Fear All 34 Oil Wrecked Airliner Dead ]Sf.Y.-Miami Plane Crashes $321 Million Total Is Near Coast; Find 7 Bodies 5 Per Gent Gain for Year BOLIVIA, N

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Fear All 34 Oil Wrecked Airliner Dead ]Sf.Y.-Miami Plane Crashes $321 Million Total Is Near Coast; Find 7 Bodies 5 Per Gent Gain for Year BOLIVIA, N Far Att An IndtponcJcnr Newspaper Under Sam* Ownership mr Sine* 1878 VOLUME 82, NO. 99 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE (tUMl BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY. JANUARY e. i960 Fear All 34 Oil Wrecked Airliner Dead ]Sf.Y.-Miami Plane Crashes $321 Million Total Is Near Coast; find 7 Bodies 5 Per Gent Gain for Year BOLIVIA, N. C. < AM — Tat start Mcjkway SMrtrwl Monmouth county'i bank deposits climbed another MM KM wrtdMf t of • Ntw Yerk-rt-Mitwl tilrliatr was $16,044,269 in 1959. a year that was marked by further ftwHl •isjr btrt thh sMiislaf la • ajmttltsJ «M. Ike consolidations and extensions of bankinji Institutions. •taM IM«1 bttt) mbsiai wHh 34 pmm t*^rd. Figures released by banking executives yesterday Stvta bttJIts bt4 beta rtetvaraeJ. showed that the total oh deposit in banks of the county Tbt pttrtl saW it tJM a*t thlak thtro wtrt oay sur. Dec. 31 amounted NIWIANKIUILDIN9 — This is a sketch of tht branch office that Monmouth County National Bank will build at rs. ••,•.. •'•'.. •'..•. .• ". to Miviaj h U mKts stHthwtst tf WilmhiejItD tt) tkt $321,047,541. This com- Newman Springs Rd. and Clinton PI., Now Shrewsbury, between now and April I.' It will be Monmouth County pares with $305,003,272 a Banks Hike National's fifth building. Bernard Keiitnyi, Red Bank, is the architect. Hendrickson Construction Co. will bt tht buildtr. MIAMI (AP) - A four-engine year earlier—an increase National Airlines plane with 34 of more than 5 per cent Interest Rate ersons aboard was missing over In 19M, then had been an In- Passenger list Atlantic coastal waten today be- Expect New tween Wilmington, N. C, and cretn of about I per cent in On Savings NEW YORK (AP)-National- county deposits over 1957. Airlines today Issued this list iami, touching off a vast sea RED BANK - The directors of passengen aboard a plane and air March, Gdaa to lastitiitleas having Bank to Open down near Bolivia, N. C. than* bane tMcse ta Red lade of the Monmouth County Na- The plane "is presumed to be tional Bank decided but night Mr. and Mrs. M. Edwards, down at some point as yet un- to. increase the interest rates New York. known," a National spokesman National Baak, the cenatyt By April I R. Fried. New York. lere said. The craft carried 29 Baaklag leader, at year's end on savings deposits from 2 to J. Frank. passengers and five crew .nem- bad deposits tetaUag KMM,- J per cent, effective Jan. 1. RED BANK—Monmouth Coun- The Keansburg-Middletown ty National Bank expects to have Mr. and Mrs. M. Finklesteln. xn. MS. This was $18,714 ahead at Mr. and Mrs. V.Kay, 26 Blue- the Baal INS total tf WJOUH. National Bank which had an- a new branch office in New The giant DC(B, a night coach bird Dr., Roslyn Heights, L. I. flying from New York to Miami, But It was Mtrchants Trust nounced that,it would up its Interest rate to 3 per cent ef- Shrewsbury by April I. Mr. and Mn. H. Keller, 1301 was last heard from at 2:31 a. m. Co. that led the way in new de- This was announced yesterday Avenue N, Brooklyn. t was just south of Wilmington, posits In Red Bank. The new fective April I, advanced the effective date to Jan. 1. by George L. Bielitz, president, Mr. and Mn. Kunln, Bridge- N. C, when the pilot made a *n,M4,44J total waa . $1,S»1,3S7 port, Conn. radio check. above the 81,19J,Wiecorded at This morning, directors at who said the new building—Mon- Atlantic Highlands National Dr. and Mn. A. Lawrence, year'a end In MSB). mouth County National's fifth- Goiden's Bridge, N. Y. The pilot indicated no trouble. The past ytar saw fat number Bank: also announced a new 3 Is expected to be in operation He apparently had atarted tha per cent rate, retroactive to Mrs. Peart Merrill, New ef Monmouth county banks drop at Newman Springs Rd. and Clin- York. long over-water flight from Wil- from H to » I 'Jam; I.- "-••• ' '• ' ton PI. by that date. Adm. E, McDonald, New mington. to. Palm Beach, Fla., Only two banks out of the some 550 miles distant. A new MttatlM was ere* The new facility will offer com- York. ..