DIR:ECTORY.] SHROPSHIRE. ASTON BOTIERtLL. ASTLEY is a chapelry, in that part of the parish of St. yearly value- £150, in the gift of the trustees of Shrewsbury Mary which is within the limits of Shrewsbury, I mile south School, and held since x88j by the Rev. Arthu-r George east from Hadnall station on the Shrewsbury and Crewe Brooke, of St. Bees. Astley House is the residence of Thomas branch of the London and North Western railway, 4l miles William Trouncer esq. lord nf the manor and principiii land nortb-JJort.h-east from Shrewsbury, in the Northern division owner. The aotl is mixed ; subsoil, clay. The chief aops .of tl\~ count.y, Mbrighton petty sessional division, Atcham are wheat, barley, o~ts and turnips. The area i& !f,t68 -union, Shrewsbury county court district, rural deanery of acres ; rateable value, £2,675 ; the population in 188r was W em, archdeaconry t:>f Salop and diocese of Lichfield. The 101136. ~hurch of St. Mary is a building of stone in the Norman Parish Clerk, George Halliwell .style, consisting of chancel, nave and an embattled western PoST 0FFICB. • • John Williams, receiver. Letteril arrive tower containing a clock, erected in 1837, and one bell: in from Shrewsbury at 6.45 a.m.; dispatched at 6.30 p.m\. -the south wall is a Norman arch, now blocked, a window Hadna.ll is the nearest money order & telegraph otliee with the date 1568 over it, and a lO<'ker : the church was Endowed School, built in 1830, for so children; average -...estored in 1883, when it was new-roofed and reseated, at a attendance, 38; endowed with about £t5 yearl~1 , paid by cost of £350.
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