Cambridge TECHNICALS LEVEL 3 DIGITAL MEDIA Unit 8 – for digital media products DELIVERY GUIDE Version 1 2 4 5 8 13 19 25 29

(LO1) Outcome Learning (LO2) Outcome Learning (LO3) Outcome Learning (LO4) Outcome Learning (LO5) Outcome Learning Introduction3 Activities Related Key Terms Misconceptions7 Activities: Suggested CONTENTS

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 33 2016 Suite New for suite firstteaching September2016 Externally assessed content Eligible Stage for 5 performance Key points from 2018 Designed meet to DfE the technical guidance • • • • Understand professional photographers and their work photographers Understand professional a client brief shoot for plan a photographic Know to how a client brief images for takeBe able to photographic a client brief images for selectBe able to and edit photographic a client brief exportBe able to images for photographic LO1 LO2 LO3 LO4 LO5 Unit 8 Photography for digital media products digital for Unit 8 Photography UNIT AIM UNIT This unit enables you to develop your photographic skills portfolios photographic your of and produce develop to enables you unit This own your develop to will be encouraged You a client. use by for ready images that are photographers. the work of professional into an investigation style following photographic shoot and take a series photographic will use this knowledge of own plan your to You a portfolio of create will need to You brief. an assignment meet to in order them in a suitable saving before techniques apply image processing the best images and use. for format cambridge-technicals-digital-media-certificate-extended-certificate-foundation-diploma- diploma-05843-05846-2016-suite Photographs have been an inspiration for many artists and media practitioners. They artists many for been an inspiration and media practitioners. have Photographs core with being the together an essential partcan also be historical records of creating of advertisingelements industries. print in graphics and To find out more about this qualification, go to: about this qualification, go to: find out more To

. be used for be used for MUST NOT [email protected] . of this Delivery version latest The from Guide can be downloaded relate to the Guided Learning Hours (GLHs) for each unit. for Hours (GLHs) the Guided Learning to relate

DO NOT the OCR website. assessment purposes. The timings for the suggested activities the suggested in this Delivery timings for The assessment purposes. Guide from within the Unit document available found guidance can be Assessment Please note Please note activitiesThe this Delivery in suggested Guide INTRODUCTION MATHS SKILLS DEVELOPMENT AND WORK WORK AND DEVELOPMENT SKILLS MATHS EXPERIENCE OPPORTUNITIES FOR ENGLISH AND AND ENGLISH FOR OPPORTUNITIES Work learners. your for deciding what is most appropriate Maths English English and maths skills practice within this resource. We have also identified any potential potential also identified any have We English and maths skills practice within this resource. guidance for suggestions are These work experience opportunities within the activities. subject own knowledge your replace and expertise to not designed are They in only. We believe that being able to make good progress in English and maths is essential to in English and maths is essential to make that being able to believe good progress We help you To learners in both of these contextson a range of learning and programmes. opportunities signposted for have we in these subjects, learners progress to enable your If you have any feedback on this Delivery Guide or suggestions for other resources you you Delivery on this other resources feedback any for Guide or suggestions If have you please email like develop, would OCR to impact on practitioners’ creativity to deliver excellent learning opportunities.excellent deliver creativity to impact on practitioners’ find hope you we an experienced practitioner are the sector, or newWhether you to learning opportunities. excellent deliver to which will help you something in this guide outcome so you can see how each activity helps you cover the requirements of this unit. each activity the requirements see how can so you cover outcome helps you them what works knowledgeable that practitioners for to are in relation appreciate We should not restrict or produced have we resources the Therefore, and their learners. as you plan your lessons. lessons. plan your as you that the ideas put forward in practitioners with current ensure OCR has collaborated to learning by Guide is structured The this Delivery dynamic. and realistic practical, Guide are This Delivery Guide has been developed to provide practitioners with a variety of provide to Delivery been developed Guide has This Guide The support practical and ideas to delivery the creative of this qualification. helpful find may activities, which you is a collection associated of lesson ideas with

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 4 LO2 Understand how media products are advertised are media products Understand how and distributed LO2 during the planning of a media be considered factors Understand the that need to LO1 product plan the pre-production Be able to media product of a LO3 a new pre-production and evaluate media product documents for create Be able to LO4 ethical and regulatory media products with legal, issues associated evaluate Be able to LO6 their work and photographers Understand professional LO1 a client brief to media product an original materials production for create Be able to LO3 items conceptual graphic the planned create Be able to LO3 a client brief to media product an original materials production for create Be able to LO3 items conceptual graphic the planned create Be able to LO3 advertised are media products Understand how and distributed LO2 audience considerations and target client requirements interpret Be able to LO2 brief a client images for select Be able to edit photographic and LO4 LO3 Understand how meaning is created in media products in media meaning is created how Understand LO3 Unit 1 Media and products audiences and planning Unit 2 Pre-production and planning Unit 2 Pre-production and planning Unit 2 Pre-production Unit 1 Media and products audiences media digital for Unit 8 Photography products a media product Unit 3 Create digital for Unit 13 Graphic design media products a media product Unit 3 Create digital for Unit 13 Graphic design media products Unit 1 Media and products audiences and planning Unit 2 Pre-production media digital for Unit 8 Photography products Other units/LOs Unit 1 Media and products audiences Identify the requirements of a portfolio meet a to Identify the requirements client brief Exporting print use images for Exporting use media/display images for Conduct a risk assessment issues legal and ethical Investigate What is composition? and rating photographs Organising Image editing – cropping Image editing – enhancements images markets photographic Investigate for Title of suggested activity of suggested Title visual styles Explore Uses of photography shoot of the photo Purpose shoots with photo used resources Explore Conduct a recce

