The Caddy

Sermon Title: The Caddy Sermon Number: 5286 Speaker: Nathaniel Bronner Jr.

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Welcome to Brothers of the Word. Because brother, you need the Word.

And today, this is the fourth message in a series of seven entitled: Walking With A . And this series of messages came from my experience at the championship tournament where the top 30 golf money winners in the world came together to compete. And I took my oldest son there and as we looked for and followed around the golf course one man, , revelations simply came just dealing with the parables that were revealed in the game of golf of how they will apply in the course we have to travel through in life.

And you can listen to this complete series on message number 1. Like a Lion (message 5283). 2. The Hazards in the Course of Life (message 5284). 3. The Power of Amateurs (message 5285). 4. today’s message 5286

Simply go to, click sermon search and you can just enter in the word “Tiger” and you will be able to hear all of this sermons free of charge, or e-mail them to a friend you know who needs to hear them anywhere in the world absolutely free of charge.

And as we were walking around the course and following Tiger Woods, and I looked at Tiger Woods and I looked at his caddy and I ask someone next to me and said, “What is the name of the caddy?” And they say “Steve Williams”. Awesome! My goodness!

I said, “People know the name of Tiger’s caddy better than they do most of the pros on the PGA tour. Just his Caddy!” And I want to talk to you today from the subject of the caddy.

Tiger Woods last year earned a little bit over $10 million. The caddy gets 10% of whatever the professional earns. And as I looked over the statistics, I saw that Tiger Woods’ caddy made more than the vast majority of golf professionals. Now, there are two levels of golf professionals. There is just a pro, and many of you if you go to golf courses, they always have in the club house what you will call a teaching pro. He is a pro, but they are different levels.

You all know the different levels of pros? Well, there is a golf pro who teaches at the club and then there is a next level up. Because usually, when you are teaching at the club, you are good, but you aren’t that good. You understand what I mean?

It is just like if you took the game of basketball. For example, say Elijah is extremely good at basketball. And say Elijah is good, but he isn’t that good. You understand what I mean? I mean he is good, don’t get me wrong. He is good. He is extremely talented. He can dribble and he can shoot and he can rebound. He is extremely good.

But, when you go on down in the global scope of things, he is good, but he isn’t that good. So, there are pros and there are levels of pros and the first level of pros, they are good but they are not good enough to make the PGA tour. And the PGA tour consists of the best of the best. And these are all of the golfers who play in the real championship tournaments, the tournaments that have the big price money. These are the real pros. It will be the equivalent of the NBA in basketball. These are the real pros. You see, Elijah is good but he cannot make it in the NBA.

So there are levels, and when I looked at just the money winners in the PGA - which is the equivalent in basketball to the players in the NBA. When I looked at the money winners in the PGA, Tiger Woods’ caddy made more money than the vast majority of the golfers in the PGA. And I said “Why?”

The caddy is doing better than most of the pros because of who he is walking with. And I want you to understand some principles in life that will help influence and determine your pattern, your path, your course, and even your final destination in life just because of who you walk with. And you see Hans’ work as the caddy was no different than if he were caddy for the number 100th money winner on the PGA tour. Same work. Tiger Woods’ bag is no heavier than the player in number 100. Same distance, same number of yardage that you have to walk. The only real difference is who he is walking with.

And when you can understand the power of just who you walk with, and what difference that will make in your life and in your destination - who you walk with. My grandmother, my father’s mother, instilled within my father three primary and major principles of life, three things that my father then drilled and tried to instill into all of his children. The first thing was simply: Be Honest.

You know, way back in the old days some of just the mother whip, not a whole lot of fancy psychological long words and all. Just some basic comp, three things that my grandmother drilled into my father. First: Be Honest. And sometimes that old stuff still is applicable. You know, a lot of times and in a lot ways we are just dishonest with some stuff. Unfortunately, I know some folk that are just not honest. They won’t do right, they won’t tell the truth, they lack integrity, and they are just not honest.

So, the first thing, and some would get all of this big knowledge and stuff, if we can just learn some basic principles. First is Be Honest. Tell the truth, do not steal, do not do wrong, just be honest.

So, it is the first thing that my grandmother told my daddy. Be Honest.

