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Pages Missing QUEEN'S COLLEGE JOURNAL. VOL. X. KINGSTON, CANADA, OCTOHER 25, 1882. No. i. M/ R. SHANKS, appointed MNanaging, Editor liof this paper for this session, to the re- The organ of the ALMA MATER SOCIETY of Qocen's gret of bis associates, bas found it University. necessary to resig the post. A memiber Founded in 1873 to afford a means of discussing College of the old staff interest, giving College nexvs, and of keeping alive the in- will supply bis place, until soute one is ap-. terests of alumni in their Aima Mater. pointed permanently. XVe have begun pub- Published FORTNIGHTLY during the Session. lication eîtrlier than usual, and our staff beiug TERms-One dollar per Session; Single Numbers, ten much stronger than in former years, wve hope cents. To be had et the City Bookstores. to spare ourselves the humiliation of apolo- Communications of a business nature may be addressed gising for delayed to JOHN S. SK[NNER, Secretary-Treasurer :others to the issues. We make the us- Managing Editor, B:)x t1146, Kingston, Ont. ual request for communications, frominmen of ail the faculties. If vou have any H{ ARD-A-LEE! Once more ourjourna- suggestion of improvements in the curri- istic craft is off on another strctcli. culum, the societies, or clubs. give the college And if the steady breeze of good wishes, and the benefit of them. If written at ail forcibly interest on tbe part of our readers continue, they will do good. Abridge yout- essays, and we hope the tack Of 1882-8_3 wilI bring us to prepare them for publication. Put together a point on the shores of journalism, which in the forin of an article, any incidents or ad- will alike please us and satisfy them. We ventures that occurred dîiring your vacation. will have an eye on the sharks, and will run Many such must have happened, when so into 11o one (who does not attelnpt to cross many students are cruisers, campers, and Our bow). Having thus said our little piece, rovers. There are poets and epigrammatists We retire, and let the play proceed. in College. Why not give our colunîtns the benefit of your talent ? The JOURNAL is yours. If it A PRACTISED eye might observe a is ever uninteresting from lack slight change in the cut of our c'oat of news, it is your fault as much as any one's. sînce last session. The reason of this is that Write local items, and if they are at alI read- we have changed our tailor. The A. M. able and not obscure, we will be -lad to get Society, with that fairness whicli characterizes them. Lt is principally they, which made the ail its proceedings, decided last spring to JOURNAL interesting to those about College. patronize the other reliable steam printing- house in the city, and gave the contract to T HE annual lecture witlî which it lias MIr. Lewis W. Shannon, publisher of the always been thought necessary to start -Daily News. It is needless to say we are a session bas disappeared this year, for wvlat perfectly satisfied with the change. A glance cause no body seems to be aware. Whetller at this paper is enough to show that the job the omission is due to the magnanimity of printing of the News is equal to any inl the the Professor whose turn it was to deliver Province. this.christening nddress, or in answer to the QUEEINS COLLECTE JOURNAL. prayer of a petitian is alike unknown. But notwithstanding the natural repugnanc Eextend our welcome ta the incoming felt e in a college ta the breaking up af olc W first year class, the largest yet an the 1rolls, customns, it is certain the omission was litth( and which an the whole presents a most feit. respectable \Ve are riddled froin Octaber ta Ma3 appearance. Among the add fffty with there lectures, lecturettes and ser mons, and will of course be men who have carne one to less is perhaps more of a relief than work and those who came with the inten- i tian ot herwise. of devoting a large portion of their time ta "]loafing." XVe might give a littie bit af advice ta bath classes. To the former T is ta be regretted that politics should xve mix would say, don't immerse yourselves ta such extent as they do with educatian- alto- 1gether in your books. The man who al questions in this Province. Because does sa the is naturally selfish. The Aima MNinister his duty Mater Saciety, ta withdraw the Glee Club, and ather "Marmion" from the high Sacieties demand school curriculum, yaur assistance in making he has been abused themn a success and like apick pocket. If the their praceedings Roman Catholic vigoraus and