Location: RAF PE28 4DE

Applicant: MOD (FAO MR P LISTON)

Grid Ref: 521080 275411

Date of Registration: 15.01.2013




1.1 RAF Alconbury is a long established military base. The application site relates to land at the western edge of the RAF/USAF base. The village of Little Stukeley is to the south and to the north is the Alconbury Weald site.

1.2 A new access/egress to the base has recently been developed to provide a secondary entrance/exit for the base for use by school buses, delivery lorries, removal lorries, HGV's, articulated vehicles and contractor/construction vehicles); as part of this development barriers, fences, gates and a guard house have been erected.

1.3 The current application seeks the erection of a canopy over the new roadway to the site; the canopy is to be approximately 10 metres wide, 25 metres long, 6m high to the eaves and 7.94m high to the ridge and is to be sited approximately 360m from the main highway. The submitted plans show the canopy frame to be galvanised steel with high gloss white PVC coated polyester fabric for the roof covering.


2.1 The National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development – an economic role, a social role and an environmental role – and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for: building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals.

For full details visit the government website and follow the links to planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Policy.


Further information on the role of planning policies in deciding planning applications can also be found at the following website: then follow links Planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Information and Guidance, Planning Guidance and Advice and then Creating and Better Place to Live

3.1 Local Plan (1995) Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 are relevant and viewable at

 En17: "Development in the Countryside" - development in the countryside is restricted to that which is essential to the effective operation of local agriculture, horticulture, forestry, permitted mineral extraction, outdoor recreation or public utility services.

 En20: Landscaping Scheme. - Wherever appropriate a development will be subject to the conditions requiring the execution of a landscaping scheme.

 En22: “Conservation” – wherever relevant, the determination of applications will take appropriate consideration of nature and wildlife conservation.

 Policy En25 - New development will respect the scale, form, materials and design of established buildings within the locality.

3.2 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) Saved policies from the Local Plan Alterations 2002 are relevant and viewable at - Then click on "Local Plan Alteration (2002)

 No specific policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration (2002) are relevant to this application.

3.3 Policies from the Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009 are relevant and viewable at click on Environment and Planning then click on Planning then click on Planning Policy and then click on Core Strategy where there is a link to the Adopted Core Strategy.

 CS1: “Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire” – all developments will contribute to the pursuit of sustainable development, having regard to social, environmental and economic issues. All aspects will be considered including design, implementation and function of development.

3.4 Policies from the Development Management DPD: Proposed Submission 2010 are relevant.

 C1: “Sustainable Design” – development proposals should take account of the predicted impact of climate change over the expected lifetime of the development.

 E1: “Development Context” – development proposals shall demonstrate consideration of the character and appearance of the surrounding environment and the potential impact of the proposal.

 E2: “Built-up Areas” – development will be limited to within the built-up areas of the settlements identified in Core Strategy policy CS3, in order to protect the surrounding countryside and to promote wider sustainability objectives.

 E4: “Biodiversity and Protected Habitats and Species” – proposals shall be accompanied by assessments of the likely impacts on biodiversity and geology including protected species, priority species and habitats or sites of importance for biodiversity or geology.

 H7: “Amenity” – development proposals should safeguard the living conditions for residents and people occupying adjoining or nearby properties.

 P7: “Development in the Countryside” – development in the countryside is restricted to those listed within the given criteria.

3.5 Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 - Huntingdonshire District Council has commenced preparation of a Local Plan to 2036 to replace its existing development plan documents. The plan will set out the strategy for development in the whole of Huntingdonshire, incorporating policies for managing development and site-specific proposals for different forms of development in the context of the new National Planning Policy Framework. The plan will include consideration of the Alconbury Enterprise Zone and other proposed development on the Airfield, as well as other opportunities that have arisen since the Core Strategy was adopted in 2009.

3.6 Policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 – Draft Strategic Options and Policies (2012):

 Draft Policy 7: “Scale of development in the countryside” - sets out the limited circumstances where sustainable development in the countryside will be considered.

