
Issued Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Issuff- Saturday he ourier azette T Entered ai Second Clan C Mall Matta, -G Established January, 1846. By The Courler-Oatetta, 4«S Main Ht, Rockland, Maine, Tuesday, July 25, 1939 THREE CENTS A COPT Volum e 9 4 ...... N um ber 88. The Courier-Gazette The Red Jacket [EDITORIAL] THREL'-TIMES-A-1VEEK AN EXCITING YEAR COMING “The Black Cat” Editor Trial and Reception Will Van Baalen Meets Our Governor WM. O. FULLER The country is on the eve of a momentous political year, Associate Editor Probably Be Set For An featured of course by a Presidential election. This takes place FRANK A WINSLOW Earlier D ate ln November, 1640—seemingly a long way off. but the wheels Nubnerlptlons S3 W> •'er year payable have long been ln motion, with, tooth of the major parties It, advance; single copies three cen>ts. Changed plans, with reference to jockeying for position. The country wants to know if Roose­ Advertising rates based upon circula­ tion and very reasonable the coming of the Red Jacket, and velt is going to run for a third term , and on the side of those Th. S n a T a r " ’’™” est.b- th< Rockland rece^lon for It. are who hope he will do so, are to be found two distinct classes— llthid In '848 In 1874 the Courier was noted ln the following communica­ one which Is made up of henchmen who benefit politically established and consolidated with the and financially, and one which believes, honestly no doubt, Gazette In 1882 Tlie Free Press was tion from Elisabeth May Craig. re’abllshrd It, 1855 and In 1891 changed that he is the ablest man the Democratic party has to offer. its name to the Tr'bune These papers Washington correspondent of the consolidated March 17. 1897 Probably Postmaster General Parley knows by this time what ... .. — ------. , j ...... Portland Telegram : Roosevelt's views are, because his conference with F. D. R. I* ••• ••• ••• ■♦■•♦•••••••••• ••• • • • • ••• ••• over Sunday was manifestly not Por a discussion of weather » A good deed la never lost. •» The new Maritime Commission or crop conditions. Will Farley fall heir to hls favor if Roose­ By The Roving Reporter Richard Brooks •— dry-cargo ship "Red Jacket" will velt does not run, or will it be Cordell Hull. McNutt, or some­ -to- •* y probably leave the Federal Ship­ body who has not thrust his hat into the arena? building Company docks at K ear­ The Republican side of the batting order is replete with Black Cat, you made a rash remark Before your latest touring. Capt. Jewell Going ney, N. J., where it was built, for good material, yet always there is to be taken Into considera­ Now readers dog you In the dark, Rockland, M e, Aug. 17. Commls- tion the ebon hued equine or "dark horse," to put it a bit more Your nemesis ensuring. ------slon ships take their trials at the plainly. The voters survey the situation calmly, but presently Some of the neighbors (so tls said) Rockland course, which Is also the That burdock prize so highly Former Commander Of the the excitement will be at a fever pitch, with not the slightest That should you touch Its lofty head Kickapoo To Be Sta- Navy trial course The trlP from danger of being winter killed. They'd wring your neck right wryly. Kearney will take about a day and With ancient bootjack they'll defend tioned In Alaska The eilft Shop's tately burdock a half. So do not mar one leaf, my friend. Originally, Rockland had planned Or else BEWARE OP Lieut. Com. Robert C. Jewell for­ CONGRATULATIONS, FRED GABBI a celebration of the Red Jacket MURDOCK! merly of Rockland, who has been in trial for Aug. 28, but in view of Maine Lionlsm has come into the spotlight through the command of the Coast Guard cutter the earier completion of the vessel, election of Fred H. Gatobi of Portland as one of the interna­ A woman tourist was seen on a Algonquin at Portland since Nov 15, celebration plans may have to be tional directors. Mr. Gatobi was Malnes first district gov­ Port Clyde wharf the other day will be transferred Sept. 15 to Ju n ­ hastened, perhaps to the 21st. ernor, and has always been a strong factor in th at service looking for Route No. 1 that she This will also change plans of might get to Portland. To those c f eau, Alaska, he anounced Sunday club. Something else which gives him prominence and stand­ Maritime Commissioner E. C. Mo­ ing is the fact that he selected a Rockland woman for his wife. us who have lived here all of our before sailing with hls ship to Cut- ran. who is planning to bring a lives this may seem to carry tha tis Bay. Md. He said that Lieut. group of Washington officials to aspect or humor, but when the high­ Maine for the celebration. Mr. way are not adequately marked it Com. Joseph Stanley Rosenthal, EXTREMES IN OUR COUNTRY commanding officer of the Coast Moran is a Rockland man. and for­ la not always an easy matter for the Guard cutter Thetis, will succeed mer Maine Representative. Mrs. What kind of a country is this that we live In. One sec­ driver to know which road to take. him in command of the Algonquin. Moran, a Maine woman, and grand­ tion of It drying up from tropical heat and drouth, while out Here's an exchange of felicitations. The man in the renter is Mr. Van Kaalen. one of the proprietors ol I have found this true in the nine Korkland'a new industry, and hr is telling the man it the right. Gov. Burrows. Iiow mui h he like' Maine in In the Juneau District of the daughter of a Maine sea captain, In the State of Washington six persons are being swept to States I have visited, and .sometimes christened the Red Jacket at K ear­ general and Koikland in pal tit ular. Gov. Barrows congratulates the cunirrn upon coming into Maine, anil in the Canadian Provinces, although Coast Guard, Commander Jewell death by a snow avalanche. When we consider these unfor­ teRs Mr. Van Baalen the Statr extends i‘s greetings an,l stands ready to co-operate in any way it can. Looking will have command of the 250-foot ney in May. tunate things we find ourselves doubly grateful th at we live on with satisfaction is Mayor Frederick Payne of Augusta, who had a hand in getting the new industry here. Canada looks after the visiter rather first class cutter Haida and will en ­ The Red Jacket Is one of 20 M ari­ in Maine. —Photo by Dick Reed of the Maine Development Coin mission. ■better than this country does, it must be admitted. gage ln seal patrol and halibut fleet time Commission ships named for o------<>------o duty. He said that he would be ex- famous clipper ships of sailing days. amined in October on the West 111 u nan* d toT a Maine-built cllp- TWO RIVALS IN OHIO The Class Of ’06 A community which boasts only a Coast for promotion to the rank of , Per- thanks to Moran » h° found There isn't much that the Institute of Public Opinion isn t A BRAVE BOY SCOUT few houses has one of the best commander. that the 20 selecled for nam in* prying into these days—but it's all in the line of what folks Going To Hold Its Annual Orange organizations in this part of Before going to Portland, he was commission vessels were all cham - talk about. Out in Ohio, for instance, two men are being Reunion At Farm Bureau the Slate, as well as a well kept statloned five years at Rockland in Pl0,“ .°L lh,e_LOUnd*the:hO^ considered with reference to the Republican Presidential Joe Anastasio, Remembering What He Had Grange heme. I refer to White Oak No Maine clippers were in that class command of the Coast Guard base nomination. One is Senator Robert Taft, who has long been Hall, Benner Hill but the old Red Jacket holds the Orange of North Warren where I He was commanding officer of the a third or fourth choice in the straw voting; and the other, Learned, Saves Donald Clifford sailing record from New York to The committee for the reunion was happy tc be a guest a few nights cutter Kickapoo; also of the Maine less known here in the East, is the governor of th at State, Liverpool, and was built at Rock­ of the Class of 1906. Rockand High ago Members who had birthdays Inshore Patrol Force, engaging dur­ John W. Bricker. "We'll find out," said the Institute of School, voted to hold this year's In June or July were reminded of It land, so Moran had one of the m ari­ Joe Anastasio of 79 Broadway, • cries for help were very feeble They ing prohibition ln law enforcement Public Opinion, and what it found was that 62 percent favor get-together Thursday, Aug. 3. by the fine supper in their honor. time ships named Red Jacket. Then were heard by the two boys on the [ duty. Taft and 38 percent Bricker. The lower income voters stood meeting at the former Chapel on has been a member of Troop 203, finding that the new Red Jacket ledge, however and Anastasio dove . Since he has been stationed in 50-50 Benner Hill, now occupied by the High School Boy Scouts the past was documented to New York he into the water when he saw the The Black Cat returns to the Job Portland he has resided at Y ar­ 0------O 0 Farm Bureau. It was voted to have two-and one-half years, and because had the documentation changed to Clifford boy going down again. after a week's vacation while Roving mouth with his wife and daughter, a hot lohster stew and “fixings''. Rockland, so th a t It will bear "Rock­ THE LOST BOY ON KAHATDIN 1 he benefited by the lessons he When he undertook to pull the Reporter tales demanded the space. Jerry Page Jewell. He will move Postal reply cards have been land" as its home port, under the learned there. Donald Clifford, 13. Clifford lad to the surface the 1 his family to Juneau, eight degrees mailed to the out-of-town members name on the stern. W hat a pity! Everybody says that, reading about 12 year . is still enjoying hls school vacation, latter did what many drowning per- from the Arctic Circle. I of the class, and It is hoped that Earlier completion of the Red old Donn Fendler, the New Y trk boy who has been missing on and at play with the other boys, jsons do—grasped him around the T. Raymond Pierce, whose contri­ this reunion will be the best at­ Jacket will also change plans for Mt. Katahdln since a week ago yesterday. Human effort has j Saturday afternoon Don and two butions over the initials "T. R. P." M. and Mrs Nathan Price have neck. Joe twisted the boys arms the Maritime Commission training been extended to the utmost, but no trace of the youngster. tended of recent years. I other lads, named Brown and Robi- appear occasionally in these column*, returned to Brighton, Mass. after above his head, and with his mind, ship "American Seaman,’ which has The theory has prevailed that he met death falling over a The Committee voted to make shaw. were at the Engine Quarry I intent upon what the Scout book has been elected vice president of a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. been detailed to be at Rockland for cliff, and the other alternate offers no cheer—the thought of the date Thursday rathr than Fri­ t fishing for cans. Robishaw was said, held the youngster by the I the Robert O air Company, Inc., of Jack Green. day, so not to conflict with the 1 the celebration. The Seaman, with a small boy wandering frantically ln a wild country, which I (he only member of the trio who chest and swam ashore with him. New York Mr Pierce graduat'd fireworks at the Rockport Regatta. its several hundred trainees from offered little in the way of sustenance. What a pity! 1 could swim. On a ledge about 10 a distance of about 10 feet, and from Rockland High School and The view from the place chosen for all over the country, will be tn Rock- j feet above the water were Joe An­ j lugged him onto the bank. Colby College, of which he is a [ land a day or two before the Red the meeting is one of the most beau­ astasio and Everett Clancy. | The Clifford boy was still breath- trustee, served as editor of The Bos­ tiful in Knox County. If the Jacket arrives. After the Rockland SONGS OF OTHER DAYS Reaching for one of the cans {ing, but dazed and in this condition ton Commercial for ten years, and celebration the Seaman will go to weather is favorable out-door games Donald Clifford slipped on loose I sat on the bank until removed to was an official of the Investment Bar Harbor for a couple of days, Frank Harding, who died in New York the other day, was the and sociabilities can be enjoyed. If gravel and went in over his head. | Ills home on Park street. bunking affiliation of the Old Col­ the weather should be unfavorable then to Portland, to Portsmouth oldest publisher of popular music. Some of the tunes take When he emerged above the surface And that’s how a brave Boy Scout ony Trust Co. and First National the Committee still urges the mem­ ' and down the coast, stopping at you back into the Gay Nineties, and will get prompt reaction his mouth was full of water and , and a Scout book saved a life. Bank of Boston. He has been as­ New London. from olden readers, whether they like popular music or simply bers to be there, as ample space sociated With the Oair Company endure it. Forty years ago everybody was singing "Where will be available for the get-together since 1929 as member of the execu­ Melvina S. Crawford, who claims Did You Get That Hat?" Harding paid $500 for the manu­ indoors. Sunday Yacht Races No Plan Is Made tive committee, director and assist­ I to be the oldest resident ln thia city, j script, and this was considered a “good stiff price." And here For information as regards trans­ ant to the president The Robert Is today celebrating her 99th birth- 1 are some others which “went big" on the stage and which portation or any other matter This Story Tells About For Transfer Of Inshore Pa- Oair Company is the largest manu­ day anniversary, at the home of almost everybody whistled or sang: “Down Went McGinty," simply call or write William J. Sul­ facturer of paperboard products in Capt. and Mrs. George Horton, "Two Little Girls In Blue," "Throw 'Em Down McCloskey,” livan. White Wings, Mackerel, trol; Mayor Veazie Heais the Eastern States and Canada. where she has resided for 11 years 'Take Back Ycur Gold," "The Bolling Mill Man," '"Molly and Flounders and Wind From Sm ith Her former home was in Burnham. I and the Baby," "Patsy Branigan," and "Say Au Revolr W.C.T.U. FIELD DAY This year 19 gardens of Bar Har­ She has been confined to the house . But Not Goodbye.” First one and then another was Spurred by the rumor that the bor's beautiful summer estates will for nearly a year as the result of ' W.CT.U. Field Day will be held becalmed in the race at the Yacht headquarters of the Maine Inshore be opened to the public, for the injuries, but has recently been able Friday at Ingraham Hill Chapel. Club Sunday, the winners being Patrol might be transferred from to Use letters with his number benefit of the Bar Harbor Chapter, to take short rldea ln an automo; , Odd Number Plates Noontime picnic lunch will be served this city to Southwest Harbor. plates. The star under the number Line McRae first, Bickmore second, American Red Cross. Sunday, Ju'.y bile. She is receiving ln the mail on the grounds, coffee and tea Mayor Edward R Veazie promptly Indicates 25,000 miles of driving Bud Pillsbury of Owl's Head third 30, cr the following Sunday. If it many cards and letters of congrat- [ Two years of safety driving—no provided. At 2.30 p. m. a program ' took the matter up with Senator and Capt. Fred Haskell, fourth. rains, from 2 until 6 o'clock in the ulatlons, and gift* of flowers and accidents—entitle the owner of c a r , wllh n0 accidents, ■will be given in the chapel, under Wallace II. White, J r , and Con­ the direction of Mrs. Jeannette Capt Mert Haskell gained over last gressman Clyde H Smith From the afternoon, visitors to Bar Harbor, candy. week's race, coming in fourth from Camden received a visit yesterdav Dunton. Mrs Martha Meserve latter he th's morning received the may, by paying $1, visit as many of the last (instead of last! and ex­ from a bona fide Arizona cowboy, Gould of Gorham, editor of the j following telegram. these gardens as they wish. Large Vesper’s Luncheonette pects some day to really make a who was ln full costume. 