Taxonomy, Biology and Phylogeny of Miraciidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida)
TAXONOMY, BIOLOGY AND PHYLOGENY OF MIRACIIDAE (COPEPODA: HARPACTICOIDA) Rony Huys & Ruth Böttger-Schnack SARSIA Huys, Rony & Ruth Böttger-Schnack 1994 12 30. Taxonomy, biology and phytogeny of Miraciidae (Copepoda: Harpacticoida). - Sarsia 79:207-283. Bergen. ISSN 0036-4827. The holoplanktonic family Miraciidae (Copepoda, Harpacticoida) is revised and a key to the four monotypic genera presented. Amended diagnoses are given for Miracia Dana, Oculosetella Dahl and Macrosetella A. Scott, based on complete redescriptions of their respective type species M. efferata Dana, 1849, O. gracilis (Dana, 1849) and M. gracilis (Dana, 1847). A fourth genus Distioculus gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Miracia minor T. Scott, 1894. The occurrence of two size-morphs of M. gracilis in the Red Sea is discussed, and reliable distribution records of the problematic O. gracilis are compiled. The first nauplius of M. gracilis is described in detail and changes in the structure of the antennule, P2 endopod and caudal ramus during copepodid development are illustrated. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Miracia is closest to the miraciid ancestor and placed Oculosetella-Macrosetella at the terminal branch of the cladogram. Various aspects of miraciid biology are reviewed, including reproduction, postembryonic development, verti cal and geographical distribution, bioluminescence, photoreception and their association with filamentous Cyanobacteria {Trichodesmium). Rony Huys, Department of Zoology, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, Lon don SW7 5BD, England. - Ruth Böttger-Schnack, Institut für Meereskunde, Düsternbroo- ker Weg 20, D-24105 Kiel, Germany. CONTENTS Introduction.............. .. 207 Genus Distioculus pacticoids can be carried into the open ocean by Material and methods ... .. 208 gen. nov.................. 243 algal rafting. Truly planktonic species which perma Systematics and Distioculus minor nently reside in the water column, however, form morphology ..........
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