LIBRARY BOARD AGENDA Thursday, June 18, 2020

Thank you for taking the time to join us at a Library Board meeting!

We encourage our community's participation. Meeting materials - including agendas and packets - are available at Feel free to contact the Library Director at 503-615-6500. We are happy to be of assistance!

Sign-language interpreters and Assisted Listening Devices (ALD) are available at no cost. Please call 503-681-6100 or TTY 503-681-6284, 72 hours prior to the meeting.

Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - Teleconference The City of Hillsboro invites you to listen to the Thursday, June 18 teleconference Library Board meeting using the Zoom teleconference meeting details listed below.

Zoom Teleconference Phone: 1-346-248-7799 or 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 829 7334 3733 Password: 481398

Call to Order - Roll Call

1. Consent Agenda

1.1. Library Board Minutes May 2020 May 21 2020 Library Board Minutes draft.docx

2. Public Comment (Public Comment will not be taken during the meeting, but may be emailed in advance to [email protected] by 8 am on the day of the meeting.)

3. Action Items/Items for Discussion (Items may result in action and/or recommendation to Council):

3.1. Presentation: Library Reopening Plans (LLT)

3.2. Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers (Muller) Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers, 2020 draft,clean.docx Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers, 2020 draft

3.3. Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Circulation (Muller) Library Administrative Rules, Circulation, 2020 draft, clean.docx Library Administrative Rules, Circulation, 2020 draft

3.4. Board Recruitment Update (Case)

3.5. Board Calendar Update (Case) Projected Annual Calendar including policies training events

3.6. Advocacy Report Friends and Foundation report (Madsen, Muller)

3.7. Director’s Report (Muller)

Directors Report May 2020

3.8. New Business (Case) Page 2 of 33

4. Advice/Information Items

4.1. WCCLS circulation statistics report for May2020 May Circ Stats with Overdrive - per library

4.2. HPL statistics, May 2020 Library Stats 10 Year View Dashboard May 2020

4.3. Facility closure customer service customer service during facility closure

5. Included in each meeting packet:

5.1. 2020 Library Board Schedule 2020 Library Board Schedule

5.2. Robert’s Rules of Order quick sheet Roberts Rules cheat-sheet

6. Future Meetings • Aubrey Minear for iCompass training July 2020 • “From Awareness to Funding” with Penny Hummel, September 2020 • Thomas Bruner, Operationalizing Equity presentation, October 2020 • Revisit Board Effectiveness Survey, including having all members take the survey again, in December 2020 • Gregg Snyder for South Hillsboro overview

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Board Meeting - 6:00 pm - Teleconference

Call to Order: Present: Board Members Elizabeth Case, Linda Mokler, Chris Armstrong, Rommel Rodriguez Ibarra, Katie Rhyne, and Gail Madsen, ex oficio Staff: Karen Muller, Hillary Ostlund, Ken Christian, Carol Reich, Marcia Hale and Anne Duyck Visitors: Simone Brooks

1. Consent Agenda

1.1 Case called for additions to the agenda. None were presented, though a correction was made to reflect that item 3.3 Decision: Library Administration Rules, Circulation is a discussion item, rather than a decision item. 1.2 The February minutes need to be corrected to show that Monteblanco was not in attendance and that Madsen was in attendance. Staff who were present included Muller, Ostlund, Christian, Gill and Brooks.

Case entertained a motion to approve the consent agenda and the February minutes as corrected. Armstrong moved; Rhyne seconded; Rodriguez Ibarra, Mokler, Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

2. Public Comment

No public comments were emailed to Muller.

3. Action Items

3.1. Presentation: Volunteer Engagement

Volunteer Coordinator Marcia Hale gave a presentation on volunteer engagement, including an overview of volunteer numbers and hours, as well as challenges and opportunities presented during the COVID shut-down. Hale will share the volunteer newsletter with the Board.

3.2 Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Confidentiality of Library Records

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No changes were made to this document. Case entertained a motion to approve the Library Administrative Rules, Confidentiality of Library Records. Armstrong moved, Rodriguez Ibarra seconded; Rhyne, Mokler, Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

3.3. Decision: Library Administrative Rules, Public Use of Library Meeting and Study Rooms

Edits had been made as determined by the Board at the February 2020 meeting. Case entertained a motion to approve the Library Administrative Rules, Public Use of Library Meeting and Study Rooms. Mokler moved, Rhyne seconded; Rodriguez Ibarra, Armstrong and Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

4. Items for Discussion

4..1 Discussion: Library Administration Rules, Circulation

Case asked for Muller for clarification on who the parties able to create a card association are. Muller clarified that any two or more cardholders can create an association. Rhyne suggested rewording the first line under Circulation to “To create card associations, both parties, regardless of age, must be present in person and give their express consent.”

Mokler asked about the Circulation Transactions Policy regarding the necessity of using a library card number in lieu of a picture ID. Muller clarified that staff will use a picture ID to look up a library card number, and that the card number is required in order to checkout at the machines.