10-gallon State paper, "Star In the East," Cong. Smith's Reply Red Crosses will mark the gardens TUESDAY'S SPECIALS good showing. There were several hat, high heels and all. Knock- will be guest speaker. Mrs. Gould ! While there has been a study to thus open, and may be easily recog­ Hot Roast Beef Dinner new entries of trim looking crafts, nized. At no other time will It be Fresh Native Veal Loaf kneed just like the cowboy in the is also W.CT.U. State director of move the Coast Guard from Rock­ Salmon Loaf Fresh Haddock pictures. He wore a deputy Christian Citizenship and will speak and but for the tricky wind shifting, land to Southwest Harbor in order possible lo view these lovely flowers, LOANS $20-$300 tlie spectators would have witnessed Fried Scallops and French Fries sheriff badge, and attracted lots on that subject. Other features on to be at the Lighthouse Service dock, and everyone Is invited to Bar Har­ Steak Dinner, French Fries the program will be singing toy Mrs. a good contest. The mystery boat j no plan has been made, and will bor next 8unday, for this annual ANNOUNCING OUR PERSON ALIZED*LOAN Grilled Ham of attention. • • • • Lorna Pendleton, assisted by Miss didn't shew because of lack of wind, ' not be until giving me notice in event. Summer Salads of all kinds 25c but will enter next week I advance. Meanwhile I am getting SERVICE TO RESIDENTS OF ROCK- All Home Cooking The obliging Camden traffic cop Jane and Master Raymond Pendle­ The Interested crowd shows an in­ [other members of Congress to do Nothing over 35c asks "Doc" Oonley this one. "What ton Jr. Mrs. Leah Harboush will There are few who can preserve LAND AND VICINITY crease each week, and Sunday saw Home Made Fresh Blueberry Pie Is the significance of the crown on give a talk on "The Holy land,” ( their bit to prevent this change squash from the fall through the Come in and try our Banana Sky the breakwater lined with people, in Millions of people are now taking the modern either side of the New Jersey num­ showing exhibits. Solo by Miss i From which it would appear that winter into the month of July fol­ Scraper with Fro-Joy Ice Cream swimming and cheering the racers. view of paying up outstanding bills with a Per­ ber plate?" Faith Lurvey. Remarks on the I no definite move has been made. lowing, and have the squash in as Several of the sailboats were seen sonal Loan” and setting up a family budget. They Frances Willard Centennial cele­ Rockland would lose many families perfect condition as in the fall and trolling for mackerel, while over on If it materialized. bration by Mrs. Clara Emery. Talk winter. This was done last winter have learned that borrowing m oney can be good the North Shore flaks, flounders are on “Our Work," by Ms E. M. Law­ by Harry Swift, East Warren, who very plentiful. If cut right, they ! Advices from Congressman Smith business. rence. Members of the DA.R., set away a fifteen-pound squash on Introducing a complete line of delici­ make a tasty dish. Just sliver them, yesterday said that the USS Our loans are granted to salaried employes who Educational Club and others who a shelf ln his pantry. His sister, ous new Hand Dipped Chocolate that is, cut down each side of the Schench, a destroyer, will be avail- | can repay in small convenient monthly install­ are co-operating in the Frances Mrs Fied Mathews of Warren vil­ back bone, and you've got some- | able at the Rockport Regatta from Willard Centennial Celebration are lage, who cut it the week of the m ents. . Candies. j thing. And no bones! i Aug 2 to 5. The Coast Guard Cut­ Invited. Fourth, said there was not a blemish If you desire to learn about our service, just rill “MARY ADAMS” Two old salts gave an interesting ter Algonquin was originally allot­ to be found either outside or inside in and mail the coupon below. We will appreci­ I slant on the ways of the wind Sun­ Special Assortmnet, lb 39c Miss Mary Bartlett of Stonington ted for the Regatta but has been it, and she enjoyed as nice a squash ate your inquiry. who has been serving on the staff day, saying that the direction of the called in for repairs and tlie Travis ] I wind has changed a great deal this pie in mid summer, as one could ♦PERSONALIZED means without endorsers “MARY ADAMS” of the Old Age Assistance Bureau will be sent. wish for. has gone to Washington, D. C., I summer, and in fact haven't blown or co-makers. Fruit and Nuts, lb 59c where she will be employed in the for 20 years the way it has blown YOUR FAVORITE POEM Name ...... Also War Department. ! this year They predict a cold, hard One year ago; Former U. S. Sen­ ' winter, with plenty of snow. The If I had my life to live again I ator Obadiah Gardner, long a resi­ Crisp and Chewy, lb 45c would have made a rule to read gome Address ...... boys sailing yachts agree that they poetry and listen to gome music at dent of Rockland, died suddenly at All Soft Centers, lb 39c notice a great difference ln the wind least once a week The loss of these his hcine in Augusta —Perley Bart­ Occupation ...... Income ...... tastrs Is a loss of happiness.—Charlea An added feature is the new NOW O PEN from previous seasons. Darwin. lett won the Southern Maine soap­ box derby contest ln Portland and THE NOBLE NATURE “Dollar Line” NOT ON LONG came home to get a royal reception. ''fy& O tkQ It is n ot growing like a tree formerly called THE In bulk doth make Man better be; —Mrs. David Talbot, 81, died at her Dense fog hampered foreign and Or standing long an oak. three hundred home on Talbot avenue.—Capt. FINANCE COMPANY “Nan Cabot,” lb 29c year. coastwise shipping along the New Brainerd Simmons, formerly of THESE CHOCOLATES FRESH SATURDAY To fall a log at last, dry, bald, and RAINBOW ROOM England coast for hours yesterday. sere: Rockland, died in Southwest Har­ 241 W ater St. A ugusta, Me. T el. Augusta 1155 A illy of a day The barge Whitehead, enroute Is fairer far ln Mrty bor-Former Governor Louis J. Charges 3% on Unpaid Monthly Balance up to $150. Although It fall and die that nlaht. “BLAISDELL’S” THORNDIKE HOTEL to New York from Rockland, in tow It was the plant and (lower of Light. Brann addressed Townsend Club No. t ii% Monthly on Balances Above In small proportions we Just beauties 2.—Emma O. Shields, 93, long a SMALL LOAN STATUTE LICENSE NO. 1 MAIN ST., COR. PARK ST., ROCKLAND, ME. of the tug Goliah stranded on see; 88-90 ROCKLAND Peaked Hill Bar off Provincetown And tn short measures life may perfect teacher ln the public schools, died be. but was floated three hours later. —B. Johnson her home on Broad street. Page Tw o Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, July 25, 1939 Every-Other-Day

The Courier-Gazette children and their families. TENANrSHARBOR ' Jennie Hall and son Maurice of a trip to California, Texas and New Busy Red Cross Three "Crippled Children's" clin­ Washington, D. C„ Mr. Burke and York. THRU-TIMES-A-WEEK THE WARREN TEAM W1THDRAWS Mrs. James Booth of New Lon­ ' Doris Gray of Lowell, Mass. Samuel Dougan of New York city ics have been held in this District don, Conn., spent Thursday at the Mrs. Marjorie Jenkins of Ban­ and owner of the St George Granite But I say unto you, that every Annual Report Shows the under the State Bureau of Health "Ledges" as guest of Mr. and Mrs. gor was recent guest of Mr. and Co. was in town on business re­ Idle word that men shall speak, they I Amazing Amount Of Department of Crippled Children. Unable To Follow the Pace Set By the Knox Alfred Hocking. Mrs. Fred Smalley. cently. shall give account thereof in the The nurse has spent one afternoon W ork Done Samuel Archer of Worcester, W. E. Sheerer observed his 87th day of judgment. Matt. 12: 36. , assisting at these clinics. Twilight League Mass , is at his home here for a few I birthday Friday. Mrs. :Florence Annual report of the Rockland Several small clinics for the re­ days, also Mr. and Mrs. William Cameron of Providence is guest of Branch Public Health Nursing Serv­ 'NDJ^JSTION TALK OF THE TOWN moval of tonsils and adenoids at Archer. Mr. Sheerer. ice. from July 1. 1938 to July 1. 1939. Knox Hospital were held during •uid Or* Dm * Prove* It THIS WEEK'S GAMES The visitors made nine hits off Mr. Hill of Melrose, Mass. passed Mrs. Johr. McIntosh and daugh­ If the flrrt done of this pleaaant-Ustlnf little Nursing and Welfare the summer months. Twenty-six black tablet doesn't bring you the fastest and moat The Ladies' Aid Society will serve Tuesday Woodward six of which were in the the weekend a t his cottage, Hill ter Carolyn of Bangor were visitors J complete relief you hate experienced send bottle Prenatal visits. 219: Deliveries a t­ children were operated upon by Dr. ba.t to u> end get DOI BIX MONET BACK. Thia supper at the town hall, in Cushing St. George at Camden first and second innings. The only Haven. Friday at the home of Mr and Mrs. j Bell-ana tablet belpe the atomaeh digest food, tended for eight months. 64; Post­ William Ellingwood. the physicians make* the sirens stomerh fluids f — * - - Wednesday. ' Rockport at Rockland. hit for extra bases was the double Callers at the "Ledges" rtcently John Reid. you eat the nourishing foods you need. For heart giving the anesthetic, and the Hos­ burr*um, sick * "■ *■"headarhe ’ end upsets so— often “■ rallied - * Wednesday made by Bohndell in the last in­ partum visits 406; Newborn visits. were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Root Mr aiiti Mrs. Clayton Hunnewell j exreei stomach fluids making you feel sou '.S3 pital defraying three-fourths of the alek all oeee—JTTBT ONE iMToE of Bell tM Blue Bonnet Girl Scouts are Rockport at Camden. ning. 441; Lon-communicable and com­ and daughters Jean and Betty. Mrs are expected home this week from • speedy relief. 25c everywhere. expense of hospitalization. camping at South Pond, with Capt. Rockland at Thomaston Snow. Rockport's new second I municable, 936: Tuberculosis, 110; Two pre-school clinics were held Fannie Trask in charge. Thursday baseman, covered that sack in ex­ Venereal diseases, 59; Crippled Children. 57 Infants and pre-schools for the examination of all children Camden at Rockland. cellent style, and turned in one of Committees of the Congrgea- Friday Rockport's four hits. Anderson also 1858; Parent consultations, 236 who were entering school for the MID-SUMMER TIRE SALE LAST FOUR DAYS tlonal Church will hold a food sale first time. Eighty-two children at­ Rockland at St. George shone at third. The score: Total visits for year. 4386; total Saturday afternoon and night at tended. The examinations being Thomaston at Rockport. St George number of visits to homes. 2510 Silsby's Flower Shop. School Work made by our physicians, nose and ' • • • • ab r bh tb po a SALE PRICES Children weighed, measured and throat specialist, eye specialist and The League Standing 3immcns, cf 4 0 2 2 1 0 More power machine operators examined during the school year, two dentists. The school teachers W. L. PC ■ Anderson. 3b 4 1 3 3 0 4 COME IN T O D A Y are asked to register for work 1861; number found with defects, assisted at the examinations. This Rockland ...... 11 3 .786 Mackie. If . 4 2 2 Manager Trott of the Employment £•91; found with defective teeth, 919; work was all done gratuitously. A 2 5 % Camden ...... 9 5 .843 P Wiley, c . 3 0 0 Service placed eight at the Camden corrections. 230; found with defec- home visit was made following the ( 4.40-4.50x21 5.25-5.50x18 Rockport ...... 8 7 .533 M Wiley, ss 3 1 1 Street factory. clinic to each child where a defect DISCOUNT ’ 7 .5 0 ’ 8 . 9 5 St George ...... 8 8 .500 Lowell, rf .... 3 0 0 tive throats. 206: corrections. 41; found with defective vision. 78; cor­ was found. The visit was for the 4.75 0.06x19 6.00x16 Thomaston ___ 8* 8 429 Hawkins, lb 3 0 0 ’ 7 .7 5 ’ 1 0 .7 5 Couty Commissioner Adin L. Hop­ rections. 27; visits to classrooms. purpose of assisting the family 1 kins. who suffered an ill turn at Warren ...... 2 13 .133 Dowling. 2b 2 1 1 1 1 5.25-5.50x17 6.25-6.50x16 335; parent consultations. 236; wherever necessary in having the 1 s9.9 0 $ | 2 Q5 the recent State meeting in this Kinney, p 3 0 0 0 1 1 teachers assisted with health pro- defect corrected before the child ‘ city, will be confined to his bed The Warren team which has been cram*. 34; sanitary inspections of enters school. IM'LIDING YOUR OLD TIRE for several weeks, having rough sledding since the 29 4 9 9 21 8 G-3 All-Weather Tires but is making ..hools and grounds. 55. Eighteen adults were given the gradual gain. season opened, but which has shown Rockport Classroom inspections were made Von Piquret test for tuberculosis, ability to "take It.” gave up the ab r bh tb po a in the grades eicli month. We have and means provided for eight of Rockland Elks, with two members ghost yesterday and retired from Ladd, cf 0 0 had no e iidemicr of contag.ius di­ this number to be taken to Fairfield COMMUNITY SERVICE STATION from Bath took to die high seas the League. All further games in Snow 2b 1 1 Sanatorium for X-ray and exam- J Sunday in Foy Brown's cabin which it was scheduled to take part Woodward, p seases in the pwt school year A PARK STREET ROCKLAND TELEPHONE 149 ination. The clinic for these adults cruiser 'J. O." Twixt this port and have been cancelled. * Miller. 3b ... ; mailer number of exclGswu frr was held at the Red Cross office, Hurrican Isle many deep sea mon­ • • • • f Bohndell. rf pediculi .ird Jun disease.- have been noted the past year. I .ns Is with the District Health Officer sters were lured from the depths Rockland 22. Warren 6 Starr, lb giving the tests. This was done Fearful of success in this line the Gluttons for punishment, the Sandblom, ss due to a large extent to the splen­ did co-operation, given by the after securing the consent of the Elks took along great quantities of Warren team fell beneath an ava­ •Lofman. If ... 1 1 teachers in carrying health teach­ patients own physician. lobsters and clams which were later lanche of base hits at Community Day. c ...... 0 0 Glasses were provided for 15, concocted into a most satisfying Park Sunday afternoon, the Pirates ings alon; with the routin'- c a*s- room work The first eight months children in the grades. repast by that prince of chefs scoring 12 runs in the third in-j 34 0 4 5 21 8 2 of the fiscal year the service was Two lectures in Public H ealth NATION-WIDE “Tommy" Anastasio. ning. four in the fourth and four ■ gt. George 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0—1 in the eighth. Thompson was in the Two-base hit. Bohndell. Base on covered by two nurses. Since Nursing were given to the student Sheriff C. Earle Ludwick Deputy I forefront of the heavy artillery, balls, off Woodward 2. Struck out March 1 we became a one nurse nurses at Knox Hospital. Sheriffs Ernest Gray and Robert A swelling his batting record with | by Kinney 5. by Woodward 5 Hi: service, and at that time the de­ A class in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick was taught over Webster of this city and Charles four hits. McNeilly. Chisholm, La by pitcher. Snow Double play. livery service was discontinued. a period of six weeks. Eight adults Spruce of Camden attended the • Crosse, Karl and Schelln each made Woodward. Snow and Starr. Um­ Clinics completed the course and were meeting of the Maine Identification three. Billings and Schelin excelled pires, Graffam and Kulju Scorer. Twelve "Well Baby" clinics have awarded the certificate granted by Officers' Association in Houlton last afield. The score: Winslow been held, with an attendance of week They found hospitable hosts Ruck land • • • • 362 children. These clinics are at­ the American Red Cross for those who have satisfactorily completed there and enjoyed an excellent ses­ ab bh po a Camden defeated Thomaston 8 tended by mothers from the sur­ sion. The outing was somewhat ■ McNeilly. p ...... 5 2 to 4 in Thomaston Sunday after- rounding towns as well as our local the course. marred for Bob by the frequent and Chisholm. 2b ...... 4 3; noon. The visitors carried a 1 to 0 mothers. The towns of Owls Head. Talks on the pre-school child and mysterious disappearance of his Billings, ss ______3 lead until the sixth inning, when Thomaston. Union, Camden. Rock­ on first aid were given at two Farm raincoat. The next meeting of the Thompson, p ...... 6 2 a double by A Upham, a walk for port Warren. St George, and Crie- Bureau meetings. Five Home Service cases for dis-J association iwll be in Rockland Aug. La Crosse, lb ...... 2 1 Simpson, and singles by Gray and haven have been represented during 17. Perry 3b ______1 1 2 McLeod put Cottrell's boys out in the past year. Eighty-one children abled veterans or their families Karl, cf ______3 2 0 front 4 to 1. and then came the have received innoculations for were investigated. z The first reunion in 32 years is to Schelin lb ...... 3 2 0 fatal seventh when the Camden Diphtheria at these clinics along One Social Service case for the be held Aug. 16 by the Class of 1907. Dnnkwater. rf ...... 1 0 0 batters who had previously made with the routine clinic inspections. Massachusetts Society for Preven­ RH.S The exact place of the get------i but two hits off Upham, arose in Dr C. B. Popplestone has as in the tion of Cruelty to Children was in­ to-gether will be decided upon in 42 23 27 14 their might and slugged him and past three years given his time to vestigated. Five cases for T he Brew extra strength. . to make the near future. The committee Warren his successor Barlow all over the attend these clinics. Travellers Aid Society were inves- j allowance for the melting ic e / on arrangements includes Mayor ab bh po ajlot. singles by Dion <2» Heald, Ro- Eighteen Dental clinics were held. tigated and the cases satisfactorily DOLES Veazie. E. B Crockett. A F. Lamb. Stone. 3b ..... 4 0 2 2 minick and Belyea, a double by The work being divided between adjusted. 4 We are still trying to Increase j E. C. McIntosh and Mrs. Iris Emery Robinson, ss 1 2 3 Baum, two walks and an error net- two dentists who received $10 per RED BAG lb. 21c PINEAPPLE GEMS 2 cans25c Weymouth. An entertainment com­ Watts, c ..... 1 6 1 ting the visitors seven urns. The clinic. Children from the first bur follow up work in our Tuber- 1 mittee was appointed consisting of Newbert. 2b 2 3 2 batteries were Dunbar and Dione. A. four grades attended. The report culosis and Social Hygiene Fro-1 QUAKER -EXTRACT Mrs. Ruth Gurdy Bird, Mrs. Emily Spear, cf ...... 1 3 0 Upham. Barlow and D Sawder of the work is as follows: 140 child­ grams Wc are making slow prog- < BLUE BAG lb. 19c ress. As in any generalized public' R O O T BEER Hix Faber and Mrs. Lon Cobb Breck. p .... 1 '1 ojThe_ I. umpires were Condon and ren attended, 140 cleanings. 271 2 dots 25c Emery. Connell lb 0 « 2 Richardson. Filings of Permanent teeth, five health nursing program, bedside White lb 1 1 o' ------fillings of temporary teeth. 220 ex­ work and school work must come Waltz, r ..... 0 1 ol FOR monhegan races tractions of temporary teeth. 22 ex­ first. Whatever time is left over VALLEY tractions of permanent teeth. we are able to devote to this im por­ Cutters Algonquin and Harriet For the first time in the Rock­ tant part of the work. PICKLES KINDS ■ 2 JARS 1 9 c HORMEL 38 7 27 10 Last year we had three objectives Rockland 0 112 4 0 1 0 4 0—22 Lane Are Assigned For Duty On land schools a Toxoid clinic for the SILVER SEAL Warren ...... 