The Daily Egyptian, April 20, 1989
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC April 1989 Daily Egyptian 1989 4-20-1989 The aiD ly Egyptian, April 20, 1989 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 75, Issue 139 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, April 20, 1989." (Apr 1989). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1989 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in April 1989 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Thursday. April2J. 1989. Vol. 75. No. 139,16 Paf:es . USS 10\"8 explosion kills 47 sailors WASHINGTON (UPI) - throug~ gun turret No.2 on the the nature of the accident and spokeswoman;;aid provide news and co....""lfo:.."t to Furty-seven sailors wet e killed front of the ship, Navy Lt. thE> explosion. President Bush, Ii World relatives. in lin explosion and fire that Cmdr. Steve Burnett said. "It's unfortunate. but this War II Navy pilot, caned the The death toll made it one of ripped through the World War Forty-seven sailors were partkuJar type of :~dent disaster a "great tragedy" thE: worst U.S. naval accidents 11 battleship USS Iowa 330 killed in the exr.:osion and tends to produce dealhs !'8ther and a "matter of terrible in ree--~t history. miles nort.hp.ast of Puerto Rico resulting fire, a Navy than injuries," he sai·i I!8dness." During a meeting at III 1967. 134 people were spokeswoman said. The The 58,ODO-ton ship Wi?t able the White House with killed aboard the aircraft ~.t:~ :CJ3:n~ ~e=~ number ot injuries to the 1,575 to maintalIl power and was congressional leaders, Bush carrier USS Forrestal off the hist.ory. sailors aboa'"Cl the ship and the never in danger of sinkihg. The &:lid he wanted "to express my coast of Vietnam when a The Iowa, modernized and p.xtent of damage were not calise of the accident was rocket flred from an aircraft recommissioned in 191W, was immediately available. unknown. ::ill:; ofes=~~ ~th~ on deck started a huge blaze. f'~LVv Lt. Cmdr. John The injured were evacuate-.! that accident." The next worst accident was in r~tC~e~~e ~'F~t!t!tla~,~ \\' oodhoose of tilt:. 2NI Flfilt br hcilicopter to the nearby Officials at the Norfolk 1963 when the submarine USS and firin~ its huge I6-inch guns said, "We don't have an exact aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea Naval Base in Virginia - the Thresher sank with 1.29 people during routine gunnery num~ on the injuries (but) for possible transport to the Iowa's home port - set up a aboard, followed by 99 dead in practice at about 10 a.m. EDT we don't antiCIpate that Roosnelt Roads Naval eou~ center and an in wilen an explosion tort. nun:.ber will be bigh because of Si.ation. Puerto Rico, a Navy formation clearinghouse to See SHP, Page 5 Clearcutting .....~.-' .-... ~.. -~-. ~ option to cut r:... · ..: ·to'!,._ ~~ fewer trees 1P. .' ByLI •• Miller Staff Writer ~,;'~7;~ Cutting smaller trees in a sca ttered pa ~tern, single tree rslection, could serve as an alternative to full-range c1earcutting, Ron Rayburn. tinJ.Jer staff officer of the u.S. ForestService, said. Single tree selection would cut trees in random places f A:r ifee instead of one large plot, Staff Pholo by Alan Hawes Ravburnsaid I' ''''ram'lata and o\hen \ Hot plate at Ul#l forest won't be able \0 Bee the cut trees," Rayburn A voIIeyba)I oourt near Schnieder Tower served as the arena Wednesday aftemoon. Surmathers SIn.dd enjoy contlooed &aid. "The larger trees will tor Brush Towers residenIs m work on their eaI1y spOng tans sunshine today. hide thP smaller ones. The lar;er ones won't be cut." On Tuesday. Rod Sallee, forest sUperv1Sor, announced tile Forest Service will U of I no replacement reanalyze the environmental effects of clearcutilllg in eight University to switctl areas of the ShaVl.nee National Forest for Halloween change The areas in question in By Jackie Spinner The Champaign party at clude: Quarrel Creek, Town Staff Writer tracts about 15,000 annually health insurance Hall, Big Ranch, Cri?p8 Bend, with U of I students making up Fairview, Hard Times, Otter The University of Dlinois 40 percent of the attendees. By ....nne Bickler William Cspie, executive Salvage and Wildcat from won't put out the welcome mat Compared with about 200 Staff Writer director of persormel ser Pope, Alexander, Jackson and for Carbondale Halloween arrests m?de during Car vices. said at Wednesday's Hardin counties in Southern partiers if the anDual University employees and Administrative Staff bondale's celebration, Only 14 their dependents IUinois. celebration is canceitd. people were arrested last year Professiooal