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my R.1.A: designa.t$olbnpmpell&i me. I’m allmys trying to @pre out today what will happen tomorrow m the financial market- place, constantly faced with the challengeof mddq decis-ions on miltions of dollars of Commco’s bornwings and investments. Without any doubt, Ihe R.I.A! progmua instilledinme the techniques adthe cod OdC3th@X? importmt decisiqm,A@ it; all began with 3ny dec” to bwme a h4knqement Accountant. ..thebest ane I’ve ever da. The designationhas been instmental in my caseergrowthwithhCominco. I *Registered maberaof TbeSoolstJrofMamfetnent Accountantsof British Columbiapresentiy utilize the designatha RIA. Legislation to change it to CMA (Csrtuisd Mmagfwae& Aoaountan !received first reading at ehe last sitting of the British Columbia Lagish~ure.The legislative process nil1be l”&ted at the next sit$ingof the Legislature.Cumn$& the CMA designation is used by our colleagues in the rest of Cad. ~~ 2 CHRONICLE/SPRINC ~~ THE ALUMNI UBC ELECTION RESULTS CHANCELLOR LESLIE R. PETERSON, LLB'49 @mONICLE SENATE: VOLUME 41, NUMBER 1 SPRING 1987 DAVID A. ANDERSON, LLB'62 DONALDG.A. CARTER, NEWS IN BRIEF BCom'66, PhD'77 4 SANDRAC. LINDSTROM, YOU GET BACK WHAT YOU GIVE BA 71, MSc'73, PhD'85 Winner of Great Trekker Award MURRAY G. McMILLAN, LLB'81 talks about 23 yearsof service MARY LETT PLANT, BA'52 8 ELBERT S. REID, BASc'51 MICHAEL M. RYAN, BCom'53 LITERARY LUSTRE L. JOANNESTAN, BSR70, Author Ann Ireland brings national 10 MEd'81, EdD'86 recognition to campus MINORU SUGIMOTO, BA56, 10 MEd'66 GORDON A. THOM,BCom'56, THUNDERBIRD FOOTBALL MBA'58, MEd'71 THRILLER NANCY WOO, BA'69, MSc'73 On thefield or in the classroom, Both the Chancellor and Senate members will serve for threeyear terms. Complete results will appear in the UBC is awesome Summer issue. 12 LET THE CLAPPING CONTINUE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE UBC lends a hand to ensure Orpheum's rave reviews continue In the past year, the Alumni Asso- 14 ciationhas accomplished a great deal. We now have a long-range plan HAGEN ON CAMPUS in place for the Association and a At UBC and in Victoria, variety of initiatives in support of the the new ministeris a hands-on player plan have begun totake hold. 15 The Alumni Association hasspon- UBC LIBRARY sored more events than ever before and our branches have expanded to Everbody loves her butwill they make include graduates in major cities all support payments? over the world. 19 We plan to continue our partner- UBC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ship with the University in a devel- BOARD OF MANAGEMENT opmentrole and to improve our ELECTION 1987-89 close relationship with the Univer- 22 sity and faculty while continuing to maintainour autonomy as the ALUMNI ACTIVITIES Alumni Association. 25 The PublicationsBoard of The Chroniclehas played a significant CLASS ACTS role in helpingto re-examine and I 28 improve the Association. We are presently doing a communications ACTINC EDITOR: PEGGY M. BOULTER ASSDTANT EDITOR: PAULA M. HEAL auditwith a viewto keeping our COMMUNICATIONSASSOCIATE: ERIC EGGERTSON LAYOUT/DESIGN: BILL HlNE FOR DOME ADVERTISINGB C. LTD alumni better informed and increas- COVER: IMAGE FINDERS inginput from them. The Alumni PUBLICATIONS BOARD: WILLIAM B. McNULTY, BPE68. MPE70. MA'83. ELBERT S. REID, BASc'51. D. LYLE STEVENSON,EAsc'72, MW75, EX-OFFICIO DAN SPINNER Fund is continuing to grow so that ADVERTISING REPS: NATIONAL ADVERTISING REPS, VANCOUVER (604) 6886819 BOARD OF MANAGEMENT: 1987/89 more scholarshipsand bursaries can PRESIDENT: D LYLE STEVENSON.BAsc'72, MSc'75 PAST PRESIDENT WILLIAM B. McNULTY. BPE68. MPE70. MA33 be offered. It has been a rewarding MCE PRESIDENT: JOHN DIGCENS. BSc'ti8.DMD'72 year for myself and the Assocation. TREASURER: SHAYNE BRENT BOYD, BCam'BI CHAIR, U)NG RANGE PLANNING ANN McAFEE. BAti2, MA'67. PhD75 We have madea commitment to CHAIR, AUlMNI NNDJOHN DIGGENS. Bsc'68. DMD72 MEMBERS-AT.LARCE198688: DAVE FRANK,BSc'R4. MBA'86: OSCAR SZIKLAI. MF61, PhD64, BSF (SOPRON), ERIC VANCE. BA'75, MA81 keep graduates informed and up-to- EXECUTIVEDIRECIOR: DAN SPINNER date onall of the University's accom- plishments. Publishedquarterly by the Alumni Association of the Unwersrty of British Columbia. Vancouver, Canada.The copyright of all contents is registered BUSINESS AND EDITORIAL OFFICES. Cecd GreenPark. 6251 Cecil Green Park Road. Vancouver B.C. V6T 1W5, (604) 2283313. Circulatmn. 