November 3, 2019 • 31ST SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME • Volume 69:5
CatholicThe TIMES The Diocese of Columbus’ News Source November 3, 2019 • 31ST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • Volume 69:5 Inside this issue On a Mission: The diocese celebrated Mission Sunday with a special Mass that brought many cultures together at St. James the Less, Page 2 Cathedral anniversary: Bishop Robert Brennan paid tribute to the founding missionaries of St. Joseph Cathedral during a Mass celebrating its anniversary, Page 3 From soaps to Scripture: Frank Runyeon, a familiar face as a soap opera star, is coming to Columbus to perform his gospel presentations at St. Mary Magdalene Church, Pages 8-9, 12 SMALL DIOCESAN PARISH REACHES WORLDWIDE AUDIENCE WITH ONLINE VIDEO Pages 10-11 Catholic Times 2 November 3, 2019 Ethnic Ministries director elected president of national administrators Pamela Harris, director of the dioc- for the Church to gather and share esan Catholic Ethic Ministries office, resources to effectively address the was elected president of the National needs, issues and concerns facing the Association of Black Catholic Admin- African American communities, to istrators (NABCA) at its annual con- develop and mentor black Catholic ference in Houston. The organization leadership, and to be the change agent consists of diocesan Black Catholic for an inclusive church,” a statement Ministries leaders, priests, religious, from NABCA said. and representatives from the National “NBCA appreciates the support of Black Catholic Congress and the U.S. the dioceses and organizations we Conference of Catholic Bishops’ sec- represent and of USCCB. We are retariat of cultural diversity. committed to working with the faith- James Watts of the Diocese of Bir- Members of the National Association of Black Catholic Administrators at their annual ful to reflect the rich diversity of our mingham, Alabama, was elected vice conference in Houston.
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