tel.No.234-7367(5119)F/19234. 20 SECURITY GUARD· High school 1 MECHANIC, GOLF COURSE MAIN­ CHANCi'E, AND I MEAN I,! reply 58 Longings per hour. LAND FOR LEASE 55 YEARS 24 Cultivates grad.,2years experience.Salary:$2.75­ TENANCE LOVE. YA! &OODNIGH'f! ••• Contact: SEABRIDGE MICRONESIA 26 Praying DOWN 6 On the­ (hyph.wd.) 1 GENERALMANAGER-Collegegmd., INC., Puerto Rico,,Saipan, MP 96950. $3.50 per hour. 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 years 3,000 square meters vacant lot figure (unfriendly) 16 Lubricates 7 TV's Peeples 17 -up 2 years experience. Salary: $3,500­ Tel. No. 322-7348(5119)F/19240. Contact:JOSEPHINEM. BENAVENTE experience. Salary: $4.00 per hour. Water, Power & Sewer available 28 Garr and 1 - sprint $4,500 per hour. dba Island ProtectionService,P.O. Box 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 infront ofChalan Piao Road. Hatcher 2 Elaborately 8 Football feat (refresh) Contact: CHANGSHIN RESORT 2521, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No.234­ years experience. Salary: $1,300 per 29 35th pres. 3 Wide shoe (abbr.) 20 Ballet 1 CASHIER - High school grad., 2 - $48.00 per square meter movement SAIPANCORP. dba Hotel Riviem Re­ 7981 (5111 )TH/19049. 30 Lubricate size 9 Gold (Sp.) years experience. Salary: $2.75 per month. 10 Exposure 22 Mother, sortSaipan,CallerBoxAAA 928,Saipan, 234-6025 I 55'10 32 - Sommer 4 Stone 10 hour. Contact: SAlPAN LAULAUDEV'T.INC. to air 25 Irritated MP 96950. Tel. No. 235-2111(5119)F/ 30 SECURITY GUARD - High school dba LaoLao Bay Golf Resort, PPP 1020 .. 33 Torrid 5 Tom or Contact: VICENTE R. & MARILOU R. 34 Horse Grace 11 WWII event 26 Frequently 19232. CAMACHO dba Camacho Enterprises, grad.,2yearsexperience.Salary:$2.75­ Box 10000, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. RENTAL AGENT (poet.) CallerBox271, PPP,Saipan,MP96950. $3.50 per hour. 256-8888(5/26)F/19317. 27 Not at all 28 Decimal base 1 MANAGER, TRAVEL AGENCY ­ Tel. No. 235-0245(5119)F/19239. Contact: ANTONIO A. BENAVENTE Hertz Rent-A-Car Company is seeking College grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ dbaBenavente Security Agency, P.O. energetic, people oriented ifldividuals as 29 Chore ary: $1,000-$3,400 per month. Box 2521, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. ALCOHOLIC Rental Agents. Typing required, must be 31 Fall behind 3 CORRUGATE COMBINING MA­ 33 That man Contact: GUAM TOKYO EXPRESS, CHINEOPERATOR- Highschoolgrad., 234-7981(5/11)TH/19048. . ANONYMOUS able to work shifts/weekends. Multi­ PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz LinQual capability aplus. Apply at Airport. 34 Singing bird INC.,P.O.Box1940,Saipan,MP96950. 2 years experience. Salary: $2.75 per 36 "The Return 1 PAINTER - High school equiv., 2 MEETS Call 234-8336 Tel. No. 234-7987.