interesting. Archbishop is ta be consul- rThe football clubs, and rifle company also ted as ta what 'vorks shail be used in the want ail the men they can get for schools, it xvas certainly a mistake twa months not ta have at Ieast. To the latter, and prabably obtained hbis sanction of Marmian younger before it was iclass, we would ask ta consider placed on the 'list. But when wvhat the end he, as the head af an idle session will be. of such a large class You may think of the population, did you are able ta abject ta catch up, but the Final co- its use, we don't see how the minis- imeth at tcr an haur ye know flot, and the could do atherwise than withdraw it. fchances are that it will be "pluck" right through. Venus, Bacchus, and Momus, may be excused in vacation, but a littie of themn WAE have before us a circular bearing the should go a long "~stamp of the Tornto way during the session. Students Union,' Kingston girls know which details a students co-operation scheme, a freshman thoroughly, and they would whereby books and apparatus can be obtained think much more of you if at a they knew you paid price niuch less than that at which the ordi- some attention ta your books, than nary dealers can afford ta selI.* if they saw you spent your time The mana- gadding ger guarantees ta furnish aIl goods about town, no matter how much of at i0 p.c. a masher advance on invaice price. Whether you may be. Wait tili you are up- the thing per classmen before you commence ta play outside your parts in making of Toronto, we are not sure ; but stu- love and winning hearts. dents There is no use compose a large class in Ontario, and telling you ta be y-e- spectful ta your there is no reason why, with praper manage- seniors, the seniors them- selves will take ment, ca-operaticin should not be beneficiaIly care of that. And remember that it is generally adopted, as it has been sa successfully inBritain the steady and unassum- among ing man who is popirlar many classes-notably the army and in the end; flot he navy, and who begins with the civil service. At any rate we a flourish of trumpets, who commend speaks most, and the scheme ta the attention of the who is elected ta represent college. his class in To become mernbers and procure societies. Such men are too of- price ten like the lists would do no harmn, and might prove stick of the rocket. Weclose these few remarks advantageous. by wishing the gentlemen of the first year, a successful and aggreeable course. QUEEN'S COLLEGTE JOUR-NAL. T is gratifying ta see that aur continued We trust the Senate may see theirway to go agitation for a longer session bas at last on lengtbening the session by degrees, and by borne fruits. Lectures began this year a fort- sodoing, have the thanks of the great rnatjoritv, niglit earlier than usual, and is in of students. full swing at the time when in former years we were but beginning. Altbough wehiave not WJ E should surely ]ose ail claim to being got ail we want yet by any means, we bail' the a public spirited journal, did %ve not change with the utmost pleasure. The onlv take an opportunity of expressink, our grati- reason for the extreme leng-th of our vacation fication at the resuit of the EgYptian war. bas been that men whio require the earnings The prestige of our Empire has undoubtedly of the summer ta meet tbe expenses of the been enhanced in the eyes of Europe, and the -winter, may lie suited. It is not ta lie pre- mouths of the carpers in the House of Coni- sumed that this class is diminishing in num- mons, and out of it, whý think the service is ber; but the number of men wbo bave leisure going to the devil, will be effectually closed during the summer is increasing s0 Iargely, for sorne time. "Ne mnust throw our littie that it is manifestlv unfair that their time and quota of praise and congratulation oit the energies should be sacrificed. We hope yet stream that is being, or should be, showered to see the time wben the Matric. will be over on Mr. Childers, Lord Northibrook, Wolseley, before October, and the "Statutory meeting and Seymour, and the gallamit brigades, and of Senate for conferring degrees" will be beld regiments which took part in the war. in the end of May instead of April. The And not only should we feel proud of our amnount of work we have ta get through in a gallant countrymen, but the thanks of civilized session is crowded into far tao short a time: nations must be given to the British Govern- \Ve want a littie more learned leisure if you mient, for nipping in the bud, what would un- Please.