Annual Report of the Quartermaster- General of the State of New Jersey
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE QMRTERMASTER-GENERAL, OF THE ST^TE OF ]SrE^\^ JERSEY, For the Year 1864. JERSEY CITY: PRINTED BT JOHN H. LYON. 1865. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Lyrasis IVIembers and Sloan Foundation : EEPOET. Office of the Quaeteemaster-Geneeal, ) Teenton, ]S"orE3iBEE 30, 1864. f To His Excellency Joel Paee:ee, Governor of the State of ]!^ew Jersey Sm,—I liave the honor to submit the following report of the opera- tions of this department for the past rear. It has devolved upon the department to provide for various wants of New Jersey regiments in the service of the United States, and for the new regiments which have been organized during the year under your excellency's proclamations ; and also to supply arms and accou- trements to various companies of the State militia. At the date of ray last annual report, this department was eno-ao-ed in equioping the 3d cavalry regiment with the special (hussar) uniform, authority for which was received from the quartermaster- general's department at "Washington ; and a copy of the correspond- ence relating thereto is herewith appended, under statement A. The clothing, equipping', subsisting, and mounting of this cavalry regiment occasioned many laborious deta'ls, extending throuo-h a period of some four months. On January 2d, in accordance with directions from your Excellency I notified Major-General Stoneman, chief of cavalry bureau at Wash- ington, that this State had purchased, under authority of the quarter- master-general U. S. A., more horses for the 2d cavalry regiment than had been used, the surplus being occasioned by that "regiment beino- ordered to take the field before it was recruited to Tts maximum number, and that these horses were inspected by a competent, expe- rienced, and sw.-^rn inspector before they were paid for; and permission was asked to turn these horses over to the 3d cavalry regiment then recruiting under the superintendence of Colonel A, J.
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