88,000 William B. McNulty, BPE'68, Subscriptions: The Alumni Chronicle is sent freeof charge to alumni of the universlty. Subscnptlonsare available to others at I IO a year In MPE'70, MA83 Canada. $15 (I" Canadian funds)elsewhere. student subscriptlons $2 ADDRESS CHANGES Send new address with old address label If wadable to Alumni Records, 6251 Cecil Green Park Road. Vancouver. B.C.V6T IW5. President, Universityof British ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED: I1 the addressee. or son or daughter who is a UBC graduate has moved, please notify UBC Alumni Records so thls magazine may be forwarded to the correct address. Columbia Alumni Association mstage pad at the Thrd Class Rate Permit No. 9648 RETURN REQUESTED. Member, Council lor the Advancement and Suport ol Education Indexed In Canadian Education Index ISSN 0824-1279 CHRONICLE/SPRING 3 NEWS IN BRIEF DEPARTMENT HEAD HONORED AT MEDICAL BALL As he sauntered to thepodium at the 34th annual Medical Ball, UBC Pathol- ogy Department head David Hardwick, MD’57, FRCP(C)’74, was given a stand- ing ovation by the 400 Medicine stu- dents, alumni and faculty at the Pan Pacific Hotel ballroom. One of the requirements for a great university is a great alumni, he said in his acceptance speech. “I am proud to accept this honor from such a great alumni,” he added. Hardwick, a popularteacher, runs the large Pathology Department, coordi- nating millions of dollars in research and laboratory services at themassive Vancouver General Hospital labs. “I like to teach,” he said earlier in an interview. “I’m basically a performer.” Born into a family of educators, he originally planned to teach school, but switched to medicine. He studied as a pediatrician, but ended up in pathology - the study of diseases. He became a pathology teacher, but ended up build- ing the Pathology Department into the biggest in Canada and oneof the best in the world. He explains that good fortune al- lowed him to lure some of the best re- searchers to UBCin the 1960s, when the low U.S. dollar and rapid expansion at the University made the Pathology Dr. David Hardwick, MD’57, FRCP(C)’74, is UBCSPathology Department Head and the Department very attractive to interna- winner of the Faculty CitationAward. Photographed in the VGH Pathology lab. tionally respected pathologists. Eric Eggertson photo. But good luck is only partof the story. Hardwick’s ability to coordinate thetal- FORMER TEACHER HONORED ents and energy of others was instru- mental in the development of the B.C. After 60 years of active membership She served aspresident of the Univer- Children’s Hospital. I‘ I just happened to with the University Women’s Club, Eve- sity Women’s Club of Vancouver in sit in thechair while otherpeople lyn Lett, BA’17,MA’26, LLD’58, has 1936. Her daughter, Mary Lett Plant, created theplace,” he says. been honored through the creationof a held thesame office from 1980-82, He put into action the ideaof creating scholarship bearing her name. making themthe only mother and a Medicine Alumni Division of the The Evelyn Lett Scholarship, which daughter to bothhold the presidency. AlumniAssociation. Now he is celebrates her 60 years with the UWC Her involvement with volunteer or- spearheadingthe construction of a and her 90th birthday, will be awarded ganizations includedthe CanadianGirls Medicine Student and Alumni Centre, to a student in women’s studies at Si- in Training, helping foundthe Salvation mon Fraser University. to be built adjacent toVGH. Army Maywood Home for Girls, the “The Faculty Citation Award singles Shetaught in Saskatchewanafter Women’s Auxiliary to Vancouver Gen- out oneperson who exemplifies the graduating from UBC. After returning ,era1 Hospital, and theVancouver Acad- high standards we set for the educators for her Master’s degree, she taught at emy of Music. of our youth,” Alumni Association presi- John Oliver High School before marry- dent Bill McNulty said in presenting the ing thelate Chief Justice Sherwood She hasreceived honorary degrees award. Lett, BA’16, LLD’45, in 1928. from both UBC and SFU. 4 CHRONICLE/SPRING NEWS IN BRIEF MAJOR DONORS THANKED The University thanked its major do- nors for their continued support at the Wesbrook Society sixth annual black tie dinner Dec. 4 at theFaculty Club. More than 350 people attended the dinner,hosted by Wesbrook Society Chairman Leslie Peterson,President David Strangway, and Chancellor Ro- bert Wyman. President Strangway and Chancellor Head table at theWesbrook Society Dinner held on December 4, 1986. Wyman singled out six donors whose recentcontributions havehelped the the University. The dinneralso provided an opportu- University continue to provide excel- President Strangway asked members nity for the Alumni Association to be- lence in education: SamuelBelzberg, of the Wesbrook Society - a group of stow an Honorary Life Membership on president and chief executive officer of more than 1,200 major donors to the NewYork hotel developerand New the First City Trust Corporation and Pe- University, to take partin the Wesbrook York Times rowing correspondent Nor- ter Wall, chairman of Wall and Redekop Leadership Awareness Program, a se- man Hildes-Heim. Association Presi- Corporation, who each donated$1 mil- ries of small forums and workshops to dent Bill McNulty lauded Mr. Hildes- lion; themany foundations, corpora- be held this year to discuss centres of Heim for the moral and financial aid he tions and individuals who contributed excellence andissues facing the Univer- as given the UBC rowing program over to a $500,000 endowment for a re- sity.