The second thing is this: Work Hard. Too often, we want quick, sleek, fast-talking, easygoing successes in life. And it just did not happen. Everything worthwhile in life takes some hard work. You just seem to hardly get in it.

There was one man who went to the preacher complaining that he just did not have any success in life. “Everything is just not free” he says, “Look pastor, I have asked for money. I have begged for money. I have cried for money. I have demanded money”. And the pastor said, “Have you tried working for money?” And he says “No, I have not tried working for money because I am going in alphabetical order and I have not gotten to work yet”.

So, sometimes we just have to understand just the principle of just: Work Hard. And even though God will grant us so much, you will find that God grants most of the stuff to diligent folk. That is why Jesus, when He went to get the disciples, He did not get anyone who was doing nothing. He did not get sorry folk. He got folk who were out already working, already hustling, already were diligent in what they were doing. When Jesus went to pick people to go with Him and to walk with Him, He went out and got some people already doing something. So, just Work Hard.

And the third thing is the principle of today’s message. My grandmother told my father, “Keep good company.” Who you walk with, who you hang with, who you associate with will determine the direction and the destination that you go to in life. There is the old statement that birds of a feather flock together, but they go to the same destination. So if you want to get to some different destination, oftentimes people, we will have to walk with some different people. And there is just no two ways, and sometimes it will sound elitist and it is. Because I am an elitist. What do you mean? I do not want what the average person hates. I just do not want it absolutely, no shape, form or fashion because every person is in bad shape. So if I do not want what the average person has, I have to walk a different path.

That is why Jesus said, wide is the path that leadeth unto destruction, and many thereon shall enter, but narrow is the way that leadeth unto the light. It is a path of walking. So, people, you have to understand that if you want something different, you have to walk a different path and you have to walk with a different type of person. So, if you want to go to a certain destination that is away from the average, that is away from the humdrum and the mess and the squalor of life, you are going to have to walk with a different kind of person with a different of mentality. You have got to walk with a Tiger.

And it was interesting as I started researching and looking at this Steve Williams and we see and we understand why the man made over a million dollars just from the 10%. And Tiger makes over $10 million just from his earnings. His big money really came from endorsements, but just from his earnings he made that. So, it made Steve Williams a millionaire just from who he was walking with. But as I had been looking at some of the stuff of Steve Williams, I saw where Steve Williams just this year won the race car open because he drove in and he won. And I looked at that and I said, this man has just won a slalom race car event in front of an audience of 10,000 people. I say, he won because he was walking with a winner. And it was in a whole different sport. But, you see, when you walk with winners, winning gets on you. When you walk with the man, and if you have ever seen Tiger, some people thought that Tiger was arrogant because he would not speak to folk. His mind was focused on what he was doing. So, when Tiger walked, he would tune out the whole crowd because he had to win. He was focused on what he was doing and he would not let the world distract him from his goal. When you walk with the person who knows where he is going, who is focused on what he is doing, it helps you to see that, well if I do what this man is doing, I can get what this man is getting.

So, Steve Williams walked with Tiger and it made him see that by associating with a winner, see people, in order for you to win all you have to do is what winners do. That is all you have to do. If you want to win, all you have to do is do what winners do. So, when he walked with the winner and he could see what the winner was doing, he got his mind to where he took that same mentality and went on into another sport and became number one - just because he was walking with the Tiger. You got to learn that who you walk with will often determine your direction, and your destination.

That is why parents, good parents are so particular about who their children hanging around. I get so many prayer requests through mounted wings. And oftentimes parents will be praying for their children and in a great number of cases they will say, “My child has gotten off into some wrong stuff because they were hanging around queers doing some wrong stuff”. And because the children were hanging around other children doing wrong stuff, it proves there that who you walk with can determine so greatly, where you go and your final destination.

I was outside jogging yesterday and my son came out of the house, and he was in his socks and he said, “Daddy can I go and run with you?” I said, “Well, go on put on your shoes”. So, by the time I came back for another lap, he had come outside and he was in his shoes, and he started with me. And I had to slow up because he was not used to running with me and he could not keep up. So, I had to stop and start to walk with him. And I began to use some of the principles of winners.