LO5 LO4 LO3 LO2 LO1 This unit (Unit 8) This RELATED ACTIVITIES RELATED delivery multiple parts learners planning and enable cover to units. of The Suggested Activities in this Delivery Guide listed below have also been related to other Cambridge Technicals in Digital Media units/Learning Outcomes (LOs). This could help with could This (LOs). Outcomes Media units/Learning in Digital Technicals Cambridge other to Activities in this Delivery related also been Suggested The have below listed Guide

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 5 A short range wireless communication method that allows the transfer of photographic images from a to other device, such as a smartphone. other device, a camera to An example images from of photographic A short the transfer communication method that allows range wireless the two together. ‘tapping’ by an Apple iPhone images to transferring be a Nikonwould AW130 where the image was taken. Examples would be a street, city such as 52° the image was taken. and country be a street, Examples would where coordinates of latitude and longitude in the form but typically this is stored W. 42.258’’ N 1° 34’ 13.7688’’ 23’ also include the colour profile. but may dimensions and dpi resolution aspects terms image in of technical The of the digital Canon. but a term as vibration reduction used by same technology The a faster can be less e.g. and that the sensitive the sensitivityis more light. A higher value means it of the camera to A number that represents the equivalent of the older ASA value that represented the a wide range of products, for (ISO) set the standards InternationalThe Organisation Standards speed. speed or sensitivity of film. vertical the Examples are hand but reduces be held by movement. still needs to This a . legs for three as opposed to A support a camera with a single leg, for Velbon. and Gitzo Manfrotto, made by An Photoshop. in a software together Adobe application such as layered images that are photographic final image that is made up of two or more A composite was taken. the where to background of a person with a different combine a cut-out be to photograph example of use would Image resolution is often cited in dots per inch. This is a term that originated in the print in is a term industry that originated This per inch (PPI). In of commonly used instead but is quite Image in dots per inch. is often cited resolution PPI) is used in conjunction (or DPI output purposes. with images for digital be the same thing when preparing to can be considered dots and pixels this respect, becomes one dot on the so that one pixel need 300 × 6 = 1800 pixels 300dpi a 6 inch print at would example, For determine the print dimensions to size. the pixel printed output. a scene. speed and for is the combination of shutter determine the correctThis to exposure A characteristic of a lens that determines whether it will be a wide angle or telephoto. on. a subject focus that can be seen in the viewfinder can be positioned to where areas A series or different of points blur). avoid is fast enough to speed the shutter (assuming the camera that will be sharp object,The final photograph in the or distance from point subjects that is used with static or moving respectively. single or continuous focussing A camera setting for sport news, portraits, such as landscapes, etc. nature, fields or types of photography the different to can refer context, genre a photographic Within find out the exact at the metadata to could look image so that a viewer position a photographic to location information of adding geographical process The Explanation the camera. to pass through the light to that allows in the lens ‘hole’ of the size The devices. multiple across be represented to colours are how that identifies of information An embedded piece the to be matched should colour temperature The camera. the digital by the colours will be recorded A characteristic that determines how light source of the balance setting. white take to arranged the photograph. in order or positioned the elements in the frame are in which way The aperture point and dependent on the used. setting the focal around Centred in sharp focus. of distances that are range The

image Near field communication Monopod Multiple-layer ISO Image properties Image stabilisation Geotagging Focus mode Focus Genres Focal points Focal (EV) value Exposure Dots per inch (DPI) Colour temperature Colour Composition Aperture profile Colour Explanations of the key terms used within this unit, in the context of this unit in the context this unit, used within terms key of the Explanations term Key KEY TERMS KEY

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 6 A setting on the camera that corrects the colours in the image to be accurate for the scene that is being photographed. the for that correctsA setting on the camera be accurate in the image to the colours Explanation number of total the they give together, multiplied these are When high. the number of pixels with together width of an image the across number of pixels The pixels. 4,000 × 3,000 have camera may a 12 MP (megapixel) example, and a property resolution which is the camera. For of a digital megapixels, image. the photographic record is open to that the shutter duration The Nikon in lenses made by found and Typically is taken. when the photograph this for and compensate detect movement to gyroscopes that uses A technology sharp. speeds while keeping shutter the photograph the use of slower allows combination of these may The and use of colour or monochrome. lighting form, the structure, such as picture overall composes the photographer the way The example. style and the on the viewer or inspiring be described effect may for as shocking, informative a different have Visual style Visual (WB) balance White Vibration reduction Vibration Pixel dimensions Pixel speed Shutter Explanations of the key terms used within this unit, in the context of this unit in the context this unit, used within terms key of the Explanations term Key

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 7 difference/ beginners-guide ukphotographersrights-v2.pdf /photographers-rights-the-ultimate-guide-1320949 html Resources which could help which could Resources composition-and-why-they-work/ composition-rules composition-tips/ cameras/what-is-depth-of-field-how-aperture-focal-length-and-focus- control-sharpness-1320959 printed image. of minimise the effects Determine speed is needed to shutter what lengths of the lens so that photographs focal camera shake at different purpose. will be fit for When it meets a number of criteria, without correctly such as exposed, an with the subject and having sharply focussed camera shake or blur, good composition. overall Understand what public property is and what private property Use is. stay necessary guidelines to where releases follow and be able to individuals and organisations. within legal frameworks that protect the metering system in which case a compensation value may need to need to value may in which case a compensation the metering system typically in the range of +/- 2EV. the photographer, be selected by focus the lens, length of apertureHow focal combined with the the distances from what of camera sensor affects distance and size acceptably sharp in the final photograph. camera are print 300dpi for essential image properties not restrictedThe to are in the image number of pixels – it is the total the web and 72dpi for that determinessuitability. its propertiesThe DPI is dots per inch. per inch and Clarify that PPI is pixels a PPI and when applied to of an image file will include the intended become the DPI. An optimum print resolution will effectively printer, one dot in the of the image is used for one pixel (300dpi) is where How can this be overcome? can How that work – only guidelines no rules as such in are there Explain that some situations. light in the scene in order the the camera measures in which way The ‘fool’ conditions can Difficult lighting value. decide on an exposure to