(5119)F/19229. hour. ofthe-" years experience. Salary: $3.75 per IT DOESN'T I-lAVE ANLf Contact: NICK'S & MICHAEL'S COR­ The Saipan Group ofAlco­ WHAT KIND OF 37 Tory's foe PORATION, P.O. Box 1219, Saipan, hour. A NOVEL DO PEOPLE IN IT ~ ALL IT 39 For example Accountant Contact: SAlPAN SUNSET CRUISE, (abbr.) MP 96950. Tel. No. 234-3311(5I19)F/ holics Anonymous meets ~A5 ~ INC., PPP 623, Box 10000,Saipan, MP '(DU CALL THIS? IS SIX D065 40 Walking 19237. every Monday, Wednesday, 1 ACCOUNTANT - College grad., 2 96950. Tel. No. 234-8230(5/11)TH/ sticks 41 Crackle years experience. Salary: $900 per 2 COOK - High school equiv., 2 years 2337. Friday and Saturday at 7:00 42 Best Actor of month. experience. Salary: $2.75-$3.00 per p.m. at the Kristo Rai 1936 1 INTERPRETER - High school grad., Contact: WORLD WIDE CORP. dba hour. Church Social Hall Kitchen 44 Bog World Tour & Travel, PPP 305, Saipan, Contact: MARU ICHI, INC., Caller Box 2 years experience. Salary: $3.00 per 45 Mend socks 46 Prospectors' MP 96950. Tel. No. 233-36oo(5119)F/ AAA - 230, Saipan, MP 96950.Tel. No. hour. in Garapan, across from the 3 WAITRESS - High school equiv., 2 finds 2514. 287-6278(5119)F/19184. Horiguchi Building. If you years experience. Salary: $2.75 per 48 Fiber cluster haveadrinking ordrugging 50 Lite-savmq 4 ACCOUNTANTS - College gmd., 2 4 COOK - High school grad., 2 years hour. procedure years experience. Salary: $800-$1,400 experience. Salary: $2.75-$4.25 per Contact: PACIFIC OCEAN CORP. problem call 234-51 00 and (abbr.) (USA) dba Flower King Karaoke, PR per month hour. they will put you in contact STELLA WILDER 51 Mr. DiMaggiO Contact: PACIFIC SEINO ASAHI AVIA­ 1 STORE SUPERVISOR - Highschool 103, Box 10004, Saipan, MP 96950. 53 You and I TION, INC., PPP-318 Box 10000, Tel. No. 233-8866(5111)TH/19045. with someone who might 55 - Young grad., 2 years experience. Salary:$700 Recycle Saipan,MP96950.Tel.No.234-3600(51 ) per month. be able to help. 19)F/2513. 1 BOAT MECHANIC - High school YOUR BIRTHDAY 5 RESTAURANT WAITRESS - High gmd., 2years experience.Salary:$3.00 school grad., 2 years experience. Sal­ .r------·---·------.tl.t'¥: .$2.75-$4.24(5I19)F/19236. per hour. Contact: TAKASHI S. TAGUCHI dba 1 COOK - High school grad., 2 years 1 WELL DRILLER - High schoolequiv., Sea Cove, P.O. Box 157, Saipan, MP experience. Salary: $2.75 per hour. 2 years experience. Salary: $900 per 96950. Tel. No. 322-1531 (5/26)F/ By SteDa Wilder tomorrow, find your birthday and could have trouble telling right Contact: FAR EASTERN GENERAL month. 19327. Born today, you are one of the read the corresponding para­ from wrong. MERCHANDISEdba Diamond Chinese most thoughtful, introspective, and graph. Let your birthday star be SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ­ Contact: ROY ALEXANDER dba I-IERE'S A JEWEL OF A PUZZLE. USE Restaumnt, P.O. Box 1147, Saipan, MP Alexander Well Drilling Company. P.O. 1 MARINE SPORT SUPERVISOR ­ at the same time daring individu­ your daily guide. Your reasons for doing what Tl-IE CLUES TO HELP YOU !="ILL IN ~E 96950.Tel. No.234-8188(5112)F/19160. Box 3709, Saipan, MP 96950. Tel. No. High school grad., 2 years experience. als born under your sign. You are SATURDAY. MAY 13 you've been doing these days may 234-S117(5119)F/19235. Salary: $1,200-$1,850permonth. Bilin­ fascinated by anything out of the TAURUS ' Salary: .