I said, “First, I want you to set your goal on how far we are going to walk”. I said, “We are going to walk two miles”.

He said “Two miles?”

I said, “Two miles. We are going two miles”.

And then we begin to walk and then I begin to tell him about how first of all, learn to walk softly because when you walk too loud you use up too much energy and you shock your body - because he was just plopping. I said, learn how to walk softly. When you plop, you shake and you know, sometimes that is the very key of life.

You find most folk who are successful are very soft-spoken and they do not talk a whole lot. And most other men, they can just knock your ears off and wear your ears off. You will find successful people are generally very soft-spoken and they do not talk a whole lot. So, I said learn first of all to walk softly. So, you do not shock your body.

Then I said second, learn to take some long strides. Who you walk with will determine the goals that you even have. And if you walk with a person who is used to taking little steps, that is all you are going to take. But if you walk with a giant of a mentality, someone who is used to thinking big and doing big things, it will expand your mind even on the steps in which you can take and you will go start taking some steps. Now, first of all, when I said “Go ahead” and he stretches and stretches, he says, “This pain is stretching me! It hurts!” But when you walk with someone who is used to taking big steps, it will stretch you and stretching universally hurts. It is a way that the body, mind, and spirit get prepared to do something that it has never done.

And as we walked and after we had gone the first mile, he was behind me and I looked around and there he was in the street on his knees crying. And I walked back to him and I said, “What’s wrong? “

He said, “Daddy, there was a man who was coming”. And he said. “I tripped over and I fell and I hurt my knee and hurt my elbow.”

I said, “Let me see your knee”. So he pulled and he had this little bitty scratch on his knee. And I said, “Let me see your elbow”. He had a little bitty bruise on his elbow. I said, “Son, what is your goal? Is it two miles?” I said, “Let us get up and let us keep going”.

I said, “This is a principle that you are going to learn in life. Son, you are going to have to follow a whole lot of kinds of stuff. A lot of stuff will happen. You will trip up all over a lot of things. A lot of men who see success are people who reach their goal, and it is never a matter whether they trip up. That is not the issue. Let me give you the key to success and the key to failure. The mathematical formula for success is this: number of times that you fall and then number of times that you fall plus one equals the number of times you got up, is success. That is the difference. Success has nothing to do with how many times you fall. It something to do with how many times you get up. But if you are walking with a person who is used to falling and staying down, what happens when you fall? What they will do is get down there with you and have a panty push.

“Ooh! My knee! I hurt my knee!” Then you have a go, too: “I hurt my elbow way back here!” “Child, I understand how you feel because I hurt my knees, too!” “My knees still hurt! As a matter of fact when it starts raining, my knees give me problems right now. When I get up in the morning it be hurt something, you know what I mean?” “Yes, that’s what I’m talking about!”

You see, if you walk with a loser, then you will have a panty party. But if you walk with a winner, they will take you to another level of height even though it will stretch you and it will hurt. But they will take you to another level beyond what you ever dreamed you could go. Just because of who you are walking with. Life has example after example after example. And I saw just in the caddy and how it had elevated the caddy, just from who he was walking with.

And even sometimes, Steve Williams was basically Tiger Woods employee and Tiger Woods was his boss. There was a principle that Attorney Bill Merrick told me years ago. I wrote a Mounting Wings issue about it called The Boss. Bill Merrick said that when he was in business school, he had a tough professor just like a drill sergeant. Tough. When he got ready to graduate, the professor pooled all of the class together. He said, “I want to tell you one thing when you get ready to go out into the world. When you go to seek your first job with your degree, I do not want you to choose the job based on the salary that they are going to offer you. Do not choose a job based on the benefits that they are going to offer. Do not choose a job based on the location of where is located.”

And he went on with this list of the things that people normally would rank and normally would look at as they go searching for a job in the company that they wanted to work. He said, “I want you to choose your first job based on one criteria and one criteria only. I want you to choose your first job based on the character of the boss”.

Based on the character of the boss - forget about all of the others. Your first job, choose it based on the character of the boss.