•:'• 19-in Monmouth County still 1 Mrs. C. Orenstein. New York. The flight plans called for the tea; the Central Jersey BaaUtg pay 2 per cent across the board plete banking services, including *: Trust Co., with affkea la drive-in and walk-lip windows Ephriam Polio. , plane to stay near the coast from on savings deposits. Carlos Ramos. New'York to near Wilmington, FreeheM and Ltag Braacb, by It has been the custom of and a night depository. It will the ctnaaHdaitM tf the Free- be staffed by an officer and fivi Mrs. Maria Rodriguez. where the pilot could swing over most banks to pay 3 per cent Mr. and Mrs. I. Rubinstein, the ocean for the hop to Palm held Trast Ct. and the Loag on certificates of deposit for employees. Parking space will be provided for some 60 cars. New York. Beach. Weather conditions were larger sums which must be J.. Ryan, 18 Jefferson. Ave., to dictate when tht over-sea held on deposit for certain Mr. Bielitz said the board of Rockville Centre, L. I. route would be taken, periods of time. directors awarded the genenl Mr. and Mn, M. Silver, Con- About the time the plane pass-, . The resMiaing banks art the contract to Hendrickson Con- necticut. Merchants Trust Co., Red. struction Co. for the building ed Wilmington, clouds and rain tt ! Mist M. Walnstock. , , lay in its route south. However, hank as* ta» *M .Bright H» wnldrwa»;4«t)gnsd by Bernard Mr. aad Mrs. J. Schlae, tt final Bank. Kellenyl, Red Bank architect. jai^ikife^ j Brid|£tepQrti Conn* should have found clearing titles (all. Some observers believe an- All officers,of the bank, st F. Sweeting, Port Washing- Taking new. names were the nouncements as to change* in STIPPID ON WR0N9 PIDAL —A driver tttpptd on the gts pedal instead of the in starting toward Palm Beach. Mr. Bielitz, "are satisfied the ton, L. I. The plane was due to fly non- interest rates at then banks brakt padal and his car plowed into tha front of Ntisntr's Department Store, Middle- branch will satisfy a real public The crew: Belmar National opened a Wall may be expected. stop from New York to Miami, townjShoppirig Center, last night. A shopper wts hospitalized with a back injury as a need for our services." Taken Capt. Dale Southard, co-pilot arriving in Miarnj at 4:36 a. m. Township office; and Keansburg- into account, he said, was New R. L. Hantzell, engineer Rob- Middtetown Nrtfonal, Bank, the result of the crash. Dtmagt to tht stort was estimated at over $3,000. It had enough gasoline to con- Shrewsbury's rapid' residential ert Ha I leek son, stewardess tinue aloft until 7:03 a. m. ' result of Keansburg National growth and the nearness of Valerie Stuart, Levittown, N. ttblishing a.Middletown Town- on 9 thriving sections of Red Bank, Y.; stewardess Mary O'Dell, Word that the plane was miss- ship office, Car Crashes Shrewsbury and Lincrbft. 212 South Orange Ave., South ing touched off an air and tea (My three banks last year had 'Favorite Son Role Orange, N. J. hunt along tht south Atlantic lowtr deposits than In 1K7, andHearing Is In an earlier statement, Karl coast National's,, chief pilot, IntoShopping K. Baron, mayor of New Shrews- All crew members were listed In all fhrtt casts, tht tosses wen as based In Miami. Capt. C. H. Ruby, left Miami Tomorrow Goes To Governor bury, said: with a crew of sight in a twin- Atlantic Highlands National wu Center Store "We certainly appreciate the engine Convair. Hia immediate down by $140,84» to $7,738,001. MATAWAN - A state Board confidence placed in our bor- destination was unknown but ap- of Review will conduct a public TRENTON (AP) - Gov. Rob- INDEX Allentown Fanners National's de- MIDDLETOWN-A driver who ough by the Monmouth County Page parently he planned to try re- hearing tomorrow In Trenton on ert B. Meyner is now among reportedly stepped on the gas posit loss was S10.826. a drop to National Bank in locating here, Amusements IS racing the route of the DC6B. the question of separation of the Plan Board "favorite son" candidates for the instead of the brakes ..drove his and, the entire borough welcomes The Coast Guard put seven air- $4,156,662. Manasqusn National borough • township consolidated Births „ I reported deposits down $219,03,$219,033" - school Democratic presidential nomina- car into the front of Ncisner's it as a neighbor. Certainly this craft-and several surface^ vessels dml district. tion. • '•'•. • '; ' -..'• • •.•••',• Department Store in the Shopping Hal Boyle » from $8,305,774 to $8,085,841. The meeting will be held Post G&es move should accelerate our own from Miami,: Jacksonville and State: Democratic; leaders Center last night, injuring one commercial development,1 bring- Bridge IS Elizabeth City,: N. Cift ipn . the Whan Central Jersey Baaklag the state Department of Educa agreed at a meeting yesterday person and causing more than Classified 17 * Tmst Ct. was termed, tt be- tion offices starting at 10 a.m. ing new. ratables into New hunt. The N«vy dispatched four that New Jersey's 41-vote delega- $3,000 in damage.
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