Case noted #4 under the Fines and Fees policy was confusing. Muller explained that items that are lost and then paid for are not refunded if they are again found and later returned. The words “and paid” will be removed from that line for the sake of clarity.

Mokler suggested rewording #3 under the Fines and Fees policy to “HPL staff and volunteers are subject to the same fine obligations as the general public.”

Mokler suggested making #1 under Registration Card Types more definitive by rewording it to say “This card type will be issued to those staying…” Discussion ensued over whether to restrict the wording on this line. Mokler suggested adding a glossary of terms to this policy to explain the different card types. Ostlund said that some of these card types are defined by WCCLS, so HPL will need to compare to WCCLS policy to make sure they are in line. Mokler expressed interest in learning more about card types and additional related information.

Case entertained a motion to table the Library Administration Rules, Circulation until the next meeting. Mokler moved, Rodriguez Ibarra seconded; Rhyne, Armstrong and Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

City of Hillsboro Library Board – Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 2

Page 6 of 33 4.1. Discussion: Library Administrative Rules, Volunteers

Muller said some changes were made around the ages of volunteers to clarify what ages could engage in volunteering under particular circumstances, such as individually, in a family, etc. Muller and Hale will work on rewording the policy to make it clearer.

Case entertained a motion to table the Library Administration Rules, Volunteers until the next meeting. Rhyne moved, Armstrong seconded; Mokler, Rodriguez Ibarra, and Case voted in favor and the motion passed unanimously.

4.2. Discussion: Library Admin Rules, Internet Access and Computer Use

Muller said no major changes were made, but clarifications were made to make the rules clearer. Discussion ensued about watching legal pornography and filtering used on the computers. Mokler likes the idea of letting parents know filtering is available. This policy will be brought back for a vote at the June meeting.

4.3. Advocacy Report

Case said that there is need for a new Advocacy Lead on the Board and asked for a volunteer. It was decided to discuss this with the Board Agenda discussion.

Madsen said the Foundation has several new members. The Foundation was able to meet and to have a workshop. The Foundation fundraiser dinner for 2020 will be cancelled due to COVID- 19, so the Foundation will focus on raising funds for the Tiny Branch libraries.

Muller said the Friends had to cancel their spring book sale, and that the Friends volunteers are eager to resume their online sales on Amazon. The fall book sale may also be impeded, though it is too early to tell. The Friends continue to support the Summer Reading program.

4.4. Board Recruitment

Case said that there are two vacant positions on the Board for unincorporated Washington County. Case would like the Board to look for potential applicants, and asked the Board what they thought it lacked for representation reflecting the community. Mokler thought some geographic diversity might make an impact. Rhyne suggested having someone closer to retirement age. Rodriguez Ibarra suggested having racial diversity from minority groups. Muller summarized the recruitment process for the Board. Brooks encouraged the Board to revisit the City’s equity statement and keep the equity lens in mind as a tool when looking for recruits. Madsen suggested directly asking people if they would consider joining the Board.

4.5. New Business

City of Hillsboro Library Board – Minutes – May 21, 2020 – Page 3

Page 7 of 33 Case asked the Board what they’d like to see more in Board meetings. Rodriguez Ibarra would like to hear more about what’s going on in the library. Mokler said it’d be good to have a presentation on policies that will be up for review in the month prior to the review. Rhyne expressed an interest in hearing more about staff.

4.6. Director's Report

Muller announced the passage of the WCCLS Levy. HPL is working on a reopening plan, and will continue to explore alternative service methods. Armstrong asked whether holds pickup would be an option. Muller replied that it’s a possibility but nothing has been decided. HPL’s online programming has been very successful. Rhyne commended the leadership in the library for the support that has been given to staff during COVID.

5. Advice/Information Items

5.1. WCCLS circulation statistics report for April 2020

Muller said check-ins were due to accepting items from patrons who were moving away.

5.2. HPL statistics, April 2020

Muller said there would be a correction to the programming statistics.

6. Future Meetings

Case reviewed some items that will be on the agendas of future meetings, including: • Thomas Bruner, Operationalizing Equity presentation, October and November 2020 • Revisit Board Effectiveness Survey, including having all members take the survey again, in December 2020 • Gregg Snyder for South Hillsboro overview • “From Awareness to Funding” with Penny Hummel, two part discussion session • Aubrey Minear for iCompass training

Case said that with no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm.

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Library Administrative Rules: Volunteers

Purpose The is committed to creating a welcoming, open, and collaborative environment for our community. Through our volunteer program, the Library seeks to involve a diverse section of the Hillsboro community in providing library services, giving community members the opportunity to serve, support quality library services, connect with their community, and share their interests and expertise. A strong volunteer program creates numerous advocacy opportunities for the Library in the community and allows us to increase community involvement in and awareness of the Library.