 Draft Policy 9: “The Built-up area” – defines what is and what is not considered to be part of the built-up area.

3.7 Policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan to 2036 – Draft Development Management Policies (2012):

 DM13: – “Good design and sustainability” – requires high standards of design for all new sustainable development and the built environment.

 DM14: “Amenity” – requires development proposals to provide a high standard of amenity for existing and future users of the proposed development and its surroundings.

 DM24: “Biodiversity and protected habitats and species“- A sustainable development proposal will be acceptable where it does not give rise to significant adverse impact on a site of international, national, local or regional importance for biodiversity or geology or protected species, priority habitats or species. A sustainable development proposal will aim to conserve and enhance biodiversity.


4.1 Various planning history for buildings on the site of most relevance to this application is:

1100318FUL - Proposed access for use by school buses, delivery lorries, removal lorries, HGV's, articulated vehicles and contractor/construction vehicles and erection of fences, barriers, gates and guardhouse – permission GRANTED


5.1 The Stukeleys Parish Council gives GENERAL SUPPORT to the proposal although consider that the proposal will require substantial soft landscaping between the canopy and Ermine Street and also green field to the south of the proposal. It is also suggested that the canopy should be of a colour that blends adequately with the surrounding landscape and that the canopy should avoid bright lights during the hours of darkness - if it is possible to attach these conditions to the application then this council would support the proposals with a recommendation for approval. Following reconsultation, the Parish Council have OBJECTED to the proposal owing to the proposed roof colour (copies attached)


6.1 No comments received within the consultation period.


7.1 The main issues to consider with this application are the impacts on the character and appearance of the area, on the residential amenity of surrounding properties, on highway safety and on protected species.

7.2 The Parish Council has requested additional soft landscaping, an appropriate colour for the canopy, and that bright lights be avoided during hours of darkness; it is suggested that these could be secured by condition. Government guidance states that conditions should only be imposed where they are necessary, relevant to planning, relevant to the development to be permitted, enforceable, precise, and reasonable in all other respects.

Character and Appearance of the Area 7.3 Whilst large, it is felt that the canopy will not be significantly harmful to the character and appearance of the area as a result of the siting which is approx. 360m from the back of the highway, as it is largely screened by the existing boundaries, it is of a simple design and is near to existing buildings. Furthermore, canopies of this nature are generally found at the entrances of RAF sites within the District and these are often in more visually prominent locations, as is the case with the main site entrance within Little Stukeley village.

7.4 Within the ownership of USAF is the bund to the west of the roadway and the pond which is to the south east – the field to the south is in separate ownership and therefore landscaping on this land could not be secured. As part of the approved landscaping scheme and biodiversity enhancement measures for permission 1100318FUL, planting is to be provided as clusters of trees along the bund and highway frontage to the west and south west and areas of planting around the balancing pond; this scheme is currently being implemented. Given this, and the presence of the planting and hedgerow along the field frontage adjacent Ermine Street, it is not considered that a condition requiring additional landscaping is justified as part of the current scheme.

7.5 The canopy is detailed as being a steel structure with a solid roof with high gloss white PVC coated polyester fabric. Reference is made on Plan No. A1 to “textile roof and wall covering”. The applicant has however confirmed by email that the canopy is to be open sided as shown on the drawings and similar to the existing canopy at the main entrance. The applicant has been made aware of the Parish Council concerns over the proposed white colour and in response has provided a photograph of a similar vehicle canopy erected by the same manufacturer on the Alconbury Weald development site. The roof covering colour shown in the photograph is RAL 9003 which they advise is the same as the existing RAF Alconbury main entrance gate canopy and is proposed for the new vehicle canopy. The white colouring is fairly bold for the roofing material and normally darker colours are promoted to reduce the apparent scale of a building. In this instance however the low roof pitch (approx. 18 degrees) will reduce the amount of roof material on show and given the distance from the highway, the intervening vegetation, and similar structures found in the locality, it is not considered reasonable or necessary to secure an alternative colour.