When and where it is legal to take take it is legal to and where When and use photographs? When is a photograph fit for fit for is a photograph When purpose? How to control camera shake camera control to How The difference between DPI and PPI between difference The How to select to image How correct the properties a specific use for How to control the depth of field control to How compensation Exposure metering and metering Exposure There are rules for photography for rules are There Some common misconceptions and guidance on how they could be overcome be could they on how and guidance misconceptions Somecommon is the misconception? What MISCONCEPTIONS

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 8 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours . Thames and Hudson and Thames . Photographers’ Sketchbooks Photographers’ . Phaidon Press . Phaidon The Photography Book Photography The Where and when they workedWhere What equipment they used they became well-knownWhat type for of photography well-known images. Any Steve McCurrySteve Lange Dorothea Robert Capa. The information found should be compiled into a report or presentation for future reference and reference future a report for should be compiled into or presentation found information The images. include the photographic learners studio or shoot for could include in this activity a trip a local photography to Tutors Extension: observeto used. and techniques equipment Learners should aim to find out about: find out aim to should Learners • • • • with image together pages) information (i.e. results using books and web should be achieved This images rather than written information). (i.e. results Useful books: (2000) Ian Jeffrey and Bryan (2014) McClaren Stephen Formhals 1 and their work photographers professional Understand activitiesSuggested Some range of well-known on a photographers. search a web complete could Learners could be substituted: the unit from others although any below listed people are recommended • • •

Investigate the work of the work Investigate photographers well-known Title of suggested activityof suggested Title LO No: LO Title: LO SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 9 Also related to related Also Unit 1 LO3 Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour famous photographs David Bailey David famous photographs Lichfield Patrick famous photographs Annie Leibovitz. famous photographs results and impact of modern , where is still popular as an is still popular black and white where and impact photography, of modernresults wedding colour. to alternative make could in a journalLearners some notes styles or blog about what them and why. appeal to Suggested activitiesSuggested discussed are or types visual styleswhat is meant by could explain photography of (genres Tutors in the next activity). styles should be some well-known by photographers A comparison of different style of some well-known photographic the visual learners could compare example, For included. on each of two well- using image results search a web by could be achieved This photographers. strings that could be used: Examples of search known photographers. • • • the Compare (monochrome). or black and white the use of colour to stylesVisual can refer Note: Title of suggested activity of suggested Title styles visual Explore

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 10 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour . Thames and Hudson and Thames . Now

Street Photography Street The Art of Photography. Rocky Nook ArtThe of Photography. . Photography: The Definitive Visual History. DK Publishing Definitive The Visual History. Photography: ‘’ (look for work by Ansel Adams) work by (look for ‘Landscape photography’ ‘Wedding photography’ Robert work by (look for Capa) ‘’ photography’. ‘Travel nature and wildlife. nature documentary (including sport,event news or wedding) war (a type but a long-term commitment on location) of event landscape travel fashion portraits Digital SLR Photography What strings: search Example web • • • • could be in a This purposes. referencing selected text and URLs for image results, could save Learners report document, formal or blog entry. • using a combination of books, themselves for a chosen type or genre then explore could Learners below. are useful resources Suggested web. magazines and the Books: Ang (2014) Tom Bruce Barnbaum (2010) Sophie Howarth (2011) McLaren Stephen and Magazines: Photography Practical Suggested activitiesSuggested learnersand then encourage to of photography types genres or the different could identify Tutors describe need to each may the tutor (if not, then available made categorise that are a range of images include: should typesThe or genres a presentation). through type or genre • • • • • • • Title of suggested activity of suggested Title of types or genres Explore photography

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 11 Also related to related Also Unit 1 LO2 40 minutes Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour 1 hour

Vogue (nature). Sunday tabloid newspaper Sunday (nature). National Geographic (news) or Time (travel), (travel), Wanderlust advertising news and . shoot and video: – photo bags Vuitton Louis shoot: photo – commercial Hall of Fame Utah Football watch?v=6BNIUrYRanE shoot: – studio photography Dancing with Flour Good examples of photojournalism and news reporting magazine such as a recent could be type of photography interests them. This could be recorded in a report or blog entry. could be recorded This them. interests type of photography for media industry, of the is used in twochosen areas photography how explore could Learners example: • • Some to an advertising good examples of shoot that was completed and the photo campaign the following: could watch Learners YouTube. support on it can be found • • • Suggested activitiesSuggested together photographers the workof professional exploration into of the results could use the Learners inspire with images that board a mood create to of photography, types genres or with the different a alternatively, with printed images or, board mood as either a physical could be produced This them. the web. from images sourced using mood board digital such as Adobe use image editing applications it is helpful to mood board, a digital When creating MS some introductory develop to in order skills in this Unit. Alternatively, use later Photoshop for Office style could be used. applications they so that can make on what style their mood board then review could some notes and Learners (fashion), see what proportion the magazine to through could browse Learners magazines could also be used. of advertisementsimages. use photographic news websites, the following learners could browse activity, the previous on from Following alongside news articles:identifying the use of photography http:// with more is used together photography could summarise their findings about where Learners in a draft article could be produced This a magazine. for detailed comments on specific uses. Uses of photography Uses Title of suggested activity of suggested Title style own Identifying Uses of photography for for of photography Uses reportingnews

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 12 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 20 minutes A news event e.g. front cover pictures from newspapers over the last week the newspapers over from pictures cover front A news e.g. event magazines examples from using several An advertisement e.g. films. scenes or actions, humorous Entertainment e.g. Suggested activitiesSuggested A starting tutor the be for point would the purposes of photography. investigate will need to Learners such as: examples show to • • • and analyse further supported for examples, search could work experience by Learners where together should then summarise their findings about the purposes Learners of photography possible. in a reportproduced could be blog or This and layout. content detailed comments on the with more entry. Title of suggested activity of suggested Title of photography Purposes

