Lecture Series Opens Wednesday

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Lecture Series Opens Wednesday FOB 41 AN ALL-STUDENT TEARS NEWSPAPER DO FRESHMEN ARMCHAIR GENERAL WANT GUIDANCE? FIGHTS BACK PAGE 4 THRE PAGE 4 Volume Forty-Six—Number 3 HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1958 Plavers Take Lecture Series To 'Arsenic' The Rice Players have an- Opens Wednesday nounced tryouts for their first major production of the year, Jo- "Feedback in Man, Machine, and Mathematics" is the seph Kesselring's Arsenic and title of the first of the series of lectures to be presented Old Lace, to be directed by Mrs. at the Colleges by various faculty members. The first lec- Anita Wells. ture, given by Dr. P. E. Pfeiffer of the Electrical Engineer- Performance has been tenta- tively scheduled for November 16 ing department, will be held Wednesday, October 1, at 6:45 and 17. pm in the Baker College His subject will be "The Greatest Tryouts will take place this commons. of the Fairs: The World's Col- Saturday and Sunday, September Other lectures in the umbian Exposition of 1893." 27 and 28, at 2:00 pm, in Ham- series will be given at the other English professor J. E. Conner man Hall, WHO'S THIS BIRD? This unidentified bird appears Colleges in rotation throughout will lecture at Jones on October All students interested are to be catching up on his reading in the library's magazine the year. All students, resident 14 on "The Notion of Correctness urged to attend these, tryouts, if racks. He may be looking for news of his feathered cousin, and non-resident, are invited to in Language." only for the purpose of giving "Sammy,," who has disappeared. these lectures, which will be held their names to the Players. Tips on "How to Get Rich" will regularly on Tuesdays, except People interested in backstage be advanced by M.E, professor work are in demand, too. Past STUDENT COUNCIL when another activity conflicts. ! F. R. Brotzen at Wiess on Oct- experience isn't necessary. On such occasions they will be ober 21. Students who might want to shifted to Wednesdays. j Will Rice will present English help should come to tryouts or Huff To Poll Students On Most of the lectures represent! professor J. B. Pickard on "Mor- talk to Mrs. Wells, "Jack E. Con- a glimpse into the speaker'sj ality and Modern Literature" on nor, the faculty sponsor, or one special field, with the exception j October 28. of the coordinators, Joan Field, Football Holiday Question of some instances wh^« the November 4 German professor Martin McClain, or Jack Bond. By LESLIE ARNOLD Dr. Charles King to give the in- speakers would like to consider H. Lehnert will talk on "Lan- The Players plan at least three THE SATURDAY FOOTBALL vocation at the Purdue game, and some broader aspects of academic j guage Studies as a Means to other major productions during holiday, a question of great in- a committee will be appointed to life." World Understanding" at Baker. the year: a dramatic reading, a terest, wasjdiscussed in some de- invite ministers for the remain- Hanszen hosts history profes- "Low Temperatures in Physics group oi one-act plays, ana a tail at Wednesday's Student ing games. Dr. Neilsen declined! sor E. H. Phillips on October 7. and Chemistry" will be discussed full-length Shakespeare produc- Council meeting. Dr. Simms, Ad- the Council's invitation to givej by chemistry professor T. E. tion in the spring. viser to Men, has said that he the invocations at all the home! Brackett on Nov. 11 at Hanszen. o would like a statement or pledge games on the grounds that there j SLLS Set To Do Jones will sponsor a lecture on , K. from the student body that there were other better suited by posi- j "Foreign Policy of U. S. A. by will not be a lockout in return tion. 'Peyton's Lace' (Continued on Page 2) for the stated holiday. IN A QUICK roundup of other i, "Peyton's Lace," a parody on To Be Delivered In order to make such a state- announcements, the Owl Direc- j a certain well-known book and ment truly representative of the tory should be ready by October (I movie, will be presented Thurs- Nielsen To Talk On October 15 entire student body, Pete Huff, 15, this year. ^ ]; day and Friday, .October- 9 and S.A. president, plans to present Les Greenberg reported that j! 10, in Hamman Auditorium by OWL Student Directories, pub- On Rice TV Show the situation to each of the five the architect, Harvin Moore, Sr.,,. the Sarah Lane Literary. Society. Xshed yearly by the Owen Wister | 1 said that barring a complete Di\ Nielsen, professor of phil- Literary Society, will be delivered colleges during their dinner hours The annual production of the walkout, the Student Memorial osophy, will be the principal October 15 if the printer has no | in the next few days. , SLLS, this year's musical is Center should be open by Home-1 speaker on the Rice TV pro- unforseen difficulties, according I THE RESULTS of this poll of , written by Phil Nazro and Don ; student opinion (whether it be coming this year. ! Coney, who is also the director. gram this Sunday at 2 pm on to Mary Claire Peden, editor. 