~ Contact: DELUXE ENTERTAINMENT 1 GENERALMANAGER-Collegegmd., day oj 1995 and the Add one colorto your newspaperad and sales . TODAY'S SPORTS: On this day in ©l995 NEWSPAPER ENTERPIUSE ASSN. will really take off. In fact. when you use one color '( CORP. dba Hula Hut, P.O. Box 1031, 2 years experience. Salary: $3,500­ •••it's your choice 54th day of spring. • •••• 1955, Chicago Cub Sam "Toothpick" $4,500 per month. Guaranleed This Passover was the first to be cel­ sales will Increase an average of 43%. Call us Saipan, MP96950.Tel. No.235-7171(51 TODAY'S HISTORY: On this day in Jones tossed a no-hitter - the first in today to place your ad and get sales flying 12)F/19153. Contact: CHANGSHIN RESORT . Wrigley Field in 38 years. ebrated in cyberspace. The Union of SAIPAN CORP. dba Hotel Riviera Re­ CONFIDENTIAL 1937, the coronation of King George American Hebrew Congregations pre­ 1 MAINTENANCE- High school gmd., sortSaipan,CaJlerBoxAAA928,Saipan, • VI was the first radio broadcast heard TODAY'S QUOTE: "Our similarities sented an on-line seder via the Prodi­ '¥ariet~ 2 yearsexperience. Salary: $3.25 per MP 96950. Tel. No. 235-2111(5I19)F/ • around the world. are different." - Infielder Dale Berra, gy service, followed by a discussion on tlJarianas on father Yogi hour. 19232. • FREE TESTING TODAY'S mRTHDAYS: Edward Lear the meaning and relevance of the hol­ Tel. 234/6341/7578/9797· FAX 234-9271 ~ . CofUct ADECINTERNATIONAL,PPP •• IIWIE NEWSPAPER) • <1812-1888), humorist; Florence TODAY'S WEATHER: On this day in iday, which celebrates the exodus of « • 581.Box loooo,~, MP ~5O. Tel. 234·5100· 24 HOURS Nightingale 0820-1921>, nurse; Dante 1971, dust storms near Casa Grande, Jews from bondage in Egypt. No. 235-7031 (5/12)F/19021. 58-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- MAY 12, 1995 FRIDAY ,MAY 12,1995 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-59 tourney, Remington Club pool hall., I Baseball owners plan nextm.ove Sports'Date Garapan Tyson's ranking stirs controversy May 21,Sunday and settle unfair laborpractice com­ Star game if'OWilers don't agree in imp~ By RONALD BLUM By HAL BOCK Holyfield said. sounding swprised at Foreman, wasn'tvery with 6 p.m Lite-Chemiboy billiard tourney, PUBLIC NOTICE ITASCA,Dlinois (AP) - U.S.Major plaints against theteams. advance to make a pension payment NEWYORK(AP)-Thenewshitthe ihenews."Really?' Tyson'slofty fight-free ranking. May 13,Saturday Owners met for six hours in this BIFBL:6p.m.BudLightvsBudweiser, Chemiboy poolhaIl, Dandan League baseball players and team 'This is unprecedented. I've been heavyweights like athunderbolt After Really. . .'Tyson wasa fo~ to~ n;cko?e:d May23,Tu~ Chicago Suburb Wednesday todiscuss through sevenotherwork stoppages," ~ '~eally, sn?tri~tbecause~~u' ~ ~go, 8 p.m,01' Acesvs.Sharks owners havebeenholding secrettalks three years inprison and with fights _ it' WIth fouryears hesaid. This is 7 p.rn.. Budweiser-Remington 8-ball This to inform the general publicthat KO, to see if they can ensure the 1995 theirnext movein the labornegotia­ acting commissionerBudSelig said of po~tlCS, y~ May 13,14,Saturday to Sunday sinceJune,l99l,MikeTysolllsranked looking at a situation of four later. tourney, Remington Club pool haIl, season will be playedto conclusion tions, withsomeadvocating areturn to fan anger. 