7.6 The submitted plans do not detail any lighting; a condition can be attached which requires details of any external lighting to be submitted for approval prior to installation.

7.7 The Parish Council also refers to landscaping being necessary to screen the development from housing on the Alconbury Weald site. The Alconbury Weald application is yet to be determined and therefore it is not reasonable to require additional landscaping to screen future development. It is however advised that this would be considered as part of the Alconbury Weald proposals.

7.8 It is therefore considered that the proposal will not have an adverse impact upon the wider character and appearance of the area.

Residential Amenity

7.9 Given the nature of the site’s use and the proposed siting of the canopy, it is not considered that the proposal will be harmful to residential amenity.

Highway Safety

7.10 The application relates to the erection of the canopy only, as such no objections are raised on highway safety grounds.

Protected Species

7.11 The application for the new access road was supported by a habitat survey which established the existence of Great Crested Newts (GCN) in this location. The current application is supported by an assessment undertaken by Natura International Associates which states: “1. The pond is surrounded by good hibernation, resting and feeding habitats (Figure 2). However, the areas that are located beyond this 20-30m zone are maintained as short amenity grass and concrete. The vast majority of newts would not leave the optimal habitat and those that will try to expand their range, would not stay in such a hostile environment for long, and certainly not during the day when construction of the canopy and trenching work would take place. 2. There are very few objects in the development area under which newts could hide and those can be checked with the assistance of an ecologist (Figure 3). 3. The proposed canopy will be erected over the road on concrete pads within short amenity grass on both sides of the road (Figure 4). One row of pillars will be installed directly next to the road and the second row through the middle of amenity grass. Therefore, the earthwork required to dig in the pads will be minimal and will be undertaken in unsuitable habitat for the Great Crested Newt (Figure 5). 4. The duration of the development will be very short - approx. 2 weeks.”

7.12 It is also noted that during the 30 day trapping programme which was required prior to the roadway development that only 3 newts were captured.

The assessment also contains recommendations which include: “1. Contractors and workers should be made aware of the possibility of finding newts. There should be a delegated person to contact if this happens. 2. Building materials and machinery should be stored on the concrete areas rather than on grass to avoid the provision of hiding places. 3. The grass should be kept short to discourage newts from occupying the development area. 4. An ecologist should be available on standby in case any newts are found. In particular, the ecologist should be available to assist lifting the few objects where newts could hide during the development period.”

7.13 These mitigation proposals are considered acceptable and can be secured by condition.


7.14 The proposed development is considered to be compliant with the relevant national and local policy as it: * Would not have a significantly harmful impact upon the character and appearance of the area; * Would not have an adverse impact upon the amenity of neighbours; * Does not alter the current highways arrangement; * Need not harm protected species.

7.15 Taking national and local planning policies into account, and having regard for all relevant material considerations, it is recommended that planning permission be granted, subject to the imposition of appropriate conditions.

If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs.

8. RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE subject to conditions to include the following:

02003 Time Limit (3yrs)

Nonstand GCN report recommendations

09001 Lighting scheme before installation

CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Ms Charlotte Fox Assistant Development Management Officer 01480 388457

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From: Michael Newman [[email protected]] Sent: 05 February 2013 20:41 To: Fox, Charlotte (Planning) Cc: DevelopmentControl Subject: Application 1300051FUL

The following is the Councils response to the above application. This proposed development, in the councils opinion, Will require substantial soft landscaping between the canopy and Ermine Street and also green field to the south of the proposal. It is also suggested that the canopy should be of a colour that blends adequately with the surrounding landscape. It is also recommended that the canopy should avoid bright lights during the hours of darkness. If it is possible to attach these conditions to the application then this council would support the proposals with a recommendation for APPROVAL

Yours sincerely

Michael J Newman Clerk & RFO Stukeleys Parish Council (01480) 455365

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From: Michael Newman [[email protected]] Sent: 07 March 2013 12:35 To: Fox, Charlotte (Planning) Subject: APPLICATION No 1300051FUL

Attachments: image002.gif Charlotte, Thank you for your email on the above subject which was circulated to all members. The thoughts are as follows.

