Pirchei Weekly For Parshas Terumah – Previous Editions

January 31, 2014

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תשע”ד – 5774

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תשע”ה – 5775

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תשע”ו – 5776

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תשע”ז – 5777

Download (PDF, 1.93MB) VIDEO: Rayim HaAhuvim: Living Happily Ever After (session for Women presented by R’ Yitz Greenfield)

January 31, 2014

[jwplayer mediaid=”3026″]

VIDEO: Our Children Ourselves: Creating Relationships That Thrive

January 31, 2014 [jwplayer mediaid=”3023″]

VIDEO: Rayim HaAhuvim: Living Happily Ever After (session for Men presented by R’ Goldwasser)

January 31, 2014

[jwplayer mediaid=”3021″] Pirchei Weekly For Parshas Mishpatim – Previous Editions

January 31, 2014

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תשע”ד – 5774

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תשע”ה – 5775

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תשע”ו – 5776

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תשע”ז – 5777

Download (PDF, 1.95MB) Pirchei Weekly For Parshas Yisro – Previous Editions

January 31, 2014

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תשע”ד – 5774

Download (PDF, 988KB)

תשע”ה – 5775

Download (PDF, 1.41MB)

תשע”ו – 5776

Download (PDF, 2.42MB)

תשע”ז – 5777 Download (PDF, 1.92MB)

VIDEO: Parenting Perplexities: Your Questions Answered

January 31, 2014

[jwplayer mediaid=”3016″]

Leiby Kletzky Security Initiative

January 31, 2014

Agudath Israel and Assemblyman Dov Hikind Set to Launch Security Initiative This Week

New York – After many months of negotiations between and among the State Empire Development Corporation (ESDC), SecureWatch24 (SW24), JPMorgan Chase Bank, the Police Department, the New York City Transportation Department (DOT), Assemblyman Dov Hikind’s office and Agudath Israel of America, approximately 80 strategically placed security cameras are scheduled to be installed throughout Borough Park and Flatbush. The first cameras are slated to go up this week.

This security initiative – named for Leiby Kletzky a”h, the eight year old slain on his way home from day camp – was the result of a state grant facilitated by Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos and Assemblyman Dov Hikind. The role of Agudath Israel is to administer the project and act as fiscal agent between the state funding authority (ESDC) and the vendor (SW24).

Mr. Dovid Tanenbaum, of Agudath Israel’s Yeshiva Services Division, is the project administrator. Mr. Dov Cohen of Assemblyman Hikind’s staff coordinated the lengthy process of bringing all the parties together.

When asked to explain exactly how this project will work, Mr. Tanenbaum responded by clearing up some misinformation that has appeared in the press. “First of all, no one will monitor these cameras on a live feed. If and when a crime is reported, or a person is reported missing, then the police, and only the police, will have immediate access to the recorded data. Secondly, at no time will anyone from Agudath Israel or Mr. Hikind’s staff be directly involved in viewing the images recorded by the cameras. This is the job of the police, not amateurs.”

The Agudath Israel Official said that the project will enhance the security of two neighborhoods, Borough Park and Flatbush, with high concentrations of visibly identifiable Jews – people who are especially vulnerable to anti- Semitic attacks on the streets of New York, including the recent phenomenon of ‘knockouts’. There are high hopes that additional state and local legislators will follow Mr. Skelos and Mr. Hikind’s example and expand the area covered by security cameras.

Said Mr. Tanenbaum, “Our hope is that the presence of these cameras, and the widespread knowledge of their existence, will serve first as a deterrent to criminals and delinquents; and second, will assist the police in apprehending anyone who was not deterred.”

Gov Cuomo’s “Passionate Condemnation of Anti-Semitism”

January 31, 2014 Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement in reaction to New York Governor ’s State of the State address earlier today:

Governor Cuomo’s address was crowded with numerous policy proposals, many of which are worthy of broad bipartisan support. Agudath Israel looks forward to working together with the Governor’s office to help advance initiatives that will be of great benefit to the community.

Perhaps the high moment of the Governor’s address was when he spoke about the horrifying allegations of anti-Semitic harassment directed at students in the Pine Bush Central School District. We commend his proposal that such incidents be reported to state authorities. We also commend the emotional passion he displayed when condemning anti-Semitism. Clearly, Governor Cuomo was speaking from the depths of his heart when he articulated his zero-tolerance policy for such incidents. For that we are deeply grateful. New Speaker of NY City Council

January 31, 2014 Upon the election of Melissa Mark-Viverito as Speaker of the New York City Council, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement:

Councilwoman Mark-Viverito’s election as Speaker is testament to her skills, her intelligence and her appreciation of the great diversity of humanity that makes up New York City. We at Agudath Israel have worked with her in the past, and look forward to developing an even closer working relationship with her as she assumes her new post. While we may not always agree on every single issue, Speaker Mark-Viverito understands the important role the Orthodox Jewish community plays in the viability and vitality of the city, and we are confident we will always find an open door and a sympathetic ear when we reach out to her on behalf of the community. We offer her our hearty congratulations, and our very best wishes for great success.