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#423367 in Books Ingramcontent 2017-04-16Original language:English 8.90 x .90 x 6.00l, .0 #File Name: 1586179381296 pagesSaint Aloysius Gonzaga S J With an Undivided Heart | File size: 43.Mb

Silas Henderson : Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.: With an Undivided Heart before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.: With an Undivided Heart:

7 of 7 people found the following review helpful. Refreshing biography of a great saintBy E. Lee Ledbetter IIIThis is a touching and entertaining read. St. Aloysius is my , and having read the biographies by Cepari and others, I was skeptical about what new information could possibly be brought to light about this great 16th century Jesuit. I was pleasantly surprised by the clarity of the narrative, which takes familiar elements of his story and shares them with a 21st century audience and makes dear Aloysius surprisingly relevant. Mind, the author does this in a reverent, loving tone and keeps the reader's attention. I especially appreciated how he illustrates the time in which Aloysius lived and explains the Counter and the rise of the Jesuits without, well...rambling on about them. This work also draws on Aloysius's own words from letters and his extant notes and papers.If you find yourself tired or overwhelmed by biographies of which see their lives through rose-colored glasses and attempt to portray them as earthly cherubim floating on clouds, you will find this account of the life of Aloysius Gonzaga refreshing and inspiring. I had to dry my tears near the end, and will treasure this volume as a primary resource for meditation material on the life of my beloved Aloysius. Thank you, Silas Henderson, for this work.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Enlightening bookBy sdbearThere is much that this 16th century young man can teach our young people today. The subtitle of this book, "With An Undivided Heart," says it all. The author succeeds in demonstrating how Aloysius, a youth immersed in every conceivable distraction and temptation that luxury and power could provide, succeeded in preserving his purity of vision and clarity of purpose in pursuing God's will. And yet, he also paints a very human picture of the saint, showing how Aloysius too, had weaknesses to overcome and what he was willing to do to avoid sin and please our Lord. As another reviewer noted, Henderson has taken the trouble to insert short biographical sketches of other important people, especially other saints who were contemporaries of Aloysius, to help us better understand the context and milieu in which Aloysius lived. There was much violence and political intrigue swirling around the saint his entire life; it is truly a miracle how he was able to achieve the degree of sanctity that he did. It might sometimes be difficult for us to imagine what a saintly, self-sacrificing 16th century youth might have in common with us 21st century folks. In reading this book, it doesn't take much reflection to realize that we too are plagued by numerous distractions that would suck the life out of our relationship with God if we don't fight to preserve it. Henderson's account of Aloysius' life show us the saint's iron will and determination to nurture his life in the Lord even at the cost of his marquisate, his social and political standing and his father's violent displeasure. And yet, he managed to do all this without being disobedient or rude to his elders! Instead, he never ceased praying and pleading with our Lord to accomplish what he perceived was the Divine Will concerning his life. What an example for today's youth, who all too often resort to whining or violence to get what they want, without thought or concern for others! Overall, this is an illuminating book about a great soul. This review refers to the kindle version - I was happy with it. No typos that I could see, and easy to navigate.1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Most comprehensive book on Gonzaga to dateBy Shaun McAfeeThis book is wonderful. I anticipated this new addition each day since ordering and every second was worth it. The intricate details of his life. The words from those who knew him well. And then . . . the quotes.This book contains personal letters written to his mother, father, and brother. It contains words from his counselors and teachers at colleges in and from his other spiritual directors, too. It also contains wonderfully presented essays from his schoolwork, and other occasions where he jotted down his thoughts on spiritual matters, or simply wrote out entire homilies he might perhaps use one day.The bottom line is: this is the very best book on St. Gonzaga one can find right now. Some might not realize it, but St. Gonzaga is considered to be one of the most holy and virtuous saints of all time and this book captures several ways in which we can understand and, better yet, imitate his holiness and virtue. If you enjoy reading about the saints, then I highly advise you to consider giving Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J.: With an Undivided Heart from Ignatius Press a look in the near future.

Saint Aloysius Gonzaga (1568-1591) was a prince of the who renounced his titles and wealth to serve God and the Church as a member of the . While he lived a short life and is honored as the patron saint of youth, Saint Aloysius invites all to reflect on how they are living their unique vocations to be witnesses to Christ.Using the saint s own letters and spiritual reflections, and other historical documents, this book offers unparalleled insights into his life and personality. Woven together with his biography are also portraits of other Jesuits and Reformation saints. The author explains the history of the Society of Jesus and shows how Aloysius Gonzaga played an important part in developing the Jesuit's educational apostolate.For those interested in Jesuit history, the Reformation, or simply this appealing saint, this book offers a unique perspective on an important period of Church history and what it means to pursue God's will without counting the cost."Most people don't understand the life of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga. But Silas Henderson reveals the complicated, brief, beautiful life that is still, perhaps especially, relevant today."-- Jon M. Sweeney, Author, When St. Francis Saved the Church"This new biography of Aloysius Gonzaga gives us just what we need to grasp the nature of his sacrifices in leaving an aristocratic life for a fledgling religious community, and in risking his health by serving plague victims for the sake of Christ."--Joseph Koterski, S.J., Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University

"The last thing in the world we might expect is a biography of a young man who, by current world standards, did not do much. That is why this book and Gonzaga s life are so important for our times. We do not save the world by saving the world. We save the world by first attending to God in the time we are given. This is the great lesson of the life of Aloysius Gonzaga." --James V. Schall, S. J., Professor Emeritus, Georgetown University"Finally!An up-to-date, sensitive, and thoroughly researched biography of one of the Church's greatest saints. The life of Aloysius Gonzaga has sometimes been buried under excess layers of piety that could obscure who he was: a strong, tough and prayerful young man and a superb model for youth. An extraordinary story well told." -- James Martin, S. J., Author, The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything"Here is that rare book, which is full of scholarship and research yet profoundly touches the heart. Silas Henderson s words humanize and bring to life this lovable and loving saint, showing his single-hearted devotion. I highly recommend it to the young, and to all, as a call to purity of heart and charity." --Deacon Eddie Ensley, Ph.D., Author, Everyday MysticismAbout the AuthorSilas S. Henderson, S.D.S., is a member of the Society of the Divine Savior. A retreat leader and Catechist, he is the author of numerous articles, books, and reflections on the saints and Catholic spirituality. He is the managing editor of Deacon Digest magazine.

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