00023000 1_6 Aug. 26-27 purpose of immunization against We Will carry one of them along Runs. McNeilly 3. Chisholm 4. La diphtheria was held. 836 children with us again this year with one VINEGAR 8 { S ft1 9 c SPAM CAN 29< Crosse 2. Schelin 2. Drinkwater 4.I The Coast Guard cutters Algon­ from an enrollment of 1185 child­ other added. \. Thompson 3, Stone. Robinson 2, quin and Harriet Lane have ceen ren were Innoculated in the grades, 1. T o 'd o more extensive tuber­ Waltz. Billings 2. Perry 2. Karl 2, assigned to patrol the course of the and 364 in Junior High and High culosis and social hygiene work in Watts 2. Two-base hits. Chisholm Portland Yacht Club's Monhegan School. Making a total of 1190 our community. ZA-REX FRUIT SYRUPS ASST a ■ JUG 1 9 c 2. La Crosse. Three-base hits, Chis­ Island Race. Aug. 26-27, according children -who took advantage of the 2. To have a clinic in our schools holm 2. La Crosse. La Crosse. Karl to word received Thursday from clinic. This clinic was sponsored to check all children who were giv­ COCOMALT . . . . l « n 4 5 « - ^ l 2 5 c 2. Stolen bases. Thompson. La Cajt. T. A. Shanley, commanding by the Knox County Medical Asso­ en the Toxoid innoculation in J a n ­ Crosse. Sacrifices. La Crosse. Base officer of the Boston Division of the ciation, and all the local physicians uary. on balls, off McNeily 2, Breck 2. Coast Guard, by Walter DeC Moore. gave their time to give the innocula­ In concluding this report I wish Struck out. by McNeilly 5, Breck 6 Jr., chairman of the Race Com­ tions. to express my appreciation to Na­ users Errors. McNeilly. Chisholm 2. Stone | mittee. A tuberculosis clinic was held in tional Red Cross, members of the VIENNA SAUSAGE . can 9 c OVALTINE 3. Robinson 2. Newbert. Spear. Hit Capt. Shanley advised Mr. Moore co-operation with the Bureau of executive and nursing committees, by pitcher. Drinkwater. Umpire, that the cutters could be used both Institutional Service. Augusta; 1000 city officials, service clubs. Knox LARGE CAN SMALL CAN Tripp. for patrol work and to carry com­ children were given the Von-Piqu- Hospital and especially to our phy­ LIDO 1 9 < • • • • mittee members of the yacht club. ret test for tuberculosis; 41 of this sicians for their splendid co-oper­ DINNU 59c - 33c The w e a th e r isSU IT - St. George 4. Reek port 0 In former years one cutter general­ number reacted to the test and ation their willingness to help at ./ Weakness with the stick cost ly has been assigned to assist with were given chest X-rays; 62 were any time and in any phase of the Rockport any chance of winning ocean race, but two years ago the re-X-rayed because of positive re­ work No organization works alone. vessel was called away for other actions in the past three years. We feel th st whatever we have F L IT Flv from those fast stepping St. George SPRAY • ■ b e e V, PINT 1 5 c • PINT 2 3 c able so what are we boys at Rockport last •night. The werk sodn after the race began. Fourteen adults were X-rayed at achieved in the past year is due visitors pounded Woodward for This year the Race Committee re­ this clinic because of their contacts to the co-operation of individulas four runs in the first two Innings, quested assistance through Senator w-ith active tuberculosis. We plan and other organizations with us. To AEROXON FLY COILS ■ B e 4 fOr9 c waiting for? after which the game was fought Frederick Hale to follow all reactors all through the servie and see the work grow is a on an even basis. years he is in school. More follow­ great privilege. Kinney held Rockport to four hits COURIER-GAZETTE WANT ADS up work is needed In our tuber­ Eliza J. Steele SINGING RIVER / NATION-WIDE or SEALECT scattered among as many innings. WORK WONDERS culosis work among our school Public Health Nurse. S H R IM P ■ a MED 1 5 c Certainly it can't be the cost — ■ EVAPORATED MILK GRANDEE--STUFFED that's holding you bark, for OLIVES. . . jar 1 0 c these cool tropical worsted suits 4««25c arc only $18.50. GENERAL KNOX Surely it can’t be that you enjoy Jalrb1 5 c suffering, for we saw you yester­ CHANCE LARGE AJ _ f* C H IP S O FLAKES er GRANULES PKG 21C day and you didn't look any toa happy about it. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY—SUMMER FURNITURE SHARPLY REDUCED IN PRICE WITH REGULAR TEN GLIDERS TO BE. SOLD AT HALF PRICE BALL PRESERVING QTS f l f l . PINTS f i e . (D o i ) ©VC - (Dot) © JC glop mopping and moping. In t R O Y A L JARS REFRIGERATORS this weather, one of these salts OIL STOVES MACAROON WIDC-MOUTH C O ^ U C I I S QTS A f l . PINTS will bring you more eoinlort than LAWN CHAIRS BALL ME£ K ,N0 (Dei) T T C - (Dei) T JC CROQUET SETS a convertible coupe . .. PORCH CHAIRS LAWN FURNITURE G U LF W A X FOR SEALING 2 LBS 23c Any, colored body. PO RCH RUGS REED SHADES • MATINEE BISCUITS $18.50 • FIGtBARSi REGULAR WIDE-MOUTM UMBRELLAS •AFTERNOON TEA DB MA kI LL RUBBERS JAR ■ ■ 2 PKGS 9 c - 2 PKGS 1 9 c LAWN SWINGS A few in size 37 at REED AND RATTAN AWNINGS SUITES $12 .0 0 CERTO . . . BOTTLE 23c These Ten Handsome Gliders Will Be Closed Out At Half Price— At Once. Act Now! GREGORYS STONINGTON FURNITURE CO. w e ™ o yc°eullahrom e NATION-WIDE SERVICE GROCERS 313-326 MAIN ST.. ROCKLAND TEL. 980 Every-0 ther-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, July 25, ,939 Page Three

Dog days began this morning; so Bath Times; Eddie Hamblett, proving popular with townspeople j another of candy kisses, were the TALK OF THE TOWN called not on account of anybody’s Personal Finance powerful fullback of the Morse high and summer residents. The recent: gifts of Miss McKnight and her dog, but the dog star Sirius now elevens the last three seasons, who supper netter $10.69. Mrs. J. T. guest. After dinner the game of overhead in the daytime. Well Known Company Is was awarded the Student Council Baum and Mrs. A. F. Sleeper were "Ring Pop” won every youngster a Extending a Complete Athletic cup at the June graduation, joint chairmen. Another supper lollypop and then a quiet period won’t be entering the University of will be held Friday with Mrs. Clif­ ensued while Miss McKnight told Manager Joseph Dondls of Strand Service Here Theatre and Lawrence J. Dan- Maine this fall, but after a year at ford Dennison as chairman. stories. the Iron Works expects to take up Gilford Butler and guest May- , Transportation was furnished by July 26 -.Rockport— Baptist Ladles’ deneau of the Park are in Boston The Personal Finance Company Circle midsummer fair on lawn at A. attending a district meeting of M. his studies at Orono in the fall of nard Deane of Portland spent a J Chester Grierson, Henry Sleeper, T. Carroll's. of Augusta, with offices at 241 July 26 A H. Newbert Association & P. managers. 1940. If the strapping youngster week's vacation at his cottage at Clifford Dennison, Mrs. Randall of Past Matrons and Past Patrons, O. Water street, is extending their loan takes his football seriously there’s Pleasant Beach. Several groups were Hopkins, Joseph Baum, Archie E 6 . meets w ith Mr and Mrs. H. P. Blodgett Spruce Head. The Meadowbrook Riding Club service this year to Rpckland and venturing a guess he nails a back- entertained there during the week. Rackliff and Miss McKnight. July 26 Thomaston—Annual summer concert at Baptist Church. has matters of special interest to field berth with the Pale Blue be­ The Sunday School Council meets July 27 Tenants Harbor— Rebekah consider at tonight's meeting, fore graduation. He should fit nice­ Tuesday night at 730 at the home 1 fair on Hawkins’ lawn. CUSHING July 28—W C.T.U. Field Day and pic­ which will be held at Hillcrest Rid­ ly Into Coach Fred Brice’s scheme of Miss Louise Butler to discuss re­ nic at Ingraham Hill chapel Aug 2 18 p m l Thomaston—’’There ing Academy at 8 o'clock t-onight. of things. Not only should he tip pairs and improvements on the A party from is va­ and Back’’, travel talk by Miss Rita the scales at better than 180 when church and other matters. Every­ cationing at the Dr. Judovlck C Smith and Miss Margaret G Ruggles at Congregational vestry. At the Vesper Leach store on he lands at the State University but one interested in church work is homestead under the chaperonage Aug 2 Port Clyde— Baptist Circle invited. of Attorney and Mrs Judovick. They fair at Library. Main street could be seen Mon­ he packs plenty of speed for a Aug 2—Annual picnic of Shakespeare day on one stem three of the most big boy. • • • • enjoyed a fishing trip Friday and Society at Crescent Beach Inn Merry Picnickers Aug 2—Founders' Day at Lincoln gorgeous and velvety deep red roses returned with a fine catch. An­ Home In Newcastle Another red letter day for tlie other fishing party consisted of Mr. Aug 2-5 —Rockport— Regatta-Sports­ it has ever been the writer's privi­ SOI ITH THOMASTON I men's Show. lege to gaze upon. They were from Sunday School was July 19 when and Mrs. H. G. Fisher, Mr. and Aug 3—Reunion of Class of 1906. that group spent the day at Whit­ MCLAIN SHOE STORE Rockland High School, at Benner 11*11. the rose garden of Miss Jeannette At the meeting Wednesday of Mrs. Ray Vink, Merle D. James. Aug 6 Rockport—Concert by Curtis Waldo of Thomaston and are of the Wessaweskeag Orange. Mrs A. F. comb’s Beach, Owls Head. Bathing, Paul Dorris and D. F. Nacher. One ROCKLAND, MAINE String Quartet at Capt. Eells' Boat swimming, games, races and con- | Barn Texas Centennial variety. Sleeper was elected lecturer to com­ of the women received prizes for Aug 7—Reunion Class of 1912 Rock­ tests on the sand directed by Miss ENTIRE STOCK OF WHITE SHOES land High School at Rockledge Inn. plete the unexpired term of Mrs the biggest, the best and the first Spruce Head Reginald McLaughlin. It was voted Mary Sleeper occupied the time 'til fish caught. The trips were made Aug. 8—Reunion of class 1910. Rock­ Writing from Seward, Alaska. land High School, at Green Gables In Raymond Young says: "On our way to paint the front of the piazza; dinner when 55 children and par­ with Capt George Horton. GO ON SALE Camden ents seated themselves round a table Aug 9 Martinsville— Ladles Circle home after seeing many interest­ and to recess until Sept. 6. spread under the trees and covered , TOMORROW (WEDNESDAY) fair at Orange hall ing things in Uncle Sam’s attic. Those attending the Christian Aug 9—Owls Head— Church Fair at with an unusually large amount of O W L ’S H EA D Library building. Got within 15 miles of the Arctic Youth Association meeting Sunday AU nationally known makes that you can buy Aug 10 Warren —Congregational food and two pails of fruit punch. Circle. The ice field then became night ’Were well repaid for their Miss Elizabeth St. Clair enter­ Ladles’ Circle midsummer fair The crowning glory of the din- ' with confidence Aug 16—Reunion Class of 1901 Rock so dense we could not go on. Have time. After the pledge and song tained recently Miss Margaret Ames land High School, at Rockledge Inn, ner was the 35-pound watermelons' and Miss Patricia Wall of Rockport, Spruce Head seen some wonderful glaciers. Have service, Schubert's "Serenade" was “WALK-OVERS,” “ENNA JETTICKS- Aug 15—Annual field day of East­ which were the gifts of Speare | missed The Courier-Gazette a great vicinity. An interview with Howard played on the violin by Spalding Miss Cynthia Greeley and Miss “HEALTH SPOT,” “KALI-STEN-IKS” ern Star Chapters of this district at Naum and Naum & Adams Co. of J Penobscot View Grange hall, Glen deal." Davies, Jr., manager of the firm, Hodsdon, accompanied by Mrs. Ruby Elliot. This week her guest Cove. Rockland. A basket of plums and is Miss Leona Ames of Rockport. Aug. 16—Reunion Class of 1907. R disclosed the fact that Mr. Davies Charles Watts. Then followed a SAVINGS FROM 20% to 40% H S. Aug. 16-17 — Thomaston American The Courier-Gazette is indebted feels that there is a definite need fine sermon by Charles Ellis of Legion Fair to Capt. William H. Winoapaw for for their Personalized Service in Rockland who is a recent graduate B U Y N O W ! Aug. 17—Reunion (25tb) Class 1914 RHS. at Rockledge Inn some fine snapshots taken in the Rockland. of Wheaton College in Illinois. This SANDY SHORES Aug 18—S tate Field Day of Knox Academy of Arts and Sciences at Knox Andes Mountains where he has The company represents the larg­ group is doing fine work in conduct­ Arboretum been toting gold from the Moun­ est organization of its’kind in the ing meetings Sunday nights, SPECIAL Aug. 18 —Warren— Annual mid-sum­ mer ooncert at Baptist Church/ tains to the nearest point of ship­ world; and the office which will monthly socials, etc. It is under CHICKEN Aug 20 Waldoboro Annual service ment. Readers will recall the highly serve the Rockland territory is now the able guidance of Miss Margaret r at Oemtan Lutheran Church. BARBECUE 3 5 / "I Aug. 20—Rockport—Concert by Cur­ interesting series of letters which celebrating its 11th year in business McKnight and provides excellent tis String Quartet at Capt. Ec'.la' Boat Barn Capt. Wincapaw wrote from La Paz in the City of Augusta. training in leadership for young Telephone Reservations Appreciated Aug. 22—Rockport—School of Instruc­ for this paper. WARREN TEL. 5-23 tion. O E S Mr. Davies further stated that, people. Everyone is invited. Aug 23—Owls Head—Grange fair. after 11 years of financing the pur­ Mr. and Mrs. William Griffin in FREE PICNIC TABLES FREE Aug. 28—Red Jacket Day Aug 28 (2 p. m.|—Crockett Block- Rockland High School class of chase of automobiles, furniture, Rockland entertained at dinner Among the shaded grove overlooking beautiful wooded Educational Club unveiling ceremonies 1901 will have a reunion Aug 10, at for original Red Jacket bronze tablet. clothing, electrical equipment, and Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs South Pond Rockledge Inn, Spruce Head, and of providing a convenient way for Alden Butler of Los Angeles. Guests BOATING BATHING FISHING UUNIONS all graduates and classmates, with hundreds to buy the things that were Miss Louise Butler, Gilford LUNCHES LIGHT GROCERIES Aug 3—Ingraham family at Penob husbands end wives, are urged to You are Welcome to cool, lovely Sandy Shores acot View Orange hall. Glen Cow. 59th make for com tert and happiness, Butler. Frank Stanton and Mr. and annual. attend or send greetings. Cards our company has gained vast ex­ Mrs. Alden Butler. ■ *<> ADMISSION FEE SMALL FEE FOR BATHING Aug 9—Descendants of Ebenezer Hall A RUBBER FOOTWEAR at Penobscot View Grange hall. Glen have been sent? out to be fillad out perience in adapting our service to The series of Grange-church sup­ Cove; 34th a'nnual and mailed promptly, in order that the circumstances of the individual. pers Being held fortnightly are ROUTE 1—SOUTH WARREN reservations may be made by Mrs. C. Through good times and depression J More Talk of the Town on Page 2. H. Morey, secretary. years, our financial assistance has been available for the emergencies $ 1 .7 9 p air Schooner Anna Sophia is under­ An inspector from the Civil which pc; pie of average means going a general overhauling at the Aeronautics Authority of Wash­ face at some time or another." Snow Shipyards. ington, D. C., was In town Friday The Personal Finance Company to inspect the plane at Airways, is engaged in the business of grant­ Elmer Decrow, clerk at Moor's Inc., and left with much praise for ing loans from $20 to $300. It has drug store was in Belfast Saturday Pilot Charles Treat on the excellent 376 wide spread offices throughout ANNIVERSARY SALE to attend the funeral of his uncle, condition of his Fairchild Pilgrim the United States. Charles Decrow. model 71 plane. It has a 420 h. p. Because of their vast experience Pratt & Whitney wasp motor, and in helping to adjust family budgets, TW O BIG SALE DAYS City Clerk E. R. Keene has held carries seven passengers. 766.000 people came to the Personal that office 17 years, in theioour.se Finance Company in one year alone of which he has recorded 3950 Mrs. Nellie Hall will be hostess to borrow 117 million dollars. Friday, July 28 ■ Saturday, July 29 deaths and 3963 births. Between Thursday to the Edwin Libby Relief The vast majority of the 766.000 whiles he married 160 couples and Corps, at the Lufkin cottage at people were housewives who have recorded 2470 couples. The rest of Coopers Beach. Those who wish learned that borrowing money can the time he had to himself. ALL SPECIAL PRICES - STOCK UP AND S A V E to go early in the day may take a be good business. box lunch, and the special get-to­ The company is a nationally Two mahogany show cases for gether meal will be served at 6 known advertiser. At the present sale, plate glass. 8 feet long, bar­ o'clock. Those not solicited will time it has a very interesting pro­ 15c CONGOLEUM RUGS LUNCH KITS AND gain price. Senter-Crane Co.—adv. furnish sweets. Members wishing gram titled "Doc Barclay’s Daugh­ 83-lt Sale Price, each 10c VACUUM BOTTLES transportation will call Mrs. Hall. ters." This program may be heard over the Columbia Networks Mon­ Perley Reynolds and his band This Line McRae. Jr., is a chip day through Friday from 2 to $1.09 complete will feature at Oakland Park to­ SPOT LIGHT BED LAMPS off the old block, and thereby hangs 2.15 p. m. adv? night. W ith his new band. Mr. a tale. He is the owner of a small 5 9 c each Reynolds has the sensational "Hoci" i----- 10-QT. GALVANIZED PAIL but venerable sloop yclept "Skip­ $1.00 Value Cramer, singer and swinger of Thomas J. Foley has joined the per." He triumphed several times staff of the New Thorndike Hotel 1 9 c each over his pal. Bud Pillsbury until as day clerk, a position which he 8-QT. COVERED KETTLES one fine day Bud appeared with a was most satisfactorily filling 25 modern, able "Indian” and sailed years ago. 3 9 c each SMALL 39c GALV. TUBS WALDO THEATRE circles around the unhappy skip­ MAINE'S LITTLE RADIO CITY per. In spite of this, a match race Representative Samuel Farwell 2 7 c each TEL. WALDOBORO 100 was sailed Sunday with the Skipper of Unity, a former Rockland boy, is 10-QT. GRAY COMBINETS cleared of every ounce of surplus a candidate for delegate to the Re­ 69c Value For the rest of the summer, weight, even to the cushions. The publican National Convention from 7-JAR CANNING KETTLE there will be matinees every impossible happened with the little the Second District. Maine is en­ 4 5 c each weekday at 2.30, Sundays at 3. - 9 5 c each Skipper taking the race. "Gee. I titled to 13 delegates. Evenings at 7 and 9. don't know how we did it Dad, 49c CONGOLEUM RUGS said Line Jr., recalling the old days Tl'ES.-WED., JULY 25-26 Something new under the sun— CONGOLEUM RUGS when L. E. himself in football har­ Yorkie's Hamburgers. They are 3 5 c e a c h 69c Size SHIRLEY TEMPLE ness would say after winning a not- RANDOLPH SCOTT the absolute tops in hamburgers M.ARGARXT LOCKWOOD to-be-won game. "Jeannie Crime, made from the very best heavy 5 0 c each boys, we won but I don't know how western beef, ground fresh twice MEN’S DRESS SHIRTS “SUSANNAH we did It.” daily, with fresh wholesome rolls, FUSED COLLARS LADIES’ APRONS rich butter, seasoned to the queen's Very Special OF THE MOUNTIES” Good Quality and Siae BORN taste with all the fixings you want. 5 9 c each Also 20-Minute Featurette Dunnell — At Queens Hospital Port Yorkie has the very best hamburg­ “THE MARCH OF FREEDOM" land, July 21. to Mr and Mrs Edgar only 10c each A Dunnell iMary Evelyn Ulmcri a son ers. at his immaculate stand on THURSDAY ONLY, JULY 27 Elm street, Camden.—adv. M EN’S MARRIED BING CROSBY 80 SQ. PERCALE APRONS Parnard-llankrvirh — At Waldoboro, COVERT WORK SHIRTS MISCHA AUER July 23. by Rev O G Barnard. Stephen Special at BABY SANDY H Barnard of Waldoboro, and Miss WITH ZIPPER FRONT Helen L Hankovlch ol Chicago DANCING 89c Value JOAN BLONDELL Clark-Haskell—At Rockland, July 22. 1 9 c each by Rev. Guy Wilson. Ralph T Clark, Jr., and Virginia L. Haskell, both of Every W ed. 6 5 c each “ EA ST SIDE Rockland. AT LADIES’ OIL SILK RAINCOAT O F HEAVEN” DIED $1.69 Value Glen Cove 80 SQ. PERCALE DRESSES Dunnell—At Portland. July 21. In­ Siues 36 to 52 Coming: “Moonlight Sonata.” fant son of Mr and Mrs. Edgar A Music By $ 1 .2 9 each “Goodbye Mr. Chips," "The Lady Dunnell. Havener—At Waldoboro. July 24. Lilia Danny Patt and his Orchestra 4 4 c each Vanishes," "Second Fiddle," “The B , wife of Wlnlleld Havener, aged 52 years. 6 months. 29 days Funeral ONE LOT Sun Never Sets." Thursday at 2 o'clock from Dennis DOOR PRIZE Mank residence. Interment In German cemetery Keen Tool with the new MEN’S HOSE LADIES’ RAYON PANTIES Ludwig—At Hope. July 23. Daniel H Ventiliating Fan » 10c Value Ludwig, aged 80 years Funeral Tues 9 c each day » t 1.30 lrom residence. Interment In Mountain cemetery. Camden Danny Patt and Orchestra will be ______2 pairs 25c______BLUEBERRY FARM Johnson—At Auburn. July 24. David at Martinsville Grange hall Every Johnson of St. George, aged 45 years. 6 months, 12 days, Friday Night. 88* It PILLOW CASES FO R SALE Webster—At Cushing. July 23. Ida LADIES’ & MEN’S SLIPPERS For particulars see Ronaldson. wife of Albert G. Webster S9c Value DR. N. A. FOGG, Rockland of Longmeadow, Mass Interment in 9 c each or EINAR HEINO, Rockville Springfield. 2 5 c pair 86-104 CARD OF THANKS ONE LOT Union Church Circle. Vlnalhaven. wishes to thank the Orders for the loan 80 SQUARE PERCALE of chairs, dishes etc,, also everyone, MEN’S DUNGAREES who helped to make Its dinners, a suc­ cess. during Sesqui Centennial cele­ bration. « 5 9 c pair 1 0 c yard