'The bestwaytorepair the No.1bytheWBC,onestepawayfrom Holyfield said. "Hehasn'tbeeninbox- leWiS. and Moorer launch come- 5th Annual Tennis Classic Tourna­ Garapan the salary cap.They didn't makeany damage is to havea long-term agree­ champion OliverMcCall. . . ingin three y~. He should haveto backs With fights on a douJ:'leheader ment doubles event Dial 233-0508, ELLEN HOI LUN is no longer May 28,Sunday decisions, anddidn't seta dateforthe ment" "Itjust shows how much politics fight somebody m the top 10 to get card at th<: AR~O Arena in S~- 322-3393,235-9441 for more infor­ 6p.rn.. Lite-Chemiboy billiard tourney, connected with MARIANAS Saipan ... resumption of talks with the union, PeterJaspan oftheMilwaukee law and racketeering playa big part in ranked. It's sad." mento, .CalifornIa o~ Saturday. LeWiS mation. whichbrokeoffMarch30. May 14,Sunday Chemiboy poolhaIl, Dandan Continued from page 60 finnFoleyandLardner hasbeen han boxing"saidLennox Lewis wholost MichaelMoorer,whobeatHolyfield faces LIOnel Butlerin a 12-round bout GARMENTMANUFACTURING, "We spentmostof thedaydiscuss­ &ingthesewem~t~ons,ac thewEC titletoMcCall. ' for the WBA and IBF heavyweight and. Moorer.is set for a lo-rounder 6 p.rn.. Lite-Chemiboy billiards tour­ May 30, Tuesday Umatac managed tohita three-pointer ing how to get fans back," Colorado cording tolawyers involvedinthetalks ''Is he No. 1T' ex-champ Evander titles and then lost them to George agamst Melvin Foster. ney,Chemiboy poolhall,Dandan 7 p.rn.. Budweiser-Remington 9-ball INC. effective April 16, 1995 andthatwasit,"Rangamar said RockieschairrnanlerryMcMonissaid. The National Labor Relations Board May 16,Tuesday tourney, Remington Club pool haIl, Rangamar has observed the first ''We knowthatgetting thelaborissue filed a pairof complaints against the Anderson saidNo. 23 used to soar Bulls104,Magic94 7 p.rn.. Budweiser-Remington 8-ball Garapan Umatae-SaipanYouth match-upclsely resolved is a largepartofthat" teams. likea"spaceshuttle,"whileNo.45revs ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -Wearing in his team's preparationa to capture Theaverage attendance isoffabout Oneaccuses themoffailing tomake Bulls ... added his old number, Michael Jordan was Continued from page 60 upbutdoesn'treallytakeoff. He wi1allig~~I1if~~;~I~ ~sstati$tics .' Any business transaction entered into theelusive crown. 18percent thisseasonfromlastyear's a dlrs7.8 million last Aug. 1 to the thathefeelsalotmoreconfidenttrying backplaying likehisoldself. Jordan .•...... • 'They (Umatac) wereplaying afast final average. Sponsors andadvertisers union's benefits plan. The other time friend whocontained Jordan de­ todefendJordan nowthan hedidwhen brought No. 23 out of retirement gameandItoldmyplayers-knowing are nervous the union may walk out accusesthemofattempting toelimi fensively in the opener, latersaidthe Wednesday night, scoring 38 points ment<> Jordan, 32,was28or29 years old. :',~ by and between any individual for firms wehadtheheightadvantage-toslow again, eventhough owners thinkplay­ nate free-agent bidding and salary Bullssuperstarisnotthesameplayerhe "Idon'tknowifthosecommentshad and controlling the action in the Chi­ :<.. ::< .:. ' itdownandsetaplayforourtall guys," ers are unlikely to strike. They also arbitrationbefore an impasse in bar­ . wasbeforeheleftthesportafterleading anything to do with it," Hallam said. cago Bulls' 104-94 victory over the and KG, ELLEN HOI LUN, shall' not be Rangamar added. worry players won'tappear intheAll- gaining. . Chicago to a