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 13 Also related to related Also Unit 2 LO1 Suggested timings Suggested 45 minutes interests. Topics could be street styles, influence of music, adventure sports, mountain biking adventure influence of music, styles, and could be street Topics interests. gaming. The organisers of a local sports event or festival have commissioned photographers to capture the capture to commissioned photographers of a local sports have organisers The or festival event action of the occasion. mood, and highlights support to is looking magazine A lifestyle photographs an article for fashion and on teenage Learners could participate could discussion about the purpose of the brief(s)Learners what sort and in a group future for should be listed approaches Different meet the client requirements. of images would reference. information images will be used for whether the photographic to should be given Consideration further education, promotion, purposes, list the range of possible could advertisement Learners etc. purposes in a journal or blog. 2 brief a client for shoot a photographic plan to how Know activitiesSuggested the brief and talk through a photographic could create tutors Outcome, this Learning introduce To could be: examples Two the client. they as if were requirements 1. 2.

Purpose of the photo shoot of the photo Purpose Title of suggested activityof suggested Title LO No: LO Title: LO SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 14 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours digital single lens reflex cameras (DSLR) reflex single lens digital mirrorless compact cameras (CSC) system compact cameras smartphone cameras. Learners could create a summary of the equipment that is and capabilities create could Learners of the main features use. them to for available This investigated. types of camera are out their exploration, so that different could broaden Learners could include: • • • • in a report this information of each type of camera and record main features could list three Learners or blog entry. Suggested activitiesSuggested could start Tutors use. them to for is available equipment what photographic could find out Learners lenses and accessories. with any equipment together camera digital the centre’s demonstrating by packing bags or cases, the cameras in protective explained e.g. should be of the equipment care The the importanceusing lens caps and of keeping a lens clean. could be This that could be used. the specifications of the equipment then research could Learners such as: websites obtained from http:// http:// http:// Title of suggested activity of suggested Title cameras digital Investigate

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 15 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours http:// http:// Wex Photographic Photographic Wex Photographic Calumet standard lenses e.g. 50mm, 35mm lenses e.g. standard 20mm, 28mm wide angle lenses e.g. 135mm, 200mm lenses e.g. telephoto lenses (verymacro focussing) close f4, f2.8, f1.4. maximum aperture e.g. Learners could then make notes on what lenses would be useful for a specific type shoot. of photo be useful for could then make on what lenses would Learners notes brief city. activity a travel a European use for to want to be what lenses they would An example would in a journal or blog. decisions could be recorded Their Learners could then research the lens manufacturers websites such as: websites the lens manufacturers then research could Learners http:// http:// http:// http:// http:// the from find out what range of lenses is available to website distributor’s the could explore Learners distributor websites: Suggested Tamron. party third and any camera manufacturer Sigma, makes e.g. • • fit a DSLR camera of their choice. lenses that for browse to navigation could use the site Learners Suggested activitiesSuggested typesKey of lenses (see the terminology could explain characteristics used and of different Tutors could include: This section). Terms • • • • • features/settings. handle the lenses and associated be encouraged to should Learners Title of suggested activity of suggested Title lenses Investigate

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 16 Also related to related Also 30 minutes Suggested timings Suggested 45 minutes camera to a tripod (or flashgun) and securing it for use. use. a tripod flashgun) and securingcamera to (or it for the camera battery and replacing could practise and memoryLearners removing these since card the card. from the battery photographs recharge likelyactivities and transfer be needed to to are and USB cables can be included in this activity. readers use of card The http:// http:// use, for then make could and other studio equipment is available on what lighting Learners notes summarising findings in their journal their or blog. 3 in the Studio activity; Outcome in Learning practicalThe application of this is found note: Tutors these two activities as part together could be combined studio lighting workshop. of an overall make could accessories a range of additional available and support this with a group Tutors photographic although any and lens filter flashgun demonstration. Examples could be a tripod, could then practise Learners attaching the here. should be introduced accessories the centre by held Suggested activitiesSuggested both could include This used in studios. that are the lighting techniques could investigate Learners the subject, to and camera positioned in relation are studio lights used and how the equipment source light two that describe and three available the use of one, are resources Web background. check for (but available others are several although below A good example is shown configurations. suitability priordistribution): of image content to of this four-part article content The as a homework activity. be reviewed can then conduct could Learners a further activity A good starting on lighting equipment. research place as: such websites is the manufacturers’ Investigate camera camera Investigate accessories Title of suggested activity of suggested Title studio lighting Investigate

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 17 Unit 2 LO4 Also related to related Also Unit 2 LO3 40 minutes Suggested timings Suggested 40 minutes could Learners describe could and what key the purpose is required. of a recce information Tutors a local landmark such as a park it for monument that could or and complete template then use a form shoot. the location of a photo be used for should make their journal in Learners some notes a or blog that identify the key elements for the Unit. this is in context for ensure to recce photographic the following brief that requires the use of props for a photo shoot. Learners could be asked bring shoot. Learners to a photo for the use of props brief requires that the following the brief. shoot that meets use in a photo the nextsomething to class for will run alongside and games which local arts on toys an exhibition for council is preparing Your Brief: advertise to use on posters the exhibition and these for photographs They require a comic-con event. using an indoor still will be photographed These and games. should be indoor shots of existing toys setup. life one of the from such as those available form recce a standard a handout for provide could Tutors be need to filming and these would based around are forms recce that many Note URLs. following In not be such an important noise may use. background this respect, photographic for adapted be direction and viewpoint would lighting quality, However, issue or the availability of mains power. important aspects consider. to Suggested activitiesSuggested activity this and using a projector could introduce a selection showing by photographs of Tutors Examples been used. could have other resources and asking props identify what to learners as a group or fashion shoots. interior design food, images could include: of suitable like of the learnersbe a model for would could be arranged discussion if any find out to to A group other departments liaise with be able to may Arts as Performing such Tutors a portrait shoot. photo drama or musical performance dance, the basis (on for subjects be available may and models where that performers portfolio). and artists a professional having from can benefit could use Tutors shoot could be discussed. photo then a still life If as models, not available learners are Conduct a recce Conduct Title of suggested activity of suggested Title used with resources Explore shoots photo