CARD OF THANKS BURPEE’S Wc wish to thank the merchants ’ LUNCHEONETTE AND SODA FOUNTAIN SERVICE of Rockland lor prizes donated; the American Legion Auxiliary for their donation, and the American legion Ambulance Service MORTICIANS for use of the hall, for our benefit beano party. The Committee • Ambulance Service E.B.CROCKETT 5 & 10c to $1 STORE The moa, a bird now extinct which RUSSELL M c L A IN ’S TELS. 390 AND 781-1 lived in New Zealand up until about FUNERAL HOME 410-12 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, MAINE a century ago. was often 12 feet in 9 CLAREMONT ST. TEL. 662 ROCKLAND S61-S86 M A IN ST. R O CKLAND ROCKLAND, ME. 119-tf height, was covered with hair in­ stnK < d* 88-tf stead of feathers, and had no wings, Every-Otlier-Dav Page Fouf Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, July 25, 1959

1 Fake Auto Plates Lakewood Theatre Happy Hope Farm WALDOBORO ROCKPORT Jim Brennan’s Baseball Team No More “India” and Mrs. Savage Has Views ft ft ft ft Lakewood Theatre might well LIDA O. CHAMPNEY “China” Stuff To Cover adopt this season, the name of a fa­ About Bicycle Rights— MRS LOUISE MTLLER Correspondent Correspondent the Maine Plates Z\ ZX zx mous radio program, namely, “The Bees Swarm Birdhouse ft ft ft ft Hit Parade.” Already eight Broad­ Two weeks ago the Executive Tel 2229 way hits have been produced, this Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— Tel. 27 Council voted that the fake automo­ week a new play is finding popular b cycles are a menace to auto­ bile plates which had become more Stephen Kelley and family have favor and next week comes 'The rnobhists. autos are an even greater Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parsons re­ or less of a fad should be removed j arrived from Philadelphia to spend w hite Steed" another of this sea- menace f® bicyclists. When one is turned Sunday to Boston after a from all Maine cars. As this order the remainder of the summer in son's successes. iout on a '’•W lc it doesn t do to visit with Mrs. Parson's parents Mr. will be carried out we shall probably town. j Next week's play “The White ,akf ha!f tbe road, for if a car and Mrs. C. B. Stahl. see no more of the foreign plates j Word has been received of the steed" is 'by Paul Vincent Carroll Pasies >’ou- there is usually one or Mrs. Richard Benner of Spring- unless they are genuine. When | promotion of Douglas Davis to the whose fine drama "Shadow and morc speed thirsty roadhogs close field. Mass., and Miss Katharine these plates began to appear here- position of night manager of one Substance" was presented earlier in on *ts tail 0,1 ready to run Benner of Honolulu were weekend abouts they aroused a lot of inter- of the Bickford restaurants in New the season. Fay Wray, charming ° 'er ^ou lf you lurn t0 the guests of Prof. Allen R Benner. est among people who thought they York city. [ stage and screen actress and Jessa- center of your side of the road. The annual service at the German were looking at cars from Cairo, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Amesbury, who mine Newcombe have the feminine Two slogans now heard are, Lutheran Church will be held Aug. Hong Kong. Madras and other re- have been visiting the past week at leads and Joseph Macaulay and A. "Bikis for nasty nerves!’ and 20 at 230 Dr Samuel Trexler of mote places. The assumption was the home of Capt. and Mrs. S H. h . Van Buren have im portant male “Diet by cycling" Eat what you New York will be the speaker. that the cars carrying these plates Wall, left Saturday for their home roles. want and ride off the extra pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitney of were owned by people who had j in Pasadena. Calif. [ There will be a special matinee on Neuroligists recommend cycling for New York are at Mrs John B crossed the water to attend the ' Allan Robbins is attending the Wednesday, Aug 2, for the appear- frazzled nerves and all the troubles that go with it. A doctor told a Deaver's at Deaver Point. World s Fair. It soon appeared that Y M.C A. Camp at Cobbosseecontee ance Of the Orpheus Harp En­ nervous. dyspeptic brainworker. Dr. and Mrs. Montgomery Deaver tire plates were not genuine and i Lake for the season. semtole. This is the first of a series ...Get a bicycle and learn to ride and daughter of Philadelphia are were sold to car owners who liked to Mrs Ethel Carleton is confined to Of special mid-week concert- and Is uel a it. You can't enjoy a nervous guests of Mrs. John B Deaver. display them as a sort of Joke. her home by illness. the first musical event of its kind breakdown on a wheel " Mr. and Mrs. James Baldwin and The plates could be bought very Funeral services for Mrs. Ella held in this vicinity. The ensemble cheaply. In very small letters in Field Shibles were held Sunday at i_s composed of four women and a Commissioner Robert Moses of daughter of New York are guests New York city, who rides a wheel, of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson one corner was printed the word Mie Baptist Church, Rev. J. W. Hys- man. They have played all of the The Courier-Gazette's request for proper identi’ication of the members of this Port Clyde baseball team “souvenir" and th at was about all song officiating There was a large leading cities of the East and have j'.ans 58 miles of private bicycle Dr Samuel Trexler and Dr Deval met with prompt u ponse in the fcllowing letter from Etta M. Teel of that village. She writes: that was on them to distinguish attendance of relatives and friends, appeared on the same program with paths for the Metropolitan area. of New York called here Friday en “I was interftej in your pi<'.ure 'Jim Brennan's Baseball Team.' At that time, about 1895. there were Grover Whalen, World's Fair Di- them from genuine plates. What The floral tributes, many and beau- such artists as Nelson Eddy. Cor route to Bar Harbor. -everal teams in s'. Oecrgr. this one bring the Port Clyde team. The names, iiadins from left to right: ...... r ...... — ------• — rect0- - „ bjcvce enthusiast and Bark row. Frank Marshall. John Mar hall. Jim Brent an. Al Pierson: seated. George Bobbin-, Abe Tupper. got the buyers of these plates into tlful, included emblematic pieces neija Otis Skiner, Richard Hale, uT, m miu. there is to be a good ,0 miles of Mr and Mrs B G. Miller spent Chester Teel, Irving Thompson, Bert Skinner: on the ground. Clyson Wilaon and Frank llopkins. let's see troub]e was that some of them be- from Lone Star Chapter O E S of M artha Atwood and many others the weekend in Portland and Naples some more of (he old pictures.” Ella M. Teel. | gan covering their own Maine Isleiboro and Maiden Cliff Rebekah I Flushing Meadow bicycle path. Norman 11.11. all-round champion, Miss Cora Young and Miss Anne plates with them. Lodge of Camden of which the de- WEST ROCKPORT Crocker of Bangor were guests Sun­ this week with Mrs Raymond Bor- vacatin’1 coming later in the season This went along a while without ceased was a member Interment -ays bicyclists should join a club 1 and go on long distance trips, as day of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Wes­ neman. . • . • any Interference until finally a was in Amesbury Hill Cemetery. Mr and Mrs Fred Parker have ton at Greenland Farm, Keene's WARREN Mr and Mrs Albert Kroon and Children Exhibit Work highway officer reported to the S tate The bearers were Lester Shibles. returned from Houlton where they I th^re n’ore fun ridlng ln namt* rs _ . . . __ ~__ - ______j .___ ... , . . . . I In Hollywood the bicycle htas Neck. daughter Amy returned Saturday The vacation Bible school closed Department a hit and run accident Ouy Overlock. Bernard Jones and were guests of their daughter Mrs come to stay. Eleanor Powell, who The Homemakers will hold a lawn to Medford. Ma.--. after pa -ing a j (;.,y f i ’er a su'ccsslul season The officer said that he could not Maynard Ingraham. ! Arthur Cushman. Miss Hazel Parker ALENA L. STARRETT is probably in the best physical party Thursday night on the Metho­ week at the Dorman cottage Sandy , b 3 demonstrater. end exliiti- catch the number of the offending Miss Arlene Ingraham returned accompanied by Gladys Parker and Correspondent condition of any star in the screen Shores, South Pond. -io.-i held Friday night at the Bap- car except that It was from China Home Saturday from Fairfield, Hazel Nutt motored to Houlton Sat- dist lawn. ft ft ft ft colony, rides 18 miles a day, the The Susannah Wesley Society The first rehearsal to prepare for ,;;i auditorium, under the direction It was readily apparent that the where she has been receiving treat- urday ard on return Sunday was Tel. 46 round trip from her Beverly Hills will meet Thursday afternoon with the annual mid-summer concert.' cf Miss Eleanor Dow of Rockland, matt responsible for the accident was nient the past four years. She is accompanied also by her parents, home to the studio. Mrs. Nellie Overlock. will be held at the Baptist Church v b0 abs0 taught the primary dlvis- carrying one of the fake plates This being congratulated by her many Miss Nutt remaining for a few days Congregational Ladles' Circle will You folks who sit on soft cushions Mrs. David Usher and daughter Thursday night. Date of the concert l( j assisted by the teachers, Miss as it proved was lucky for him for friends on her recovery. visit with her aunt. Mrs Cushman serve a supper Thursday. In charge and gaze out of the w.ndows of a Sally of Wollaston. Mass., and Miss is Aug 18 Jan e' Wade. Miss Mary Trou-. Mrs ' had his own numbers been visible The committee in charge of the Mr. and Mrs. Cushman were over- will be Mrs Laura Starrett, Mrs. speeding auto, with a grin or a su­ Cecila Egan of Brookline. Mass., Miss Alice Piper, operator at the c ark French. Rev. Mr. Trench, he might have been hailed Into Bdptlst Ladies' Circle fair to be night guests here Tuesday. Miss Alvah Simmons. Mrs. W H. Rob­ perior smirk at the peddling cyclist, were in town to attend the Waltz- Telephone Exchange is on a weeks jj . f rench was pianist and Miss court as a hit and run driver. The held Wednesday afternoon on the Nutt returning to her home with inson, Mrs Fred Mathews. Mrs should withold your mirth and Newcomb wedding Saturday. vacation at her home in Belfa' yi-w was a- isted bv Mis. Evelyn accident was brought to the atten- lawn at the residence of Mrs. A T. them on that day. Sidney Wyllle. Miss Frances Spear, scorn, for the cyclist is out to enjoy Mr. and Mrs Walter Sturrock of Here place is being taken by Miss -n u ll tion of the Council at its next meet- Carroll consists of Mrs. Mlnetta A group from the Tuesday Club Miss Mary Wyllle and Mrs Ldn life and gain new health, while Providence, were weekend guests of Charlotte Robbins of South Hope T h e| rngram n luded th> march ing and that body voted that there Foul and Mrs Marion Richards, visited last Tuesday afternoon with Russel,. you—h'm. I wonder. Mrs. Nelie Overlock. Mr: Clarence Dolharn of Arkn.g- to th: Am erican Hag the would be no more alien number aprons; Mrs Nina Carroll, ice Mrs. Amy Nutt at Knox Hospital Subject for the prayer meeting Mr. and Mrs. M G. Robinson will on Heights, Mass is spending a Cii a.i flag, an I the Bit- • repe. plates on cars. Those who have cream; Mrs. Loana Shibles. cooked It served as a substitute meeting for Looking out of the kitchen win­ hold open house Friday from 3 to Wednesday night at the Baptist few days with Mrs. Sarah Dolharn. 'r. «c-r in unison of the 23d psalm; them can keep them ofcourse as food; Misis Hortense Bohndell, the ill member. dow. I spied what I thought was 5 and from 8 to 9 o'clock in obser- Church will be Apart With Ocd. j j r Dolharn is on a fishing trip of two songs. Bible study chorus r.r.d curiosities but they cannot decorate candy Mrs. Ella Overlock, fancy Mrs. Perley and Mrs Elmer .. and usual, fanned 12 of the Easterns ham, Miss Mary Veazie, Miss Miller nic Thursday at the heme of Mrs Barnard, brother of the groom lng accept it for a hive. When Mi S. them remained for the weekend, his L:i. vork oi her assistants The Roberts did some long distance and Mrs. Graffam Oeorgia Brownell in H ope. served as best man. ! Mr. and Mrs W alter Castner of came hom« he nailed it to a pole work with a double and a triple. Mr. and Mrs Charles Everett. The committee will report Sunday and ereclj.d beside the bird house. The bride was gowned in a white Milford. Mass., were weekend guests The score: Carl Everett. Arlene Frullo and morning on plans for the Sunday The stayed all night and crepe ensemble with veil and car- of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wilson, Samosrt Robert Everett of Waltham. Mass, Schoo! p etiic. , the next mornlng we put another ried an old fashioned bouquet. The Dr. Raymond Vinal of Arlington, ab bh po a are guests at the home of Mr. and R«v and Mrs J W. Hyssong oi j b„x on top of the first Then my bridesmaid wore dusty pink with ac- Mass., passed the weekend with Mr Watts, cf ...... 5 0 0 0 Mrs. Maynard C. Ingraham. Roekpo t and daughter Mary have husband was told to pour sugar cessories to match. I and Mrs Sidney Vinal. and on re- “IT’S A WONDERFUL WORLD” Foote, c ...... 1 12 0 Miss Mary Veazie with Mrs . i guests for a few days of Mr {and water inside the box. I pre­ The wedding march was played turn was accompanied by his Flanagan, p ...... 0 2 Helena Coltart and Miss Helvi an d Mrs Frank Newbert at their pared a, bowl full and he climbed by Miss Cordelia Barnard daughter Jane, who had been with Annis, 2b ...... 2 4 Rivers spent the weekend at the Rscky Pond cottage. a ladder to pour it in the box, while Edward Barnard sang “I Love her grandparents two weeks. French. 3b ...... 1 12 , Edna Robbins camp at Lake Megun- ^ rs M J. Oxton has been spend- I held the ladder You Truly.'1 The Christian Endeavor Society Delay, ss _____ 5 ticook. j ms a week with her nephew. Fear! There happened to be a hole *n. After a wedding trip to Quebec will meet each Monday night at Crockett, lb ...... 4 The C. W Grabbe of New York P 'asp and Mrs. Pease in Montville. one corner of the box and down the couple will live in Chicago where 7 30 Instead of at 6 Sunday as pre- | Simmons, rf ...... 3 are at the Shepherd cottage for the The 4-H girls met last Tuesday came a deluge of sweetened water, Mr. Barnard is employed. vicusly. A series of out of door: Gahan. lb ...... 3 remainder of the season. at the home ot their leader, Mrs all over my head and down my meetings will be conducted. These ■ L. True Spear, Jr., is having a va­ Henry Keller. — neck! I dared not move for fear Expert tailor service, alterations, will consist of a musical program 36 8 27 19 cation from his duties at the Coun­ the ladder would come down and repairing, relining, well done and and a mfclitation period lead by Belfast Easterns ty Bank