Constituency automatically will be meeting. An initial review of each of at the Champaign party. switched from the the areas showed the clear Even without organizers or CarleCare Health Main See H5URANCE, Page 5 cuttir.g would have been en sponsorS of the Champaign tenance Organization to the event, the street party bas vi::onmentally safe, Sallee .... e are not interested in Quality Health Care plan OIl Gus Bode said. remained in control-witA little .T.llvi. having anyone from out of violence. Something has However, the Regional town coming in to the cam Tile CarleCare HMO. worked for Champaign that which bas been the primary !"orest Servip.e was not PU->," U of I Dean of Students hasn't worked for Carbondale. satisfied with the initial Wi.lfu.m L. Riley said. health organization for the revie"" Sallee said. The The Carbondale City Council In 1986, the Champaign and University. recenUy asked standards set by the National di.sc1.'SSed ending the noblrious Urbana city councils passed an the lllinois ~lature for a Environmc!1tal Policy Act Halloween par:.y at its meeting ordinance banning cans and $10 office visIt ~e aDd require the Fu."CI>t Service to Tuesday night. bottles from the celebration. an increased ~ rate. Conservative estim&tes for come up with alternative "That has worked," Riley Gus says SIU employees methods to full-range clear Carbondale's street party put said. "The intent 9188 to c!~ d~~~ cutting. crowd totals at 20,000 dunng eliminate having missiles that that it is DOt cost efficient to only get the best benefits, or' the second night of the stay in Southern !llinois, whaIeYer's cheaper. See CUT, Page 5 ooebration. See HALLOWEEH, Page 5 lliis~i~~.1 Student election tabulations undelWay COa(miningt1~ama By Mlgliel Alba double last year's official total collecting votes from the Hughes said statistics Staff Writer of 1,833 ,'otes in the polling places in a Universitv concerning the number of .revi~wed pl'f'SidentiaJ race. van she called "home With the final vote cast in baser, votes cast, where they were "We had a good voter tur where tile vuta! were kept. cast and who the votes were Wednesday's Undergraduate nout." she s~jd. "We have a Although the voling process Student Governmp-Ilt elections, for will be provided for future big job aheJ.d fX us." went smoothly, Hughes said a referen'!e. the election commission began Commission members flbc.rtage of student trustee the painstaking job of counting began alphabetizing and ballots caused some relays at All the ballots are enciosed each individ11al ballot. verifying each individual vote some PDIling places, but the in two envelopes as part of a Debbie Hughes, election Wednesday night. A full problem was resolved by check system to assure Rgainst commissioner. said she tabulation of the results is baving emergt:ncy ballots voting fraud. 1 he votes will be estimates 3,500 students voi.ed expected by the weekf':xi, printed with the help of the k~t at the SIU-C police station in llJe ~Iec:tion. If the estimate Hug.'lef-said. Office of Student bevelop overnight, a commission ib accurate, th!S will uearly Hughes spent the day ment. member said SAlUKICURREN~NGE f7I?EAT ~~.~ LICI\S,. CHECKS CASHED WESTERN UNION ~~~~\tf~p r:!«OIl." -e.ldto.~tl • 1990 PMsenger Car ~ Motorcycle vvorl~/n_a_t_io_n__________________ ___ Renewal stickers perience For Yourself Wh • Private MaIlboxes for rent • Travelers Checks We are Now Sold In Lawyer charges R1'agan • Title &... Registration • Notary Public Grocery Stores Across The Country! Service < Money Order;> New Rt. 13 East carbcndale authorized North's work Plaza Shopping Center 606 S. Illinois, Carbondale S49-3202 WASlilNGTON lUPI) - Oliver North's lawyer, e!lding a passionate defense of the former White House aide, charged Wednesday that President Reagan authorized North's st:Cret SinglCl? Iran-Contra work then "threw him overboard to get some Wcz'rv Availablv. political peace." "The man who held lives in Illi: hand now has his me in your hands. In a sense, he's a hostage," said defe.'lSe To Do Your lawyer Brendan Sullivan. Mon-Sat 11-2:30 Wash That Is! LUNCH BUFFET $3.Y5 Drop It Off Fluff-Dry Laundry Suspected mass slayer arrested In Mexico THUR~DAY DINNER BUFFET $3.95 Service SANTA ROSA, Calif.(UPI) - A wi'lP.ry worker sought for the ~ Fresh FnJir Ra,. ~.ill!.!:;, slayings of seven peovle, including two of his young daughters, • Beef ,",,' i[h BroccoUi • Egg Roll • \\J~'crmclon was captured Wedr.esday at a raiin18d station north of the ·S .... ·L"'C( & Suur Pork .C... b Rangoon ·StrawberTiC6 hometown of his mo:her in western Mexico, authorities reported.