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 18 Also related to related Also Unit 2 LO4 Unit 1 LO6 Suggested timings Suggested 40 minutes 1 hour

‘Photography law UK’ law ‘Photography rights UK’ ‘Photographers’ model release forms model release property forms. release Case studies on photographic incidents can be found using the following link: using the following incidents can be found studies on photographic Case their own photographic work. The adaptations may include the use of the photographer’s name and include the use of the photographer’s adaptations may The work. photographic their own use. future for then stored these documents are contact details before can be supportedThis using and photography. a general discussion on the law facilitate could Tutors phrases: the following using searches web • • rights in the UK: of photographers’ is a useful document on the topic This Tutors could then use the risk assessment form and work through its completion as a group exercise exercise a group its completion as and work through could then use the risk assessment form Tutors practice one specific location as a activity. for when and where governing and laws legislation the issues surrounding investigate could Learners to in order be completed need to taken. can be include what forms of this should Part photographs could be covered: the use of the following Inobtain permission take particular, to photographs. • • countries other such as the UK use and not just for suitable for are that releases ensure could Tutors USA. model and property that they for could use for releases could find and adapt templates Learners Suggested activitiesSuggested the from those available such as risk form assessment standard a handout for a could provide Tutors (HSE) website: Executive Health & Safety in unit 2) and what could describe the purpose covered of a risk assessment (unless already Tutors an outdoor it for and complete template a form could then use Learners key is required. information on the HSE guide is available shoot. A resource used in a photo be that is to location or indoor studio website: Investigate legal and ethical Investigate issues Title of suggested activity of suggested Title a risk assessment Conduct

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 19 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours Auto and Scene modes (if available on the camera – more of a ‘point and shoot’ feature). and shoot’ ‘point of a on the camera – more and Scene available modes (if Auto P or programmed (where the camera selects aperture) speed and both shutter (where P or programmed selects priority speed and the camera selects (shutter the shutter the photographer – where Tv S or the correctthe aperture exposure) for (aperture selects priorityA or Av the aperture the photographer – where and the camera selects the the correct exposure) speed for shutter selects speed and aperture both shutter the photographer – used in difficult M (manual where lighting conditions such as ) • a correctly exposed record to quantity then explain that the total could required of light Tutors can actually be discussed in detail in adjusting the camera ISO (which will be changed by photograph activity).a later these in a journal or blog. could make and store Learners some outline notes for longer so that the quantity A fundamental principle of light on the sensor will be sufficient. for of linked trade-off the and how are these two parameters is how photography between one and the effects. photographic different other creates camera that learners will be a digital mode using exposure the options for demonstrate could Tutors are: main modes The on. use later able to • • • • 3 brief a client for images photographic take Be able to activitiesSuggested This Terms). Key value (see mode and exposure exposure by could explain what is meant Tutors of light. ‘quantity’ a certain it requires a photograph, record a camera to for should emphasise that the amount of which are of two a combination parameters, fundamental by be achieved can That is long the shutter the aperture with how in the lens together light that can pass through (hole size) be open that a smaller aperture could explain will need to means the shutter (hole size) Tutors open.

Investigate exposure mode exposure Investigate Title of suggested activityof suggested Title LO No: LO Title: LO SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 20 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours ) f2 f2.8 f4 f5.6 f8 f11 f16 f22 1 second (s) ½ s ¼ s 1/8 s 1/15 s 1/30 s 1/60 s 1/125 s 1/250 s 1/500 s 1/1000 s minimise any camera shake apertureminimise any or blur and how works in conjunction speed with the shutter determine the correctto exposure. Take photographs using different from typically f4 through to f16 or higher (again apertures to typically f4 through from using different photographs Take available): dependent on the camera, lens and lighting • • • • • • • • speed is needed to of what shutter learners so that an awareness develop Analyse the results • • • • • • • • • • • (Useful resource: Take photographs at a range of shutter speeds from 1 second through to 1/1,000th second (or as 1/1,000th second (or to 1 second through speeds from at a range of shutter photographs Take be dependent on the lighting conditions). which may the camera available close as possible using are: of exposure one stop to speeds that correspond Shutter Learners could summarise their findings and record this in a journal, report this in a journal, or blog. could summarise their findings and record Learners 2. 3. Suggested activitiesSuggested of exposure using a range camera should take digital with their Learners a series of photographs aperture. speed and Inthe shutter of changing effect the demonstrate aim of this is to The settings. aperture how and affects or blur movement freeze speed is used to shutter how show it will particular, A selectionof the key a blog or inserted to images could be posted Terms). Keythe depth of field (see a presentation. into tasks are: main The 1. Title of suggested activity of suggested Title the impact Explore of shutter aperturespeed and

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 21 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour 1 hour 200 400 800 1600 3200. 100 • • • • • be used if available.) which should also than this, a much higher range some cameras will have (Note: They each one. and review system a computer to the photographs could then transfer Learners especially in darker this could also be but noise, in colour areas differences any should look for this activity). scene is not a good choice for that a woodland with a plain colour (note anywhere their reports could then make or blog entries for on Learners some notes that identify the effects the ISO. image quality of increasing The learners could then use their digital cameras to take photographs with shallow and wide depth and wide depth shallow with take cameras to learners photographs The their digital could then use the activity from and small aperture that this is different Note large using a respectively). of field (i.e. the camera in the same looking both near and far from subjects are that are we for and here above could be a view along a piano keyboard or a 1-meter- photograph Examples of what to photograph. elsewhere. but blurred the point of focus around numbers readable which should have long ruler, camera. Ideally on the digital take at each ISO setting that is available Learners a series of photographs on a tripod take with the camera mounted to the same viewthis should be completed each time. but still use if this is not possible then learners steady hold the camera to should take care However, the same composition and subject. use: to ISO settings Typical • Suggested activitiesSuggested it is determined what Terms), of field (see Key about depth a class discussion should facilitate tutor The the background. a subject isolate from to used e.g. it can be how and by which demonstrate projection, either as prints some examples digital show could then or by tutor The could include portraits Examples of photographs and wide depth of field. (with shallow both shallow examples of excellent some are There (with a verydepth of field) and landscapes of field). wide depth using image search An apertures on the web. using different depth of field images that demonstrate example: For a range of suitable resources. produces of field comparison’ ‘depth Explore the impactExplore of ISO Title of suggested activity of suggested Title field depth of Investigate