1 To insure everyone's receiving for or against the agreement) The contract for printing the Kathy Pickard is the producing KTR*C-1\, as he talks and shows movies about "The University his Directory, delivery will be ! will then be reported to Dr. Sims. Campanile was awarded to Color co-ordinator. and Church in Postwar Europe." made to college boxes or rooms. He will in turn present these Pi •ess. Rice Mean Time was cor- j Tickets to "Peyton's Lace" are Dr. Nielsen, who will be aided Off campus students will pick up j results to the faculty. The faculty rected to correspond with the j 75c and will be available in the by Dr. Tsanoff, professor emeri- their Directories in the Lounge. will then actually decide whether outside world at 9:00 am, last j Student Lounge or from any tus of philosophy, as he tells Freshmen who have been un- oi not to grant the holiday. This p^ay. Annette Wicker will be member of the SLLS starting action will take two faculty meet- about the tremendous vitality he able to buy their Directories in the number nine Honoree and, September 30. j ings. found in European churches, the Lounge may purchase them Harriet Hokanson will be num-' Curtain time for both nights | It should be understood that especially in sections where those on delivery for the same price, ber ten by mutual consent. j is 8:00 p.m. a vote in favor of a holiday and attending church services are 60c. j no lock-out does not mean that liable to severe persecution by Students whose names, ad- I the faculty must grant a holiday. NOT UN1VAC BUT the Communists. dresses, or phone numbers appear However, it should influence While in Europe last year for incorrectly should go to the them in favor of a holiday. Registrar's Office and fill out a research into current attitudes on THE COUNCIL FELT that THE NEW COMPUTER HAS religion and philosohy, Dr. Niel- change of address card immedi- the student body wanted the foot- ately. The correction will be made sen examined the religious spirit ball holiday and would agree to in a Directory supplement which of students in such universities no lock-out, but they would like SOME MANIAC TENDENCIES as Hamburg, Heidelberg, and the will be distributed as soon as a "vote of confidence" before possible. By ANN DAVIS at Los Alamos Scientific Labor- Sorbonne, and found that student actually speaking for the stu- The completion of R'.co'j b:g. atory, as did the computer on participation in and interest for dents on this matter. The Coun- do-it-yourself computer is due which Dr. Graham worked at the religion there is very active. cil has recommended that if the next summer, according to Dr. Brookhaven National Laboratory Organizations holiday is given that it be for Martin Graham, associate profes- before he came to Rice. The the SMU game in Dallas on Oct- sor of Electrical Engineering, Brookhaven computer was modi- Open House Set ober 18 which is during the State who is in charge' of the com- fied as it w^b—built; Rice's has All organizations, clubs, Fair. puter project. been changed even more so that groups, associations, * an d soc- The Council got in a voting The first programs due for the only a superficial resemblance to ieties on the campus that wish mood and approved Newton Bur- machine are calculations for the the original Maniac remains. to participate in the, year's kett as lounge janitor. They chose physics and chemistry depart- Dr. Graham said that these Organizations Open House should Barbara Long fis temporary ments. Dr. Zevi Salzburg and Dr. modifications were done to make contact George. Clark, at JA 3- sophomore representative to the John Kilpatrick are already giving the machine instructions 1946 in room 234 Hanszen, before Council and Barry Moore of working on problems which will easier, to make it faster, and to Monday noon, September 29. Houston as temporary freshman be run on the computer when it improve accuracy. The Open House will be held representative. is finished. 1.0,000 Per Second on the first floor of Anderson ROBERT WALDMAN'S mo- Dr. Graham credits Dr. Salz- The machine will be able to do Hall on Tuesday, September 30.
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