
Geometry Worksheet 1.4 – Intersections Name ______

Term Description Picture

Intersection of two lines Two lines intersect in a ______

Use the diagram to name the intersection of each pair of lines. 1. DC and EC ______2. AB and DC ______

3. ED and CD ______4. CE and DE ______

5. AB and EC ______6. AC and ED ______*

7. *In #6, lines AC and ED do not cross. Two coplanar lines that do not intersect are ______.

Decide whether each statement is true or false. 8. AB and DE intersect at C.______

9. AC and BF intersect at point F.______

10. BF and DC appear not to intersect.______

Use the diagram displaying major streets in Grosse Pointe Woods as lines and street intersections as points.

11. Label the intersection of Vernier Rd. and Mack Ave. as point A.

12. Label the intersection of Mack Ave. and Fisher Rd. as point B.

13. Name two streets that don’t appear to intersect.


14. Name two streets that appear to intersect somewhere that is not drawn onto the map. ______

15. Which streets intersect closest to your house? ______

16. Name your street and a street parallel to it. ______

Term Description Picture

Intersection of two planes Two planes intersect in a ______

Name the intersection of the given planes or write no intersection. USE CORRECT NOTATION!

17. X and Y ______18. Z and Y ______19. X and Z ______*

20. R and S ______21. P and S ______

*In #19 the planes do not cross. Planes that do not intersect are ______.

Answer the following multiple choice questions.

22. A contains ______points 23. A contains ______points

A. One B. Two C. Ten D. Infinite A. One B. Two C. Four D. Infinite

24. Two lines intersect in a ______25. Two planes intersect in a ______

A. Point B. Line C. Segment D. Plane A. Point B. Line C. Segment D. Plane

26. A line and a plane intersect in a ______27. Two points determine a ______

A. Point B. Line C. Segment D. Plane A. Point B. Line C. Segment D. Plane