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 22 Also related to related Also 1.5 hours Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour

camera stability subject movement speed choice of shutter selection depth of field of aperture control to is centred the sharpest point of focus ensure (to of focus mode and point selection of focussing the main subject) around tripod or monopod. use of equipment e.g. shade (optional). custom tungsten fluorescent daylight cloudy photos-aren-t-sharp-and-how-to-fix-them-1320991 this in their journal should summarise or blog. their learningLearners on image sharpness and record Tutors could then demonstrate what techniques can be used to maximise image sharpness before maximise image sharpness can be used to before what techniques then demonstrate could Tutors should include: These learners practise these skills independently. • • • • • • Useful resources: • • They each one. and review system a computer to the photographs then transfer could Learners on colour cast such that indoor photographs in overall clearlyshould be able to see the differences on an incandescent photographs outdoor whereas or green appear yellow setting may a daylight their reportssetting will appear very could then make or blog entries for Learners some notes blue. balance. the white on colour of changing that identify the effects ensure to of quality control a process libraries stock have describe could photographic how Tutors of camera shake. effects any that show images or those out of focus blurred, any images do not have them with the class so that each learner can or share images using a projector could display tutor The computer. open the images on their own Suggested activitiesSuggested (WB) balance could takewhite at each Learners a series of photographs on a setting that is available and could taken be need to view, location, of the same in the same photographs The camera. digital or outdoors. be either indoors use: WB settings to Typical • • • • • Investigate image sharpness Investigate Title of suggested activity of suggested Title the impact Explore of white balance

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 23 Also related to related Also Unit 8 LO1 1.5 hours Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours e.g. for the horizon for e.g. rule of thirds streams paths, leading lines e.g. mountains. arches, trees, frames e.g. textures, patterns and shapes textures, diagonals using leading lines and subject placement in the frame camera orientation (vertical or horizontal) of background. control photographic composition photographic rules of photography. rule of thirds using frames balance and symmetry inspired by particular photographs but the reasons for their appeal should be identified. particular for by but the reasons inspired photographs a practice brief will follow activityThis Learners taking landscapes. of is based around photographs different should apply a range of These take camera to a seriesand use a digital of photographs. learners In activity. particular, and discussed in the previous as researched compositions photographic photographs: in one or more could use the following • • • although the quality take could aim to of each shot is at least 30 landscape photographs Learners a computer to should then be transferred photographs These important more than the quantity. shoot. working merits photo own of their and, learnerssystem should discuss the relative in pairs, • • • • • Useful resources: composition-and-why-they-work-1320770 be may This styles could identify in their journals of composition. or blogs their favourite Learners Suggested activitiesSuggested available range of information is a wide since there themselves for topic this could research Learners strings are: search Suggested on the web. • • that the following who should make sure the tutor, by then be facilitated A class discussion could covered: are areas • • • Landscapes Title of suggested activity of suggested Title is composition? What

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 24 Also related to related Also 1 hour Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours 1.5 hours type of camera e.g. DSLR, mirrorless CSC or compacttype of camera e.g. GPS flash, ISO range, built-in lenses, interchangeable e.g. main features Wi-Fi. NFC, USB, connectivity options e.g. front lighting, using one and two lights angled around 45 degrees to the subject to 45 degrees using one and two lights angled around lighting, front mood enhance using a single light to side lighting, contrast and definition the subject a rim increase to of light around produce to back lighting, light. portraits, lights and one background such as twomultiple lighting configurations for front using diagonals e.g. roads, fences roads, using diagonals e.g. balancing elements bridgessymmetry buildings, e.g. buildings. brick, windows, patterns and shapes e.g. stone, textures, • • • Learners should be encouraged to experiment with lighting techniques, such as: experiment should be encouraged to with lighting techniques, Learners • • • • at: can be found basic lighting techniques to An introduction and capabilities of one particular camera. digital the features research workingLearners, in groups, explains each group discussion where a group could then facilitate tutors When this is completed, is capable of. their camera what key features as a minimum: could include the following features The Learners should aim to take the quality although aim to should at least 30 urban of each shot is more Learners photographs system a computer to should then be transferred photographs These important than the quantity. shoot. working merits photo of their own and, learners should discuss the relative in pairs, available. are activityThis taking people in a studio if the resources of is based around photographs take camera to a series will assist with setting up the studio lighting and use a digital of Learners two and three setups such as using one, lighting should apply a range of different These photographs. light configurations. of each shot the lighting effect although take should aim to at least 20 studio photographs Learners computer a to should then be transferred photographs These important is more than the quantity. shoot. working and merits photo system of their own learners should discuss the relative in pairs, Suggested activitiesSuggested scenes. landmarks and street activityThis taking of local architecture, is based around photographs take camera to they use a digital will go and and where consider what the brief, will review Learners as researched compositions photographic of different apply a range should These their photographs. in one or more learners In should use the following activity. particular, previous and discussed in the photographs: • • • • Discuss the capabilities of and connectivitycameras Studio Title of suggested activity of suggested Title point Focal

