LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA Thursday, June 18, 2020

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LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA Thursday, June 18, 2020 LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA Thursday, June 18, 2020 Thank you for taking the time to join us at a Library Board meeting! We encourage our community's participation. Meeting materials - including agendas and packets - are available at Feel free to contact the Library Director at 503-615-6500. We are happy to be of assistance! Sign-language interpreters and Assisted Listening Devices (ALD) are available at no cost. Please call 503-681-6100 or TTY 503-681-6284, 72 hours prior to the meeting. Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - Teleconference The City of Hillsboro invites you to listen to the Thursday, June 18 teleconference Library Board meeting using the Zoom teleconference meeting details listed below. Zoom Teleconference Phone: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 829 7334 3733 Password: 481398 Call to Order - Roll Call 1. Consent Agenda 1.1. Library Board Minutes May 2020 May 21 2020 Library Board Minutes draft.docx 2. Public Comment (Public Comment will not be taken during the meeting, but may be emailed in advance to [email protected] by 8 am on the day of the meeting.) 3. Action Items/Items for Discussion (Items may result in action and/or recommendation to Council): 3.1. Presentation: Library Reopening Plans (LLT) 3.2. Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers (Muller) Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers, 2020 draft,clean.docx Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers, 2020 draft 3.3. Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Circulation (Muller) Library Administrative Rules, Circulation, 2020 draft, clean.docx Library Administrative Rules, Circulation, 2020 draft 3.4. Board Recruitment Update (Case) 3.5. Board Calendar Update (Case) Projected Annual Calendar including policies training events 3.6. Advocacy Report Friends and Foundation report (Madsen, Muller) 3.7. Director’s Report (Muller) Directors Report May 2020 3.8. New Business (Case) Page 2 of 33 4. Advice/Information Items 4.1. WCCLS circulation statistics report for May2020 May Circ Stats with Overdrive - per library 4.2. HPL statistics, May 2020 Library Stats 10 Year View Dashboard May 2020 4.3. Facility closure customer service customer service during facility closure 5. Included in each meeting packet: 5.1. 2020 Library Board Schedule 2020 Library Board Schedule 5.2. Robert’s Rules of Order quick sheet Roberts Rules cheat-sheet 6. Future Meetings • Aubrey Minear for iCompass training July 2020 • “From Awareness to Funding” with Penny Hummel, September 2020 • Thomas Bruner, Operationalizing Equity presentation, October 2020 • Revisit Board Effectiveness Survey, including having all members take the survey again, in December 2020 • Gregg Snyder for South Hillsboro overview Page 3 of 33 Page 4 of 33 CITY OF HILLSBORO LIBRARY BOARD MINUTES Thursday, May 21 2020 Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - Teleconference Call to Order: Present: Board Members Elizabeth Case, Linda Mokler, Chris Armstrong, Rommel Rodriguez Ibarra, Katie Rhyne, and Gail Madsen, ex oficio Staff: Karen Muller, Hillary Ostlund, Ken Christian, Carol Reich, Marcia Hale and Anne Duyck Visitors: Simone Brooks 1. Consent Agenda 1.1 Case called for additions to the agenda. None were presented, though a correction was made to reflect that item 3.3 Decision: Library Administration Rules, Circulation is a discussion item, rather than a decision item. 1.2 The February minutes need to be corrected to show that Monteblanco was not in attendance and that Madsen was in attendance. Staff who were present included Muller, Ostlund, Christian, Gill and Brooks. Case entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda and the February minutes as corrected. Armstrong moved; Rhyne seconded; Rodriguez Ibarra, Mokler, Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 2. Public Comment No public comments were emailed to Muller. 3. Action Items 3.1. Presentation: Volunteer Engagement Volunteer Coordinator Marcia Hale gave a presentation on volunteer engagement, including an overview of volunteer numbers and hours, as well as challenges and opportunities presented during the COVID shut-down. Hale will share the volunteer newsletter with the Board. 3.2 Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Confidentiality of Library Records City of Hillsboro Library Board – Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 1 Page 5 of 33 No changes were made to this document. Case entertained a motion to approve the Library Administrative Rules, Confidentiality of Library Records. Armstrong moved, Rodriguez Ibarra seconded; Rhyne, Mokler, Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 3.3. Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Public Use of Library Meeting and Study Rooms Edits had been made as determined by the Board at the February 2020 meeting. Case entertained a motion to approve the Library Administrative Rules, Public Use of Library Meeting and Study Rooms. Mokler moved, Rhyne seconded; Rodriguez Ibarra, Armstrong and Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Items for Discussion 4..1 Discussion: Library Administration Rules, Circulation Case asked for Muller for clarification on who the parties able to create a card association are. Muller clarified that any two or more cardholders can create an association. Rhyne suggested rewording the first line under Circulation to “To create card associations, both parties, regardless of age, must be present in person and give their express consent.” Mokler asked about the Circulation Transactions Policy regarding the necessity of using a library card number in lieu of a picture ID. Muller clarified that staff will use a picture ID to look up a library card number, and that the card number is required in order to checkout at the machines. Case noted #4 under the Fines and Fees policy was confusing. Muller explained that items that are lost and then paid for are not refunded if they are again found and later returned. The words “and paid” will be removed from that line for the sake of clarity. Mokler suggested rewording #3 under the Fines and Fees policy to “HPL staff and volunteers are subject to the same fine obligations as the general public.” Mokler suggested making #1 under Registration Card Types more definitive by rewording it to say “This card type will be issued to those staying…” Discussion ensued over whether to restrict the wording on this line. Mokler suggested adding a glossary of terms to this policy to explain the different card types. Ostlund said that some of these card types are defined by WCCLS, so HPL will need to compare to WCCLS policy to make sure they are in line. Mokler expressed interest in learning more about card types and additional related information. Case entertained a motion to table the Library Administration Rules, Circulation until the next meeting. Mokler moved, Rodriguez Ibarra seconded; Rhyne, Armstrong and Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. City of Hillsboro Library Board – Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 2 Page 6 of 33 4.1. Discussion: Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers Muller said some changes were made around the ages of volunteers to clarify what ages could engage in volunteering under particular circumstances, such as individually, in a family, etc. Muller and Hale will work on rewording the policy to make it clearer. Case entertained a motion to table the Library Administration Rules, Volunteers until the next meeting. Rhyne moved, Armstrong seconded; Mokler, Rodriguez Ibarra, and Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 4.2. Discussion: Library Admin Rules, Internet Access and Computer Use Muller said no major changes were made, but clarifications were made to make the rules clearer. Discussion ensued about watching legal pornography and filtering used on the computers. Mokler likes the idea of letting parents know filtering is available. This policy will be brought back for a vote at the June meeting. 4.3. Advocacy Report Case said that there is need for a new Advocacy Lead on the Board and asked for a volunteer. It was decided to discuss this with the Board Agenda discussion. Madsen said the Foundation has several new members. The Foundation was able to meet and to have a workshop. The Foundation fundraiser dinner for 2020 will be cancelled due to COVID- 19, so the Foundation will focus on raising funds for the Tiny Branch libraries. Muller said the Friends had to cancel their spring book sale, and that the Friends volunteers are eager to resume their online sales on Amazon. The fall book sale may also be impeded, though it is too early to tell. The Friends continue to support the Summer Reading program. 4.4. Board Recruitment Case said that there are two vacant positions on the Board for unincorporated Washington County. Case would like the Board to look for potential applicants, and asked the Board what they thought it lacked for representation reflecting the community. Mokler thought some geographic diversity might make an impact. Rhyne suggested having someone closer to retirement age. Rodriguez Ibarra suggested having racial diversity from minority groups. Muller summarized the recruitment process for the Board. Brooks encouraged the Board to revisit the City’s equity statement and keep the equity lens in mind as a tool when looking for recruits. Madsen suggested directly asking people if they would consider joining the Board. 4.5. New Business City of Hillsboro Library Board – Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 3 Page 7 of 33 Case asked the Board what they’d like to see more in Board meetings. Rodriguez Ibarra would like to hear more about what’s going on in the library. Mokler said it’d be good to have a presentation on policies that will be up for review in the month prior to the review. Rhyne expressed an interest in hearing more about staff. 4.6. Director's Report Muller announced the passage of the WCCLS Levy. HPL is working on a reopening plan, and will continue to explore alternative service methods.
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