Library volunteers partner with staff to improve, expand, and innovate in library services. Volunteers extend and enhance the work of paid staff and may be involved in any library program or activity, serving at any level of skill. Volunteers are essential to our service and our success, and the Library strives to provide each volunteer with meaningful assignments, effective support, and recognition for their contributions.

Definition A "volunteer" is anyone who, without monetary compensation, performs a task on behalf of the Library and under the direction of library staff. A volunteer must apply and be officially accepted, oriented, and trained by library staff prior to performing any task. Youth and adults participating in school or work-sponsored community service activities are also volunteers, as are students participating in unpaid practicum or internship opportunities, alternative court sentencing programs (on a case by case basis), or other unpaid referral or work-experience programs.

Eligibility to volunteer We welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds, although some volunteer roles may have specific age requirements. HPL currently welcomes volunteers over the age of 12 to work independently. HPL may offer family volunteer opportunities to engage families with children ages 12 and under seeking to volunteer together. Group volunteer opportunities may exist for our younger patrons in conjunction with a library staff member led program.

Volunteers who are age 12 and under must be accompanied by a responsible person at all times who will volunteer alongside them. adopted July 2011 updated April 2017, February 2018, May 2020 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017 page 1

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All volunteers 18 and over, and volunteers age 15-17 with the signature of a parent or guardian, are required to complete a background check before beginning to volunteer.

Library Employees The Library is forbidden by City policy from accepting the services of employed staff as volunteers. In addition, non-exempt staff are not permitted to volunteer for the Friends of the Hillsboro Public Library or the Library Foundation of Hillsboro. Family members of staff are allowed to volunteer with the library, the Friends, and the Foundation.

adopted July 2011 updated April 2017, February 2018, May 2020 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017 page 2

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Library Administrative Rules: Volunteers

Purpose The Hillsboro Public Library is committed to creating a welcoming, open, and collaborative environment for our community. Through our volunteer program, the Library seeks to involve a diverse section of the Hillsboro community in providing library services, giving community members the opportunity to serve, support quality library services, connect with their community, and share their interests and expertise. A strong volunteer program creates numerous advocacy opportunities for the Library in the community and allows us to increase community involvement in and awareness of the Library.

Library volunteers partner with staff to improve, expand, and innovate in library services. Volunteers extend and enhance the work of paid staff and may be involved in any library program or activity, serving at any level of skill. Volunteers are essential to our service and our success, and the Library strives to provide each volunteer with meaningful assignments, effective support, and recognition for their contributions.

Definition A "volunteer" is anyone who, without monetary compensation, performs a task on behalf of the Library and under the direction of library staff. A volunteer must apply and be officially accepted, oriented, and trained by library staff prior to performing any task. Youth and adults participating in school or work-sponsored community service activities are also volunteers, as are students participating in unpaid practicum or internship opportunities, alternative court sentencing programs (on a case by case basis), or other unpaid referral or work-experience programs.

Eligibility to volunteer We welcome volunteers of all ages and backgrounds, although some volunteer roles may have specific age requirements. HPL currently welcomes volunteers over the age of 12 to work independently. HPL may offer family volunteer opportunities to engage families with children ages 12 and under seeking to volunteer together. Group volunteer opportunities may exist for our younger patrons in conjunction with a library staff member led program.

Volunteers who have not yet completed 7th gradeare age 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardianresponsible person at all times who will volunteer alongside them. adopted July 2011 updated April 2017, reviewed February 2018, May 2020 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017 page 1

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All volunteers 18 and over, and volunteers age 15-17 with the signature of a parent or guardian are required to complete a background check before beginning to volunteer.Volunteers 18 or older who may work with children or other vulnerable populations, or who may have unsupervised one-on-one contact with library patrons, are required to complete a background check before beginning to volunteer.

Library Employees The Library is forbidden by City policy from accepting the services of employed staff as volunteers. In addition, non-exempt staff are not permitted to volunteer for the Friends of the Hillsboro Public Library or the Library Foundation of Hillsboro. Family members of staff are allowed to volunteer with the library, the Friends, and the Foundation.

adopted July 2011 updated April 2017, February 2018, May 2020 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017 page 2

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Library Administrative Rules: Circulation

By contractual agreement, the library’s rules for registering borrowers, lending items, assessing fines, and related matters correspond with rules adopted by Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) with the agreement of its member libraries. The pertinent WCCLS policies are:

 Circulation Policy  Circulation Transactions Policy  Fines and Fees Policy  Registration Policy.

In these rules, there are allowances for local discretion. Here are the Hillsboro rules in regard to those options:

Circulation Policy

1. To create card associations, both parties, regardless of age, must be present in person and give their express consent. 2. Only the cardholder may change that account’s PIN.

Circulation Transactions Policy

1. HPL requires all patrons have their library card and PIN to check out materials. Patrons who do not have or do not know their library card number or who need to reset their PIN must provide staff with a photo ID.

