
Explained in 60 Seconds: 60 Seconds

Explained in Explained in The horizon and the fate of fish

Clementine Cheetham Keywords Pioneer Productions, UK , holes, analogy, [email protected]

Every time a physicist says the words “event If spacetime is like a river, spacetime at a kip to swim faster than the speed of flow, it horizon” a fish dies. It’s not nice and it’s not is like that river flowing over a will swim merrily away. However, once the fair, but there we are. waterfall. Everything moves through space­ water flows over that crest and plummets time, wriggling through the spatial ele­ down towards the base of the falls, our lit­ We should perhaps expect a certain maso­ ments and following traditionally straight tle fishy is beyond redemption. It will never chism in the type of person who chooses to paths through time. That includes , be able to swim fast enough through the dedicate their life to studying something so our precious bringer of information about flow to get back up. impenetrable as black holes and the fact is the Universe. Like a fish swimming down a that no physicist has ever explained why a river, light travels in a straight line through That’s the event horizon. Outside, light black hole is black without using the same spacetime, oblivious to the larger pattern can escape the black hole’s pull — flying fish-killing analogy. An analogy that I will, that guides its journey. faster than spacetime flows into the hole. with wild abandon and an almost sadis­ But inside, spacetime “falls” faster than light tic lack of concern for fish-kind, share with As the river speeds towards the sheer cliff travels. Escape is denied — and the result? you now. face perhaps the fish realises that it’s meant An area in space we can’t see, and several to be at dinner upstream. If it’s above the very, very, dead fish. crest of the waterfall and in good enough

Figure 1. Artist’s impression of a black hole. Credit: ESA, NASA and F. Mirabel (the French Atomic Energy Commission & the Institute for and Space Physics/Conicet of Argentina)

4 CAPjournal, No. 16, December 2014