£3 F BCM Edition No. 21 of Friiends oofff BCOCA Edition No. 30 Friends Blackburn Bllackburn FFeebbrruuaarryy,, 22000077 Blackburn CCaatthheeddrraalll Designed and Edited by Dr. John Bertalot, Cathedral Cathedral Close, Blackburn, BB1 5AA Old Choristers MUSIC Send your news and photos via E-mail to
[email protected] MUSIC Association Our original Lantern Tower, with stunning glass by John Hayward, was designed by Laurence King, who was the architect responsible for the major restoration and redecoration work completed here from 1964-1969. The Provost was Norman Robinson. The Tower was restored and renewed in 1999 by our then architect, Brian Lowe, with glass by Linda Walton, which was inspired by the Water of Baptism and the Fire of the Holy Spirit. The Provost (later, Dean) was David Frayne. 1 From OC PETER CROWTHER J.P. in Lancaster Hi John Please find attached a picture of JEAN and me, with our first-born grandson, ADAM, (he wasn't laying abounden just then) and our newest grandson, CHARLIE. He is doing really well and ALISON BEN TANNER is thriving. Heartiest congratulations to Pippa and Richard on the birth of Ben, Sunday, 15th October, 2006 Hope you can use this in the Newsletter, together with our best wishes to all our friends, wherever they may be. Very best wishes to you Peter Heartiest congratulations, Peter, Jean and especially Alison! What a lovely photograph of an equally wonderful family. JB Peter is Marketing Officer of the Economic Development & Tourism Service of Lancaster City Council. Ben is named after St. Benedict (not named after the new From OC PETER BANKS in Surrey Pope!).