SOFT SCREENING. The Council accept what you say but are still very concerned that the ‘approved’ landscaping referred to in Application No 1100318FUL ,which the Parish Council has not seen, still has not been implemented even though the best period for such planting has now passed, a view of those proposals would have been much appreciated. Also has any consideration been given to the NW side of this proposal to screen from the proposed new housing on Alconbury Weald.

LIGHTING The Council would accept a condition being implemented for this issue but once again would request to be kept ‘in the picture’ as to what form those conditions may take.

CANOPY ROOF. The members are still highly concerned about the ‘white’ coloring for this canopy and would request that urgent consideration is given to the insistence that this highly visible structure should be of a significantly darker colour. The members cite the high visibility colours of existing structures on business parks to the north of Huntingdon as a significant ‘blot’ on the local environment. We have recently been negotiating with Ms. Savills over their new proposals for a business park between Huntingdon and and have hopefully managed to convince them to eliminate fluorescent coloured roofs within their proposals. The members cannot support the roofing with its present colour.

I have processed this as quickly as possible to give you the opportunity to contact us again if the needs be, thanks.

Yours sincerely

Michael J Newman Clerk & RFO Stukeleys Parish Council (01480) 455365

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Scale = 1:2,500 Application ref: 1300051FUL © Crown copyright and database rights 2013 o Date Created: 25/03/2013 Location: The Stukeleys Ordnance Survey HDC 100022322


C OU Legend RT

The Site Conservation Area NOTES


Refer to Drawing

AMENDMENTS Rev Date Description Drawn Auth'd

Works Entrance Drawing Title Project Number Project Title AEDY 10-1029 Site Location New Canopy B1043 423rd Civil Engineering Squadron


Scale Date Drawn Authorized PM NTS 08 Jan 2013 EI & JK EI

Project Status Design

Drawing Number X1 Eave connection type:Internal galvanised steel Main profile size:334/122/8/4.5mm (4 Channel) Max allowed wind speed to DIN:102 km/h No of gable uprights:N/A Longest polyester fabric industrial grade, high gloss white, PVC coated insert KHLJKWP%D\GLVWDQFHP5RRISLWFKƒ N1Pð 2SWLRQDONJPðSVI  components:European - hot dipped, structural Structural Aluminum Connecting 6QRZORDGLQJFRPSOLDQFHNJPðSVI component:6.20m Span width:10.00m Eave height:6.20m Ridge grade corrosive resistant galvanised steel Textile roof and wall covering:Highly durable Aluminum type:European - Hard Pressed Extruded Hard Standing New Canopy Concrete

Ohio Street Rev UNITED STATES AIR FORCES IN EUROPE Design Drawing Number Project Status NTS Scale Client Drawing Title Refer to Drawing DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE ROYAL AIR FORCE ALCONBURY Date CAMBRIDGESHIRE, ENGLAND A1 Date 08 Jan 2013 AMENDMENTS Description 423 Civil Engineering Sq Site Plan NOTES

Project Number KEY EI & JK Drawn Civil Squadron 423rd Engineering

EI Authorized PM AEDY 10-1029 Project Title Drawn

New Canopy Auth'd NOTES


Refer to Drawing

AMENDMENTS Rev Date Description Drawn Auth'd Drawing Title Project Number Project Title AEDY 10-1029 Elevation/Section New Canopy

423rd Civil Engineering Squadron


Scale Date Drawn Authorized PM NTS 08 Jan 2013 EI & JK EI

Project Status Design

Drawing Number A1/C NOTES


Refer to Drawing

AMENDMENTS Rev Date Description Drawn Auth'd Drawing Title Project Number Project Title AEDY 10-1029 Typical Section New Canopy

423rd Civil Engineering Squadron


Scale Date Drawn Authorized PM NTS 08 Jan 2013 EI & JK EI

Project Status Design

Drawing Number A1/B