ton and son of North Attleboro,' A MAID CALLED MILLS CLARK ISLAND Only One Score McEdwards, c 3 0 1 7 1 0 q e o RGES RIVER ROAD VINALHAVEN MRS. MAURICE JONES Mass., are vacationing at Crowles Aha, p ...... 2 0 0 2 0 0 Correspondent cottage. ------' A social gathering will be held at a a « » LeRoy Jackson find Joan Baum of Vinalhaven Chiefs Made It A party was held at the church 30 0 3 24 10 0 the home of Mr and Mrs. M Sutela MR8 OSCAR C. LANK Whom You Will Take To Your Heart When She Talks Thomaston visited Thursday with last Thursday night by the Sunday In the Course Of a Thrill­ Two-base hits, White. Stolen bases Thursday night at 7 o clock. All Correspondent John R. Williams and Mr. and Mrs. About Household Matters School. Refreshments were served Swanson, Erickson. Guilford. Has- aie we'come! Leslie Milne. ing G am e and games were played. Those kell. Wild pitch, Aho. Base on : ------Capt. George Lawry who spent Mr. and Mrs. Eric Grussel, daugh- BROADCAST BY MARJORIE MILLS present were: Frances Caven, Har­ The Chiefs triumphed over the balls, off Alio 1. off Brown 0. Passed Orator—“And now. gentlemen, I the past week at his home returned ers Kathleen and Barbara and son (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 1.30 p. m. over Stations riett Johnson. Arline Morrison clever Rockport team, by the nar­ ball, McEdwards. Struck out by wish to tax your memory." Monday to Oyster Bay. N. Y. WNAC, Boston; WTAG, Worcester; WCSH, Portland; WTIC, Hartford; Dorothy Jackson, Selma Blomberg. Sari of Worcester, Mass., are Visit­ Mr and Mrs. F W. Arey of Cleve­ WICC. Bridgeport; WEAN, Providence; and WLBZ, Bangor). row margin of 1 to 0. Brown 12, by Aho 7. Umpires Member in Audience — “Good George Baum. J r , Everett Baum Jr.. ing Mr. and Mrs. John Olson. land Heights, Ohio, are guests of The fans enjoyed every minute of Shields and H. Graffam. heavens, has it come to that?" Carl Johnson, Donald Johnson, Er­ Mr. and Mrs. Williard Carlson Mrs. Lena Davidson. Ever so many of you evidently like serole, dotting each layer with Land it. and were treated by some spec­ nest Swanson, Hilda Swanson. ind daughter Irene of Belfast were Marjorie Grimley, Mazie Quacken- O Lakes butter, a sprinkle of flour, tacular fielding by Sandblom ana to delve through old-time recipe Marilyn Baum. Vera Blomberg quests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. bush and Helen Pfitzner of Ridge­ salt and peppei. When dish is full, i Miller of the Rockport club. j books and try occasional quaint Alice Carlson. Alice Caven. Shirley Charles Baum. wood, N J., are at Rock Edge City pour over one bottle of Blue Label Coombs, the Chiefs speed merchant, Jams, sweets or beverages, beloved of Carlson. Floyd Johnson, and James Mrs. Leslie Milne sustained a Point. Tomato Juice Cocktail, and bake also turned ln a great running catch The B U Y of AU 1 early New England housekeepers. Caven. Special guests were Miss jroken wrist in a recent fall. Hector Carnie has returned to covered for 45 minutes at 350 de­ off Ladd in the first inning, but i Law l'riee llefrigei'nlors , Edith Putnam Antholne of Wal­ Margaret McKnight, Miss Beatrice Mr. and Mrs. William Caven and i Pawtucket, R. I. grees F. and an additional half hour the finest piece of fielding was tham recalls a delicious sweetmeat Brown, Mrs. Bernice Carlson, Mrs laughter Frances were callers Sun- Miss Nathalie Smith returned uncovered. made by Sandblom, when he leaped GENERAL ELECTRIC her grandmother Putnam made, Mary Carlson, Harriet Niles and lay on Mr. and Mrs. Frank John­ Monday from Augusta. Peach Soup high and stabbed Lyford's liner in I candied root of wild spikenard Mrs. Victor Blomberg. son. Malcolm Hopkins, passed the Two cups sliced peaches, 2 cups the seventh. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Seavey and Mrs. Everett Baum remains a pa­ weekend ln town. which she used to dig in Wilton, N. white wine, % teaspoon cinnamon, The only run of the game came daughter Marion of Long Cove were tient at Fairfield but is gaining Dr. and Mrs. Whliam Ellingwood H ' and called “llfe-of-man " “The 2 cloves, sugar to taste. in the sixth, when Guilford slapped visitors Sunday at Mr. and Mrs nicely. of Rockland were weekend g u ests'flavor dellcat* and more de* Put a pint of water with spices on a single into left, went to second on licious than candied flag and Peter McCourtie's. The barge Winfred Sheridan is of Mrs. Walter Rcbtins. the range, add peaches, cook until a passed ball, and scored on Erick­ “Thritty-Six" taking on a load of paving from Grandmother kept it in a darling Miss Dolly Johnson and Miss Mar­ son'# scorching drive into left field. Lillian Gregory who recently tender. Press through colander. Put John Meehan and Son for shipment for only covered bowl of old china and doled garet Rogers were home from Mc­ Phil Brown, the Chiefs’ depend­ visited relatives in town has re­ (back with Juice and boil for a few to New York. it out sparingly," Edith Anthtclne Gee Island and spent Sunday with able southpaw, baffled the boys i turned to North Haven. minutes. Stir in the wine and add Frank Johnson suffered a severe wi ites. "How I wish I could find the their parents Mr and Frank John­ from “Rockport by the Sea," all Mr. and Mrs Carl Brown and, sugar to taste. Heat Just under njury to his hand Wednesday. plant.” Any help there? son and Mrs. Margaret Rogers. Margaret Witham who were guests' boiling point and serve in hot plates through the game, fanning an even The same lady recalls pickled arti­ Mrs, Laura Richards formerly of dozen and yielding only three safe of Mr and Mrs. James Gregory, garnished with croutons. RAGWEED have returned to Dover-Foxcroft. chokes; leaves of rase geranium in To Con Blueberries this place is visiting relatives and blows. Aho. the visitors' hurler, also 6.1 cu.ft. Storage Space Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Strawson the cake pan when sponge cake was j Pick over berries. Have a large friends here. We are told by a famous man of pitched well enough to win any 11.Z sq. ft. Shelf Area and Mrs. McLoud of New York are 10 ba^Pd- She herself wraps but- kettle of water boiling, half full. Mrs. Ki nneth Morrison and son •jarts that ragwied is the most or­ game. The Rockport team will re­ 60 Big Ice Cube* at their cotteges at Granite Island ter to be used for confectioner's Measure one to three quarts of ber­ Nell are making their home with nery of vegetables Now w? nad turn Sept. 2 to avenge this game, Miss Eliza Patterson, was dinner sugar icing ln leaves of rose geran­ ries into a square of cheese cloth. their parents Mr. and Mrs Havener never thought of this weed as a if it can. guest Sunday of Mrs. Walter Rob- ium to be left overnight to absorb Gather up the corners of the cloth In Friendship. vegetable If it’s fit to eat- aid Tlie Rockland Pirates invade the b.ns. the fragrance and flavor. In th? and dip into water from 15 to 30 Dr. and Mrs. Donald Haskell and if it's a vegetable lt should be - then fair Lsle of Vinalhaven, next Sun­ Loyde Webster, Jr., and Robert morning the finished rose geranium seconds according to volume of son Phillip. Mrs Elizabeth Haskell there may be some good in it after day. The League leaders will try to Lliilefleld of Worcester, Mass., are icing is tinted pink and spread on a water and berries used. Don't hold and Nancy Webel of Rockland were all. But the many people who suf­ be the first to beat the Chiefs this in town for a few weeks. yellow butter cake. Wouldn't you the bag too tightly or too near the ! callers Sunday on Mr. and Mrs fer fiom ngweed sensltizatwi year. It should be a thriller. Mother and Daughter Club met love a piece cf that cake? And we-e berries as this prevents the circula­ i James Caven. net even know ragweed whc.i .nev Chiefs trying another idea of Mrs An- bh po a e Frifiuy night with Mrs Harry tion of water through the berries. Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCourtie see it. It produces a pollen and ab r Coomb, lf Coombs. Supper was served. When thcine's, nasturtium seed pods Lift the bag out at the end of 15 sec­ I have returned from Newcastle after the wind blows it about and frem 4 0 1 1 0 0 inv.tatlons were given out, members chopped with tarragon leaves to give onds and if the berries have started three years' absence, Aug. 1 to .— ptember those who are Lyford, cf ...... 3 0 1 0 0 0 were uncertain where they were io a special flavor to tartar sauce. to bleed at intervals of an inch or Robert McGee visited friends •enr.live to it spend much of tueii White, c ...... 4 0 1 12 I 0 0 meet at Mrs Coombs' or Mrs. P at­ Her grandmother's rose leaf Jam two apart on the bag, they are Sunday in Vinalhaven. time sneerr;!’ and wheezing ir rotatoes. Miss Sue R. Search of Boston is Arrange in layers In buttered cas- Read The Courier-Gazette passing 10 days With relatives at ****** t the Stone cottage. Sam Scovil of New York City ar­ rived Saturday to spend a week's FIRST NATIONAL STORES I vacation with his parents at "Sam Har U)dge' . lmpartiaI Jaboi Rev. and Mrs. William Slade of Jfow stv shave Rp iveso in t rh out whiz-k " h P °Puk Chicago are spending the summer hCm°Sfi,aua,s"’O' at the Lowell cottage. ” " eCOndu« ed b y a t George Richardson is visiting BETTER TASTING (REALS friends in Vermont for-several days. The Willing Workers held a party I for your fam ily .... beano at their hall Thursday night; I ■ about $30 was realized. Kendall Harma of Augusta passed the weekend with his mother Mrs. 2 2 s B^ N E D Nellie Moon. You con pay for a Ml in tavingtl When you TESTED Miss Elsie Larkin of Boston re­ cook th. old way you pay for a Ml anyway w 1 The turned home Saturday after visit­ In Ion of fuel, food and replacement .. so TtojptM- AVERAGE TH ing the past week with Mrs. Philip why not hove a set now at these low prices. other of the/; Ascher. WATERLESS •n g BRANDS! By The local fishermen have brought COOKWARE “^er.ontheaverag in several tuna the past week. HERE’S THE "INSIDE TRACK" on more cigarette enjoyment for your smokers theequivalen Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morton have money, as ” Ken” Frank sees it: ’’I judge cigarettes by the way they burn. I find SMOKES PER pack returned from a trip to Boston. that longer-burning Camels smoke much milder, cooler, with a morc delicate Their eldest son Harold accom­ t h e ir ash fa panied them and remained to visit taste. Look at the results of these recent laboratory tests—they show Camel’s ,han the average tin, his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Al­ other brands. ' fred Long for several weeks. longer burning means the same as 5 EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK. That’s f e r e ' s / uxury {a Mark Hanna who has had em­ ployment in Massachusetts. ♦ a real saving. And Camel’s rich, ripe flavor makes every puff a real thrill.” «obX :$nd tahroma°fca- Take "Ken” Frank’s tip: Judge your cigarettes by the way they burn. Smoke un, \ herCS eco^ “"-Mue, iong.burnin Camels for smoking pleasure at its best... and more of it per pack! Camels are ,he bcttcr Our Advertising > smoker can afforJ. Columns A re M O R E PLEASURE PER PUFF the Foia.r Hoae D.aee* MORE PUFFS PER PACK FORMER HOME s l r .ll .i Price tl.tR Merchant’s DEMONSTRATION PRICES . . . tfcrousA OUR CREDIT CARD PLAh Penny for penny Show Windows r Com* In. .. om 1 your best cigarette buy 30 DAYS TRIAL I Get Your Credit Can Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, July 25, 1939 Every-Other-Day Page Six

Guests were Joan Slader, Bruce kfiss Grace Russell, student nurse Strong. Eleanor Shields, Mary CAMDEN at Massachusetts General Hospital THOMASTON Greenleaf, Bruce Perron and Albert training school, spent the weekend : to let : ft ft ft ft K***.•****«*••* ft ft X ft CREATED “FRANK MERRIWELL” Marshall of Boothbay Harbor. Also with her mother, Mrs. Charles D. O1IBERT HARMON North. FURNISHED apartment to let nt 14 SHIRLEY T. WILLIAMS invited but unable to attend were Cordon Flint of Cambridge. Mass, MASONIC ST , city. 87*89 Rae Clark and Edward Wolf. Correspondent was weekend guest at the home of FURNISHED apartment to let at 21 Correspondent Miss Ada Green and Miss Evelyn TALBOT AVE Tel 8-R 86 88 Eugene J. Henry, who has been ft ft ft ft his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry- f t f t f t ft Segal entertained at a dessert- UNFURNISHED apartment of three guest of Mr and Mrs. John Hewett Telephone 713 Flint, Broadway. rooms and Path to let; heated and hot Tel. 190 bridge party Friday at Witham's water; available Aug 5; adults only. the past month left yesterday for MRS R B MAOUNE. 186 North Main _ his home at Oak Park, lit., after a Miss Anne Flint entertained the lobster pound, in honor of Mis. St cltv. 87-tf Mrs. Carolyn Patterson of San I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E . McDon-I vacation spent here wtth his wife Sextet Club Saturday at her apart­ Nathan Price 'Anna Green) nt 1HREE furnished rooms for light Bernardino. Calif., is visiting her housekeeping to let, with private bath. aid entertained a' dinner Wednes­ and daughter at the home of Mr. ment on Summer street. Brighton. Mass. Prizes were won by- aunt. Mrs Mae Halford. 65 NORTH MAIN ST 88-tf day night, Mr and Mrs. Ensign and Mrs. Levi Seavey Mrs. Eihel Gordon, Mrs. Rose Potut, THREE-room apartment to let at 172 Capt. Herbert Cobb of Bucksport Mr and Mrs. Harry M Keating Mrs. Frances Levitt. Mrs. Esther North Main St . ready Aug. 1 TEL Otis of Rockland. Mrs. Albert Gould I Mr and Mrs Albert Mank of Au­ 84-J. 88-90 has been in the harbor recently Goldberg and Mrs. Bertha Gerrish. of Marblehead, Mass., and Thom- J gusta were in town Sunday visiting and family returned today to Le>, THREE-room furnished apartment to aston, Miss Margaret Copeland of with his sloop, the Rita R. Mass., after a vacation spent in tilts Mrs. Price was recipient of a lovely- let at 47 Pleasant St LILLIAN BICK­ relatives. NELL 82 Llmerock St. 88*90 city and Cooper's Beach. gift. Newton Center. Mass., and Thom­ Miss Hope Farrington and Leslie Mrs. Alaric Stone of Boston is MODERN furnished room to let, ecn - aston. Nathan Farweil of Orlf's j Clark of Portland were guests Sun­ spending the remainder of the sum­ tral and quiet; near post office TEL. 1177 J, or 28 or 33 Masonic St 88*90 Corner, Mr. and Mrs. W B D. Gray, day of his mother. Mrs Lucy Clark. mer at the home of Mrs. Emeline Dr. and Mrs. Donald Lee of Des Moines. Iowa, are guests of Dr and FURNISHED and unfurnished apart­ Mr. and Mrs. Bowdoin Grafton, Mr. Mrs Ralph Wvllie of Oyster River Halford In Everybody’s Column m ents to let. 12 KNOX ST.. Tel 156-W Mrs. Gilmore Soule. 85-tf and Mrs. WllU-un T. Flint, Mr. and read is visiting her sister. Mrs. Ed­ Mr. and Mrs Cranston Dean of Mrs. Lee W Walker, Mr. and M rs.) Advertisements In this column not FURNISHED apartment to let. all ward Oxton Lincolnville were members of a Miss Eleanor Wetherbee Is visit­ to exceed three lines Inserted once for modern 42 Fulton S t , TEL 960-R Donald P Oeorge, Mrs. Charles j Mr and Mrs A R Moore and pftrty who spent last weekend at 25 cents, three times for 50 cents. Ad­ 87 tf ing her aunt. Miss Lilia Hucklng, In ditional lines five cents each for one Creighton, Miss Clara Spear, Miss children of Hallowell, Mrs Glen Mount Katahdin and made the time. 10 cents for three times. Five TENEMENT at 62 Summer St . avail- Stafford, N. H , while having small words to a line. able Aug 10 Adults only. TeJ 186-R. Hilda George and Myles Weston. Cummings of Auburn. Mrs Jose- ascent the mountain MRS N S PERRY______Bl-tf a week's vacation from her duties phine Pitt and Miss Grace Tattng i Daniel H Ludwig. 80. died Sun- APARTMENT to let. lour rooms, Miss Mary Luce spent the past as public librarian. flush, shed Ready for occupancy July week with friends in Monhegan. of Hamilton, Bermuda, and Mrs. day morning at his home In Hope. 24 Tel 489 H. DELIA YORK 85 tf Mary Bromley of Jacksonville. Fla ' Hp was born in this town, son of : LOST AND FOUND J THREE and four room furnished apt. George Springer of Mansfield, G. W alter Kimball, who Is em­ on Warren S t, to let. Inquire II Conn., was guest Wednesday of Mrs were weekend guests of Mr and Alec and Nancy (orindJet Ludwig. ployed In Portsmouth. N. H , Is JAMES ST 68-tf Mrs. Raymond Knowleton j but had resided m Hope for the past it*************** Aletha Thompson. spending a week's vacation with his ANTIQUE silver brooch lost Tuesday, ROOMS to let at 15 Grove 8t. TEL Mrs. Nellie Nutting and Miss M years He is survived by his valuable to owner Reward. TEL. The 579-W MRS FLORA COLLINS. 78-tf Mrs. Jennie Hupper of Port Clyde family, Union street. Courler-Oazette Tel 770 87*89 FOUR-room apartment to let. all Nellie Miles of Worcester. Mass daughUr Mrs Bertha Humphrey of has been visiting Mrs. Sanford WHITE wirehaired terrier lost, small modern Apply at CAMDEN and have returned to their homes after Q[pn Cove and four sons. Edward of Mrs. Eva M Benson was the Sun­ cut under right eve; reward Notlfv ROCKUND WATER CO. Tel. 634 . 78 tf Hyler. i The Courier-Gazette TEL 770. 88-90 spending the past week wtth M r Hope. Joseph of Reading. Mass., day guest of Mrs. May V. Richard- Mrs. Mattie Campbell and her1 DORY lost off White Island. 13 ft . brother Fred Daggett were over-' and Mrs. Frank Lineken. Arthur of Whitman, Mass and son, G ranite street. . They spent the brown and green Finder please notliy Mr and Mrs Linwood Cunning- GeorgP of oilson N H. Funeral afternoon recalling folk and visit- ' matt veduttes. vinaihaven 87-89 night guests Wednesday of Mr. and J Summer Cottages J ham were visitors Sunday at the j services will be held at the rest­ Mrs John Campbell in Camden. ing scenes of Rockland activity a home of his mother. Mrs Catherine dencP Tueadav at l 30 Rev Weston to • «*******-.**-***to Mrs. Albert Robinson, with her half century ago. FURNISHED cottage for rent In El­ Cunningham, at Sebascus P Holman officiating. Burial will ____ ♦ more -electric Jlghts good view of sole niece, Miss Abbie Butler, of Bel­ Mrs. George Bragdon and son. Mrs. Nathan B. Cobb entertained ' * WANTED wafer, eseelleut drinking water In­ mont, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ar- I be in Mounta-n Cemetery, Camden quire of MRS A H. HUNTER Tenant* Jsmes of Vinalhawn are visiting Mtte Club yesterday. Three tables to Harbor. Me . R F D Box 24. Tel 49-4 Mr and Mrs. Harold C. Hart of 86-88 thur Johnson of Buckfield. her parents Mr and Mrs. William rtf ron trarf v n » in nlav n r t e * hp- I WANTED — In Bath -Otrl or woman Bath spent the weekend with Mr. oi contract ucrc in piay, prizes oe for t # binhday Saturday afWr- i ing a few weeks at Camp Wawe- Average *25 week We train you No In- . city 86-71 Conn., after three weeks at a cot­ of her brother, Ra> Eaton, have v„ t ”ent Wrlte j R wattcins co rimD tage at Mosquito Head . Music. Inc. a leading music publishing house in New York city. It is said , u «. s. ; nock. Lake Megunticook. Desk 45. 231 Johnson A ve, Newark. N J THREE-room______camp fully furnished to bear all the earmarks of a smash-hit and critics predict that it will hate 110011 celebrating her tenth birth- Ralph Belyea of Boston passed gone to Stonington for a few days' 2,.?, i to let with boat at upper Megunticook Miss Ruth Glines and Mrs. Ber­ visit with relatives. ______2-2- Lake Reasonable rate by day. week or a leng and vigorous life. A Courier-Gazette photographer snapped Mr. day Gomes included a scavenger the weekend with his parents. Mr. AN all round man wanted for haying month TEL Camden 2533 or 2196. tha Packard of Salem, M ass, were Patten on Main street, just after he had made a business call upon L. W. hunt Which was won by Dorothy season Apply at once. C. A WEBB. 89*82-tf and Mrs. Earl Belyea. overnight guests last Tuesday of Mr Fickftt at the store of the Maine Music Co. Fevler. Patricia Roes and Shirley Mrs. Cleveland Sleeper entertained w»cren Tel 4-3 87-89 TllREE-room cottage to let. screened Mr and Mrs. Ernest Whitney the Rrealrfast Rririee Clnh vecter. WORK wanted for portable paint porchiorch boat; bybv day week or mot month, on and Mrs Roy Gasper, enroute to — — ~ Shields. A scrambled word con- me ureattiast nrioge viuo yester- ,praylng equipment Have your house. Sennebec Pond. Appleton Tel and daughter Sylvia, and Mrs. Rollo _ West Bar Harbor. Bromley of Camden, 'cellist; M: ■ •ail for the home port some time test was won by Jean Elliot. Nancy day, luncheon at Crescent Beach barn cottage or business property1 Appleton 7-15 or S J AMES Tenant* T Gardner spent Sunday at Pema- , painted the modern wav. Save time i Harbor 49 2 85*90 Mrs. Almon Day of Lewiston, Phyllis Houston of Wilmington. received many lovely gifts. Re- Inn being followed by an afternoon .