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 25 Also related to related Also Unit 3 LO3 Unit 13 LO3 40 minutes Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour work through each photograph and flag the worst images for deletion e.g. using the red flag option the red using deletion e.g. images for the worst and flag each photograph work through disk from – remove and delete images flagged’ ‘red select the all stars a rating between allocating and five one the images, and work through clear the filters flags. use the colour coded import the photographs from a camera or card using the ‘import’ and ‘copy to a new location’ a new location’ to ‘copy and ‘import’ using the import a camera or card from the photographs options journal or blog. • • • • and using a suitable system computer the demonstration using their own should follow Learners portfolio of images made available. picture libraries to checks. do not meet the quality submitted control that are photographs Many of the importance explain a range of important could make to aware learners of areas more Tutors instance. in the first using the right take settings and composition to camera photograph a good in their a series could then evaluate of unsuitable images and list the key areas Learners problem 4 brief a client for images selectBe able to edit photographic and activitiesSuggested photo a this activity the images from could begin organise to with a demonstration of how Tutors Bridge or Adobe Lightroom, Examples could be Adobe software. organising shoot in a chosen image to: how could demonstrate Tutors Aperture). (formerly Apple Pictures •

failure Quality control – reasons for for – reasons Quality control Organising and rating and rating Organising photographs Title of suggested activityof suggested Title LO No: LO Title: LO SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 26 Unit 3 LO3 Unit 13 LO3 Also related to related Also 40 minutes Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour denote its cropped dimensions). its cropped denote Select the crop tool. Select tool. the crop in the example, For be used. to resolution and select the dimensions required In the options bar, 300. and resolution default) inches by set to (assuming the units are ‘8 in’ height width insert ’10 in’, printing. be suitable for would a 10 × 8 inch image at 300dpi which will produce This the composition required. produce on the image to window the crop draw Use the mouse to if necessary completing the crop. Adjust before Re-save using 10 × 8 as part image with a new name (potentially the cropped of the filename to For the usable photographs, check each one in turn and make sure they are adequately sharp. sharp. adequately one in turn check each they make and are sure the usable photographs, For necessary brightnessApply any (or and contrast). the colour and exposure adjustments to Re-savenew images with filenames if necessary the processed Adobe (NB not needed by since this uses non-destructiveLightroom editing). best The in the software. using a star rating or colour coding flag as available Rate the photographs use. future be easily identifiable for should photographs Transfer the photographs from the camera to the computer and import computer the to the camera imaging the photo from to them the photographs Transfer Bridge). but not Adobe Lightroom Adobe software for is needed (NB this step confirm is to the content check each photograph software, organiser or photo Using image editing if not deleting them by Reject unusable photographs blurred. any as expected and not excessively done. already apply global image being used, the softwareIf to photographs application and appropriate shot’) and/or ‘as of instead ‘auto’ to balance correction such as white (e.g. techniques processing control. tone same steps on their own computer. computer. on their own same steps or Affinity), Pixelmator Lightroom, Photoshop, Adobe Working the image editing software within (e.g. specific dimensions. the image to learners crop to Photoshop: if using Adobe example, For 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. 5. 6. and using a suitable system computer demonstration using their own the could follow Learners portfolio of images. could tutors this purpose, a specific purpose For Individual in a final portfolio. for images can be edited will This learners with a client brief that defines what purposeprovide the images will be used for. the learners while these techniques follow could demonstrate Tutors what editing is completed. affect Suggested activitiesSuggested so that photographs processing for workflow a digital a series could explain that form of steps Tutors as follows: system the computer as images on stored they are 1. 2. 3. Image editing – cropping Title of suggested activity of suggested Title Image processing

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 27 Also related to related Also Suggested timings Suggested 2 hours Click and hold the mouse to ‘paint’ over the unwanted area. the unwanted over ‘paint’ to Click and hold the mouse Repeat as necessary other areas. for Re-save image with a new filename. the retouched healing brush tool tool patch tool eye red burn tool dodge tool. Select the clone tool. ‘alt-click’. the cloning using Select point for the source artefact. the unwanted mouse cursor to the Move other image editing software so that non-destructiveused. are editing techniques 4. 5. 6. of a range applying these to and techniques, tools additional retouching should then explore Learners their skills develop to images in order (software dependent): • • • • • when working or a new layer edits can be applied to how in Photoshop could demonstrate tutor The Suggested activitiesSuggested the learners while on a projector follow techniques of retouching a range could demonstrate Tutors computer. own on their same steps or Affinity), Pixelmator Lightroom, Photoshop, Adobe Working with image editing software (e.g. artefacts. unwanted remove image to the learners retouch Photoshop: if using Adobe example, For 1. 2. 3. Title of suggested activity of suggested Title Image editing – retouching

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 28 Also related to related Also Unit 3 LO3 Unit 13 LO3 30 minutes Suggested timings Suggested 2 hours Document Title Author Description season) year, textures, location, subject, colours, Keywords (e.g. Status Copyright name). © 2016 photographer’s Notice (e.g. Copyright Hue: 42 Saturation: 20%. Re-save the image with a new filename. In the menu, select . select menu, the fields for: to information Add • • • • • • Click on . In select the menu, . default is likelybut if not, the The be a sepia effect to select . window, In box the preset be a starting settings would point: following • • Click on . Re-save the enhanced image with a new filename. filters masks effects superimposition of text using selections and multiple layers). key (e.g. chroma techniques image editing software. in the Open the selected photograph 4. stock library. stock If Photoshop: use their image editing software fields. edit the metadata using Adobe to to Learners in the image editing software. Open the selected photograph 1. 2. 3. 2. 3. 4. 5. and enhancements using images of their own effects could then experiment with different Learners cons and impact and enhancements. of the effects comment on the pros, They should choice. A case study could be used that explain the purpose could images. of adding metadata to Tutors a photographic be used by to images that are and key of captioning describes the process wording Suggested activitiesSuggested as accepted be would image editing techniques explanation of what with an could begin Tutors Examples include: enhancements. • • • • • Photoshop: using Adobe image, toned a sepia into convert to photograph a colour example, For 1. Working with metadata Working Title of suggested activity of suggested Title Image editing – enhancements