When Bill Merrick heard this, he was thinking: “What kind of advise of what?” But he was an obedient student and he said he began to research and he searched and searched and he finally ended up working for a fellow named, I think, Sharkly. He was way out in some mid-west place and he worked for a tractor-building company. He went out there to work for him. And he said that man change his whole life. He says that the way that he runs his law firm right now is the same way his first boss ran the company. His first boss was a heavy-duty family man and he remembered in a board meeting, he was there when they had all these board of directors and presidents coming in from these Fortune 500 companies flying in all of these jets. He had all of these men in the room and he remembers his boss got up at 4:00 o’clock. All of these high power men had flown in on all these private jets and he says, “I have got to go. My son is in a game today and I never miss the game. I have got to go”. The man walked out off the office, leaving all these high power men sitting around the table because “I have got to go”.

Then he understood why his professor told him in a nutshell, pick someone to walk with, with character. And they will train you and they will anoint you and they will instill some things into you that you will take with you for the rest of your life. And then you learn just of who you walk with.

When you look at the bible and you look at Elijah, one of the greatest prophets of the bible, and his disciple Elisea. Elisea asked Elijah, can I have a double portion of what you have got? And Elijah told Elisea, “See me going up. I will give it to you”. And Elisea did twice the number of miracles than Elijah did. And Elisea was so powerful that even when he was dead and people fell on his bones, they got healed and resurrected. He was just a disciple but he got the anointing to become the one he walked with.

Oftentimes, people who you walk with will give you a double push. Jesus even said of the preachers of that date, “You really work like mad to get you a new convert and then you make them twice the son of hell that you are”. Jesus said, you give them a double push and that is their anointing. And anointing them may be good or bad. That is why it is important who you walk with. Turn to the person and then ask him, “Who are you walking with?”

Now there is a spiritual component that you always need to walk with God, Anas was a man they said who walked with God. Anas was Methuselah’s daddy. Anas lives 365 years. This is interesting that Anas lived one year for every day of the year. You need to walk with God every day of the year.

There is a spiritual component, but there is a natural corollary of that, too. You need to walk with people on earth who are going where you want to go. Because whoever you walk with will pull you in the direction good or bad. You are trying to get your body in shape and eat right. You are walking with somebody and all they want to do is go to McDonalds and eat big macs, you have a problem. Because even you try to do right, they are going to pull you towards some big order of super-size fries even you try to do right. Who you walk with will even affect the way you look. Who you walk with in this earth will greatly influence and determine where you go and what will your destination will be.

You need to learn to walk with a Tiger in everything that you do and in every area of your life. Choose your company carefully, not just the company that you work for.

Even in my company, I called on one of my ex-employees just to check on him and he said, “Mr. Bronner, I want to thank you because if I had not been working with you, I would have been divorced”. He was going through a tremendous amount of turmoil in his marriage and he said because everyone in the company and everyone around him had a solemn marriage so he kept his. He said, “If I had listened to my family I would have been busted up because all my co-workers tell me ‘I got a good lawyer for you’. You told me to hang in there, listen to this, this is what you should do.” He said, ”I am married today because I worked for your company”.

Be careful of the company that you keep!

For those of you who use the computer considerably almost all of the modern computers now have CD players or DVD players in them. And when you push the button to eject the tray and the trey slides out of the computer case that you put the CD or DVD in. That tray is called a caddy. It is called a caddy. And just as the golf caddy carries the bag, he carries the tools for the professional to use just as the caddy in the computer carries the CD or the DVD with the information on it. You are all charged with being for the spirit of God. You carry something.

And when you understand what it is that you carry, and when you understand who it is that you are caddying for, and when you understand the objective of the game and when you understand who you are playing against, you understand the role of the caddy is to carry the information. It is to carry the spirit. And there is no greater player that you can work for, than the Lord Jesus. And to carry his word, and to carry his spirit, and to carry his light unto the world.

So you all be good caddies.

For those of you who would like to hear this message again, simply go to It is message number 5286. If you would like to send it to a friend go to You can e-mail to a friend at absolutely no charge. Message number 5286. We thank you for joining us today at Brothers of the Word. Because brother, you need the Word.

People, choose who you walk with on earth carefully. And even more important, choose who you walk with in the heavenly realm even more carefully.