„d money H L mason 63 o.yst, for mUc ,t Ath j quid Point. who is visiting her sister. Mrs Del., soprano; David Baker of New Mrs Ken ?'h Mar '.tall and sen. freshments were served and includ- of cards a t the Sleeper home in - quire 76 Park s t . after 3 p. m 76*87-tf George Phillips, in Rockland, was Miss Nettie Knight is seriously 111 YOUNG man wanted to train for York, baritone; Mr Katherine A lb e rt o f B o o th b n Harbor, were ?d tw° birthday cakes. The center- South Thomaston. positioni as asales and service represen- S5r,TJa^\E r S H°fld WUet 6 rHrUer, rooms. torllFCpiHCP. t ,,rUODluK iy?.w in town Wednesday calling on Cosgrove of Belmont. M ass. con­ weekend visitors in town. piece for the table was a dafloull Mrs. Charles W Jones of Essex Ww. ClnnHnreyan SOWING MACHINE CO. 481 Malli S t. or 151-W A E BRUNBERCj 71-tf friends. tralto; Richard Robinson of Bo-ton, George York of Quincy arrived tdke beautifully decorated in green Mrs. Josephine Sl&nucm&n and Rockland 86-88 Falls, N J, is visiting her sister Miss Perry from Belleair Estates. " Capt. and Mrs. Paul Paulsen and baritone; Mrs. Hildebrant of W or­ Friday night to join Mrs York and and yellow. made by Nancy's grand­ and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater. Fla, are guests of « e* son Paul of Cohasset. Mass., have cester, Mass, contralto; Marilyn sons here for three weeks vacation mother. Mrs. Guy Libby. The « John L. Tewksbury. Messrs. Carr and Gegenhetmer at been visiting Mr and Mrs. John Thompson, harpist of Alberquerque. M r Ic’.,i Murallo and children. guests were Gaye Stetson. Dorothy ! MISCELLANEOUS i Miss Frances McCobb of Newton. Fairmont Lodge. Crawford Lake, Paulsen. N M . of Curtis Institute of Music, p. ph and E.lene who passed four Feyler.,Jean and Joan Elliot. Betty F O R SALE Mass, spent the weekend at her Warren; also Mrs. Milton Rosslng to *****« « — — * * * * * 3g.****.******to Mrs. Willis Snow of Rockland Miss Thompson is an artist student months with her father Herbert! L. Seekips. Gwendolyn Jackson, CHRISTMAS Cards Extra m oney home in Lincolnville. of Philadelphia. RARE antiques and fine modern fur­ selling friends unusual assortment. was guest Wednesday of Mr. and of Cailos Salzerio, the world s re- Jones, went Sunday to New Lon- Shirley Shields. Dorothy Merrill, niture for sale Moving to California Rollo Gardner spent Sunday at Many photographic reproductions 50 Mrs Charles Hill. nowned harpist. don. Conn.. w. r< st will visit Patricia Roes. Lois Hastings. Helen View Wed and S a t, July. A W GROSE yor Personals. Stationery. 11 other Moosehead Lake on a fishing trip Tonian Circle will be entertained East" ‘ Warren road between ~ Camden “ "*road assortments Request -ample. TERRY Mrs. Leila Smalley entertained Anyone desiring transportation yp.s. The lalatter part of Au- Lynch, Nathalie Hall. Joan Crie, Route 137 and Thomaston at Beech­ STUDIOS 224 Westfield. Ma.. 88*It The Fire Department was called Wednesday evening by Mr... W. Paul wood St . Route 1 Tel. for appolnt- members of the Little G arden Club Federated Circle picnic at Mrs. g n ­ will Join bcr Jean Spear Edward and Frederick PATIENTS or patient boarders cared gust Mr. Mural? Monday morning to extinguish a Seavey and Mrs Sadie Stimpson ^ toT R ^ B o ^ 3" " at supper Thursday and for a so­ Richard Dunn's summer home to to their home a t ' Culten °f Rockland. Mary and 83*88 for at Rest Haven 105 Llmerock S t . there and go to chimney fire at the home of Ralph at the former's heme, 29 Franklin Tel 1293 EVA AMES 88*90 cial evening. Stone's Point Thursday, may call Staten Island N Y. Ragdall Greenleaf were also invited STUDIO couch; marble shelf for sale. Statein liltand N. Richards. Bay View street. street. ALICE SOULE Warren. Tel 1-24 87 89 PAINTINO. papering of all klnda; Mrs. Enoch Clark and Mrs Mrs. Orvell F Williams, telephor.f P Danforth, wha were unable to attend. ------= — . . . . 7— 1 plastering, brick, cement end rock Mr. and Mrs. S. Wallace Thompson of Saco spent LARGE size Circulating Heater lor ‘^or|t A w GRAY, 3 Adama a t , Charles Smith were hostesses to George V. i "There and Back." the travellogue sale In perfect condition—cost »135— o (X.ai . n(i 78-tf 190. Those not solicited are re- have been visitingvisit ins Mr Mrs Charles Alden. Eleanor and will sen lor »50 F S SHERMAN 80 Thursday Club last week. Follow­ the weekend with his mother. Mrs 88-99 I LAWNMOWERS called for, sharpened quested to take sweets or a salad Hanly here Mr and Mrs F.edeik-k ^ !ss Ruth Smith, takes place m Frank Alden and Alec Oswick of Camden St ing a picnic supper a t McCarters Percy Luce. —r— and delivered Prompt, dependable and each member will take her own Wattler in Dover-Foxcroft. and Mr. I*1* Congregational veatry Aug 2. Wakefield. Mass, were recent guests OARAGE and Illllng station ' ully mservice Tel 791,. CRIE HARDWARE Charles Hackett of Long Island. equipped for .ale In a central loca- j ^ ’"Rockiand 78-tf Point, the group gathered at Mrs dishes. and Mrs Donald Hanly in Norfolk, Accompanying it and illustrating tlon on Highway' No 1. a lew m iles ------N. Y , Joined his family at then- of Mrs Sadie Stimpson and Mrs. 40' Get Pep. New Clark's home for cards in the eve­ Mrs. Theodore Rowell came home Va . sailed Friday for Rio c Janeiro varlous happenings, will be pictures from Rockland Price reasonable. Ad-1 MEN Old at summer home at Lincolnville Beach Charles Young of Owls Head. dress "GARAGE." care of The Courier___ Ostrex Tonic Tablets contain raw oys- ning. Prizes were won by Mrs. W Saturday front Auburn. R I . where Brazil arranged by Miss Margaret Ruggles Gazette. 38*91 I ter Invlgorators and other sttreulerf** for the weekend. ------One dose starts new pep costs little B D Gray and Mrs. E R. Biggers she has been raring for her sister- Ciiarli Pie ott. who is employed and costumed by Miss Hilda George, Miss Virginia White is spending a ONE/6-ft show case for sale, also Call or write C H MOOR A CX) 82*90 Cars operated by Victor Young oi one 8-ft ahow case, one 8 ft counter O thers in the party were Mrs. Ed­ in-law. Mrs. E. W Lowe. She plans on p - eri-er *iiip plying between The music is in charge of Miss Eliza- few days with Misses Mildred and and one electric radio Cheap If sold I WATCHMAKER — Repairing watche*. ward T Dornan, Mrs. Emeasey Col- at once MAYNARD C. 1NORAH4M clocks, antiques all kinds Call and to return to Auburn tomorrow. New York and New Bedford is ai b*^1 and Malcolm Creighton with Dorothy Young at Owls Head. Rockport______88-90 deliver. 8 ARTHUR MACOMHER. 23 pitts, Mrs. Frank Grant, Mrs. Stan­ Mrs. Albert Welch accompanied heme for a vacation with his par- vocal numbers by John Creighton ~THE L R BREWSTER f a c t o r sale. 8 t . Rockland. Tel. 958 J ley Macgowan. Mrs. Edwin F and others. Adriel U. Bird arrived here In tl 000 83000 down payment J B PAUL- p - by her daughter. Charlotte, went ci; Mr. i Mrs. Charles Prescott SEN. Tel Thomaston 62 88-901 SEXATOL Tablets, for males only. Lynch, Mrs Oscar Crie and Mrs. Sunday to Biddeford to spend two Mrs Frr-.nk Lombard reutrned to About 53 members and guests of his plane Saturday afternoon and , . 0 . 1 gland product. Reconstructive tonic, BARGAINS 5“ *,trolIcr and c Increases metabolism and stlmuates a Orvel F. Williams. Mrs. Macgowan weeks with her sister M is. Arthur South Portland Sunday accompan- Oracc Chapter. O .E S, enjoyed an spent the weekend at his Rockland | »aie~ tel 347" w healthy condition 50c and 81 per bot- and Mrs. Weston A. Young are to Libby. ;ed by her sister. Mrs. Ellis Young all-day picnic Saturday at the cot- IN OUR home. Returning yesterday after- RADIO strips of carpeting, large tie WALMSLEY. 373 Main St . Rock- . i mirror, three-quarter brass bed and land 74-t/ entertain the Ch* at the next spring for sale at 294 roadway M n. Edith Hill of Reading. Mass, and her children Audrey and Joan taKe Mrs Guy Lermond at Hen- noon the plane also had as passen- j B Ladlet-Rellable hair goods at Rock­ meeting is visiting William Lenfest. who ere visiting Mrs. Lc.til’ard Ericksons Point, Holiday Beach. SECOND HAND gers Mrs. Sheridan W. Scott. Mrs 87-89 land Hair Store. 24 Elm St. Mall orders ANTIQUE building materials; m atch- solicited. H. C RHODES. Tel. 519-J. Mrs. Fannie Brown and daughter, Miss Barbara Batchelder and her several days. Fine weather contributed to a blast W. E Newbert and Mrs. Moore. ing seta oi doors and windows; pine ______78-tf Miss Jennie Brown and Mr. and sister Miss Eleanor Batchelder Miss Loi Creighton and Miss1 enjoyable day. all guests caring to DEPARTMENT jjcpanelling,------mantels, stone steps.j KNOX HOUSE, 35 Wadsworth.. .St . , Thomaston. Mrs. William Overlock, who have spent the weekend with their par- Joanna Creighton of Hamburg. N take a *)oat rlde *n th* Sea-Wolf, Robert and Paul, sons of Mr. and 87-92! Mrs. W. iE. Morton of Medford, been visiting in Machias and Cutler, ents. Mr and Mrs. Philip Batchel- Y, arrived yesterday for a visit A & p gtore was broken 1 Large Electric Range. 1931 CHEVROLET 5 ------passengpr coupe a I—White Porcelain Barber Chair. Mass., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. for sale MRS PAUL SEAVEY. 29 Frank , REAL______ESTATE returned home Wednesday. der at Belfast. with their grandparents Mr. and 1 ,nto gunday nlght gnd oyer |20Q m lln S' , Tel 567. 86-88 ♦ ” ” » 1—«-Ft. Silent Salesman, and 2 —— ...... :------r------»*♦***********■ Mrs. Richard Webb, son Richard, The new boat Margie O , built Mrs. Charles Copeland. cash and swnp uken Roy Brann last week. They re­ SPRAYS, sweet peas and ra-pberrles | Small Show Caaes. turned home Sunday, accompanied for sale C A VOSE Brooklyn DESIRABLE and attractive Homes In Mrs. Dorothy Stewart, Miss Anne by R. E. McLain and Son. w a Mr and Mr Benjamin Smalley j Managpr Woodcock states thgt the 1—10-Pleee Walnut Dining 8“t. Heights. Thomaston Tel 150-11 86-88, reasonably FRANK by Mr. and Mrs. Brann and son ------!------'D . ELLIOT. Tel. 69. 88. and 125. Thom ­ Stewart and Miss Bernice Littler of launched Saturday afternoon. Stu and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Whitney undlMuAe<, 1—7-Pitee Golden Oak Dining JOHNSON Sea Horse outboard motors aston. 82 tf John who will make a week's visit new and used; Old Town boats and Syracuse. N. Y. arrived last night was christened by Mary A McLain, vislteu Sunday w.th their sons at | and ft.pre #n wag Set. *900 buys shore front property Spring and were all checks, 1—6-Piece Golden Oak Dining in Medford. canoes A L. ANDERSON, next Cam and are guests of Mrs. Webb's par­ oldest daughter of the builder. The Camp Hinds. Raymond. de* Yacht Club. Camden. 86 tf water; 1939 taxes paid and Insurance gained through a rear door, the Set. to 1942; four-room apartment to let ents. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Newbert. owners of the boat are Capt.Capt MrM r and Mrs.Mrs Alfred Sanborn of SAIL boat for sale or to rent. Tills with bath *15 month. wateT paid. panel of which was shattered . 1— Gelden Oak Sectional Book Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson of Is a very able boat, one year old. 16 The annual chicken supper of Johannes Jasobson and Sheriff An- Augusta and Miss Marrelle Perkins FRANCES SHAW. 7 Pine St Thom as­ Case. Dorcester. Mass, are visiting friends ft by 7 ft Sloop rig fullv equipped ton, Tel 35 11 88 90 the Baptist Ladies' Circle to be neld drew V Willis, both of Block Island of Ogunquit and Augusta, were 2— Golden Oak Roll Top Desks. Will sell for *125 LAWRENCE HAM­ in this city for two weeks. LIN. 14 Oay street, city 85*90 HOUSE at 16 Ooukl S t. Camden six Wednesday is open to the public. R. I The boat Is 35 feet long, with weekend gue t- of William T. NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE 8—Golden Oak Buffets. rooms and hath; hot air furnace; Bar­ WHEREAS Margaret B Smith of DESIRABLE home lor sale In War­ rage; large lot Price right GILBERT The entertainment in the evening a 12-foot beam and 4'a-foot draught Smith. Jr. North Haven In the County of Knox Round and Square Golden Oak ren Medium Mize, price, some land, HARMON. Camdeu 86 88 and State of Maine by her mortgage Dining Tables. Rockport and Everett Leach of water, lights flush Address "F S ' promises to be well worth attending. | and to equipped with a 40 h. p. 4- Jean Niweombe. daughter of Mr. care The Courier-Gazette 85*92 deed dated March 14, 1936 and record­ Stands, all sties. Camden were in a head-on collision NOTICE OF FORBCI.OSURE Program appeared in last week’s cylinder Lathrop engine, and will'and Mrs. Edward Ncwcombe, ob- ed in Knox Registry of Deeds in Book 1— Tapcr.'ry Parlor Set, 3-pe«. FORD town sedan < 1931), A-l condt- 247 Page 438. conveyed to Alan L Bird on the Molyneaux road near the tlon. new tires, cheap for cash TEL WHEREAS. DAVID D McAULEY. of paper. be used for lobstering and general served her fourth birthday anni- of Rockland In the county and state 12—Library Tables. 351-W. Rockland. 88-99 Camden, County of Knox and State of Mr. and Mrs Stanley Kalloch of aforesaid, as Receiver of C E Water­ 2— Sewing Machines, Standard Mansfield schohol house about 6.30 Maine, by his mortgage deed dated fishing. It Is expected that she will versarv Saturday with a party. man C o . of said North Haven, certain REGISTERED "Snipe" class sloop February 12. 1934. recorded In the Knox Gardiner were guests Sunday of parcels of real estate together with end New Home—perfect con­ Monday morning. The First Aid for sale. lS'/a'xS f t . racing sails and m a­ Registry’ of Deeds. Book No. 235. Page I the buildings thereon situated In said dition. atribulanoe of the Camden Fire hogany trim *195 ROBERT HILLS. 553. conveyed to the Home Owners' tiis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ncrth Haven and bounded and de 119 Summer St city, 67'tf Loan Corporation, a Corporation duly AT THE PARK THURSDAY ONLY 11—(Steel Ice Cream Parlor Department took Leach to the established under the laws of the Kalloch. i crlbed as follows to wit:— Chairs. CULVERT stone lor sale, flagging [ All of the real estate of every name Community Hospital for observation and sidewalk material, well covers, United States of America, having Its Miss Janice Moore of Hallowell ‘s j and description which I now own or 1—Large Leather Rocker. , stone posts, paving block, m onum en- office and principal place of business visiting Mrs. Jennie Knowlton. | which I, may hereafter own. together 7— Love Seats. There were no serious injuries.. tai stone, stone mi. anchor and moor- In Washington. District of Columbia, with building; thereon located In ' Ing stones lor boats Call or write the following described real estate s it­ Miss Ruth Copeland has returned North Haven in the County of Knox 4— Parlor Couches. State Patrolman Henry Roper in­ JOHN MEEHAN * SON. Clark Island. uated In Camden. In said County of Knox and State of Maine: to Friendship after visiting Mrs | and State of Maine, and 1— Large Lawn Urn. vestigated the accident. Tel Rockland 21-13 78-tf WHEREAS said Alan L. Bird. Receiver 2— Invalid Wheel Chairs, for sale "A certain lot or parcel of land, Aletha Thompson. as aforesaid, on the twentieth day of Rev. Albert E. Luce of Bucksport, DRY hard wood per foot, fitted. *1.25 with the buildings thereon, situate July 1939 assigned said mortgage to or rent; one adjustable. Sawed. *1.15, long. *105. M. B. 6i C. O In said Catnden. and bounded and Mrs. Charles Singer has returned Katharine C. Derry of Rockland In 1—Large Site Wardrobe. who was formerly pastor of the PERRY. Tel. 487. 78-tf described as follows to wit: Begin 1 the county and state aforesaid, in ac- Methodist Church here celebrates nlng In the northerly line of At­ from Portsmouth where she was 1 cordance with decree of Hon Wm. H 1—Walnut Bookcase. lantic Avenue at center of brook called by an accident in which her Fisher. Justice of Superior Court, dated 1— 6-Ft. Walnut Settee. his golden wedding anniversary culvert; thence south 83’ west j July 30 1938, which assignment was 3— Pianos, upright. along line of Atlantic Avenue slxty- sister. Miss Belle Brown was in­ Aug. 5. elght (681 feet and three (3) Inches recorded In Knox Registry of Deeds 2— Antique Sofa Frames. In Book 240 Page 193 and A bull moose was seen by Percy SPECIAL OFFER! to granite poet In line of land for­ jured. Her father, Capt. John WHEREAS the condition of said 5— Iron Base Swivel Chair*. merly of Israel Decrow's heirs; Brown, went to Portsmouth Sunday ' mortgage has been broken. 1—Unfinished Bullet. Luce about 11 o'clock Saturday thence north 65’ east along the NOW. THFREFORE by reason of the For a Limited Time Only line of land of said Decrow and to be with Miss Blown, who re­ breach of the condition thereof I. the 1— Soapstone Set Tub. night near his l:cme on Sea street. formerly of W H Pascal, one hun­ mains at the hospital recovering said Katharine C. Derry, claim a foie- 2— Porcelain Tables. The feature to be shown Tuesday dred eighty (180) feet, more or less, | closure of said mortgage 1— Typewriter (Underwoodl. 500 Sheets S’/zxll to bolt In center of brook; thence from her Injuries. KATHARINE C t'ERRY at the Comlqi;-; Theatre is Peter southerly along center of said brook Dated at Rockand. Maine, July 2t 2— Sets of Store Shelves. to street line, at place of beginning. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Wolf and sons, 1939 1—Old Typ? Copper Boiler. Lorre in "Mr. Motto takes a Vaca­ . Yellow Second Reserving from the above convey­ ______88-T-94 ance to Isabel F Dow her heirs Edward L. and John C, arrived last 1—22" Furnace. tion,” “Alexander Graham Bell" and assigns forever, the right of night from Cocoa. F la, to spend 1—3-Pc. Mahogany Parlor Set, with Don Ameche, Loretta Young sewerage through the above de­ S heet scribed lot from snld Dow lot to the remainder of the season with 1—Electric Sewing Machine. and Henry Fonda will be shown the brook, with right to lay pipe 1—Medium Sized Wardrobe. her father, Edward O B. Burges-;. Wednesday only, A clean smooth sheet, for busi­ and maintain same and to enter NOTICE! 8— Gliders. , ness—for school—for typewriter. ! above lot for repairs to said pipe." The concert which takes place at George H. Thomas is having a WHEREAS, the conditions of said 6— New Metal Refrigerators, at Mortgage Is broken: the Baptist Church tomorrow night week's vacation from his duties at Now. therefore, by reason of the Greatly Reduced Prices. Why O nly 3 7c breach of the condition thereof, the a t 8 o’clock will attract all music The household furniture and the George H. Thomas Fuel Co. said Home Owners' Loan Corporation, lovers. Those appearing on the fixtures of the late Benjamin S. not trade your old one for one The golf driving range at Eaton's by Elisha W Pike. Its Attorney there- for 500 sheet package i unto duly authorized by Its power of program are the Baptist Choral So­ Whitehouse arc now being sold at of these? Field is a popular place these days. We Do Not Break Package* : attorney dated October 1. 1936. and ciety, Mrs. Grace Strout, director, a piivate sale at his residence, recorded In the Knox County Registry 29 HILL ST, ROCKLAND, by The yacht Vavite originally owned Mail Orders Filled—15c Extra I of Deeds, Book 249. Page 313, claim s a assisted by Mrs. Mildred Havener, by Charles 6. Cheston of New York 1 foreclosure of said mortgage, and gives Inc, j Mrs. Edith M. Randlett, Admx. j this notice for that purpose. Mrs Lillian Joyce, Miss Gladys V .F . S T U D L E Y .b e. Anyone interested is invited to City and North Haven, has recently The Courier-Gazette Dated this eighth day of July. A. D. Grant and Chester O. Wyllie; Mrs. 283 MAIN ST;, ROCKLAND, ME, been sold to Reginald Cratty of ' 1939 A kitchen crisis occur- when ( harlottr Wvnters (riclitI seems to bo call and Inspect the furniture. TEL. 1154 HOME OWNERS' LOAN Amy Tripp, organist: Mrs. Blanche ccming between Bonita Grant -ill? and boy friend Frankie Thomas in this Bangor and has been renamed the ROCKLAND, MAINE CORPORATION 88* It 88Ttf By Elisha W Pike. Lermond, pianist; Miss Margaret scene from “Nancy Drew—trouble Shooter, '—adv. Aloha. 82-T-89 Every-Other-Day Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, July 25, 1939 Page Seven