Fines and Fees Policy

1. Any fines and fees charged by HPL that may be determined at an individual library level, as opposed to by WCCLS, are set by the City of Hillsboro. 2. HPL staff and volunteers are subject to the same fine obligations as the general public. 3. HPL does not refund money paid for lost items.

adopted July 2011 updated July 2016, January 2017, February 2018, March 2020 page 1of 2 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017

Page 13 of 33 3. HPL does not charge for replacement library cards.

Registration Policy 1. Hillsboro Public Library (HPL) does - issue local courtesy cards (i.e., cards issued to persons who do not reside in jurisdictions normally eligible for WCCLS cards without paying an annual fee). This card type will be issued to those staying in the area temporarily, such as children staying with family for the summer or business travelers on extended stay. 2. Whenever possible, HPL will use the Limited Borrowing – No Fines card type, rather than the Limited Borrowing card type. 3. When applying in person, patrons who are eligible for the Youth Access Card should have that card type prioritized. Youth should be given a Youth Access Card if they are unable to or do not want to meet the requirements of a general card, and the Youth Access Card type should be prioritized over the E-Access card type. 4. At HPL, patrons with a Youth Access Card have available to them all of the privacy protections afforded a general card holder. A parent or guardian may not have access to a Youth Access Card account without a card association having been created. 5. HPL does issue Temporary No-Proof of Address cards. 6. HPL does not issue Family Cards, but does use card associations. 7. HPL does not issue Staff – No Fines cards to individual staff members for their personal professional use; staff must use position-related or group accounts (for example, all story time providers would use the “Storytime” card). 8. For law enforcement personnel and Oregon Department of Justice Address Confidentiality Program participants, HPL will use the address of the Hillsboro Police Department West Precinct. 9. When deleting an account, following a discussion with a supervisor, Claims Returned and Claims Never Had may be forgiven in order to delete the account. 10. HPL does not have a minimum age requirement to obtain a card. 11. HPL does accept a library-generated and library-mailed postcard as proof of address.

Regardless of the age of a patron, at HPL, where possible, all general cards are afforded the same privacy protections. For example, a parent may not close a child’s account without the child present.

Library Administrative Rules: Circulation Hillsboro Public Library, Hillsboro, OR adopted July 2011 page 2 of 2 updated July 2016, January 2017, February 2018, March 2020 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017

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Library Administrative Rules: Circulation

By contractual agreement, the library’s rules for registering borrowers, lending items, assessing fines, and related matters correspond with rules adopted by Washington County Cooperative Library Services (WCCLS) with the agreement of its member libraries. The pertinent WCCLS policies are:

 Circulation Policy  Circulation Transactions Policy  Fines and Fees Policy  Holds Policy  Registration Policy.

In these rules, there are allowances for local discretion. Here are the Hillsboro rules in regard to those options:

Circulation Policy

1. To create card associations, both parties, regardless of age, must be present in person and give their express consent.Both parties, regardless of age, must be present in person and give their express consent to create card associations. 2. Only the cardholder may change that account’s PIN.

Circulation Transactions Policy

1. HPL requires all patrons have their library card and PIN to check out materials. Patrons who do not have or do not know their library card number or who need to reset their PIN must provide staff with a photo ID.

Fines and Fees Policy 1. HPL does assess overdue fines.

adopted July 2011 updated July 2016, January 2017, February 2018, March 2020 page 1of 2 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017

Page 15 of 33 2. Any fines and fees charged by HPL that may be determined at an individual library level, as opposed to by WCCLS, are set by the City of Hillsboro. 3. HPL staff and volunteers are subject to the same fine obligations as the general public. must pay overdue fines like all other borrowers. 4. HPL does not refund money paid for lost and paid items. 3. HPL does not charge for replacement library cards.

Registration Policy 1. With the exception of City of Hillsboro staff who live in areas not covered by reciprocal borrowing agreements, the Hillsboro Public Library (HPL) does not - issue local courtesy cards (i.e., cards issued to persons who do not reside in jurisdictions normally eligible for WCCLS cards without paying an annual fee). This card type will be issued toshould be used mainly to serve those staying in the area temporarily, such as children staying with family for the summer or business travelers on extended stay. 2. Whenever possible, HPL will use the Limited Borrowing – No Fines card type, rather than the Limited Borrowing card type. 3. When applying in person, patrons who are eligible for the Youth Access Card should have that card type prioritized. Youth should be given a Youth Access Card if they are unable to or do not want to meet the requirements of a general card, and the Youth Access Card type should be prioritized over the E-Access card type. 4. At HPL, patrons with a Youth Access Card have available to them all of the privacy protections afforded a general card holder. A parent or guardian may not have access to a Youth Access Card account without a card association having been created. 5. HPL does issue Temporary No-Proof of Address cards. 6. HPL does not issue Family Cards, but does use card associations. 7. HPL does not issue Staff – No Fines cards to individual staff members for their personal professional use; staff must use position-related or group accounts (for example, all story time providers would use the “Storytime” card). 8. For law enforcement personnel and Oregon Department of Justice Address Confidentiality Program participants, HPL will use the address of the Hillsboro Police Department West Precinct. 9. When deleting an account, following a discussion with a supervisor, Claims Returned and Claims Never Had may be forgiven in order to delete the account. 10. HPL does not have a minimum age requirement to obtain a card. 11. HPL does accept a library-generated and library-mailed postcard as proof of address. 1. Regardless of the age of a patron, at HPL, where possible, all general cards are afforded the same privacy protections. For example, a parent may not close a child’s account without the child present.

