VIRGINIA GUN COLLECTORS ASSOC., INC. WWW.VGCA.NET Est. 1983 (A Not-for-Profit Organization) NRA Affiliate Number G8162 CMP Affiliate Number 026160 President Bernie Breighner Phone: 703-200-0470
[email protected] Show/Reservations Manager Rick Nahas Cell: 571-215-8761
[email protected] Membership Bill Chronister Phone: 703-204-0138
[email protected] Website: Twitter: @VAGunCollectrs Facebook: @VirginiaGunCollectorsAssoc Instagram: @vaguncollectors September 2019 VGCA Newsletter President’s Comments Hi everyone! This summer has brought terrible events in terms of gun violence in America Unfortunately; some politicians are pushing for further restrictions on the rights of law-abiding citizens. In particular, some elected officials in Virginia are proposing radical gun bans, magazine limits, and other measures aimed squarely at gun owners. This election in November is critical to all gun owners in VA. If anti-gun legislators are elected, there will be restrictions placed upon almost all modern firearms being sold. Please take a moment to pass this along to friends and family so that we can maintain our rights. The November election is critical. On a happier note, the November gun show is coming up and we have only two tables remaining. It will be a sellout thanks to everyone’s hard work. We will also be having sign-up sheets for security and set-up volunteers at the September and October members meeting. Our organization is great because of our volunteers. I look forward to seeing everyone at the September members meeting. -- Bernie Breighner , VGCA President August Presentation Percussion Conversions to Metallic Cartridge Breechloaders This was the second of three presentations on percussion conversions to metallic cartridges by VGCA member Marc Gorelick this year.