CLARK-HASKELL The Tonian Circle will meet Wed­ clusively in that form; in all the nesday night at the hofne of Mrs. vitality with which he was blest, Miss Virginia L. Haskell and Paul Seavey, Franklin street with AT THE EELLS BOAT BARN This And That transcending the falling forces of Ralph T. Clark Jr., were married Mrs. Sadie Stimpson as assisting that life which had so few blessings. Saturday night at the Methodist hostess. parsonage, Rev. Dr. Guy Wilson Curtis String Quartet Gave First In Series Of Among all his melodies, those of the ® S O C j ETY reading the single ring service. Only Sherwood Small returned to his last years are the most profound members of the immediate families home in Barre, Vt., after spending Concerts Sunday Night and the most beautiful. It seemed E. B. Crockett and son John at­ were guests. Friday and Saturday in Rockland. as If his deafness endowed his tended the Model Pishing Race The bride, a daughter of Mr. and Mr. Small is a former residerft of | palette with new colors and gave Friday, at Cape Poi^joise. Mrs. Erwin L. Haskell. Talbot this plaqe. The summer music season opened Comert Etude. Opus 5. leone Slutgagtla him an auditory exaltation beyond Quartet tn F m a jo r iRasoumof- (Continued on Page Eight) avenue, was graduated from Rock­ Sunday night with the first concert fsky), opus 59. No. 1, Beethoven land High School in the class of Mrs. Gustav Hagen and son Hans Allegro. Mr, and Mrs. Wendell Thornton By K. 8. P. in a scries of three by The Curtis Allegretto vivace. and family of West Newton, Mass., 193S. and attended Ballard Business of Boston are visiting Mrs. George Adagio motto, String Quartet. In their own Theme Russe Allegro. are occupying the Flint cottage at School. Mr. Clark is the son of Mr. H. Avery. "home,” the Capt. Eels Boat Barn, The works of Schubert, creator of Holiday Beach until September.. and Mrs. Ralph T. Clark and is Secretary Ickes has apportioned Rockport, which with Its limited ’ M id- Mrs. Kathleen Kilbum and Mrs. a vast music literature and the also a graduate of Rockland High $1,380,000 for development of wild space, marine paintings and other Fred Foster of Fort Fairfield are Miss Bertha Coombs has returned School life resources throughout the differ­ unique touches, provides an inti­ greatest genius the first quarter of Sum m er ‘J Mrs. Frederick Faiber gave a a t the home of Rev. and Mrs. Guy f from three weeks' visit with rela­ After the service, an informal ent States. Divided into all the macy and charm that is ideal for the 19th cenury produced, show charming tea to a few old friends. reception was given for relatives at Wilson. tives in Boston. States the sum dwi..Jles a bit. the presentation and hearing of an inexhaustible inspiration Vivid Special Sunday afternoon, complimenting the home of the bride's parents and • • • • chamber music. The members of and original in their character, they her guest Miss Mary Sheahon, of the young couple then left on a Capt. and Mrs. David L. Haskell Tension and crisis are all that we Rev. and Mrs. J. Charles Mac­ the Quartet—Jascha Brodsky and are imbued with an indestructible Moobcrly, Missouri. are visiting friends and relatives find in reports from abroad. ECONOMY Donald. are entertaining. Mrs.. short wedding trip of unannounced Charles Jaffe, violins, Max Arinoff, force and profundity of idea, and destination. in Deer Isle. • • 6 • MacDonald's brother and wife, Mr. viola, and Orlando Cole, cello need though lol years have passed since Mr and Mrs. Merton A Moody If Maine women would use more and Mrs. Gardner J. Gwinn, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Knowlton no introduction. Through their his decease, to this day his works and children Judith. Martha and care In their sauces for fish more BEAUTY PARLOR family of eight children of Seattle, of Norfolk Downs, Mass., recently summer sojourns In Rockport they sparkle with freshness and fragrant Oordon. of Chicago, who are sum­ fish would be called for by the men Wash., Weldon. Rodney, Ralph, visited Mr and Mrs. J. F McIn­ have established themselves firmly bloom. His chamber music shows Upstairs, Over Leach's mering at Bayside, visited several of the State. Stanley Bennard. Dorothy, Bar­ At The Samoset tosh. • • • • In the high regard of the local peo­ skill, power and coloring in the in­ friends in this city Sunday. Tel. 122 For Appointment bara and William, have as guest California packs 95 percent of the ple but of greater importance Is the strumentation, and in listening one their friend, Miss Polly Stedelbauer, Miss Hattie Lamb of Hartford fact that these four gifted musi­ realizes that one can never say be­ Miss Helen Fuller returned to Many reservations were received nation's canned asparagus and it’s of Tlllsontourg. Ont., who is with is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Eu­ cians form an organization that oc­ forehand what plan of modulation STEAM OIL Boston today, after spending a va­ for last evening's dance, the larg­ In the world, we say. them at the MacDonald home. An­ gene Lamb. • • • • cupies a foremost position among he has conceived. He toys with a $7 PERMANENT $ 4 .0 0 cation visit with her parents. Mr. est one of the season. Among those nouncement of their visit was made entertaining were Mrs. Victor B A University of Connecticut Je r­ string quartets before the public to­ change of tonalities, sometimes and Mrs. Frank W. Fuller Mrs. Fred Foster and Mrs. Kat- at the Sunday morning service at Woolley, Wilmington. Del. During sey cow has produced during her day. enjoying an international rep­ straying into far lying accords, yet leen Kilbum of Port Fairfield are SPECIAL FOR the Baptist Church, and they were the dance intermission the draw­ lifetime enough milk to supply the utation. Their work carries almost with exceptional skill and sim­ $7 $ 4 .0 0 Dr. Harold Pillsbury and fam­ guests for a few days of Mr*. Guy FINE HAIR asked to stand. It was a splendid ing of the prizes for the Kicker's average family 100 years and ten perfection in attack, shading, and plicity he returns into his original ily of Baltimore have leased the Wilson. looking group that complied to the Tournament, a weekly event in times her own weight In butter. balance, to such a degree that many tonality, and in this realm only few Saunders' cottage a t Ingraham Hill • • • • OTHER PERMANENTS request. which a great many o.' the guests times It seems as If they are b u t one arc equal to Schubert. This was for the remainder of Uie summer. The silver link social and cov­ Would you believe it? The T ran­ and cottagers enter, was held. A Instrument. They imbue their play­ borne home in the A minor quartet, ered dish supper sponsored by Miri­ script is our authority for the $2.00 and $3.00 The Dr. Bartlett house, corner of quiz program was featured as part ing with a seriousness that savors of which though the D minor is con­ Mr. and Mrs. A L. Dunlop of New am supper circle will be held Thurs­ statement th at during the Civil W ar Union and Llmerock streets, which of the evening's fun. Participating a ritual devotion, which must make sidered the most original and im­ York, were guests over the weekend day. at Mrs. Albert Havener's cot­ we had camels in this country to has undergone extensive repairs and in the program were Tristram a profound impression on the hear­ portant. is held tile most fascin­ of Mrs. Dunlop's sister. Mrs. J. tage. Crescent Beach. Assisting the carry the United States mail. Where alterations, will be occupied by Mackinnon. Joseph Young. Judge er. Their first program was: ating. Charles MacDonald. hostess will be Mrs. Lina Carroll, the Transcript did not say. N. I) ASK FOR FREE Charles Lowe who is moving there Otto B Heiligman Quartet in A minor, opus 29. In speaking of Beethoven we are Mrs. Gladys Studley. Mrs. Helen • • • • Franz Schubert next week. Miss Catherine Bulger and George Allegro ma non troppo. reminded that his career ended in SPEED-O-DYKE TICKETS A H Newbert Association is in­ Paladino, Mrs. Lizzie Moody and What is fame? Or should we put Andante Talbot from the Arthur Murray quartet-writing. For the last two vited to Lermond Pond, to meet Mr. and Mrs. G. Carl Cassens Mrs. Reina Rcbinson. If stormy it—which is famous. Toscanini or Menuetto Sudio of Dancing gave a most in­ Allegro moderato years of his life he wrote almost ex­ Thursday afternoon and evening at have as guests Mr. and Mrs. Avard Thursday, the social will be held Tracy? In London recently Arthur teresting exhibition last evening the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunlop of Elmhurst, Long Island, Friday. Toscanini, the great and much loved when they gave the Cavalcade Maxey. N Y. symphony maestro was swept off his Dance number showing the develop­ Recent arrivals at Rockledge Inn feet and flung against a baggage Cardinal Club members and hus­ Miss Beryl Borgerson is spending ment of the modern dance from the Spruce Head; Mr. and Mrs. L. E. truck on 'Waterloo Station platform bands. dined recently at “Wild a fortnight with her parents, Mr. Castle Walk to the Conga. Humphrey. Bloomfield. N. J.; Mrs. by a crowd in Its eagerness to catch Brier” tea room in Belfast and re­ and Mrs A. B. Borgerson at Owl's Among those gathered for the spe­ G L. Downes. Annapolis. Md.; Mr a glimpse of Spencer Tracy, the film Greatest Selling Event mained for an evening of contract. Head while on a vacation from her cial game evening were Mr and Mrs and Mrs. J. C. Tatem. Reidsville, actor; and this was in England, not B. Wilmsen, Mies Frances and Le- N C.; Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Tatem, In the group were. Mr. and Mrs. C. duties as student nurse at Peter in uncultured America that we hear —IN— S. Beverage of Augusta. Mr. .and Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston. titia Pearson. Mrs Estelle Picks and Eastford. Conn ; Miss Esther M the English say is so devoid of Mrs. A J. Bird. Mr. and Mrs John the Misses Estelle and Helen Ficks. Newberry, River ForesC 111,; Mr courtesy. I. Snow. Miss Lucy Rhodes, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dennison Mr and Mrs Henry Farmer. Mrs Lillian B Sweet. Geneva, 111.; Mr I • A • • Mrs. Oeorge Wooster, Miss Anne and Miss Ruth Dennison of Cutler W E. Newbert. Mr. and Mrs. J. H and Mrs. William Carpenter, Sims: "W hat do you think about Rockland Blackington Mr. and Mrs. W. W. have been recent guests of Capt. 8hearman, Mrs William B Kauf­ Princeton. N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. R. government ownership of the rail­ I j Graves, Dr. and Mrs William El- and Mrs. George Horton. man. Mrs A. C. Pieper. Mrs. A. P. C. Keatly. Belmont. Mass. roads. power reserves, and so on?" lingwood. Mr. and Mrs John O Mackinnon, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bims; “I think it's great. When Mrs. Elmer E. Trask. Jr., captain, OUR YEARLY JULY Stevens, Mrs. Harriet Frost. Mrs. Mr .and Mrs. J. H. .Gould and Fawcett. Mr. and Mrs William Rob­ the government owns and runs went yesterday with a group of Blue J. A. Jameson, Mrs George W. son Harold of West Bridgewater, ertson, Mrs. Theodore Prohme. Mrs. everything Itll have to pay all the DISPOSAL SALE OF Bonnet Troop Girl Scouts, to the Smith and Miss Mabel Spear. Mass., are making their annual visit Deane Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe taxes itself, see?” in this city. Scanneilf Mrs. C. G. Lippett. Mrs. Tibbetts' cottage. South Pond for a • • • • WOMEN’S COATS Miss Flora Fish is spending a J. E. Chapman. In addition to the camping trip. Another group goes "The typical father" chosen on a few days with Misses Addle and Miss Bernice Tarbox of Lynn, Kicker's Tournament a Putting Wednesday. radio program broadcast, proved to Celia Feyler in Waldoboro. Mass., is vvisiting Miss Beverly Match was featured yesterday aft- be a post office employe from Mis­ Miss Ethel Turner has returned DRESSES HATS Rogers ernc:n. souri. "So we have now reached the to her duties at the Lowell (Mass.) Dr. and Mrs. Perley Damon, Arrivals for the coming week in­ point” says the New Yorker, "where Mrs. C. H Olds and Jimmie have General Hospital after a month's who have been making improve­ clude Miss Isabel Harkness, New the typical father draws his suste- ACCESSORIES returned from a week at Matinicus. vacation, a part of which was spent ments on their farm in Warren, will York; Edward Harris. Upper Mont­ ' nance from the government." Jessie Olds spent the time with at her home in Montreal where she move there this week to reside. clair; Miss Gertrude E. Shea. • • • • friends at Crescent Beach. was visited by Miss Lucinda Young. Springfield, Mass.; Mr and Mrs. H. Resumption of the fish census At Prices That Call For On return, Miss Young was accom­ H. Lee. Mr. and Mrs Jay Gates, work in the North Atlantic has been Wednesday-Thursday Miss Madelyn Buckley and Mrs panied by Miss Turner who was her Mrs. J. R. Neison, Philadelphia; Mr. planned, and the trawler Howard Quick Action Shopping! Ella Flynn, who have been the guest at the Vinaihaven home of and Mrs. Walter Stem and Miss has been donated to the U. S guests of Mrs Helen Waltz at her the former. They later came to Priscilla Stern, New York; E. T. ! Bureau of Fisheries. Federal chart­ Ash Point cottage, have returned to Rockland and here were visitors a Casebolt. South Orange ing of fishing banks was abandoned Brookline. Mass. few days at the residence of Mr and Among those teeing off early this in 1932. A part of a $125,000 PiVA Bargain Scoop of the Year! Mrs. Alden Perry. grant will be used for this work. Miss Gloria Gordon of Wollaston, morning in the Kicker's Handicap • • • • OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF BALANCE OF ALL Mass, formerly of this city, is visit­ at The Samoset were Mr. and Mrs Mikado were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. While looking about the park at ing her grandmother Mrs. Etta Mc­ Henry Farmer, Mr. and Mrs. Earle Farnham, Mrs. F E Ballard. Miss dusk the keeper found a man SPRING AND SUMMER Rae for a week. Upon her return Anderson, Major A. D. Williams, Blanche Spadone. Mrs. George stretched on a seat, sound asleep. SILK DRESSES home, she will go to Camp Lynn- William E Farnham, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery, Mrs. George R Wes- ‘Hl. you; I am about to close the That formrrly >o'J to hohn for girls at Lakeport, N. H., J. Scott Fowler, Mrs. Herbert Her- ax high ax $16.50. All terfield. the Mi*scs Anna and Flor­ gates.” for the remainder of the summer shey, Tristram Mcakinnon, Mrs.. A nrw summer mr.drl— COATS $5.00 ence Logan, and Mrs. John The sleepy man blinked wearily $ 3 . 6 7 P. Mackinnon, and Watson H. Cald­ N.ny and HI; k in Cochran. and said. *'O. K, but don't slam AND OUT THEY GO! AND Mr and Mrs. Theodore Blacking- well. The tournament will con­ eluded. Rockland Breakwater, July 23— 'em." Size-—11 to 17. Some of these in values ton and Mrs Gertrude Ness of New- tinue through tomorrow. Io $29.75. The largest dance of the season was • • • • 12 to 20. York. Mrs. Julia Morse and John Mrs. Louis Roundtree of Brooklyn 16!4 to 244. Don't Miss This held last night. Among those en­ The m an who wrote "Home Sweet Chaples ol' Appleton and Mrs. Eliza­ arrives today to visit her sister. 38 to 50. $ 5 . 8 7 Value! $ 7 . 0 0 tertaining at'th e dance were Mrs Home” never owned a home. beth Bean of Searsmont were Sun­ Miss Letitia Pearson at "Wyndy • • • • George Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs COME EARLY! NOTHING RESERVED! day dinner guests of Mrs.. Elea­ Haugh." According to the most reliable au­ Allan P. Mackinnon. Mrs. A. 8. Car­ nor Carroll. Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Mackinnon thorities in the petroleum industry, man, Mr. and Mrs William Farn­ are entertaining at cocktails Mr. air giants on the skyways of the fu­ ham. Mrs. Victor B. Woolley. Store Closed W ed. Open Thurs. 