CHURCH SERVICES IN MARCH 2020 in the Benefice of the Upper Nar and Launditch

1st SUNDAY – March 1st – Lent 1 (Purple) Genesis 2:15-17 & 3:1-7 | Psalm 32 | Romans 5:12-19 | Matthew 4:1-11 8:00am Said Communion Heather Butcher 9:00am Communion Heather Butcher 9:30am Rougham Communion (CW) Julia Hemp 11:00am Morning Prayer Tom Butler-Stoney 11:15am Morning Worship Julia Hemp

2nd SUNDAY – 8th March – Lent 2 (Purple) Genesis 12:1-4a | Psalm 121 | Romans 4:1-5 | John 3:1-17 8:30am Beeston Communion Julia Hemp 9:15am East Communion Kevin Blogg 9:30am Morning Prayer Jan Sexton 10:00am Weasenham St. Peter Communion John Blore 10:15am Litcham Matins Miriam Fife 11:00am Little Morning Prayer Jan Sexton 11.00am Mileham Café Church Butler Stoneys in Stone Barn Cottage, opposite the Village Hall 11:15am Gressenhall Communion (CW) Miriam Fife

3rd SUNDAY – 15th March – Lent 3 (Purple) Exodus 14:1-7 | Psalm 95 | Romans 5:1-11 | John 4:5-42 9:00am Little Dunham Iona Communion Julia Hemp 9:30am Longham Communion Heather Butcher 10.15am Litcham Sung Communion Dennis Ackroyd 10:30am Family Service Miriam Fife 11:00am Mileham Communion (CW) Heather Butcher 11:15am Gressenhall Morning Worship Julia Hemp

4th SUNDAY – 22nd March – Mothering Sunday (Purple) Exodus 2:1-10 | Psalm 34:11-20 | 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 | Luke 2:33-35 9.00am Great Dunham Iona Communion Dennis Ackroyd 9:45am Beeston Celtic Morning Prayer Julia Hemp 10:00am Weasenham St. Peter Morning Prayer Peter Brown 10:15am Litcham Matins Tom Butler Stoney 10:15am Stanfield Iona Communion Heather Butcher 11:00am Communion (CW) Dennis Ackroyd 11:15am Gressenhall Iona Communion Julia Hemp 6:30pm Mileham Evening Prayer Tom Butler Stoney

5th SUNDAY – 29th March – Lent 5 (Purple) Ezekiel 37:1-14 | Psalm 130 | Rom 8:6-11 |John 11:1-45 10.00am Stanfield Benefice Communion Julia Hemp/Peter Brown

1st SUNDAY - 5th April – Palm Sunday (Red) Liturgy of the Palms: Matthew 21: 1-11 Psalm 118:19-24 or: Liturgy of the Passion: Isaiah 50:4-9a | Psalm 31: 9-16 | Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14-27 end or Matthew 27:11-54 8am Litcham Communion Heather Butcher 9:00am Little Dunham Communion Julia Hemp 9:30am Rougham Communion Kevin Blogg 10.15am Litcham Palm Procession and Heather Butcher service with Methodists 11:00am Mileham Morning Worship Tom Butler-Stoney 11:15am Gressenhall Morning Worship Julia Hemp

Readings are taken from the Common Worship Lectionary (CW) - service conducted according to Common Worship (2000)