Library Administrative Rules: Circulation Hillsboro Public Library, Hillsboro, OR adopted July 2011 page 2 of 2 updated July 2016, January 2017, February 2018, March 2020 last approved by City Council on September 5, 2017

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Projected Annual Library Board Calendar

January  Policy Review o Review of Annual Library Board Calendar o Library Board Operating Procedures o Review of relevant City Municipal Code and Oregon Revised Statues provisions  Training o Participate in training offered by the City to new Board and Commission members; may include ethics, Open Meeting Law, etc  Events o Attend “State of the City”  Advocacy o Engage with the Mayor and each Council member at State of the City  In addition o Review of the Library work plan for the year

February  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Public Use of Library Meeting and Study Rooms  Training o Annual equity, diversity, and inclusion training/facilitated discussion  Events o First Budget Committee Meeting/overview of the City Budget  Advocacy o Welcome any new elected officials via a letter

March  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Circulation o Library Administrative Rules: Confidentiality of Library Records  Training o in even years, Public Library Association Conference  Advocacy o Invite Mayor and City Council to upcoming Board meetings o Commit to understanding the WCCLS Levy (on the ballot May 2020)  In addition o Plan and prepare April City Council presentation

adopted January 2015 updated September 2018, November 2019 page 1 of 4 replaces Annual Advocacy Calendar

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No regularly scheduled meeting

 Training o Annual Oregon Library Association Conference (please let the Director know by late fall of the previous year if you would like to attend)  Events o National Library Week o Friends Spring Book Sale  Advocacy o Annual Library Board presentation to City Council o Support the Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale o Support National Library Week with friends, family, on social media, etc o Bring attention to the 2020 Census in your social circle; Board members are welcome to attend any library staff trainings on the Census and are encouraged to volunteer to help patrons

May  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Volunteers  Events o Latino Fest o Annual Budget Committee Presentation/Budget Approval o Potentially, a Library Foundation of Hillsboro fundraiser  Advocacy o Use voice at City Budget and County Budget Meeting o Follow/support “ALA Legislation Day” via Twitter and Facebook – retweet and share o Attend Latino Fest and participate at the Library Booth o Support the Foundation Fundraiser o Board members are encouraged to ask questions of political candidates regarding library services

June  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Internet Access and Computer Use  Events o Sign up for the Summer Reading Program  Advocacy o Board members encouraged to participate in Town Hall meetings and ask questions of local electeds regarding library services

Library Board Annual Calendar Hillsboro Public Library, Hillsboro, Oregon adopted January 2015 updated September 2018, November 2019 page 2 of 4 replaces Annual Advocacy Calendar

Page 18 of 33 July

No regularly scheduled meeting

 Events o Celebrate Hillsboro  Advocacy o Support library summer events/outreach including attending Celebrate Hillsboro o Potentially sign up to serve lunch at an Outpost or lunch site o Work a shift at the Library’s booth at Celebrate Hillsboro


No regularly scheduled meeting

 Advocacy o Support library summer events/outreach o Potentially sign up to serve lunch at an Outpost or lunch site

September  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Unattended Children o Guidelines: Collaboratory (formerly, Guidelines: Makerspace)  Advocacy o Engage with City Council regarding the “Hillsboro Reads” selection (staff usually present copies to the Council at a summer meeting) o Support National Voter Registration Day drive for staff, volunteers, and patrons

October  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Exhibits o Guidelines: Display and Distribution of Community Interest Materials  Training o Intellectual Freedom  Events o Hillsboro Reads o Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale  Advocacy o Invite lawmakers to visit your organization, board meeting, events and share it on social media o Board members encouraged to participate in Town Hall meetings and ask questions of local electeds regarding library services o Participate in annual Hillsboro Reads events, particularly the keynote o Support the Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale

Library Board Annual Calendar Hillsboro Public Library, Hillsboro, Oregon adopted January 2015 updated September 2018, November 2019 page 3 of 4 replaces Annual Advocacy Calendar