thirdconsecutive NBA ''Maybehejustwanted theoldSuper­ Orlando Magic. Pct; As planned, Abong Camacho, Ed title in 1993. mancape back." . He hit l1-of-13 shots in the second After thechampionship match, the fd® honored by MARIANAS GARMENT Diaz,andJessDelaCruztookcenter­ The pressure of the gameallowed halftosendtheBulls hometoChicago 1.000 .. stage in the crucial moments of the DelaCruzto connect onlyone outof Umatae cagerscould not keeptheir SSA slow-pitch night league witha I-I splitintheirbest-of-7 East­ '~800 .., .. ," MANUFACTURING, INC. secondhalf executiing offensive and threewhich gaveachance fortheregu­ bitterness overthedefeatSeveral play­ ernConference semifinals. ersfromtheconqueredteamshedtears...... ·..D;-.,' defense plays inadvancing theirteam. lationtimevictoryfortheformercham­ (first round schedule) ''Hefeltlikehehada good rhythm," \~Ut)?:H~U: "Abong Camacho hit 6-for-6 from team. 'They reallycried andthey vowed to .' " pion ~BudBoyz Scottie Pippen said. ''Hefinally settled May 20 Siurday 4.CPI PateOOs - , .. > thefield whileDelaCruzandDiazdid But the first matchuncovered the getbackthetitlenextyear," Rangamar Jure 13 Toosday 1.UIC amm-IUl~hn9ls in." .. keyblockshots that helped theteama weakness of theformer champions saidinclosing. 2.TIlITlAIrrosl- TooesFl1l2IJS l.MTC-TIlITlTcr,oota Pippen, whocombined withJordan The Management lot Thesethree scored mostinthefirst ''I am really happyforhaving real­ Before thetitle drought, theHawks 3.IIlIT1Tcr,oota- ~Wiroei 2.Hij&RlIl-P&JSlxPil:ks HoIreIlllT1 00firstcoltIM 4.P&J Six Pil:ks- SlMir BUIets 3.Joeloo SlUlJlP5 - UIC lldmpm May 23 Toosday points, andToniKukocand SteveKerr "'''''''''')'''''''')' MARIANAS GARMENT MANUFACTURING, INC, 1.TIlITlPelelkJ-BudIcll Jure 15 1lIJrsday , . team year. What motivated us really were thelastto winthetitle in 1990. IbrOO' 2g:ms- 1:3:> p.m. l...klstlorllll-Te 2.Roots - BOOtoeIser Bud Ba;z eachadded II. nm 2.Con'lla:: IsIams - Roots MostoftheHawks players arenow IbrOO' 4g:ms- g.3l pm 3.WildThirl;J- Hij&Roo . '.' ".',~...... forged anovertime initsfirstclash with those fouryears of title drought Our 3.Hit &RlIl-SlIYefBaIets , May 2. Toosday 4. CPI Panms - MTC in the amateur league, with some of 4.MTC - SlIMidlre Umatac. trophy isforthosewhotried before but Bt.d LigllAmilJlS - Tcr,oota May 25 1lIJrsday SaiIJill WiMfi PIs_Ave.·.··,.· 1. tem Jure 11 Siurday themintheTahiti-bound South Pacific 2.Torres Frrezer;: P&JSIx Pil:ks 1.c:orrca: IsIams - MTC Withfiveseconds remaining, Dela unfortunately failed to achieve their 1.CPI PateOOs - TIlIT1 Tcr,oota Liberation Day INVITATION FOR BID Games. (Sony Daleno) 3.BOO.Ieiser - SlM:bre Wiroei 2•.AJSllorllll-Hij&RlJtI Cruzmanaged tohookafoul fromone goal," Rangamar said. 4.Bod Ire- SlMir Ballets 3.N 2.teanPeIeIiu - Torres Fl1l2IJS 1.UIC DeIenOOrs - CPI PateOOs must meet the "Buy America" Requirement. BidSpecification is now by the support of the International 2.rem ,lJrrosI- Wild Thi.... recordintheshot-putevent, and28Min 4.Bu:l Ire-Jusl fortun 3. c:orrca: isIm!ls- CPI Panms field. Puacompeted inthe 100M and100M 4.Just Illrl1li-Wild ThIng 3.Joeloo SlUlJlP5 -ROOs available at the PSS Procurement Office, LowerBase, Saipan. Bids AmateurAthleticFederation. (AAPD) May 9. Toosday 4.0FSPidm-TIlITlPsleliu discus throw. 