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 29 Also related to related Also Unit 1 LO2 1 hour Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour PNG (similar to jpg and popular for web, display and multimedia use) display web, jpg and popular for PNG (similar to printTIF (high quality typically widely used) but becoming less file format for EPS (also a high quality still used in some print print industries) format this can still be used in the print industryPDF (although a document format, although it is not images) photographic single generally used for the very images due to photographic but generally not used for GIF (supported browsers web by number of colours supported).low Society of Wedding and Portrait Photographers and Portrait Wedding Society of photojournalists talks). give be willing to (who may local photographers camera) a digital by file that is created image (an unprocessed RAW images that supports for format various qualityJPG (a popular and widely used lossy compression settings and file sizes) high quality masters) store which can be used to file, DNG (a digital editorial markets picture libraries Photographers of Freelance Bureau • • • • • this on the characteristics could make and store notes Learners their own of each file format in a reportinformation or blog post. • • • could be This gained. the information share a class discussion to then facilitate could Tutors and distributed for mind map that is then photographed drawn of a hand in the form documented purposes. reference future images and learners photographic used for that are file formats explain the different could Tutors could include: These should export in each format. an image • • • 5 brief a client for images exportBe able to photographic activitiesSuggested work. the purposesand markets photographic research for work could to independently Learners this activity begin to investigating: guidance on how some by be given could Learners • • •

Investigate file formats Investigate Investigate markets for for markets Investigate images photographic Title of suggested activityof suggested Title LO No: LO Title: LO SUGGESTED ACTIVITIES SUGGESTED

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 30 Also related to related Also Unit 2 LO2 Suggested timings Suggested 1.5 hours 1 hour

Open an image (preferably one that has an Adobe RGB 1998 profile). one that has an Adobe Open an image (preferably discuss. settings> and menu – select profile>.

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 31 Unit 8 LO4 Also related to related Also Unit 8 LO4 1 hour Suggested timings Suggested 1 hour Open an image (preferably one that is currently set to 300dpi). set to one that is currently Open an image (preferably Select menu - . otherwise the will stay dimensions will not change and the file size the pixel image’ ‘resample Check same. 72dpi. Change Resolution field to suitable. Observe these are make dimensions to sure the pixel Open an image (preferably one that is currently set to 72dpi). set to one that is currently Open an image (preferably Select - . Uncheck ‘resample image’. styles’. ‘scale and proportions’ ‘constrain Check mm or inches). (e.g. Review are default units of measurement what 300dpi. the Resolution to field Adjust Observe the print which is dimensions. size, the document How many pixels are required for a small 150mm × 100mm print (6” × 4”)? × 100mm print a small 150mm (6” for required are pixels many How × 20”? print 30” sized a poster needed for are pixels many How is 297mm × printing with borderless fill an A4 page size (page needed to are pixels many How is 25.4mm per inch)? 210mm and the conversion image that has 4800 × 3600 pixels? an at 300dpi from What is the print size Learners could then work on their own image portfolios, change settings and export image portfolios, could then work on their own Learners meet a web to check the properties could of the exported these are portfolio ensure to Tutors image based brief. correct. Tutors could explain the properties of images that are required for web, display or other multimedia display web, for explain the properties could required of images that are Tutors for could then calculate or possibly 96dpi. Learners 72dpi mean around this would Typically, uses. and multimedia products use with web be suitable for dimensions would what pixel themselves wide). 1920 pixels up to wide 1024 pixels from (e.g. sizes display the given in example, For uses. different the image properties change to how for then demonstrate could Tutors Photoshop: Adobe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tutors could then demonstrate how to change the image properties for different uses. For example, in in example, For uses. different change the image properties to how for could then demonstrate Tutors Photoshop: Adobe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. change settings and export image portfolios, could then work on their own Learners meet a print to could check the properties tutor The the exported of correct. these are portfolio ensure to based brief. Suggested activitiesSuggested this would Typically, print use. for could explain the properties required tutor The are of images that 2400 pixels. be 3000 × need to × 8 inch print so that a 10 would Terms) 300dpi (see Keymean around a range of for be suitable would dimensions what pixel themselves for could then calculate Learners example: For print sizes. different • • • • Exporting media/ for images use display Title of suggested activity of suggested Title Exporting print images for use

CAMBRIDGE TECHNICALS IN DIGITAL MEDIA LEVEL 3 UNIT 8 The small print for your qualification: There isnow aquickandeasysearch tool to helpfind forLooking aresource? [email protected] resources ofourqualifications: we delivery offer to support Please getintouch ifyou of wantto discusstheaccessibility Square down andSquare up:alexwhite/ Cover image:Syda Productions/ theuseoffollowingOCR acknowledges content: astheoriginator ofthiswork. acknowledged remain andOCRis the OCRlogoandthissmallprint intact This resource may befreely copiedanddistributed, aslong OCR website to ensure you have themostupto date version. We update ourresources onaregular basis, sopleasecheckthe responsible for any errors oromissionswithintheseresources. ofthecontent,to OCRcannotbeheld ensure theaccuracy method thatisrequired by ismade OCR. effort Whilst every qualifications, butinnoway constitute anendorsedteaching OCR’s resources ofOCR are thedelivery provided to support OCR Resources: Expression ofInterest form whichcanbefound here: organisation, you canrequest more information by completingthe are switching from considering your current provider/awarding Whether you already offer OCRqualifications, are to new OCR, or ‘Send’. Thank you. up pleaseaddadditionalcommentsifyou wishandthenjustclick that ourresources for work you. When theemailtemplate pops onthe clicking ‘Like’ or ‘Dislike’ button you canhelpusto ensure We’d your ontheresources view to know like we produce. By the smallprint free


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