Page 19 of 33 November  Policy Review o Library Administrative Rules: Collection Development o Library Administrative Rules: Declaration of Surplus Books and Similar Materials o Request for Reconsideration Form o Donations Form  Advocacy o Invite lawmakers to visit the Library, board meeting, events, etc. o Board members are encouraged to ask questions of political candidates regarding library services  In addition o Library Board discusses and establishes their strategic plan action items for the upcoming year

December  Policy Review o None  Events o Annual Library Board dinner gathering o December All Staff Meeting  Advocacy o Determine if there is a single advocacy message for Board members at January’s State of the City o Recap a successful year

Year-Round Advocacy Items

 Retweet, repost, share the awesomeness of the library with friends, families and colleagues via social media  Attend All Staff Meetings as schedule allows  The Board will always collectively use their voice if one of our strategic initiatives is threatened.

If applicable:

 Attend your neighborhood HOA, NAC, and/or CPO and talk about the library  Work/connect/present to Kiwanis, Rotary, etc  During levy election years, additional advocacy opportunities around the election  The Board will always collectively use their voice if one of our strategic initiatives is threatened.

Library Board Annual Calendar Hillsboro Public Library, Hillsboro, Oregon adopted January 2015 updated September 2018, November 2019 page 4 of 4 replaces Annual Advocacy Calendar

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Director’s Report For the June 2020 Board Meeting

The Hillsboro Public Library is committed to providing space in our community where everyone is welcome and feels safe. As our nation works to recognize and fight against the systemic racism that has been a part of our culture for our entire history, we felt it was important to make a statement that shows our commitment and our support for Black Lives Matter. This statement has been shared on our website and all our social media channels. In addition to releasing this statement we have provided space for our staff to come together to talk about what is happening, our work with the Hillsboro Police Department, and how we will work harder to look at all of our work through an equity lens. We will continue to write policies with equity being the guiding force, to reexamine our spaces and programs with this same lens, and we will work harder to make Hillsboro Public Library For Everyone/Para Todos.

Below are the statements from HPL and from WCCLS.

A Message from Hillsboro Public Library

Hillsboro Public Library stands up to racism in all its forms. We are proud to have a City Council that made such a strong statement denouncing racism and recommitting to diversity, equity and inclusion.

To our residents of color, especially our Black residents, please know that we see you. We hear you. And we recognize your pain is justified. Hillsboro Public Library stands up to racism.

Guiding all of our work at Hillsboro Public Library are the City of Hillsboro Core Values, the City's Equity Statement, as well as the American Library Association’s Core Values of Librarianship, all of which mandate a strong commitment to access, equity, diversity, and inclusion. That mandate is in direct alignment with our mission which is For Everyone / Para Todos. We continue to strive for a stronger consciousness of racism and to incorporate equity in City and Library policies and practices.

Black Lives Matter: WCCLS’ Commitment to Racial Justice

Words are powerful. They communicate ideas about us as people and shape the world we live in. Libraries are institutions that were built around the power of the written word and the understanding that open access to books and information is foundational to an equitable society and a healthy democracy. Library staff understand the importance of words and we take action to make them available to all. We also acknowledge the historical legacy of unequal access that public libraries have in the United States. The words “Black Lives Matter” are powerful. But saying these words is clearly not enough; we also need to act. The recent killings of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd have shown once again that systemic

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Page 21 of 33 change has yet to be realized. Words of support for Black, Indigenous, and people of color ring hollow if they are not supported by deliberate antiracist action.

WCCLS stands in solidarity with communities of color. In addition, WCCLS is committed to the Washington County’s Board of Commissioners’ resolution “to [dismantle] long-standing systems, programs, policies and practices that may have historically created obstacles to the success of people of color, members of ethnic communities and any marginalized group.” WCCLS’ strategic vision for Washington County is a curious, engaged, and literate community where everyone is welcome and thrives.

WCCLS recognizes that we have work to do in realizing our strategic vision and fulfilling the equity resolution of our Board of Commissioners. We are committed to educating ourselves about and dismantling the systemic barriers that we perpetuate as part of the status quo. We are committed to making progress on our strategic plan objective of increasing participation by underserved populations, including developing an equity framework to review and develop policies that reduce barriers to access, and equipping our leadership team to guide our staff through these changes.

We support the Coalition of Communities of Color, who wrote in their Leading with Race report: “We believe that Washington County is strongest when our communities [of color] thrive, where we are valued and respected, and the assets, strengths and resilience of our communities recognized.” WCCLS is committed to using our words and our actions to create meaningful change for the people we serve in Washington County.

Words are powerful. Action more so. We pledge to engage both.

Reopening Timeline

We now have a limited number of staff in the building, but if we continue to see results in Washington County that allow us to increase staff numbers and services to patrons, we will be following this timeline.

June 8 – 23 Staff on Phase One schedules are working in the buildings. They are working on prepping materials, checking in items that have been on hold in March, and receiving new materials.