1.TorresFrrezer;-Bu:l1re Jure 1 1lIJrsday Trophies and prizes will be are now being accepted by the PSS Procurement & Supply Office hurdle. 1.TflITIChBlus-Hij&Roo Jure 24 Siurday 2.BufUitI •Bubnn.g~fll.oniesilv~r fortheSaipan squad thatended itstitle posed ofPanther'sEd Diaz (forward), 'SIXTEEN"year,-old Glen Nunez sistant coachDennis White after com- Wabol expressed his.thanks to brought home a silver medal from petingalsointhe3CXXlandI5OOeve,ntS. thewifeof Reno"GrandsIanuner theOceania track andfield compe- Themeetwasatrackandfield event Celis" forbeing themother ofteam tition heldin Rarotonga,· CookIs- forcompetitors under18years ofage. during the delegation's off island landsrecently. Fiji andNotfoIk wonthegoldand. stint, Nunez, a student from Marianas bronze, respectively, inthe steeple "SheSolicitedfundsforthegroup, HighSchool and1994MVB Tour- chase. madesurethateverythingwasalright ismAyudafun ron topfinisher, won Nunez finished fifth place in the with alI the CNMl runners, like silverinthe2000steeplechaseevent 3CXXl eventwhich was wonbyGuam. wakingupontime, sight-seeingand while four ofhis teammates posted He finished sixth place in the 1500 video-taping the events," Wabol newrecords invarious track events event said. intheOceania meet. OtherCNMIteam delegates were. Guerreroccmpetedinthe ICXXlM Nunez came backfrom CookIs- Jessica De Leon Guerrero, Sidro and200MeventCelissawactionin landsearlythisweek:withheadcoach Tebuteb, WaynePua, Renee Celis and the200M and400M event and Community andCulturaI Af- hermotherRitawhohelpedraise.funds Tebuteb.competed in the shot- fairs community sports and recre- for thegroup's uniform, meals, and put.discussandjavellnevents.while arion director LouieWabol, and as- ground transportation.· Continued on page 58 PBA: Budweiser beats Fun & Games BUDWEISER edged Fun& Games, Fun & Games gave Budweiser a Thefate ofthethird game rested with 2.5-1.5, in the position round of the hefty plus6marks(60pins) oneachof the anchor (fifth) players as Zapanta PBAlBudweiser Bowling League's thethreegames.Thisdidnotseemtobe wastasked withprotecting a I-pin lead 13th Season. The victory pushed a handicap in the first game for the forFun & Games. Zapanta rolled two Budweiserjustahalfgamebehind Fun defending champions asthey beatthe strikes,butNardsGemalebuckedpres­ & Games in the standings after 12 Beermen, 930-909. Rene Cabigao surebykeeping pace with twostrikes weeks ofplay. rolled fourstrikes inarowontheway ofhisown. Zapanta, then got8pins on toa210gameforthedefendingchamps. histhirdbaIl, while Gemale knocked 9 Taga Classic winners Budweiser, however, wasnottobe pinstoendthethird game ina 988-tie. outdoneastheycamebackstrong inthe Budweisertook theseries point with TIlE WINNERS of the PacificIs­ second game with a 1046-949 routof ahighertotal,2943-2867,DeIFlorendo, lands Club Taga Classic Body­ thechamps. JunFidelino rolled a 211 coming back with a 554-pin series. game for the Beerrnen, While Ross Nards Gemale andJunFidelino sup­ LosAngelesDodgersrookie Hideo Nomo windsup topitch to the San building championship were the following: Zapanta's231 forFun& Games proved ported Florendo with 524and5I3 se­ Francisco Giantsduring the first inning, Tuesday, at San