9 A. M . A jolly picnic dinner was held at and Mrs A. C. Pieper, Mr. and Mrs. ture may carry their own petroleum William E. Farnham won the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Herbert Pieper. Mr. and Mrs. Earle cracking refineries aloft. prize awarded to the person having Randall in Warren Saturday eve­ Anderson. Mrs. Joseph Beardwood, • • • • the highest point score in the In­ FULL FASHION SILK HOSE 47c ning. guests being. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Fowler, Mrs. There Is a movement on foot formation. Please program held dur­ Clarence Wyllie, Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan W. Scott. Mrs. W. B throughout the wide world to pro­ ing the dance intermission. VALUES TO 8.00, Prank Fitzgerald, and Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman, and Tristram Mackinnon tect historic and valuable trees. $2.98 VAL. SILK SLIPS, $1 00 /V7 1 47 Joseph Young. Warson H. Cald­ William Brynes, all of Rockland. Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Owners of trees worth saving will be well and Mrs. Earle Anderson were HATSipui z : nd . 9 / - 1 . 4 / Earle Anderson and Mrs. Joseph urged to place them under the pro­ PURE SILK KNEE LENGTH NOW PLAYING Guests at Sheldon Point, Spruce the winners In the Kicker's Tour­ Beardwood will be their guests at tection of a permanent and suitable "MAX ABOl'T TOWN" Head, include Prof, and Mrs. nam ent while Mrs. Herbert Her- H O SE,______29c with dinner also. authority. Legislation is being Charles Titus of Nutley. N. J.. Mrs. shey, James Gahan, Mrs Earle An­ CORSETS AND FOUNDATIONS JACK BENNY Among those attending the framed to this end And if this idea Ruth Gurdy Bird and son Chris­ derson and Dana Jackson won the LEATHER BAGS, val. to 2.98, 37c DOROTHY LAMOCR can be followed up. the world will be included— all our well known makes topher of Montclair. N. J , Dean putting tournament. protected and Improved by Its beau­ and Mrs. Corbett of the University ( Mrs. A. S. Carmon entertained at tiful trees. BLOUSES, 1.00 value, 57e 20% OFF Of Maine, Mrs. Fred A. Chilton and Today and Wednesday cocktails last evening Mrs. Thomas • • • • Miss Jean Winslow Chilton of New I Berry. Mrs. John Curran. Mr. and An ad: "Mr. Brown, furrier, begs COTTON DRESSES, 1.00 value, 57c York. Miss Constance Chilton of Mrs. Henry Parmer, Mr. and Mrs. to announce that he will be glad to ALL BATHING SUITS Englewood. N. J. and Mr. and Mrs. B. Wllbsen. Arrivals for extended StrandShows Mat 2 00. Evf. f. 4 45. S.45 6000 make up gowns, capes and coats for SWEATERS, some 2.98 value, Lastex, Wools, Dressmaker Styles Continuous Saturday 2.IS tn 10.45 Tolman Oay. daughter Doris and visits Include Mr. and Mrs. George ladies, out of their own skins." Sunday. Matinee 3 o'clock_____ 30% DISCOUNT friends from Farmington. I ENEMIES A. Busch. Buffalo; Mr. and Mrs. • • • • 87c and $1.37 Waiter nOGEON-IMU JOtWSON George P. Johnston, New York; Mr "Kind hearts are like gardens— and Mrs. Lewis Gaurty. New York; With roots like kind thoughts; COTTON FROCKS BEACH-WEAR Thursday Only Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faries, 8t. Da­ And words may well blossom Your Loveliness vid's, Penn.. Ilnto fruits to be sought. Sheers, Spun Rayons, Linens HALTER-VISOR SETS, 19c Henry Farmer. Jr., is spending Guard well with rich dressing SHORTS, values 59c-79c, 47c . WILL DEPEND ON YOUR TALLY-HO Novelties the weekend with his parents, Mr. Of kindness your heart; 1.59 VALUES, 87c SHARKSKIN SLACK SUITS, $3.87 PERMANENT $25.00 In Cash Prizes and Mrs. Henry Farmer. And treasure the seeds 198 VALUES, $1.67 SLACKS AND OVERALLS, 92c Of well-bred thought." Meet Dimmer more than • • • • 2.98 VALUES, 2.37 INVISIBLE CULLOTTE ALSO ON THE SCREEN half way. Get a Gilbert The British people lie under a 3.98-4.98 VALUES, 2.97 DRESSES, $1.00 heavy burden of problems that Croquignole Wave this Ifs Har Sizes 11 to 54 Values to $2.38 weak. Glamorous, fetch­ rfJMFlfTf La text C om iqu e 1 might easily crush a nation less en­ ing hair beauty this cool Thrilling HANCY DREW dowed with its doggedness which MANY MORE ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION way. Advtnturti never yields to defeat. This nation THEATRE should stand by England In every Sheers, Wools, Individual INDIVIDUALIZED CAMDEN, ME. I move she makes for world wide ffr ' peace. PA Knitted Styles 1 TUESDAY, JULY 25 • • • • IRESS Values to $12.95'—Come Early! ** OIL-WAVE OIL W A V E IONITA GRANVILLEthomm-uw 1?L°K « Iw IM b, MIHtam Ckmena . A WARNER BROS. Rich,. The Kansas State College is one A new and different ‘MR. MOTO TAKES wave that develops Kmart styles adapted to $ 3 1 of the several institutions of higher YOU by our experts chain) and personality. A VACATION” learning introducing "the science of It's revitaliz­ Finger With IT’S ALWAYS COMING SOON PETER LORRE speech sounds" or phonetics into the ing to hair $ 5 Waves 3 5 c I COOL HERE curriculum. They are familiarized and rralp. Any Style "GOODBYE MR. CHIPS” WEDNESDAY, JULY 26 with the International Phonetic Al­ CUTLER’S inc. By Popular Demand “ALEXANDER phabet and study the recordings of FOLLOW US AND SAVE MONEY good voices. GRAHAM BELL” • • • • 369 MAIN STREET, ROCKLAND, MAINE ?KY « with Did you know that the mean an­ GILBERTS DON AMECHE nual rainfall of the entire globe is 36 ROCKLAND, ME. PHONE 142 A R X 375 MAIN STREET inches. Mean it is, sometimes. Page Eight Rockland Courier-Gazette, Tuesday, July 25, 1939 Every-Other Day

Trustee granted: Estate Lillias G.. gomery, Miss Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Hupper, late of Tenants Harbor. | Cobrad Valguarnera Di Niscemi, Probate Court News AT THE EELLS BOAT BARN Mrs. Alice M. Pender. Mrs. Frances deceased, Alan L. Bird of Rockland. Rockland Man’s Important Invention E. Perry, Col and Mrs. Arthur Wills allowed: Fred E Achorn. trustee. (Continued from Page Seven) given so much Joy to those around Poillon, Mr. and Mrs William T. late of Rockland, deceased, Nellie Accounts Allowed: Ozora Turner anything dreamed. This very great­ her. Plummer, Admiral and Mrs. Wil­ E. Achorn of Rockland appointed late of Thomaston, deceased, first liam Veazie Pratt, Col. and Mrs. E ness. particularly In the string quar­ The musicians after each program executrix; Arthur H Hunter, late and fjna] account presented by A. Robbins, Mrs. Arthur Hoyt tettes. left his work of the flnal of St George, deceased. Susie B James R admr c t a . offering were called back many times Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. T. Hunter of St. George appointed ex- . years with no general appreciation, to acknowledge the applause of an Seaverns. Col and Mrs. Edwy L. ecutrix; Clay Clark, late of Cam- Ro>' J t r a n c h e . J r . minor, of even among musicians, until a half audience which taxed the hall. The Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Randall den. deceased. Hazel Bowers Clark R^kland, second account present- century after his death at least. In profound attention accorded at all Thompson, Miss Anne Townsend, (otherwise known as Hazel Frances * Helen E t r a n c h e gdn.; more recent years, however, the times was an eloquent tribute to Mrs. Julius B. Waterbury, Ralph Clark, of Camden appointed exccu- >*«« Alton t r a n c h e . minor of the superb artistry of the Quartet. quartettes are becoming more widely Wilson, Mr and Mrs. Walter Wolf, trix; Jessie Mauss Bradford, late of Rwkland. first account presented used and known, and in listening to In the audience were noted many and Mr. and Mrs. D Preston Wy- Bildgeton. N. J . deceased, present- HeIen E’ LaB«nche. gdn.; Nancy the F major in Sunday night's con­ ' notable musical figures, such as song. Jr. cd bv Walton Bradford of said Bushnell, late of Thomaston, de- Felix Salmond. Lea Luboshutz. Wil­ cert, one felt no group could give a The second concert will take Bridgeton, no appointment made; ceased- flrst and final account Pre‘ liam Harms, Zlatko Balokovic, Hel- place Sunday. Aug 6th at 8 30 p m sented by Fred Davis, exr ; Thomas more serious and devoted rendition Georg.ana Biyant. late of Camden of these immortal compositions. mutt Baerwald. and others. Par- —By Gladys Heistad. deceased. Grace M Hobbs of Cam- 81,aPir0' late of R«kland. deceased. Tills fine but difficult quartet, i tlcular Interest was manifested in den appointed executrix: Thomas * cond and flnal arcoum Presented Dr. and Mrs. Randall Thompson. sometimes called the "cello quartet" SOUTHWEST HARBOR J. Young, late of Vinalhaven, de­ by Esther M. Shapiro, admx ; Hi­ Dr Thompson being the new direc- ram A Dunton, late of Rockland, on account of the prominence given ceased. Carolyn L. Bray of Owl's 311elf Installation , tor of the Curtis Institute of Music, Work is in progress on the Rand deceased, first and final account to tilts instrument, was written in Head appointed executrix; Roscoe weather speed, and at full cruising speed in clear succeeding Dr. Josef Hofman, re- cottage on the High road. presented bv Florence Dunton. 1806. Count Rasmoumoffsky to B McFarland, late of Camden, de­ X 'The Crockett Equilibrator" weather.’ Wlien this type of boat is running at i signed. The death of Lynn Goulding oc­ admx : Carl W. Moffitt, late of whom the work was dedicated (or ceased, Lewis A. McFarland of full speed, they settle down by the stern, lift­ Patrons for the series of concerts curred recently at his home in Rockland, deceased, first account written fori is supposed to have Pittsfield appointed executor. This appliance Is known as the "Crockett ing their bows out of water, and cause their are: Mrs. Mary Louise Curtis Bok. Jamestown after many months of Equilibrator" and is protected by U. S. patent played the cello, and the set of vari­ presented by Knox County Trust compensating magnets to be thrown into an i honorary chairman. Miss Anne M. Petitions for Administration No 2.162.939, issued June 30. 1939 ations on the Russian song used for falling health. Company of Rockland, exr.; Ada B Alden, Miss Emma Alden. Mrs. Cur­ granted: Estates, Benjamin 8. Its object is to cause a ship to be able to the finale was a second compliment Mr and Mrs. J. 8 Harmon, Mrs. Merriam, late of Union, deceased, tis Allen. Mr and Mrs. Zlatko Balo­ Whitehouse, late of Rockland, de­ steer the same compass courses regardless of her to Beethoven's noble Russian pa­ Kenneth Woodward and daughter, first and final account presented kovic. Mr. and Mrs John F Braun, ceased. Edith M Randlett of Au­ trim, whether by the head cr by the stern. tron Beethoven took his theme Florence of Jonesport visited rela­ by Wilson L. Merriam, admr : Mar­ Dr. and Mrs Charles T. Burnett, gusta. admx; Frances G. Smith, late The magnetic needles of the compass, due to from the Pratost collection. 1815. tives here Bunday. tha P Lawrence, late of Groton. its construction, always remain level, so, when Mrs. Joshua Chase. Mrs A H. of Rockland, deceased. Katherine which Is not now published, having Mrs. Linda Cook returned Thurs­ Mass, deceased, first and final ac­ the trim of the ship it changed by loading or Chatfield, Mr and Mrs. Edward J. day from a week's visit with Prof. D. Berry of Rockland, admx: discharging cargo, it will cause the athwartships been superseded by Rimsky-Korsa- count of Francis Peabody, late of Cornells. Mrs William J Curtis. Mr. Charles J. Mathews, late of Rock- magnets to be raised, or lowered, as much as 15 vok's fine collection. The theme is Harley Willard and family In _ , _ t Milton. Mass, deceased executor, ns and Mrs Rexford Daniels, Mrs Jo­ Orono. port, deceased. Ensign Otis of Rock- , ,, inch, and the fore and aft magnets will be found here o that a second hearing was de­ ed: Estate Herman Rawley, late of and final account of Francis P.a- netism, that causes her to run different com­ | Hure, Dr. and Mrs. C. Harold Jame­ pass courses at every change of trim. be due to excessive vibration, but that is not the manded. St. Oeorge. deceased, presented oy body of Milton Mass, Montague W cause, as can be easily proven. This invention son, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kre- E.a Wellman of Rockland, admx w prowse of Canton. Mass, and This invention provides a means of quickly has been tested on several ships whose compasses Tile Quartet also played the slow , and easily levelling the binnacle, or comptss mentz, Mr and Mrs. J Hugh Mont­ Petition for Perpetual Care of Samuel H Batchelder of Salem, have never given satisfaction, owing to the great movement of the Beethoven Quar­ shelf, and keeping the compensating magnets difference in compass courses, when light and Burial Lot granted: Estate Alton E Mass, trustees: Maria B Low, late always parallel to the plane of the compass tet. opus 135. in memory of the late when loaded, and has proven entirely satisfac­ Mrs. T S Elliott, a highly respected Perry, late of Rockland, deceased, of Boston, Mass, deceased, first needles, and exerting the same magnetic influ­ tory; and once used on any beat or ship whose presented by Frank E. Perry of and final account presented by Ann ence on said ccmpass needles regardless of the trim changes greatly with a change of speed or member of the summer colony, who Rockland, admr. G Nay of Boston Mass., admx.; trim of the ship. cargo, will give perfect satisfaction and prove its died last winter. Mrs Bok prefaced Petitions for License to sell Per- Oeorge B Dillingham, late of It works out in the same way in the case of real worth. the music with a tribute to Mrs i ALLOWANCE sonal Estate granted: Estates Lucy Thomaston, deceased, first and final I small, fast motor yachts, where the change of Louis A. Crockett Elliott, her beloved friend, speaking E. Walker, late of Rockland, de- account presented by Anna R D ill-) trim is so great when running at a safe thick 51 Ocean Street, Rockland, Maine. of the faithful admiration Mrs ' ceased; presented by Frank H. ingham, adm x: Herman Rawley, Elliott had always entertained for j for Yoiir Old Iron Ingraham of Rockland, exr ; Her- late of St George, deceased, first gdn.; Charles J Mathews of Rock­ boils dry, she says. "We are to have the Quartet who in turn had given man F. Cooper, late of North Ha- and final account presented by Eva port, first and final account pre­ Queer Superstitions rain." her their devotion and love. A rev­ t o w a r d erence imbued the music that made 1 yen. deceased, presented by Eva W Wellman, admx.: Fred M. Blanch- sented by Arthur K Walker of Roy is very superstitious. For in­ itself felt deeply, and it seemed a Cooper of North Haven, exx. ard, late of Warren, deceased, first Rockport, cons. Perhaps Some Of Our Read­ stance, he says, "When I leave the most fitting tribute to a woman who l / « f / Petition for Ouardian granted: and final account presented by ers Can Add To Elmer Antonin I h- Iron Barbara Marie Ross, minor, of Frank H. Ingraham of Rockland. Petition for Probate of Will pre­ house and I have forgotten some­ had devotedly loved music and had South Thcmaston. Karl B Ross of public admr.; Mary Blair Keep, late sented for notice: Charles A. 8od- Allen's List thing. I never turn around and walk ------i. in Our Sinre South Thomaston appointed gdn. of Chicago. I ll, deceased, first and erberg. late of Warren, deceased, back I always go backwards to the ways sleep with one stocking on the Petition to Transmit Assets final account presented by James C. Catherine B Kenrick of Rockland Editor of The Courier-Gazette:— house and do my errand. I never year around and I never have a granted: Estate Martha P. Law- Hutchins and Robert A Gardner, named exx. Are you superstitious? If so. you cross over from one side of the road headache." V a l u e * r< ‘ i* in > rence. late of Groton, Mass, de- exrs; Willard M Brcwn, late of to the other." He also says. "When He also says, "When I hear the Petition for License to Mortgage have lots of company When the Iron)I r u m CENTRAL^ MAINE 95c tlo u n ceased, presented by Montague W Appleton, deceased, first and final Real Estate presented for notice: , a .. ji u , ,u . I go to bed I always put my feet in ring on the telephone I always wait ‘ ,.95 >'#.95 POWIR/C&MPAMY W Prowse of Canton, Mass and account pre-ented by Maynard M. Estate Ruth A Rhodes, minor, of first and I am sure of a good nights until It rings three times. Then I Samuel H. Batchelder of Salem. Brown, admr.; Annie Ewell, of Rockland, presented by William H immediately exclaims. Thefe, sleep and

TO EIGHT BOYS AND GIRLS _ P R P F I r l r t & L » ! of ROCKLAND and VICINITY f n C L ! COUPON GIVEN SPECIFICATIONS THE NEW 1939 DE LUXE TIRES: United States Rubber Company super-bal­ With Every Purchase loon pneumatic tires. 2.50x12.75. COASTER BRAKE: New Departure (the same as on Some cases with very small purchases the best bicycle*). Get your Coupons at all the listed Speed- CHAIN: Diamond Roller. '4 inch pitch by '» Inch isame as on best bicycles). O-Byke Stores. Every Saturday Matinee a TRAME: Regular bicycle tubing (not gas pipe). Speed-O-Byke will be Given Away at the TRt SS RODS: Large size, full nickel plated. HANDLEBARS: Full adjustable, with forward exten- Park Theatre. SPEED-O-BYKE i.an. Goose-nerk stem. Highly chromium plated. PEDALS: Full ball bearing, solid rubber bicycle AWARD DATES pedals. July 8, 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19 and 26 SADDLE: Troxel best juvenile suspension spring IT IS SEE THE One Spced-O-Byke given away each date. Tear saddle and nickel plated springs. Tool bag a t­ your ticket in half, keep half and deposit o'.her half NOT SPANKY tached. EXT RAS: Complete with rear platform earner, stand, in Theatre Lobby box. Participants can be present at SOLD IN Help Your Favorite Boy or Girl M acFARLAND either theatre to be eligible. Actual drawing at the tool bag and wrenches as shown in illustration. Park. STORES FILM WEIGHT: Only 29 pounds ilea* than the weight of ASK FOR YOUR COUPONS the average No. 3 velocipede).

Norman Fitzgerald of 95 Rankin street, is shown above receiving congratulations last Saturday afternoon when he won the Speed-O-Byke award at Park Theatre Six more of these fine awards will be made on succes­ sive Saturdays, gifts from local merchants. Ask for your coupons.

With the New Twin Cylinder Engine Giving Perfect Imitation Of a Real Engine