June 15 - 20 Book drops at both libraries reopen. This is a soft opening with not a lot of advertising, although we know the word will get out quickly. All returned items are placed into a 72 hour quarantine then checked in to fill holds or go back on the shelves. Contact is made through email with patrons who currently have items on hold to set appointments for pickup. Call volume is expected to increase.

June 22 Number of staff in the buildings increases to Phase Two levels. Holds pickup starts with patrons coming to the library at their scheduled time to pick up. Holds will be placed in bags and set on a table at the front doors so it is contactless. Staff will be available to assist or answer questions. Patrons will be able to place their own holds through the catalog (pending approval from the WCCLS Policy Group on 6/11.) Courier will be delivering items between libraries, although it is still to be determined whether we will transfer items for holds at other libraries or will just be shipping back materials that are returned here to the loaning library.

City of Hillsboro Library Board – Director’s Report, June 2020 – Page 2

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Strategy 1 – Continuously Improve Upon Our Core Services

Goal: Customer Experience Measure of Success: Continue to build upon our shared commitment to inclusive, welcoming spaces.


We are happy to announce the library is working to provide HPL To Go, a walk-up holds pick-up of library materials at both the Brookwood and Shute Park locations. Items from the Library of Things collection will not be available for check out at this time. In order to ensure the safety and protection for you and library staff, we are finalizing the service details. Our official kick off date is Monday, June 22nd.

Strategy 2 – Respond to Community Needs Using Data-Driven Decision Making

Goal: Move beyond quantitative results to illuminate the Library’s impact Measure of Success: Staff at all levels will use outcome-based measurement to shape services and programs.

As the Library gears up for direct patron service, our data and reporting efforts are split between analyzing how patrons are interacting with our digital and remote services during the closure and building the reporting necessary for standing up our new curbside hold pickup program, HPL to go.

Our virtual programming for May has generated hundreds of thousands of impressions and reinforced how important it is to provide easily accessible programming in the digital space.

As we begin advertising an elevation in service levels coming in late June, we’ve seen a re-awakening in patron interest as questions regarding upcoming service levels has experienced considerable growth.

City of Hillsboro Library Board – Director’s Report, June 2020 – Page 3

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Strategy 4 – Expand the Reach of the Library

Goal: Focus on innovative solutions and services to ensure and expand Library access Measure of Success: The Hillsboro Public Library will increase the number of unstaffed hours accessible to the public.

The D-Tech company is scheduling their travel to come to Hillsboro in late June and install a new robot in the Book- O-Mat, replacing the one which was damaged shortly after the kiosk was installed. This will allow us to turn on the Book-O-Mat once we are ready for the public to begin use again.

D-Tech has updated the programming of the kiosk to check in materials, clearing items from patrons’ accounts, but delaying displaying those items as available for check-out until a 72-hour quarantine period has passed, putting the kiosk in line with our in-library quarantine practice.

City of Hillsboro Library Board – Director’s Report, June 2020 – Page 4

Page 24 of 33 May 2020 Circulation Statistics All Checkouts Overdrive Polaris Polaris Total May 2019 Percent Library Check-Ins Checkouts Checkouts Renewals Checkouts Checkouts Change 8 2,133 10 6 2,149 13,798 -84.43% 16 1,500 28 15 1,543 5,793 -73.36% Beaverton City Libraries 851 50,659 541 169 51,369 223,374 -77.00% Cedar Mill Community Libraries 10 38,783 6 22 38,811 194,174 -80.01% Cooperative Admin Office - 51 - - 51 257 -80.16% 43 1,501 33 4 1,538 8,610 -82.14% Forest Grove City Library 146 7,227 138 4 7,369 26,429 -72.12% Garden Home Community Library - 4,238 - - 4,238 16,055 -73.60% Hillsboro Public Libraries 104 46,589 16 105 46,710 197,312 -76.33% Internal Loans (External) 28 192 28 293 513 1,464 -64.96% Library Outreach Services 229 - 2 - 2 1,858 -99.89% North Plains Public Library - 1,097 27 2 1,126 6,243 -81.96% Sherwood Public Library - 8,680 22 - 8,702 30,480 -71.45% 13 20,944 9 2 20,955 94,692 -77.87% - 11,625 10 4 11,639 46,468 -74.95% West Slope Community Library 22 5,518 - 2 5,520 23,751 -76.76% WCCLS - Unallocated to libraries ------Library Total 1,470 200737 870 628 202,235 890,758 -77.30%

All Checkouts Overdrive Polaris Polaris Total May 2019 Percent Check-Ins Checkouts Checkouts Renewals Checkouts Checkouts Change Beaverton Main 830 39,250 513 169 39,932 164,739 -75.76% Beaverton Murray Scholls 21 11,409 28 - 11,437 58,635 -80.49% Cedar Mill 9 23,615 5 22 23,642 129,848 -81.79% Bethany Library 1 15,168 1 - 15,169 64,326 -76.42% Hillsboro Brookwood 6 40,402 16 78 40,496 167,925 -75.88% Hillsboro Shute Park 98 6,187 - 27 6,214 29,288 -78.78% Hillsboro Library BookOMat - - - - 0 99 -100.00% Page 25 of 33 Page 26 of 33 Library Statistics Over 10 Years May 2020


Year of Date Month of D..