Francisco's notenough. ries, respectively. Ross Zapanta and Candlestick Park. Nomo is makinghis Major Leaguedebut, being the LoriBachmanwonfirst placein Inthethird game, Budweiserimme­ Rene Cabigao ledFun & Games with firstplayer to go fromthe Japaneseprofessionalleagueto themajors the women's open, Mon Romero diately went to work and led by as 592and543, respectively. in the U.S. (AP Photo by Paul Sakuma) baggedthemen's overallcategory, much as eightmarks (approximately Onlanes 3&4,MagnolialceCream Jordan dons retired number John Davis emergedthe winnerin 80pins) in thethirdframe. However, thrashed Mark Shark, 4-0 (1018-979, the men's heavyweight category, F&G, knownfortheirexplosive lineup, 1003-853,964-882, and 2985-2714), Mon Romero won the men's found therange andwas justonemark and advanced to third place, just two behind going into thetenth frame. games behind Fun &Games. Bulls spoil Magic, 104-94 middleweight category, while Ed By FRED GOODALL Orlando's Nick Anderson, a long­ Fun&Games grabbed thelead after Little known Rene Vasquez rolled a Amisola bested other contestants C1bigaorolledthreestrikesandFidelino sixbaggerinthefIrst gameandprovided ORLANDO, Florida (AP) - No.23 in the bantamweightcategory. returned to the Chicago Bulls on Continued on page 59 opened at the top of thetenth frame. Continued on page 58 Wednesday night Michael Jordan, theunlikely goatof Chicago's94-91lossinGame I oftheir Eastern Conference semifinal with Orlando, notonly showed upforGame 2 determined to redeem himself but wearing thejersey theBulls retired last faIl. When theseven-time National Bas­ ketball Association scoring champion cameoutofretirement with 17games left in the regular season, Jordan re­ launched his career in No. 45. The decision pull outNo. 23caught many bysurprise, "Idon'tknow whyhedidit,"Bulls spokesman TimHallam said. ''I'm as­ suming hefeels more comfortable. He didn't sayanything about it tome." Jordan was held to 19points on 8­ for-22 shooting and committed two l~ crucial turnovers intheclosing seconds The. CNMI.delegation totheJ'!nior f'acific Oceaniatrackandfieldmeet.Fromleft,the team's 'mother'RitaCelis,Jessica DeLeon Guerrero, Renee ofGame IonSunday. Thelast mistake I Cells, assls~ant ~oach Den,?ls White, steeple chaseevent silver medalist Glen Nunez, Sidra Tebuteb, Wayne Pua, and head coachand sports cx:cw:roo after hepassed upapotential and, recreatl,?n director LOUIe WaboldUfing a stop-overin New Zealand. Rightphoto, Nunez, in dark shorts, keeping abreast with otherrunners winningshot, dUfln{J practice run In Cook Islands. (Photo by Louie Wabol) tJv[arianas %riety;~~ Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 G&) P.O. Box 231 Sa/pan. MP 96950 • Tel. (670) 234-6341 ·7578 • 9797 Fax: (670) 234-9271 We have a large selection of rings, Baht Chain bracelets, chains, pendants and more in gleaming 14k, 18k, 22k and 24k gold. This is a perfect opportunity to purchase a gift for that special some­ one or even treat yourself to a treas­ $ 230 per "baht" ure of your own at a price that is the lowest on Saipan. Come by and Plain baht only. Limited browse our selection, but hurry, at to stock on hand. these prices they won't last long. 000

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