FY 2010 May 0 0 Digital Checkouts Renewal (Physical Items) FY 2015 May 8,717 8,717 Checkout (Physcial Items) FY 2019 May 27,978 27,978 27,978

FY 2020 May 47,045

0K 20K 40K 60K 80K 100K 120K 140K 160K 180K 200K 220K Total Number of Items

Volunteer Hours Traffic Count Events and Attendance

Date Date Date FY 2010 FY 2015 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2010 FY 2015 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2010 FY 2015 FY 2019 FY 2020 3500 2500 70K 120 121 3000 120

60K 100

2000 t n

u 2500 s o n C

o 92

50K t r n t s 80 t a r a n p u P i u 2000 o f c

1500 o i H o t


r r r 40K e a e m e P

b 60 a

t r g m

n 1500 g n u u o i l r N o

m l 30K P V

1000 a m t

a 40 o r 1000 T g o 20K r P 20 500 500 10K 0 0 0 0K 0 May May May May May May May May May May May May Page 27 of 33 Page 28 of 33 Customer service during facility closure

May 2020 Virtual programming @ HPL Interactions tracked by week Contact method Begining April 20, 2020 DASH/LibAnswers Email 13 Virtual Events in Zoom 240 Phone 34 New Youtube Videos Posted Voicemail 220 178 Facebook Posts 26 179 Twitter Posts 200 11


160 Virtual engagement tracking - May 2020 140 s

n 15 o i Zoom t c

a 120 15 r 10 10 e

120 total participants t 27 15 n I

100 187 Facebook Twitter

152,581 impressions 93,945 impressions 80 14 138,738 total reach 1,953 engagements

60 107 105 107 93 Video Views 95 14,185 Facebook 40 63 w/ 480 to 95% watched 3,268 YouTube 20 w/ average viewtime 2.8 minute 0 9 April 19, April 26, May 3, May 10, May 17, May 24, May 31,

Page 29 of 33 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Page 30 of 33 Hillsboro Library Board Meetings 2020

Monday Thursday Thursday Packet Items Due Tuesday Board Meetings Packets Posted 3 PM Presentation Material Due 6 PM 1 PM

January 6 January 9 January 14 January 16

February 10 February 13 February 18 February 20

March 9 March 12 March 17 March 19

April 6 April 9 April 14 April 16

May 11 May 14 May 19 May 21

June 8 June 11 June 16 June 18

July 6 July 9 July 14 July 16

August 10 August 13 August 18 August 20

September 7 September 10 September 15 September 17

October 5 October 8 October 13 October 15

November 9 November 12 November 17 November 19

December 7 December 10 December 15 December 17

Page 31 of 33 Page 32 of 33 Robert’s Rules Cheat Sheet

To: Say: Interrupt Speaker Second Needed Debatable Amendable Decided by:

Adjourn “I move to adjourn.” No Yes No No Majority vote

Recess “I move to recess for/until...” No Yes No Yes Majority vote

Complain about hearing, comfort, “Point of privilege...” Yes No No No Chair etc.

End debate and vote on question “I move the previous question.” No Yes No No Majority vote

Suspend further consideration of “I move to table this matter.” No Yes No No 2/3 vote something

Postpone deciding the question “I move to postpone this matter No Yes Yes Yes Majority vote until...

Amend a motion “I move to amend this motion No Yes Yes Yes Majority vote by...”

Introduce business (a main “I move that...” No Yes Yes Yes Majority vote motion)

The motions and points listed above are in order of preference. When a motion or point of inquiry is pending, only those listed above the pending point may be raised.

To: Say: Interrupt Speaker Second Needed Debatable Amendable Decided by:

Redress any violation of the “Point of order...” Yes No No No Chair body’s Rules

Request information “Point of inquiry...” Yes No No No N/A

Verify a recent voice vote by “I call for division.” Yes No No No Majority vote actual count (before next motion only)

Prevent body from considering a “I object to considering this Yes No No No 2/3 matter question.”

Consider a suspended matter “I move to take from the table...” Yes Yes No No Majority

Reconsider a previous motion “I move to reconsider...” Yes Yes No No 2/3

Consider something out of “I move to suspend the rules to No Yes No No 2/3 schedule consider...”

Vote on the Chair’s decision “I appeal the Chair’s decision.” Yes Yes Yes No Majority

The motions and points above have no precedence. Any of them may be raised in response to any motion or question, with the exception of the three items in gray (motion to adjourn, motion to recess, and point of privilege

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